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Chapter 841: Escape

Chapter 841: Escape


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 841: Escape


  In the pitch-black darkness, there was a sound of chains knocking against each other.

  Anwo, who was sitting on the stone bed, was delighted and was about to stand up, but suddenly he remembered something and became nervous.

  This is the dungeon of Tiandu.

  It is said that people who come in here will shed their skin if they don’t die, and no one who is carried out is intact.

  Especially the torture instruments hanging on the wall, although they were not tied to his body, they scared Anwo enough.

  Since the gunshot, Abusek threw him here, and then there was no movement, and he didn’t even come here to see him.

  Although his “staff” Yisher patted his chest and assured him that he would be fine, Anwo still couldn’t help feeling uneasy, worried that Abusek would kill him.

  Just then, the slow footsteps finally reached the door of the cell.

  Seeing that it was Isher holding a plate outside the fence, Anwo, whose shoulders were tense, finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat back on the stone bed.

  After signaling the jailer to open the gate, Isher stuffed him with a coin and signaled him to go away. Then he walked into the cell with a smile on his face and put the plate on the table.

  ”How does it feel to be a hero?”

  ”Not at all!”

  Reaching out and grabbing the pancake on the plate, Anwo wolfed it down, while mumbling, “I just want to stay alive, I’d rather not touch this shit.”

  ”It’s still good.” Isher comforted him while pouring a glass of milk into his cup, “Eat slowly, don’t choke yourself to death.”

  ”It’s difficult…”

  Anwo shook his head and sighed.

  ”I found that my move is almost a dead end now.”

  This is also the sadness of a small person.

  Most of the time he has no choice at all.

  It’s nothing more than struggling when disaster strikes, betting on an almost impossible possibility.

  Those 200 lives will be discovered by Abusek sooner or later.

  Even though this guy has turned to the alliance now, if he knew that these 200 people were still alive, he would be happy and would probably brag about them, but he would definitely be suspicious of himself. After all,

  this was a decision he made on his own initiative.

  Janusz’s suspicion was written on his face, and so was Abusek.

  They were all drowned ghosts who climbed out of the Ever Flowing River, and they would do anything for themselves.

  Looking at Anwo with a worried face, Ishel lowered his voice and said.

  ”It’s not difficult, actually. The reason why your life and death is in the hands of Abusek is because you are his man, and you have his mark on you…”

  Anwo laughed.

  ”Can this be erased?”

  ”It can’t be erased,” Ishel shook his head, but then changed the subject, “But you can put a new one on.”

  Anwo, who was originally disappointed, immediately raised his head, and hope rekindled in his eyes.

  ”Please explain it clearly.”

  Yisher smiled faintly, his eyes hidden in the darkness were like a cunning mouse, and he continued slowly.

  ”The Alliance’s envoys are in Tiandu, and they will come to see you soon with Abusek’s people. This is a good opportunity. If you can win their favor, maybe they can take you to Jinjialun Port… Once you go to Jinjialun Port, the road ahead will be wide open for you. If you work hard, you may be able to get into their seats.”

  He pointed his finger upwards, without saying anything, but it was self-evident where he was pointing.

  Anwo was stunned and even unbelievable. He swallowed his saliva and continued.

  ”…What is the reason?”

  Yisher analyzed patiently.

  ”The Alliance intends to mediate between the Kingdom of Borneo and the warlords in various places to stop the civil war and point their guns at the outside world. They have to send a representative to mediate, right? Anyway, you don’t need to do anything about this matter. With the Alliance mediating behind the scenes, stopping the civil war is the general trend, and you will definitely have a share of the final credit… This is almost a free credit.”

  ”Such a good opportunity… will Abusek give it to me?” Anwo couldn’t help asking.

  ”If not you, who else can he give it to? Is he willing to leave this place and go by himself? If he doesn’t go by himself, he has to find someone to go for him, and you have submitted so many letters of allegiance. If you are not allowed to go, do you want a nobody like me to make up the numbers?”

  Yishel laughed and continued in a joking tone.

  ”Besides, you have been on the extra edition of the Survivor Daily in Jingalon Port. Abusek is counting on you to help him attract some investment.”

