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Chapter 857 Galloping Steel!

Chapter 857 Galloping Steel!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 857 Galloping Steel!

  To the east of Xifan Port, a five-meter-wide stream runs through the endless farmland.

  On the left is a picturesque countryside, and on the right is a mess of craters and thick smoke. The whole wilderness seems to be divided into two distinct worlds by a stream.

  A bridge made of steel and concrete connects heaven and hell.

  It is the bridge built by the Legion for the Empire.

  Now, heavy trucks with six pairs of road wheels are rolling over the bridge, and under the numb eyes of tenants and serfs, they are killing to the east.

  That is the 300,000-man team of the Southern Legion. It is

  also one of the few armored 10,000-man teams of the Southern Legion.

  In addition to the soldiers with live ammunition and the savage artillery, there are also shiny armored “Conqueror No. 10” heavy tanks on the trucks!

  This endless dragon is aimed at the Lion City, the capital of Lion State.

  Although the country of Borneo was not originally included in the plan of the first phase of the offensive of the Southern Army, the plan could not keep up with the changes. The alliance bombers taking off from the Niuzhou Airport posed a huge threat to the supply line of the Southern Army to the three northern states.

  According to the usual style of the army, there is a threat to solve the threat. At most, it is a two-front war, fighting on both the east and the north.

  So, on the second day after Captain Otley reached Sulak County in the north of Lion State, General Gu Liong deployed another 5 10,000-man team to the east, led by Ryan, the captain of the 300,000-man team, to prepare to take over the entire Lion State and the Niu State further east in one fell swoop.

  According to intelligence, Yudono stationed in the Lion City gathered 200,000 troops for defense!

  That is almost one-tenth of the entire Borneo country’s troops, but Ryan did not take it seriously at all.

  It is said that these 200,000 troops can’t even get together 20,000 guns, and many of them are slaves and farmers coerced by the Heavenly King Army, and their combat effectiveness is not even as good as their clone cannon fodder.

  This kind of thing is useless no matter how many there are.

  It’s just 200,000 animals. At most, it will take some time to slaughter them.

  Sitting in the command vehicle, the burly man looked at the military newspaper in his hand, with a hint of disdainful sarcasm on his raised mouth.

  After a moment, he chuckled and turned a page of the newspaper in his hand.

  ”…It’s just that we caught a spy from the Alliance. Look how excited these guys are.”

  This man is Ryan, the captain of the 300,000th team, with a military rank of one-star captain. Sitting next to him is his staff officer, Feverit, a man wearing glasses and with high brows.

  Looking at the officer with disdainful lips, Feverit pushed the frame on his nose.

  ”I heard that guy seems to be a diplomat of the Alliance, but it’s a pity that his mouth is not ordinary. No matter how the interrogators tortured him, they couldn’t ask a useful word.”

  For such a loyal guy, even if he is an enemy, he actually admires him in his heart.

  But admiration is admiration.

  From the enemy’s perspective, he felt only pity and stupidity for this blind loyalty. It was a pity that the young man followed the wrong person.

  Looking at the staff officer with a look of pity, Ryan sneered and said indifferently.

  ”My opinion is different from yours. Those guys are just wasting time. Isn’t General Gullion’s meaning clear enough? Don’t waste your breath if you can take action.”

  Favret made a helpless expression.

  ”That being said, it would be great if we could pry some useful information out of the prisoner’s mouth. For example… the specific deployment of the Alliance’s ‘volunteers’, which will be more helpful for our subsequent plans.”

  As for the resistance forces in the native province of Boro, he, like most officers of the Southern Legion, never took them seriously, but he could not ignore the threat from the Alliance.

  Those guys are really ruthless.

  And not just ruthless, there is also a rumor that they can directly manipulate clone soldiers and use complex equipment to fight.

  If the rumor is true, this battle may not be as easy as those war advocates imagine.

  A group of “undead” legions…

  just thinking about it is terrifying.

  Unlike Favret, who was worried, Ryan didn’t take it too seriously. He just curled his lips indifferently.

  ”It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter whether we look at the cards in their hands or not. There is no suspense about this victory for us… These guys have been high and mighty for too long, and they don’t even look at what kind of animals they are protecting.”

  It was the first time he set foot on this land, and the survivors here made him feel like maggots twisting in a cesspool.

  As a radical among the war faction, he looked down on all races except the Willant people, but he rarely despised a certain ethnic group so much that he even despised McLen, who was kind to them.

