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Chapter 839 The Gunshot That Shattered the Darkness

Chapter 839 The Gunshot That Shattered the Darkness


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 839 The gunshot that shattered the darkness

  The development of the matter was just as Lao Gun expected. It was not Abusek who was kneeling on the ground and crying.

  It was a guy called Ma Wang.

  The man cried for a while and trembled with anger. Then he pulled out his gun and pointed it at Anwo, the murderer.


  at the scene was shocked. Even Anwo, who knew he was acting, was terrified, worried that this guy would turn the fake play into reality and kill him. However,

  thinking of Yisher’s instructions and Abusek’s promise, he still acted neither humble nor arrogant, and stood there motionless.

  ”Fuck, this guy can’t die…”

  Seeing that the mission target was about to die, Brother Gou exclaimed in a low voice, and his eyes frantically hinted at the old eagle beside him, asking him what to do. But

  Lao Gun smiled and coaxed him in a very soft voice.

  ”Don’t worry, he won’t die.”

  How could the mission target die in the cutscene CG?

  The old eagle thought so too, but he didn’t dare to bet on the probability. He still responded to the call of the old dog and stepped forward, persuading him in fluent human language.

  ”Hey! Calm down, no matter what conflicts you have… Do you think we don’t exist?”

  I am the envoy of the alliance after all!

  Although the identity of the envoy is mixed with water, the sign of the alliance still has some weight!

  It seems that he heard his voice, and these words have some effect.

  The horse king really “calmed down” a little, and pressed the trembling gun muzzle down an inch, but not completely.

  Just then, hurried footsteps came from outside the hall, and the lion king Abusek finally arrived late.

  Although this coup was planned by himself, Abusek couldn’t help but feel a pinch in his heart when he saw Yanush sitting on the throne with his eyes wide open.

  The guy who claimed to be “the only king in the world” died so sloppily…

  The face twisted by pain gradually deformed, and vaguely seemed to have become himself.

  This is not a good sign.

  He did not doubt that he had done the right thing, but perhaps he had set a very bad precedent.

  Abusek took a deep breath, drove away the illusion that made his back cold, and said to the horse king.

  ”Shahrukh, calm down… put the gun down first.”

  The horse king glared at Anwo fiercely, but finally turned off the safety of the gun and threw it on the ground.

  Anwo finally breathed a sigh of relief, not realizing that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

  Even though he knew that Shahrukh was a veteran who had been on the front line and it was absolutely impossible for him to accidentally fire, he still couldn’t help but feel weak in his legs when he was pointed at by a gun with the safety turned off.

  This is purely human instinct.

  The place that was pointed at was like a hole…

  Abusek then looked at Eagle and other envoys of the alliance, bowed deeply and said.

  ”I’m sorry. This should have been a moment to celebrate the friendship between the survivors of the Borneo Province and the survivors of the River Valley Province. However, such a thing happened on such a solemn occasion… On behalf of the survivors of Borneo Province, I apologize to you and sincerely hope that you can forgive me.”

  ”Please believe me, we will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!”

  Listening to this high-sounding rhetoric, Old Eagle couldn’t help but roll his eyes in his heart. Do

  you think I don’t know that you are acting?

  But he didn’t expect that they would choose this time to act.

  Maybe the battlefield guy who fanned the flames didn’t expect that these people would be so reckless and act so decisively.

  After brewing his emotions for a moment, Old Eagle restrained the shocked expression on his face and spoke in a soothing tone.

  ”This is your internal matter, we have no intention of interfering, but I still hope that you can solve the problem in a more civilized way, rather than shedding blood at every turn… And to be honest, I am a little confused now. The person who just talked to us died in front of us. I think it’s not just me, my companions should feel the same as me.”

  ”I’m really sorry!”

  Abusek lowered his head and continued in an earnest voice.

  ”I understand your feelings at the moment, but I can promise you that building an equal country in the Borneo Province is not just the ideal of the late king, but also the common ideal of all of us. Even if he is gone, we will continue to walk the rest of the way for him.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”In addition, our attitude and position towards the alliance and you are the same as always. His promise to you is still valid, and we still long for your recognition.”

  Looking at Abusek with a sincere face, the Eagle was silent for a while, sighed and said.

  ”Janus didn’t promise us anything, but… if you really want our approval, then at least make some changes that are worthy of our approval.”

  ”As for today’s meeting, let’s stop here. I think you also need some time to deal with the current chaos and decide what to do in the future.”

