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Chapter 848 The Loyal Will Die First

Chapter 848 The Loyal Will Die First


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 848 The loyal general will die first

  ”Rebels… Rebels… They are all damn rebels! Ahhhh!!!”

  On the border between Maryland and Mammoth, crooked trenches outlined a messy battlefield.

  Thunder rumbled in the rainstorm, extinguishing the slowly burning fireworks on the dry grass and covering the wailing of the wounded in the trenches.

  Standing outside the military tent on the front line, General Alaiyang lay on his back, pounding his chest with his right fist.

  It was hard to tell whether the sound was crying or laughing, but it was strangely similar to the captain of the imperial guards guarding the gate of the palace.

  Damn it…


  Alaiyang’s heart was filled with resentment.

  He had a knack for fighting and should have been able to show his skills on the battlefield, but he didn’t expect to end up like this.

  It was mid-March.

  Nearly two months had passed since the fall of Tiandu. In

  just two months, Tiandu had changed two owners, and Xilan had lost almost all of its territory.

  The same was true on the front line.

  After nearly half a year of fighting, the Gray Wolf Army was pushed back to the original state border.

  At the end of last year, they were able to fight back and forth with Lasi’s people, and even won several beautiful victories at the New Year with the tanks sent by the legion.

  However, those rebels seemed to be endless.

  They died in batches, and rushed up in waves, biting his Gray Wolves in the mud.

  Those guys became stronger and stronger. At first, they were just a group of scattered soldiers, but now they even use exoskeletons and airplanes.

  On his side, the Gray Wolf Army became more and more exhausted, and now even the logistics can’t keep up.

  Especially in the north of the Borneo Province, it has entered the rainy season.

  A sudden heavy rain made the logistics of the already trapped in the predicament even worse.

  The armored unit that served as the spearhead of the attack was stuck in the mud and had no time to retreat. Faced with the division and encirclement of the resistance army and the Mosquito attack aircraft whistling in the sky, they were forced to surrender as a whole.

  Now there are only 30,000 people left in the entire Grey Wolf Army. Not only do they lack ammunition, but they also lack food and clothing. They are extremely miserable.

  Because of the previous strategy of clearing the countryside, there are no villages within a hundred miles, and it is difficult to borrow some food from the locals.

  The people in the Grey Wolf Army are in turmoil.

  No one wants to continue fighting, and there is no point in continuing fighting…

  Xilan is dead.

  Although the signs of doomsday came slowly, the collapse of the building was faster than everyone expected.

  Just a few months ago, people comforted themselves that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, but in just a few months, the entire Borneo Province could not even find a few people who missed it.

  Including his most loyal subordinates.

  Hearing that Abusek was a wolf and his hometown, Langzhou, had been liberated, they even had the idea of ​​surrendering to Borneo.

  ”General… we can’t fight anymore, our logistics have been cut off.”

  Looking at the general standing in the rain and howling, the staff officer Gopal knelt on the ground, ignoring the rain that had swallowed into his throat, and looked up at him pleadingly.

  ”If we turn south now and take Mazhou… maybe we can save the last bit of luck for Xilan. When the Tiger Army goes north to take Mazhou, we won’t have any chance at all!”

  In fact, this is the worst option.

  The best option is to surrender to the Mammoth Kingdom, the middle option is to surrender to the Tiger Army, and the worst option is to surrender to the Bharat Kingdom.

  However, facing the stubborn Alayan, he couldn’t tell the real solution.

  Gopal now really believed it.

  This guy is a true loyal minister!

  They had countless opportunities to be independent, but he gave up without exception.

  There must be a page for him in the history books of the Bharat Province…

  But why…

  he is their general!

  Gopal was so anxious that he almost had a heart attack.

  ”Shut up!!!”

  Alayan suddenly shouted, interrupting the treasonous words.

  The roar was like thunder, and Gopal almost collapsed on the ground.

  His face was filled with hatred, and Alayyan wanted to chew the rain on his lips.

  ”Do you think I’m Laxi… that traitor? My name is Alayyan! I’m the military god of the empire!”

  Gopal looked at him desperately, his lips trembling.

  ”But the empire… the empire has…”

  The word “dead” was drowned in the rain.

  His heart was also full of resentment. It

  would be fine if they could fight a fair battle, but until now they have been defeated by their own people.

  It has been like this since the Golden Gallen Port.

  If Prince Dilip was not so stupid and trapped in the city and beaten dizzy by that Laxi, even if they had to suffer some losses at the hands of those unruly people, they would not be driven into the Yongliu River to swim.

