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Chapter 845: The Pangolin Wrongfully Imprisoned

Chapter 845: The Pangolin Wrongfully Imprisoned


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 845 The Pangolin Wrongfully Imprisoned

  ”Go in, this will be your new home from now on.”

  The prison in Xifan Port.

  This granite fortress is probably one of the few buildings in the port area of ​​Xifan Port that has not been baptized by artillery fire.

  And the floor where he is located is located in the deepest underground of the prison – the place where serious criminals are imprisoned.

  Listening to the sarcasm of the jailer behind him, the battlefield atmosphere group was too lazy to pay attention to this little shrimp and walked in calmly.

  He looked left and right, and there was even a bit of novelty in his eyes.

  This cell is simple and simple, and it is really simple. There is only a toilet and a bed, and the toilet is right next to the bed. When eating, you may have to put the bowl on the toilet lid.

  The walls on all four sides are pitch black, and there is not even a window for ventilation. The few exhaust vents are also on the ceiling outside the fence.

  This guy is trying to stink himself to death…

  The battlefield guy couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

  But fortunately, this room is a single room, so he doesn’t have to squeeze with other prisoners. I guess the person who ordered me to be locked up was not too sure about me being too close to other people.

  Just as the Battlefield Atmosphere Team was carefully looking at their future new home, the fence door behind them slammed shut with a clang, and then there was the sound of the iron door on the floor closing.

  ”MMP, it’s okay to be in jail in the game… Is the experience of being in jail so real?”

  This guy must have done a field trip.

  The Battlefield Man sighed and sat on the bed.

  As a five-good youth, he had never been to a detention center, but he didn’t expect to have the opportunity to experience it in the game.

  To be honest, this experience is quite novel.

  It’s just a little boring.

  Just as he was thinking about playing a few games offline, there was a burst of footsteps outside the lonely cell.

  The cell door, which had just been closed for a while, was suddenly pushed open with a “creak”.

  Hearing the movement, the Battlefield Man immediately became energetic, got up and walked to the fence door to look out.

  A Weilant soldier with a gun on his back walked in with a group of people.

  He roughly counted and found that there were about 40 or 50 people locked up.

  The Warlord was a little confused and was confused by the Weilant’s operation.

  What the hell is he trying to do?

  The Weilant soldier said coldly, driving the last person into the prison with the butt of his gun.

  ”The cells upstairs are full, you just stay here.”

  After throwing down this sentence, the Weilant slammed the door shut, seemingly not worried at all that these prisoners standing in the corridor would cause trouble.


  do they want these people to make some noise?

  The Warlord was secretly alert.

  Observing the group of prisoners standing in the prison at a loss, he searched the crowd for a while and finally picked a young man who looked the most honest. He

  caught the man’s attention with his eyes, waved at him, motioned him to walk to the fence door, looked at him and asked curiously.

  ”Who are you?”

  The honest young man immediately replied


  The warlord was confused.

  ”Family? What?”

  Seeing the confused look on the face of the prisoner in front of him, the young man explained patiently.

  ”We are the family club, an organization established by the family members that belongs to the family members… the few over there are from the Black Rat Gang.”

  As he said that, he pointed to the dozen people in the corner of the corridor.

  The warlord looked in the direction of his index finger, and saw a few guys with Mickey Mouse tattoos on their arms standing in the corner of the crowd. Their ferocious appearance did not look like good guys at first glance.

  ”Then… how did you get in?”

  Speaking of the reason for coming in, the young man stared at the dozen strong men in the corner of the crowd with an angry face, and said in a low voice.

  ”It was the people from the Black Rat Gang who started it first. They set our house on fire with Molotov cocktails! We grabbed our weapons and fought back… and finally we were wiped out by the Willant people.”

  The warlord was a little confused.

  ”Then… why did they set fire to you?”

  The young man said without hesitation.

  ”They are afraid of our unity!”

  Zhandi Lao: “…”

  Although the conversation was irrelevant, he still roughly figured out the whole story.

  After all this time, it was a gang fight.

  Those big noses didn’t care about anything. They probably surrounded the whole street as soon as they saw the fire, and arrested everyone.

