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Chapter 844 The Flame of Ambition

Chapter 844 The Flame of Ambition

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 844: The Flame of Ambition

  At the outpost on the north side of Xifan Port, a crowd of people stood.

  On one side were the soldiers of the Willant people, and on the other side were the soldiers of the Kingdom of Boro. The two sides stood on both sides of the border, with about two hundred Willant civilians in the middle.

  Those civilians were the survivors of the Xifan Port tragedy, and they were also the parents of the children in the Silver Moon Church.

  Now that the Heavenly King Army has fallen and the monkeys have scattered, the bandages tied on people’s arms have finally disappeared, and the Abusek authorities have cut off their connection with the top leaders of the Southern Legion. Their lives and deaths are no longer relevant to the overall situation. These poor people finally dared to walk out of Earl Sharma’s manor.

  The soldiers of the Kingdom of Boro escorted them all the way here.

  And it is quite ironic that these soldiers in gray military uniforms are the guys who had bandages on their arms and searched for Willant people and “Willant people’s running dogs” not long ago.

  However, the past is over.

  The Weilant people became Lord Weilant again, and the expressions of these bandage soldiers were much gentler than before, as if they had really drawn a line with the past.

  As for when they would bar their teeth at the Weilant people or other people in the wasteland again, it would depend on what their master said next.

  Abusek still had a little fantasy about the ceasefire, not to mention that the fighting had not started yet.

  Looking at those people who “came back from the dead”, almost all the Weilant soldiers present widened their eyes at the same time, with incredible surprise written in their pupils.

  Everyone thought they were dead.

  But they didn’t expect that they were still alive!

  And the relatives of these survivors were so emotional that tears came out of their eyes.

  Some people couldn’t help but cover their mouths, trying not to let the crying sound out. Others crossed the checkpoint desperately and ran up excitedly.


  Seeing that haggard and heartbreaking face, the always strong Alman’s eyes turned red in an instant.

  He crossed the checkpoint and rushed to his wife, hugged her light body into his arms, holding her tightly and muttering incoherently.

  ”Silver Moon Goddess… You are still alive! It’s great! I… Ruby and I thought we would never see you again!”

  Margaret’s eyes were also red, and she kept sniffing, squeezing out a forced smile from her face that couldn’t hold back the tears, and even comforted him in return.

  ”… I’m fine, I’m fine… When did you start to believe in the Silver Moon Goddess?”

  Alman said quickly.

  ”After learning that you were still alive! I swore to her that if you were safe, I would build ten churches for her… I swear I would spend the rest of my life doing this!”

  Looking at her husband who was swearing, Margaret’s face was filled with tears.


  It was really the Silver Moon Goddess who appeared.

  Mr. Melgio said that the miracle of the Silver Moon Goddess had descended on this church. It was a girl with cat ears… He decided to publish a newspaper because of the will of that god.

  ”… Then you can’t go back on your word. I will supervise you for her.”

  Releasing the hand that was holding her shoulders, Alman held the tear-stained cheek and looked into the pair of bright eyes like gemstones.

  ”I promise you!”

  He didn’t want to look away for a moment.

  It was as if everything in front of him was just an unrealistic dream, and everything would return to the starting point after waking up

  from the dream. However, Margaret did not let him occupy her all the time, because her daughter also crawled under the sentry post.


  The soldier on the side wanted to reach out and hold her, but was held by the chief Peter, who looked at him and shook his head.

  ”Let her go… What can happen if everyone is watching here?”

  The soldier nodded hesitantly and cast his eyes on the jumping hair.


  The distance of less than 20 meters was only a dozen steps for Alman, but Ruby ran for a long time.

  Just halfway through the run, she couldn’t hold back the tears in her eyes and let them fall out.

  Margaret opened her arms and hugged her daughter, running her fingers through her hair and hugging her little body tightly.

  ”Ruby!!! I’m sorry… Mom made you worry!” Her voice was full of remorse. No matter what the difficulties were, she had lied to her that night and left without saying goodbye in the name of death.

  But her lovely daughter was not angry with her, and she squeezed out a strong smile from her tearful face.

  ”Ruby… didn’t cry!”

  Although she said so, the tears still fell down. She even hiccuped because of her fast breathing.

  Feeling the hot tears sliding down her neck, Margaret felt distressed, took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

  ”Well! My Ruby… is the best child in the world…”

  Looking at the reunited mother and daughter, Alman had a satisfied smile on his face.

