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Chapter 848 Accident

Chapter 848 Accident

2024-02-19 作者: 山前月古

  Chapter 848 Accident

  Guo Shasha saw Xu Xiuwen and Tang Weiwei coming back and immediately stood up to greet them.

  She soon noticed that the two of them were not holding cakes.

  The two had been out for so long, but they didn’t buy cakes.

  Although she didn’t care much about a cake.

  But this sense of gap made her feel a little bad.

  She asked knowingly: “Didn’t you buy a cake?”

  Tang Weiwei’s eyes flickered, “Sorry, Shasha.”

  Guo Shasha forced a smile and said: “It doesn’t matter, the dishes are just served, let’s eat hot pot.”

  So the three of them sat down and started eating hot pot.

  During this time, Xu Xiuwen didn’t say much.

  It was mainly Tang Weiwei and Guo Shasha who were talking.

  Occasionally, he would respond when asked.

  Seeing that all kinds of ingredients were about to be eaten.

  Two waiters suddenly walked towards their table.

  Guo Shasha had her back to the waiter, so she couldn’t see the cakes in the hands of the two.

  When the waiter came behind her.

  Xu Xiuwen cast a look at Tang Weiwei.

  Tang Weiwei understood instantly.

  She smiled and said to Guo Shasha, “Shasha, look behind you.”

  Guo Shasha turned her head and looked back in confusion.

  Then she saw the cake in the waiter’s hand.

  She was stunned for a moment, and at first she wondered if she was dazzled.

  It was not until the two put the cake on the table that Tang Weiwei urged her to make a wish and blow out the candles.

  Guo Shasha blinked and was sure that she was not dazzled.

  At this moment, she suddenly realized that the two had just gone out to buy a cake. They

  just didn’t say it on purpose to give her a surprise.

  Guo Shasha was in a complicated mood.

  She couldn’t help but glance at Xu Xiuwen opposite.

  Although the latter didn’t look at her.

  She still showed a bright smile.

  Under the gaze of several people, Guo Shasha began to make a wish and blow out the candles.

  After blowing out the candles, Guo Shasha stood up to cut the cake.

  She cut the first piece of cake and handed it to Xu Xiuwen.

  But no one thought there was anything wrong with doing so.

  The second piece was given to Tang Weiwei.

  Tang Weiwei said thank you.

  Guo Shasha was also going to share it with two waiters.

  The waiters smiled and waved their hands to refuse, and then walked away.

  Guo Shasha cut a piece of cake for herself.

  She sat down, picked up the fork and tasted it.

  The sweetness of the cream bloomed on the taste buds.

  Very sweet!

  Guo Shasha suddenly choked up and said, “Thank you.”

  Tang Weiwei was stunned for a moment.

  She could understand Guo Shasha’s feelings the best.

  This feeling of being cared for and concerned about can indeed make people’s emotions difficult to control.

  Tang Weiwei smiled faintly, “Shasha, happy birthday.”

  Xu Xiuwen also said, “Happy birthday.”

  Looking at Tang Weiwei with a sincere smile on her face, Guo Shasha suddenly felt a little sorry.

  After a simple birthday ceremony,

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at the time, stood up and said, “I’ll go to pay the bill.”

  Guo Shasha immediately stood up, “Senior, let me treat you to this meal.”

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at Guo Shasha and said calmly, “You are still a student, it’s best to save your living expenses. I’ll pay the bill.”

  Guo Shasha heard this and obeyed.

  So Xu Xiuwen went to the front desk to pay the bill.

  After paying the bill, the three of them came out of the hot pot restaurant and rushed to the train station.

  There are not many people at the CD train station at night.

  The three of them waited for the train in the waiting room.

  The last train to Jinling today was at 10:30 p.m.

  15 minutes before departure, the train station staff began to check tickets.

  Xu Xiuwen carried Tang Weiwei’s suitcase and walked to the ticket gate.

  Tang Weiwei followed him.

  After they walked a few steps, they suddenly found that Guo Shasha had not caught up.

  Turning around, they saw

  Guo Shasha still standing there, rummaging in her bag with both hands, as if looking for something.

  Tang Weiwei walked back and asked with concern: “Shasha, what’s wrong with you?”

  Guo Shasha looked up at Guo Shasha and said anxiously: “Sister Weiwei, my wallet is missing.”

  ”Wallet is missing?” Tang Weiwei was stunned.

