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Chapter 85: Claw Crab! Dangerous Species Appears

Chapter 85: Claw Crab! Dangerous Species Appears

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 85 Cracked Claw Crab! Dangerous Species Appeared

  Chu Guang never thought that the second non-combat casualty in Shelter No. 404 was actually caused by crabs in the lake?

  ”Cracked Claw Crab.”

  Looking at the big crab lying on the player’s head and feasting on it on the lakeshore, Chu Guang recognized the identity of this thing in just one second.

  This crab is probably a mutant of some kind of lake crab. As for what kind it is, no one knows, and it doesn’t matter. After all, a crab that grows to one meter tall is not suitable to be related to anyone. The

  mud and algae hanging all over the body seem to never be washed clean, and it looks like a ball of mud from a distance. The high-raised arc-shaped carapace is a natural armor, which is accumulated with a large amount of calcium and magnesium minerals, chitin, keratinized fibers, and other biopolymers, which can effectively disperse and buffer kinetic damage. Generally, light weapons hitting it are no different from tickling.

  And the two huge claws are even more explosive. It is said that they can cut off a tree trunk as thick as a thigh… But how did this thing appear here?

  Could it be that there is a nest of crack-claw crabs somewhere at the bottom of the lake or on the other side of the lake?

  Chu Guang’s brows knitted together.

  ”What is a crack-claw crab?” Fang Chang, who was following beside him, was confused and asked quickly.

  ”Alien species.”

  There was no time to explain.

  The crack-claw crab had already gnawed off half of the head. If he waited any longer, the unlucky player’s neck would be gnawed off.

  Chu Guang switched the KV-1 exoskeleton from “cruise mode” to “maneuver mode”, increased the output power of the knee and elbow joints, walked towards the crack-claw crab with heavy steps, and calmly pulled out the hammer behind him.

  The shell of the crack-claw crab is very wide, resulting in the crack-claw crab having almost no vision behind it.

  Although their hearing is very sharp at close range, as long as they walk towards this thing, they cannot accurately distinguish the front and back positions of the target.

  If it is fast, in 2 seconds, I can knock it down with one hammer!

  However, just when Chu Guang had walked out of the forest for a few steps, and was still 20 to 30 meters away, Brother Mosquito suddenly came out of the bushes with a wooden cylinder.

  ”Big crab? Where is it??? Damn, it’s so big! Sir Administrator, it’s too dangerous there, please don’t go over there! Let me kill it!”

  After saying that, Brother Mosquito excitedly lit the fuse behind the wooden cylinder, carried it on his shoulder, and aimed the black hole at the crab.


  ”It’s a mosquito!”


  The players who were joining in the fun were frightened by his actions, and they all ran away as if they had seen the plague god.

  Before Chu Guang could stop it, the wooden cylinder burst out a tongue of fire, and with a fist-sized firecracker on top, it drilled towards the split-claw crab with a whoosh.

  The split-claw crab probably heard the noise, but before it could turn around, the forearm-long firecracker fell into the mud behind its butt.


  This RPG is not very accurate.

  But it didn’t matter.

  With a “boom”, a pillar of mud flew up four or five meters from the ground. The flames of the explosion shook the shell twice, and the billowing smoke directly swallowed the huge body.

  Nearly one kilogram of gunpowder exploded instantly. If a person stood so close, even if he was not killed by shrapnel, his internal organs would be shattered.

  However, the split-claw crab is not a human after all.

  The shock wave of the explosion did not penetrate its shell at all, let alone damage its internal organs, which were not many to begin with.

  A shrill and hoarse scream sounded.

  The split-claw crab engulfed by the smoke rushed out in pain, quickly locked onto Chu Guang, who was closest to it, and rushed over with its big claws.

  However, probably because its leg was “broken” by the shock, its speed was only a little faster than that of a human walking.

  Nearby players quickly raised their guns and opened fire, but the split-claw crab, which was shot a few times, was as if nothing had happened and was not affected at all.

  ”Cease fire!”

  Chu Guang raised his right fist, signaling the players to stop wasting bullets, then weighed the sledgehammer in his hand, sighed and walked forward.

  ”You really know how to find something for me to do.”


  The lame Claw Crab was no different from a Predator that had run out of ammunition in front of the nitrogen-powered hammer.

  Chu Guang didn’t waste time with it at all. He switched to B mode and swung it with a heavy armor-piercing blow. The nitrogen armor that exploded instantly directly shattered half of its face.