  To him, they were his angels, his sunshine, and everything to him…

  As for power, wealth, or land under the sun, they were just mayflies in the pond, not worth mentioning compared to the safety of his family.

  Ishel, who was wearing a gray military uniform, walked to his side, glanced at the Weilant soldiers who were waiting in the distance, then looked at the father, grinned and said.

  ”Congratulations, sir, Mr. Alman… You and your family are finally reunited.”

  ”In addition, someone asked me to bring you a message, a guy named Farsighted Eagle, he hopes that the cooperation between you is still valid… But now he is busy with official duties and will not come for a few days. I hope you can implement your plan in advance.”

  ”Please tell him that I will not forget our cooperation. In fact, the plan has already begun,” Alman looked at the soldier of the Borneo Kingdom and continued sincerely, “In addition… Thank you for bringing my wife back.”

  Ishel smiled.

  ”Don’t thank me… I don’t have that ability. It’s not easy for me to survive.”

  However, although he said this, he was still very proud in his heart.

  Although he failed to save the entire city, it was good to save 200 people.

  He is not an awakener.

  Not even Bol.

  ”… In addition, this is also a piece of advice. No matter how much money you can make from your business, you should leave here as soon as possible if you can.”

  Looking at the group of soldiers across the border, Isher smiled faintly.

  ”There won’t be many days of friendship like this in the future.”

  Although he didn’t say it very directly, Alman could understand the deep meaning of his words.

  He had seen the deployment of the Southern Legion in Xifan Port during this period.

  Especially after listening to the words of the old nun, he had already sensed what was about to happen… I’m afraid that a tragedy more painful than the previous tragedy will happen on this land.

  ”I am a Willant, I will not evade my own responsibilities, I will do my best to prevent the worst possibility…”

  After a pause, Alman said in a sincere tone.

  ”Even if I fail… I will do my best to help more people leave this hell.”

  ”Very good, then please skip the meaningless struggle and do the last thing with all your strength.”

  Isher interrupted his bold words very simply, looking at him in astonishment and continued.

  ”…No one can stop the train rushing to the bottom of the mountain, just like no one can stop a balloon that has been cut off. We can only let it rush down the mountain and smash it into pieces with the hard rock, or let it drift in the clouds and exile itself in the universe.”

  Alman was stunned.

  ”What is this?”

  Ishel said without hesitation.

  ”The words in “Bohr the Awakener”.”

  ”Is there such a sentence in that book?” Alman said with a strange expression.

  During the time he was waiting for his wife to come home, he read the book and read it over and over again.

  What he didn’t expect was that such a shocking story could be born in a small stone city.

  In fact, there are many survivor settlements similar to the stone city in the west of the Central Plains. Most of them were built in the early Wasteland Era and supported by the War Construction Committee.

  However, in the past century or so, with the collapse of the War Construction Committee, most of these settlements were wiped off the map by the Legion in the name of revenge.

  Sometimes he couldn’t help thinking that if those settlements were still alive and could continue to provide them with experience, knowledge and other more help, perhaps they wouldn’t be as completely crazy as they are now…

  Looking at Alman who fell into silence, Isher laughed and touched his stubble with his rough hands.

  ”Isn’t there this sentence? Then just treat it as a marginal note left by some unknown little person for this book.”

  If nothing unexpected happens.

  The next should belong to Master Stephen… Oh no, it belongs to the era of Master Stephen’s ancestors.

  That should also be a glorious time, they will build their own wall in the wilderness with nothing.

  ”The Awakener Bol” is a story after that, and now it belongs to “The Ratman Isher”.

  Isher only discovered it recently.

  He is actually a person living in the prequel of “The Awakener Bol”, and maybe he is the ancestor of “Master Stephen”, the one who lives in Master Stephen’s ancestral precepts.

  What a pity.

  He probably won’t be able to see his idol in this life. That is a ghost hovering over the heads of his descendants, not his.

  However, he was not as pessimistic as the other mice.

  He still believed that the light of truth would shine on this land one day.

  It just takes some time to wait for the sun to rise.

  Fortunately, the dusk before nightfall this time was not as cold as before.

  I think that day will not be too far away.

  Alman looked at the officer twice in surprise, and his eyes gradually became respectful.

  There is actually no shortage of capable people in the Boro Province.

  They are not inferior to the survivors of the Valley Province, let alone other Willant people.