  Isn’t that guy kind and soft?

  The centurion named Ross couldn’t see it and was fooled around, but he saw it at a glance.

  That guy was farting since he got ashore. He shouted that it was too easy for the locals to kill people directly, and he would use gray mercenaries to torture them to relieve his anger. After discovering that this idea was unrealistic, he changed his words and shouted that they would dig a hole for themselves…

  Toughness is not something that can be shouted out.

  All the tough attitudes of that guy were just performances, and every idea that sounded like a vicious idea ended up procrastinating.

  Ross didn’t even realize that he was being fooled.

  He didn’t need to listen to the command of the officers of the Eastern Legion, but he was dragged by that guy until the envoys of the Alliance arrived, and then he made a procrastinating trial.

  They didn’t need to negotiate at all, just start killing and then ask for a sky-high price.

  Maybe others have different opinions, but at least in Ryan’s opinion, it was because the twisted trial was not thorough enough that a family association emerged later, forcing them to start another killing spree, which was considered to have shocked the restless maggots.

  And just as he was thinking this, there was a deafening explosion in front of him, and even the carriage he was in was shaken by the violent vibration.

  Ryan’s face changed, and he immediately picked up the communicator and shouted.

  ”What happened in front?”

  A hurried tone came from the communication channel.

  ”It was a mine… Our mine-proof vehicle triggered an anti-armor mine installed in the middle of the road. Fortunately, the mine was detonated in advance, and there were no casualties, General.”

  Hearing that there were no casualties, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief, but he became alert in his heart.

  The country of Boro laid mines along their marching route, obviously anticipating the actions of the Southern Legion.

  Ryan hung up the call with his eyes narrowed slightly, and then called his subordinates, the 1,000-man team.

  ”… Renekton, have your men get off the vehicle and go to the front of our convoy to scout. We are about to meet the enemy.” A

  clean and neat answer soon came from the other end of the communication channel.



  At the same time when Ryan, the captain of the 10,000, issued the order, one Conqueror V light tank after another was unloaded from the transport truck.

  This armored force was divided into arrow-shaped formations in units of 100 men, and a “protective umbrella” made of steel was propped up in front of the entire large force.

  Not only that, there were also dozens of “Greyhound” reconnaissance vehicles carrying reconnaissance teams cruising in front of the armored spearhead.

  Those small wheeled armored vehicles were like flexible sled dogs, the antenna on the top of the turret swayed back and forth like a fishing rod, and the short and thick 20mm gun barrel emitted a cold light.

  Looking at the murderous armored forces in front of him, Ye Shi, who was lying in the bushes in the distance, couldn’t help but smack his tongue and muttered in a low voice.

  ”Oh my god… It was said that the main force of the Southern Legion is artillery and infantry? Why do these tanks seem to be more than that guy Griffin?”

  Kuangfeng, who was lying next to him, said “hmm” and continued to observe with a telescope in silence.

  Long before the expansion started, the two of them moved from the Binghai City Special Zone in the Wandering Swamp to the Borneo Province.

  In fact, it was not just them who came here, but also some NPCs from the academy.

  After all, the ancient contract was signed under the witness of the Great Rift Valley and the academy.

  If the legion thinks that the only obstacles to eastward expansion are the enterprise and the alliance, it is a big mistake. The group of escapeists in the north has never stopped interfering in the affairs of the wasteland.

  In fact, they are the most active in interfering.

  The board of directors of the enterprise is still holding a hearing for the budget, and the research ship of the academy has crossed the Zhuobar Mountains in the south of Luoxia Province and is ready to start doing things.

  Ye Shi didn’t know what they were doing. After all, everything he knew was heard from Jiang Xuezhou, and she, a small D-level, naturally had no authority to know about this kind of secret agreement between the academy and the top leaders of the alliance. In short,

  these things are not their concern.

  After returning to the team, the two took a plane to the front line and parachuted to the west of Lion State at night to conduct reconnaissance and destroy the transportation routes behind enemy lines.

  This kind of thing is familiar to the two old players who participated in the Battle of Sunset. The anti-armor mine was placed by Ye Shi.

  Although it was a pity that no big fish was blown up and only a mine-proof vehicle was broken down, it was considered to have achieved the goal to delay the marching speed of the legion.

  Watching the convoy go away, Kuangfeng put down the telescope in his hand and said in a low voice.

