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Chapter 842: Confrontation at the Village Entrance

Chapter 842: Confrontation at the Village Entrance


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 842 Confrontation at the entrance of the village

  Shi Xiangming is in great pain now.

  He knows very well that their actions have violated the law.

  But he is now in a dilemma.

  He does not want to hurt anyone.

  He just wants to have Bai Yueer too much.

  This time Bai Yueer came back and proposed to cancel the engagement and return the betrothal gifts.

  At that moment, Shi Xiangming really felt that he was going to lose Bai Yueer forever.

  So he was anxious.

  When his father and uncles proposed that they get married immediately and make it a done deal,

  he was moved.

  That’s why the following things happened.

  He originally thought that everything was under control.

  As long as the wedding was over and the wedding night was over,

  he would be Bai Yueer’s nominal husband.

  He could have Bai Yueer forever.

  But plans often cannot keep up with changes.

  Xu Xiuwen’s sudden call made Shi Xiangming alert.

  The original wedding date was an auspicious day three days later.

  It had to be moved forward temporarily.

  He had originally planned to use a few days to continue to persuade Bai Yueer.

  Because the wedding date was moved forward, he had to find someone else to replace him and complete the wedding.

  It is no exaggeration to say that Xu Xiuwen completely disrupted the plans of the father and son.

  After a night of searching, Bai Yue’er and her daughter were not found.

  Shi Xiangming had to accept a painful fact.

  That is, Bai Yue’er and her daughter were no longer in the village.

  If Bai Yue’er had escaped alone.

  Shi Xiangming felt that he still had a chance to turn the tables.

  Because he knew very well that Bai Yue’er would never leave her mother alone.

  But now both mother and daughter had escaped.

  Bai Yue’er had no worries and could not return to the village.

  In that case, he would never have the chance to get close to Bai Yue’er, let alone own Bai Yue’er.

  His soul-destroying performance fell into the eyes of Shi’s father.

  The latter said in a tone of regret: “Look at what you look like now! The sky hasn’t fallen yet!”

  Shi Xiangming heard his father’s words, as if a drowning man had grabbed a life-saving straw.

  ”Dad, what should we do now?”

  Shi’s father asked: “The man who took Yue’er away is your classmate?”

  Shi Xiangming nodded, “We are roommates.”

  Shi’s father said disappointedly: “Your roommate got together with your fiancée, and you didn’t even notice it. You really went to school for nothing!” Shi Xiangming

  didn’t dare to talk back at all.

  If he had known earlier that Xu Xiuwen was this kind of person.

  No matter what he said at the beginning, he would not have given Xu Xiuwen the opportunity to get close to Bai Yueer.

  Especially when he thought about the first semester of his freshman year, he personally asked Xu Xiuwen to give Bai Yueer a chance so that she could act.

  He felt that he was just a fool at that time.

  No, he was even more foolish than a fool!

  Even a pig would not rush to give his wife to someone else!

  But it’s too late to say all this now.

  Things have come to this.

  It’s useless to be upset and regretful. It’s better to think about how to save the situation.

  Father Shi thought for a while and said, “Call him now and tell him that we have caught the person and ask him to bring the mother and daughter back quickly.”

  Shi Xiangming asked, “What if he doesn’t agree?”

  ”Don’t talk nonsense, call quickly!”

  Shi Xiangming trembled and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Xu Xiuwen.

  When he received the call, Xu Xiuwen was on the bus.

  After listening to Shi Xiangming’s words, Xu Xiuwen did not comment, but asked lightly, “Shi Xiangming, do you know that doing this is illegal?”

  Shi Xiangming was silent for a moment.

  Xu Xiuwen continued, “Since we are roommates, as long as you let them go, I can give up on this matter, and I will also persuade Yue’er not to pursue it.” Shi

  Xiangming hesitated when he heard this.

  He has never been a very independent person.

  This time, from beginning to end, he dared to do this under the instigation of his father and elders.

  Now Bai Yue’er has also run away.

  Seeing that the wedding night is nowhere in sight.

  He suddenly began to worry about the consequences.

  If it were someone else, Shi Xiangming would not worry.

  His father could handle everything.

  But Bai Yue’er is a big star now.

  Xu Xiuwen is also very powerful, and even knows the deputy sz of Jinling.

  These two people are really going to make a big deal.

  Shi Xiangming is worried that his father can’t hold it back.

  So he instantly backed down.

  Shi’s father, who was standing aside, saw Shi Xiangming’s timid eyes.

  It is said that no one knows a son better than his father.