  ”Extra edition of the Survivor Daily?” Anwo was stunned and looked at him in disbelief. “How do you know?”

  ”The reporter of the Survivor Daily came here from Xiangzhou recently, and the branch will be opened here in the future. The title of hero is given by them.” Isher said jokingly. This guy can

  be a hero, while he can only be a mouse hiding in the corner. This is a kind of humor of the locals in the Borneo Province.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  He wanted to be Bol not because he wanted to be a hero, but purely because he saw himself in Orisa’s face, and he wanted to stand up for the guy who fell on the dock.

  He has been sobered after being whipped. There is no Bol in Borneo Province.

  Even Bol’s opponents do not exist.

  For example, Naji was strung on the flagpole in the first chapter of the “story”.

  Anwo hadn’t thought about it that much, but was so surprised that he even stopped stuffing the biscuits into his mouth.

  The “Survivor Daily” of Jingalon Port actually came to Tiandu?

  He had heard of that newspaper a long time ago.

  It is said that it is a newspaper run by the survivors of the Borneo Province, and it writes about stories that happened on this land, not places like Boulder City or Dawn City.

  He wanted to get a copy to read before, but unfortunately he couldn’t find a few complete copies after searching the entire Xifan Port.

  It seems that a lot of things have happened outside during the days when he was locked up in the dungeon…


  After delivering the meal to Anwo, Yisher did not stay in the dungeon. He returned the plate to the jailer and left in a hurry.

  Not long after he left, footsteps were heard outside the door again, and this time it was Abusek and the representatives of the Alliance who walked in personally.

  ”Anwo, I’m sorry for making you suffer!”

  Looking at Abusek with an apologetic look on his face, and then looking at the Alliance representative standing next to him, Anwo couldn’t decide for a moment which drama he should act with his boss.

  The key is that no one gave him a script.

  But perhaps it was his racial talent that made his mind work quickly and he immediately found his position.

  ”…Everything I did was for the righteousness in my heart. There was no injustice or no injustice. The fault lies with me alone. You have treated me well. I will not make it difficult for you–”

  Before Anwo could finish his words, Abusek quickly stopped him and refuted.

  ”What’s the crime of doing a righteous act for the alliance? If you are guilty, then we are all guilty! And you deserve to die?”

  After that, Abusek held his shoulders again and said earnestly.

  ”As for me, I didn’t think you made any mistakes from the beginning, but some people in our team couldn’t see clearly. I can only protect you first. I hope you can understand!”

  ”But, this is all in the past. Now that Janusz has been defeated and his followers have all scattered, I can finally let you go!”

  Abusek continued to say a lot of words. Even though he knew who this guy was, Anwo couldn’t help but be moved for a while.

  Now he finally understood what the old man often said. Sometimes knowing less is a kind of happiness, but knowing too much can be a kind of pain.

  If he had not participated in the incident in the church, had not seen the night talk between the general and the legion messenger, and had known so many stories behind the scenes, he might have misunderstood the man in front of him as a perfect and kind person.

  Of course.

  He knew very well that he had no right to say this.

  He killed Janusz not for any great cause at all. He hesitated whether to open fire in the church. Now he had to accompany this guy to act against his will.

  ”…Thank you, General!” Anwo rolled out this sentence from his Adam’s apple, just like the emotion rolling in his eyes.

  ”I should be the one to say thank you!”

  Abusek stared at him intently, holding his hands tightly, with a sincere and sincere tone.

  ”On behalf of all the survivors in the province of Borneo, thank you for your righteous act!”

  The reporter on the side recorded this scene with a shutter.

  Looking at the two people in the dark, the old stick standing at the end of the group tilted his head slightly, turned his face and said to the old dog standing next to him.

  ”…Look at what I said at that time.”

  ”Awesome.” The old dog’s face was full of admiration, and he couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

  ”Low-key…” Brother Gun coughed lightly and acted modest.

  Old Wolf glanced at him.

  ”You are so awesome, why don’t you go up.”

  Brother Gun laughed.

