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Chapter 849 Countdown to War

Chapter 849 Countdown to War


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 849 Countdown to War

  Jin Jialun Port.

  Alliance Military Base.

  Fang Chang, sitting on a bench near the save point, was meticulously flipping through the “Survivor Daily” in his hand.

  Because of the need to deal with the relevant business of Baiyue Company, he returned to Shuguang City at the beginning of last month, and then went to Ideal City to handle the business of Changyue Group. It was not until last night that he returned to Jin Jialun Port after many twists and turns.

  Regarding the situation in the Borneo Province, he has been following up on the forum, and even provided immature suggestions to some newcomers who participated in the incident.

  However, in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the local situation, he still followed the advice of the Secretary of the Governor’s Office, Youdu, and went to the newspaper office to buy a collection of “Survivor Daily”.

  This is a publication method that the local “Survivor Daily” newspaper has come up with on the basis of the “Survivor Daily” in Shuguang City.

  Due to the constant breaking news in the local area, there are reprints every now and then, and it is easy to miss key information if you are not careful.

  And in this port with prosperous finance and import and export, information means money.

  Therefore, at the request of readers, every month, the “Survivor Daily” will extract key information from the headlines and extra editions of the previous month and make a collection for the spectators to eat or collect.

  In addition, there are “quarterly collections” and “annual collections”, and the cover is generally the influential figure of the quarter or the year.

  At present, the “Survivor Daily” in settlements such as Dawn City and Boulder City have also introduced this publication method.

  Although the “Survivor Daily” in Jin Gallon Port is an imitator of the former, the Alliance does not pay much attention to this.

  After all, the manager once said that as long as it is a voice of progress, even if it comes from a rotten coffin board, it is also progress.

  And what Fang Chang is holding in his hand at this moment is the quarterly collection of the “Survivor Daily” in Jin Gallon Port, which can be regarded as a review of what has happened during this period of time.

  [“Resurrection from the dead”! The survivors of the church massacre returned to Xifan Port, suspected to be the appearance of the Silver Moon Goddess! ? 】

  【Abusek issued a public statement, claiming that he personally instructed Anwo to secretly transfer the survivors in the Silver Moon Church, and said that the purpose of change should not be bloodshed, even the blood of the Weilantes. 】

  【Anwo, the representative of the Borneo Kingdom, was interviewed and revealed the unknown details of the Xifan Port Massacre! It was Janus who personally ordered the massacre of civilians in the port area, and more than 200 survivors were on the verge of death! 】

  【The envoy “Pangolin” who represented Triumph City to visit Borneo was arrested by the Southern Legion, highlighting the fierce factional struggle within the Legion! 】

  【The second burning fire! ? The Xifan Port Massacre reappeared! Many civil organizations such as the Family Association were bloodbathed by the Legion, and many Alliance members were expelled from the country. 】

  【The Xifan Port authorities signed an executive order to ban the Family Association! More than 7,000 family members were arrested by the authorities, and nearly 1,000 were executed! 】

  【Alliance Foreign Minister Cheng Yan strongly condemned the barbaric behavior of the Southern Legion! Demand that it immediately stop persecuting innocent survivors! 】

  【Suspected internal strife among the senior officials of Borneo? ! “Leopard King” Nigley angrily criticized the Abusek authorities for appeasement! The survivors of Xifan Port were handed over to the Legion for slaughter! 】

  【Soldiers’ remonstration became popular?! Demonstrations reappeared in Tiandu! The grassroots officers of the reformist faction marched in protest, demanding that the authorities abolish the relevant treaties of Xifan Port, abandon all illusions and completely break away! 】

  【Abusek responded negatively to the demands of grassroots officers, saying that the country of Boro currently does not have enough strength to recover Xifan Port and will not give up negotiations with Triumph City. 】 【

  General Gullion responded strongly to the condemnation of the Alliance, saying that Xifan Port was a gift from the Empire to the Legion, and the Alliance had no right to interfere, and continued to send troops to the Xifan Port area! 】