  After saying that, he exchanged glances with his companions beside him, and the group walked towards the outside of the hall, temporarily leaving this place of trouble…


  At first, a warehouse caught fire, and then it spread to the entire port, engulfing the entire settlement, and swept across half of the Borneo province with the momentum of a prairie fire, and finally ended hastily with a sudden rainstorm.

  Most wildfires end like this.

  In the era before civilization was born, the roaring flames in the mountains were just the reincarnation of nature, starting with a thunderclap and ending with thunderclaps.

  The same is true for the Heavenly King Army.

  Its birth was not a complete accident, but it also had its own inevitability.

  The thousand pillars standing in the City of Thousand Pillars suddenly woke up, like night sweats in the middle of the night.

  They tried to break free from the curse that was wrapped around them, to free themselves from the bloody soil, causing the mountains and forests to shake, the birds and beasts to run, and the entire earth to tremble…

  Everything seemed to succeed.

  At least it was a great success.

  At the moment when they should have been celebrating, a few pillars suddenly realized that what bound them was not the bloody scarlet ground under their feet, but the roots that penetrated deep into the soil and the hands that held them tightly.

  That was the red soil in their hearts…

  or the soul.

  For a whole day, the entire city was immersed in an atmosphere of panic.

  The Heavenly King’s Army was celebrating the arrival of the Alliance delegation one second ago, and the next second they suddenly became nervous for unknown reasons.

  It was as if the music had suddenly stopped and the ghosts were catching people.

  The plaster bandage was transferred from the left arm to the right arm, and soldiers with guns and live ammunition rushed through the street one after another.

  They had clear goals and acted quickly.

  The hustle and bustle seemed to be even more intense than the night when the palace was attacked!

  But this time, no one knew who they were going to attack or who they were going to kill…

  People looked at each other on the road, dared not say much, and dared not stay on the street for too long.

  Hawkers closed their stalls, shops closed, and every household closed their doors and windows, fearing that any sound would be revealed. The

  originally bustling market was deserted, as deserted as a mass grave outside the city, with only a few rats and cockroaches occasionally running through the corners.

  People spent the whole day in a tense atmosphere, and it was not until noon the next day that news came out that the captain of Janusz’s guard committed suicide out of fear of crime, and three of the six cabinet members appointed by him were taken away, the reason being that they had robbed money on the night of the city’s capture.

  Even the survivors of the war in Tiandu City found this reason incredible.

  Who didn’t reach out to take it when the city was broken that night? If this was the reason, more than three people would have been killed? Sure enough,

  there was more explosive news waiting behind. Their cheap king Janus was dead!

  No one expected that he would die. What was

  even more unexpected was that he was shot on the throne by a centurion named Anwo in front of the Alliance envoy when he met with the Alliance envoy! The

  Janus Dynasty, which was established less than a week ago, collapsed like this…


  Extra! Another big thing happened in Tiandu! Janus is dead!!”

  In the port area of ​​Jingalon Port, the loud voice and hurried footsteps startled a flock of seagulls.

  The newsboy with a backpack on his back shouted loudly while running through the street.

  Hearing the shouting, passers-by, whether in long gowns or short shirts, stopped and cast surprised eyes at the newsboy.


  That Heavenly King…

  is dead?!

  People gathered around him, and snapped up all the newspapers in the newsboy’s bag.

  Suni, who was a foreign language teacher at a nearby school, was passing by. Seeing people scrambling to grab the special edition, he also squeezed in to ask for one.

  ”Give me one too!”

  He threw four gallons into the newsboy’s hand, and he hurriedly took the newspaper and took a look, his eyes suddenly widened. ”

  Another mutiny in Tiandu! Janusz was shot dead with eight bullets!”

  Oh my goodness.

  The title of this newspaper alone is much more interesting than the previous interview with the “last emperor”!

  […At noon the day before yesterday, Janusz, the leader of the Heavenly King’s Army, was shot dead in the palace hall by his centurion Anwo when he met with the alliance delegation!

  It is reported that this person is a reformist officer in the Heavenly King’s Army. During the period of Xifan Port, he was influenced by the publication of books by the Silver Moon Sect and related works of the Workers’ Union. He advocated the abolition of imperial power and advocated unity. Therefore, he was extremely indignant about Janus’s various perverse claims.

  It happened that the Alliance envoy arrived in Tiandu. Janus was eloquent and sophistry, arguing that slavery was equal and evil was noble. He also said that evil and nobility were the same. This really made him unbearable, so he drew his gun and broke into the palace and shot him.