  ”You don’t understand this. The ability to brag and the ability to do things are two different things. When it comes to bragging, Eagle is not as good as me, but when it comes to doing things, Eagle is still much better than me.”

  The old eagle standing aside rolled his eyes.

  ”You don’t have to flatter me…”

  These bastards!

  As long as they are a little useful, they are not completely useless!

  The two finally finished their show, and the old eagle coughed lightly, walked in front of Anwo and interrupted the topic.

  ”Mr. Anwo, although there are my own difficulties, I still hope that you will be calm when doing things, and don’t go to extremes at every turn.”

  This was said in front of Anwo, but it was said to Abusek next to him.

  Anwo didn’t know whether he heard it or not, he lowered his head with a face full of shame and admitted his mistake.

  ”Sorry, I…”

  He really didn’t want to go on with the plot, so Eagle raised his hand to stop him.

  ”Okay, there’s no need to say sorry, this is your internal affairs, we don’t want to interfere. What I’m going to talk about next is the relevant issues about the situation in the Borneo Province. This matter not only concerns us, but also you.”

  Anwo immediately looked at his leader Abusek, who looked at Eagle and quickly put on a serious look.

  ”Please speak!”

  Eagle glanced at the two and spoke slowly.

  ”The foreign minister of the alliance has arrived at Kingaleng Port. In order to promote a ceasefire between the various forces in Borneo Province, you’d better send a representative there.”

  Without waiting for Abusek to speak, he continued.

  ”We all think you are a good candidate, but this requires your opinion. I wonder if you are interested?”

  Anwo was delighted when he heard the words, and just as he was about to agree, he suddenly reacted and looked at General Abusek and said humbly.

  ”I’ll follow the general’s instructions!”

  Abusek laughed, patting his hands with a satisfied expression.

  ”Whatever I tell you to do, just do it as long as it’s good for the Thousand Tribes of the Borneo Province! No need to ask me! Hurry up and thank the envoys of the Alliance!”

  Anwo turned to look at the eagle, and was about to bow his head to thank him, but was held back by the latter.

  ”Let’s stop thanking him, and get out of this damn place first!”


  Anwo, who assassinated Janus in court, was released.

  And it was the person who was personally picked up by Abusek, the general leader of the Federation, from the dungeon.

  Once this news was published in the “Survivor Daily”, it immediately set off a thousand waves in the Golden Gallon Port downstream of the Yongliu River.

  Originally, many people thought that even if Janus’s faction was completely liquidated, Anwo, the first bird, would probably not end up well.

  After all, one thing is one thing.

  If the assassin is not punished, won’t the future people follow suit?

  From the perspective of Abu Saik and other high-ranking officials, this was obviously a bad start.

  However, it was unexpected that Abu Saik personally pardoned Anwo.

  The photo of the two shaking hands was published on the cover of the “Survivor Daily”.

  Everyone was surprised and applauded. The province of Bora finally welcomed a wise ruler.

  How could a person with an open mind be afraid of the swindling under the shadow?

  A true reformer, when seeing his comrades, was full of enthusiasm and respect, how could he have suspicion?

  The eyes illuminated by the flash were bright…

  With the release of the hero who assassinated Janusz, the Tiandu Palace murder case finally came to an end.

  However, from then on, all officers above the rank of centurion were confiscated.

  It was originally a symbol of their status.

  But now, only officers on the front line can go to the logistics department to get their guns and bullets.

  As for the soldiers on duty at all levels, they also implemented the management method of separating guns and bullets according to the group, and two people were responsible for one person’s accident.

  Not only that, the direct guards below the 10,000-man team were also disrupted. The

  guards of the command units at all levels were originally the confidants promoted by the officers themselves, but now they are uniformly deployed by the logistics department, and the promotion assessment is also concentrated in the hands of the logistics system.

  For example, Ishel was originally Anwo’s subordinate, but now he has been assigned to serve as the captain of the guard (hundred-man team) under another thousand-man captain, but his direct superior is not the thousand-man captain of the team, but the ten-man captain of the next level.

  It is equivalent to disassembling the sword of power into a blade and a handle.

  Human beings are animals that are good at learning.

