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Chapter 852 Fireworks Blooming on the Ground

Chapter 852 Fireworks Blooming on the Ground


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 852 Fireworks blooming on the ground

  At the same time when the players of the alliance were ready for battle, the Third Air Brigade of the Southern Legion was also ready for battle.

  One hundred “Dagger” fighters formed an attack formation in the air and rushed towards the attacking aircraft group with murderous intent, just like a pack of wolves hunting sheep.

  The Willant people obviously did not take these fighters of the Borneo Kingdom seriously.

  Even if the training cost of propeller aircraft pilots is not as exaggerated as that of jet aircraft, it still takes at least five or six months to train.

  And this is still the most basic.

  If you want to ensure sufficient combat effectiveness, you must go through at least 10 months of training and ensure at least 400 hours of flight time.

  With the combat talent of the Willant people, the training efficiency is about 1.5 to 2 times that of ordinary people, but it takes at least three months to form effective combat effectiveness.

  On the other hand, the Borneo Kingdom that evolved from the Heavenly King Army was not even established that long!

  Even if they can purchase some civilized equipment from the alliance, they can’t find a few decent pilots.

  That’s why.

  The 100 “daggers” didn’t hesitate at all, and they all increased their speed to the maximum, rushing towards the group of medals flying all over the sky, fearing that they would be snatched away by the airships in the distance or the anti-aircraft units on the ground!

  ”Go to hell!”

  With a roar to vent his courage, Milton, who had his eyes on the nearest enemy plane, pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the two 10mm machine guns under his seat sprayed out thick and long tongues of fire.

  ”Bang, bang, bang!”

  The deafening roar shook the cabin and made crisp sounds, and the thick and long rain of bullets was like a spear piercing from his hand!

  This will be a battle without suspense! It

  can’t even be called a battle, but a completely one-sided massacre!

  After all, the guy who rushed towards him at this moment might not even have finished half of the training class, and he couldn’t even find the safety of his weapon. He was probably yelling to his teammates beside him about why he couldn’t shoot.

  Although it was a bit exaggerated, the meaning was basically the same.

  The corners of Milton’s mouth curled up into a mocking grin.

  He seemed to have seen the burning fireball falling to the ground, and the corner of his eyes even began to look for the next target favored by the god of death.

  However, at this moment, a scene that stunned him happened.

  The plane that should have been torn into pieces suddenly tilted sideways. Seeing

  that the long string of tracers was about to tear it apart, it was like a nimble bird, riding the rapid airflow and turning sideways. With the lateral thrust generated by air resistance, it completed a large-wheelbase roller-like roll, lightly letting the shuttle of machine guns pass, and rushed straight over at the same speed.

  The smooth movement was like the sword flower in the hands of a fencing champion.

  And the murderous intent hidden in it had quietly revealed its edge.

  Milton’s eyes were straight, and his two eyeballs were almost as big as ping-pong balls, and cold sweat soaked his back in an instant.

  This guy is definitely not a rookie!

  No –

  it should be said that guy is definitely not a pilot from the Borneo Province!

  Such skilled flying skills and easy on-the-spot reactions cannot be trained in exercises.

  Only by experiencing the brink of death countless times and breaking free from the chains of death countless times can one hone the skills that are enough to play with death.

  That guy is definitely an ace!

  He is in trouble!

  ”Damn it!”

  Cursing inwardly, Milton stepped on the rudder with his right foot and pulled up the control, trying to bite the sight back to the flight path of the plane and make up another round.

  However, the opponent did not give him this opportunity.

  At the same time as completing the roller maneuver, the W-2 that came after the attack casually threw out a short and deadly round of machine guns.

  The 20mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs drew a deadly arc in the air, just like a top-down slash, blocking the forward direction of Milton’s car.

  The winner is decided.

  ”It’s over–”

  There was no chance to dodge at all. Milton could only watch the fleeting shooting window go away in despair, and then inevitably collided with the deadly machine gun.


  A cloud of hot smoke burst out from the flames of the explosion, and a “dagger” with a broken wing quickly spun and fell to the ground.

  ”First kill… Have a good journey.”

  Looking at the falling enemy plane, Feng Qing casually said goodbye, then skillfully pulled out the marker stuck in her trouser leg and wrote the first stroke of the word “positive” on one side of the cabin.