  Although the young man was still indignantly saying that they were the first to start the fight, Zhandi Lao was no longer interested in the details. Instead, he became interested in this family.

  They are not like a simple gang. Ordinary gangs will not organize students to attend classes. And they not only take classes, but also “deconstruct” the production and labor relations of society, which has never happened in other places in the Borneo Province.

  For example, according to the young man, the work of the family is given by the family, and the family is raised by the family, so they don’t owe anyone anything. Instead, those docks and Willant people have robbed their blood and sweat.

  For example, production is an honor, and raising is a gift, etc.

  The “division of labor and cooperation” that was originally the cornerstone of human society was repackaged into something else in a religious way. For this purpose, they also invented some special terms, but did not give specific units of measurement and calculation methods.

  For example, how to calculate gifts and honors, how many honors are worthy of how many gifts, and how to weigh things that cannot be quantified and counted on the scale, these specific questions were confused by abstract concepts.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that Zayd answered these questions in a class, but the young man forgot them because he was not good at learning.

  However, this is not the key point. The iron barrel rifle is also a rifle. After all, the theoretical weapon is available. Moreover, they not only compiled scriptures, but also designed some more realistic tools for themselves.

  For example, the six levels with colors, such as the promotion system, etc. These things are similar to the contribution levels of players.

  But the battlefield guy just doesn’t like it.

  This green garbage, purple god clothes, golden legends… Why do they look so much like they were copied from a real RPG online game?

  Who knows which bastard is playing “off-site” again, and passing the real things to the NPC.

  The young man was still talking non-stop, and he became more and more excited.

  ”…Zayed also told us that as long as everyone in the wasteland is a family, the wasteland era will naturally end. Things were originally very simple, but the people outside the province of Boro are too greedy.”

  The warlord had a headache after listening to it, and pressed his index finger on his forehead, trying to sort out the confusing logic.

  ”I admit that some of what you said is right. We also think that the wastelanders outside are too greedy and always want more… Ahem, I mean people other than the Willant people. So are you all ready to save the wasteland?”

  What a close call!

  The undercover identity was almost exposed!

  Fortunately, the young man didn’t hear any clues, or didn’t realize that the guy in front of him was actually an “honorary Willant” at all, and just continued proudly.

  ”It’s a matter of time. We will eventually save everyone in the wasteland.”

  Battlefield Man: “…”

  If he understood the version correctly, this version should be “Players who have ended their own wasteland will save the survivors in other parts of the wasteland”.

  Borneo Province is the wasteland with the most people and the largest area in the Central Continent. He wanted to persuade this guy to save himself first and not cause trouble to others.

  ”That family will… understand?”

  Battlefield Man said with a wry smile.

  ”I’ll forget it… I’m not smart, I guess I’ll hold you back.”

  The young man showed a regretful expression on his face, and it looked like he felt sorry for him.

  However, although Battlefield Man didn’t listen to his words at all, the guys from the Black Rat Gang did.

  Not only that, they were all attracted by the young man’s generous speech, and their eyes became brighter and brighter as they listened.


  ”You guys have a great idea!”

  ”Damn it! I’ve long felt that the Black Rat Gang has no future. They say they’re good to us, but they all want to make money from me… I might as well just hang out with you guys.”

  ”Count me in!”

  Most of the gangs in Xifan Port emerged after the tragedy, and it’s only been more than a month, so naturally the members of most gangs don’t have much loyalty.

  And tonight’s incident was so big, the fire almost set half of the slums on fire, and I don’t know how many people died.

  When tomorrow morning comes, the Willant people will definitely settle accounts with them. Jumping off the ship at this time is also to avoid punishment…

  At least that’s what the minions think.

  In their opinion, their own Black Rat Gang is definitely finished!

  The young man from the family club accepted everyone who came, and even forgot the previous hatred, and said with a hearty smile.

  ”No problem! We are all family members from now on! I will take you to register after we get out!”

  A pair of eyes became hot, just like candlelight in the dark, lighting up a ray of hope.

  The battlefield guy was about to sneer, “Tall ass, isn’t it just a legend? If you change the map, even children will know it’s a scam”, but he happened to see the hot eyes of the gang members.

  They were really moved.