  Just as Ishel saw his own shadow in Orisa, Abusek also saw his own face on Janush’s body.

  Although he did not admit it, the sudden death of the king obviously stimulated him, so that he could not sleep for several nights.

  Otherwise, he would not have been so anxious to make a series of changes, and hurriedly prove to everyone that he was completely different from Janush…even if they were the same kind of people.

  But objectively speaking, apart from the stimulation and motivation of Abusek, the series of changes he made did contain progressive elements.

  On the other hand, although the seven armies in the opposition did not scatter, their morale was greatly reduced.

  Coincidentally, the decline of Tiandu and the lifting of the suppression of local forces, those local forces that were stunned in order to protect themselves, also organized themselves one after another, or found new backers to fight against the “natural disaster”.

  From being beaten back at the beginning, these local armies have been able to stabilize their own fronts and even fight back and forth with the Heavenly King Army.

  The Snake King, who was fighting in the southeast, was the first to be hit head-on by the Black Panther Army.

  They chased the city defense forces of Snake State and Wolf State all over the ground. They were completely vulnerable in front of the well-equipped and well-trained Black Panther Army. They were forced to give up all their ideas about Leopard State and retreated to Wolf State and Snake State.

  Coincidentally, the Dog King and Sheep King who were fighting in the north also had bad luck.

  First, because of the uneven distribution of spoils, they fought several battles with their own people. In the end, because they dragged each other’s feet on the battlefield, they were picked up by Laxi in the east. About one-third of the land in the three northern states fell into the hands of the Mammoth State authorities.

  As for the Gray Wolf who originally blocked Laxi, although he was still brave in the battle, he was increasingly unable to cope with the increasingly full-fledged Laxi and his own poor logistics.

  War has never been just a matter of the front line. With the strength of Alaiyang alone, he could not stop the devastating mountain torrents from bursting the dam. He could only watch Dog State, Sheep State, and Bird State being divided up by the two rebels.

  Except for the three kings who still held the banner of the Heavenly King Army, the remaining four kings were more sensible. They returned to Tiandu one after another, changed their flags and banners, and drew a clear line with their original identities.

  They were not stupid, and they knew very well what kind of character they were and what kind of character the Heavenly King Army was.

  They were like an avalanche rolling down the top of a mountain. They relied on one go to conquer half of the province of Borneo.

  Now that the breath held in the chest has dissipated, the people’s hearts have basically dispersed. It

  is only a matter of time before this big ship sinks. It is better to join that federation while you are still valuable, and climb ashore from this eternal river.

  The development of the matter was beyond the expectations of all the spectators who paid attention to this matter.

  Especially the diners of a noodle restaurant in Jinjialun Port.

  Everyone thought that the seven kings in the opposition would develop into a force that should not be underestimated, but they found that they had overestimated these half-way rebels…


  In early February, an early rain made the air in Tiandu more humid.

  This year’s rainy season seems to be earlier than in previous years, and it is nearly two months earlier.

  It seems that this province of Bora is not completely unaffected by the extreme climate in the wasteland. At

  the north gate of Tiandu, a long queue of people entered the city, and people were inspected one by one.

  Following closely beside Pangolin, Penny, wrapped in a robe, carefully observed the surroundings.

  It has only been half a month since they last came here, but the scene here has become unrecognizable to her.

  First of all, the people with bandages on their arms disappeared, and instead, a group of soldiers in gray uniforms patrolled the streets in neat rows.

  These clothes are all new, as if they were bought.

  Secondly, the vendors on both sides of the street seem to have become much more than before, with shouts and hawking sounds everywhere, which looks very lively!

  According to Pangolin, it seems that it is because the commander-in-chief of Tiandu, Abu Saik, has lifted the curfew. Therefore, even some villagers who live far away push carts to transport the village’s specialties, without having to worry about the long journey, not being able to return home before dark, and being caught and tortured by the big soldiers.

  Speaking of this, I have to mention that the Xilan currency originally issued by the Xilan Empire has stopped circulating.

  However, the new authorities did not adopt a one-size-fits-all strategy, but allowed residents of the Borneo Province to take Xilan currency to the banks after the shareholding reform to exchange a new currency called “Bora currency”.