  ”…The legion is afraid that at least five divisions will be mobilized this time. Lion City may be in danger.”

  The bionic chip implanted in his cerebral cortex is connected to a fixed-wing drone that is cruising at high altitude.

  While observing through the telescope, he is also looking down at the ground through the lens of the drone.

  Ye Shi stared at the map for a while and muttered.

  ”…Two hundred thousand people can hold on for a while, right? Besides, there is Brother Fang to help them.”

  Kuangfeng shook his head.

  ”It’s hard to say… The armored division that just passed by us had more than 300 tanks, which is more than the tractors of the entire Borneo Kingdom.”

  This is just counting the tanks, not counting the self-propelled artillery of the support company and the reconnaissance vehicles and armored vehicles of the reconnaissance company.

  As for the flying ones, let alone, while these armored units were rushing all the way, the “Horn” airship was also slowly moving forward.


  just as Ye Shi said, after all, there are Fang Chang and others to help.

  Even if we can’t stop the iron torrent of the legion, it’s no problem to delay it for a while.


  Just when Ye Shi and Kuangfeng were packing up their equipment and preparing to move, the 301st thousand-man team led by Rekton had already exchanged fire with the 30,000-man team of Borneo Kingdom!

  Learning from the experience of the last failure, this time the Borneo Army did not try to stop the Legion’s offensive with a stable position, but referred to the Mammoth Country and adopted the strategy of “elastic defense line”, using small forces to bite the armored spearhead of the Legion, and then using artillery to annihilate the stagnant troops.

  To be honest, this strategy is actually effective. The airship needs a certain safe distance to fire. No matter how powerful the firepower of the Horn is, it is impossible to fire at the friendly forces. At most, it can counter the long-range firepower of the Polo Kingdom.

  As long as the distance of the Polo Kingdom’s long-range firepower deployment is far enough, the airship of the Legion can only be anxious even if it sees it. However,

  although this strategy is good, there is a fatal flaw.

  That is, neither Abusek himself nor the other officers from the Gray Wolf Army have any experience in guerrilla warfare.

  Although Laxi sent some officers from the Moon Clan Resistance Army to help, those people were not trusted by Abusek and only served as staff officers or instructors.

  This led to an extremely embarrassing situation. The anti-tank team carrying RPGs and recoilless guns was caught by the reconnaissance vehicles cruising nearby before they could touch the side of the thousand-man team of Renekton.

  Seeing that his troops had been exposed, a number of “Greyhound” reconnaissance vehicles were flanking them like a pack of hunting wolves. The centurion of the Pala Kingdom, who was the vanguard, had to bite the bullet and blow the whistle to attack even if he was unwilling.


  The loud whistle resounded throughout the battlefield.

  Hearing the order to attack, the soldiers wearing straw hats straightened up half of their bodies from the bushes, carrying the RPG rocket launchers in their hands and completing the preparations for kneeling shooting.


  With a roar that was almost desperate, the centurion squatting on the front line quickly pulled the trigger.

  An RPG rocket dragged a thick tail flame and rushed towards the reconnaissance vehicle a hundred meters away like a crossbow arrow.

  However, to his despair, the reconnaissance vehicle that was bypassing only accelerated and easily avoided the rocket.

  Not to mention hitting the target, he didn’t even scratch the opponent’s taillight!

  The flames of the firing exposed his position, and dozens of armor-piercing incendiary bombs were quickly fired.

  The centurion didn’t even have time to utter a muffled groan before he was shattered by the rain of bullets, leaving only half of his body pinned down beside the bushes.

  Seeing their leader dead in front of them, the soldiers squatting nearby were immediately furious.

  Regardless of the hideous look of the corpse, a soldier rushed over to pick up the rocket launcher and the ammunition bag with the rocket stuck in it that had fallen to the ground.

  The other soldiers carrying rocket launchers pulled the trigger without hesitation, trying to avenge their superiors.

  Rockets flew towards the legion’s reconnaissance vehicles.

  However, the latter were too mobile and the distance was too far, so most of the rockets fell into the air.

  Looking at the “toothpicks” sticking out of the bushes, the Willant centurion sitting in the command vehicle laughed twice in a mocking manner, then took down the intercom hanging on the side of the turret and ordered.

  ”‘Rat’, get out of the hole in advance, pay attention to keep a safe distance, and approve to open fire!”

