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Chapter 840: Alliance’s “After-Sales Service”

Chapter 840: Alliance’s “After-Sales Service”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 840: The “After-sales Service” of the Alliance

  The impact of the death of the king is still fermenting, and the “Survivor Daily” in Jinjialun Port is also following up on this matter.

  The survivors of Jinjialun Port were surprised at the miserable end of Janush, and at the same time they could not help but worry whether this would have an uncontrollable impact on the situation in the Borneo Province.

  To be fair.

  Janush did something extreme, and his murderous aura was even heavier than that of Laxi, and he was not afraid of alcohol and sex.

  Let alone public morality, this person’s private morality is really not good. Although there are people with poor private morality in the Alliance, at least they will not force buying and selling, and it has always been consensual.

  However, objectively speaking, the rotten house of the Empire was indeed kicked down by Janush.

  Just like Laxi copied the homework of the Alliance, he also learned the ruthlessness of his old club’s legion, and he also performed beyond his level, almost even raising the “foundation”.

  But now he died in such a sloppy way, leaving behind such a mess and broken houses for people to clean up.

  This is definitely not a good thing for those who have not yet built new houses.

  Even if there are ten thousand faults in the Xilan Empire, that rotten house can be used as a shelter from the rain.

  But these are all later stories…

  The noodle shop near the port area was bustling early in the morning, and a group of diners were talking nonsense again.

  ”I knew he couldn’t have a good end!” The dock worker slapped his thigh, looking regretful, and his thick eyebrows were hung with some “as expected”.

  ”This person is too murderous, hurting others and himself!”

  The vendor doing business next to him also nodded, and lamented the headline in the newspaper.

  ”Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, not baking a pancake. How can we let him do this?”

  ”It’s still a matter of fate. His face lacks a bit of kingship. He can’t hold down the throne and he was killed.”

  ”What kind of a kingship is that?”

  ”… Indeed, I think he has no problem being a general, but unfortunately he touched something he shouldn’t have touched and had to pay with his life.”

  Since dead people can be fished out of the Yongliu River Beach every now and then, superstition has gradually become popular among the lower and middle classes of Kinggalon Port.

  It is hard to say that there is no “fueling” behind this. After all, the locals are best at imitating others, and have not yet developed to the stage of taking the essence and discarding the dross.

  However, as a topic of conversation after dinner, this is just a trivial matter.

  The believers of the Great Horned Deer God can learn physics, and the more flexible residents of the Borneo Province naturally don’t mind adding another “ghost god” and a “science god” among the thousands of gods.

  Everyone was talking at once, and some teachers rolled their eyes and tried to argue with these rough guys.

  But before he could interrupt, his colleague sitting opposite him stopped him.

  ”Come on, come on, you know it again. Eat your noodles quickly. Class will start soon!”

  This topic was endless, and it was impossible to make any sense.

  The teacher knew it, so he rolled his eyes again and continued to eat without saying anything. He

  just hoped his students wouldn’t do that. He

  attributed all the axioms to fate.

  A man sitting in the corner of the noodle shop was also silent, quietly reading a newspaper while waiting for the noodles.

  He didn’t put the newspaper aside until the noodles were served. He took out the chopsticks from the bucket and sighed to Kunar sitting opposite him.

  ”This charcoal is burned red, it will easily turn into ash… Kunar, we should learn from this.”

  Kunar was stunned, and saw that the boss said something he didn’t understand again, so he asked after thinking hard for a while.

  ”Are you…feeling sorry for Janusz?”

  He remembered his boss saying that it would be great if someone could knock down this rotten house of the Empire.

  In the end, the intentional planting of flowers failed, and the unintentional planting of willows grew into a shade. Before Lasi had made any progress, the gunpowder barrel in Xifan Port exploded first, and it actually burned half of the Borneo Province.

  Asin shook his head.

  ”No, it’s a good thing that he died, which is good for everyone. If he didn’t die, it would be a big trouble.”

  But from this point of view, the real cause of this guy’s death is probably not simple. It may be caused by the power of the Legion or the Alliance behind the scenes.

  As for what kind of operation is behind this, it is not something that a small person like him can know.

