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Chapter 856 The Beginning of Chaos

Chapter 856 The Beginning of Chaos


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 856 The Beginning of Chaos

  The western front of Borneo Province, Sulak County.

  After returning to the base of operations, Pete first settled the wounded, and then reported to his superiors the situation of the friendly forces that were bombarded.

  This matter had come to an end, and he was about to go back to the barracks to sleep, but gunshots were heard in the north of Sulak County. He had to lead his men to the assembly point again, and followed the centurion to get on the armored personnel carrier parked at the door of the farm.

  Sitting in the open-top personnel carrier, the young men were excited and ready to go.

  ”From the sound of gunfire, it’s at least a hundred-man team.”

  ”…It’s probably the resistance army of the Mammoth Country! I heard that those guys are elite and equipped with the exoskeleton of the Alliance.”

  ”We have that stuff too.”

  Although there was no shortage of battles in the Great Desert, there were basically no hard battles to fight.

  Especially the 170,000-man team led by Orlet was stationed in Yongye Port.

  There were air forces, artillery, and shallow-water heavy gunboats supporting the offshore, and the opponents they faced were either indigenous rebels with iron-barreled rifles or gray-skinned mutant tribes.

  Many young men didn’t even look at where the enemy was, and they had already won a round when the artillery sounded.

  As for the mutants hiding in the ruins of the city, they generally wouldn’t bother them.

  After all, it was not profitable to conquer the inland land deep into the desert. Although the legion longed for the land under the sun, it didn’t want all the land.

  In any case, they were finally able to fight with a decent opponent, and both the big soldiers and their superiors were more or less eager to try.

  While a group of people were discussing, the older veteran suddenly frowned.

  ”…The sound of the gunshot is a little familiar.”

  Pete also noticed something wrong.

  The gunshots that had been ringing for a long time seemed to be fired by their own weapons.

  ”Maybe they are the defeated soldiers of the Pala Kingdom, or maybe they are the guerrillas of the Mammoth Kingdom… I can’t tell.”

  Although the Mammoth Kingdom built its army according to the Alliance’s standards, it also had some equipment seized from the Gray Wolf Army.

  The gunshots continued for more than 20 minutes, and finally stopped just before they arrived.

  ”The location of the firefight is due north! Get out of the car! Everyone, hurry up!”

  The car stopped in front of a forest, and Pete and his men jumped out of the car, walked through the woods and went to reinforce the direction of the gunshots. After

  running about 200 meters, Pete finally arrived at the destination and found that the battle was over. There

  were hundreds of corpses lying in the densely vegetated woods.

  These people died in extremely tragic ways. Many of them were shot several times, and even their throats were cut. Next to these people were some weapons such as the Ripper rifle or the PU-9 submachine gun.

  As he guessed, this unit was using the equipment of the legion.

  The centurion who had entrusted the wounded to him was standing nearby. He recognized Pete at a glance and walked over to him with a grin.

  ”You’re late. We’ve already taken care of it ourselves.”

  Seeing that the centurion actually took the initiative to talk to him, Pete glanced at the bodies on the ground and asked casually.

  ”Who are these people?”

  ”Probably guerrillas, the ones who provide the artillery with the firepower coordinates… Damn it.” The centurion spat on the ground, looking like he was still not satisfied.

  There are not only the bodies of the Brahmans here, but also some of the Willant people.

  ”What’s your situation?”

  ”Not bad, but a dozen brothers died… Of course, they died more.”

  Pete didn’t say anything. He lowered his head and glanced at the face mixed with mud and blood, but he felt that it looked familiar.

  At this time, his centurion also rushed over with his men. The friendly centurion immediately left his side, handed a cigarette to his superior, and talked and laughed.

  The battle was over, and everyone was relaxed, but Pete found that the friendly soldiers had tense faces, and they did not show the joy of revenge.

  Confused, he looked at the familiar face on the ground again.

  And at this moment, he suddenly remembered where he had seen this face.

  It was in the afternoon.

  At that time, he was watching a group of pale and thin people wielding shovels to bury those compatriots who were said to be the Heavenly King Army.

  Pete’s Adam’s apple moved, and he squatted down as if possessed by a ghost. He looked at one of the men who was probably a tenant farmer, reached out and turned his pocket, and found some bloody broken soil from it. Sure enough,

  it was those people!