  Guo Shasha said: “What should I do? My ticket, ID card, student card, water card, and my living expenses are all in my wallet…”

  ”Shasha, don’t worry, look for it again.”

  Guo Shasha flipped through the small bag she carried with her, and ran back to her seat to look for her wallet.

  Tang Weiwei also helped to look for it.

  But she still couldn’t find it.

  Guo Shasha slowly walked up to Xu Xiuwen and Tang Weiwei.

  She lowered her head and said in a lost voice: “Senior, Sister Weiwei, my wallet may be lost.”

  ”What should we do now?” Tang Weiwei was worried about Guo Shasha.

  Guo Shasha said: “It’s okay, I’ll go home and ask them for living expenses. Sister Weiwei, senior, you go first, don’t worry about me.”

  Xu Xiuwen watched quietly.

  He didn’t know if this was Guo Shasha’s trick.

  Seeing the girl’s nervous and anxious expression, it might not be.

  But when the ticket was about to be checked, the wallet was suddenly lost.

  What a coincidence.

  After hearing what Guo Shasha said, Tang Weiwei turned to look at Xu Xiuwen.

  Guo Shasha also looked over.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped thinking, glanced at Guo Shasha and said: “We go first, you go home first, it should be okay, right?”

  Guo Shasha shook her head, “It’s okay, senior, you can’t waste your time because of me.”

  After she finished speaking, she suddenly turned around.

  Although she had her back to Xu Xiuwen and Tang Weiwei,

  it was not difficult to guess

  from her movements
that she was wiping tears.

  Tang Weiwei had been a pitiful person since she was a child.

  But even after going through a lot, she did not become hard-hearted.

  On the contrary, her heart was softer than anyone else.

  Seeing Guo Shasha secretly wiping tears,

  her heart softened instantly.

  Xu Xiuwen was thinking about whether to just ignore Guo Shasha and leave by train first.

  At most, he could leave some money for Guo Shasha and let her take a taxi home.

  As a result,

  Tang Weiwei suddenly said, “Shasha, don’t cry first, we won’t abandon you.”

  After she finished speaking, she pulled the corner of Xu Xiuwen’s clothes from behind.

  After receiving Tang Weiwei’s reminder,

  Xu Xiuwen sighed. It seemed that he could not leave tonight.

  He said in a deep voice, “Okay, don’t cry. People who don’t know will think I am bullying you if they see it.”

  ”I’m sorry, senior…” Guo Shasha turned around and said with her head down.

  Xu Xiuwen did not answer, but said: “Is it possible that your wallet was left on the seat of the hot pot restaurant?”

  Hearing his words.

  Tang Weiwei’s eyes lit up instantly.

  Guo Shasha also stopped feeling sad and looked up at Xu Xiuwen.

  Guo Shasha wore a plain dress today.

  As the saying goes, if you want to look cute, you should wear mourning clothes

  . This plain dress also played a similar role.

  In addition, Guo Shasha was naturally gorgeous.

  At this moment, her eyes were wet, and she looked pitiful.

  Not to mention how pitiful she was.

  Xu Xiuwen also stopped doubting Guo Shasha.

  Maybe he really thought too much.

  Guo Shasha asked: “Senior, is what you said true?”

  ”I’m just guessing. We have to go back to find it to know.”

  Guo Shasha wiped her eyes with the back of her white hand and nodded: “I know, senior, I’ll go back now. Don’t worry about me, the ticket check has already started, you guys go quickly.”

  Hearing this, Tang Weiwei stepped forward and took Guo Shasha’s hand, saying: “Shasha, we won’t abandon you, I’ll go back with you.”

  ”But this will delay you…”

  Tang Weiwei looked at Xu Xiuwen, wanting him to make the decision.

  Xu Xiuwen said: “It’s okay, you can change the ticket. At worst, you can’t leave tonight and leave tomorrow morning.”

  Guo Shasha’s eyes instantly turned red.

  ”Senior, Sister Weiwei…”

  Tang Weiwei hugged Guo Shasha, patted the girl’s back and comforted her, “Okay, don’t cry, the wallet may still be found.”

  ”Yeah.” Guo Shasha nodded.

  So the three of them gave up the ticket check and went to the station, but left the train station and rushed to the restaurant where they had hot pot in the evening.

  This also means that Xu Xiuwen and Tang Weiwei gave up the opportunity to leave CD by train tonight.

  Because this is the last train today.

  Because they don’t know what time the hot pot restaurant closes.

  The three of them moved quickly.

  When they arrived at the hot pot restaurant, the boss was just about to close the door.

