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Chapter 850: The Southern Army Without Martial Ethics

Chapter 850: The Southern Army Without Martial Ethics


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 850: The Southern Legion without Martial

  Ethics To be honest, Saren’s image completely overturned Chu Guang’s impression of the Eastern Legion, and also completely overturned his impression of the identity of the Legion Commander.

  This person is not like an ordinary officer, or even a typical soldier. Not only is he well-spoken, but his gestures are also quite elegant like those of an old-fashioned aristocrat. He is even more like a civil servant than Benoit, a civil servant.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but think that if this guy had a bottle of red wine on his hand and stuffed it directly into the frame, there would be no sense of disobedience.

  Especially the elegant and easy-going temperament and background, which are somewhat similar to his own.

  Of course, the similarities are only a few points.

  It’s like the Eastern Legion and the Alliance have differences in most matters, but there are intersections of interests in some matters.

  For example, in matters concerning the Eastern world.

  Compared with the Southern Legion, whose colonial land is relatively barren, the Eastern Legion controls vast and fertile land. Continuing to expand is a matter of “investment far greater than return”, and the “investment return rate” is far less than developing existing land.

  Although the large group of grassroots officers in the Eastern Legion have the most direct motivation to make achievements, this motivation is not enough to shake the upper military nobles – or the “big landlords” who own large tracts of territory.

  General Kraus and General Griffin, the only ones who have the hope of leading the Eastern Expansionists to make a name for themselves, both died in the recent Eastern Expedition – one died at the hands of the Great Rift Valley, and the other died in the war with the Alliance.

  Due to the above reasons, the Eastern Expansionists, who are mainly young officers, are almost marginalized in the Eastern Legion.

  On the contrary, those old military nobles will get closer to the civil servants of Triumph City, “borrowing” officers and resources under their hands.

  As for now, there is one more Alliance to trade with.

  Although they look down on the military equipment of the Alliance, they have to admit that the tractors and other agricultural machinery of the Alliance are quite easy to use.

  The Southern Legion is just the opposite.

  Their homeland is still rich, but the colonies are mainly distributed along the coast of the Great Desert. Although those places are rich in minerals, they are extremely short of arable land.

  That is why the interests of the upper and lower levels of the Southern Legion are consistent in invading the Borneo Province.

  The lower-level officers are eager to get promoted through war, while the upper level needs those lands to support the prosperity of the local settlements.

  And this is where it’s interesting.

  Although the Southern Legion has a consistent war demand for the Borneo Province, the Eastern Legion has a completely opposite “consistency difference” with the Southern Legion – the big landowners headed by the commander of the Legion, Saren, strongly oppose breaking the ancient contract.

  Two political entities with completely opposite interests wear the same vest because of historical reasons.

  Chu Guang felt a long time ago that the Legion, a survivor force, was awkward enough.

  And what a coincidence, the man standing in the light blue beam at this moment also felt the same way.

  With a happy smile on his face, the commander of the Eastern Legion, Saren, talked freely.

  ”…Without an immortal emperor, there will naturally be no immortal laws. Any rule will become obsolete one day, the Human Union is like this, the War Construction Committee is like this, and our legion is of course no exception.”

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at this unique Willant with interest.

  ”I didn’t expect that I would hear this from the commander of the Eastern Legion.”

  Saren laughed and looked at Chu Guang with interest.

  ”So now that you have heard it, can you satisfy my curiosity in exchange?”

  Chu Guang asked casually.

  ”What do you want to know?”

  Saren said with a smile.

  ”I’m curious about your opinion.”

  Is there any need to ask this?

  After saying this, it is likely that he wants to split up.

  However, Chu Guang did not want to say anything about their internal affairs, and if the legion really split up, it might not be a good thing for the alliance.

  After all, at least they are still dragging each other down now. If they really stop acting one day, the whole wasteland will suffer.

  After thinking for a moment, he spoke carefully.

  ”I don’t have any opinion on your internal affairs, but if we talk about the facts, I think what you said makes sense.”

  Saren continued with a smile.

  ”So, Mr. Manager, do you think that the alliance will also become obsolete one day?”

  ”That’s obvious,” Chu Guang smiled faintly and answered in a casual tone, “Even stars will go out one day, let alone a flame burning on the ground?”

  ”I didn’t expect you to be so open-minded, but if that day really comes, won’t you feel it’s a pity? That is your life’s work, and not just yours. You and like-minded people risked everything to create it.”

