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Chapter 855: The Western Legion Wants to Make a Fortune in Quiet Places

Chapter 855: The Western Legion Wants to Make a Fortune in Quiet Places


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 855: The Western Legion Wants to Make a Fortune in Quiet

  Shelter No. 404.

  Browsing Room on Floor B4.

  Chu Guang, who had finally finished editing and uploading the update file, was browsing the feedback from players and cloud players under the post.

  Passers-by: “Why is there no version number? When will it be updated? (Furious)”

  Angel Ayanami: “What a dog planner! There are still a few bugs. Are they going to be fixed?”

  Pig farmer: “Dad!! Give me a closed beta qualification!”

  Lightning King Professor Yang: “I’d like to use this building to advertise, ergonomic game cabin! The basic model comes with a helmet lying bracket, which can be customized with vital signs monitoring, nutrition maintenance, and auxiliary metabolic functions, etc., so that you don’t have to wake up by hunger or urine! Buy now and get two free physical examinations, if you are interested, please contact me privately!! (Grinning teeth)”

  Thunder General: “Fuck Professor Yang! Be careful when you buy, this guy is a bitch, he has never played this awesome game.”

  Ye Shi: “You may not believe it, but this guy is also a veteran player. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “I think what you should worry about more than whether you have played this game or not is This guy is playing some tricks in other places. I suggest you go to the police to file a case. (Slanting eyes)”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Fuck! You are prejudiced!”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Brother Guang, can you give me a helmet? I promise not to make trouble after entering the game. I just want to see if it is realistic. TT”

  Genuine Water Heater: “I I want to ride a mammoth!!! QAQ”

  I am full and bored: “Brother Guang, can you send me a trial card? I just want to go in and take a look! Just one look!”

  Tail: “Oh oh oh! That guy is so big! (ω)”

  Meat Mountain Big Bun: “When we loaded that guy on the ship, we almost stepped on our ship and capsized it. (Sweat)”

  Teng Teng: “Speaking of which, this expansion pack is really far away. We have to take a boat after getting off the train.”

  Crow: “It’s a waste of half a month to die once. It turns out that the novice village is safer. (=ω`=)”

  Stop bullshitting: “Damn! You are too salty!”


  Previously, the White Bear Knights brought back two mammoths from the Mammoth Country, and now they are being kept in the zoo of Dawn City.

  The wastelanders in the River Valley Province are no longer surprised by all kinds of alien species. After all, their respected managers even keep death claws as pets, but their children are still very interested in this huge and docile animal.

  When the Bone Chewing Rebellion just ended, there was a baby boom in the Alliance, and now these children have learned to speak.

  The world in their eyes is different from the world in their parents’ eyes. Seeing the two furry hills is just novel and cute, and they even want to climb up and play.

  Although some survivors who lean to the right hold conservative views and believe that the abuse of genetic technology is the culprit for the current proliferation of alien species, and prehistoric creatures resurrected by genetic technology should not be exhibited as positive images, there are also some survivors who lean to the left who hold open-minded views and regard the two mammoths as a symbol of friendship between the Mammoth Country and the Alliance.

  For example, the workers in the Workers’ Union.

  In addition, the two mammoths are also quite popular on the forum, and are even about to become the new mascot after “Neeko” and “Xiaoyu”.

  In the past, some cloud players clamored for helmets, mostly because they “wanted to see how realistic this game is”, but now they have another reason, “want to see mammoths”.

  In addition to the new booths in the zoo, Dawn City has many more things that were not there before.

  For example, the second museum, and the art gallery, gymnasium, and space station wreckage exhibition hall that were not there before.

  Looking at the changes brought to the game by these little players, Chu Guang was also very pleased.

  A truly smart manager is definitely not a guy like Wu Tuo who is addicted to being a novice, has many ideas, and is confident. Instead, he can formulate a complete framework for a systematic project, so that people and things in this system can perform their duties and make the best use of them.

  If the alliance has developed to the same scale as before, and he needs to deploy every command personally, it can only mean that he has worked in vain.

  Xiao Qi, sitting on the pen holder, held his lower cheek with both hands and stared at Chu Guang intently.

  ”Speaking of which, the master hasn’t updated the version number for a long time.”

  Chu Guang said with a laugh, releasing his hand holding the mouse.

  ”Isn’t that good? What I worried about most before was what the alliance would do without me. Now I’m not worried anymore. Even without our intervention, the game will continue to update itself.”

  ”But Xiaoqi thinks it’s too early for you to think about things that far ahead…ah, the number of applicants has exceeded 30,000! So impressive!” For some reason, Xiaoqi didn’t seem to want to talk about this and suddenly changed the subject.

  Chu Guang didn’t think much about it and smiled faintly.

  ”This number is almost the limit…I guess it will reach 35,000 in the end.”

  Although the discussion of the Boro Province on the forum has been quite hot recently, “Wasteland OL” is not just that area.

