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Chapter 843: You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry

Chapter 843: You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 843: You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry

  . The airport of the military base.

  The Alliance’s Foreign Minister Cheng Yan was having a friendly conversation with the senior officials of Golden Gallon Port, while the players of the Burning Legion stood in the distance to watch the excitement.

  Unlike the onlookers in Golden Gallon Port,

  these players were not curious about what Cheng Yan looked like. After all, they could occasionally meet him on the streets of Dawn City.

  They just wanted to know whether the war would be fought and when it would start.


  [No Family], who was squatting on the stone pier, suddenly sneezed without warning and almost fell off the stone pier.

  This was his tenth sneeze today.

  [Yin Cha Yang Cuo], who was squatting on the side, glanced at him and said with a strange expression.

  ”Do you have a cold?”

  Logically speaking, this situation is very rare.

  Even if this guy is an intelligence type, after two awakenings, his physical attributes must be twice that of an average person.

  No Family rubbed his red nose while mumbling curses.

  ”I don’t know… MMP, can you catch a cold in the game?”

  He didn’t feel uncomfortable, but he was sneezing all the time.

  [Banbucuo] patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

  ”Young man, take care of yourself. If it doesn’t work… consider restarting?”

  [Yibudengtian] immediately interrupted.

  ”Please bring me some things when you pass by Dawn City.”

  ”Get lost.” Wujiaren rolled his eyes in annoyance, but couldn’t help but “A-sneezed” again.

  Yinchayangcuo, who was squatting on the side, smiled.

  ”Maybe someone is thinking about you. Tell me the truth, are you like Lingchong, hooking up with some NPC?”

  Lingchong: “???”

  Wujiaren answered his question with a roll of his eyes and gestured a middle finger.

  Looking at this group of noisy guys, Erliang Yueguang sighed.

  ”This game is too damn real.”


  ”Family, it’s easy to break a chopstick, but if you hold ten chopsticks together in a bundle, it’s not that easy to break us!”

  The slums of Xifan Port.

  Low shacks have grown again on the land plowed by artillery fire.

  People who are too smart are mostly forgetful, and most people in Borneo Province are like this.

  Although the legion killed a lot of people here more than a month ago, it did not affect the people who were not killed from working for the legion.

  This matter has been turned over.

  Almost everyone thinks so in their hearts, and some even ran over from the neighboring Lion State, which is the territory of Borneo. No matter

  how delicious the cake painted by Abusek is, it can’t change the fact that they are poor.

  Although the legion doesn’t give much, it is money after all, and it can get hundreds of dinars a week.

  This generous salary is almost unimaginable for the locals.

  You know, it only costs one thousand dinars to buy a slave.

  The wages saved for three or four months are enough to buy a wife in a poor village!

  Even during this period, most of the things they moved to the shore were arms for attacking the Borneo Province…

  There was no light in the crooked shacks, and the workers obviously did not regard this place as their own home, but just fooled around.

  However, in one of the low shacks, bursts of exciting sounds floated out from time to time.

  Like a beam of light in the darkness.

  I saw a family member tied with green gauze standing in the shack, preaching with emotion.

  In front of him, a group of bright eyes were shining in the darkness.

  At this time, a hand was raised, and a thin young man spoke tremblingly.


  ”Call me family, we are all family, there is no such thing as who is older or older.” The green family member looked at him kindly, as if he was looking at his own family, “I think you seem to have some questions, tell me and let me hear, see if I can help you solve your doubts.”

  Never been treated so kindly, the eyes of the rat man were slightly red.

  He was left alone a long time ago, and he only remembered that his name was A Ming.

  He was like a piece of duckweed, floating wherever he went, but he didn’t expect that now he would feel the warmth of a father from a person.

  In fact, compared to money, this is the real reason why he joined the family.

  When working for other gangs, he had to call those foremen master, but here, those foremen would call him family and really treat him like a family member.

  He longed to have a family. He

  longed to be treated like a family member by others!