  Xu Xiuwen stepped forward to explain his purpose.

  After hearing this, the boss shook his head and said that he didn’t know what wallet.

  Tang Weiwei and Guo Shasha were very disappointed.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly said to the boss: “Boss, can you go to the seat we just sat in to look for it? It may have fallen under the chair.”

  The boss was a middle-aged man in his forties.

  He originally wanted to say that the waiter would clean up every day, and if there was a wallet on the ground, he would have found it long ago.

  But seeing that Tang Weiwei and Guo Shasha were both beautiful women.

  Especially Guo Shasha’s face was tearful, and she looked pitiful.

  The boss agreed.

  The three entered the hot pot restaurant and went straight to the original dining place.

  It is worth mentioning that

  the table they ate at that time was a square four-person table made of marble.

  It was matched with two 1.2-meter-long booth sofas.

  There was a gap of about 20 centimeters between the sofa and the ground.

  Because they were about to close, all the lights in the store were turned off.

  It was very dim at this time.

  Xu Xiuwen was just about to ask the boss if he could turn on the lights here to make it easier to find.

  Guo Shasha had already squatted down, bent down, and went to look for her wallet under the chair.

  The next second.

  Guo Shasha’s surprised voice rang out.

  ”Found it!”

  Guo Shasha pulled her hand back from under the sofa.

  She was holding a small lady’s wallet in her hand.

  Seeing this, the boss exclaimed, “Isn’t this place cleaned?”

  Guo Shasha waved the wallet in front of Xu Xiuwen and Tang Weiwei, and said with a smile: “Senior, Sister Weiwei, I found my wallet.”

  Tang Weiwei was happy for Guo Shasha.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t smile too much.

  The hot pot restaurant owner said apologetically: “I’m sorry, the auntie didn’t clean the house seriously enough, I will teach her a lesson later.”

  Guo Shasha turned to the boss and said: “It’s okay, boss, I accidentally lost my wallet, thank you for letting me come in to find it.”

  After a few polite words.

  The three left the hot pot restaurant.

  Standing on the street outside.

  Guo Shasha’s face was full of joy that her wallet was lost and found.

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at her and said, “You can’t leave tonight. Go to the station to change your ticket first, and then find a place to rest.”

  Guo Shasha’s smile faded, and she said softly, “Senior, Sister Weiwei, I’m so sorry that you missed the train.”

  ”It’s over, don’t keep talking about it, and no one will blame you.”

  ”Senior, I know.” Guo Shasha said, paused, and then said, “Senior, you can go to my house to rest tonight.”

  ”Your home? Is it convenient? Are your parents not at home?”

  Guo Shasha’s expression froze for a moment, and then returned to normal.

  ”My mother is at home, but it shouldn’t matter.”

  Xu Xiuwen saw that the girl was not sincere.

  He thought for a while and said, “Forget it, it’s too troublesome, let’s stay in a hotel tonight.”

  Then the three of them came to the station again to change their tickets.

  After changing the tickets, Xu Xiuwen said to Guo Shasha, “Okay, you go home, and we’ll meet here tomorrow morning.”

  Guo Shasha looked at Xu Xiuwen, hesitant to speak.

  ”What do you want to say?”

  ”Can I stay in the hotel with you?”

  Xu Xiuwen frowned slightly, “Why are you going to a hotel with us if you don’t go home?”

  Guo Shasha immediately thought of a reason, “I haven’t seen Sister Weiwei for a long time, I want to talk to Sister Weiwei.”

  Tang Weiwei was a little surprised when she heard this, but she smiled immediately.

  She also liked Guo Shasha, a polite girl.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Guo Shasha seriously.

  It seemed that he wanted to see through her mind.

  ”Weiwei, what do you think?”

  He threw the question to Tang Weiwei.

  Tang Weiwei heard this and said, “Xu Xiuwen, let Shasha stay with us.”

  Seeing that Tang Weiwei agreed, Xu Xiuwen didn’t say much.

  He turned and walked forward and began to look for a nearby hotel.

  Soon, Xu Xiuwen found a hotel of good quality nearby.

  The three of them came to the front desk to book a room.

  The front desk was a young lady in her twenties.

  Seeing Xu Xiuwen, a handsome guy, her eyes lit up immediately.

  But then she saw two beauties following Xu Xiuwen.

  She immediately understood something.

  Immediately, she cast a contemptuous look at Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen naturally didn’t notice it.