  After a long silence, Pete silently wiped the blood and soil on his hands and took his hands back from the man.

  When he stood up from the ground, he found that the friendly soldiers on the side were staring at him nervously.

  ”Nice fight.”

  After meeting the young man’s eyes, Pete patted him on the shoulder, turned around and walked away without saying anything.

  He did not doubt the correctness of the war, and there was no need to uphold justice for a group of cowardly guys, but his chest was still choked up, and he was even more confused about what the point was.

  At this time, his superior finally finished smoking and finished talking to the centurion of the friendly army.

  ”…Thanks, thanks to you for pulling out the nearby eyes, we can finally sleep peacefully.”

  ”Haha, you’re welcome, your reinforcements are also timely.”

  After exchanging a few polite words, the centurion waved his hand and led his subordinates back to the place where they got off the car.

  Before getting on the car, Pete walked to his superior and said in a low voice.

  ”Those people don’t look like scouts from the Mammoth Country… Who would send a hundred-man team to scout?”

  Even if there was a hundred-man team dedicated to scouting, it was unlikely that a whole hundred-man team would gather together.

  He said it very tactfully. It was not that he wanted to expose the friendly army for killing innocent people and taking credit, but he was mainly worried that if the real scouts were let go, it would be a big trouble.

  However, as soon as he finished speaking, the officer beside him looked at him meaningfully.

  ”Pete, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, especially in the dark here, it’s inevitable to make mistakes… We are in the same group, we will meet each other sooner or later, do you understand what I mean?”

  When he met the officer’s gaze, Pete couldn’t help but hold his breath.

  He was not a new recruit, and he had been in the barracks for some time, but he found that he didn’t know anything at all.

  Suddenly, he thought of the new recruit who was pulled by his collar.

  After a long while, Pete nodded while holding his breath.

  ”I understand… I’m just worried that there are other reconnaissance troops. After all, if we let down our guard and let those people discover our deployment in Sulak County.”

  Hearing this, the commander smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”That’s for sure. There must be more than one reconnaissance unit around us. We just caught a big fish. If it were me, they would definitely come to see if there are any new goods here–”

  Before he finished speaking, gunshots were heard from the direction of central Sulak County.

  The two were stunned when they heard the sound.

  This time, the gunshots were not all gunshots from the legion’s weapons, but also mixed with some “alliance within the alliance” sounds.

  After a while, the expression on the centurion’s face became strange.

  ”…It seems that our fish has also been hooked.”


  In a sense, the centurion’s guess was indeed correct. The 171th thousand-man team stationed in Sulak County really caught a big fish.

  A granary located in a farm in central Sulak County.

  A team of 100 people surrounded the warehouse, and a centurion holding an assault rifle stepped forward and shouted aggressively.

  ”Surrender! You are surrounded!”

  Hearing the shouting outside, the dog of the catheter glanced at the LD-50 carbine in his hand, and then at the rows of dense bullet holes on the wall, and couldn’t help but feel numb on his scalp.

  ”MMP! Are these Willant people cheating?!”

  After guiding the artillery fire of friendly forces, he wanted to take a look inside Sulak County, but he didn’t expect that the county was bigger than he imagined.

  Because there was no satellite navigation, the drone ran out of power, and the surrounding farms and farmlands looked almost the same, he lost his way while walking, not only forgot the way back, but also ran into a patrol of Willant people.

  He thought it was a fellow villager at the time, and wanted to ask for directions, and even said hello.

  As a result, the two sides met and were stunned on the spot.

  The old dog, realizing that he had asked the wrong person, was the first to react and ran away.

  The other side was also stunned at first when they saw him running away, but they soon reacted and chased after him with their weapons. A

  fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides in the fields and woods.

  Since the Legion had night vision equipment, while he only had a carbine and even only two magazines, he was defeated at the speed of light. After throwing away the VM and drone he was carrying, he was forced to hide in this granary.

  The old dog, who was at the end of his rope, was like most colored pens. His instinctive reaction was not that he was bad, but that the other side was cheating.

  However, it was useless to say these at this moment.