  It was a good fight.

  But it was still too naive.

  That guy was probably in a hurry to get the first kill. He fired from such a long distance. She didn’t even need to activate her agility talent. She just dodged it with a simple rolling maneuver.

  And the guy’s next move was also easy to judge. If he failed to hit her, he would definitely find a way to make up for it.

  It was enough to take advantage of the moment when the two machine guns bit her and use the machine guns to block the movement trajectory of the enemy plane in advance.

  Because the enemy underestimated her, she had a lot of shooting windows left for her.

  At the same time, Gui Gui’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Oh! Well done Feng Qing!”

  ”Haha, not bad, not bad…”

  Feng Qing smiled shyly and replied modestly, then she skillfully locked onto the next target.

  She has been flying since the establishment of the Goblin Corps. Not to mention that her flight time has exceeded a thousand hours, the time she has to wait for her resurrection is more than that.

  Countless death experiences have already made her proficient in flying skills.

  It is no exaggeration to say that the plane she is flying is like a part of her body. She can even feel the airflow blowing on the flaps.

  At this moment, an exasperated voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Fuck! You stole my first kill!”

  Gui Gui: “Hahaha! Captain, you have to work hard, or you’ll be caught up by the newcomer someday.”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “Haha! That’s impossible.”

  Newcomer No. 1: “Hehe, that’s hard to say, Captain, want to compete?”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “What the hell are you competing for! You’ve touched the plane less times than I’ve fallen! Do your job well, don’t just think about the kills, throw the bomb accurately before you talk bullshit!”

  Newcomer No. 1: “Fuck! You bastards discriminate against newcomers! I’ll hang you on the forum!”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “%#¥@!”

  Newcomer No. 2: “Ahhhhh!! Long live the administrator!”

  Newcomer No. 3: “Oh my god!!! Isn’t this more exciting than War Thunder!?”

  Guigui: “Uh, is it because there are more people? I feel like the newcomers are getting more and more amazing…”

  Feng Qing couldn’t think of what to say, so he could only smile.

  ”Ahahaha… But I think the commander likes them.”

  The first fireball burst out of the dark sky.

  A parachute floated out of the burning cabin and fell to the ground with the pride of the Third Air Force of the Southern Legion.

  Looking at the comrades who were shot down in the first contact, the pilots of the Willant were dumbfounded.

  No one expected that the first loss of this battle would appear on their side.

  What they didn’t expect was that the opponent’s speed of attack was so clean, neat and decisive.

  ”…It’s the pilots of the Alliance.” The captain of the air force’s face darkened, and a fierce light burned in his shrunken pupils.

  Even if he was slow to react, he still realized it.

  The people sitting on the planes flying the flag of Pala were not the survivors of Pala Province at all!

  They were the people of the Alliance!

  The boiling flames were like a slap in the face, slapping every pilot of the Third Air Force hard.

  However, they were a race born for fighting. They

  were not frightened by the sudden casualties. Instead, they were aroused by the fighting spirit in their hearts when they were sitting in the cockpit, and they completely put away their arrogance and underestimation of the enemy.

  The Southern Legion was well prepared for the Alliance to join the war, so they were not surprised.

  At most, they did not expect the other side to react so quickly, and they were serious from the beginning and sent their own planes and pilots up.

  But it was better this way.

  Instead of always being on guard against the enemy hiding in the dark, it would be better to have a good fight!

  ”…If you want to die, I’ll grant your wish!”

  The captain of the aviation team roared, holding the machine gun spewing flames, and biting at the nearest W-2 plane.

  The distance of one kilometer was fleeting, and the two sides soon fell into close combat.

  The roar of the machine gun filled the entire battlefield, and the flying tracers stretched in the air.

  The burning trajectory was like a lance held in the hands of a cavalryman, going back and forth in the low dark clouds.

  Planes kept falling from the sky.

  Among them were the “Dagger” belonging to the Legion and the “Mosquito” belonging to the Alliance.

  The combat effectiveness of these Willant pilots was not weak, and was even much stronger than those of the vassal pilots of the Falcon Kingdom.

  And their planes were the same, completely different from the “export products” used by the Falcon Kingdom Air Force that had been improved to simplify the production process!