  Saren looked at Chu Guang with interest, but it didn’t seem like he was looking at him.

  It seemed that his eyes went straight through him and looked at someone else who was not here.

  But Chu Guang didn’t care, just answered from his own standpoint.

  ”Why do I feel sorry? The Alliance is just a rescue organization. We have never thought of becoming the eternal truth, and we have never represented the truth. Rather than telling people what the truth is, we hope to give them the courage to explore the future, the unwavering confidence, and some methods we have tried before.”

  ”If one day in the future, a more dazzling light is born on this land, I will only be relieved that my descendants have not let us down and have passed on the fire, rather than becoming the gravekeeper of me or the ‘New Era’… In this way, our burning is truly meaningful. At least we are not the last baton of this relay race, so how can I regret it?”

  Saren stared at Chu Guang intently and did not speak for a long time, so that Chu Guang once thought that this guy had a poor network connection again.

  After half a minute, Saren suddenly sighed and said with emotion.

  ”Now I understand why Vanus insisted on staying with you.”

  Too similar.

  It’s really too similar!

  Although the voice and appearance are completely different, that is indeed what the adult once said… at least it is similar to it.

  It’s just that most of the Weylandt people have forgotten it.

  In other words, they only remembered the part they wanted to remember, using loyalty as a sword and honor as a shield, and eventually became the “gravekeepers” in the name of the right thing, doing dirty things in the name of the right thing, and turning the equality they had fought for into authority, from being persecuted to being “pests” in the wasteland. Including


  Saren was filled with emotion.

  As the commander of the Eastern Legion, his feelings for the marshal were extremely complicated.

  On the one hand, he respected the lord from the bottom of his heart and regarded the lord as an idol in his heart, but on the other hand, he had to face the reality that he represented more than just himself, and he had to make more realistic considerations for the interest groups behind him. It would be

  great if the marshal could be as active as he was a century ago, instead of just occasionally saying a few words like today.

  In that case, they wouldn’t have to fight against each other like today.

  Looking at Saren who was distracted, Chu Guang looked at him twice unexpectedly.

  ”…Surprisingly, I didn’t expect you to remember the name of a centurion.”

  Saren was stunned for a moment, then laughed and joked.

  ”I really haven’t heard of this guy before, but things are different now. This guy, as a Willant, not only successfully infiltrated the Alliance, but also became the Chief of Staff of the Alliance Army. If I haven’t heard of this capable person again, wouldn’t it seem that I am ignorant?”

  Chu Guang laughed and said.

  ”There are many Willant people living in the Alliance. We don’t care about identity, we only look at whether the ability and responsibility match the position.”

  Saren said with a smile.

  ”Really? Then when I have time in the future, I have to come to you to see if what you do is as good as what you say.”

  Chu Guang responded to Saren’s joke with a friendly smile.

  ”…As long as you have peaceful purposes, we welcome you at any time.”


  The meeting lasted for two hours.

  Chu Guang, the administrator of the Alliance, and Saren, the commander of the Eastern Legion, had a good conversation.

  Although the communication signal was intermittent, it did not affect the friendly atmosphere between the two sides at all.

  During the talks, the two sides reached an agreement that the agreement previously signed between the Eastern Legion and the Alliance was still valid.

  In addition, the two sides also signed a supplementary clause on the basis of the original agreement.

  The general meaning is that the conflict between the Southern Legion and the Alliance will not affect the cooperation between the Eastern Legion and the Alliance.

  In addition, the Eastern Legion and its vassals will not supply any military supplies to the Southern Legion.

  This negotiation basically means that the Eastern Legion has drawn a clear line with the Southern Legion.

  The princes and nobles of the Falcon Kingdom can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and don’t have to worry about being implicated by this unprovoked disaster…

  At the same time, outside the Tiandu City of the Borneo Province, an H-1 “Dragonfly” military transport plane was slowly landing on a simple airstrip.

  This runway was dug out by Abusek mobilizing nearby survivors with shovels. It can only be said that it is better to have it than not.

  Fortunately, the Alliance’s military products are not picky about the use environment. The “Dragonfly” ran crookedly when it landed, but there was no real accident.

  As the plane landed, the survivors standing outside the airport fence all cried out in surprise, with incredible expressions on their faces.

  ”So this is what a plane looks like!”

  ”How did such a big piece of iron fly up to the sky?!”

  ”I want to know more about how it landed!”

