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Chapter 851 Blood-stained Crown

Chapter 851 Blood-stained Crown


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 851 The Blood-stained Crown

  ”Wait… Isn’t the coronation ceremony the day after tomorrow? Please let me see General Gullion… Did you get the time wrong?”

  In the solemn courtroom of Xifan Port Court, there were about a hundred people standing sparsely.

  Looking at the guests who were temporarily pulled to the jury, Akbar was at a loss at first, and then he looked at the Willant standing beside him and expressed his dissatisfaction.

  According to the original arrangement, he would be crowned under the witness of his father’s old ministers and become the undisputed new emperor of the Borneo Province.

  But now, only a few earls and viscounts witnessed this moment.

  Not only that, there were also some people in the jury who were not even nobles, looking at him with a silly look of excitement, almost writing the words “unworldly” on their faces.

  Those guys looked like mud legs.

  How could they let these guys join in the fun of such an important matter.

  What kind of talk is this!

  Peter was too lazy to pay attention to the dissatisfaction of the little emperor, but just said impatiently.

  ”General Gullion has important matters to attend to and has no time to see you. It’s going to rain the day after tomorrow, so we’re here early.”


  What’s the reason?

  Akbar was dumbfounded. He opened his mouth and couldn’t say anything for a while. He just stared blankly at the Willant man in front of him.

  The people sitting in the jury didn’t hear the conversation between the two.

  Except for those nobles with status and knowledgeable elders, the people sitting in the jury had expressions of watching the fun on their faces, and they were talking to each other with interest.

  ”This little emperor has an emperor’s face.

  He is really handsome.” “He is worthy of being from an emperor’s family. He looks so handsome!”

  ”Xilan is saved!”

  ”Hurry up! Why don’t you start?”

  Pete, who was standing in the middle of the court, looked at the time and was a little impatient, so he glanced at the stunned guy.

  ”Are you still going to serve? If not, we’ll find someone else.”

  Akbar was shocked by this and spoke hurriedly, not knowing whether it was true or not.

  ”I am the emperor… Wait, this throne was originally mine!”

  ”Hurry up.”

  As if saying more words would be a waste of time, Pitt looked at the judge standing not far away.

  The judge had an angry expression on his face, but in the end he said nothing.

  That Gurion did it on purpose.

  Putting this ridiculous monkey show in his court was nothing more than an attempt to humiliate him.

  It must be said that the guy’s mind is really small, and his bottom line is not very high, maybe just a little higher than the monkeys in this court.

  ”The coronation ceremony begins.”

  Just like when announcing the opening of the court, the judge threw down this sentence in a solemn tone, and then turned and left.

  Pitt didn’t look at him, but just winked at the old Brahman standing beside him.

  The lion tribe man was a sweeper in the court. They casually gave him the title of earl and told him what to do.

  The old man held the golden crown in both hands and stepped forward timidly.

  There were pairs of eager eyes around him, but he lowered his head and didn’t dare to meet the eyes of the prince.

  ”Your Majesty… please be crowned.” His voice trembled slightly, and he slowly knelt on the ground.

  Akbar didn’t recognize the earl in front of him, but he couldn’t find any fault with this respectful etiquette.


  He responded with a snort, and then he reached out and picked up the golden crown and solemnly put it on his head.

  Except for the Willant people, everyone present knelt on their knees in an instant, knocking their foreheads to the ground.

  Whether they were civilians or nobles.

  At this moment, they all shouted in unison.

  ”Congratulations on your coronation!”

  ”Long live the emperor!”

  ”Long live Xilan!”

  The voices echoed in the solemn court, like a symphony without a baton.

  But Akbar curled his lips slightly, and the depression on his face turned into an uncontrollable smile at this moment.

  So this is what the father is carrying. His chest was filled with a surge of emotions.

  This feeling is simply…

  so joyful!

  Akbar stretched out his hands forward, raised them slightly, and made a loving gesture.

  ”My dear ministers, please stand up quickly!”

  After practicing countless times in front of the mirror, he finally had the opportunity to do it in front of everyone!


  ”Lie down!!!”

  At the junction of Xifan Port and Niuzhou, boiling flames burned on the scorched earth engraved with trenches.

  The centurion crawling on the ground roared hoarsely, calling on his teammates behind him to lie down.

  Thirty seconds ago, a deafening explosion came from the direction of Xifan Port.

  By the time everyone reacted, the dazzling white light and boiling flames had already descended on the positions of the border troops of the Borneo Kingdom.

  In front of the 902mm heavy artillery, the trenches dug by the Borneo Army soldiers were like toothpicks, and the earth outside the trenches was lifted into the sky together.

  As the first gunshot ended, rows of 100mm artillery roared.