  Even if they used the same propeller, there was still a huge difference between the two, and both maneuverability and speed were completely on a different level.

  After shooting down four planes in a row, Feng Qing gradually felt a little tired.

  Her left wing was moderately damaged, the leading edge flap seemed to be broken, and there was not much ammunition left… and these were not the most fatal.

  The most fatal thing was that the airship that turned back to defend was getting closer and closer, and the ground anti-aircraft firepower had also completed firepower preparations one after another.

  The enemy aircraft group was moving to the north in an orderly manner.

  If they followed, they would enter the airship’s firepower network in at most 5 minutes. And if they didn’t stick to it, they would soon be bitten by the ground anti-aircraft firepower.

  Looking at the several bullet holes that penetrated the cabin, Feng Qing took a deep breath, prepared to reopen, and shouted to the communication channel.

  ”…Captain! This distance is almost enough, let’s start the second phase of the battle!”

  Obviously, Brother Mosquito felt the same way.

  After a brief rustling sound of electric current, a decisive voice soon came from the communication channel.

  ”All units, listen up! This battle has entered the second phase! Remember your goals! Before you crash, you must use up your last round of ammunition!”


  See you








  Those planes that desperately dived to the ground seemed to have no intention of pulling themselves up again. They turned on the buzzer and pushed the switch to the bottom while diving.


  The sharp howl of the thorns resounded in the air, like the horn blown by the god of death.

  They each found their own targets and then emptied the last dozens of ammunition left in the machine gun.

  The rain of fire fell from the sky, and the Willant soldiers guarding near the train station were all startled and looked for shelters to hide.

  The same was true for the loaders. When they heard the piercing sound, they dropped the things in their hands and ran away desperately towards the outside of the train station.

  One of the planes crashed straight into a warehouse, and soon the warehouse exploded. Dazzling flames burst out from the roof, and the crackling explosions were like firecrackers.

  These planes use fuel cells based on solid hydrogen. The thing that removes the safety measures is itself a bomb, and the energy density is much higher than those lighters in reality that explode at the first hit.

  And this sky-high flame is just the beginning!

  In addition to the W-2 attack aircraft with machine guns, some of the aircraft had 100 kg bombs hanging on their bellies!

  The metallic hydrogen was much more powerful than pure solid hydrogen, not to mention that it was mixed with some other formulas to increase its power.

  These planes driven by the “new goblin” also had clear goals, heading straight for the locomotives parked in the train station.

  There are also the railways leading to the northern region and the bridges across the river!

  It is not realistic to stop the steel torrent rushing to the north.

  However, they can use the method of attacking logistics to delay the pace of the Legion’s 170,000th Army’s attack and buy more preparation time for the Moon Clan resistance in the north.

  A plane carrying a bomb rushed straight towards a train full of cargo, and only released the bomb’s insurance just before the crash, and crashed into it with the bomb.

  The Willant pilot chasing behind it was completely dumbfounded. Seeing the flames coming towards him, he could only grit his teeth and pull up the nose of the plane.

  These guys are crazy!

  The explosions continued for five minutes, and every explosion made the Willant soldiers hiding around couldn’t help but bleed in their hearts.

  Sixty planes burned themselves like fireworks, causing huge damage to Xifan Port and its surrounding traffic arteries and strategic facilities, and the “Daggers” chasing behind them could do nothing but watch.

  ”Damn it!”

  Looking at the train station in a sea of ​​fire, the captain of the Third Air Force hit his thigh in anger, but he didn’t expect to break the wound on his arm that had just been bandaged, and he grimaced in pain.

  A cannon had penetrated his cockpit before, and although it didn’t hit anyone, the flying fragments had rubbed his arm and almost cut his artery.

  Although he was holding back a ball of anger in his heart, he had no other choice but to be angry. He could only ask the airport control tower for instructions, and then ordered the other members of the air force to return.

  At the same time, the four “Saber” jet fighters coming from Yongye Port also missed, and they cruised in the air for a circle but didn’t find any enemy planes, so they had no choice but to return.

  These aircraft have very high requirements for airports and ground handling environments. There is not even an airport here that can land them or provide maintenance services.

  Looking at the light spots on the radar screen that disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, General Gullion’s face was as gloomy as the sky covered with dark clouds.