  However, while he was respectful, he couldn’t help but wonder why a group of smart people would make the road narrower and narrower.

  They shouldn’t be like this…


  Just when more than 200 survivors were hugging and reuniting with their families, the thousand-man Ross, who was in charge of the defense of this area, came over surrounded by a team of soldiers.

  Isher, who was also a thousand-man, stared at him and felt a little tingling from the murderous aura.

  Unlike himself who changed his career halfway.

  This guy is a real officer who has been tested by blood and fire!

  However, Isher still forced a friendly smile from his face and nodded politely.

  To his surprise, the man actually nodded to him and responded to his friendliness.

  He walked straight to Earl Sharma and his old butler Sahadu.

  Looking at the two trembling people, Ross suddenly bowed deeply.

  ”On behalf of me and my men, thank you for saving these people in distress.”

  Earl Sharma looked at him in astonishment. He didn’t expect that the Weilant people would bow to him. It was not until the old butler pulled his sleeves that he suddenly came back to his senses and said hurriedly.

  ”General, what are you doing?! I just did something that a normal human being would do. I don’t deserve such a great gift from you… Please raise your head quickly.”

  Ross didn’t listen to him, but just bent over for a full minute before raising his head and continued with a solemn expression.

  ”…If the two countries go to war, I can swear to you that our soldiers will not enter your manor, even if some cowards hide in it.”

  Isher, who was standing aside and listening, narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, but did not say anything.

  Even if the two sides were only one shot away from going to war, he had to continue to play the role of a good man.

  At this time, Ross cast his eyes on the man and woman standing behind Earl Sharma.

  One of them was his niece Penny, who was looking at the reunited survivors with a relieved smile.

  And the one standing next to her was probably the pangolin.

  The eastern native who was promoted by the Eastern Legion and finally borrowed by the Civil Service Group.

  Ross narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the man for a while, then looked at his niece again, and said in a serious tone.

  ”Penny, come to me.”

  Hearing her uncle’s call, Penny was about to go over, but noticed the expression on his face and stopped hesitantly.


  ”Come here quickly! Now!”

  Ross did not explain anything, but just called her over. However, the urging expression made Penny unable to move her legs at all. She could only look at the pangolin behind her for help.

  From the expression on the face of the centurion, the battlefield atmosphere team had guessed something. They walked to Penny’s side and whispered.

  ”Listen to your uncle and go over quickly… Remember, the whole thing has nothing to do with you. You are just a war correspondent.”

  ”Your duty is not to fight side by side with me, but to bring back what you see, back to Triumph City… That is your war.”

  Penny widened her eyes and stared at him in a daze. The trembling lips seemed to be asking why… Why did he do the most correct thing and save more than 200 survivors, but he was still treated like a prisoner. The

  battlefield atmosphere team knew what she wanted to ask, but didn’t know how to answer.

  Not everything in this world can be simply defined as good or bad, and not everything has a standard answer.

  Right and wrong are just the scale in people’s hearts, and this scale never belongs to an abstract collective.

  Especially when this matter involves many groups.

  In fact, when he received Benoit’s order, he was already prepared in his heart, and even thought about the possible charges on his head. The

  same task can get two sums of money.

  This kind of good thing is too good…

  As if she understood his eyes, Penny’s eyes struggled for a long time, and finally lowered her head and walked to her uncle’s side.

  Indicating his guards to take her back to the settlement to rest, Ross looked at the man called Pangolin again.

  The latter also looked at him neither humble nor arrogant, and his smiling face was even a little leisurely.

  Ross’s eyes suddenly showed some appreciation.

  ”You are very brave.”

  The battlefield atmosphere group smiled modestly.

  ”Of course… I’m not bragging. What I have done and seen, I might scare you to death if I tell you.”

  Ross moved the corners of his mouth with a fake smile, but the smile on his face cooled down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  ”Mr. Pangolin, you betrayed the Marshal.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team smiled slightly, and the look on their faces turned cold.

  ”On the contrary, it was you who betrayed the Marshal. When we were working hard to end the Wasteland Era, you were dragging our feet and even risking the lives of innocent compatriots to start a war just for your own selfish desires!”

  Ross looked at him with a sneer.

  ”I don’t know what you are talking about, at least in my opinion, it was you who killed those compatriots! Because of your arrogance, naivety and stupidity, you put those innocent people in danger.”