  Shi’s father guessed Shi Xiangming’s thoughts at once.

  He was immediately furious.

  Without saying a word, Father Shi snatched the phone from Shi Xiangming and said to the phone, “Bai Yue’er is my daughter-in-law. Bring her back quickly, or I will call the police to arrest you for human trafficking.”

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly heard the voice of a mature man.

  He immediately guessed that the person speaking was Father Shi.

  Xu Xiuwen sneered, “In that case, why don’t you call the police directly! I want to know who will be scared first when the police come.”

  Father Shi was startled and scolded, “What do you mean?”

  Xu Xiuwen sneered, “You should know what I mean. I don’t need to say how many dirty things your village has done over the years.”

  Father Shi was furious, “You dare to threaten me! I will break their legs later!”

  Xu Xiuwen was indeed a little worried when he heard this.

  But he knew that he couldn’t be timid at this moment.

  Otherwise, the other party would seize his weakness and attack fiercely.

  ”Then do whatever you want!”

  After saying that, Xu Xiuwen was the first to hang up the phone.

  On the other end of the phone,

  Father Shi instantly started cursing.

  After cursing, Father Shi had a headache again.

  He dared to do these things to Bai Yue’er.

  That’s because this kind of thing is very common in their place.

  The police can’t do it, and they won’t do it.

  He dared to break the legs of those two people.

  At worst, he would just accuse these people of being thieves.

  They always have reasons and ways.

  But what after breaking their legs?

  Kill them?

  Father Shi has never killed anyone.

  He doesn’t want to sacrifice his whole family for a daughter-in-law.

  So Father Shi had a headache.

  At this time,

  Father Shi thought of Father Bai.

  He said to Shi Xiangming: “Go and call Bai xx over, I have something to say to him.”

  Shi Xiangming was stunned for a moment, and then asked: “Dad, what are you looking for Uncle Bai for?”

  ”Don’t talk nonsense, go quickly!” Father Shi scolded.

  Shi Xiangming didn’t dare to say anything and immediately went out to find Father Bai.



  The bus drove to the town.

  There is only one bus from the town going to L City every day, and it is always at a fixed time and with a fixed vehicle.

  Apart from this, no bus has ever entered the town.

  Some residents in the town were curious about who was coming when they saw the bus.

  The car stopped at a three-way intersection.

  Then, Xu Xiuwen got off the bus with the 50 “bodyguards” he had just recruited in the morning.

  Some local residents who saw it became more and more curious.

  Xu Xiuwen asked the driver to stay and watch the car.

  He led these people to the location of Shijia Village.

  More than half an hour later.

  Xu Xiuwen arrived at the entrance of Shijia Village.

  Wherever the 50 people went, they made a lot of noise.

  They hadn’t entered the village yet.

  The villagers had already discovered them in advance.


  The villagers gathered at the entrance of the village and stopped Xu Xiuwen and his men at the entrance of the village.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t have a good temper with these villagers.

  These people looked honest and simple on the surface, but in fact, they were all hidden criminals or accomplices.

  But Xu Xiuwen couldn’t care less.

  He came here just to take Huang Bao and Ban Chan away.

  Xu Xiuwen shouted to the villagers: “Let Shi Xiangming and his son hand over the person quickly!”

  This sentence soon reached the ears of Shi Xiangming and his son.

  The father and son quickly rushed to the entrance of the village with people.

  The rivals met and were extremely jealous.

  When Shi Xiangming thought of Xu Xiuwen taking his wife away,

  he wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

  Shi Xiangming said with red eyes: “Xu Xiuwen, you dare to come!”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled.

  He asked back, “Why shouldn’t I dare to come? It seems that you and your son are the ones who did something wrong and dare not see people.”

  Shi Xiangming immediately retorted: “Yue’er is my fiancée. It is natural for us to get married. What does it have to do with you!”

  Even now, he still said so.

  Xu Xiuwen was too lazy to argue with Shi Xiangming any more.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Since we are roommates, you hand over the person and I will leave now. Let’s pretend that what happened yesterday never happened.”

  Shi Xiangming stopped talking immediately.

  He had no say in this matter.

  Shi Xiangming’s father had been looking at Xu Xiuwen.

  He did not see Xu Xiuwen yesterday.

  Originally, Shi’s father thought that Xu Xiuwen was a young man who was just a little smart and not worth paying attention to.

  But after meeting him,

  Shi’s father thought that the young man in front of him was very unusual.

  He already knew that Xu Xiuwen had come from Jinling from afar.

  Can an ordinary young man have this courage?