  Worried about being laughed at, A Ming hesitated for a long time before speaking in a low voice.

  ”Excuse me… what are chopsticks?”

  Hearing his question, the Green Family did not laugh at him, but smiled kindly and explained.

  ”It is a tool for eating, which is much more hygienic than eating with hands. It came from our friend the Alliance.”

  ”Wei, what is hygienic?” Soon another young man asked curiously, his eyes flickering with longing for the Alliance.

  Tools for eating!

  That should mean a lot of food, right?

  The Green Family smiled kindly.

  ”Hygienic… means clean. According to scientific explanations, most diseases come from eating unclean things. For example, hands that have touched dirty things are unclean. Eating with chopsticks can prevent the occurrence of many diseases.” The

  twinkling light in the eyes of the people in the shack became brighter, as if they had really seen that day.

  They had endless food and no longer had to eat dirt.

  Not only did they not have to, but their children did too.

  And they could sit at the table like the children of those decent people, using tableware instead of hands.

  ”… Whether it is disease or hunger, they are things we want to eliminate.”

  With a little excitement in his heart, Amin asked.

  ”Then…how do we eliminate it?”

  ”Through unity!”

  The green family members responded to those pairs of expectant eyes with warm smiles on their faces.

  ”As long as we are united enough, just like the survivors in Dawn City, Boulder City… thousands of survivor settlements! From now on, everyone can use chopsticks, everyone can eat enough, and it’s clean food!” The

  dark shack was filled with thunderous applause.

  Although he didn’t seem to answer any specific questions, the abstract answer seemed to touch everyone’s heart.

  That was the answer in their hearts.

  Someone said it for them.

  Two workers from Boulder City stood at the door, listening to the thunderous applause. One of them had a gratified smile on his face, while the other was mixed with joy and sorrow.

  ”If you want to have enough food, you have to farm. If you just unite, you can only starve together. In any case, theory cannot replace practice. Although they did a good job, I always worry that they will go to another extreme.”

  His name is Eugene. He is one of the witnesses of the great changes in Boulder City and a comrade-in-arms of Lovett, the president of the Boulder City Workers’ Union.

  In that cold winter, he used his hammer and craftsmanship to make a stove for the workers in the prison.

  One day, he heard about these survivors who needed help in a tavern, so he resolutely embarked on the journey.

  Saving others is also saving oneself.

  This is the consensus of all the workers, and he has no doubt in his heart.

  The humble and studious Zayd found the Workers’ Union, and he came here from Golden Gallon Port under the introduction of the Workers’ Union.

  However, after working at the Family Union for a while, he always had an indescribable feeling.

  The worker standing next to him disagreed and joked with a smile.

  ”But you also said that they did a good job.”

  Eugene’s Adam’s apple moved, and he spoke reluctantly.

  ”I admit that they are indeed developing members very quickly, even faster than us. Sberg read newspapers for a month and only gathered a beer hall, but they developed to thousands of people in less than a week…”

  ”Then what are you still worried about?”

  The worker next to him patted his shoulder and gave him a comforting smile.

  ”As we said, theory cannot replace practice. We have to give them some time to explore. Don’t forget the lesson of Golden Gallon Port. Why can the Survivor Daily bear fruit, while we are hitting a wall everywhere?”

  Eugene looked at him blankly and finally shook his head.

  ”I hope you are right…”

  They did hit a wall repeatedly in Golden Gallon Port, but he did not think that was the reason for the failure of localization. It was more because the industrialization of Golden Gallon Port had not been completed and the local industrial workers did not have a sense of unity.

  On the other hand, their opponents had accumulated rich “struggle experience” in the alliance, and even took the initiative to divide a part of the cake to win people’s hearts before they came to Golden Gallon Port.

  It was the same in Mammoth Country.

  That Lister even took the initiative to help the local workers build dormitories and schools for their children, so that those workers lived more comfortably than soldiers, so that those workers felt honored to go to work.

  Under such a premise, it was inevitable that they would hit a wall.