  He could guess how much damage this airstrike caused without asking his subordinates.

  The adjutant standing next to him swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty.

  ”It turned out to be a suicide attack… Are these blue gophers crazy?!” They

  risked their lives for a group of survivors who had nothing to do with them!

  He couldn’t understand what those guys were thinking.

  Don’t they have their own families? !

  General Gullion, who looked ugly, did not make a fuss like his adjutant, but narrowed his eyes slightly while staring at the map.

  ”The staff previously speculated that the alliance probably had some kind of technology related to remotely operated clones… Now it seems that the staff’s judgment is probably correct.”

  This was the speculation made by the legion’s staff when they were besieging the Torch Church before.

  According to the feedback from the frontline soldiers, they found that although the soldiers of the Alliance suffered continuous casualties, the number of elite troops had never decreased.

  There was only one explanation.

  That is, the casualties of some of the Alliance soldiers, especially the casualties of the elite troops, were actually clones or something similar.

  Although it sounds a bit incredible, it seems to be the most reliable explanation.

  And this can also explain why the residents of the Alliance’s shelters rarely appear outside the communication range, and the Alliance always spares no effort to promote their cables.

  From this he can make a preliminary inference.

  That is, the clones operated by the residents of the shelters can only move within the communication radius.

  In places outside the communication radius, they can only risk going there in their real bodies, and if they die, they really die.

  For example, the four blue gophers who came to Xifan Port before.

  Hearing General Gu Liong’s words, the adjutant standing next to him was stunned for a moment, and said with a hesitant expression on his face.

  ”But…if that’s the case, why didn’t our signal jammer work?”

  He always felt that the technology of “remotely controlled clones” sounded too incredible. Even “the residents of the Alliance’s shelters are actually androids” was more reliable than this speculation.

  General Gullion shook his head, still firmly believing in his guess.

  ”Electromagnetic waves are not the only signal transmission medium. Have you forgotten those mutant slime molds? We still don’t fully understand what the mind signal is.”

  It is said that it was a long time ago that the Human Alliance discovered some planetary consciousness on the planet Gaia, and got inspiration from it to develop a technology called “mind interference device”. This

  thing can drive away creatures with lower minds and communicate with creatures with higher minds. It was once considered by the academic community at that time to be the best communication medium for communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations.

  After all, language communication is too inefficient. Not only does it take a long time to decipher, but it may also cause misunderstandings.

  Whether or not to be led by the nose by the mind interference signal can also be used as a touchstone to measure whether the other party’s mind is worth communicating with, and what strategy to use for communication.

  However, even though “psychic interference technology” was developed in the Human Union era, even after entering the Wasteland Era, no one could really figure out what the so-called mental signal was.

  The Alliance was obviously the same, but this did not prevent those who mastered this technology from using it.

  Looking at the completely stunned adjutant and other officers, Gurion said firmly.

  ”…No matter what medium they use to operate the clones, the signal always needs to be transmitted to the front line through cables or signal towers, and these facilities are traceable!”

  As he said, he looked at an officer standing in front of the command table and gave an order.

  ”…The appearance of our Weilantes is too different from that of the locals, so it is not convenient to operate behind enemy lines. I need you to train a special force composed of Brahmans to infiltrate the rear of our enemies and launch a surprise attack on our enemies’ communication facilities!”

  The officer stood at attention and saluted.


  Looking at the map spread out on the command table again, General Gurion’s mouth gradually raised a cold smile.

  He admitted that the airstrike caught him off guard, and the Alliance’s reaction speed was beyond his expectations.

  However, if these guys thought that they could defeat his entire plan with such a clumsy method, they would be too naive.

  The war has just begun.

  Since the Alliance’s air force has joined the war in advance, the equipment specially prepared for the Alliance can also be deployed in advance.

  Although expensive missiles are not needed to deal with the natives, it is still worth using them on the Alliance.

  No matter how cheap the clones are, planes equipped with plasma engines and fusion reactors are not cheap, and it is worth exchanging them for missiles.

  In addition to planes, there are also ships.

  Putting away his contempt for the enemy, Gurion stared at the sea area in the southwest corner of the map.

  If nothing unexpected happens,

  the fleet of the South Sea Alliance should have arrived…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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