  Xu Xiuwen was able to escape from their village with the mother and daughter yesterday.

  This requires not only patience and courage, but also strong judgment and observation.

  In addition, the calmness shown by the other party at this moment.

  So Shi’s father concluded that Xu Xiuwen was not an ordinary person just by one glance.

  At this moment, Shi’s father could also understand why Bai Yue’er fell in love with him.

  No matter which aspect, his son is far inferior to the young man in front of him.

  To be honest.

  If Xu Xiuwen hadn’t taken his daughter-in-law away.

  Father Shi would definitely let Shi Xiangming get along with Xu Xiuwen more and learn from him.

  Not to mention how good friends they become, at least the relationship can’t be too bad.

  he can help in the future.

  But now Father Shi won’t say that.

  When men get along with each other, a little friction is nothing, and they can still be friends even after a fight.

  After all, there is an old saying that there is no acquaintance without fighting.


  As long as one party cheats on the other party.

  No matter how good the original relationship was, they will become mortal enemies who are incompatible with each other, and there is no possibility of reconciliation.

  In the eyes of Father Shi, Xu Xiuwen’s behavior is equivalent to cheating on his son.

  At least the people in their village think so.

  Father Shi has lost face this time.

  He was also very unhappy looking at Xu Xiuwen.

  So naturally he would not say that kind of words.

  Father Shi looked at Xu Xiuwen with a gloomy face and asked in a deep voice: “You stole my son’s wife, and now you bring people to ask me for her. Do you think we are easy to bully?”

  As soon as these words came out, some villagers around started to shout.

  It was mainly the uncles and brothers of the father and son of the Shi family. They mixed in the crowd and stirred up the villagers’ foreign emotions.

  Xu Xiuwen’s mouth corners slightly raised.

  He said neither servilely nor arrogantly: “I didn’t say that. It is said that a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. Do you think I am someone who doesn’t even understand this principle?” He


  ”And, if I remember correctly, Bai Yue’er has already asked Shi Xiangming to break off the engagement this time, and she has also returned the betrothal money to you. Not only did you illegally imprison her, you also forced her to marry Shi Xiangming, and locked up my people. Who is bullying me?!”

  Shi Xiangming was anxious when he heard this, “Don’t talk nonsense, Yue’er was originally my fiancée, she volunteered, we didn’t force her.”

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at the villagers around him and said loudly: “The girl who married Shi Xiangming yesterday was not Bai Yue’er at all. Do you know where I found Bai Yue’er? At Shi Xiangming’s second uncle’s house, she was tied to a chair when I found her.”

  ”You are talking nonsense! What evidence do you have!” Shi Xiangming shouted. Xu

  Xiuwen suddenly said: “I don’t know the name of the girl who replaced Bai Yue’er to marry Shi Xiangming yesterday, but I gave her several thousand yuan. You should be able to find her, let her come out to testify, and you will know who is lying!”

  Most of the people in the village didn’t know about this.

  Shi Xiangming was actually very confused.

  How could Xu Xiuwen know that Bai Yue’er was at his second uncle’s house?

  Now I finally know the reason.

  It turned out that someone was blinded by money and sold them out!

  Shi Xiangming was very angry, but he was not stupid enough to admit it in front of so many people.

  However, at this time, a villager in the crowd suddenly said dissatisfiedly: “Shi Tie, your daughter received thousands of yuan, and you didn’t say a word!”

  Another villager named Shi Tie in the crowd was anxious when he heard it.

  ”Shi Er, don’t talk nonsense, my daughter didn’t take the money!”

  The villager just said: “Don’t admit it! I saw your daughter wearing a wedding dress and going home yesterday. Don’t tell me that your daughter also got married yesterday! People said that they gave your daughter thousands of yuan, and I think you just want to take it all for yourself!”

  The quarrel between the two villagers instantly made the truth clear.

  Some villagers only knew that Bai Yue’er ran away with someone.

  They didn’t know that Bai Yue’er was forced from beginning to end. They

  didn’t know that Bai Yue’er had returned the betrothal money to the Shi family.

  Some villagers have a simple idea.

  If the woman takes the money, she must marry.

  The woman refused to marry and returned the money.

  Then the man had no reason to force the woman.

  Originally, everyone thought that Bai Yue’er was a bad woman, who was not a good wife and corrupted customs.

  But now that they know the truth, they think Bai Yue’er is right.

  Instead, it is the Shi family that is not doing things right.

  The villagers talked about it.

  After hearing this, Shi Xiangming panicked instantly.

  Even the villagers did not support him, who else could he expect to support him?