  ”May the Rat God bless us, may the Rat God bless us… No disease or disaster, no disease or disaster, all the dirty things fly away…”

  Some people exclaimed and talked, some were so surprised that they couldn’t close their mouths, and some put their hands together and made up unrhymed jingles to pray.

  They have lived here for most of their lives and have never seen such an amazing thing.

  Although someone told them what the runway was used for when they were digging the runway before, and asked them to be more careful when leveling the land. However, hearsay is not as shocking as seeing it with their own eyes, and a group of people shouted and talked.

  Just as the survivors were talking about it, Zaid, the president of the family association, was also standing in the crowd.

  His eyes narrowed slightly, with a warm smile on his face, hiding the hypocrisy behind his brows.

  It would be great if the plane crashed…

  From the moment the plane appeared in his sight, he couldn’t help but have such a thought in his mind.

  Although this might cause a crack in the alliance that the Borneo Province had finally formed, it would save him a lot of trouble.

  Unfortunately, he did not have the ability to kill people with his eyes, and the snake god he believed in did not respond to his “prayer”.

  Although the plane was driving crookedly, it finally stopped on the runway.

  Thinking it was a pity in his heart, Zayed smiled lightly, took the lead and applauded with the other family members around him, and said in his mouth.

  ”…Now fighting against the invasion of the Southern Legion is the top priority of Borneo Province. It is a great blessing for Borneo Province to be able to join forces with the Mammoth Kingdom!”

  The surrounding applause was thunderous, and some residents who were not family members also applauded under the influence of the atmosphere.

  Sava, who was clapping his hands, glanced at Zayed quietly, and then quietly moved his eyes away.

  He remembered clearly that the gentleman did not say that last night.

  But he was the only one who knew those words.

  After hearing Zayed’s speech, the family members around him nodded in agreement, and brought the people around them with him. Including

  the reporter of “Survivor Daily”.

  The tall and thin young man from King Gallon Port felt the same way. After clapping, he looked at Zayed beside him and said with emotion.

  ”It would be great if these officers who are full of fighting and killing can understand the overall situation like you.”

  His name is Chrissy.

  Since last year, he has been working at the “Survivor Daily” newspaper in King Gallon Port. And because of his work, he watched the Federation gradually “change” from a collective full of hope and ideals.

  They were full of hope for Lassi, but the guy was not a good person at all. He shrank there after conquering a base, and only made money by exporting labor until the Heavenly King’s Army made trouble and sent troops to take over the three northern states.

  The same goes for the Borneo Federation, which is under the guise of “moving closer to the alliance” but is still flirting with the Legion.

  Especially the commander-in-chief, Abusek, is a complete hypocrite. He looks open-minded on the surface, but he holds on to power tightly. He convened industry representatives like the alliance, and made fun of those knowledgeable people, leaving them aside and ignoring them.

  This guy is not even as good as Lacy. At least the latter is not secretive, does what he says, and is more clean and neat when he is bad.

  Now it seems that only Zayd is a kind and righteous man, and an idealist who is willing to bend down to do things.

  Although his ability is limited, at least he is willing to share everything with his family.

  Not only that, he did not hide in a safe place, but went to Xifan Port at his own risk to organize the workers who were coerced by the Legion, and was wanted and slandered by the Legion for this.

  Looking at the indignant young man, Zayd smiled kindly and comforted him.

  ”Hey, you can’t say that about those officers! If they didn’t have a vision, they wouldn’t have stood up at that time!”

  Krissy sighed.

  ”I know, I was just thinking… it would be better if they could completely put aside their personal interests. In that case, there would be no need for the alliance to bring us together, we could unite on our own.”

  And it would be more thorough than the current union.

  Unlike now, we are united while being wary of each other.

  Looking at this naive young man, Zayed smiled faintly.

  ”We can’t ask others to do our best. It’s enough to do our best. Besides, it’s not a bad thing to let the alliance bring us together. External and internal forces are all forces. Our relationship with the alliance is like that of brothers in a family. The efforts of the second brother are important, but the help of the eldest brother is also indispensable!”

  Krissy smiled embarrassedly and scratched the back of his head.

  ”I know, I have no dissatisfaction with the alliance… I just think that Abusek is not a good person.”

  Zayed shook his head and stopped him.

  ”Don’t say that. Mr. Abusek is a real warrior and my idol. Unlike us who just fight, they fought with the Willant people with real swords and guns.”

  When he said this, he sighed sadly.

  ”Unlike us, we shed some blood but got nothing… I really feel ashamed of my family in Xifan Port.”