  ”We don’t deny that we did make mistakes in the past, and that’s why I came here,” the Battlefield Atmosphere Team looked at him, “Then what about you? Do you dare to admit your role in this chaos and the crimes you committed?”

  Ross frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

  ”It seems that you have a lot to say, you can save these words for the military court and explain them to the judges who tried you.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team smiled faintly.

  ”It doesn’t matter. I will appeal all the way to Triumph City.”

  ”You can do that. I also hope you understand that arresting you is not my decision, but General Gullion’s order… The Southern Legion’s Supreme Command has authorized him to have all the power to act in the Borneo Province area,” Ross waved to the soldiers who were waiting beside him, and then pointed at Pangolin, “Take him away.”

  Looking at the soldiers walking towards him with guns and live ammunition, the battlefield atmosphere group did not resist and let them handcuff him, but shook off the hands on his shoulders.

  ”I have legs, I don’t need you to help me.”

  After all, he was a man who came out of Luoxia Province and Haiya Province. The murderous intent as thick as blood plasma made the backs of those soldiers who tried to arrest him shiver.

  It felt as if the person standing in front of them at this moment was not a person, but a fierce and bloodthirsty alien.

  Seeing his subordinates looking at him one after another, Ross did not embarrass Pangolin who was unwilling to bow his head, but just waved his hand.

  ”Let him go by himself.”

  He didn’t like those civil servants who dragged his feet. Those people were simply a shame to the Willant people. But he had a good impression of this young man, even though he was a foreigner.

  Perhaps there was indeed a hidden secret that he didn’t understand, and he could more or less guess it with his sense of smell.

  But he didn’t care.

  He always obeyed his superiors, and his superior’s position was his position. Even if this was a dead end, he would go on with his head held high…

  The soldiers who arrived at the checkpoint with Ross quickly withdrew, leaving only the dozen sentinels on duty.

  The same was true in the country of Borneo.

  The centurion named Isher took everyone away, fearing that if they stayed here too long, they would accidentally shoot at the people of the legion.

  Looking at the direction where Mr. Pangolin was taken away, Margaret held her husband’s hand tightly and whispered in his ear.

  ”That man, and that girl… They saved all of us, I can’t just leave him alone.”

  Looking at the direction where the man left, Alman gently held her hand and said in a comforting tone.

  ”Dear, believe me, I will never leave him alone…”

  After returning, he joined the citizens of Xifan Port to petition the Governor’s Office and sent a joint telegram to Triumph City!

  He still didn’t believe it!

  No one could take care of such a big thing!

  ”… Let alone the dirty deeds of those guys, Xifan Port is not a colony of the Southern Legion at all, and the court of the Southern Legion has no right to enforce the law here!”

  ”Even if there is a trial, it must be tried by the court of Triumph City!”


  Just as the rescued Willant survivors were indignant about the pangolin’s experience, the slums of Xifan Port were also indignant.

  However, the reason for their indignation was not because of the pangolin, but the ruthless suppression of the family association by the port authorities.

  That was undoubtedly suppression!

  For the gang members who came to the door to find trouble – those guys with rats tattooed on their arms, who were not good people at a glance, the patrolling soldiers just raised them high, and then gently put them down, and did not even use sticks to teach those villains a lesson.

  However, the soldiers gave warnings to these poor people who united to protect themselves with fierce eyes, as if protecting their own rights was something against the law of nature.

  As expected, Mr. Zaid had a sharp eye and hit the nail on the head. Those gang members and the Weilants were in the same group!

  Those gang members hated them because their family members who did not charge gang fees and taught people to read for free would destroy the market!

  And those Weilants were afraid of their unity, so they joined hands with those gangs, tripped them up, said they were spies of the alliance, and then suppressed them severely.

  In fact, if you think about it calmly, there are actually many loopholes in this seemingly logical and self-consistent statement.

  For example, the simplest way is to compare the dinars that fall into your pocket.

  The wages received by each gang from the dock are different, and the management standards, commissions and benefits are also different. It is difficult to compare directly, but it generally conforms to the law that “the number of people is proportional to the premium”.

  The more people there are in the labor agency, the more confidence they have in negotiating with the employer.

  There is no such thing as a gang with more people, just because it is more united, it gets less premium.

  There were some smart people who saw some clues, but most of them tacitly became green family members, or even higher-level family members – that is, those who were responsible for giving lectures.