  The front desk asked him how many rooms he wanted as usual.

  Xu Xiuwen casually said one.

  Immediately, the front desk rolled his eyes again.

  Tang Weiwei and Guo Shasha were also stunned.

  How can three people sleep in one room?

  Xu Xiuwen also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

  He quickly changed his words, “I said the wrong thing. Arrange a single room for me and a double room for the two of them.”

  The front desk asked half-doubtfully: “Sir, are you sure you want to open two rooms?”


  The front desk showed a puzzled expression.

  Could it be that this man and the two women are not in that kind of relationship?

  Did she make a mistake?

  Thinking of this, the female receptionist at the front desk showed an embarrassed expression.

  Fortunately, the guest didn’t know what she was thinking.

  Soon two rooms were opened.

  Xu Xiuwen took the room card and led the two women to the elevator.

  Xu Xiuwen’s room was on the same floor as the two women’s, but not close to each other.

  After arriving at the room.

  Because it was late.

  Xu Xiuwen wanted to go to bed directly, but he smelled a little smell on his body.

  So he took off his clothes and prepared to take a hot bath.

  Unfortunately, he had no change of clothes.

  He could only wear what he was wearing for the time being and change clothes when he returned to Jinling.

  On the other side.

  After Tang Weiwei and Guo Shasha entered the room.

  The two started chatting.

  At first, they were just sharing their winter vacation experiences.

  Soon Guo Shasha asked a question that surprised Tang Weiwei.

  Guo Shasha asked: “Sister Weiwei, are you and the senior together?”

  Tang Weiwei was stunned when she heard this question.

  After a few seconds of silence, Tang Weiwei shook her head and said: “Xiao Youran is his girlfriend.”

  Guo Shasha was not fooled by Tang Weiwei’s words.

  The girl stared at Tang Weiwei’s eyes seriously and said: “Sister Weiwei, don’t lie to me.”

  ”Really not, you made a mistake.” Tang Weiwei was still unwilling to admit it.

  Guo Shasha said, “I know very well whether I am wrong or not. From the time we met in the afternoon till now, Xu Xiuwen has been asking you what you think about everything. And the senior came to pick you up in person, and you still say that you are not together?”

  Tang Weiwei defended, “Xu Xiuwen just happened to be on his way.”

  Guo Shasha opened her eyes wide and asked, “Sister Weiwei, do you think I am such a fool? The senior’s home is in Langya, and you are in Chongqing, so there is no way he is on his way. Are you worried that I will tell others about your relationship, so you refuse to admit it? Sister Weiwei, don’t worry, I will definitely keep it a secret and won’t tell anyone.”

  Tang Weiwei suddenly said, “Shasha, don’t guess. It’s getting late, I want to take a shower and rest.”

  After she said that, she turned around and moved the suitcase.

  Seeing that Tang Weiwei refused to answer directly and change the subject, Guo Shasha made a judgment in her heart.

  Xu Xiuwen had just finished taking a shower and hadn’t had time to blow dry his hair.

  There was a knock on the door.

  Xu Xiuwen casually took a bath towel and wrapped his body, then came out of the bathroom and came to open the door.

  He thought it might be the hotel staff knocking on the door.

  As a result, when the door opened,

  he saw Guo Shasha.

  Xu Xiuwen subconsciously asked, “Why are you here?”

  Guo Shasha did not answer his question immediately, but flashed to go to his room.

  Xu Xiuwen reacted quickly and immediately blocked them.

  Guo Shasha said coquettishly, “Senior, please let me in first.”

  The girl’s voice was very pleasant, coupled with a beautiful face.

  The charm effect was not bad.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment.

  Guo Shasha found a flaw, bent down and got into the room from under his arm.

  At this point, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t drive Guo Shasha away.

  He looked out the door and saw that there was no one in the corridor, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Then he turned around and closed the door.

  Xu Xiuwen walked behind Guo Shasha and asked, “It’s too late, you should go back and rest.”

  Guo Shasha turned around and faced Xu Xiuwen.

  She put her hands behind her back and leaned forward slightly.

  Xu Xiuwen inevitably saw the bulge in her sweater. He

  couldn’t help but sigh in his heart that Guo Shasha was really big.

  Xu Xiuwen took the initiative to step back.

  Guo Shasha asked, “Senior, were you taking a shower just now?”

  ”Yeah.” Xu Xiuwen responded indifferently.

  The girl’s thinking is very jumpy.

  ”Senior, your hair is still wet, let me help you blow it.”