  Seeing that lonely look, the softest part of Chrisi’s heart was touched, and he couldn’t help but speak up for him.

  ”You should be the one who shouldn’t say that! We have all seen your struggle, how can it be that the blood was shed in vain?”

  ”And don’t blame yourself, there is no bloodless reform? You are facing the soldiers of the legion, while Abusek and his men are facing only a group of unarmed civilians. If even you feel ashamed, then Abusek will have to bury himself in the ground to apologize!”

  ”Hey, Commander Abusek also has his own difficulties, it’s not good for you to say that to him…” Zaid shook his head. Although he was quite proud of his cleverness, he still said it without leaking a drop of water and kept a low profile.

  Krishi shook his head, thinking that this knowledgeable man was deceived, and he was in the game but didn’t know the situation, and he couldn’t see through the hypocritical nature of Commander Abusek.

  But this also aroused his enthusiasm for reporting.

  If the knowledgeable people in the province of Borneo were deceived by that face, then even if they finally won the war, what awaited them would be a dark hell.

  The blood in his chest was surging, and Krissy’s eyes were shining. He had already prepared the next report.

  Zaid smiled silently and cast his eyes on the plane that had already stopped.

  He didn’t need to do anything next, just wait quietly.

  That was what he was best at.

  Like a snake dormant in the snow…

  In the distance, surrounded by a group of soldiers, the commander-in-chief of the Mammoth Kingdom, Laxi, stepped out of the cabin.

  He walked to Abusek, who was waiting beside the runway, and stretched out his right hand neatly.

  ”Nice to meet you! The commander of the Bora Kingdom, Mr. Abusek.”

  Although both of them were from the military, their temperaments were obviously different.

  After all, when Laxi was fighting with Alayan, Abusek was just a small soldier under the latter.

  Although he is now sitting on the throne above thousands of people, the wild air on his body has not been washed away, and he looks like a farmer in a yellow robe.

  However, Abusek was not afraid of him. He just subconsciously glanced at the gun on the guy’s waist, and then smiled and shook the right hand that was stretched out.

  ”Nice to meet you… I have long heard of your great name, General Laxi!”

  Laxi laughed.

  ”I dare not say that you are famous, but you are famous. When I was sitting in Mammoth City, I heard that your troops swept across the entire Borneo Province.”

  Abusek also smiled and replied.

  ”Haha! It’s not the entire Borneo Province, it’s just about half of it! But you know the level of those city defense troops, and it’s not a big deal to beat them! But you, the general, became famous in one battle! Even the ‘Empire God of War’ Alayan was defeated by you!”

  ”Coincidence, just a coincidence, I didn’t expect him to end up like this,” Laxi sighed and said with a look of regret, “I have to apologize to you for this, I hope you don’t mind.”

  Abusek was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed out loud.

  ”Why should I be offended? If you must say, it’s a good thing to kill him! A dog who only cares about his master and not his brothers, who only cares about his own wealth and glory but wants millions of people to be buried with him, I only regret that I couldn’t kill him with my own hands! Get rid of a harm for the Brahma people!”

  Laxi wanted to say something, but the Eagle of Farsightedness standing beside him couldn’t wait and coughed and said.

  ”Don’t flatter each other. The Legion has only left us more than 60 hours. We have to discuss the combat strategy as soon as possible.”

  The warlord representatives of Tiger State and Leopard State have arrived and are now waiting in the combat command center.

  Although their leaders did not fly over in person like Laxi, the ones sent were basically second-in-command-level figures.

  Hearing the urging of the alliance representative, Abusek immediately came back to his senses and said with a serious expression on his face.

  ”Mr. Eagle is right! Please follow me to the combat command center–”

  Before he finished speaking, an officer suddenly trotted over from the side with a serious face, not even caring about the military salute, and hurriedly whispered to Abusek.

  After hearing the whisper, Abusek was stunned for a moment, then his face changed drastically.

  The same was true for Lasi standing in front of him. He had a calm smile on his face until a phone call suddenly came to the guard next to him.

  When he answered the phone, his calm face immediately changed.

  In the end, it was Eagle who was kept in the dark. He was still online and had no idea what was going on.

  Fortunately, his three good brothers went to the front line and did not let him wait for long. A message was quickly sent to his VM.

  [Legion! The big noses fired! ]

  Looking at the flashing words on the VM screen, Eagle held his breath for a moment.

  Good guy!

  It was agreed that the expansion pack would be updated in 72 hours, but this idiot planner also tried to sneak attack? !

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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