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Chapter 842 Family Members Are Here

Chapter 842 Family Members Are Here


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 842: The Family is Here

  On the west coast of Zhongzhou, far away from the rich land of the Great Desert, there is a settlement called “Yavent”.

  This settlement is home to millions of free people, and if you count the non-free people, there are almost two or three million.

  Although the number of one million is not much in the province of Boro, where thousands of tribes and thousands of gods live, it is still relatively rare in other areas of the wasteland, even in the relatively stable environment of the Legion.

  As the “capital” of the Southern Legion, or the “capital of the garrison”, this is not only the most densely populated settlement in the Southern Legion, but also the hub of logistics supply for combat units at all levels and the strategic command center.

  Legend has it that this settlement was named after a brave Weilant centurion.

  More than a century ago, when the Legion was truly facing a threat of life and death, it was this Mr. Yavent and his brave and loyal subordinates who, in a heroic battle, killed nearly a hundred self-defense robots with only simple weapons, and took this land from the hands of those “remnants of the Human Alliance”.

  It is for this reason that the word Avent is also given the meaning of “marching southward”, and has become a synonym for courage and glory in the Legion.

  As for what the original name of this settlement was, no one remembers it, but it should not sound more catchy than Boulder City.

  And the people living here gradually disappeared, as if they had never been to this world.

  However, Avent, who had made great contributions to the Legion, obviously did not fight all the battles for his descendants.

  Those who can endure hardships must continue to endure hardships, and those who can fight must continue to fight, just like those who can enjoy happiness will continue to enjoy happiness.

  ”Path dependence” does not only exist in the Borneo Province, it is almost a primitive attribute shared by all animals, not even limited to primates. Just like the seagulls that have tasted French fries will stay at the dock and not leave, and the whales that scrape barnacles with the bottom of the boat.

  The greatness of civilization lies in this. Humans who gave birth to civilization have tamed part of their own “animal nature” and weakened the negative impact of path dependence to a “certain extent”, so they successfully walked out of the primitive jungle.

  However, the Weilantes and the survivors of the Bharat Province obviously have not completely walked out of the forest.

  The Weilantes are once again facing the threat of “life and death”, and the survivors of the Bharat Province targeted by the former are the same.

  In the conference room of the highest command of the capital of the Southern Legion Garrison District in the military base of Avent, a closed-door meeting on total war and general mobilization is being held.

  A group of officers are sitting upright in front of the long conference table.

  Officers who can attend this meeting must have at least three stars on their shoulder straps.

  And this is just the threshold for participating in the meeting.

  Most of the people sitting here are four-star and five-star captains, and the one sitting at the head of the conference table is the only six-star captain of the Southern Legion, the commander of the Southern Legion, Tyr!

  A pair of eyes are focused on Tyr, and all the officers present are waiting for the gloomy boss to speak.

  However, Tyr did not speak, but just glanced at the chief of staff beside him.

  The latter nodded in understanding, tapped the table with his index finger, breaking the silence at the conference table.

  ”Our friends from Triumph City showed us a bit of power. Just when we were about to clean up their foolishness and avenge our compatriots who died in Xifan Port, they took the initiative to recognize the legal status of the Kingdom of Borneo and the results of the handling of the Heavenly King Army by the authorities of Borneo from the standpoint of Triumph City.”

  His index finger was pointing at a copy of the Survivor Daily, the Golden Gallon Hong Kong edition.

  The photo on the cover of the newspaper was two men shaking hands. On the left was Abusek, the leader of Borneo, and on the right was a dog raised by the Civil Service Group of Triumph City.

  A commotion spread across the conference table.

  The officers exchanged angry glances, with anger and surprise in their eyes.

  Those civil servants once again held them back!

  And it was when their “driving dogs to eat pigs” plan was about to succeed!


  The Chief of Staff knocked hard on the table with his knuckles, and when the conference room was quiet, he slowly opened his mouth and continued.