  This editor personally thinks that his lynching is indeed inappropriate, but his heroic spirit of sacrificing himself for justice is hard not to give a thumbs up.

  Everyone is equal in front of ten millimeters, even if the power is overwhelming, it can’t stop a bullet.

  All those who do dirty things in the name of justice should be terrified after hearing about Anwo’s righteous deeds!

  At present, Anwo has been imprisoned and his life and death are temporarily unknown.

  However, the gunshot in the palace aroused the call of the reformists in the Tianwang Army to “clean up the ranks and draw a clear line”.

  Some reformist officers with radical positions took the lead and launched military remonstrations to express their support for Anwo, and liquidated Janusz’s confidants and feudal remnants of the same faction.

  According to people familiar with the matter, a number of officers from the Janusz faction, including the “Bull King” Ami of the Tianwang Army, were executed in this liquidation.

  In addition, more than 10,000 grassroots soldiers and middle-level officers involved were also involved in this liquidation.

  The emotions and reactions of local residents were relatively calm for this liquidation operation.

  It is rumored that most of the dead were thugs who committed atrocities in Xifan Port and Tiandu, so they did not receive sympathy from local residents, and there were even some who applauded.

  After two days of chaos, the situation in Tiandu was completely controlled by General Abusek, a representative of the reformist officers, and it had basically returned to stability as of the time of this newspaper report.

  According to his own statement in a public speech, he had no interest in the throne, but only hoped that the light of the union would descend on Borneo Province, so he established the Borneo Federation in the name of the union of the Kinggaleng Port Federation.

  As for himself, he served as the first president of the Federation and the first leader of the “Borneo Kingdom”.

  At the same time, senior reformist officers such as Shahruk, Nigri, and Duwata also held senior positions in the Federation and became popular candidates for the next leader.

  According to the relevant resolutions of the Borneo Federation, they will overturn all the decisions made during the Janusz period and completely abolish slavery.

  In the future, both the Sun and Moon people will enjoy equal personal freedom and rights on this land as the common identity of residents of Borneo Province.

  In addition to abolishing slavery, Abusek also took measures such as promoting public education, convening industry representatives to form a committee, exempting agricultural taxes, changing the Royal Mint into a joint-stock bank, and encouraging women to participate in production.

  In addition, they also called our newspaper and welcomed our newspaper to open a branch in Tiandu to strengthen the communication between the survivors in Tiandu and Jinjialun Port.

  From an objective standpoint, compared with Janus’s unscrupulous rewards and covert reconciliation, the Boro Provincial Federation has clearly shown a firmer determination to change.

  Although it is still unknown what will happen in the future, at least they are willing to fulfill their promises from now on and welcome us to supervise them.

  However, their sincere desire for progress moved those who heard it, but it also made people sweat for them.

  Such a drastic change can be called a change of heaven and earth, but it is probably not easy to implement it.

  In addition, due to the sudden death of the Heavenly King, the reformist officers went alone to establish the Boro Kingdom and draw a clear line with the old flag. At present, the entire Heavenly King Army is in a state of being leaderless.

  In addition to the five armies that participated in the mutiny and were incorporated, there are still seven armies in the wild, and they are currently fighting against the remnants of the old Xilan Empire in the name of the Janus Dynasty.

  These seven armies have a total of more than one million people and are equipped with a large number of legion-style equipment. They are still a force that cannot be underestimated in the land of the Borneo province.

  Faced with the Tiandu that changed hands again and the friendly forces that changed their flags, what choice will the “kings” of the seven armies make? It remains to be further observed. For

  more news about the country of Boro, our reporters and editors will continue to follow up for you!


  After reading the entire report from beginning to end, Suni finally understood what happened in Tiandu during this period, but his eyes were half happy and half worried.

  He could see that the editor of the “Survivor Daily” must have been very excited when he wrote this special edition.

  It was like when he was writing at his desk, he happened to look up and saw a swallow flying outside the window.

  He felt the same way.

  Although he was a resident of the South China Sea Alliance Ring Island, he had been teaching and educating people here for almost half a year, and he still had some feelings for this land.

  He even regarded this place as his second home.

  However, it was precisely because of this that he knew very well what the people here really thought, so he could not hide the sadness in his joy.

  As the newspaper said, it is not easy to implement such drastic changes.

  Every decision made by Abusek costs money, and the sum of money is almost an astronomical figure. Even if all the wealth of the entire Borneo Province is added together, it may not be enough. Is

  it really that simple?

  ”…Education is the top priority. I just hope that no matter whether this matter succeeds or fails, it will not cool the confidence and enthusiasm of the survivors in Borneo Province.”