  The flames of the explosion boiled on the position, and the raging shrapnel roared like raindrops, covering the entire depth of the entire defense line.

  The bombardment lasted for a full ten minutes before it stopped.

  The originally stable position had been blown to pieces, and the soldiers crawling in the trenches were also more than half dead or wounded, and their frightened faces were full of panic.

  They didn’t even know what happened, and they saw the legion’s artillery shells suddenly hit them.

  Isher, who was hiding in the anti-artillery cave, gritted his teeth and dug out the phone that fell to the ground from a pile of messy debris.

  The telephone line connecting to the front-line radio station was blown off, and he could no longer contact the front-line centurion team. Fortunately, the telephone line connecting to the rear was still intact.

  Without hesitation, he sent a messenger to the front line to check the situation, and quickly contacted the rear command post to report the situation on the border line.

  ”This is the 111th thousand-man team of the northwest defense line. We are under fire from the direction of Xifan Port! I repeat, we are under fire from the direction of Xifan Port!”

  After a brief rustling sound of electricity, the voice of the operator in the rear came immediately.

  ”What’s the situation now? Have you seen the troops of the legion?!”

  The operator’s voice was also flustered. It was obvious that he was not proficient in the business, and the command center in the rear had not expected the current situation at all.

  Isher cursed in his heart and continued to roar into the phone.

  ”The telephone line was blown off, and I can’t contact the front-line troops now! Those big noses even used heavy artillery, it must not be as simple as showing off to us!”

  The sound of pulling out a chair came from the other end of the phone, and the operator said hurriedly.

  ”I know… I will report your situation immediately.”

  Isher shouted loudly.

  ”This is a war! I’m not kidding you, I want you to send reinforcements immediately! Immediately! Damn, if it’s too late, just wait for us to collect the bodies!”

  On the other side, at the forefront of the northwest section of the defense line.

  The original 120-man team didn’t even know how many people were left alive.

  Finally regaining his shaky consciousness, Centurion Dumut picked up the rifle that fell to the side.

  The smoking soil was scorching hot.

  However, he did not dare to risk getting up from the ground, and could only grit his teeth to endure the scorching heat that could cook eggs.

  ”… Damn, where is our radio?! Tell the rear about the situation here!”

  Although he thought that anyone with a hearing impairment could hear such a loud noise, he still shouted at the communication behind him.

  The signalman was still alive, squatting in the trench and operating the radio.

  However, seeing his sweaty appearance, Dumut’s heart sank, and he thought to himself that he was in trouble.

  As he expected, the signalman raised his head with a look of despair.

  ”The radio was blown up!”

  ”Damn it!”

  Dumut punched the ground hard, staring at the direction of Xifan Port and cursing.

  Fortunately, the impact point was still some distance away from him.

  However, even so, he still felt that his internal organs were dislocated.

  Enduring the pain in his stomach, Dumut looked at the mess behind him and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Everyone, prepare for battle! Never let those big noses take an inch of land from us again!”

  Ever since the group of Willant people came to this land, his compatriots have been bleeding.

  Every time he saw the report in the “Survivor Daily” and saw the slaughtered family members, he was filled with anger.

  Now the Willant people still want to move forward and let the cannibalistic hell spread to the hinterland of the Borneo Province…

  No matter how Abusek appeases, he will never take a step back!

  ”Oh oh oh!!”

  ”Fight those big noses!”

  ”Fuck it!!”

  There were roars from the fragmented positions, and it was obvious that he was not the only one thinking so.

  Hearing the high-spirited response, Dumut’s face floated with a smile.


  It seems that many brothers are still alive.

  The expression on his face gradually became serious, and he shouted behind him.

  ”Count up, teams!”

  Just as the voice fell, voices came from behind one after another.




  ”Report! Team 1 has 5 people left!”

  ”Team 2 has 7 people left!”

  ”Team 3! We still have two people left!”


  Dumut calculated silently in his heart that there were still 57 people left in the entire 100-man team.

  If a fight really breaks out, it should be no problem to buy 5 minutes for the rear.

  Just as he was thinking so, a man suddenly walked over from the edge of a farmland in the distance.

  Dumut raised his gun and aimed at the guy, but found that it was not a Willant.

  It was a Boro.

  ”Listen, people in front!!”

  The man stood at the edge of the field and did not move, but just continued to shout at the position.

  ”General Gullion’s troops are going to Gouzhou to fight the rebels! If you don’t want to die, get out of the way immediately and make way for the legion!”

  ”The previous round of shelling was just a warning to you! If you continue to insist on your own way, don’t blame the shells for not having eyes–”

  The man’s words were not finished before he was interrupted by a gunshot. The

  bullet fell at the man’s feet, splashing a trail of smoke and dust.