  This new currency is completely issued by the authorities’ credit endorsement and is authorized and commissioned by the printing factory of Jin Jialun Port. The exchange ratio with Xilan currency is 1:1. It needs to be exchanged after completing the resident registration, and each person is limited to 10,000.

  The recovered Xilan coins were naturally directly cancelled, and the new money exchanged was regarded as “releasing liquidity” to the market.

  It is said that this was also the idea of ​​the alliance representatives, in order to minimize the impact of regime change on the middle and lower classes.

  They have been hiding in the countryside of Niuzhou during this period, and they will not return until the situation here stabilizes.

  Looking at the checkpoints getting closer and closer, Penny looked at Pangolin and couldn’t help whispering.

  ”Is it really okay to enter the city now?”

  Looking at the nervous Penny, the battlefield atmosphere team smiled confidently and said softly to comfort her.

  ”Don’t worry, I have already inquired.”

  Before leaving, he specially asked on the forum to confirm that there was nothing wrong before coming.

  Not to mention that there was nothing wrong, the current Bo Luo authorities are eager to start negotiations with the Legion immediately.

  The smell of gunpowder in Xifan Port is becoming more and more obvious, and boxes of ammunition are shipped ashore one by one.

  Although the alliance is still mediating through diplomatic channels, the Bo Luo authorities have obviously made plans for the worst.

  This battle is probably unavoidable, but negotiations can always delay some time.

  Except for the three great kings and one Alayan who were still making trouble, the entire Borneo Province had basically formed a united front. Although not a solid block, at least they would not stab each other.

  In addition, reinforcements from the alliance were also landing one after another.

  At this time, even if they could buy a little more time, it would be very good for the Borneo authorities.

  For the battlefield guy who has exchanged cards with the Alliance envoy, the current situation is very clear. On

  behalf of the Civil Service Group of Triumph City, he will announce the recognition of the Kingdom of Borneo and recognize their liquidation of the remnants of the Heavenly King Army in exchange for “recognizing the actual control of the Legion over Xifan Port” and “the relevant agreements signed by the old empire on the treaty port are still valid.”

  Although this may offend the Southern Legion, the tragedy of Xifan Port has already torn the two sides apart, and now there is no time to care about such things as decency.

  This is not only Mr. Bennot’s intention, but also the unanimous decision of the Civil Service Group of Triumph City as a whole.

  They don’t want to participate in the Southern Group’s gamble.

  Not to mention the odds of winning, there is no benefit in winning the bet, and if they lose, they will lose everything they have worked hard to run in the Borneo Province.

  As for the Kingdom of Borneo turning to the Alliance, it is not a big problem. Those guys who are loyal to their mothers have never had any loyalty. At most, they can be won back.

  The team entering the city slowly moved forward and finally came to their own line.

  Without saying anything, the battlefield guy pulled out the crumpled document in his arms and revealed his identity.

  ”I am Pangolin, the messenger of the legion! Let your leader come to see me!”

  The six soldiers standing at the city gate were stunned by this sentence, and the civilians behind the team were also stunned, and subconsciously stepped aside a few steps.

  The look of fear and avoidance made Penny nervous.

  With sweat in her palms, she clenched the corner of Pangolin’s clothes tightly, and her whole body was almost stuck to him.

  At this time, a soldier finally reacted, hurriedly threw a “wait a moment”, and ran behind the city gate without saying a word.

  Not long after, the centurion on duty trotted over from the corner behind the city gate.

  It was as expected by the battlefield guy.

  The face was filled with a warm smile, which was completely different from the fierce and ferocious look half a month ago.

  After confirming the document in his hand, the centurion’s smile became brighter, even close to flattering.

  ”Mr. Envoy, please come in! Our commander has been waiting for you for a long time!”

  The warlord didn’t give him any good look, looking at him with his nose, like a real Weilant, just slightly nodding his not-so-high nose.

  ”Lead the way.”

  The centurion didn’t care at all, nodded with a smile on his face, and politely made a gesture of invitation.

  ”This way, please!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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