  Eugene did not think that this was a lesson of failure, but rather a manifestation of their successful work.

  Even if the local workers did not agree with them, they still lived a better life than before.

  Although other members of the Workers’ Union were not satisfied and thought that the minimum wage in Borneo Province was still too low, he was quite satisfied with the result.

  It is not a good thing to be eager for quick success and instant benefits.

  Although different places have different situations, their reforms achieved the final victory precisely because of restraint…

  ”I am only worried that we are a little too impatient.”


  On the other side, there was also a low shack, but a candle was lit on the table.

  Sitting next to the candle, Zayd was checking the account books and rosters in his hands, and a kind smile gradually rose at the corner of his mouth.

  Just now, the number of members of the Family Association officially exceeded 10,000!

  Although he has not told his friends in the Workers’ Union this good news, he can already imagine the incredible expressions on the faces of those “investors”.

  This is definitely a miracle.

  And it is a miracle that can only be born in Borneo Province.

  ”You know, Sava… The most brilliant business model is actually religion. Compared with religion, those messy ways of making money are not worth mentioning at all.”

  There are many labor agencies at the port, but none of the workers in any agency can compare with the workers of the Family Association.

  Their workers are the most capable and more united, which is why the docks and factories are willing to give them more jobs and pay them extra money for their over-achievement.

  0.5 dinars per hour, 4 dinars for 8 hours.

  Each person will contribute 28 dinars to their family every week, 280,000 dinars for 10,000 people!

  It is already a considerable amount.

  3 to 5 dinars for one silver coin, which is 70,000 silver coins!

  A gun is only one or two hundred silver coins, and this money is enough to arm a company of troops!

  If the standard is lowered a little, even two or three companies can get together!

  Although he is still a long way from realizing his ambition, it is undoubtedly a good start.

  Standing next to Zayed, his little follower Sava whispered.

  ”But sir… those gangs in the port don’t seem to be satisfied with our approach.”

  Zayed laughed and curled his lips in disdain.

  ”Why should you care about them? They are just a group of sewer rats.”

  Sava was still a little worried.

  He was not really afraid of those big-nosed people, but he was worried about those vicious gang members.

  Those people looked like desperate criminals.

  The Weilants would not care about their killing each other.

  ”But… those guys are violent groups after all. We cut off their financial resources, and they will definitely retaliate against us…”

  Looking at Sava with a worried look on his face, Zayed just smiled faintly.

  ”My dear Sava, you are still too young. Even those violent groups dare not look down on us. Why do you have the illusion that we are not violent groups?”

  Sava was a little confused.

  He clearly remembered that Mr. Zayed had told him what they were going to do when they returned to the Borneo Province.

  How come he has become a gang member again now?

  Zayed gently closed the list in his hand and said in a very soft voice.

  ”If the nobles in the inner city hadn’t thrown Sberg into prison, the prison in Boulder City wouldn’t have been filled with people in just a few days… Do you understand what I mean, Savoy?”

  Savoy shook his head blankly, and nodded after a while.

  ”You want to… imitate Mr. Sberg?”

  Zayed suddenly laughed, and after about half a minute, he shook his head gently as if he had laughed enough.

  ”So I said you are still too young, and you only see the surface of the problem, not the essence.”

  ”Essence?” Savoy looked at him blankly.

  Zayed nodded gently.

  ”That’s right.”

  The smart little girl thought he didn’t know the history of Boulder City, but the fact was just the opposite.

  While a group of people were still chasing Bol, he had already passed through the core of the story and found the bloody heart.

  That was something buried under the snow of Boulder City, that was a sword that could kill everything.

  Even an ideal that cannot be killed.

  ”…Reform means blood transfusion, and how can blood transfusion be bloodless? You are following me to do great things, but you must be aware of this.” Just

  as he finished speaking, there was a commotion outside the window.

  Along with it, there were curses and shouts.

  ”It’s here!”

  ”That’s where the cultists have classes!”