  The man was startled, stumbled and fell to the ground, got up and ran back, not daring to look back.

  Gnashing his teeth and staring at the traitor, Dumut roared.

  ”Fuck you! You should get out!”

  What a shame!

  He wanted to bite his teeth to pieces, but in the end he didn’t shoot at the back.

  His compatriots had shed enough blood.

  Maybe that guy was also coerced…

  Dark clouds covered the sky at some point, blocking all the light, and a dull sound came from the low clouds.

  The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

  Dumut was indifferent, just staring at the field in the distance, aiming the rifle in his hand.

  He didn’t expect to survive this battle.

  But even if he risked his life, he would change it before he died!

  Just at this moment, the muffled sound from the clouds was getting closer and closer.

  It didn’t seem to be thunder.

  It was something else.

  Dumut vaguely heard the screams coming from behind him, so he looked up at the sky.

  At that moment, his burning pupils were frozen on the spot.

  It was a giant whale flying with its wings spread out, and its wings were inlaid with rows of huge propellers.

  The roar came from the propellers, and the huge blades tore through the clouds. What was

  even more shocking was the gun barrels inlaid on the towering steel armor.

  That guy had more gun barrels…even more than the guns they had.

  ”Fuck…” Dumut let out a desperate groan.

  What the hell is this? !

  He had no time to think. Flashing tracers flew over from the floating fortress and split into tens of thousands of bullets in the air.

  This round of bombardment was much more violent than before, and the sound of the explosion completely covered Dumut’s roar.

  In just a moment.

  He and his hundred-man team, along with the position beside him, were wiped out from the earth.

  The “thunder” that had been brewing for a long time finally came from the sky and reached Isher, who was stunned and opened his mouth.

  In a moment, his three hundred-man teams were destroyed and completely lost contact.

  The hand holding the phone was shaking, and his mind was spinning rapidly, but he couldn’t think of any solution. It was

  completely different from the time in Xifan Port. This time he was not facing an indecisive fence-sitter, but a group of bloodthirsty devils.

  The gap in strength between the two sides was too great, and all strategies were meaningless… There

  was no chance of winning if we continued to fight, and there was no use except to die!

  Isher was not a person who was afraid of death.

  If he was afraid of death, he would not have stood up bravely that night to save those innocent people.

  However, even though he was ready to die heroically, he had to consider his comrades squatting in the trenches.

  They should not die here.

  They should survive, preserve their living strength, and bring back what they saw on the front line, and think about how to deal with it with more people.

  Even if they have to die,

  they should die more meaningfully!

  ”Damn it…”

  He gritted his teeth and cursed, turned the channel to the front-line units, and shouted loudly into the phone.

  ”All units listen to the order! Withdraw from the position immediately! Move to the southeast!”

  As the order to retreat was issued, the soldiers of the Pala Kingdom left the trenches one after another, and evacuated from the battlefield in an orderly manner during the gaps in the firepower.

  Shame was written on their faces, but they all knew that continuing to defend would be meaningless except to die.

  Their rat leader made the most difficult but also the most correct decision.

  In front of that kind of thing, positional warfare has completely lost its effect.

  Perhaps mobile warfare is a more appropriate way to fight…


  The same thunder also reached Ross.

  Standing on the border of Xifan Port, he stared at the northwest direction expressionlessly.

  An officer walked up to him and whispered.

  ”The 111th thousand-man team of the Boro Kingdom has retreated.”

  Ross narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his originally tense mouth curled up with a barely perceptible amusement.

  He seemed to see a rat.

  And it was a cunning rat.

  However, in the face of absolute power, cunning alone is not enough, and teeth and claws must be sharpened.

  Looking at the battlefield covered with thick smoke in the distance, Ross gave an expressionless order.

  ”The first armored 100-man team and the second infantry 100-man team advance!”

  The officer standing in front of him looked solemn and saluted excitedly.


  This moment has finally come!

  He and his men have been waiting for this day for too long!

  They will completely smash the last shackles that bound the Willant people – the “contract of shame” signed under the witness of the “legacy” of the War Construction Committee.

  No one can stop them from moving forward.

  The frontier of the Willant people should be at the edge of the solar system – even the Milky Way!

  And this moment is the preface to that great epic.

  Their descendants will always remember this moment and will always be grateful from the bottom of their hearts!

  At the moment the order was issued, the ten tanks parked at the edge of the field started their engines at the same time.

  The tailpipes spewed thick black smoke, and the eerie armor moved forward towards the fragmented positions under the gaze of the giant airship!

  Behind the tanks, there were teams of ten people with live ammunition, following closely.