  That was the shame of his life.

  It was also the shame of the entire Gray Wolf Army.

  Alayyan knew that his staff officer wanted to say something else, but he didn’t want to listen at all.

  After a while, he seemed to have figured something out, and suddenly sighed.

  ”You go.”

  ”I…” Gopal was stunned, not understanding what he meant.

  Alayan was silent for a while, and continued in a slow pace.

  ”Whether you go to the north or the south, I will not stop you. It is a little difficult for you to be a general with your talent, but it is not a problem to be a staff officer.”

  As he said this, he looked at the trenches in the distance, as if talking to Gopal, or to himself.

  ”You have followed me for so long, gambled all your wealth, just to win fame and return home in glory. But now this fame is gone, and many brothers are disabled and forced to rebel… It is unreasonable for me to keep you.”

  ”You take the rest of you and go.”

  It was quiet in the heavy rain, with only the sound of rain hitting the soil.

  Gopal widened his eyes, looked at his general’s back in disbelief, and was speechless for a while.

  He guessed what he was going to do, but he didn’t know how to stop him.

  At this moment, Alayyang shouted again.

  ”Get out!!”


  Gopal yelled at the top of his lungs, gritting his teeth as he climbed up from the muddy ground, moving his legs, looking back every step, and staggering towards the military camp.

  The rain blurred his vision.

  It also blurred Alayan.


  The rain was getting heavier.

  There were roars of wind and thunder everywhere, just like the end of the world two hundred years ago, as if it was going to engulf the whole world.

  I don’t know how long I stood in the rain.

  In a trance, Alayan’s sight passed through the rain curtain and saw many figures.

  Those people stood quietly outside the trenches, standing on the ruins of the village filled with rain and fog, just looking at him silently.

  Alayan widened his eyes, but those people disappeared again, until the rain blurred his vision again, and he saw them again.

  At this moment, he suddenly remembered who those people were.

  They were the wronged souls who died on the state border…

  They came to claim their lives.

  To him.

  And to the empire he protected.


  Alayan suddenly laughed.

  He looked up at the sky, laughed wildly for a long time, and suddenly pulled out the pistol from his waist.

  It turns out that there are really ghosts in this world…

  He used to think that they were just a joke.

  ”I curse you…”

  Alaiyang’s face was ferocious, he opened the safety and pressed his jaw.


  ”And all of you… all the traitors… you will not die well!”

  ”Even if you turn into a ghost, even if you can never be reincarnated… I will drag you into hell!”

  ”I’ll wait for you there! Wait for you to come down and accompany me! I want to fight you again with real swords and guns!!!”

  Thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

  As if it was revealed by the sky, Alaiyang let out a final roar, then suddenly pulled the trigger, writing the last stroke of “loyalty”.


  Fire flashed, and he fell to the ground.

  In the moment before his consciousness fell into the abyss, he vaguely remembered that a captain under his command seemed to have died in this way.

  At that time, he only felt regretful. That person didn’t have to die. But now thinking about it, it seems that he is the one who can’t see clearly.

  Long, long ago, his legs were already buried in the red soil, but he has not been buried yet.

  Perhaps, he should have died long ago…


  The heavy rain fell for five days and five nights, and it didn’t stop until the morning of the sixth day.

  However, this year’s Mammoth State is not like previous years. Although the Tasang River flooded for a while, it did not turn the entire southeastern part of the state into a swamp.

  Laxi is a person who pays back what he borrows.

  Although he blamed the dead man for the dyke explosion, he still cleaned up the mess.

  Since the implementation of the labor export policy, the Mammoth State authorities used cement purchased from Xifan Port to build a larger dam on the Tasang River with a generator, and planned a special flood storage area with reference to the opinions of the Alliance hydrogeological experts.

  The original river embankment belonged to the private property of the nobles, but now this river embankment will serve everyone in Mammoth State.

  In addition, the authorities also expanded the irrigation area from the land that originally belonged to the nobles to various villages for the resettlement of refugees through irrigation canals.

  Even though the elders of the Moon Clan Resistance Army did not like his style of doing things, they had to admit that this guy was indeed a capable person in a sense.

  He was using specific methods to solve specific problems…

  In the military camp.

  Captain Shawa of the assault team lifted the curtain and walked into the tent, looking at Laxi who was looking down at the map and reporting.

  ”The Grey Wolf Army has retreated.”

  Laxi was not surprised.

  If the rain had not lasted too long, the five divisions he deployed on the border might have surrounded the opposite side.