  Faintly, he also heard the roar of the friend from Boulder City.

  Savoie remembered that the gentleman was called Eugene, and he seemed to be a blacksmith.

  But the gentleman was not only good at blacksmithing, but also knew a little about carpentry and chemistry, and even some cooking skills. His unique skill of stewing was even better than that of professional chefs.

  According to the gentleman, he learned his skills from a cannery worker while in prison.

  ”What are you doing–”

  The roar of the gentleman was interrupted by a bandit-like curse.

  ”What are you doing? I’m doing the same thing as you guys who cut off people’s financial resources!”

  ”Brothers! Beat them!”

  Savva realized that something was wrong and quickly rushed to the window. Then he saw a horrifying scene.

  A group of men carrying sticks and knives and forks crossed the alleys of the slums and rushed into the place where they were having class.

  They were from the Black Rat Gang!

  In Xifan Port, it was the second largest gang after the Assassins!

  The fear in Savva’s eyes was even stronger. He had never seen such a barbaric scene before, and his shoulders couldn’t help shaking.

  Through the gap in the window, he watched the teacher being dragged out.

  The green gauze wrapped around the man’s arm was stained red with blood. The thugs all killed him and beat him like a chicken to scare the monkey.

  Seeing the Green Family being beaten up, the family members in the shack were terrified and ran around in panic, while other workers in the slums gathered around to watch the excitement.

  ”Help…” The man who was beaten on the ground cried for help with his last breath.

  Eugene opened his eyes wide and tried to rush forward, but was pinned to the ground by several guys with rat tattoos on their arms.

  ”You bunch of robbers!” Another worker did the same, staring with red eyes.

  At this moment, the young man named Amin suddenly exploded.

  ”Ahhh! I’ll fight you!!!”

  The skinny and bony man was like an enraged calf at this moment, holding a dagger picked up from nowhere in his hand, and rushed forward to stab the thigh of the nearest thug.

  The blade happened to cut the artery, and blood spurted out like a crossbow arrow.

  ”Ahhh! My leg! Damn it! Beat him up for me–”

  The thug yelled in pain, his face getting paler and his voice getting smaller.

  Seeing the miserable state of his companion, the thug next to him was not afraid, but was enraged by the spurting blood, and rushed towards the boy with the weapon in his hand.

  But this time was different from before.

  Perhaps inspired by the boy’s bravery, the family members around him were no longer afraid, but picked up the weapons at hand and rushed towards the tattooed thugs.

  ”Damn it, do you think I’m easy to bully?”

  ”Brothers, beat him!”

  ”For the family!!!”

  ”Fight them!! ”

  The workers around rushed forward.

  Whether it was the family members of that family association or the workers from other gangs, they all united around the boy at this moment.

  They had long been dissatisfied with the rules on the dock.

  They used their blood and sweat to exchange money with those Willant people, and they had to let others take a cut of it. What’s the reason? !

  Now that a family association that doesn’t charge agency fees has finally emerged, they finally see a little hope for a better life, but someone wants to extinguish this hope.

  At this moment, this group of angry workers vented all their dissatisfaction with these gangs.

  Even the workers who registered to work for the Black Rat Gang pretended to turn a blind eye when they saw the thugs of their gang being beaten, and even spit on them quietly.

  Seeing this group of workers erupting, the thugs with tattoos on their arms were immediately frightened and were beaten to death. Some of them even knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

  Sava, who was standing by the window and watching, swallowed his saliva, turned around and wanted to rush out the door, but was stopped by Zayd.

  ”What are you going to do?”

  ”I have to persuade them! If this goes on, someone will die!”

  Sava’s face was full of anxiety, but Zayd did not mean to let go, just looking out the window expressionlessly.

  After about five or six minutes, a gunshot rang out at the end of the street, and several Weilant soldiers walked into the slums.

  Hearing the thunder-like gunshot, the people who were shouting and killing suddenly stopped, shrinking their necks and looking at the big noses.