  Looking at the people gathered in a circle to listen to the class, the battlefield guy squatting in the prison fell silent.


  He was careless…


  Later, when the battlefield guy was listening to the class, he learned that the young man who gave the lecture was called A Ming, just an ordinary family member without color.

  In other words, “white board equipment”.

  But according to their rules, after tonight, it should be no problem to get a green family member.

  If I can get out alive…

  Listening to the young man’s endless lecture, the battlefield guy couldn’t help dozing off and was ready to log off.

  Several young men stared at him, or rather at the toilet next to his bed.

  This thing was a novelty to them, after all, it was not in other cells.

  ”Brother, how did you get locked up?”

  ”Why are you in a single cell?”

  ”That’s right, why do you have a separate cell, and we are all in the corridor?”

  The warlord raised his eyelids, looked at the young people gathered in front of the fence, and said with a chuckle.

  ”Me? I have committed a much bigger crime than you.”

  The young people looked at each other and looked at him with regret.

  ”What a pity.”

  Seeing that they were concerned about him again, the warlord smiled and shook his head.

  ”You should take care of yourself more and find a way to survive tomorrow.”

  After saying that, he closed his eyes, stopped listening to the chatter outside the fence, and “slept” against the corner of the wall.

  There was no conversation that night.

  The warlord went offline to play the League for a while, enjoying the extreme foul mouth for a while, and when he went online, he found that the group of people in the corridor had been taken away, leaving only a pile of feces and urine.

  The Weilants didn’t prepare a cell or a bucket for them, so they just solved the problem on the spot.

  The stench that reached the sky made him frown, and he instantly understood the sinister intentions of these big-nosed people.

  Good guy!

  They can’t beat him, so they use this kind of dirty trick to disgust him, right?

  The Warlord pinched his nose with a sad face, and his stereotype of the Weilants in his heart became more serious.

  Just at this time, the sound of chains and footsteps came from outside the prison door.

  As the iron door opened, Penny, carrying a lunch box, squeezed in through the crack of the door.

  When he saw Penny, the Warlord was obviously stunned. He didn’t expect that this girl would come to visit him.

  And he was not the only one who was stunned. After seeing the mess in the prison, Penny’s face turned pale instantly. I don’t know if she was angry or fumigate.

  ”They… actually locked you up in such a place!”

  Where is the glory of the Weilants!

  This group of shameless guys!

  The Warlord made a helpless expression, but he was open-minded.

  ”It wasn’t like this at the beginning, but last night they suddenly brought a group of people in. I thought at the time that it must be something bad, and it turned out to be just as I expected… Fortunately, I fell asleep when they took off their pants, otherwise the scene would have been quite shocking to the eyes.”

  With the food those poor people eat, it is difficult to poop so heartily.

  The Weylanders probably brought them food, and maybe mixed something in the food.

  But he had no evidence, so he could only bear with it.

  Looking at Penny who was quietly walking across the filth, the Warlord paused and continued.

  ”…Why are you here?”

  Penny whispered.

  ”I came to bring you food…I was afraid you were hungry.” It

  ’s okay to bring food…

  It should be noon outside now, and the Warlord did feel a little hungry.

  But smelling the overwhelming smell, he didn’t have any appetite at all.

  Penny was silent for a while, biting her lip and said, probably because she saw the difficulty on his face.

  ”…I’ll go find my uncle and ask him to change your cell!”

  The Warlord sighed and said.

  ”Don’t embarrass your uncle. This is not his job. It’s that Gurion who arrested me.”

  ”Then I’ll go find that Gurion!” Penny said with gritted teeth.

  ”Are you crazy?” Glancing at this stubborn girl, the Battlefield guy couldn’t help but complain, “That guy’s rank is higher than your father’s. What’s the point of looking for him? If you ask me, you shouldn’t stay in this port. Listen to my advice and find a ship to go home quickly. Maybe there will be a way after returning to Triumph City.”

  ”I won’t go anywhere until I make sure you are safe!” Penny stared at him intently.

  After a moment, her tone suddenly softened and she continued softly.

  ”Don’t worry about me. I know you are doing this for my own good, but staying here is not just my willfulness, but also my father’s intention.”