  The battle was over.

  The dozen or so little players who came out of the base with him were only responsible for scraping the sha. In addition to wasting a few bullets, they didn’t do any damage at all.

  ”Too strong…”

  ”Dawn Boss is awesome!”

  ”I finally know how the Predator’s head was gone…”

  The surrounding players whispered excitedly.

  Mosquito, who was carrying the wooden barrel, looked confused, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses after the battle.

  ”Fuck… it’s all right?”

  ”You’re using HE bullets to hit the crew, at least change to AP bullets,” Ye Shi patted Mosquito’s shoulder with a playful smile, “But to be honest, brother, I’ll punish you for your skills.”

  Mosquito blushed and argued.

  ”It must be the plot… the plot killed it! How could it be killed if the plot is not over and the blood is locked. One kilogram of gunpowder, it must be dead without blood lock!”

  ”Hahaha, it’s possible! How come I can’t think of blood lock with my brain, hahaha.”


  Fang sighed, and didn’t laugh at him with Ye Shi, but just patted this big brother on the shoulder, gave him an encouraging look, and then went up to help the manager pack up the spoils.

  Such a big split claw crab, at least 300 kilograms, maybe 400 or 500 kilograms.

  [Midnight Killing Chicken] He turned the axe and swung it at the back of the split claw crab. As a result, not only did the tiger’s mouth hurt, but there was only a mud mark left on the dirty thick shell.

  ”What? Is this shell made of iron?” His eyes bulged out, and for the first time he doubted the power of his axe.

  ”It should be good for armor,” [Mole on the Run in the Canyon] squatted beside and used a hatchet to file the claws of the big crab a few times, “The claws are so damn hard, is this thing really mutated by radiation?”

  ”Who knows.”

  Looking at the group of players who were surrounding the cracked claw crab and looking around, Chu Guang put away the hammer.

  ”Get a cart and carry it back.”


  ”Yes, sir administrator!”

  Watching the players start to work, Chu Guang then found two idle little players and asked them to carry the headless body on the ground back.

  Fortunately, they arrived in time. The little player only had his brain eaten, and his clothes were basically intact. The shrapnel from the previous explosion and the burning wood tar were basically blocked by the shells of the split-claw crabs.

  Chu Guang is not worried about the players committing suicide now, but is more worried about them ruining their clothes.

  People can start over after death. There are only two sets of blue jackets in total. If they are ruined, I really don’t know where to get a suitable one.


  On the way back, the snow was getting heavier and heavier, and snow had begun to hang on the treetops and grass leaves. If it doesn’t stop until the evening, it is estimated that there will be a layer of snow tomorrow before the next one.

  Chu Guang initially speculated that it should be the drop in temperature that caused the change in the range of activities of these split-claw crabs, but he didn’t know which direction they migrated from.

  Don’t settle down in front of his house.

  In order to prevent similar things from happening again, Chu Guang issued an order to designate the surrounding area as a danger zone.

  Before finding out the source of these cracked crabs, no one is allowed to approach.

  At the same time, he ordered two players of the perception system, one to the northeast and the other to the southwest, to scout along the lakeshore and report back immediately if they find any abnormal situation.

  The big crab, which was one meter high when lying on its stomach, was carried onto the cart by two players of the strength system.

  Singing a mess of triumphant songs along the way, these players who followed the manager to “go out” carried the trophy back to the outpost.

  The high-profile appearance attracted the attention of many people.

  ”Fuck, such a big crab?”

  ”What’s the situation?!”

  Curious and ignorant of the truth, the player stepped forward and grabbed a follower and asked.

  ”Brother, where did you catch such a big crab?” ”

  I fished it up.”

  ”What the hell?! How can such a big one be caught?!”

  ”Hey, use the fisherman to make a nest first, and it’s caught now?”

  Not only the nearby players were stunned, but also Yu Hu who happened to come from Beth Street to trade.

  Next to him stood a man, each carrying one side of a wooden stick on his shoulder, with a sturdy mutant wild boar tied to the stick. They stood in front of the west gate and looked at the crab, all dumbfounded.

  Chu Guang spotted him, walked towards him, and said with a smile.

  ”Come to exchange things?”

  Yu Hu opened his mouth, and his eyes just moved away from the big crab and stuck to the big hammer behind Chu Guang.

  The man next to him reacted first, nodded nervously, and said honestly.

  ”I want to exchange some salt. I heard that you can exchange salt here.”

