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Chapter 847 Shooting Yourself in the Foot

Chapter 847 Shooting Yourself in the Foot


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 847 Shooting oneself in the foot

  After leaving McLen, Gurion walked out of the door quickly and caught up with the chief judge who had announced the adjournment earlier.

  Seeing the ferocious expression, the other four judges beside him quickened their pace and left.

  They could guess some of the reasons, but they didn’t want to get involved.

  After the four people walked away, Gurion stared at the chief judge’s eyes and squeezed out a sentence with gritted teeth.

  ”What do you mean!”

  The old man raised his cloudy pupils.

  Perhaps because of his old age, there was not much fear in his eyes. He just stared at Gurion for a few times, and then said in a slow and firm voice.

  ”General Gurion, I am just a colonial judge, not a soldier under your command. I have no reason to explain my job to you. If you are not satisfied with my ruling, you can complain to Triumph City and ask them to replace a more professional judge.”

  In the legion, the judiciary has a certain degree of independence. It does not belong to the officer system or the civil service system, but to the supervisory system of the “Royal Guards”.

  That is, they are directly responsible to the marshal.

  However, because the marshal and the guards do not interfere in the specific affairs of the legion, but only exercise supervision and use loyalty as an important assessment factor, the guards have not developed into a factional interest group.

  The reason for such a design is also related to the formation of the legion system.

  After all, the early legions were all soldiers and their families, and there were no other professionals. After the court completed the trial, it was basically handed over to the guards to arrest people, and the people arrested were all soldiers.

  This is the same as the guards of the alliance. In the early days, they were the gatekeepers of the base. Later, as more people came, they gradually developed into a police agency, divided into various departments, and split the guards out.

  However, although the legion’s guards did not develop into an interest group similar to the “Southern Legion” and the “Civilian Group”, everyone has their own interests.

  After all, not everyone is as glorious and loyal as the guards.

  In addition, with the expansion of the size of the legion, more and more settlements and colonies have been developed, and the “business scope” of the legion’s judicial system is no longer limited to the core settlements such as Triumph City. A large number of positions have been released with the expansion of territory.

  Some judges usually choose to “climb on” other interest groups for their personal careers, leaving Triumph City, where there are few avenues for advancement, to develop their careers in the colonies.

  The local legions do not have a monopoly on the judicial power in their own territories, so they are also happy to cooperate with the judges from Triumph City to achieve some exchange of interests.

  In a sense, this is one of the reasons why “decrees change once they leave Triumph City”. The

  most typical example is the bill on protecting the rights and interests of slaves.

  This bill has never been implemented outside Triumph City, and the farther away, the lower the efficiency of execution.

  It is the same now.

  Gu Liong promised him that as long as he listened to him, he would help him become the chief justice of all colonies in the entire Borneo Province.

  To be honest, this proposal is very tempting, even though the Southern Legion only controls half of Xifan Port at present.

  However, any transaction requires an equal exchange.

  Compared with the title of a chief justice, the price he has to pay for this is too expensive.

  Looking at this chief judge who turned his face and didn’t recognize him, Gu Liong’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  ”That’s not what you said before.”

  The chief judge also responded unceremoniously.

  ”You didn’t say before that there was so much behind this case!”

  Gullion’s expression froze.

  Seeing that he couldn’t speak, the chief judge knew that he had guessed it right again, so he laughed and said.

  ”General Gullion, I don’t care about the grudges between you internally or externally, and I don’t mind providing you with some small help in the judiciary.”

  ”But you want me to be a historical sinner for you, let my son laugh at me, let my wife look down on me, let my neighbors laugh at me, let me lose my career and everything for your conspiracy… I’m sorry, you don’t have that much face.”

  Gullion’s face turned red with anger, and he stared at the old man.

  However, the old man just nodded slightly, and then left from the corridor.

  At this time, an officer walked to General Gullion’s side and whispered in a low voice.

  ”General, the crown prince of Xilan Empire, Akbar, has arrived and is now in the military camp… Should we let him come here or let him wait there?”

  ”Don’t pay attention to him, leave him alone for two days.”

  Gu Liong stared at the judge’s back fiercely, cursed “old waste”, and then turned and walked away.


  On the other side, in the courtroom filled with cheers and applause, the officers and soldiers of the Southern Army had already left in a hurry, not wanting to stay here any longer.

  Although the officers, including Ross, had a firm enough position, it did not mean that they would not feel any shame in their hearts.