  There is a Ice Sea City Special Zone in the Wandering Swamp in the north, a Yunxia City Special Zone in the Yunjian Province in the east, and ten planned settlements in the south. The players of the Alliance have long been spread all over the eastern world of the Zhongzhou continent.

  In addition, the Alliance’s biological research institute and scientific expedition team are still frequently sending scientific research teams to Baiyue Province and the eastern provinces. Players are also needed to protect these personnel.

  Although there are many online people now, after being distributed to various gathering places, there are actually not many players who can be squeezed out.

  However, this war is not only participated by players.

  Due to the activeness of some players in the area, the local survivors have spontaneously united, temporarily put aside their grievances, and formed a unified front.

  Not to mention that there are 30,000 players going there.

  Even if there are only 3,000, the Southern Army will have no chance of winning!

  After closing the update announcement page, Chu Guang continued to browse the forum and found that Fang Chang had opened another post and exchanged war strategies with Mole and other players participating in the expansion pack.

  At present, the Burning Corps has arrived in Tiandu by plane, and the armored forces of the Skeleton Corps have also arrived in Xiangzhou and are advancing towards Niuzhou where Tiandu is located.

  There will be a good show soon.

  Just as Chu Guang was happily peeking at the screen, Xiao Qi, who was sitting in the pen holder, suddenly spoke.

  ”Master, Foreign Minister Cheng Yan said he has something important to discuss with you in person, and he has arrived at the entrance of the shelter.”

  Chu Guang glanced at the time. It was already midnight. He couldn’t help wondering what had happened to make Cheng Yan so anxious, so he spoke.

  ”Tell him to come to the reading room to see me directly.”

  Xiao Qi said enthusiastically.


  After handing over the reception to Xiao Qi, Chu Guang asked X-16, who was standing by, to make two cups of coffee, and then went to the room next to him to change into his regular clothes.

  Not long after, the door of the browsing room opened, and Cheng Yan walked in from outside with a serious face.

  ”Dear Manager, I’m sorry to disturb your rest at this time, but just now we received news from the South China Sea Alliance that they were intercepted by an unidentified fleet on their way to the western Borneo Sea to block the port, and were forced to change their original plan.” Unidentified


  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and his expression quickly became serious.

  ”Are there any suspects?”

  Cheng Yan reported truthfully.

  ”The other party did not take the initiative to contact us. The two sides tried each other for a round but there was no result. However, according to Li Minghui’s speculation, the power system they use is obviously different from the ships of the Southern Legion… If nothing unexpected happens, those ships should be the Western Legion.”

  The Western Legion…

  Hearing this unfamiliar name, Chu Guang frowned slightly.

  A long time ago, he heard from Vanus that the legion had a total of four legion commanders, divided into four legions in the southeast, northwest, and northeast.

  The three legions of the North, East and South are all in the mainland of Middle-earth, and the Western Legion is in the distant New World.

  Due to the long distance, Vanus does not have much information about it. He only knows that the naval technology of the Western Legion is relatively advanced, and the settlements are mainly distributed along the east coast of the New World, but there are also a small number of ports on the west coast. To be

  honest, the ancient “contract” signed by the enterprise and the legion under the witness of the Academy and the Great Rift Valley actually has some loopholes.

  The contract only stipulates that the legion shall not expand eastward across the Great Desert, but does not stipulate how much the legion can expand westward.

  After all, this planet is round, and it is not just the Middle-earth continent. There is also a slightly smaller continental plate on the other side of the planet.

  What is more difficult now is that due to the poor orbital environment, there are no aerospace facilities that can directly observe the New World. And the merchants of the Alliance have rarely heard of anyone who has been to such a far place.

  It is only in recent years that the use of mind interference technology to drive away marine alien species has been a thing.

  In the earlier years, ships sailing in the southern waters of the Central Continent either used the “black ironwood” method or the sonar sensors of the South Sea Alliance. No one would venture to explore completely unfamiliar waters.

  For the Alliance, the intelligence about the Western Continent was almost blank.

  Looking at Chu Guang who was lost in thought, Cheng Yan cautiously suggested.

  ”I wonder… Will the Enterprise have any information about the Western Legion? After all, Ideal City is located at the easternmost part of the east coast, at least closer to the New World than we are.”

  Chu Guang said after thinking for a moment.

  ”I’ll ask… Although I feel that they may not be as enthusiastic as we are about matters outside the Yunjian Province.”

  The Eastern Legion has been held down by him, but the Northern Legion and the Western Legion have not yet expressed their views.

  In fact, so far, Bennot can only represent the opinions of Triumph City, and the Alliance has no diplomatic channels to communicate directly with the Northern Legion and the Western Legion.

  But –

  why is the Western Legion interested in the affairs of the Boro Province?

  The distance between those guys and the Boro Province is much farther than the distance between the Alliance and the Boro Province.

  Looking at the steam rising from the coffee cup, Chu Guang was thinking quietly, and suddenly his eyes moved slightly.

  ”… Could it be arms?”