  ”Where are they going?”

  Shawa whispered.

  ”Going south…”

  Going south…

  Actually going south.

  Laxi was stunned for a long time, and suddenly felt melancholy in his heart. It seemed that this Alaiyang really hated him. Going

  south was the worst option.

  Whether it was joining the Tiger Army or taking Mazhou to establish itself, there was no future. It was even better to go west to the Kingdom of Borneo to gamble on Abusek’s mind and tolerance.

  Huzhou faces the sea on one side and has powerful neighbors on three sides, so there is no way to open up strategic space.

  The location there determines that no matter how powerful the local warlord is, he can only be a mountain king, and there is no room for two tigers on one mountain.

  If he were in Alaiyang’s position, he would definitely go north to join me, and only I would use him.

  After all, the Moon Clan Resistance Army is not a monolithic entity. Even from the perspective of checks and balances, it is beneficial for me to take him in.

  Looking at Laxi with a melancholy look in his eyes, Shawa continued in a deep voice.

  ”In addition, we caught a few deserters of the Gray Wolf Army on the border. According to them… their general is dead.”

  ”Dead?! Alaiyang?” Laxi looked at him in astonishment, took two steps forward and grabbed his shoulders, “How is it possible?! How did he die!”

  Looking at the anxious officer, Shawa smiled bitterly and shook his head and said.

  ”…I don’t know, I just heard that it was suicide.”

  Laxi let go of his shoulders, his eyes blank, and he stood there for a long time.

  After a moment, he finally came back to his soul and looked at his subordinates and said.

  ”Spread the word, Alayan died in the bombing, we won this battle.”

  ”That guy is not a good person, but he is a respectable opponent… lower the flag to half-mast.”

  Suicide is too shameful.

  That guy shouldn’t have ended like this.

  After all, he was his opponent who had fought for more than half a year, he wanted to save his face.

  Shava didn’t ask any more questions and nodded.



  ”…Extra! The Mosquito attack aircraft showed its power! The Imperial God of War died! The Gray Wolf Army was defeated!”

  ”Xilan is dead!”

  On the streets of Jinjialun Port, a newspaper boy with a backpack on his shoulder was shouting in the streets. When passers-by heard him, they took out four gallons of coins and bought a still warm newspaper from him.

  Looking at the news on the reprinted newspaper, people on the street were surprised and whispered to each other.

  ”Alaiyang is dead?!”

  ”He was bombed by a plane!”

  ”Damn, that guy should have died long ago!”

  ”I wonder if Wu Tuo will be angry to death and accompany him.”


  There was a lot of noisy ridicule on the street, and there was no one who wiped tears for the empire.

  And just a dozen kilometers away on the Yongliu River, a man who was bedridden threw the newspaper in his hand to the ground.

  ”Evil son!”

  Wu Tuo cursed, his eyes bulged like a goldfish, and suddenly he coughed.

  The eunuchs next to him were startled and rushed over. Some felt his pulse, and some held a towel to wipe his sweat, but they were pushed away by Wu Tuo.

  ”Get out!”

  The voice was like thunder, frightening all the eunuchs to kneel on the ground and retreat to the side on their knees.

  Hearing the voice in the “bedroom”, Prince Dilip walked in from outside and happened to see the newspaper on the ground.

  He subconsciously wanted to bend down to pick it up, but saw the headline of the newspaper and tactfully withdrew his hand.

  [Akbar Xilan arrived at Xifan Port! Met with Gu Liong, the three-star commander of the Southern Legion, to discuss the establishment of Xilan Royal Court in the three northern states. ]

  What a separate establishment.

  This is too lazy to act.

  Prince Dilip sighed in his heart and walked to Wu Tuo’s bed.

  ”Your Majesty… You should listen to the doctor’s advice, watch less news, and don’t hurt your body.”

  Since the last time he fainted, Wu Tuo’s health has been getting worse day by day, and now he can’t even get out of bed.

  Looking at Prince Dilip who was looking at him with concern, Wu Tuo suddenly grinned, supported the bed with his elbows, and sat up half of his body.

  ”Dilip… do you know why I didn’t take you to the west?”

  Is there any reason? Because the Heavenly King Army is in the west…

  Dilip didn’t know whether to laugh or cry in his heart, lamenting that His Majesty was really sick, but he lowered his head and dared not say it out loud.

  ”Your Majesty… please forgive my stupidity, I don’t know.”

  Wu Tuo’s face was flushed with a hint of rosy luster, and the corners of his mouth curled up a slight smile.