  The family association was still in its early stages of entrepreneurship, and there were a large number of vacancies waiting for them. As long as you use your brain a little, you can become a “district agent”, which is much better than carrying sacks at the dock.

  When most people were still staring at the salary, these smart people were already on the second level.

  Not only would they not expose those lame tricks, but they would help Zayd improve his theory.

  For example –

  the bad and oily Willant people had no bottom line and joined other gangs to suppress the family association.

  In this way, the boring question of “Why is the dinar paid less than others when it is obviously the same job” can be self-consistent. This

  is also where Zayd’s brilliance lies.

  Although he is not a great expert and has even been “scorned” by many capable people, he does see through the survivors of the Borneo Province.

  The smart people here like to do one thing the most, that is, to treat others as fools and then pretend to be confused themselves. Little did he know that he kept fooling around until he even believed it himself. When he woke up, it was too late…

  Sitting in the shack, Eugene bandaged the injured laborer and saw Zayd standing at the door.

  The look in his eyes seemed to be looking for him.

  He put the bandage back into the medical box and followed Zayd out the door, standing in the moonlit alley.

  After walking with Zayd for a while, he stopped and broke the silence between the two.

  ”Sometimes I don’t understand what you want to do and why you do those things.”

  Zayd sighed softly.

  ”I don’t really think that much. I just want those poor people to have a home.”

  Eugene laughed.

  ”You have many family members, but you are the one I don’t understand the most.”


  ”I don’t know how to describe it,” Eugene sat on the steps nearby and sighed, “I just think… maybe you should change your approach. We are not in a hurry for you to produce any results immediately. Even if you cooperate with a guy like Lister, I think it’s good.”

  Zaid was silent for a while, walked to sit next to him, and said in a very light voice.

  ”Mr. Lister looks down on us. He is actually a very arrogant person in his bones, unlike people like you who are willing to bend down to help us and guide us. When he judged that our risks were far greater than the rewards he could bring, he didn’t even bother to listen to my explanation and turned me away.”

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”Only you, your door is always open to me, even if I am as humble as dust. You will not give up on me, but are willing to give me the opportunity to introduce myself again and again.”

  Eugene curled his lips in self-mockery.

  ”It’s not like Lister would do to give someone a cold shoulder. But you don’t have to flatter me… His achievements are obvious to all in the alliance. I don’t deserve to be compared with such a big man.”

  ”You are too self-deprecating,” Zayd shook his head. “When we succeed, I will build a statue for you, and hundreds of millions of people will thank you for helping us.”

  Eugene was stunned and said with a smile.

  ”That’s not necessary…”

  As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of light flashed in the darkness not far away.

  When he looked closely, he saw the flames wrapped in billowing smoke rising into the sky.

  There were faint shouts in the distance.


  ”Quick! Put out the fire!”

  Looking at what happened suddenly, Eugene was stunned, and then his face changed wildly, and he stood up suddenly from the ground.

  That was the registration office of the family association!

  It was also the place where he had bandaged the injured workers before!

  ”Damn it!”

  He cursed and ran back in the direction he came from without saying a word.

  Looking at the rising flames and Eugene who rushed over to put out the fire, Zayd was also stunned for a moment, but in the end he just chuckled and shook his head, talking to himself.

  ”These rats really don’t leave grudges overnight. They can’t even wait for one night… Hehe.”

  The people of the Black Rat Gang will definitely not swallow this breath after suffering a loss, and will definitely find a way to retaliate. The

  reason why this gang can’t make a difference is that they are always dominated by their limbs and their brains, and their thoughts are dominated by emotions.

  If the previous beating only made the neighbors in a few streets sympathize with them, then this fire should be enough for them to become the “stars” of Xifan Port.

  The Legion will definitely end.

  And they will definitely punish all the restless people with iron-blooded means before the war that swept the entire Borneo Province!

  Those people are not judges who make judgments. Their style of doing things has always been to kill one person to warn the hundred. Not only do they not take their families seriously, but the entire gang in Xifan Port is like an ant in front of them.

  It is rumored that Gu Liong is even more brutal by nature and will do anything to achieve his goals, and this is exactly what he wants.

  He will take this already written letter of surrender to a broader stage.

  Zaid patted the dust on his trouser legs, stood up from the stone steps, and walked in the opposite direction of Mr. Eugene.

  ”Sava, it’s time to set off!”

  Although he felt a little sorry for the survivors of Xifan Port, everything was for the future of Borneo Province…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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