  And those enthusiastic citizens, after the boiling applause and cheers, walked forward, hugged the pangolin who walked down from the dock, and patted his shoulders enthusiastically.

  ”Good job! Brother!”

  ”Thank you for saving my wife and children.”

  ”I salute you! General! We need soldiers like you!”

  ”These bastards… did so many dirty things behind the scenes!”

  ”Don’t try to cover it up!”

  The Warlord responded to the enthusiasm of the people and calmed their emotions.

  ”Unfortunately, the evidence we have is too thin. We can’t convict a person or a group of people based on suspicion alone. But I promise you that I will not give up the appeal, and neither will I and the people behind me… Three thousand lives must be explained. Whether it is the arsonist, the instigator, or the person who handed over the torch, they will eventually be judged by justice!”

  Although he knew in his heart that what he said was more like a delicious cake, he also believed that as long as he did not give up the pursuit of the truth, the truth would surface one day.

  And justice would be meaningful.

  Passing through the crowded crowd, he saw Penny looking at him with tears in her eyes.

  Those were excited tears.

  He could even imagine how worried she was before.

  Didn’t let her wait too long.

  The warrior man squeezed out of the crowd, walked up to her and gave her a big hug.

  What she wanted to do was taken a step ahead.

  Penny suddenly felt a little embarrassed that her thoughts were seen through, and her cheeks involuntarily rose to two blushes.

  Especially when the eyes of the people around her were focused here, the blessings in their eyes made her speechless.


  she was a generous person after all, and soon raised her head and looked into those eyes.

  ”You told me before that my battlefield was in Triumph City. I have to correct you.”

  She stretched out her soft index finger and gently straightened his collar.

  The clear eyes were so firm that the battlefield atmosphere group who were looking at her couldn’t help but hold their breath.

  ”…This is our war.”

  ”Whether it’s Triumph City or Xifan Port, I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you.”

  ”Don’t think of leaving me alone, and don’t think of carrying all the troubles on your shoulders!”


  The noisy court finally dispersed, and people left the jury box with satisfaction. After everyone left, several local workers also came in carrying garbage bags and brooms.

  They waited for a long time and finally waited for this boring trial to end.

  To be honest, the people of Willant really have a lot of tricks, with both the court and the post office, which really opened their eyes to the world for them from the countryside.

  The only flaw is that these big-nosed people are not very smart and can’t do things in a flexible way.

  In their opinion, the judge is really amateurish and not majestic enough. He is far inferior to the nobles of Xilan, and even inferior to the decisiveness and domineering of a baron.

  The old man not only made the defendant stand to listen to the trial, but also allowed the defendant to whisper with others. How shameful!

  ”…The Willant people are good at fighting, but they are not very good at judging cases!”

  ”To be honest, it would be better for me to do it! No matter how nice you talk, I have said that I will sentence you, what else can you do to me?”

  ”You are too extreme, and your reasons cannot convince everyone! You still have to be more tactful, such as whipping him 20 times, pouring hot sand into his throat, and clamping his eyelids to wake him up for a few days, so that he can’t speak, and then let him speak. I guarantee that even if he has a huge injustice, he won’t be able to argue it out!”

  ”I’m extreme? I think you are extreme! Kill him if you want, what reason do you need! It’s just a head chop, why bother with so much trouble!”

  ”Oh, no matter what, I think this judge’s career is over.”

  ”More than career! If I were a Willant person, I would definitely not let him survive. If we don’t kill him as a warning to the rest, how can we control him in the future?”

  They talked in a very low voice, and they didn’t dare to let the Willant people outside hear it.

  After all, the Weilants would not let them be judges. Instead, they would probably drag them out and bury them.

  The old lion man sweeping the floor seemed to have received some education. He couldn’t bear to listen any more and finally couldn’t help but snorted twice.

  ”…It’s a pity that you are not. You are a Brahman. You can only imagine a Brahman master with a high nose bridge sitting on the top to announce the decree, and then secretly pouting at another even bigger master, and thinking that the whole wasteland is like this.”

  Not to mention how despicable those means are, the bottom line of each tribe is indeed different, and this is also determined by many reasons such as culture and nationality.

  The Weilants look down on the dog that wags its tail. A submissive person is looked down upon by others and cannot convince others. In the end, he can only be marginalized by the entire system.

  The rules of this gang of big noses are certainly evil, but it is indeed not easy to find a judge who is both respected and good at wagging his tail to please others.

  And what really made him sad was that the seemingly clever ideas his compatriots could come up with were the reason why the Borneans were treated so casually. It

  was not just the Willandes who did not treat them as human beings.