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “What’s the matter?”

  Guo Shasha’s smile froze slightly, “Can’t I come to chat with you if I have nothing to do?”

  ”It doesn’t matter at other times, but it’s the middle of the night now, and it’s not appropriate for a man and a woman to stay in the same room. If others find out, it won’t be good for your reputation.”

  Guo Shasha immediately shook her head and said, “It doesn’t matter, I don’t

  care.” Xu Xiuwen thought to himself, you don’t care, but I do. If Weiwei knew you came to see me, I wouldn’t be able to explain it.

  Xu Xiuwen had no choice but to ask, “Does Weiwei know you came to see me?”

  Guo Shasha didn’t answer immediately this time, but looked at Xu Xiuwen with wide eyes.

  Xu Xiuwen felt a little scared.

  The girl suddenly smiled.

  ”Senior, don’t worry. Sister Weiwei went to take a shower, she doesn’t know I came to see you.”

  Xu Xiuwen secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

  But he immediately thought, what should he be nervous about.

  It was Guo Shasha who took the initiative to find him.

  He didn’t do anything to let Tang Weiwei down.

  Xu Xiuwen took a deep breath and said, “I know. You should go back quickly. Weiwei will not see you after taking a shower, so she may look for you everywhere.”

  Guo Shasha blinked and asked, “Senior, you seem to care about Weiwei.”

  ”What do you want to say?” Xu Xiuwen frowned and asked.

  Guo Shasha smiled and said, “Senior, you and Weiwei are not in love, are

  you?” Xu Xiuwen was shocked and immediately denied it, “What nonsense are you talking about? You know who my girlfriend is.”

  He didn’t know whether Guo Shasha would believe him, and he was still a little nervous.

  After seeing Xu Xiuwen’s expression, Guo Shasha immediately apologized, “I’m sorry, senior, maybe I made a mistake, please don’t be angry with me.”

  Xu Xiuwen was relieved when he heard it, “It’s okay, just don’t talk nonsense.”

  Guo Shasha hummed and said, “Senior, let me help you blow dry your hair. If you go to bed without drying your hair, you will get sick.”

  ”I’ll blow dry my hair later, you should go back quickly.” Xu Xiuwen urged again.

  The room was quiet for a second.

  Immediately, the girl said, “Okay then.”

  She was about to leave.

  At this moment.

  She slipped and fell forward.

  Before Xu Xiuwen could react, he felt a force hitting him.

  He lost his balance and fell backwards.

  Then there was a scene where Xu Xiuwen fell to the ground and Guo Shasha lay on him.

  The girl’s soft chest hit Xu Xiuwen’s chest.

  Neither of them felt any pain.

  But Guo Shasha cried out softly.

  Like a cat’s moan.

  ”Are you okay?” Xu Xiuwen immediately asked with concern.

  ”I’m fine, how about you?”

  She lowered her head while speaking.

  The warm air from her mouth fell on Xu Xiuwen’s face, making him feel itchy.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly realized that his hands were tightly hugging Guo Shasha’s slender waist.

  ”I’m fine, get up quickly.”

  Xu Xiuwen immediately let go of his hands, then turned his head to the side, forcing himself not to look at Guo Shasha.

  Guo Shasha seemed not to have heard it, and suddenly bit her lip, looking at Xu Xiuwen with a pitiful look.

  ”Senior, do you really hate me?”

  ”No. Get up first.” Xu Xiuwen pretended to be impatient.

  Guo Shasha said with a face full of grievance: “But you are so cold today. When I talk to you, you don’t respond. Is it because I sent you text messages during the winter vacation and you think I am too annoying, so you hate me?”

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself, can you get up first, it’s hard for me to answer you like this.

  He couldn’t just push the girl off him.

  Of course, it’s possible.

  But it’s too rude to do so.

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and looked at Guo Shasha again, explaining: “I’m too tired today and don’t want to talk. Don’t think too much.”

  Guo Shasha’s eyes lit up immediately.

  She asked in surprise, “Really? Senior, don’t you hate me?”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded with difficulty.

  At this time.

  He suddenly caught a glimpse of the girl’s collar.

  He immediately put his legs together, worried about making a fool of himself.

  At the same time, he urged: “Okay, Shasha, if you have anything to say, stand up first.”


  Guo Shasha realized later that their posture was too intimate.

  Her cheeks flushed and she was ready to stand up.

  When the two stood up again,

  Guo Shasha’s face was already full of shy blush.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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