  ”Now that the secret line we planted in the Borneo Province has been broken, it is no longer possible to annex the Borneo Province by gradually eroding it. However, directly declaring war may lead to the company’s downfall.”

  ”What we need to do now is to exchange greater results for the smallest possible cost. I want to hear what good ideas everyone here has.”

  After the voice fell, everyone whispered to each other again, and soon a three-star captain stood up.

  His name is Gu Liong, he is about thirty years old, and his body is straight, just like his tall nose.

  His resolute eyes reveal a bit of cruelty, but there is a little subtle alertness between his eyebrows, and he has a bit of the style of Griffin, a famous general of the Eastern Legion.

  ”I have an idea.”

  The chief of staff nodded.

  ”Please speak.”

  Gu Liong said immediately without hesitation.

  ”The Xilan Empire has not completely perished. Even if Kaixuan City secretly signs an appeasement agreement with the Boro Kingdom, we can still march towards the Boro Kingdom in the name of the Xilan Empire’s ally.”

  After he finished speaking, several officers around him whispered for a while, and soon another person stood up.

  ”…This is a good idea, but the problem is that the Emperor Wu Tuo of Xilan seems to be in Jin Jialun Port. That is the sphere of influence of the Alliance. If the Alliance asks us to withdraw our troops in his name, how will you deal with it?”

  Although the Alliance has not done so now, it does not rule out that this card will not be played in the future.

  To be honest, the Legion is not afraid of the Alliance’s fate, nor even the Enterprise’s fate, but is just worried about making too many enemies for itself at the beginning of the war.

  Mobilization must be carried out in batches and stages. The later the opponent’s fate is, the later the mobilization preparations are started, the more advantageous it is for them.

  This is also the meaning of the so-called “legitimacy of war”.

  The more sufficient the reasons for the war, not only will the mobilization efficiency of one’s own side be higher, but it can also affect the mobilization efficiency of the “potential belligerents” and the internal anti-war resistance.

  Once the Legion has completely taken control of the province of Boro and suppressed all opposition, even if the Enterprise condemns them, it will be useless. The greetings will not hurt at all.

  After listening to the officer’s argument, Gurion said with preparation.

  ”This problem is easy to solve. Didn’t he leave a prince in the three northern states? We just need to make the prince the new emperor and find a way to get rid of Wu Tuo. At least there will be two ‘Xilan’ in the province of Boro.”

  ”That’s a good idea!” The Chief of Staff showed an approving expression on his face.

  Even Tyr, who had said nothing from beginning to end, looked at Gurion twice.

  The officer who raised the objection earlier thought for a moment, but in the end he couldn’t think of a better way, so he sat back in his chair.

  Seeing that no one raised any objections, the chief of staff looked at Tyr, and when the boss nodded, he looked at Gurion.

  ”Since no one else has any objections, then I’ll leave this matter to you.”

  After a pause, he straightened his expression, faced the long conference table, and announced in a solemn and solemn voice.

  ”From now on, this department appoints Captain Gurion as the commander-in-chief of the combat area of ​​​​Boro Province! 30,000 troops are assigned to be responsible for the formulation of all operational strategies in this combat area!”

  Gurion, who received the order, saluted with his back straight and saluted to the corps commander and the chief of staff, and received the order in a loud voice.

  ”Gurion received the order! I will not fail my mission and return with victory!”

  Looking at this ruddy and high-spirited general, Tyr, who was sitting at the head of the conference table, nodded slightly, slowly stood up from the conference table, and returned a slow and firm military salute to the general.

  Then, he said the only sentence since the meeting began.

  ”For the descendants of the Weilant people to live in a land full of sunshine.”

  ”I wish you a successful start! General Gullion.”


  On the streets of Jingalon Port, newsboys walking around the streets shouted and hawked.

  ”Extra! Extra! The envoy of Triumph City has arrived in Tiandu!”

  ”The meeting between the envoy of Triumph City and Abusek has ended successfully!”