  The Battlefield guy was stunned for a moment.

  ”Your father? Mr. Benoit?”

  Looking at the surprised look of Pangolin, Penny nodded seriously.

  ”That’s right, the Civilian Group will not give up on you. His friends in Triumph City have already started to work. They will do their best to extradite you to Triumph City.”

  Hearing this, the expression on the Battlefield guy’s face gradually changed from surprise to disbelief.

  That Benoit would actually protect him?


  This is unscientific!

  ”…There is no ship going back to the whole port. The Southern Legion has sealed the port.” When she said this, Penny’s cheeks flushed a little embarrassedly, “So don’t urge me to go back. Just let me send you food for a while.”

  ”Wait, the port is sealed?” The Warlord was stunned for a moment and asked anxiously, “What happened outside?”

  Penny shook his head.

  ”I don’t know the details. I heard that someone set a fire last night. It seems to be a fight between gangs? Anyway, there is a severe crackdown outside now. I heard that many people were shot.”


  Fire again.

  The Warlord couldn’t help but wonder if there was something wrong with the Feng Shui of Xifan Port. The five elements lacked fire.

  The only difference from the last fire was that this time it didn’t make a big fuss. No one organized the troublemakers, and no king was burned.

  Since even the legion has defined this as a gang fight, this fire might really be an accident.

  Thinking of those young men with light in their eyes just now, the Warlord couldn’t help but smack his lips and silently recited a few sins in his heart.

  I hope those guys are okay.

  Although their brains are not very good, they are not bad people.

  However, it is precisely such people who are most likely to believe everything they hear and are most likely to be taken advantage of.

  ”…I always feel that Xifan Port will not be peaceful. If you can leave here, it is better to leave as soon as possible.”

  Looking at the pangolin who was still worried about her safety, Penny’s cheeks became redder.

  Speaking of which, it was the same before.

  This guy was obviously doing the most dangerous thing, but he always didn’t take his own safety to heart, but cared about her, an outsider.

  ”Don’t worry, I will take good care of myself… Eat it while it’s hot, don’t let it get cold.”

  As she said, she handed the lunch box in her hand out, but it happened to be stuck by the fence of the fence gate.

  Penny’s expression was a little embarrassed. She wanted to turn the lunch box over, but she was worried that the contents would spill out, so she tried back and forth for a long time, but couldn’t get it in.

  The two stared at each other for a long time, and finally Penny blushed and whispered.

  ”How about… I feed you?”

  Looking at that suddenly shy face, the Battlefield man’s Adam’s apple moved unconsciously.

  He suddenly felt that the air around him was not so sour and smelly.

  ”Um… thank you.”

  ”No, you’re welcome…”

  Penny, blushing, hurriedly opened the lunch box, and the spoon almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the Battlefield man quickly caught it.

  When he returned the spoon to her, Penny suddenly realized that this guy could actually eat by himself through the fence.

  However, both of them tacitly kept silent.

  The meal took a full hour.

  Looking at the clean bowl and the pretty face that was red and almost dripping with blood, the Battlefield Atmosphere Group felt that they were full in all senses…


  I don’t know if it was because of the face of the Triumph Newspaper or Penny’s father.

  The next day after eating that meal, the Battlefield man suddenly found that the Willant soldiers had given in and sent a rat cleaner to clean up all the feces in the aisle.

  Although the smell in the cell was still strong, it was much better than before.

  In this way, another week passed unknowingly.

  These days, Penny has been delivering meals to him and bringing news from outside from time to time.

  On the one hand, the crackdown in Xifan Port is still going on.

  However, I don’t know if it is because of someone behind the scenes, the “AOE-style” crackdown on various gangs has turned into a one-sided group fight specifically targeting the Family Association.

  This matter is actually a bit strange.

  Logically speaking, the Family Association is a victim after all, and it is understandable that they are all beaten with 50 boards, but it is confusing that they are beaten with all boards.

  Even if the slave owner is too lazy to reason with the slaves, he will not go against the grain, right?

  With the idea of ​​breaking the casserole to get to the bottom of it, he sorted out the questions in his mind and posted them on the forum. After a lot of analysis by his brothers, he finally solved the confusion.