  Yu Hu finally came back to his senses and hurriedly introduced to Chu Guang.

  ”This is my cousin, surnamed Li, called Li Niu.”

  Li Niu is okay.

  Chu Guang had a strange expression, thinking what would happen if you ran out of these twelve zodiac signs and several common animals.

  ”It’s snowing outside, come in with me.”

  Under Chu Guang’s leadership, the two of them had no problems in the outpost, but there were always people casting curious glances at them.

  Yu Hu was used to it, after all, he had been here several times, but the cousin he brought with him was here for the first time, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

  ”Please don’t mind it. They have been underground for a long time and have never seen anyone outside the shelter, so they will be curious about outsiders.”

  Seeing the big man in the blue coat talking to him, Li Niu waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, I don’t mind.”

  Chu Guang nodded, took the two to the warehouse, and handed them directly to Luca, the warehouse manager who was guarding there.

  The old serf recognized Yu Hu and immediately understood what he should do. He skillfully took the man named Li Niu to the slaughter stall.

  Yu Hu handed all the prey to him, and did not follow him, but gathered next to Chu Guang, staring at the big hammer curiously.

  ”Brother Chu, is this your weapon?”

  ”I guess so.”

  ”It’s so big? Can it be used?”

  ”Of course it can.”

  ”Then, did you kill the split-claw crab just now with this hammer?”


  After receiving the affirmative answer, the boy’s eyes bulged out. It took him a while to digest the shock in his heart and said a word.

  ”Too strong!”

  Split-claw crab!

  A monster that no scavenger wants to encounter.

  This thing has a fast speed in narrow terrain, extremely high explosive power, and simple thinking. Once it locks on the target, it will chase it to death.

  Unless you can find a higher place to climb up, it will be difficult to escape.

  Almost nothing can confront this monster head-on, even a mutant brown bear is unwilling to fight it.

  Chu Guang smiled and didn’t explain.

  It doesn’t matter whether he is strong or not, as long as the power of technology is strong enough.

  A nuclear-powered hammer, plus a chemical-powered exoskeleton, can smash a wall with one hammer, let alone the face of a beast?

  ”It’s OK. By the way, how’s the situation over there? It looks like the snow won’t stop for a while.”

  ”What else can we do? It’s about the same every year at this time, so we can just make do with it,” Yu Hu was optimistic and said with a nonchalant look, “But this winter came too early, and we prepared too hastily. There were originally caravans coming in October, but who would have thought that the last wave would be in late September this year… Oh.”

  Chu Guang said to comfort him.

  ”Think about it from another angle. The meat can be preserved longer when it’s cold.”

  Yu Hu shook his head.

  ”But prey is hard to find. If we want to catch prey again, we have to keep going to the city and find the nests of those alien species.”

  Chu Guang said with interest.

  ”Oh? Do you have any experience?”

  Yu Hu nodded and said.

  ”It’s not much experience, I think it’s about half! In half-fallen buildings, especially those with trees arched in, many small animals like to go in and even build nests in them. Some hyenas, jackals, and carnivorous animals also follow in. You can find prey in such places all year round… but there are risks.”

  Chu Guang: “Gnawers.”

  ”Well, gnawers like to hide in buildings, but they won’t hide too high. When we sweep buildings, we start from the fourth floor and go up. But even so, it’s hard to say what we will encounter inside. Maybe it’s a nest of tens of thousands of rats, or maybe it’s a creeper taking a rest. Without a gun, we dare not go too deep. At most, we can walk to the edge of the fifth ring road.”

  Chu Guang sighed.

  ”It’s snowing, and it’s not easy to walk inside.”

  Yu Hu said with a wry smile.

  ”It’s not only difficult to walk when it snows, it’s difficult to walk even when it doesn’t snow! The road is like a maze, jumping up and down, and some streets are flooded from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, soaked in water and never dry!”

  The straight-line distance from Beth Street to Boulder City on the map is more than ten kilometers, which is from the outside of the fifth ring road of Qingquan City to the edge of the third ring road, and the wetland park is a little further away.

  Qingquan City cannot be found in the parallel world, but Chu Guang draws a line of more than ten kilometers on the map by analogy with Jiangcheng where he once lived, and can be drawn from the riverside to the distant city area.

  What is the concept of this distance?

  If there is no traffic jam, it takes half an hour to drive there, and maybe an hour if there are many forks in the road.

  As for walking?

  Chu Guang has never tried to walk so far, but even if it cannot be generalized, twenty overpasses or underground tunnels are not a problem.