  Shi’s father’s face became more and more ugly.

  This Xu Xiuwen is really eloquent.

  He messed up the situation with just a few words!

  If he continues to talk, I am afraid that these villagers who have known him for many years will turn against him.

  Their village has always had the habit of buying wives.

  If the bought wife wants to run away, the whole village will work together to prevent the other party from running away.

  It’s not because everyone is in collusion and are all bad people.

  In fact, many villagers are still very reasonable.

  They just think that women are bought by them, so they don’t let women run away.

  Like Bai Yue’er’s case.

  First of all, Bai Yue’er is a villager and a college student. She is the pride of the village.

  Secondly, Bai Yue’er returned the betrothal money.

  Then there must be many villagers who think that the Shi family should not force Bai Yue’er to marry his son.

  It is precisely because he understands the villagers’ thoughts.

  Father Shi immediately interrupted and said, “Don’t stir up trouble here. Whether Yue’er is willing or not, you don’t have the final say. Let her father say it.”

  As Father Shi’s voice fell,

  a man walked out from behind him.

  The man looked ordinary and was not tall, even not as tall as Cheng Qiuyun.

  The reason why Cheng Qiuyun was used for comparison

  was because the man in front of him was Bai Yue’er’s father.

  Xu Xiuwen also took the opportunity to look at his “father-in-law”.

  Just a glance, Xu Xiuwen shook his head in disappointment.

  Let’s not talk about his character and personality.

  Just look at this appearance.

  It can be seen that Bai Yue’er has inherited more of Cheng Qiuyun’s advantages.

  Xu Xiuwen originally felt strange.

  Cheng Qiuyun is not short, about 1.67 meters.

  Among women, she is considered tall.

  And Bai Yue’er is not even as tall as her mother.

  Now after seeing Bai’s father,

  everything is clear.

  After Bai’s father stood up, he said, “I agree to marry Yue’er to Shi Xiangming.” After

  this, some villagers changed their minds again.

  Since Bai Yue’er’s father agreed.

  Then it is indeed not forced.

  Then the Shi family is not wrong.

  Bai Yue’er and Xu Xiuwen are still wrong. Xu

  Xiuwen caught a glimpse of the expressions of the villagers around him and guessed it.

  He sneered and said, “If I remember correctly, you owed a lot of debts from gambling, so you accepted the betrothal gift from the Shi family and married Yue’er to Shi Xiangming. Are you a gambler like you qualified to be a father? Are you qualified to decide your daughter’s marriage?” When

  Xu Xiuwen said this,

  including the people brought by Xu Xiuwen, looked at Bai’s father with disdain.

  Many of them are also very poor, but no matter how poor they are, they will not sell their daughters to pay off gambling debts!

  Such a person is indeed not qualified to be a father.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Father Bai coldly and said, “Get out of here before I lose my temper! I feel annoyed when I see a waste like you!”

  Father Bai was completely dumbfounded.

  Of course, he knew that the young man in front of him was probably his daughter’s boyfriend outside.

  Then he could be considered half of Xu Xiuwen’s father-in-law.

  As a result, Xu Xiuwen didn’t give him any face, and even insulted him in person, asking him to get out!

  Father Bai was so angry that he wanted to curse.

  But when he looked at Xu Xiuwen,

  the latter’s cold eyes were like ice knives that pierced his bones.

  Father Bai’s momentum disappeared instantly.

  Although he promised Father Shi, he was not so stupid that he was hopeless.

  His wife and daughter were now taken away by this young man.

  It would be fine if the two could come back.

  If not, his life would be in trouble in the future.

  In the end, he would most likely have to ask his daughter’s wife, or the boyfriend of the daughter in front of him.

  So he resisted the idea of ​​cursing and hid in the back in shame.

  Seeing this scene, the surrounding villagers found it very funny.

  The father-in-law was scolded by his daughter’s boyfriend, and he didn’t dare to talk back.

  It’s really interesting.

  Father Shi didn’t expect Father Bai to be so useless.

  Father Bai didn’t finish what he had told him to say.

  What a waste!

  Father Shi couldn’t count on his son and Father Bai anymore.

  He shouted, “Xu Xiuwen, this is Shijia Village, I have the final say! If you know what’s good for you, send Bai Yue’er and her daughter back quickly, otherwise you won’t be able to leave safely today. No one in our village will let you go!”
As soon as

  Father Shi finished speaking,

  a man among the villagers shouted, “Boss Shi, your family’s mess has nothing to do with me!”

  Father Shi: “…”

  Shi Xiangming: “…”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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