  【People and gods are outraged! The Xifan Port incident landed on the “Survivor Daily” of Dawn City! 】

  【Lovitt, the president of the Boulder City Workers’ Union and the city lord, said that he would not give up the suffering workers, and Boulder City would support Xifan Port in its own way! 】

  【Protests broke out in many places in Jinjialun Port, Tiger State, Leopard State, and Mammoth State. Most of the participants were young workers, officers, and classroom students. In addition to supporting the survivors of Xifan Port, they also asked the authorities to declare war on the Southern Legion. 】

  【Representatives of the craftsmen in Jinjialun Port angrily criticized the Federation for being weak and incompetent! The Legion has provoked again and again, and the Federation has poured cold water on its own people! 】

  【The Family Association fled to Borneo for refuge. President Zaid accepted an exclusive interview with our frontline reporter in Lion City, telling the unfair treatment of the workers in Xifan Port. 】

  【Hard man or soft egg? Xifan Port asked Borneo to extradite the president of the Family Association, Zaid. Abusek refused firmly, but was wary of the Family Association everywhere! 】

  【The situation on the front line continued to heat up, and the Southern Legion deployed 902mm heavy artillery! 】

  【The negotiations were successful! Representatives of the states in Borneo Province signed a ceasefire agreement under the mediation of the Alliance! ! 】

  【The Grey Wolf Army was defeated, and its former subordinates are roaming around the western part of Mazhou. 】

  【Nearly 2,000 officers from Mammoth State, Tiger State, Leopard State, and Lowell State went to Tiandu! The united front of the Borneo Province has taken shape! 】

  And the last report was about the emperor of Xilan, but it only had a few words.

  【The death of Wu Tuo. 】

  After reading the newspaper to the end, Fang Chang closed the newspaper in his hand and put it aside.

  Just at this time, Lao Bai, who had just finished teaching the young officers of Jin Gallon Port, came over, sat down next to him, and said with a smile.

  ”Why didn’t you tell me when you arrived? I thought you were still on the plane.”

  Fang Chang smiled faintly and said.

  ”I just got off the plane last night, and then went to the Governor’s Mansion for a meeting. I haven’t been free yet… I was going to tell you when I went offline, but I thought the save point was in the barracks, so I just came here.”

  ”Wait for me a while.”

  After saying that, Lao Bai got up and walked to the vending machine next to the save point, bought two cans of coffee and handed one to Fang Chang.

  Reaching out to take the coffee, Fang Chang pulled the ring of the can, put it close to his mouth and took a sip.

  ”Thank you… By the way, there is even a vending machine

  here.” “After all, this save point has been open for almost two months,” Lao Bai asked casually with a smile, “Speaking of which, how is the space elevator going? Is it progressing smoothly?”

  Fang Chang replied casually.

  ”It’s pretty good. I don’t know why the academy suddenly changed its previous uncooperative attitude and actually offered to transfer the gravity well technology to us.”

  Lao Bai raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”The conditions are not cheap, right?”

  Fang Chang nodded and said.

  ”It’s indeed not cheap. They wrote a whole list of conditions, which is more verbose than the company’s contract… But to put it simply, it’s a technology investment. And when the space elevator is completed, we need to build them a colony ship according to their requirements, and the standard is no lower than the stranded Zhiyuan in Ideal City, and then they will return the shares they hold as agreed.”

  Lao Bai said with a wry smile.

  ”It might be more expensive than the space elevator.”

  He had seen what the captain of Zhiyuan looked like.

  The tallest building in Ideal City looked like a chopstick in front of that thing.

  Fang Chang nodded.

  ”It is true at present, but it is not without benefits for us. If they want us to help them produce, they have to provide us with the corresponding technology. They have been sorting out the technological heritage of the Prosperous Era for the past two centuries, which will be a huge fortune.”

  Lao Bai was stunned, stroking his chin and thinking for a while.