  ”The Legion has reached an agreement with the Kingdom of Borneo and recognizes the legitimate regime of Borneo!”

  Hearing the shouting and hawking, the pedestrians around stopped one after another.

  Especially in the small noodle restaurant located in a corner of the port area, the curious diners were talking in surprise again.

  ”The envoy of the Legion has arrived in Tiandu City?”

  ”They actually plan to negotiate?!”


  The confrontation between the two sides has reached such a point that the muzzles of the guns are about to poke each other’s nostrils.

  The envoy of Triumph City suddenly came to acknowledge the legal status of the Kingdom of Borneo, which confused the diners present and made them shout that they could not understand.

  In fact, it was inevitable that this would happen.

  What can be seen in the newspapers are the games above the water, and the games below are invisible.

  However, for the situation in Kinggallon Port, which continues to heat up, this good news is still like a sweet rain after a long drought, bringing a hint of coolness to the sultry atmosphere.


  this war may not be fought?

  More than one person had such an idea in his mind.

  However, there are still a few people who are still sober.

  ”…The Southern Legion is afraid to take action.” Looking at the special edition he just bought, Asin frowned slightly and suddenly spoke.

  Kunar, who was standing beside him, hesitated slightly and asked in confusion.

  ”I don’t understand, boss, aren’t they going to negotiate?”

  Asin shook the newspaper in his hand gently and said in a slow voice.

  ”It is Triumph City that wants to negotiate, or to be more precise, the civil servants within the Legion, but the Southern Legion is the Southern Legion… I should have told you before that when you are facing a group of people, don’t just focus on what one person is doing and then imagine him as the whole of the group.”

  Analyzing problems in this way will make a lot of jokes, such as abstracting complex problems into “the alliance will definitely be this and that” and “the Legion will definitely be this and that.”

  Not all survivor forces are like Xilan, who like to use abstract methods to solve specific problems.

  But one thing is certain, this time the civil servant group and the Southern Legion must have fallen out. The latter probably did something without consulting the former, which led to the former not consulting the latter this time.

  As for how the Southern Legion will respond, he doesn’t know.

  But one thing is certain, those jackals will definitely not give up.

  In the eyes of those jackals, the Bharat Province is almost a piece of meat in their mouths. They will not let go unless they swallow it or break two teeth.

  Looking at Kunar who was still confused, Asin did not explain, but simply asked.

  ”Kunar, how is the work I gave you before going?”

  Hearing the boss’s question, Kunar decisively put aside the problem in his head and said respectfully.

  ”It’s already being done! We just caught up with a good time. The docks of Xifan Port are recruiting a large number of workers. The original labor dispatch unit is gone. Now they have to recruit people themselves. Both the labor agency and the license for contracting docks have been liberalized.”

  ”To be on the safe side, the brother we sent over was more careful and found a Weilant as a partner to hang the license. Now we have more than ten docks, 3,000 workers working for us, and the number of gang members we have developed is about 200 to 300.”

  ”Very good.” Asin nodded approvingly.

  In fact, you can’t make much money doing business with the legion. Those big noses rely on the guns in their hands. When giving money, they are always stingy and like to refuse to pay and use arms to deduct.

  But money is actually a small matter, and talent is the foundation of everything.

  Especially in such a chaotic period, the more people who rely on themselves for food, the safer they are, and it will be convenient for them to do any business.

  This is the experience he summed up based on his own experience of making a fortune, and it has been proven time and again in both Golden Gallon Port and Banana Bay.

  Seeing the boss nod in approval, Kunar also smiled honestly.

  But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, so he spoke again.

  ”By the way, boss, there is one more thing… I heard from the brothers in the west that a gang called the Family Association has recently entered Xifan Port.”

  Family Association?

  Asin was stunned and confused.

  How could there be a gang with such a strange name?

  ”… Is this Family Association also a gang in Golden Gallon Port?”

  Kunar shook his head.

