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Chapter 858 The steel is burning!

Chapter 858 The steel is burning!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 858 Steel is burning!

  The boiling murderous intent filled the entire forest.

  But at this moment, the armored thousand-man team, which was rushing with billowing smoke and dust, was completely unaware.

  The aviation team of Xifan Port had already surveyed the entire area ahead. The defense line several kilometers away was blocked by only a few anti-tank guns deployed in the artillery pits.

  In addition, there were some targets that seemed to be foxholes, and hidden areas where stragglers might be hiding.

  In front of the “Conqueror No. 10” that could withstand a hundred kilograms of bombs and dive bombing, these seemingly bluffing things were just toothpicks, and at most they could break their tracks.

  Considering that the Alliance might teach the “drone drilling pants crotch tactics” to this group of guerrillas, they had already installed chains to block drones on the front and rear of the vehicle body with reference to the experience of the Eastern Legion.

  Once the four-rotor aircraft approached, the propellers would be entangled with the iron chains and lose power.

  No Willant doubted that when their tanks drove in front of the group of Poros, the indestructible tracks would run over the stunned faces.

  This would be a battle without suspense!

  On the moving “Greyhound” wheeled reconnaissance vehicle, the centurion of the reconnaissance team, Nickles, was adjusting the magnification of the observation mirror, comparing it with the map with marking points and symbols in his hand, and staring at the target in front of him that was suspected to be an artillery pit.

  Those “rats” hiding in the caves obviously also noticed the dust raised by the tires in the distance, and were ready to get out of the holes.

  He opened the weapon safety, kept alert, and shouted to the communicator.

  ”… 2.5 kilometers ahead, the enemy’s towed artillery is loading! A total of three have been found so far!”

  The answer came quickly from the communication channel.


  Nickles took a deep breath, moved his eyes from the observation mirror to the shooting window, put his index finger on the trigger, and stared at the three artillery pieces that were being loaded, but did not fire first.

  This distance is a bit far for the 20mm gun of the wheeled armor.

  Although the Greyhound is equipped with a vertical stabilizer, it does not mean that they can be completely unaffected by the bumpy road conditions.

  If they want to hit the target, they can only stop and fire.

  However, in that case, it would be more trouble than gain for them whose advantage lies in mobility.

  Nicholas quickly made a judgment and planned to teach the half-baked guerrillas a lesson after approaching one kilometer.

  Compared with Nicholas’s caution, the soldiers under his command were much more unbridled.

  They had already seen the level of the Borneo guerrillas in the previous battle.

  Those guys could turn an ambush into an encounter, which was no different from sending their heads.

  The death of their teammates did not make them alert, but ignited their anger and murderous intent.

  They can’t wait to avenge the two brothers who died!

  ”Two kilometers left!”

  ”Sir! They seem to have finished reloading! Request to open fire!”

  ”Rejected, waiting for the order to fire! Shoot when you get closer!”


  ”Haha, these rats don’t really think that thing can be useful to us, do they?”

  Listening to the ridicule in the communication channel, Nicholas scolded in a low voice.

  ”Don’t be too careless! That thing might be 155mm. Although it can’t penetrate the Conqueror, it is enough to penetrate us.”

  There was a circle of grass tied on the opponent’s gun barrel, and it was unclear what kind of gun it was.

  Maybe it was 155mm, or maybe it was their 100mm.

  No matter what kind of artillery it was, even if it couldn’t penetrate the tank, it would still be no problem to penetrate the reconnaissance vehicle with an equivalent armor of less than 20mm.

  He had already lost a reconnaissance vehicle, and he didn’t want to embarrass Captain Renekton again.

  Regarding Nicholas’ caution, another observer and tank commander named Jimmy just teased.

  ”You have to hit the target, right?”

  He had just finished speaking when a series of deafening artillery fire came from afar.

  It wasn’t just three guns, there were at least a dozen, and there were even a few… mortars?

  ”Damn it!”

  ”They’re firing!”

  There was a noisy roar in the communication channel, and the reconnaissance vehicles quickly changed their speeding directions.

  Although they said they were not afraid, it was another matter to see the shells coming. The young men were chattering.

  Nicholas was stunned, wondering if he had heard it wrong. How could the sound of mortars be mixed in? He saw that the mess of shells had already flown over.

  Without hesitation, he shouted immediately.

  ”Prepare to hide!”

  ”Got it!”

  The driver sitting in front of him was not panicked at all. He gently turned the steering wheel and easily avoided the shell that was flying slowly from a long distance.

  In fact, there was no need to avoid it.