  Those high and mighty kings, those sweet-talking family members, and even themselves… who was not like this?

  Maybe he was too pessimistic.

  Having seen all those ups and downs, he always felt that neither Lassi nor Abusek could accomplish anything at his age.

  This zoo was more like a circus.

  The clowns who played animals needed a “lead dancer” who was good at dancing.

  He did not need to know too much about natural sciences, nor did he need to be an expert in a certain field.

  He only needed to have one skill, which was to choreograph a dance for the clowns in the circus.

  Only in this way could they live like human beings in their self-righteousness and muddle-headedness.

  However, it was hard to say whether that could be called hope.

  The sun would indeed rise as usual, but it was also common to say that day was night here.

  The loyal will die first, then the brave, and finally the cunning.

  When all the idealists leave the stage, the final battle will be between the hypocrites and the real villains.

  No matter who wins, it will be a disaster.

  Just two different disasters.

  He loves this land more than anyone else, and he hopes that he is wrong more than anyone else.

  After all, there is something missing here.

  Maybe it is a true hero who can turn the tide with the power of heaven and earth.

  Or civilization itself.

  But it is missing.

  The man who was stung blushed, but he couldn’t grasp the point. After a long time, he uttered a speechless rebuttal.

  ”I am a snake! What the hell are the Brahs?”

  The others also shouted.

  ”What the hell are you showing off? You think you are a noble!”

  ”Old immortal, why didn’t the ‘sky bandits’ kill your whole family!”

  ”If I were a Weylander, I would definitely bury you!”

  Boomerangs flew all over the sky.

  The old man shook his head, but he didn’t feel humiliated. He just felt pity. He took the broom and went to the corner…

  Not far away, a handsome boy about fifteen or sixteen years old walked in here, looking left and right nervously, as if he was looking for someone.

  There were two old men behind him, and they looked like his servants.

  The staff passing by soon noticed them, walked over here, and said impatiently.

  ”This is a sacred court. No outsiders are allowed to enter.”

  Seeing that someone was trying to drive him out, the boy’s face flushed, staring at the staff.

  ”My name is Akbar Xilan, I am the prince of the Xilan Empire… I am here to find General Gullion. I heard that he is here!”

  The staff was stunned for a moment, staring at the boy suspiciously, with obvious disbelief in his eyes.

  Just when he was about to ask him for his ID, there was a sound of fluttering.

  A group of low-caste servants holding brooms knelt on the ground in surprise, banging their heads on the ground.

  ”Your Highness?!”

  ”Greetings, Your Highness!”

  ”You… Aren’t you in the north?! Why are you here?!”

  Looking at the people kneeling, Akbar pretended to be humble and loved his people like his own children, and raised his hands in the air.

  ”Everyone, please don’t be polite. I’m here to discuss important matters with Xilan’s friends. Just continue to do your work and don’t neglect our friends.”

  The people kneeling on the ground stood up timidly.

  After saying that, the boy named Akbar looked at the staff member again, with a hint of obvious pride on his lips.

  ”Can you take me to see General Gullion now?”

  Facing the boastful eyes, the staff stared at him with a strange expression for a few seconds, and then nodded.

  ”Okay… wait for me here, I’ll go ask for you.”

  The empire has become such a ghost, he doesn’t know why this guy can still laugh, and he doesn’t understand what he is proud of.

  Maybe it’s because of his mentality.

  Looking at the staff who turned and left, Akbar said with a smile.

  ”Well, go!”


  On the other side, General Gu Liong was in the lounge of the court, reporting what happened in the court to the chief of staff of the Southern Legion.

  However, after listening to his report, the second most powerful person in the Southern Legion did not express anything, but just said calmly.

  ”I understand the basic situation, go and do your thing.”

  Seeing that this adult did not have any instructions, General Gu Liong asked anxiously.

  ”… Don’t you need me to do anything?”

  He always felt that it was not a good idea to let the pangolin go back alive, but it was not easy to get rid of that guy at the moment.

  The chief of staff smiled faintly.

  ”I think the centurion named Pangolin actually said something very interesting.”

  Gu Liong couldn’t figure out the meaning of the chief of staff for a while, so he asked cautiously.

  ”…Excuse me, which one?”

  the Chief of Staff said in a very light voice.

  ”What are you doing here?”

  The moment he heard this, Gullion was stunned for a few seconds, and then a drop of cold sweat ran down his forehead, and he lowered his head.