  He sighed softly, folded the newspaper in his hand, stuffed it into the briefcase he carried with him, and continued to walk towards the school where he worked.

  Just as he crossed Tulip Street, he happened to see a number of Union military trucks driving from the warehouse area of ​​the port to the suburban military base.

  The truck’s cargo box was filled with green-painted boxes, which were undoubtedly filled with ammunition.

  In the past few days, a lot of heavy equipment has landed at the port, including tanks and self-propelled artillery.


  This is the Union’s response to the Legion’s reinforcement of troops to the Western Front.

  He, who had experienced a civil war, suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.


  Getting closer and closer…


  Suni is not the only one who smells the gunpowder. The most abundant thing in the Bulao Province is smart people and people who are too smart.

  The Wutuo floating near the inland river port of Jinjialun Port is the best proof.

  Even the emperor who was the last to realize it could see that it was over, let alone others.

  Recently, there have been survivors coming ashore from the Yongliu River, and locals have been leaving Jinjialun Port to go to the sunny Baiyue Strait or the Haiya Province where everything is in ruins. As a result, the various settlements in the alliance have to raise the threshold for applying for ID cards again and again, and some representatives have even criticized this for “utopianization”.

  This can indeed be called a criticism. After all, the banner of the alliance is the unity of the suffering survivors, and raising the threshold for applying for ID cards is undoubtedly to exclude those suffering people.

  However, although they were criticized by the representatives of Shuguang City, the representatives of various places also have their own reasons.

  After all, the manager also said that only by uniting one’s own people can more people be united.

  Any community has a population capacity limit, which is determined by local public resources. They can’t just throw those refugees into the wasteland to fend for themselves and watch them be assimilated into predators.

  It’s okay to squeeze one person into a house that can only accommodate two people, but no one can bear it if five or six people are squeezed in suddenly.

  Each settlement is not opposed to rescuing survivors, but they can only do it according to their own situation.

  As for rescuing survivors, it is the central government’s business.

  The reason why they agree to spend precious tax money on stabilizing the situation in Borneo Province and building hospitals and schools for the survivors in Jingalon Port is that they hope there will be fewer refugees there.

  Of course, don’t not come at all, but it’s better to come little by little in a long-term manner.

  Chu Guang was happy to see the debate between the representatives of Dawn City and the local representatives, so he didn’t interfere.

  Even if those representatives quarreled in the meeting, it was not because of any deep hatred between them. The starting point was to make the alliance better.

  A person’s wisdom always has its limits, even with his little players.

  He couldn’t always think of everything, but there were always people who could improve his inconsiderate places, and that was enough.

  Even if he didn’t think of anything, it didn’t matter. He would know after a fall.

  It’s more important to stand up than to run fast. People learn to walk and run by falling down…

  However, while the survivors in Borneo Province were trying their best to squeeze eastward, there were also some people who went against the current.

  For example, Niyang.

  After confronting the Duke of Galawa and resigning from the embassy, ​​he immediately boarded the train to Silver Moon Bay and then took a ship to Mammoth State.

  He didn’t go to Golden Galleon Port.

  The people there lived well, all walks of life were thriving, and literary works were flourishing. He didn’t need to do anything, and even if he went there, it would only be icing on the cake.

  On the contrary, Mammoth State needed him more, or the entire Borneo Province needed him more!

  The failure of the “New Culture” movement in Xifan Port explained many problems. The residents of Borneo Province could not arm themselves with borrowed ideas.

  The Silver Moon Sect is the secularized result of the residents of Silver Moon Bay. It is not even applicable to the Lion Kingdom with the same language and culture, let alone a purely foreign country like the Xilan Empire.

  The same is true for “Boer”.

  It is a monument erected by the survivors of the Stone City. It can be a torch to point out the direction for them to move forward, but they must light their own torches.

  The survivors of the Boro Province originated from thousands of tribes and thousands of gods. Before secularization, they must first face up to their own beliefs and culture, rather than completely nihilizing these stigmas.

  In short!

  They need their own newspapers!

  And schools!

  Only by finding their own souls can they have hope of moving towards a new era!

  After getting off the ship, Ni Yang, carrying a suitcase, stood on the dock of the parish.

  His dusty face was full of fatigue from running around, but his bright eyes were shining.

  He had been to Mammoth City before, and the changes here were so great that he couldn’t even recognize it.

  But it was precisely because of this that he was full of hope to achieve the goal of his trip.

  At this moment, a heroic laugh suddenly came from the port.