  The people standing at the edge of the crowd began to leave quietly, and the originally crowded alley suddenly became empty unconsciously, leaving only a dozen people standing in the middle of the alley trembling and not daring to move.

  Pete bit a toothpick in the corner of his mouth and looked coldly at the gang members who were beaten and bruised, and took a special look at the boy holding the dagger.

  ”What are you making noise for! If you have the energy to fight, you might as well go to work at the dock!”

  The vicious voice echoed in the alley, and no one dared to look him in the eye.

  Pete’s eyes became more contemptuous.

  He looked down on these guys from the bottom of his heart.

  Either they bully their own people, or they pick on the weak.

  Pucking the toothpick in his mouth, he shouted at the guys lying on the ground.

  ”Those who can still move, get up. Is your leg broken? Wait for me to fix it for you?”

  ”Yes, yes – oh no! No, no!”

  Hearing the impatience in the voice, the thugs who were still lying on the ground and shouting hurriedly got up from the ground.

  They bowed and thanked the Weilant soldiers, then ran to the alley in shame, and glared at the group of workers before leaving.

  Watching those people leave, Pete walked up and picked up Eugene, who was sitting by the wall.

  With a bloody mouth, Eugene stared at the big nose with a sneer on his face.

  The people here are afraid of this guy, but he is not.

  After all, he is a citizen of the Alliance, and he came in with an electronic passport.

  Peter didn’t hit him, but just pushed him, and then patted his collar heavily.

  It was like he was helping him to straighten his clothes.

  However, anyone with a discerning eye could see how hard the centurion hit him.

  ”…We are watching you,” Peter squeezed out these words from between his teeth, close to Eugene’s ear, “If you dare to make trouble on our territory, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish.”

  The threatening voice was not a joke.

  Eugene just grinned and spat a mouthful of bloody saliva to the side.

  ”Making trouble? In the territory of the Weilants, teaching poor people to read is also called making trouble? Then please speak out openly at the meeting of the Sticky Community! Also, don’t scare me there. If I was afraid of death, I wouldn’t have come out of that huge wall!”

  ”Haha, I hope you can be as brave as today when the knife is on your neck.”

  Peter sneered, without looking at him again, just made a gesture to his men to gather the troops and walked towards the outside of the alley.

  Watching the Weilant soldiers leave, the workers who had been standing still finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to clean up the messy doorsteps and pick up the garbage scattered on the ground.

  At this moment, a man with compassion on his face walked through the dejected crowd.

  He first helped the green family member up, then took care of the injuries of his friends in Boulder City, and then visited the boy named Amin.

  Feeling that the time was about right, he cleared his throat and said to the injured family members.

  ”Family members.”

  ”I know you must be very worried now, even afraid and terrified. You are worried about the attitude of the Weilant people and the revenge of those gang members… But I still want to say that it is not us who should be afraid, but them!”

  The drooping heads raised up, and the drooping shoulders.

  They all cast their eyes on the man at the same time, with anxiety and confusion in their eyes, but also a touch of hope.

  Especially the green family members lying on the ground, and the boy named Amin.

  They knew the identity of the young man in front of them.

  His name was Zayd!

  He was their golden family!

  Bathed in those pairs of admiring gazes, Zayd imitated the man and slowly spoke, completing his words and repeating them in a sonorous voice.

  ”It is them that should be feared… those vampires riding on our necks and their lackeys, not us who have united!”

  His voice was full of power.

  It was like a hand with bulging veins, firmly grabbing those wide-open eyeballs and engraving its own symbol in them.

  ”… Because of fear, flies and mosquitoes have colluded with each other. They don’t want us to get what belongs to us. What we have won through unity, they have taken by force. They are not short of that little money! But only when we live in misery and hunger can they build their evil empire!”

  ”It is inconvenient for the Weilants to break their own rules, so they instigate those gang members to do the dirty work they don’t want to do… and those violent means are proof of their fear! They try to use force to make us surrender and try to disintegrate our unity! That is what they fear!” Pairs of

  eyes were filled with hatred.