  Asin knows it very well.

  Although he controls the cotton business of two states, even a certain commander of the Black Panther Army politely calls him “Master”, and the warlords have to look at him twice, but in front of those real big people, he is still just a small person.

  But small people also have their own way of survival.

  That is to take advantage of the situation.

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”Now that the country of Borneo has been established, Abusek is the leader and advocates constitutional rule. There is also an alliance outside to mediate a ceasefire between warlords, put aside disputes, and point their guns at the legion that is planning an invasion… If the states of Borneo Province can really achieve a union, even if it is mixed with water, it will be a good thing for us.”

  Kunar said respectfully.

  ”Boss, do you have any instructions?”

  Asin said in a slow voice.

  ”I hope you can make some preparations, pick a few smart brothers, go to places like Xifan Port and Tiandu, and develop some members for our Assassin Gang… Remember, before expanding your business from Leopard State and Tiger State, you have to look there first, so as not to become cannon fodder for others.”


  Kunar nodded seriously and remembered every word the boss said.

  Although he didn’t understand those twists and turns, based on his past experience, it would be right to do what the boss said.

  Asin also nodded.

  At this moment, the corner of his eye suddenly fell on the newspaper that he had placed on the table.

  Or to be more precise, it fell on the line he hadn’t had time to read just now.

  Mr. Rat went to Mammoth State.

  And he was going to run a newspaper and a university.

  This matter was quiet in Golden Harbor, and the heat was completely overshadowed by Janusz’s death.

  But when he saw this, Asin couldn’t help but smile.

  He knew very well that he was just a rat in the sewer. Even if he knew a few words, he could only hide in the corner and dig a hole and dig the soil. Although

  he didn’t have much education, he knew very well how important that thing was.

  Now the light of ideals finally shone in.

  Compared to the death of a tyrant, his arrival made him feel that this land might really have hope…


  ”Hahahaha! Good death!!”

  The north wind blew a happy cheer on the surging Yongliu River.

  Looking at the blood-stained throne on the clippings, Wu Tuo laughed heartily, and even his appetite improved.

  ”A thing that can be stabbed by a thousand knives! How can you insects sit on my throne! I wonder who dares to sit on it! Whoever sits on it will die on it!” The eunuch

  standing by had a flattering smile on his face and gave a thumbs up to praise.

  ”Your Majesty is wise! The power of the pillar of heaven connects to the earth veins, and the earth veins connect to the palace of Tiandu. Only a body of ten thousand respects like your majesty can withstand such power!”

  Wu Tuo smiled, very satisfied with the praise, but as if he remembered something, he shook his head and clicked his tongue.

  ”…It’s a pity for the people of Tiandu. They don’t know what’s good for them. They followed the thieves and suffered in vain.”

  If they had been a little tougher and more loyal, and followed his guards to fight against the bandits, they would not have ended up like this and become bandits.

  He has asked the Legion for help.

  And his allies also agreed to his request and are sending reinforcements to Xifan Port to kill those rioters.

  The Legion will not let them go.

  Those Willant people are very fierce in killing people! Cutting off heads is like killing chickens!

  Even if they change their names, it’s useless. Who doesn’t know that they are the old subordinates of the “Tian Bandits”?

  When the Legion completes its deployment in Xifan Port, all these bandits will die!

  Thinking of this, Wu Tuo finally felt a little relieved, but he felt a little distressed. After all, in the end, it was his own people who died.

  But soon he shook his head and drove the trace of unhappiness out of his mind.

  As an emperor, you must never be soft-hearted and care about the gains and losses of a city or a person.

  Now the corrupt pus and blood have seeped into the blood vessels of the empire.

  Only when the blood flows into a river and the pus and blood are completely drained can Xilan be saved!

  Just when Wu Tuo imagined that the so-called “Bora Kingdom” collapsed in front of the army’s artillery fire, Captain Oletwan, who received the telegram from the “Bora Kingdom”, was confused.

  [Respectfully inform the legion, we are a federation established by the reformists of the old members of the Gray Wolf Army. Because we despise the brutal acts of Janus and his followers, we have raised an army to attack them!