  ”That’s not the case, but I heard that they have a great background, and it seems that they came from Dawn City, and I heard that they also received investment from the Boulder City Workers’ Association…”

  Investment from the Workers’ Association?


  Asin’s eyes widened.

  Looking at the boss who was speechless with surprise, Kunar continued to speak in a low voice.

  ”And the way they expand their business is also very interesting. They divide the gang members into six levels. The lowest is the white family, followed by green, yellow, blue, and purple. The highest seems to be called… the golden family?”

  ”One of our gang members has infiltrated their organization. I heard that if you can recruit ten people to join, you can become a white family member, and then recruit more members, or the downline of the downline will recruit more members, and when there are 100 or more members, you can become a green family member…”

  Having never heard of this business model, Asin looked at him in confusion and couldn’t help asking.

  ”What is the use of this color?”

  Kunar muttered.

  ”I don’t know the details. Our gang member only became an ordinary family member. I heard that their gang fees are very low. We take 10% of the weekly wages. They claim that they don’t charge a penny, and they also give free classes to those gang members…”

  In fact, it is not quite accurate to say that they don’t charge a penny. At least in Kunar’s opinion, it is more like a word game.

  Since the tragedy of Xifan Port, the original “old intermediaries” have all been killed, and the wages of workers working at the docks have increased a lot. The

  basic wage of 1 dinar per hour has increased to 2 dinars, and it may reach 3 dinars if the quota is exceeded.

  In fact, whether it is 2 or 3 dinars, it is a small amount of money for those merchants doing business and the competent authorities of the port.

  The larger the throughput of the port, the higher the port’s income.

  The big bosses want efficiency and stability, and the handling fee is just a drop in the bucket.

  Therefore, if it is an organized worker, the wages they can get will be higher than those unorganized casual workers.

  For example, the basic salary of 2 dinars can be raised to 2.5 through the gang, and the bonus for over-fulfillment can be raised from 1 to 1.5. The money

  earned by the labor intermediaries in Xifan Port is basically drawn from this premium.

  For example, a worker could only get a salary of 2 dinars, but because of the Assassins, it can reach 2.5, and after deducting 10 points of gang fees, it is still 2.25.

  And there is no need to worry about being owed.

  Some small gangs have less bargaining power than the Assassins, and the hourly wage is basically not lower than 2 dinars, but they usually give some messy benefits, such as promising a pension for a broken leg, or giving more concessions on bonuses.

  The Family Club is another case. In terms of size, they have surpassed the capital-rich Assassins, but their bargaining power seems to have played no role at all. The

  salary they pay to the “family members” is based on the standards of small gangs – that is, the lowest level, a basic salary of 2 dinars and a basic bonus of 1 dinar.

  Although they claim that they did not take a penny from the pockets of the family members, Kunar thinks that with their size, they have taken at least 20 points!

  However, it is said that the family members with color seem to have special allowances, and ordinary family members also admire the good deeds of the Family Club “not taking a penny”.

  Therefore, the Family Club expanded its business very quickly. In just half a month, the size has reached 3,000 to 4,000 people, and it is still growing rapidly.

  According to the gang members who are ambushing in the Family Club, their ambitions seem to be not limited to the docks, but also expanded to steel mills, cement plants and other fields.

  However, due to the low profit margin of the latter, even the gangs have no bargaining power.

  Kunar was also confused by the fact that they did not make any money. He could not understand what they wanted to do for a while.

  ”These guys are weird… I always feel that they are not like a proper gang, but it is even more unlike them to say that they are doing charity. Anyway, I don’t believe that they really didn’t make a penny. Maybe they made more than us, the proper gangs!”

  ”Some gangs think that these guys are destroying the market and want to join forces to deal with them. They even found us. To be honest, I am not jealous of the money they make. It is easy to deal with them. I am just worried that they have other backgrounds behind them and I am afraid of offending those people.”

  Don’t say Kunal can’t make up his mind. After listening to it, Asin thought for a long time and was a little undecided for a while.