  ”It is still quite profitable when you think about it this way.”

  Fang Chang smiled faintly.

  ”It’s more than profitable… Our friends in Ideal City are all stunned. They spent more than a century trying to pry the college’s mouth open, but we did it in just two or three years, and let those guys come up with so many good things.”

  ”The engineers of Ideal Group are figuring out how to use anti-gravity technology in construction, and the company will usher in a new profit growth point… Of course, the same is true for us, and we are still a blank slate in many fields, so we will grow faster than them.”

  Based on his understanding of the alliance managers, that gentleman would not be able to do a loss-making business.

  That person must have seen this day from the beginning.

  Today, the space elevator is gradually changing from an unprofitable scientific research project to an international project that can achieve a win-win situation for all parties involved.

  Although most games have cheats for NPCs for balance and gameplay, he still can’t help but admire Chu Guang’s methods.

  Whether in terms of ability or vision, that person is one of the best.

  ”…There is nothing much to say about the space elevator. At this stage, it is mainly the work of scholars and engineers. What we need to do is to create a stable environment for them so that they can fully display their talents and creativity.”

  ”The most important thing at the moment is the situation in the Borneo Province. For now, this land has involved the main survivors of the entire Zhongzhou continent.”

  Fang Chang paused for a moment, took a sip of coffee, looked at Lao Bai and continued.

  ”By the way, has the cause of Wu Tuo’s death been found out?”

  This guy died so coincidentally that it was hard not to make him suspect whether it was designed.

  Hearing this question, Lao Bai’s expression was a little strange.

  ”…You may not believe it, that guy died of diabetes.”

  ”Sugar…diabetes?” Fang Chang was stunned, and the whole person was at a loss.

  Many incurable diseases in reality can only be treated with maintenance treatment, but in the wasteland, it can only be regarded as a minor illness. Not only is there a treatment method, but there are even multiple solutions.

  For example, the simplest and crudest method is to change where it doesn’t work.

  If it really doesn’t work, you can let Xiaoyu touch it and bet on a glorious evolution.

  In this era of Cyberpunk and 2077, Fang Chang could never understand that someone would die of diabetes.

  Even if that guy didn’t have the Alliance’s medical insurance, he would always have money, right? !

  Lao Bai also had a complicated expression

  on his face. “His medical records show that he was sent to a hospital in the suburbs of Kinggallon Port for examination a few months ago, and was diagnosed with diabetes and cardiovascular disease at that time. The doctor suggested that he implant a prosthesis, but was rejected by a group of imperial ministers who were traveling with him, so he changed to drug treatment…”

  After a pause, he sighed and said.

  ”Don’t say you are surprised, I think those ministers have bad intentions. One or two of them cried miserably, and they might wish that guy would die sooner in their hearts.”

  From the perspective of the emperor or the royal family, the Alliance, which has no interest in land, is obviously more reliable than the Legion, even if they have a better relationship with the Legion.

  However, from the perspective of the ministers, this may not be the case.

  This country is not theirs, so whoever they work for is not working for them?

  This is the evil of feudalism.

  A seemingly stable whole is actually achieved through the internal friction between different classes. This also leads to the fact that the entire empire looks like a behemoth on the surface, but the cohesion output is negative.

  Now that Wu Tuo is dead, Xilan has completely breathed his last.

  ”… Let the local police investigate the cause of Wu Tuo’s death. We won’t join in the fun. It’s meaningless anyway. He couldn’t do anything when he was alive, let alone after he died.”

  Fang Chang touched his nose with his index finger and looked at Lao Bai and continued to ask.

  ”What about the legion? Most of the people were killed by them. I guess they got the news before us.”

  Lao Bai nodded and said solemnly.

  ”The intelligence we received here is similar to what you guessed. The legion announced the death of the emperor almost immediately after Wu Tuo died, and Prince Dilip on the ship was still thinking about how to keep it secret and block the news on the ship…”

  Fang Chang’s face showed a helpless expression.