  Zayd looked into their eyes, or rather, at himself reflected in those pupils.

  He was very satisfied with their expressions.

  He was also very satisfied with himself.

  The hatred and anger that had nowhere to vent finally found a way to vent.

  At this moment, they were no longer a mob.

  They found something to hate!

  ”…But they are wrong! And they are so wrong! Because we will not surrender, and we will not break our backs just because of a few cracks of whips! Never!”

  The deafening voice echoed in the alley. Amin, who was leaning against the cold wall, felt his blood rushing up and could not help but respond.


  He soon found that it was not only him who made the voice, but also countless people like him.

  His eyes shone with light.

  He was not alone standing in the darkness. There were people standing beside him who had the same ideas as him.

  Those people were his family!

  Looking at the boiling atmosphere in the alley, Zayd had a satisfied smile on his face.

  He raised his hand slightly to let the voice subside for a moment, and then continued with that unwavering voice.

  ”That’s right!”

  ”We will never surrender because of this little setback. The fear on the enemy’s face just proves that we are right!”

  ”On this road full of hope, we will be more united than ever!”

  ”We are a family!”


  The alley behind him was noisy, and the rats seemed to be squeaking something again.

  But they should not have fought.

  A soldier following Pete curled his lips and said reluctantly.

  ”Why should we care about those rats? Why not let them continue fighting?”

  Pete glanced at him, then looked away, took out a toothpick from his collar pocket and put it in his mouth.

  He had been smoking a lot recently and was trying to quit using this method.

  ”… and then watched them set the port on fire?”

  He was just a centurion and didn’t understand so many big principles. He just did whatever his superiors told him to do.

  But recently he was a little confused, because more and more things were different from what he thought.

  For example…

  what were they here for?

  Weren’t they here for revenge?

  But every time he thought of this, that honest face would appear in his mind.

  The man seemed to be called Govinda. Before he died, he hurriedly reported a long list of names, but he still couldn’t escape death.

  If you think about it calmly, that cowardly guy may not have killed his compatriots.

  Not only that Govinda, but also several women who were powerless.

  Rather than being the perpetrators, they are more like the victims.

  After all, the scars on their bodies are not left by the resistance of the Willant people.

  Every time he thought of this, he felt irritated and could only stop himself from thinking about it.

  The brothers following behind him didn’t think much about it, but just laughed out loud as if they had heard a very funny joke.

  ”Set the port on fire? Just those guys?”

  ”Haha, do they dare?”

  ”I hope those wimps can be tougher and not surrender as soon as they hear the gunshots.”

  Pete didn’t laugh with them, but took off the communicator hanging on his shoulder and made a simple report.

  ”…The risk has been eliminated, the crowd has been dispersed…Received…”

  He was about to hang up the communication when another voice suddenly came from the channel.

  It was the next voice that made him freeze in place.

  ”…Survivors?! The Silver Moon Church? The parents of those children are still alive?”

  His head was buzzing, and he couldn’t process the huge amount of information for a while.

  Still alive?

  How is this possible?

  The soldiers around him gradually stopped laughing, and they all stopped when they saw the captain who stopped, exchanging surprises on their faces.

  They knew the Silver Moon Church,

  and they were the first to find the group of children. Whether it was the bullet marks on the ground, the endless bloodstains, or the words of the old nun, they all told the final outcome of those brave people.

  It is no exaggeration to say that at least half of their hatred for the survivors in Borneo Province is because of the children who lost their parents and the miserable conditions in the church.

  And now someone told them that those people are actually still alive?

  They were immediately confused.

  ”…The checkpoint in the north? I see! I’ll take people there right away!”

  After hearing the order from his superior, Pete’s expression immediately became serious. He replied and hung up the communication.

  Looking at his subordinates, he said neatly.

  ”There are survivors! Follow me!”

  The soldiers immediately took the order without any hesitation.



  (Thanks to the leader “X人菜瘾还大X” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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