  ”We and the Legion are actually colonizers, but the objects of colonization are different… so we are natural allies. This is not determined by any geography, but something more essential.”

  ”However, it is precisely because we are all colonizers that we can only enjoy happiness together, but not share hardships… Once we are in trouble, they will bite us hard without hesitation.”

  Many things cannot be understood by those who are in the game, but can be seen clearly by those who are outside the game.

  He also figured out some things after leaving Tiandu.

  Those old nobles who cheered “Your Majesty is wise” did not really think he was wise.

  Those who stood on the shore and watched him really regarded him as a monkey.

  In the past, he lamented that there were only fools around him, and there were few useful people in the huge province of Bulao. It was not until he came to Jinjialun Port that he suddenly woke up from his dream.

  It was not that there were no useful people in Bulao Province, but those who had real abilities were unwilling to be used by him, and he was not tolerant of those people. Over time, there were only real fools and smart people pretending to be stupid around him.

  Maybe he should have died earlier.

  Wu Tuo sighed and suddenly felt sorry for those officials who suffered with him.

  They have suffered so much…

  ”Dilip, what I regret most now is sending Akbar to the north… At that time, I only thought that I should not put all my eggs in one basket and leave a trace of bloodline for the Xilan royal court, but I didn’t expect to harm all the survivors in the Bharat province.”

  ”That evil son still can’t see clearly… The Wilant people are wolves in human skin. But I can’t blame him, I taught him personally, and I myself couldn’t see clearly, and only realized it at the end.”

  Dilip raised his head hurriedly, but was frightened by the black forehead of Wutu.

  ”What are you talking about… Your Majesty, what do you mean by the end?! We still have three armies in our hands. As long as we let them meet at Jinjialun Port, it will be sooner or later that we can recover Xilan’s territory-”

  ”That’s it,” Wu Tuo waved his hand, coughed, squeezed a red wine color on his face, and smiled with his dry mouth, “I had a dream yesterday. Guess who I dreamed of? It was Alaiyang… Hehe, that guy knelt outside my door. I called him in to talk, but he got up and left.”

  A trace of sweat oozed from Dilip’s forehead.

  He did hear some rumors, but he didn’t expect that these rumors would reach your majesty’s ears so quickly.

  Who brought these news to your majesty? !

  Not only the entire empire, can’t they even control the people around them?

  Dilip was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat, but Wu Tuo didn’t think so, and sighed to himself.

  ”I feel sorry for him, and for the soldiers of the Grey Wolf Army… They are all loyal young men, and the most loyal young men in the entire empire. It is I who am incompetent, not them.”

  Dilip knelt on the ground, pressed his forehead tightly against the ground and begged.

  ”Your Majesty… Please stop talking, your body…”

  It is useless to say or do anything now. It is better to know nothing than to know too much. The most important thing is to survive.

  Now that the confused prince has gone to Xifan Port, if something happens to your majesty again, it will not be as simple as setting up a new royal court. The orthodoxy of the empire will really fall into the hands of the legion!

  However, Wu Tuo did not listen to his obstruction, but just said to himself.

  ”No! I have to say… My body can’t bear it anymore. I will not die in peace until I finish what I say…”

  While speaking, he coughed twice again, and this time he coughed out a trace of blood.

  The nearest eunuch saw the trace of blood, got up from the ground with a pale face, and hurriedly grabbed the pills from the tray on the bedside table.

  ”Your Majesty, take the medicine…”

  ”Get lost!”

  Wu Tuo roared, pushed him to the ground, and sat up as if he had regained his consciousness.

  ”I don’t want medicine!”

  He took this medicine every day, but he never felt better. Instead, his health got worse and worse.

  No matter how stupid he was, he had realized something. Someone wanted him dead.

  That person was not the Alliance.

  Nor was it Jingalon Port.

  It wasn’t even Laxi who hated him, and those warlords who pretended to obey him but actually disobeyed him.

  Wu Tuo stared at Dilip, who was kneeling on the ground in fear, with his bulging eyes, as if these things alone had exhausted all his strength.

  He stretched out his trembling index finger, pointed at his brother, and made the last sound with his dying body.

  ”I, the emperor of Xilan…”

  ”I want to pass the throne to…”

  However, it was pitiful that fate played a trick on people, or perhaps it was because it had done too much injustice.

  Wu Tuo, with his mouth open, almost said Dilip’s name, but swallowed his breath at the last moment.

