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Chapter 850 Mutation

Chapter 850 Mutation


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 850 Mutation

  If someone offends me, I will repay him tenfold.

  When Su Qi walked out of the inn, this sentence was still repeating in his mind.

  There is no doubt that this sentence explains Wei Changtian’s motive very well.

  The latter does not care about any gains and losses, and destroys Daqian just for revenge.

  And if that is the case…

  Shaking his head, Su Qi’s expression was a little helpless.

  He knew that peace talks were probably impossible, and then the two sides would fight to the death one day.

  Su Qi was undoubtedly unwilling to see this scene.

  It’s not that he has no confidence in himself or Daqian. It’s

  just that Su Qi believes that once it comes to that step, the people will suffer in the end.


  The words he just said to Li Zimu were not made for the purpose of promoting peace.

  Su Qi is really a good official who “cares about the people”. His logic of action is “everything for the people” to borrow the words of his previous life.

  But Li Zimu’s rebuttal just now is not wrong.

  The people of your Daqian are people, but the people of my Daning and Dashu are not people?

  Why should our people suffer from war, be displaced, and have their families destroyed?

  When you start a war, you don’t think about the harm your actions will cause to the people of the enemy country, and when you lose the war and are retaliated, you put on a noble face.

  Where in the world can such a good thing happen?

  Obviously, from this perspective, Su Qi’s “kindness” is actually limited.

  Or in other words, for most people, the attitudes towards “outsiders” and “their own people” are never the same.

  Such “double standards” are very normal, not to mention shameless.

  And Su Qi himself understands this truth.

  But he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and there was a vague embarrassment after a hypocrite was exposed.


  Looking back at a closed wooden window, Su Qi sighed softly, turned around and walked to the carriage that had always been parked outside the inn.

  The manes of several horses swayed slightly in the morning breeze, and the attendants lowered their heads to lift the curtains for him.

  Then, just as Su Qi was about to get on the car, everyone’s eyes suddenly changed, and they all turned their heads to look towards the north of the city.

  ”Hua La La!”

  The leaves shook, and a group of birds flew up to the air, and fled in panic in the distant and dull loud noise.



  In the north of the city, Manxiang Tower.

  When the river water rolled and splashed, and the several small boats on the river surface exploded into countless pieces of wood in the water, several figures had already shot towards a room facing the river from all directions.

  Facing such a group of menacing assassins, Wei Changtian, who stood by the window with a sword in hand, did not change his expression much. He

  quickly felt the aura that had been exposed around him, and there were about four second-grade and six third-grade.

  It was difficult to deal with, but his life was definitely safe.

  ”It’s a bit interesting,”

  Wei Changtian muttered quietly, and he was actually a little curious at the moment.

  He was not curious about where these masters came from.

  After all, for a dynasty like Daqian, even if it suffered heavy losses on the battlefield of Xinfeng, it would undoubtedly be easy to gather only ten third-grade masters.

  And these people had come to Linchuan a long time ago to deal with me, which was normal.

  The only question was why did they choose to do it today?

  Judging from Su Qi’s previous performance, he should not be ready to tear his face off with me.

  Did the 100 corpses this morning irritate him?

  Or did he realize that Yang Liushi and Xu Quan had left, and wanted to take the initiative while he was isolated and helpless?

  Never mind.

  Wei Changtian curled his lips and didn’t think much about it
at this

  critical moment. In the blink of an eye, a red blade light with a fierce momentum had already shot to the window.


  The blade light tore through the air and made a sharp whistling sound. The mighty power that seemed to be able to cut everything proved that the person who made the move was probably at least in the middle stage of the second rank. If

  someone else were to deal with such a move, they would not dare to take it lightly at this moment.

  But Wei Changtian just slightly turned his body and dodged it narrowly.


  The wooden window exploded, and the gust of wind brought by the blade light mixed with broken wood passed by him.

  This hiding may seem very thrilling to outsiders, but in the eyes of insiders, it is actually easy.

  Even the assassin outside the Manxiang Building was stunned for a moment, as if he didn’t expect Wei Changtian to dodge his long-prepared move so easily.

  After all, this side step has nothing to do with “hard power”, but is entirely a matter of fighting skills.


  took a breath of cold air, and the assassin’s eyes instantly became more serious, and there was also some astonishment. It is estimated that he did not understand why Wei Changtian, who was so young, could have mastered such fighting skills.

  And if he knew that this was almost an instinctive reaction for Wei Changtian, perhaps the shock at this moment would be even greater.

  This cannot be blamed on his lack of knowledge, but on someone’s cheating.

  After all, the “Meng Dao” gold finger that is “the same as the protagonist” is not a joke.


  On the other side, just when a group of assassins were very nervous because of Wei Changtian’s action, a panicked scream suddenly sounded in the room that was pierced from east to west by the knife light.

  Obviously, this was definitely not Wei Changtian’s scream.

  It was the brothel girl named Pan’er.

  It must be said that the latter was lucky.

  Although she didn’t have Wei Changtian’s reaction speed, the blade light also swept past her not far in front of her.

  Of course, she was just an ordinary person after all, so even so, she was still blown away several feet by the invisible “force”, and she subconsciously shouted in pain.

  But compared to dying on the spot, this result was already good.

  ”I forgot about you.”

  Looking back at the woman, Wei Changtian casually threw a bottle of pills over: “Today, I have implicated you, so I will definitely keep you safe.”

  ”One pill is enough for you, find a place to hide.”


  Facing the assassin who had already rushed to the vicinity, Wei Changtian naturally had no time to chat with the woman in yellow, so after a few quick words, he jumped out of the window.

  At the same time, long swords finally flew out of the star scabbard, and the overwhelming momentum belonging to the second-grade realm began to rise wildly.


  The next moment, accompanied by a loud noise, Wei Changtian had already fought with the ten people on the opposite side. For a time, strong lights of various colors intertwined, and waves of air rolled violently.

  The area around Manxianglou was in chaos, and the streets were full of people running for their lives in panic.

  No one dared to watch the excitement at this time. Everyone wished they could grow two more legs, and they didn’t even have the courage to look up.

  But the woman in yellow who collapsed on the ground didn’t run away.

  She just stared blankly with wide eyes, looking at the fierce battle outside through the tattered wall. After a long while, she trembled and murmured:

  ”He, he is really Wei Yanluo”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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