  ”I understand… I’m sorry, I took the initiative.”

  The top leaders didn’t want him to get involved in this matter.

  ”Use legal means to eliminate the envoys of the civil service group” was completely his own interpretation.

  Just like his subordinates took the initiative to pour sewage into the dungeon, it was redundant and stupid, and it would not have any positive effect on the situation, but might lose the big picture because of the small.

  It was also at this moment that he suddenly came back to his senses and completely understood the meaningful words that General McLennan said to him…

  As if satisfied with his repentance, a voice of approval came from the other end of the communication channel.

  ”You are a smart man. Commander Tyr and I are very optimistic about you, but being smart is not a good thing, especially your smartness may put us in a passive position.”

  ”A centurion can’t affect the overall situation, and you don’t have to worry about the affairs of Triumph City. Facing the criticism of the civil service group, we naturally have our own deployment. As for you, it is enough to complete the task assigned to you by Commander Tyr. We care more about your performance on the battlefield, not in unnecessary places.”

  General Gullion’s Adam’s apple moved, and he lowered his head and said respectfully.


  The communication was hung up.

  Gullion let out a long breath and threw the busy phone back on the table, unaware that his back was soaked with sweat.

  Think about it calmly, the life and death of a centurion really can’t affect anything.

  Even if he returned to Triumph City alive, what can he do?

  The civil service group in Triumph City is not dumb and deaf. If they really have some strong enough evidence, they will not have to wait until the pangolin returns to take it out.

  Just relying on a few mouths and a few specious doubts is not enough to constitute an accusation that the Southern Legion conspired for the Xifan Port Massacre. Even if Abusek personally stood up, it would be meaningless. The

  Southern Legion was very careful during the entire conspiracy. There were almost no clues that could point to the top, and the only doubts could be explained by accidents. This is why the civil service group did not bring charges against them.

  Insufficient accusations would constitute slander, which is a serious matter in the legion.

  As a result, I got excited and did such a stupid thing – I took the initiative to initiate this trial in the name of the Southern Legion without sufficient evidence.

  Now, the Southern Legion must provide additional evidence to prove the accusations of “three betrayals” they made.

  How did a hero who saved more than 200 survivors of the Willant people become a traitor in their mouths?

  What did he betray?

  What is the Southern Legion preparing?

  If the fuss gets out of hand, it might alarm the marshal…

  Things have come to this point, even if they want to withdraw the lawsuit, it’s too late.

  Once they withdraw the lawsuit, the civil servants in Triumph City will definitely not give up. They will definitely file a counter-suit immediately, send the Southern Legion to the defendant’s bench, and ask them to explain as the defendant… and by then, they will be even more passive than now.

  Gu Liong finally realized how stupid he had done something, which was even more stupid than assassinating the guy in prison… But it’s too late to say these things now.

  He shouldn’t have been so smart as to share the worries of those bigwigs.

  He couldn’t help but curse McLen, the insidious old fox for not reminding him earlier.

  Just when Gu Liong was anxious, there were suddenly several gentle knocks at the door of the lounge.

  He took a deep breath, restrained his anxious expression, and coughed towards the door.

  ”Come in.”

  The door opened, and his confidant came in.

  Walking to his desk, the officer reported in a serious voice.

  ”My lord, the prince of Xilan found the court from the military camp, and he seems to be determined to see you.”

  Gu Liong said impatiently, not in the mood to deal with that thing.

  ”I told him to leave him alone for two days and let him go.”

  ”Yes…” The officer was stunned for a moment, but still saluted and walked out the door neatly.

  However, just as he reached the door, Gurion suddenly called him again.


  The officer who stopped turned around and asked respectfully.

  ”Do you have any other instructions?”

  Gurion did not speak, but walked to the wall by himself, stared at the map hanging on the wall for a while, and suddenly spoke.

  ”Let him come in to see me.”

  Not understanding why his boss suddenly changed his mind, the officer did not ask more questions, but saluted respectfully.


  Without looking at his confidant, Gurion just stared at the map.

  He originally planned to implement the plan he stated at the combat meeting step by step, and nibble away at the land of the Borneo Province bit by bit through vassalage.

  However, it seems that his plan has to be brought forward now…

  Just when the crown prince of the empire finally met the empire’s “old friend” with trepidation, a war that determined the fate of the empire finally came to an end in the border of Mammoth State in the northeast corner of Borneo Province… My head

   is buzzing because of the renovation work upstairs, so I haven’t finished writing the second half, so I can only continue tomorrow…


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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