  Now Janus and his accomplices have been executed, and Tiandu is under our control. We are willing to resume diplomacy with you as the “Bora Kingdom” to discuss many matters including Xifan Port…


  The telegram arrived at the Governor’s Mansion in the morning and was delivered to the military base at noon. The content inside was very long and filled up three pages.

  However, after reading the first two lines, Olet couldn’t help laughing.

  ”Interesting… Hahaha! It’s really funny!” As he said this, he grinned and touched the back of his head with his right hand.

  As a captain stationed in Yongye Port and one of the backbone members of the Southern Legion, he had heard about the Southern Legion’s internal eastward expansion plan.

  Although he was not directly involved in the conspiracy of Xifan Port, it was not difficult for him to perceive what was going on with his eyesight and understand it.

  The territory of the Southern Legion has not expanded for more than a hundred years, which is incredible for an organization that pursues militarism. Especially

  now that the development of the Southern Legion’s homeland and the colonies along the coast of the Great Desert has reached a bottleneck, and the fat piece of meat of the Borneo Province is hanging on their lips, it is hard not to be greedy.

  The civil service group can eat it, why can’t they eat it!

  It is better to say that giving this piece of fat meat to those weak and incompetent civil servants is a waste of heaven’s gifts!

  If the eastward expansion plan can succeed, it will not only bring a large number of hard-working animals to the Legion, but also push the Legion’s territory to the west of Silver Moon Bay.

  For him personally, this is also a golden opportunity to make merit!

  If you keep fighting with mutants and natives, you can’t be a two-star commander. But if you can expand the territory for the Legion, even if you don’t get an inch of land in the end, you can be promoted based on your merits in the war!

  However, the development of this matter is beyond his expectations.

  A fire that should have swept the entire Borneo Province was suddenly stopped by a gunshot.

  And not only did the fire stop.

  Their relationship with Abusek and other old members of the Gray Wolf Army was also broken.

  Although the lines here in this telegram are written respectfully, there is a sense of neither humbleness nor arrogance inside and out, as if they are talking to two families.

  It’s obvious.

  This bunch of ungrateful wolves have a new backer!

  And it’s most likely the Alliance!

  Otherwise, with the few weapons they have, how dare they show off to the Legion?

  Olet could guess with his toes that this matter must not be as simple as a gunshot.

  Eighty percent of the time, the Alliance is behind it!

  No –

  at least ninety-nine percent!

  ”…Whether this country of Boro is valid or not, whether it is established or not, when will it be the turn of these slaves to speak nonsense, we haven’t admitted it yet.”

  As he said, Captain Olet smiled and threw the unfinished telegram on the table.

  Standing next to him, his staff officer said softly.

  ”I heard that the Alliance’s envoy is in Tiandu, this thing may be done by the Alliance.”

  ”Do I need to guess?”

  Olet curled his lips, picked up the goblet and took a sip of red wine, sneered after a moment, and continued slowly.

  ”And I guess it’s not just the Alliance, our own envoy may have played a role.”

  The staff officer frowned slightly.

  ”You mean… the pangolin sent by Captain Bennot?”

  Olett nodded slightly, his expression indifferent.

  ”I’ve thought about it carefully for a long time. If it was just the Alliance’s envoys, it would not be enough to make Abusek suddenly defect and launch a coup against Janusz in advance.”

  ”Even if he was tempted by the conditions offered by the Alliance, he should have waited for the seven armies in the opposition to have a result, and waited for those people to return to the court and reward them for their merits before taking action, instead of stopping the fire halfway through.”

  The staff officer nodded thoughtfully.

  ”Indeed… this scene should have been played tacitly, but they suddenly became alert, which is really a bit abnormal.”

  The equipment in the hands of the Heavenly King Army is not just the warehouse at the port, but also a lot of “investment” from the Southern Legion.

  Logically speaking, it should still be the honeymoon period for both parties. Even if they have second thoughts, they have to think about the meat that has not yet been eaten.

  When the Janush Dynasty completely replaces the Xilan Dynasty and engages in a firefight with the warlord forces near the Mammoth State and even the Golden Gallon Port, the Southern Legion can tighten its secret support for the Janush Dynasty little by little, and then take advantage of the situation to cut off their meat.