  He was now struggling to decide whether to “destroy his body” or be killed by the plot and be captured when he went out.

  A rational analysis of the latter should have higher benefits, and maybe he could even spy on the Legion’s front-line deployment.

  Of course, the most important thing is that he followed the Eagle and had not saved the game for several months.

  If he died and dropped two levels, it would be a big loss!

  Seeing that the spy hiding in the granary had not made any movement, the Willant centurion exchanged glances with the centurion not far behind him, and then took out the white phosphorus bomb from his waist.

  Just as he was about to pull the fuse and throw it in, a rifle was thrown out of the granary.

  ”I, I, I surrender… surrender…”

  Damn it.

  What is the human language for surrender?

  The old dog came out of the door with his hands on his head, and found out that he had forgotten the words to laugh and cry.

  Several Willant people guarding the door of the granary looked at each other and exchanged strange expressions on their faces.

  ”Is this guy mentally ill?”

  ”…It can’t be a trick.”

  Send this thing as a scout?

  Is there no one in the alliance?

  The centurion obviously thought so, but now is not the time to discuss this.

  He waved his hand with a dark face.

  ”Take him away!”

  The soldier on the side stood at attention and marched, then ignored the prisoner’s protest, took out a rope, tied him up tightly, carried him and threw him on the troop carrier outside the granary. ”

  Damn it

  , can you be gentler!” The old dog cursed with gritted teeth as he felt a sharp pain in his back.

  Seeing that this guy was not honest, the soldier who jumped on the car hit him with the butt of a rifle again. “Be honest!”

  The old dog, who was hit by the butt of a rifle, groaned, his head was hit so hard that he almost lost consciousness.

  The soldier sat next to him, stretched out his hand outside the car and patted the car hard.

  ”Let’s go! Go back to the base!”

  ”Got it.”

  The engine of the armored personnel carrier started, first turned a big corner, and then drove along the bumpy dirt road towards the direction of the nearby village.

  The old dog lying in the dark wanted to remember the driving route, but soon he remembered that he didn’t know the nearby roads at all, and didn’t even know where he was now, so he had to give up helplessly. After

  bumping all the way in the dark, the troop carrier finally drove to the destination.

  The Willant soldier guarding next to him reached out and grabbed his collar by the back of his neck, lifted him out like a chicken, and then threw him hard on the mud.

  ”Get up!”

  The old dog, who had a mouthful of mud on his face, cursed in his heart, but thinking that he who knows the current situation is a hero, he finally suppressed his anger and twisted his body to get up from the ground.


  Let me know your location, and then I will directly call “Yao Wuwu” to kill you!

  The soldier ignored him and just drove him with the muzzle of the gun, urging him to move forward.

  This is probably a temporary base, with nothing. Some tents are set up next to civilian houses, and some are simply requisitioned civilian houses.

  Before he had time to observe the situation of the entire base, the old dog was driven into a small dark room, and then the door behind him was closed heavily.

  There was no sound outside, only the croaking of toads and the rustling of insects.

  I don’t know how long it took, just when the old dog was wondering whether to go offline first, footsteps were finally heard outside the house again.

  With the sound of a chain rattling, the drooping wooden door was pulled open.

  Looking at the captain Ross who came in from outside, the old dog’s face suddenly froze.

  He never expected that it would be such a coincidence that he would run into an acquaintance in the chaos of the army. He could only silently pray that this guy didn’t remember him.

  This was actually not impossible.

  Since he was not good at human language, he usually didn’t talk if he could, and only occasionally interrupted a few words, so the other party might really forget that he was a follower.

  However, what he feared came true. Ross, who was standing at the door of the small dark room, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly turned on the flashlight in his hand and shone it on his face.

  The flashlight suddenly lit up and made him close his eyes. Lao Gou thought to himself that he was in trouble.

  Sure enough, a cold laugh reached his ears.

  ”I know you, you are the envoy of the alliance.”

  He knew that he could not hide it anymore.

  Hearing the word alliance, Lao Gou sighed in his heart and smiled awkwardly.

  He was about to argue that he was actually a fake, but suddenly found that he didn’t know how to say this sentence at all.

  To put it bluntly, he usually read subtitles in front of the VM, and he didn’t know human language at all. He could only understand a few words, and he might not even understand Japanese.