  Cheng Yan was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed slightly.

  ”You mean… the Western Legion is exporting arms to Xifan Port?”

  ”It’s not just as simple as exporting arms, maybe it’s ‘project subcontracting’…” Chu Guang took a sip of the coffee cup and put the cup back on the table with a light sigh, “I should have thought that this might happen.”

  The relationship between the Southern Legion and the civil servants of Kaixuan City has become strained, and it is unlikely that the logistics will be handed over to the latter to ensure.

  Now the Eastern Legion has also made it clear that it will not participate in this battle. The temporary port located in the southwest of Luoxia Province, near the Zhuobal Mountains, and the transportation channel across the Great Desert will not be open to the Southern Legion.

  In this case, it is reasonable for the Southern Legion to choose other partners.

  He can even guess that the top leaders of the Southern Legion must have promised certain benefits to the top leaders of the Western Legion.

  For example, 30% of the interests of the “new colony”.

  Just like the alliance and the enterprise reached a cooperation on the space elevator project.

  Whether they are willing to admit it or not, the survivors with the same consciousness are natural allies.

  Cheng Yan asked seriously.

  ”…The Southern Alliance wants us to give them a suggestion on what to do next?”

  Chu Guang thought for a while and said.

  ”The other party did not reveal their identity openly, but hid behind the scenes to make small moves, which means that they don’t want to have a direct conflict with us. Since they are pretending to be stupid, let them do it, and we won’t expose their tricks.”

  Cheng Yan frowned and asked.

  ”Leave them alone?”

  ”How is it possible? Are our submarines and submarine mothers just decorations?” Chu Guang laughed, with a hint of chill in his voice, “I heard that there are many sea monsters in the Borneo Sea, such as… the Laken that can launch torpedoes. The transport ship sunk by the Laken can’t be blamed on us.”

  Cheng Yan’s eyes lit up and he couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

  ”That’s a good idea!”

  Chu Guang smiled and shook his head without saying anything.

  What kind of good idea is this…

  Isn’t it just basic operations?

  He believed that even if he didn’t say it, Cheng Yan could have come up with this idea.

  But everyone has their own little thoughts, and this guy is obviously no exception.

  When a person’s prestige reaches a certain height, people around him will subconsciously lower their posture, whether out of respect, dependence or any other purpose.

  The residents of the shelter are fine, and the wastelanders of the alliance have some.

  Apart from scientific research-related positions, Xiaoyu may be the only wastelander who displays his talents without reservation.

  Many people, including Lu Bei, only changed their address to him from “Sir” to “Mr.” until recently, at his repeated requests.

  Chu Guang could see the restraint in Cheng Yan’s heart, but he did not expose it. He simply explained the follow-up work and asked him to handle the matter flexibly, and ended the meeting.

  Some things are done too much, but too much is worse than too little.

  Cheng Yan has always done a good job, whether he was on a mission to King Gallen Port or to the Eastern Legion.

  Chu Guang didn’t want him to interpret this as, “I’m dissatisfied with his work”…

  ”Master, Xiao Qi feels that your survivors still rely on you.” Watching Cheng Yan leave, Xiao Qi’s voice was slightly proud, and he gently shook his legs hanging beside the pen holder.

  Looking at this little guy with his nose raised and proud, Chu Guang extended his index finger and touched its little head.

  ”I know… but I don’t think this is something to be happy about.”

  ”Well, Xiao Qi feels happy!”

  Smoothing out the messed up hair, Xiao Qi rarely did not follow his wishes, but argued with him.

  But after a moment, the corners of the proud mouth drooped again, and for some reason it had a cautious tone again, and the swaying legs stopped moving.

  ”So… can you not leave?”

  Chu Guang was stunned for a moment as he was about to push the little guy into the pen holder with his index finger suspended above his head.

  ”What are you talking about?”

  Xiao Qi muttered with his hands on his head.

  ”Well… Xiaoqi is worried that one day, you will be like that person, saying that they are all me from now on, and then you will run away without knowing where you are.”

  Looking at Xiaoqi who suddenly became depressed, Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and it took him a while to remember who he was talking about.

  That was the designer of “Fang Ming”.

  When the operation authority of space-based weapons was sent to it, the AI ​​named Fang Ming told it a lot about its designer.

  Perhaps it was the sensitivity of AI, Xiaoqi saw a similar shadow in himself.

  Chu Guang was silent for a while, and did not continue to play with the little guy as usual, but gently picked it up and put it on his shoulder.

  “Even the computer buried under the ruins of the inner city, which is used to calculate the future, cannot calculate the future with 100% accuracy…even the development of things is always far from what we originally imagined, and most of the time it is unexpected.”

  “So don’t always worry about those distant things. At least I am still here now, and we are still young.”

  “Even if I go to a very far place in the future, I will take you with me.”

  (Thanks to the leader “Bie Menghan” for the reward!!!)

   I was delayed by something in reality. Sorry brothers, I am short…


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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