  However, now they suddenly defected, and would rather not even give up the remaining investment than continue this drama.

  In this way, there is only one possibility left.

  The voice from within the legion pointed out the true intention of the Southern Legion to them!

  The only people who can do this are the civil servants in Triumph City.

  Those soft eggs are the ones who don’t want to fight the most.

  ”This bunch of dragging things…” The staff officer couldn’t help but curse secretly, and his fists clenched involuntarily.

  That was an opportunity exchanged for three thousand lives!

  This bunch of useless people who only care about their own selfish desires, don’t they think about the dead Willant people!

  ”Haha, just let them pull our trouser legs.”

  Olett’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the meaningful smile on his face became even colder.

  ”…These people are still too naive. No matter how they cut and draw the line, it’s still up to us to recognize or not.”

  ”Not to mention that the Heavenly King Army still has seven armies in the wild, and the targets we have to settle are still there, not to mention that we are not sending troops entirely for revenge for our compatriots in Xifan Port, but also to reinforce our allies and help them quell the rebellion.”

  ”If we leave them alone, won’t it seem that we are not trustworthy?”

  As for what happens after the rebellion is quelled, that’s a matter for later.

  After a pause, he stood up from his chair and looked at the messenger standing beside him with a sharp look.

  ”Send a copy of the telegram to the commander of the corps… just pass the original.”

  ”In addition, notify all combat units at all levels of the army and let them be ready to go to the front at any time!”

  ”For the glory, dignity, and land of the Weilant people!”

  ”The time for revenge is coming!”

  The Weilant people, who kept moving forward with bayonets, once again faced a threat to their survival.

  This time the “threat” came from the province of Borneo to the east of the Great Desert – the most “docile and Buddhist” honest people living on the red land.

  The telegram from Borneo flew across Yongye Port to the War Department of the Southern Corps, and at the same time, Yongye Port had already begun intensive war mobilization.

  And all of this was under the surveillance of a nuclear-powered submarine.

  The residents from Shelter No. 70 were eating potato chips while tapping the holographic screen with their fingers, and intercepting the photos taken by the drone and stuffing them into the newly edited files.


  On the other side, the Alliance delegation visiting Tiandu finally received the reform draft provided by the Abusek authorities.

  In the meeting room of Tiandu Palace, the old eagle sitting at the conference table carefully flipped through the documents in his hand.

  In fact, to be honest, this reform draft is well written. It is probably copied from the previous current affairs page of the “Survivor Daily” in Jingalon Port.

  For example, public education.

  For example, the reform of joint-stock banks.

  Another example is encouraging women to participate in labor production, etc.

  Then when he saw the abolition of agricultural taxes, the far-sighted eagle really couldn’t hold it anymore.

  If the agricultural tax is abolished, what will the hundreds of thousands of troops in and outside the city eat?

  Eat people?

  ”You are too… too fond of extremes!” The far-sighted eagle shook his head and sighed, “We do hope that you will make some changes worthy of our recognition, but we don’t expect you to eat a fat man in one bite. Can you be a little more practical, such as dividing this plan into three to five years?”

  The alliance at least has a group of blue jackets with core technology to help, but even so, it has gone through a period of hard days of “stuffing money into sacks as clothes”.

  The population of Borneo Province is hundreds of times that of the Alliance. When the death rate is suppressed and the life expectancy is raised, even if the birth rate remains unchanged, their population will be enough to catapult off like a loose spring. It is

  not good to be stingy and even perverse like Janusz, but there is definitely no future for them to do so.

  Not to mention that the Alliance can’t help.

  Even if the Ideal City is given to them and the average is equal, they will be eaten into paupers.

  Sitting opposite the Eagle, Abusek did not feel that he had done anything stupid. Instead, he laughed and said disapprovingly.

  ”How can this be considered extreme? Some things are never too late to do! We are willing to start from now on and truly deliver equality to the survivors of Borneo!”

  At this point, he looked at the Eagle eagerly and smiled embarrassedly.

  ”But… you can see our difficulties. The Xilan Empire has only so much left. We still hope you can help us a little.”