  After throwing away the VM, he suddenly became deaf and dumb. Not to mention that he couldn’t speak, he couldn’t even understand a slightly complex sentence.

  However, Ross misunderstood and thought that this guy still wanted to deny it, so he sneered.

  ”I advise you to be honest and explain all the problems. Maybe you can suffer less physical pain.”


  Looking at the NPC whose face gradually turned cold, the old dog’s forehead was suddenly sweating.

  It’s bad.

  There’s something wrong with the plot skip!

  He guessed that this guy probably wanted to ask him a question, but he couldn’t understand what the dog coin was saying at all.

  How the hell is he talking nonsense!


  Seeing that the man in front of him refused to speak, Ross suddenly raised his voice and shouted, staring into his eyes and continued.

  ”I’ll ask you one last time, why are the ‘official’ of the alliance on the front line! What are you doing here?”

  The dog in the catheter: “???”

  ”Playing dumb, huh… Very good.”

  Ross sneered, nodded, and then looked at the Weilant soldiers standing beside him with murderous intent.

  ”I don’t care what method you use, just pry this guy’s mouth open for me… Remember, just leave him a breath.”

  The dog in the catheter: “???”

  The Weilant soldier showed a grim smile on his face, and looked at the prisoner with eyes like a tiger seeing a lamb.

  He clenched his fist and nodded fiercely.


  The old dog understood the word, but he was also desperate.

  Especially when he saw Ross turning around and leaving the small dark room, and the NPC soldier walking towards him with big strides, his tense face finally showed a trace of unbearable fear.

  ”Wait, wait a minute…”


  This game can’t be so real, right? !


  Perhaps because of historical reasons, the Weilant people are not only good at fighting, but also have many skills in torturing people.

  In just ten minutes, the old dog who couldn’t bear the humiliation took the initiative to disconnect, took off his helmet and threw it on the bed, and went to the group with a sad face to ask for help.

  ”Dads, save me! I was caught by the big nose!”

  After seeing the news from the old dog, the old eagle, old stick, and old wolf who had just been offline for a while jumped out in unison.

  The warlike wolf: “Fuck, didn’t I ask you to check where their front line is? Why the hell did you get captured?”

  The dog of the catheter: “I went to check the position of their front line… I saw that the artillery blew up their entire hundred-man team, so I thought about moving forward, but who knows that I ran into their patrol team.”

  The shit-stirring stick: “You all laugh at the old dog for being useless, but I think it’s just the opposite. This guy doesn’t cause trouble, but when he does, it’s big news. (Funny)” The

  far-sighted eagle: “The problem is that we have shown up in Xifan Port, and we have also pretended to be the envoys of the alliance…hiss , have you been recognized?”

  The dog of the catheter: “No, but I met that Ross! I remember he is the brother-in-law of the battlefield guy? Can he ask him to plead for me? QAQ”

  The wolf who is good at fighting: “It’s a mess, or he is an acquaintance.”

  The stick of shit: “It’s not necessarily a mess, we old dogs just have to deny it, their unilateral identification is useless, at most they can just make themselves happy.”

  The dog of the catheter: “I didn’t recognize it! I didn’t understand what that guy was saying at all… Brothers, is there any hope for me? QAQ”

  The eagle of foresight: “Don’t worry, can you confirm your current Where is it located?”

  The dog of the conduit: “… I don’t know, maybe to the west of the bombardment point? Within a radius of 50 kilometers? I remember there is a farm nearby. QAQ”

  The stick of shit stirring: “Be more specific, there are two or three million acres in Sulak County, half of which are fields. Which farm are you talking about?”

  The dog of the conduit: “I… don’t know.”

  The wolf of good fighting: “… there is no hope, just commit suicide.”

  The stick of shit stirring: “Ah! It’s difficult. At most, we can help you recycle the VM, if it is not picked up by the villagers.”

  The dog of the conduit: “No, brother… I haven’t saved the file for several months. T T”

  Farsighted Eagle: “You are really hurt. Let’s think of a way… You should think about whether you can escape. If not, you can get some intelligence before you die.”