  ”Haha, welcome! Niyang! Or should I call you Mr. Rat?”

  Niyang turned his gaze away from the crescent moon on the roof of the church in the distance and looked in the direction where the laughter came from. He saw a man in a neat military uniform walking towards him with his arms outstretched.

  That man was Lacy.

  Although he was not handsome in real life, he was young enough and as imposing as the photo on the cover of the newspaper headline, so Niyang recognized him at a glance.

  Before coming here, he did write a letter to the authorities, but he didn’t expect Lacy to come to pick him up in person.

  ”General, just call me whatever you want. The name is just a code name.” Looking at the enthusiastic Lacy, Niyang was a little restrained. He didn’t dare to give him a warm hug and only stretched out his right hand.

  ”Haha! Then just call me by my name!”

  Lacy didn’t care. He put away his arm and shook his hand instead, shaking it vigorously.

  ”Brother Niyang, ah, Mr. Niyang, I am a rough man, and my words may not be pleasant to the ears sometimes. If you feel uncomfortable, just say it! You can even scold me!”

  He had an eager smile on his face, and if Asin was here, he would definitely be shocked.

  After all, this guy didn’t even drink a glass of wine with him, but drank a glass by himself and left, but he hit it off with this guy he met for the first time, and even called him a brother.

  Seeing Laxi’s overexertion, Niyang smiled embarrassedly and said jokingly.

  ”Since the general said so, I won’t be polite to you.”

  Laxi smiled and waved his hand.

  ”You’re welcome, Mammoth State needs people like you!”

  He is a rough man.

  In addition to fighting, he can only copy the homework of Golden Gallon Port, and he can’t do anything else.

  The development of Mammoth State depends entirely on the help of capable people in Golden Gallon Port and Silver Moon Bay. He has a little idea in his heart.

  It is precisely for this reason that he is extremely eager for Mammoth State to have its own capable people.

  Not to mention a powerful person like Mr. Rat!

  It was for this reason that he lowered his posture very low, even a little too much.

  Ni Yang didn’t know what he was thinking, but he saw that he was in a good mood, so he took the opportunity to say.

  ”Since the general said so, I dare to ask the general for two more things.”

  Laxi patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

  ”Just tell me! I will definitely give you a green light all the way!”

  Ni Yang shook his head.

  ”You don’t have to give me a green light all the way, just follow the rules written in black and white.”

  After a pause, he looked at Laxi and continued seriously.

  ”There is no shortcut to saving the nation. There is only one way, that is to open up wisdom. And the two things I want to do in Mammoth State today are both related to this, one is to run a school, and the other is to run a newspaper.”

  He made a lot of money from the Xilan Empire by running the “Dawn Garden Newspaper”, and now it’s time to use this money on its residents.

  When he heard that this gentleman brought the “solution to the problem” with him, Laxi was immediately delighted.

  ”No problem! Anyone in Mammoth State can do this, so can you, sir!”

  Looking at Lacy who was patting his chest and making a promise, Ni Yang smiled meaningfully.

  ”Then I have to say this in advance. The school I want to run is a university like Camp 101, and the newspaper I want to run is a newspaper that dares to tell the truth like the Survivor Daily. These two things are independent of the alliance system, so I hope they are also independent of the Mammoth State system. General, are you willing to do it?”

  Lacy said with a smile.

  ”Why not? Not only am I willing, I will approve your funds to do it!”

  Ni Yang shook his head.

  ”Funds are not necessary. I previously… saved some ill-gotten gains, which are enough for this. When the school and the newspaper are on the right track, it will not be a problem to be self-sufficient. I have no other requirements, I just hope you can write what you said into the law, or leave me a document, so that I can testify in the future.”

  ”No problem!” Lacy agreed without thinking there was anything wrong.

  Ni Yang breathed a sigh of relief and bowed deeply.

  ”Then on behalf of the Thousand Tribes of the Bharata Province… thank you.”

  Seeing Niyang bowing to him, Laxi quickly reached out and helped him up.

  ”What are you doing! I told you I’m a rough man, but I can’t stand your bowing!”

  Niyang insisted on finishing the bow, and then took a step back.

  ”No, no, no, you misunderstood. This is called courtesy before force. Don’t think I’m being polite.”

  Laxi was stunned when he heard it, and laughed.

  ”Hahaha! What a good courtesy before force! All right! Then let me ask you about the art of war!”

  Looking at the two people chatting and laughing, the guards standing by the port looked at each other, with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

  Is this still their decisive general?

  It feels like he has become a different person…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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