  ”Your Majesty! Your Majesty!!! What are you all kneeling for? Get up and save people!”

  Looking at his brother lying on the bed, Dilip burst into tears, yelling hysterically, urging the eunuchs who hurriedly got up.

  He didn’t want to be an emperor.

  He just wanted Wu Tuo to wake up and carry this heavy burden again.

  There was a sound of crying in the room.

  The eunuchs who rushed to the bed hurriedly helped His Majesty up, stuffed the pills into his mouth, and fed him water, but found that he finally took his last breath.

  ”Your Majesty!”

  ”Wake up, Your Majesty!”


  The sad crying filled the whole room. Not only was Prince Dilip crying loudly, but almost everyone couldn’t help crying out loud and washing their faces with tears.

  Except for one person. She

  was a young palace maid.

  She was eighteen years old and had a beautiful face and figure, looking like a lotus in midsummer.

  She was born in a small noble family in Jinjialun Port. She lived a pampered life since childhood, just like the men and women described in “The Story After the Rain”.

  Later, Governor Nihak was imprisoned, and her family also declined. As the second daughter, she had to show her face to make a living and work in the theater in the port area.

  She was a person who went with the flow. She had seen the prosperity of the new era and didn’t miss the nobility of the old era that much.

  Having money is enough.

  As long as she has money, she can live better than before, and even be more like a noble than her old father who kneeled on the deck of the royal merchant ship and begged for food with tears and snot.

  It happened that two months ago, her uncle from afar found her and asked her to do something.

  Her uncle promised that he would give her a large sum of money after the task was completed, and it was more money than she could earn in her lifetime.

  She agreed without hesitation.

  With the help of her uncle, she followed the crew to perform on the ship, and then she was picked by Wu Tuo, who was entertaining guests, and was taken into the palace.

  Her job was simple, just replace the medicine prescribed by the doctor for Wu Tuo with sugar pills, and talk to him about the Golden Gallon Port from time to time.

  She didn’t need to praise him very directly, just make him realize how unsuccessful he was as an emperor.

  Walking outside the cabin, she took out the bottle of sugar pills from her sleeve, poured all the pills into the river, and watched them return to nothingness in the ups and downs of the river.

  She didn’t care whether it was a sugar pill or poison, these things were no longer important.

  The useless old man’s legs had already taken root in the red soil. It didn’t make any difference whether he died early or late, and it was the same whether someone pushed him or not.

  It would be better to say that he should thank himself for not having to be the king of a fallen country.

  She took out a small earring and hung it on the crystal earlobe, and her red lips curled up in a very shallow smile.


  ”That person is dead, can you tell me the password of the card?”

  The surging river buried the last conspiracy.

  While the old ministers of the empire were still crying, a telegram that had been passed around for several times had been sent to Xifan Port.

  The headquarters of the military camp.

  Looking at the telegram presented by his confidant, General Gullion’s straightened mouth finally curled up a smile. It

  had been less than half a month since the trial, and he hadn’t heard any good news for a while. Now there were finally some good things that made him smile.

  ”Very good!”

  After saying this, he slapped the telegram on the command table and then walked to the map.

  After staring at the strategic deployment on the map for a long time, he turned back to look at his confidant and gave an order.

  ”Terminate the ‘Migratory Bird’ plan and start the ‘Cuckoo’ plan. Let Akbar prepare to ascend the throne immediately and inherit the throne of Wutuo.”

  ”In addition, send an ultimatum to the Mammoth State authorities, demanding that they immediately withdraw their troops from the three northern states and return the three northern states to the new king of Xilan, His Royal Highness Akbar! The Legion will not abandon its allies. If these rebels do not obey, we will avenge Alayan!”

  ”In addition, send a telegram to the Kingdom of Pala in the name of the Xilan Royal Court, asking for military passage. If they refuse, we cannot guarantee their absolute safety.” Upon

  hearing this, his confidant immediately stood up and saluted.


  Looking at his confidant who turned around and walked out of the military tent, General Gurion looked at the map that he had divided into several pieces by the battle line with a happy smile on his face.

  The three northern states are currently under the actual control of the Mammoth Kingdom. There are about five divisions deployed on the border of Dog State, mainly light infantry and artillery.

  Three 10,000-man teams are enough to break through there.

  Once Dog State is captured, he can start the second phase of the offensive – attacking the heart of the Borneo Kingdom, Niu State where Tiandu is located, from the west and north.

  All preparations are ready, except for a gunshot.

  He has been planning for this day for too long.

  The good show is finally about to begin!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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