  The old eagle stared at this guy in a daze. Suddenly, he felt that the way this guy asked for money looked familiar.

  Good guy.

  I really want to help you, but you are thinking about exploding my gold coins every day!

  Is this appropriate?

  ”… It’s not that we don’t help you, but you have drawn a bottomless black hole for us.”

  After calming down, the old eagle sighed and threw the draft on the table.

  ”If you really want to get things done, then do it step by step… I will give you appropriate help, but don’t put all your hopes on us.”

  He is a diplomat with water, not a real diplomat. The manager naturally did not give him any budget. He can only provide methods and experience.

  In fact, even if he is a real diplomat, I am afraid that these are the only things he can give them.

  The alliance has never given its younger brothers a penny in the form of financial appropriations.

  Low-interest loans are already the upper limit of support, and even low-interest loans are not so easy to get. After all, that thing is related to the social insurance and pensions of the residents of the alliance, etc. Safety is the first priority, and income is secondary.

  For example, the Mammoth State authorities have never been able to get it.

  No matter how eloquent the salesmen under Laxi are, they can only borrow money from banks in Silver Moon Bay or Golden Gallon Port, or invest with financial backers like Lister.

  Abusek didn’t know this, and was still counting on how much money the newbie in front of him could come up with, and listened attentively.

  ”Please give me some advice, sir!”

  The eagle said patiently.

  ”Abolish slavery, encourage women to participate in production… These policies are good. Anyway, you don’t have unemployment benefits, so it won’t cost you much money. At most, it will cost you some cohesion… Ahem, I mean to spend more saliva on publicity or something.”


  I accidentally said it wrong.

  But Abusek didn’t hear any problem, and still said it sincerely.

  ”It doesn’t matter, just say it, I can understand it!”

  You’d better understand it!

  The eagle stared at this “fake cloud player” for a few times, making sure that he was not perfunctory, and then slowly opened his mouth and continued.

  ”There’s no rush for agricultural tax. You know who owns most of the land in the Borneo Province.”

  Abusek nodded suddenly, and then asked again.

  ”Then how about a stepped tax? Three acres of land per person, no tax for less than three acres, more than three acres, less than five acres are divided into one level, and less than ten acres are divided into another level.”

  The eagle looked at this guy in surprise, and didn’t expect him to draw inferences from one example.

  Is this person a bit capable?

  Although he is a bit of a fool, he is not a complete fool.

  ”Step tax is a good idea, but you have to consider your own actual situation, such as the issue of holding land on behalf of others. If I lend you money and ask you to buy my land, how will you deal with it?”

  Abusek was stunned for a moment, and he managed to say something after a long time.

  ”Is there such a good thing?!”

  The eagle rolled his eyes and couldn’t help complaining.

  ”Don’t think this is a good thing. If you use this land to grow crops, I bet that the money you sell is not enough to pay the interest on the loan! You are all farmers. They have nothing to do except growing crops. Any knife you use on the land will end up cutting them because they have no choice.”

  One is a phenomenon, and the other is an essence.

  If the essence of people’s inability to live without the land remains unchanged, then no matter what tricks are used to collect the money, the final result will be the same.

  At most, it is a difference between long-term pain and short-term pain.

  Looking at the stunned Abusek, the eagle patiently passed on his relatively mature experience to him.

  ”…The correct solution is to levy taxes at the circulation stage, such as first raising the tariff on grain exports, and then levying grain – or bean consumption tax, directly from grain merchants. Although there will still be costs passed on to producers, this increased cost will not be concentrated on a specific group, but will be shared by all consumers in the whole society.” Absex nodded

  , as if he understood, but not as if he didn’t.

  However, whether he understood or not, he remembered what to do.

  ”Okay, let’s do it as you say!”

  Eagle nodded.

  ”Well, this is the only way at this stage. You can make adjustments after industrialization… As for this money, it should be a huge income. At least the tariff part should be enough for you to develop some light industry. Tightening up your belt is only a stopgap measure, and opening up new sources of income is the long-term solution.”

  In fact, he dared to come up with this idea mainly because the two coastal states of Tiger State and Leopard State promoted cash crops on a large scale and “changed beans to cotton” on a large scale.