  ”What is he thinking.”

  This is no different from covering your ears to steal the bell. If you cover your ears, others can’t hear it, right?

  Lao Bai shook his head.

  ”Who knows? Maybe Wu Tuo told him something, but only he knows the details… Anyway, shortly after that, Prince Akbar, who was exiled to Xifan Port, announced his succession to the throne and set the coronation ceremony for three days from today.”

  After a pause, Lao Bai continued.

  ”At the same time, General Gullion, the commander-in-chief of the combat zone of the Southern Legion’s Borneo Province, issued an ultimatum to the Mammoth Kingdom, demanding that they withdraw their troops from the three northern states within 72 hours and return the illegally occupied territories.”

  Fang Chang narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”If Laxi accepts their demands, their next target will be Niuzhou in Borneo.”

  ”Yeah,” Lao Bai nodded, “We think so too, so we communicated with Laxi… That guy is very easy to talk to, completely different from Abusek. He never had any illusions about negotiating with the Legion from the beginning.” “Abusek

  is our biggest hidden danger,” Fang Chang’s eyes fell on the newspaper beside him, “That guy is different from Laxi. He wants to be a dictator but doesn’t have the courage, and he wants to give up power but is reluctant to do so. Indecision is a taboo.”

  Lao Bai sighed.

  ”Vanus is also worried about that guy, but we don’t have a better way at the moment. We can’t expect every card in our hand to be a good card.”

  ”That’s true… There are only seventy-two hours left before the war.”

  Putting the coffee on the bench, Fang Chang picked up the newspaper he had put aside.

  ”Fortunately, the united front has been formed. The only problem left is that if the Southern Legion declares war on the Mammoth Nation in the name of the Xilan Empire, this will be a civil war in the empire. If we send troops directly, I am afraid that we will overturn the achievements of the Sticky Community.”

  Not only the achievements of the Sticky Community, but even the Battle of Sunset may have to be repeated. If

  this fire really starts, the entire Central Continent may be involved.

  Before, the alliance was only facing the Eastward Expansion Faction of the Eastern Legion, and the Eastward Expansion Faction was crippled by the Great Rift Valley, but now it is facing the entire Southern Legion that has reached a consensus. The

  difficulty of this matter is not only on the battlefield, but more on places outside the battlefield.

  Looking at Fang Chang with a frown, Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”Actually… you don’t have to worry about what you said. The manager called me yesterday and talked about this matter.”

  Fang Chang put down the newspaper in his hand and cast an unexpected look at Lao Bai.

  ”What did he say on the phone?”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”He told us not to worry. After the Alliance’s foreign minister visited Golden Gallon Port, he went to the capital of the Eastern Legion for negotiations under the introduction of Bennot, and has achieved certain results.”

  ”I don’t know the specific situation, but according to the results of the negotiations, the Eastern Legion clearly stated that it would not participate in the war unilaterally launched by the Southern Legion. And they hope that we can treat them as a ‘separate individual’, rather than as a vassal of Triumph City or an ally of the Southern Legion.”

  Fang Chang was stunned for a moment, and then continued to ask.

  ”What about Triumph City?”

  Lao Bai continued.

  ”It’s the same with Triumph City. They even hope that we can teach the Southern Legion a profound lesson, preferably like the lesson that the Great Rift Valley taught the Eastern Legion. Although they can’t give us more support, they promise that this war will not affect our cooperation, let alone escalate into a full-scale war… But in contrast, they hope that we try not to spread the war to each other’s homeland and cause too many civilian casualties.”

  ”Based on the above reasons, the administrator has made new instructions for the deployment of the front line. In the case that the Southern Legion does not directly declare war on us, we will not declare war on it, but will still respond with equal military strategies.”

  Looking at Fang Chang, who was surprised, Lao Bai grinned and continued.

  ”If they invade the Pala Province as mercenaries and help the pseudo-Xilan regime to realize their ambitions, we will break up and go to the front line and participate in the war as volunteers!”