  Warlike Wolf: “… I went online to ask if there are any guerrillas active in Niuzhou. I remember correctly that Ross is a close confidant of Captain Orlet of the 170,000th Squadron. The place where that guy is stationed may be a key strategic area.” Catheter

  Dog: “I did see many tents!” Farsighted

  Eagle: “You should try to collect more intelligence, or bribe the locals… if there is a chance.”


  The Sulak County War Zone wiped out an entire reconnaissance company of the Mammoth Nation and captured a soldier of the Alliance. The morale of the frontline troops of the Southern Legion was greatly boosted!

  Captain Orlet even went to the front line in person to award a medal to the centurion who had made military achievements, and encouraged the frontline troops to make persistent efforts and strive to make more contributions.

  In fact, Orlet was not unaware of the water in the battle report, but this matter was not important at the moment.

  Since they launched this war, they had to build momentum for it, only in this way could they gain more supporters.

  And the best way to build momentum for the war was to create some combat heroes.

  Not only the reconnaissance company annihilated on the front line,

  but also the hundreds of W-2 aircraft that launched suicide attacks during the day were counted in their battle reports.

  The captain who led the air force to meet the enemy was awarded a medal symbolizing the status of an ace pilot because he “shot down” ten enemy planes of the Alliance.

  At the same time, the “Survivor Daily” in King Gallen Port also published a headline the next day.

  ”155mm artillery shows its power! Annihilate a whole 100-man team of the Legion!”

  Below the headline was a picture of a cannon deployed in the woods spewing out thick flames, and the battalion commander of the Moon Clan Resistance Army and the Alliance volunteers stood side by side.

  The newspapers were snapped up by people almost as soon as they were delivered to the newsstands.

  In a noodle restaurant in the port area, a group of diners gathered around a newspaper and sighed.

  ”That Abusek fought so poorly, two divisions were chased by a regiment!”

  ”Lassi is

  still the best fighter!” “Oh, I misunderstood him before! It takes a few moves to tell whether he is a hero or a coward!”

  ”…It’s too early to say now! The army of the Polo Kingdom is about to withdraw from Niuzhou. I think it will be difficult for Lassi to hold on to Gouzhou. He will probably lose it in the end! What’s the difference between him and Abusek?”

  ”But the Legion’s airship is not very good. It boasts a lot, but it doesn’t show its power.”

  ”You can’t say that. You haven’t seen the power–”

  ”You have seen it?”

  ”Uh… not really.”

  Eugene, who was holding a newspaper in his hand, looked worried next to the newsstand at the entrance of the noodle shop.

  After the previous disaster, the Family Association of Xifan Port was suppressed by the Legion. Not only were the whereabouts of Zayed and other high-level members of the Family Association unknown, but he himself was also expelled from the country by the Legion and forced to move to Jingalon Port.

  Although his friends in the Workers’ Union advised him to leave this troubled place temporarily, he couldn’t let go of his suffering comrades in his heart, so he was reluctant to leave.

  He would buy a copy of the “Survivor Daily” every day, on the one hand to learn about the latest developments of the war, and on the other hand to collect news about the family meeting.

  To be fair, he didn’t like the guy named Zaid very much.

  Not only because of Alyssa’s advice, but also because his intuition always reminded him that the guy’s inner and outer appearance might be completely two different people.

  However, he was not a child after all, and it was impossible for him to arbitrarily define another person just because of his personal preferences.

  At least so far, every word that person said and every thing he did was indeed to unite the suffering survivors.

  And unlike Lacy, who sold his compatriots to work in the southern seas, that guy really went to the grassroots, taught them, shared the joys and sorrows with them, and called them family.

  Eugene asked himself, Lovett couldn’t do these things, even Sberg didn’t have the ability.

  But he didn’t have the ability to cut open a person’s heart and see what was hidden inside.

  Besides, no matter what kind of person Zayed was, those united workers were always worthy of their help.

  And those families who had finally united…

  After turning the newspaper to the end, Eugene finally saw the news he had been waiting for on the last page of the newspaper.

  [The leader of the Polo Kingdom and the president of the Federation, Abusek, met with the president of the Family Association]

  ”…So he was in Tiandu.”

  Eugene breathed a sigh of relief.

  It seems that he did not die that night.

  Anyway, it’s good to be alive…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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