  In this way, the food needed by Huzhou and Baozhou can only be imported from inland areas where food prices are cheaper through the port of Yongliu River.

  After the establishment of the production system led by the alliance, Jinjialun Port took over the industrial equipment eliminated by the alliance, while Huzhou and Baozhou took over the part that was gradually eliminated by Jinjialun Port.

  For example, spinning machines or sugar making machines, etc.

  When the country of Borneo gradually gets on the right track, it will naturally be able to take over some industrial equipment eliminated from Huzhou and Baozhou, at least buy those old sewing machines and tractors.

  In this way, a virtuous circle can be formed, rather than relying on unilateral blood transfusions from the alliance or Jinjialun Port.

  Of course, the premise is that the money saved is used in the right place.

  The old eagle is not worried that warlords like Abusek will steal the money. These guys will almost certainly marry concubines, there is no doubt about it. But if you just live a little more luxuriously, you can’t steal much money.

  Just like playing Tropico and depositing money into an overseas bank, the little money that the president puts into his own pocket is not of the same order of magnitude as the overall profit (or loss) of the island. It’s even

  more so in the wasteland. With the development level of the Borneo Province, these people have nothing to spend even if they want to be extravagant. At most, they can go to Golden Galleon Port for a bit of fun, and then they have to go back.

  As long as these guys don’t do anything outrageous, such as building wonders on the banks of the Everflow River or putting saddles on donkeys, this money is definitely enough.

  As for public education, we can start with literacy night schools.

  When the first batch of workers who can read get the benefits and get good jobs, the enthusiasm of the people will naturally be mobilized, and the money spent in the end may not be as much as imagined.

  If the local survivors still make a living by farming and have no need to improve their education, it will be useless even if they build an education building on the spot and shove textbooks in the faces of the locals.

  Lao Ying was so thirsty that he drank two large pots of tea in the process. He circled and corrected all the unreliable parts in the draft.

  He felt that he was a good fake diplomat. He not only accompanied them in the whole play, but also provided after-sales service.

  There were a few places where he couldn’t make up his mind. He even made a special trip to the toilet and went back to the forum to ask the big guys for advice. He came back to continue talking nonsense after the big guys finished talking nonsense.

  The murderous Abusek was as obedient as a student in front of him. He listened carefully and asked people to take notes.

  Although he couldn’t read, he could always listen to people reading.

  And seeing that this guy had so many ideas in his mind, he also secretly made up his mind in his heart and planned to seriously learn some cultural knowledge when he had free time.

  At the end, he finally ran out of things to say. Lao Ying suddenly remembered someone and quickly spoke again.

  ”By the way, that Anwo…how long do you plan to keep him in prison? Hasn’t Janusz been cleared by you? So it’s time for him to overturn his conviction, right?”

  Abusek was stunned for a moment, then he slapped his head in a sudden realization and said with an embarrassed smile.

  ”Look at my memory…there have been so many things happening recently that I forgot about it.”

  Eagle: “…”

  How the hell can I forget it! ?

  Abusek seemed to think that this reason was untenable, and he coughed and continued.

  ”In fact, I am keeping him in prison to protect him. At present, we reformists have the upper hand, but not everyone in the Federation supports us. I am also worried that Janusz’s followers will take the opportunity to retaliate.”

  After a pause, he straightened his expression and said.

  ”Don’t worry! I’ll have someone release him right away!”

  Eagle nodded.

  ”Okay, we also want to talk to this guy. If it’s convenient, I’ll go with your people.”

  ”No problem!” Abusek smiled, but he was wondering in his heart.

  Why are the people in the alliance so interested in Anwo, a nobody?

  But he was not panicked.

  After all, no matter what, they are in the same boat, and Anwo can betray anyone but him.

  With more than 200 lives on his hands, that guy has no way out.

  He will promote that guy later. After

  handing in so many letters of allegiance, it’s time for him to enjoy some happiness with him…

   The comic version of “This Game is Too Real” will be launched on Tencent Animation on August 4. It is said that there will be a daily update that will last for 20 days. If you are interested, you can go and support it~


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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