  With the succession of Prince Akbar, the ultimatum issued by the Southern Legion has completely ignited the fuse of the powder keg of the Pala Province.

  The war between the exiled regime of the Xilan Empire and the Mammoth Kingdom has entered the final countdown.

  Both sides are increasing their bargaining chips on their respective borders. On one side are the “mercenaries” of the Weilant people, and on the other side are the resistance forces of the Moon Clan and the “volunteers” from the Alliance.

  What cannot be obtained by conspiracy or overt conspiracy will eventually be decided on the battlefield.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see who is standing behind each of the warring parties and what the war goals are.

  However, even if some clues can be seen from those clues, people can only pray silently that the scope of this disaster will not be too wide…

  The battlefield atmosphere group boarded the ship for extradition to Triumph City, and Penny also accompanied him.

  Alman fulfilled his promise and used his fleet to open a route to the Sea End Province for the survivors of Xifan Port.

  There are fleeing Moon Clan people, black expeditionary soldiers, and a group of survivors from other parts of the wasteland. They will rebuild a new home on that land with nothing but hope…

  At the same time, the Legion’s 30,000-man team has landed in Xifan Port and completed the final preparations before the invasion. The entire port is full of soldiers.

  On the other side, the distant Dawn City was still calm, just like the capital of the Southern Legion, Avent, there was no sign of war breaking out in the streets.

  This was actually what Chu Guang himself meant.

  Since this war could not reach the stage of a full-scale war, there was naturally no need to mobilize.

  Moreover, the Alliance was no longer the small organization struggling on the brink of death. There were still a lot of things to do, and it was impossible to use all the strength for everything.

  Conference Room No. 1 of the Alliance Building.

  Chu Guang, sitting at the conference table, was quietly browsing the forum, looking at who was talking about his handsomeness behind his back, while killing the boring time before the meeting.

  After waiting for about twenty minutes, he sighed softly and spoke to the holographic screen.

  ”Not ready yet, Xiaoqi.”

  A light blue holographic light and shadow jumped out from one side of the screen, and Xiaoqi looked at him pitifully and said.

  ”Well, sorry, Master… The communication distance is too long, and the communication in the Great Desert is extremely unstable. The line on our side is smooth, but the other side seems to be unable to connect to us.”

  The Eastern Legion has a very low degree of development in the Great Desert, or even almost nothing, and has only recently built some exploration stations and other things in the west.

  However, thanks to this, the two sides can achieve “cross-regional” communication through the “signal transfer station” of Pioneer City, and then take a few command vehicles and radio stations. However,

  the problem of intermittent signals still exists.

  Just like now.

  ”You don’t have to apologize for other people’s mistakes. I just habitually urge them…” Chu Guang glanced at the time on the screen, “It seems that our friends are not looking forward to this meeting. Maybe it’s better to date another day.”

  His time is not infinite, and it is impossible for him to wait here forever.

  Just when Chu Guang was about to get up and leave, the communication icon marked with an exclamation mark on the holographic screen suddenly jumped out a signal.

  ”Got it!” Xiao Qi’s eyes lit up and immediately disappeared from the screen.

  At the same time, a beam of pale blue light lit up in front of the conference table, and a torn holographic image gradually emerged from the beam.

  ”Ahem! Nice to meet you, respected Alliance administrator. Unfortunately, our signalman encountered a sandstorm. Sorry to have kept you waiting for a while… I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”

  Chu Guang was not unfamiliar with this ordinary face in front of him.

  After all, the Eastern Legion and the Alliance had communicated quite a lot in the past year, and he always had various opportunities to meet.

  However, this was the first time they had a face-to-face exchange.

  Putting away the holographic computer pen, Chu Guang calmly looked at the man standing in the holographic beam and smiled indifferently.

  ”I’m sorry that I waited for a long time, but fortunately it seems that my wait was worth it.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”…Nice to meet you, Commander of the Eastern Legion, Mr. Saren.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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