  This is still under normal traffic conditions.

  If you cross the ruins, it will be a completely different concept.

  In the pre-war era, even the shortest buildings within the Fourth Ring Road were basically more than 600 meters. The magnetic base and magnetic nodes laid on the roads and the exterior walls of buildings are the basis for supporting the three-dimensional traffic with 120 lanes in the vertical direction.

  In the era when magnetic levitation technology was popularized to private cars, the meaning of high-rise buildings has long ceased to be just “houses”, and even became part of the “road”, especially the buildings near the main roads, and there are rigid requirements for height.

  Of course, these are all speculations made by Chu Guang based on the stories told by Old Charlie and limited information, and they may not be true.

  But just imagining those dominoes lined up one after another, he can feel the oppression brought by this reinforced concrete cemetery.

  People always have an instinctive awe or even fear of creatures that are hundreds of times larger than themselves. It is indeed not an easy task to search for prey in this ruin…

  Chu Guang suggested.

  ”Why don’t you all move to my place? I just happen to be short of some manpower.”

  Although he was a little tempted, Yu Hu still shook his head like a rattle.

  ”No, no, we can’t cause you trouble.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”What kind of trouble is this? I haven’t raised you for nothing. At most, it’s just helping each other.”

  Yu Hu shook his head faster.

  ”It’s okay to come to your place to help, and it’s okay to stay for a few days, but I can’t move in! We live quite well over there, and living underground… It always feels weird. Besides, except for you, I can’t understand what other people say here, and it will definitely be difficult to get along with each other for a long time.”

  Seeing him say this, Chu Guang didn’t insist.

  Although Chu Guang wanted to say that they were actually different from the traditional “blue coats” and did not always live underground, this was obviously not the crux of the problem.

  When a person refuses based on multiple reasons, the reason given is often the most insignificant one.

  The most typical example is “My mother won’t let me.”

  So Chu Guang never listened to explanations, and even if he did, he would pretend not to hear them.

  Trust takes time to build, and you can’t force it.

  Besides, it’s not like they don’t have a home.

  You can’t just tear down their house.

  Yu Hu changed the subject and asked with a silly smile.

  ”Speaking of which, Brother Chu, can the meat on that big crab be eaten? This is the first time I’ve seen someone catch this guy.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”I don’t know, I was planning to ask you.”

  ”Me? How would I know? I’ve heard that the roe of female crabs can be eaten, but I’ve never heard of whether the crab meat can be… It would be great if it could be eaten. How much meat would such a big crab have?”

  Yu Hu was drooling as he spoke.

  Chu Guang smiled and waved his hand.

  ”Come next time! I’ll study whether it’s poisonous or not. If it’s not, you can eat as much as you want!”

  Yu Hu nodded vigorously, grinning.

  ”Okay! Then I’ll bring my big brother, dad, and Xiaoyu with me!”

  ”Haha, I’ll just pack a portion for you to take back!”

  The two chatted for a while, and the slaughter was already done.

  Probably because it was just winter, the meat rate of the 250 kg wild boar reached 60%, and 150 kg of meat was picked. 20%

  of it, 30 kg, was considered as a reward for the shelter. The remaining 120 kg was given to the man from the Li family and Yu Hu.

  Wild boar skin is also considered high-quality leather, especially for making protective gear. Although it is not as scarce as deerskin, it is still much more valuable than hyena skin.

  After consulting Chu Guang, Luca still calculated 300g of coarse salt for the man at the price of deerskin.

  After getting the salt, the man was very happy and thanked Chu Guang and Luca for a while, and then left with Yu Hu.


  Seeing that the master was talking to him, Luca bowed his head respectfully.

  ”Do you have any instructions, sir?”

  Chu Guang asked.

  ”Can the meat of the cracked-claw crab be eaten?”

  Luca was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought for a while, then said carefully.

  ”Sir, I have been working in the fields all the time, and I have never seen such a thing… But if you are not sure, I can test the poison for you.”

  ”That’s not necessary.”

  If the poison really needs to be tested, it is the players who will do it. If they are not poisoned to death, they can just lie in the incubator, and the extra 100% recovery speed bonus will definitely heal them back.

  Besides, it doesn’t matter if they die. If they are listed on the official website for three days, they will be a brave man.

  But at this moment, Chu Guang suddenly thought of someone, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


  How could I forget about that guy.

  Do I need to take someone to test?

  Just show Yaya a look and see if she eats it!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode