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Chapter 854: Expansion Pack Update! “Barbarian Invasion”!

Chapter 854: Expansion Pack Update! “Barbarian Invasion”!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 854: Updated data pack! “Southern Barbarians Invade”!


  Just as the survivors of Jingalon Port were excited about the invasion of the Legion, in the mountains and forests far away in the southwest of Dog State and the border of Lion State, the artillery dormant in the woods also issued a deafening roar at the same time.

  The rain of fire rushed to the sky and then hit the ground heavily, engulfing the battlefield 30 kilometers away in a boiling fire and thick smoke.

  That was the 155mm artillery sold by the Alliance to the Mammoth Country.

  At this moment, there were 24 guns deployed at the forefront, forming a full battalion-level firepower group!

  One after another, the artillery continued to fire, firing a full twelve rounds of intensive firepower.

  The coordinates of the bombardment were located in the territory of Lion State, on the position where the 10,000th Army of the Borneo State had just withdrawn.

  Although it was the territory of the Borneo State, now that the Southern Legion had torn its face, the Moon Clan resistance army could not care so much.

  With the pouring of these twelve rounds of firepower, the offensive of the 172th thousand-man team of the Legion finally came to a standstill and was suppressed in the trenches left by the 10,000-man team of the Pala Kingdom. After

  surging for more than 300 kilometers, the Legion’s offensive finally came to a standstill.

  And this is probably the biggest and most direct resistance that the front-line troops of the Southern Legion have encountered since landing.

  Standing next to a group of artillery, [War Wolf] was sitting next to a tree stump with his eyes closed “meditation”.

  After receiving the news from Brother Gou from the front offline, he immediately went online and opened his eyes and greeted the battalion commander next to him.

  ”It’s time to retreat!”

  The Southern Legion responded quickly.

  While the mobile forces were advancing forward, they could also complete the deployment of artillery positions in an orderly manner.

  Although the steel airship is currently being held near Xifan Port, it is not the only support weapon of the Southern Legion.

  According to the intelligence reconnaissance by Brother Gou, the enemy artillery units have completed the preparations for counter-fire, and it won’t be long before the correction shooting will come.

  The battalion commander was watching his men loading and firing vigorously. When he heard the reminder from his good brother from the alliance, he immediately felt a cold water pour down on his head and his expression immediately became serious.


  Without any hesitation, he immediately issued the order to retreat while holding the walkie-talkie.

  The soldiers wearing exoskeletons immediately stepped forward to put away the artillery bracket and skillfully hung it on the back of the light truck.

  They had practiced the whole set of actions countless times and had practiced it countless times when fighting against the Gray Wolf Army.

  In less than a minute, the entire position was packed up, and trucks towing artillery quickly withdrew from the pre-prepared path.

  Just as they had just withdrawn, a deafening roar came from the back of everyone’s head.

  A calibrated shell landed in the woods first.

  Then, in less than half a minute, a more violent rain of fire than before covered them in waves.

  The flames and shrapnel from the explosion shuttled freely in the woods, blowing the towering old trees to pieces.

  Looking at the shaking forest behind them, the soldiers sitting on the trucks all had a trace of fear on their faces.

  The reaction speed of the Southern Legion was much faster than that of the Gray Wolf Army. When they were fighting guerrilla warfare with Alayan’s troops, they even had time to smoke a cigarette before leaving.

  But here, let alone smoking a cigarette.

  If they were ten seconds late, they would probably lose a leg in the woods.

  ”Did we hit it just now? Is the enemy’s loss big?”

  The battalion commander sitting on the truck was not afraid at all, but looked at the brother of the alliance impatiently and asked with an eager expression.

  The warlike wolf glanced at the VM, which had no signal for the time being, so he said calmly.

  ”Our scouts are confirming it, don’t worry.”

  In fact, he had already confirmed the results of the shelling when he was offline.

  The previous round of firepower coverage really hurt the legion, and the counterattack that was currently underway was not without the meaning of exasperation.

  However, his human language was really not very good, and it was too troublesome to explain, so he was too lazy to explain.

  The battalion commander did not ask further questions, but just cast his eyes to the noisy forest behind him.

  The roaring artillery fire had been going on for a while, but there was no sign of stopping.

  It can be seen that the Legion was indeed well prepared, and this posture seemed to be about to blow up the entire mountain.

  However, this also happened to show that their strategic goal had been achieved.

  Long before the battle, Laxi issued instructions to the front line, requiring combat units at all levels not to stick to the battle line, and to use long-range firepower and terrain as much as possible to block the enemy’s offensive.

  The brothers of the Polo Kingdom have proved that the positional warfare method cannot stop the Legion’s offensive.

  They must replace the original solid battle line with a more flexible battle line, disperse small troops to a wider depth, wait until the enemy’s large troops penetrate deep into the hinterland, and then pounce on them and bite them hard, and wear down their manpower in repeated pulling.

  The sound of artillery behind them was still noisy, but it was gradually fading away in the ears of everyone.

  They will go to the next position and wait for the next order from the division headquarters.

  A young soldier about fourteen years old held a rifle and muttered with his head down.

  ”How many Willant people are there this time?”

  He was a new soldier who joined the army a few months ago and was also a native of the three northern states.

  When the little emperor came to practice in the palace, he was recruited to work there.

  Later, the Moon Clan resistance army attacked, and the little emperor fled with a group of nobles, leaving him with nowhere to go.

  Later, a young man about his age found him, stuffed an LD-47 into his hand, and told him that if he couldn’t find his home, he might as well join the resistance army first. Here, not only food is provided, but also land is distributed, so he joined.

  The old soldier sitting next to him was a little older, but only in his early twenties. After thinking for a while, he spoke.

  ”According to our organization, there are about thirty divisions.”

  Thirty divisions…

  Hearing this number, many people sitting in the truck swallowed their saliva involuntarily, and even some veterans of the resistance army who had experienced many battles couldn’t help but grin.

  They thought they had enough people, but they didn’t expect the other side to have a lot of people.

  Currently, the Mammoth Country has only ten divisions of troops, five of which are deployed on the front line, and the other five divisions are still coming from the east.

  Although the neighboring country of Borneo has hundreds of divisions, most of them are just making up the numbers. The army of one million cannot even get the equipment for 100,000 people.

  Not only that, these guys are also facing a very serious problem – that is, the replacement of troops.

  Although the caliber of the rifles of the Legion and the Alliance is 7mm, they are not the same type of ammunition after all.

  Even the gray uniforms are only issued to one-third of the troops, and the remaining two-thirds are basically no different from the miscellaneous army.

  Even with the help of the Alliance, this is still a battle with a huge disparity in strength.

  A new soldier couldn’t help but mutter.

  ”…Can we win?”

  The warlike wolf wanted to tell the truth, which might be a bit difficult. After all, even the Alliance has never directly fought against the Legion that was twisted into a rope, and it is hard to say how much chance the fragmented Borneo Province has of winning.

  This is purely a rational analysis.

  It is impossible for them to completely reverse the entire battle situation just because they won once in the artillery battle.

  It had only been less than a day since the war began, and the Southern Army had already taken over the entire northwest corner of Lion State and pushed the front line to Sulak County.

  If the Alliance were to fight this battle, the speed of advancement would probably not be faster than theirs.

  However, before he could speak out his concerns, the battalion commander sitting next to him put his hand on the recruit’s shoulder and shook it hard.

  ”It will work!”

  The voice was extremely firm, just like his unwavering eyes.

  His sight passed the present, as if he had already seen the bright and beautiful future.

  He believed it without a doubt.

  The warlike wolf sitting next to him was slightly stunned.

  He didn’t know where this guy’s confidence came from, but he unexpectedly discovered that this group of vagrants had faith since some time.

  This group of guys who couldn’t read a single word and didn’t understand any theory actually fought with faith!

  This is incredible…

  Like many new players in the alliance, he used to look down on the group of Moon Clan resistance forces, thinking that these guys without any guiding ideology and theoretical basis could only be mountain kings at best, and it was a fluke that they could stop the Gray Wolf Army.

  However, now he found that it might just be his arrogance and prejudice, thinking that “non-absolute thoughts” are the same as “absolutely no thoughts”.

  In fact, the alliance was not built in a day.

  When the Pioneer passed by Qingquan City, they were as small as ants on the roadside.

  Seeing that pairs of eyes around him secretly looked at him, the warlike wolf was silent for a long time, and suddenly a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said the most fluent sentence he had in a while.

  ”Don’t ask such boring questions…”

  ”Those beasts just have sharper teeth… If their teeth were sharper, they could win, you and I would still be in the tree now.”

  Hearing this interesting metaphor, a happy laugh rang out in the bumpy carriage.

  Many Moon Clan soldiers were amused by the humor of the Alliance brother, and smiles appeared on their tense faces.

  In particular, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion laughed the most, and the cigarette in his mouth fell.

  The thirteen-year-old boy looked confused and asked the Alliance brother in confusion.

  ”Why are you staying in the tree?”

  In his cognition, the Alliance brothers are the most knowledgeable people. The entire army, from platoon leaders to division commanders, respects them and will seriously refer to their suggestions.

  Looking at the child who should be sitting in the classroom studying, the warlike wolf grinned and showed off the little ink in his stomach.

  ”There are many theories about the origin of humans. One theory is that humans evolved from monkeys.”

  The child widened his eyes.

  ”But I am a dog tribe…”

  ”That has nothing to do with what you believe in. It’s that… thing called science, right?” The battalion commander, who put the cigarette butt in his mouth again, smiled and interrupted.

  He has a fellow villager who has been to the North Island in the southern sea area, and he also heard the word science from that guy.

  This is a good thing. I heard that the survivors in the southern sea area relied on that science to live more comfortably on a small piece of land than those who own a large plain. A piece of clothing is more valuable than their lives.

  And this is after bankruptcy.

  Before bankruptcy, I heard that the people there were several times richer than they are now.

  War Wolf: “…Strictly speaking, it should be considered an inference. After all, no one has seen the past. I don’t understand this thing either. It’s better to ask your teacher when you return to school one day.”

  The boy nodded, not quite understanding, and then asked curiously.

  ”Then… why did we come down from the tree again? Isn’t it good to stay in the tree?”

  War Wolf laughed.

  ”That’s a long story. It has to start from before the prosperous era… even farther away than the classical era…”


  The setting sun sank into the sea, and the sky with accumulated dark clouds finally rained heavily.

  The sound of raindrops fell in the muddy trenches, and in the puddle of water, there was an arm that someone had dropped.

  A Willant soldier stumbled over the trench when he was crossing the trench, and he almost fell into a mouthful of mud. Fortunately, the centurion next to him grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

  ”Watch your feet. If it’s a mine, you’re dead.”

  I heard that the Alliance has artillery mines, and it’s not difficult to deploy them.

  The soldier swallowed a mouthful of saliva mixed with rainwater and lowered his head in shame.


  Pete glanced at the new recruit and said nothing, but cast his eyes on the messy battlefield in front of him.

  This was the position of the Polo Kingdom before. The Polo Kingdom’s troops had just evacuated from here, and their friendly 172,000-man team filled in right after.

  However, not long after that, artillery shells came from the mountainous forest area in the northeast, and there were more than 20 155mm guns, firing a full 12 rounds of barrage.

  According to the friendly forces, they had a 100-man team right in the center of the barrage, and lost contact since the second round of shelling. They hoped that the 171st 1,000-man team stationed nearby would send a troop to see what their troops were like. The 170,000-man team

  rushed forward too fast, and encountered an air strike in the rear. Many supports had not caught up, so they were forced to switch from advancing to consolidating their current positions.

  The brothers of the 172nd 1,000-man team are not convenient to leave their positions now, and they can only rely on the friendly forces in the same 10,000-man team.

  This bombed 100-man team was unlucky enough. Pete heard that they were counting the scraps seized from the Borneo Army’s position. Unexpectedly, they just touched the scraps and then touched the first prize,

  and were hit by the enemy’s artillery. The artillery fire covered so quickly and decisively. There must be a reconnaissance unit of the Moon Clan Resistance Army nearby reporting information.

  After discovering the enemy’s artillery fire and the radio signal commanding the artillery fire, the 170,000th team immediately deployed its own artillery unit. However, before their counter-artillery fire began, the enemy had ceased fire and most likely moved away.

  These guys were as cunning as mice. He had to admit that they did underestimate the enemy.

  But it’s not too late to correct it now.

  After returning to the team, Pete was immediately assigned a new task and went to the friendly position that was bombarded.

  They needed to confirm the situation of the friendly forces while cooperating with the surviving friendly forces to catch the enemy’s eyes.


  Looking at the messy battlefield, Pete couldn’t help cursing, but he still made a gesture to his teammates and went forward to search.

  The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the wind was blowing hard, making the search very difficult.

  In particular, they had to be careful

  around them, because they might not be the only ones active nearby. The scouts of the Mammoth Kingdom might be nearby, and the soldiers of the Borneo Kingdom might also be worried about the equipment left in the position and make a surprise attack after hearing the artillery.

  This is also the reason why the 172th thousand-man team did not dare to move. They had to be extremely careful before the airship returned to the front line.

  Just as he approached an anti-artillery hole and was about to go in and take a look, a rifle suddenly pointed at his head.

  ”Don’t move!”

  He saw a fierce eye in the dark, and the other was covered with blood.

  Noticing the high nose bridge, Pete let go of the hand holding the rifle, indicating that he had no ill intentions.

  ”One of our own.”

  Just before he spoke, the man standing in the shadows obviously saw his identity, lowered the muzzle of the gun aimed at his forehead, and spat bloody saliva on the ground.

  ”Damn… I just noticed, which unit are you from?”

  ”The 171st Thousand-Man Unit, a Hundred-Man Unit.” Peter only then noticed that this emotional guy was a centurion, one level higher than himself.

  ”171?” The centurion was stunned, frowning and muttering, “Where are our own people?”

  Peter said concisely.

  ”They can’t take care of you for the time being, so they entrusted us to check on your situation… How many people do you have left?”

  The centurion grinned.

  ”The casualties are not too serious… Nine people died, but there are more injured, about ten. The sanitary conditions here are too poor, and it’s raining, I’m worried that they can’t hold on for long.” Are there

  really only nine people who died?

  Peter looked at him suspiciously, suspecting that he had never confirmed it, but he didn’t ask more questions, but said immediately.

  ”Then let them go to the nearby farm. We have set up an operation base there and have medical personnel. When the transport team arrives, we can send them to the rear.”

  The centurion’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately agreed.

  ”Okay! Then they will be handed over to you!”

  ”What about you?”

  Looking at the centurion who didn’t seem to plan to retreat from here, Peter asked subconsciously.

  The centurion’s eyes flashed a fierceness, and he squeezed out a sentence with gritted teeth.

  ”… Those guys blew up my brothers, I can’t just let it go.”

  The casualties of friendly forces are only one aspect, and the other is too embarrassing.

  In the previous round of shelling, the casualties of the entire 10,000-man team might have been contracted by their team for the whole day.

  If he doesn’t get this place back, he simply has no face to be the centurion!

  Peter wanted to persuade him to calm down, but it seems that this guy will not listen to the opinion of a mere centurion.

  ”…You’d better be careful. I always feel that the Alliance may have arrived.”

  ”Oh, you’re just in time!” The centurion curled his lips and patted his shoulder. “The wounded are in the anti-artillery cave… I’ll leave it to you.”

  After that, he climbed out of the trench in the pouring rain and shouted to the position.

  ”Follow me if you can still move! These bastards have finally farted, follow me and do the fucking!”

  ”Oh oh oh!”

  ”Fight them!!”

  The high-spirited roars spread from the position, and soldiers wearing bulletproof armor and exoskeletons climbed out of the trenches one after another, gathering towards the north with murderous intent.

  The high-spirited roars passed through the heavy rain and drifted to the field beside.

  The [Dog of the Catheter] lying in the field had a regretful expression on his face, took back the small drone floating in the sky, and turned off the VM screen that was emitting a faint light.

  ”Damn, what a pity…”

  The previous round of artillery fire probably killed only 20 to 30 people. It was a bit of a waste to kill one person with an average of five shells.

  It would be great if there were artillery nearby.

  Judging from the route of these big-nosed guys, they should still be planning to go north. If they could fire another round of volleys at this time, they might be able to take away this team of 100 people in one go.

  However, the artillery battalion ambushed in the mountains has been moved, and now he can do nothing but watch from the side.

  Climbing up from the field, Brother Gou carefully avoided the group of murderous Willant soldiers and moved towards the direction of Sulak County.

  It seems that a team of 1,000 people drove there before. He planned to go there to investigate again before going offline to see what the situation was there…


  Just when the front-line troops of the Southern Legion were cursed by the shells, the official website of “Wasteland OL” in another world was as jubilant as a festival.

  Facts have proved that people’s sorrows and joys are not the same.

  It is different from the Willant people and the Boro people who are waiting in agony. For the players of Wasteland OL, they couldn’t wait to “mediate the fight” before the fight even started.

  As early as a few months ago, several bigwigs on the forum were analyzing that an accidental discharge of guns was inevitable.

  And now the restless army is indeed as they expected, and the big knife planned by the dog can no longer be restrained!

  [Explanation Update: “Southern Barbarian Invasion”]

  [Description: The Southern Army supports the false emperor Akbar Xilan to rebuild the Xilan Royal Court, and launches an armed invasion against the survivors of the Borneo Province in the name of the false Xilan regime!

  This is not only a provocation to the peace and order of the wasteland, but also a betrayal of the ancient contract! The survivors of the alliance will not allow the legion to expand to the east of the Great Desert in any form. If they enter the battlefield in the name of mercenaries, then we will let them see the power of volunteers! 】

  【How to join: Sign up for volunteers on VM and go to the front line, which is regarded as participating in the expansion pack event. The expansion pack missions will be received through VM. 】

  【Activity rewards: In addition to the rewards obtained by completing the mission itself, points can be exchanged for more rewards after the expansion pack ends. Please stay tuned for details. 】

  【Risk warning: There are fewer save points in this activity area, and the situation is extremely complicated. The sequence level of the registered players must be above LV10 and the contribution points must exceed 3000. 】

  【Currently registered players: 27155 people! 】

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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