  According to the comments of a brother who seemed to know a lot, the crackdown was probably not deployed by General Gullion himself. It was probably just like pouring sewage into his cell. It was probably the idea of ​​the subordinates themselves.

  If it was the people below who came up with the idea, then the way to deal with the problem would be much more flexible.

  Maybe other gangs had bribed the higher-ups,

  and the family club that didn’t charge gang fees had no money to bribe them, so they were singled out as an example. Maybe other gangs were easier to manage, while the family club was large and difficult to manage, and it was a hidden danger to keep it, so it was simply dragged out to be slaughtered.

  It is even possible that there are people in the alliance in the family club. After all, the name of this gang is very funny, and it sounds like a player made it up.

  These reasons are all possible, and there is a high probability that it is not just one reason, but a combination of many reasons.

  The final result of this farce is that the family club, which was ostracized by various gangs, was then butchered by the legion.

  It’s just a pity for those innocent people. They didn’t make any mistakes, but they had to bear the worst consequences…

  On the other hand, the severe crackdown in Xifan Port did not affect the Willant people living in the port.

  Although the top leaders of the legion have always not taken the lives of their compatriots seriously, there is an essential difference between this and the Xilan Empire, which treats its own people as animals.

  Honorable Weilants are protected by law and enjoy the highest civil rights according to law, even “honorary Weilants” like Pangolin.

  This is why others say that he can be executed, but he can still wait for the trial in prison.

  According to Penny, the local Weilants, led by a businessman named Yarman, established the West Sail Port Citizens’ Self-Government Association, and put pressure on the Southern Legion in the name of the Self-Government Association, asking them to exercise restraint, not to take the initiative to provoke war, and to release themselves unconditionally.

  Behind this, of course, there is the support and even instigation of the Triumph City Civilian Group.

  However, their sincere heart of not abandoning or giving up is also very real.

  When hearing Penny talk about this, although the battlefield guy didn’t say too many words of thanks, he was still very moved.

  Those survivors are grateful.

  They did not forget themselves who had saved them, even though they had not done as much as others, even though they had only saved more than 200 people… It

  was also thanks to this united power that the Southern Legion had not made things difficult for him recently, at least they had not done such stupid things as “bringing a group of people in to urinate and defecate everywhere”.

  The days passed one by one, and in the blink of an eye it was March.

  The Borneo Province officially entered the rainy season. Xifan Port had several rains a day, and there was even a typhoon passing through, blowing the shacks on the street to the ground.

  The crackdown outside seemed to have finally ended.

  After waving the whip, the Southern Legion took out candy from its pocket and began to spend money to mobilize those grassroots organizations, including the gangs that controlled the docks, to repair the damaged houses and clean up the streets buried by garbage.

  This was not because they were so kind, but because the war was about to break out.

  They needed to ensure the smooth flow of traffic, the operation of factories, docks and various infrastructures, and ensure that the grassroots forces that maintained these infrastructures could be used by them.

  They didn’t mind spending a few more dinars for this, anyway, they would get more soon.

  Although it was stormy outside, it had no effect on the Warlord squatting in the dungeon. In

  this hellhole, not to mention the wind, even the sound of rain could not be heard. At most, it was a bit difficult to endure when the sewer backed up.

  However, these were actually small things and had no effect on his life.

  With Penny’s careful feeding day and night, Warlord even felt that he had gained weight, although the weight was not obvious.

  Now, in addition to waiting for dinner every day, he had another task of doing push-ups.

  One day in early March.

  As usual, Warlord was exercising on the bed. At this time, Penny, who was carrying a lunch box, suddenly opened the door of the cell and walked in from outside.

  She came earlier than usual today, and looked nervous, as if something big had happened.

  Warlord immediately jumped off the bed and looked at her and asked.

  ”What happened outside?”

  Penny said quickly.

  ”Gurion has arrived at Westsail Port! With him came people from the Southern Legion Military Court!”

  Hearing this, Warlord finally understood why she looked so nervous. She

  was worried about him.

  However, compared to Penny’s nervousness, he was not panicking at all, and even felt a sense of relief.

  After being locked up in jail for a whole month, his bones were almost moldy!

  The day of the trial has finally arrived!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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