  The rustling sound of electricity soon came.


  At the same time as the order was issued, the dozen “Greyhound” reconnaissance vehicles no longer concealed themselves, and continued to maintain a circling driving posture while spurting flames from the raised gun barrels.

  ”Bang, bang, bang–!”

  The roaring sound of the artillery was like a continuous drumbeat, and the tracers shot out like a torrential rain, rushing towards the Borneo centurion crouching at the edge of the low woods.

  The soldiers at the front were instantly torn into a bloody mist, and then the soldiers at the back were also swept in.

  There was no chance to dodge, and there was no shelter to hide.

  The anti-tank soldiers who were exposed were soon crushed into meat paste by the howling storm along with the tree trunks beside them.

  Looking at the subordinates who died one after another, the centurion with a short whistle in his mouth widened his eyes, his eyes were about to burst.

  In less than half a minute, half of those familiar faces were gone.

  Unable to suppress the anger in his heart, he grabbed a recoilless gun and carried it on his shoulder, crawling out of the bullet shelter.

  ”We must not let these big noses rush through unscathed!”

  ”Even if I die! I have to change one for me!”

  The recoilless gun was unfortunately empty.

  Not only that, almost the next second after he pulled the trigger, the thick tracers swept towards his position, tearing him and the recoilless gun on his shoulder into pieces.

  However, although the recoilless gun missed, his death aroused the anger of all the soldiers.

  A soldier of fifteen or sixteen years old gritted his teeth and crawled forward under the roar of firepower above his head until he just crawled to the safe distance of the armor-piercing shells.

  Looking at the reconnaissance vehicle heading to the side and front, he directly placed the rocket launcher on himself in a prone position and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The

  tail flame sprayed backwards directly burned half of his buttocks, and he almost fainted from the pain.

  However, the reconnaissance vehicle he was aiming at was obviously much worse than him. The rocket that shot up from the bottom directly hit the front of the vehicle. The

  hot metal jet drilled a hole in the car body and poured into the car in an instant.

  Two of the three crew members died and one was seriously injured in an instant. The paralyzed reconnaissance vehicle broke down directly on the side of the road.

  The boy was about to cheer excitedly, but before he could open his mouth, the rain of bullets from the side pressed him directly into the soil.

  ”Ahhhh!!! Damn it! Go to hell!”

  Seeing his teammate’s tank break down, the Willant observer sitting under the turret of another reconnaissance vehicle instantly became furious, and the index finger welded to the firing trigger wanted to break the steel sheet.

  Hearing the clanging sound coming from the armored shell above his head, the driver who stepped on the accelerator shouted behind him.

  ”Enough! Jimmy, that guy is dead! There is another one in front of us!”

  ”Got it!”

  The observer gritted his teeth and let go of the pile of minced meat, re-aimed at the target in front of him, and vented all his anger on the flames spewing from the gun barrel.

  ”Damn it! I’m going to fight you!!!”

  As both sides saw blood, the two groups of people were completely bloodthirsty.

  However, this asymmetrical battle itself did not have any suspense.

  As a Conqueror No. 10 heavy tank and a Conqueror No. 5 light tank drove up to the nearby area, it almost announced the death of this guerrilla team.

  Two deafening roars sounded, and the trees as thick as thighs fell down instantly. The soldiers hiding nearby were even more shocked, and their internal organs were dislocated, and they completely lost their ability to move.

  More than 20 Weilante soldiers wearing exoskeletons quickly jumped off the armored vehicles, divided into two teams, and searched in the woods, shooting at the few remaining soldiers of the Boro Kingdom.

  In order to avenge their dead brothers, this group of angry Weilante soldiers had no intention of taking prisoners at all. In order to torture these blind guys for a while longer, they even avoided the vital parts and aimed at the lower body.

  But coincidentally, the Boro soldiers on the opposite side were the same, and they had no intention of surrendering at all.

  They had already sacrificed more than a hundred brothers, and they didn’t need these few brothers.

  Facing the encirclement and suppression of the Weilantes, they did not flee, and fought to the last moment with weapons that were not considered elite, and then were killed in the most cruel way by the people who surrounded them.

  The Weilantes who surrounded them did not notice that although these guys were still Boro people, they were different from the Boro people during the Xilan Empire.

  Although their equipment was still backward, they had the cohesion they did not have before.