  It was impossible to hit at this distance. The shells were not heading towards them at all. Some of them fell in front of them, and many fell on the tracks left by their tires.


  The thick smoke from the explosion rose into the sky, and a milky white smoke wall spread with it.

  Nicholas, who looked back at the small window behind the turret, was startled and reacted immediately.

  ”It’s a smoke bomb!”

  No –

  it’s not just a smoke bomb!

  The communication channel had no response, and Nicholas soon discovered in horror that his car radio had failed!

  ”Damn it! It’s an electromagnetic interference bomb!”

  The sound of artillery in the distance continued, and it became more and more dense. One shell after another fell on the empty plain, as if they wanted to cover the entire plain with smoke.

  This is a plain.

  Their trick won’t last long!

  Looking at the intermittent signal, a drop of sweat oozed from Nicholas’ forehead, and he comforted himself in his heart.

  However, just as he was about to break through the smoke screen that blocked the signal, the car body that was bumping forward suddenly stopped, as if it had hit the ridge of a field!

  With a muffled groan, he crashed into the turret, and Nicholas’ forehead was almost bleeding.

  The car body tilted forward!

  Holding the tilted handrail, he gritted his teeth and cursed, and shouted at the driver in the driving seat.

  ”What are you doing!”

  The driver was stepping on the accelerator desperately while shouting in shock and anger.

  ”The visibility here is too poor! Damn it! Our tires are stuck by something!”


  The faces of Nickles and another signalman changed instantly.

  Stopping in such a ghost place is no different from being a living target!

  The only thing to be thankful for is that the enemy’s artillery is still firing smoke bombs.

  Although the smoke wall that covered the sky and the sun blocked their communication and vision, it also protected them in turn.

  Nickles pushed the signalman behind him and shouted urgingly.

  ”Get out of the car and take a look!”


  Although the signalman looked terrified, he knew that this was not the time to hesitate. He could only grab the PU-9 submachine gun in his hand and drilled out of the car door with gritted teeth.

  Just as he pushed open the car door, a deafening explosion came from not far away, accompanied by the crackling sound of firecrackers.

  That was the sound of the ammunition rack exploding!

  At the same time, there was also the “thump” sound of the 20mm gun.

  As if it had witnessed the tragic situation of its friendly forces, a reconnaissance vehicle was startled and opened fire. The tracers flew randomly in the thick white smoke.

  A stray bullet rubbed against Nicholas’s vehicle and flew out, rubbing a string of sparks on the solid shell.

  The signalman who had just got off the vehicle was startled and lay down on the ground in a hurry.

  ”Are you crazy! Cease fire!”

  Nicholas was also frightened. He grabbed the communicator and roared, but it was useless. It

  was meaningless to open fire in this situation. Not only would it expose his position, but it might also hurt friendly forces.

  But at that moment, Nicholas suddenly realized that it was not just his crew that had lost the ability to move.

  All nine vehicles of the entire reconnaissance team had lost their ability to move!

  His face changed completely.

  If the smoke cleared, they would all be like living targets, and could only be harvested by the artillery in the distance.

  ”What the hell is going on!”

  Nicholas, whose mind was gradually collapsing, shouted loudly outside the car door, and at the same time grabbed the submachine gun hanging under the turret, ready to abandon the car.

  The signalman climbed up from the mud with difficulty, with a desperate expression on his face, and shouted at the open car door.

  ”It’s a hidden pit! They dug a trench and laid grass on it! Our tires are stuck in it!”

  This trench is not an ordinary trench, but the kind with a high front and a low back.

  If only the tires were stuck in it, they could climb out, but due to the height difference between the front and the back, their chassis was hung on the trench wall of the trench, and the front and rear wheels were equivalent to being stuck.

  Nicholas was stunned.

  Trench? !

  On the plain? !

  How did these guys do it under their noses? !

  No –

  in fact, there is a way.

  Just dig a tunnel underground first, then lift the roof and replace it with licorice or other coverings.

  There are farmlands everywhere here, connected to the ridges, and a little camouflage is done, so that the aircraft can’t find it at all.

  Realizing the seriousness of the problem, the expression on Nicholas’ face gradually changed from stiff to horrified.

  He suddenly remembered the hateful faces hidden in the woods before, and the soldiers who would rather die than surrender.

  Only then did he remember that there were 200,000 people, and behind those 200,000 were hundreds of millions of people…

  Unconsciously, they had fallen into a bottomless quagmire!

  Countless foxholes uncovered the wooden boards and haystacks, and thin faces with protruding frontal bones crawled out from under the pits.

  They were not tall, thin, but their eyes were as fierce as hyenas.