  He knew about the Workers’ Union.

  Although it was just a non-governmental organization, it also had a good influence in the alliance. It was a force that checked and balanced the Merchants’ Union.

  Previously, many industrial owners in the alliance moved their industries to Golden Gallon Port to reduce production costs, and those people from the Workers’ Union also followed their industrial chain.

  In the words of the members of the Workers’ Union, helping the workers of Golden Gallon Port to fight for their legal rights is also protecting their own rights.

  After all, if the workers in Jinjialun Port are too cheap, the cotton flowing into the alliance will be stained with too much blood and sweat, and the price of labor will be lowered, and eventually their own interests will be affected.

  No matter how cheap the clothes and pants are, you have to have money to buy them. You can’t just live on unemployment benefits.

  However, since there are many local grassroots organizations in Jinjialun Port, whether legal or illegal, or wandering in the gray area, the workers’ union as an external force has not been smooth in expanding its business, at least not as smooth as the localized “Survivor Daily”.

  Asin doesn’t care much about these things.

  He is a serious businessman in Jinjialun Port, and all the improper industries are put into Tiger State and Leopard State. There is no conflict of interest with the workers’ union of the alliance.

  It’s just that the timing of this family entering Xifan Port is too coincidental, and they have also received support from the alliance’s civil organizations, so he has to worry about whether there will be secret support from the alliance behind this. After

  thinking for a long time, Asin said in a deep voice.

  ”It’s hard to say… You don’t even know what they want to do, how can I know, it’s better to observe for a while.”

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”Anyway, no matter whether those people have the background of the Alliance or not, let’s not provoke them…someone will come looking for them anyway.”

  With such a large grassroots organization, the Legion will sooner or later target them. It will depend

  on how the Legion handles it.

  If those guys are really members of the Alliance, helping them at that time may even be a favor…

  Thinking in this way, Asin continued to give some simple instructions. After all the instructions were given, he suddenly thought of something and asked casually.

  ”By the way, who is the leader of that family association? Have you found out?”

  Kunar said immediately.

  ”I heard that his name is Zayed, and he seems to be a member of the Snake Clan. Anyway, he is just an unknown person. I haven’t heard of any deeds he has done.”


  Asin frowned slightly, always feeling that the name sounded familiar, but for a moment he couldn’t remember where he had heard it.

  But at this moment, his sight suddenly fell on the noodle shop on the street, and an ordinary face suddenly appeared in his mind.

  It turned out to be that guy!

  The waiter who was not serious about his work and who shamelessly told him that he was going to Shuguang City to find something.

  Axin’s mouth curled up in a strange way.

  He remembered what happened at that time.

  He was in a good mood that day and thought the man’s words were interesting and courageous, so he gave him a boat ticket.

  Anyway, a boat ticket would not cost him much, at least compared to the money he invested in Laxi, it was a drop in the bucket.

  But then again, this world is really small. He almost forgot the name, but heard it again by chance.

  He didn’t know whether the “thing” that guy was looking for had been found…


  Just as Asin was sighing that the world was really small, a large military transport plane was landing smoothly at the airport in the suburbs of Jinjialun Port.

  Accompanied by a dozen bodyguards, the Foreign Minister of the Alliance, Cheng Yan, got off the plane through the boarding car.

  And right next to the runway of the airport, a group of people were waiting there early.

  Among them were the Secretary General of the Governor’s Office of Jinjialun Port, Yodu, senior officials of the City Hall, senior members of the Regional Representative Council, and the head of the militia, etc.

  All the powerful people in the entire Jinjialun Port stood here, eagerly looking at the Foreign Minister of the Alliance who got off the plane.

  They knew very well where the real savior of Borneo Province was!

  ”Welcome! Mr. Cheng!”

  He quickened his pace and shook Cheng Yan’s hand enthusiastically, his face full of excitement.

  ”The survivors of Jingalon Port have been looking forward to you for a long time, and finally you are here!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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