  Even in the face of a battle with no chance of winning, they would no longer flee in panic like before…

  The whole battle lasted only a quarter of an hour.

  The anti-tank 100-man team of the 30,000-man team of the Polo Kingdom was annihilated in an organized manner, and no one survived!

  On the other hand, only one “Greyhound” reconnaissance vehicle was paralyzed by Renekton’s 1,000-man team, and two crew members died.

  The seriously injured signalman was out of danger after rescue and was sent back to Xifan Port for treatment, along with the stranded “Greyhound” reconnaissance vehicle.

  The previous unexpected armor-piercing shell only damaged its engine, and did not damage the fuel tank or ammunition rack.

  It will be towed to the repair shop for repairs, replaced with a new crew, and will soon be able to return to the front line.

  The same goes for the signalman.

  The metal shrapnel removed from his body will be used to make a medal of honor awarded to him.

  The Southern Legion will replace him with a prosthesis that is better than the broken limbs, and let him return to the glorious battlefield after recovery.

  After learning about the situation of the frontline troops, the expression on the face of the centurion Renekton did not change. He just reported the casualties to his superiors and then made arrangements for the next step.

  It was just a team of 100 men. To him, it was not even a grasshopper blocking the road.

  With the military strength of the Pala Kingdom, only the armed forces of 10,000 men were worthy of his attention.

  Being held up by a team of 100 men for 15 minutes, and even having two men killed, made him feel that the centurion of the reconnaissance team was extremely stupid.

  A group of rats killed two people, so I might as well kill myself to apologize…

  After regrouping, the armored thousand-man team led by Renekton continued to advance towards the Lion City.

  Twelve “Dagger” fighters covered two reconnaissance planes and roared over the top of his armored unit.

  Not long after, the brothers in the Air Force reported to them the information they had detected – a scattered scattered army was blocking them in front of them, with a size of about 10,000 and equipped with a certain number of anti-tank equipment.

  This unit was probably the elite of the Pala Kingdom, and there might be “volunteers” from the Alliance accompanying them.

  After hearing the news, whether it was Captain Ryan, who was in the rear, or Captain Renekton, who was in the front line, the corners of their mouths couldn’t help but curl up a cruel smile.

  What’s a prisoner?

  This wave, they can capture at least hundreds!

  Removing the intercom hanging on the turret, Renekton suppressed the burning will to fight in his heart and gave orders in a sonorous and powerful voice.

  ”Attention, all units! The enemy’s main force is five kilometers ahead of us!”

  ”If you find a suspected enemy target, you are allowed to engage in active fire!”

  ”Unless they are from the Alliance, there is no need to deliberately leave them alive!”

  A uniform answer soon came from the communication channel.


  The friction of the tracks and the roar of the engine resounded throughout the wilderness.

  The running armor was like a knight preparing to charge, with sharp lances and swords in his hands.

  In contrast to the roar that shook the earth, a forest four kilometers away was quiet.

  If you didn’t get close and observe carefully, you wouldn’t even be able to see the armor hidden under the green shade.

  Leaning against a thick pine tree, Lao Bai, who was “resting with his eyes closed”, suddenly opened his eyes and gave Fang Chang, who was standing next to him, a reassuring look.

  ”They are coming.”

  At the moment the voice fell, the mask of the power armor helmet also folded.

  Taking off the “pigeon” missile launcher on his back, Lao Bai skillfully completed the loading of the “pigeon” in just a few seconds.

  At the same time, pairs of tightly closed eyes opened at the same time.

  The armors that were silent in the woods seemed to be injected with souls, and they moved like awakened heroes.

  Since yesterday morning, 500 elite members of the Burning Legion have been airdropped to this area by plane and assembled in an orderly manner.

  On standby, half of them were on alert online, and the other half were waiting offline.

  After closing the mask of the exoskeleton helmet, Fang Chang stretched out his index finger and tapped the helmet twice, switched the communication channel to all, and said in a sonorous and powerful voice.

  ”…The armored forces of the Southern Legion are in front! These drunkards rushed very fast, leaving their friendly forces behind completely, and didn’t take us seriously at all. Someone has to stand up and sober them up!”

  ”Everyone, prepare for battle!”

  ”Use your best skills to destroy their armors to the maximum extent!”

  ”Kill them!”

  The fighting spirit burning in the pupils was no less than that of the roaring armors.

  Facing the rolling smoke and dust, the communication channel echoed with a high-spirited response.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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