  Crossing the battlefield plowed by artillery shells, they carefully checked every trench, every crater, every body, and shot at the guys who seemed to be alive.

  Looking at the steel torrent that was advancing straight into the field and the tracks on the field, the man huddled at the edge of the field had a flush of excitement on his face.

  His name was Chetri.

  Like Captain Ishtar, he was also a member of the Rat Tribe, but he was obviously a different species of rat.

  Just now, he had gone up to persuade them to surrender with good intentions, but he didn’t expect that the other side would take his kindness for granted and return him with ingratitude.

  Fortunately, the man’s shooting skills were poor and he ran fast, otherwise he would have been killed by the man.

  Looking at the battlefield that was bombed to pieces, he felt only joy in his heart and wanted to cheer for those big-nosed people.

  It was really retribution in this life!

  ”…cowardly thing, the Weilants are just borrowing a passage from your land, not coming to fight you, but you are rushing to die, wouldn’t it be better to surrender in exchange for peace? Tsk tsk, you deserve it!”

  Finally, the breath that was stuck in his chest was finally let out, and Chettri spat on the ground to relieve his anger, and stepped on it before leaving this place of trouble.

  On the front line in the distance, tanks crossed the defense line of the Borneo Army unimpeded, like a storm sweeping across the tropical savannah, and rushed towards the dog state of the three northern states.

  During this period, Borneo organized several attacks, but without exception, they did not even look at the enemy, and were defeated by the horizontal and vertical firepower.

  The troops of the legion did not even look at them, and passed through the muddy ground mixed with blood plasma and meat.

  The main force of the attack was the 170,000th Squadron of Captain Orlet.

  Their mission was to cut off the northwest corner of the Lion State and open up a strategic corridor from Xifan Port to the three northern states on the northwest side of the Borneo Province.

  The spearhead of the attack was the 171st Mechanized Thousand-Man Team led by Ross, supported by the “Horn” airship.

  The battle line was advancing almost in units of minutes, and the Borneo Army was beaten to the ground.

  Sitting in the command center, Captain Olett looked down at the map with a happy smile on his face.

  ”A battle without suspense… I thought the natives here would be smarter than the deformed children in the desert, but I didn’t expect that I thought too much. They are not as good as those guys fighting with iron rods.”

  Equipment is only one of the factors that affect the outcome of a battle, not all of them.

  The stupidity of these guys is that they actually dreamed of defeating the legion through positional warfare.

  In front of the “bugle” and 902mm heavy artillery of the Southern Legion, the trenches dug with shovels are simply a joke. Staying in one place will only increase your casualties.

  McLen, who was standing next to him, smiled faintly.

  ”My idea is similar to yours. The natives here are really not good, but it’s too early to say they will win now.”

  Oletel looked at him with interest.

  ”Do you think they still have a chance to turn the tables?”

  McLen said in a gentle tone.

  ”The Alliance’s envoys are in Tiandu. I don’t think they will pretend not to see them.”

  ”Haha, the Alliance… let them come,” Orlett curled his lips and said with disgust, “I will let them know the price of meddling in other people’s business.”

  ”Well,” McLen nodded slightly, “this price is inevitable.”

  After all, the price of “meddling in other people’s business” will be more expensive.

  Every survivor in the River Valley Province has a deep understanding of this…

  and he has also learned a lot about what will happen next. At

  the same time that Orlett’s men were rushing all the way to the north, the roar of propellers also approached the sky above Xifan Port from the east.

  It was a W-2 attack aircraft!

  And there were hundreds of them!

  Some of the Willant soldiers stationed in Xifan Port couldn’t help but look up at the sky, with surprised expressions on their faces.

  What surprised them was not the plane itself.

  But the fact that this country of Borneo, which was established less than three months ago, actually had pilots? !

  Where did these bumpkins have time to train? !

  After discovering the enemy aircraft attack, the “Horn” airship immediately stopped supporting the front line, turned around, and aimed its aircraft cannons at the sky above Xifan Port.

  Not only that, the air force units of Xifan Port also took off one after another, and nearly a hundred “Dagger” propeller fighters rushed towards the air force of Borneo.

  However, those W-2s did not rush to Xifan Port, but after a feint, they rushed towards the station and railway north of the port.

  After discovering the movements of those aircraft, General Gullion, who was in the command center, narrowed his eyes immediately, and obviously noticed something.

  At the same time, on the other side, an excited and loud shout rang out from the “Mosquito” fighter leading the way.


  ”Turn on the safety and prepare for battle!!”

  The sound of blasting microphones in the communication channel continued, as lively as the New Year.

  Like those warlike Willant people, they had also waited too long for this moment.

  As players, their reasons for fighting were much purer than those of the Weylanders—

  finally, they could have a good fight!


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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