  The weapons in their hands were varied.

  There were ripper rifles, LD-47s of the Alliance, and some people were holding a crudely made bench.

  After discovering this group of soldiers crawling forward, the crew of the Willant vehicle who got off the vehicle immediately took out their submachine guns and fired at them, but they were quickly suppressed by the return fire.

  Even a race born for fighting could not withstand the endless number.

  Seeing that they were close enough, the soldiers who were crawling forward no longer covered themselves, and they all got up from the ground and rushed towards the stagnant reconnaissance vehicles.

  A Weilant vehicle crew member showed panic on his face and shouted to his comrades behind him.

  ”Damn it! Their infantry is approaching us! How long will it take for our tanks to get here!”

  He regretted running so fast.

  But it was too late to regret now, and he could only pray that the friendly forces would arrive soon.

  ”Damn it! Where did these moles come from?!”

  ”We need reinforcements! At three o’clock–”

  ”Cease fire, you bastards! Do you want to send me away!?”

  ”Don’t stop fire! Those people are rushing up!”

  ”How many people are there in this gang?!”

  ”Ahhh! Go to hell!”

  Facing the suffocating white fog, Nicholas’ lips turned slightly pale.

  Faintly, he heard the sound of gunfire, as well as the curses and exclamations of his comrades.

  Tracers shuttled through the fog, but they could not stop the roar.

  There were at least a thousand people –



  ”The enemy artillery position fired smoke bombs!”

  ”The reconnaissance team lost contact!”

  The armored thousand-man team marched forward.

  Two sudden messages made Renekton’s pupils shrink slightly while sitting in the command vehicle.

  Smoke bombs?

  And they also have signal interference.

  What tricks are these natives playing?

  ”Eighty percent of them were given by the Alliance!”

  The voice of the adjutant came from the communication channel, making Renekton roll his eyes.

  ”…This is nonsense, can these natives make this thing by themselves?”

  Staring at the thick fog that was dispersing in the distance, Renekton, holding the communicator, made a calm deployment.

  ”The first hundred troops, charge at the smoke group from the front. The second and third troops will flank them, the fourth and fifth troops will follow from the rear, and the others will maintain their original formation… Remember to keep an eye on the woods to our east.”


  A uniform reply came from the communication channel, and the steel torrent consisting of ninety-two tanks also changed its formation at the same time!

  The tanks on both sides of the formation began to accelerate, while the tanks in the middle maintained their speed. The originally arrow-shaped troops gradually extended forward into an open bowl.

  A total of ninety-two tanks!

  And more than half of them were Conqueror X!

  As the offensive forwards, they will become the indestructible spears in the hands of Captain Ryan!

  Renekton stared at the front with an interested smile on his lips.

  He wanted to see what tricks the other side could use?


  Looking at the smoke getting closer and closer in front, he kicked the driver’s seat while sitting under the turret, and the latter shouted excitedly.


  The distance of several kilometers passed in a flash, but everything that came into view froze Renekton’s smile on his face.

  Nine “Greyhound” wheeled reconnaissance vehicles broke down on the road, and one of them was burned black, as if the ammunition rack and fuel tank had been blown up.

  As for the remaining eight vehicles, the crew members were dragged out and hung on the carriages and turrets in miserable death.

  Some were cut open with bayonets, others were shot to death, or burned by fire.

  The ground nearby was full of corpses. Judging from their thin bodies and broken equipment, they were obviously soldiers of the Kingdom of Pharaoh.

  Both sides were bloodthirsty and vented their hatred on each other in the most cruel way.

  Staring at the corpses with his eyes wide open, Renekton was instantly furious, and his clenched teeth were so tight that he wished he could crush the roots of his teeth.

  ”These bastards!”

  The interference smoke gradually thinned, and the deafening roars of the artillery in the distance came again.

  Looking at the Borneo Army, who intended to make another way, Lechton held the communicator and roared.

  The fireworks of Dao Chongtian and the turret that followed the fireworks.



  the “conqueror No. 10” they were proud









  It’s the Alliance! !

  Without any hesitation, Renekton used all his strength to shout at the almost crushed communicator.

  ”The 300th team, pull the smoke! The 5th, 7th, and 9th teams charge the woods on the east side!”

  ”Don’t show mercy, crush them!”


  It was too late to turn around and run away. The enemy obviously didn’t open fire as soon as they saw people. They must have left enough shooting windows for themselves. Turning their butts to the enemy would only make them die faster.

  What’s more, running away with the tail between legs is not the style of the Southern Legion!

  Although the missile that blew up the ammunition rack shocked Renekton, he still decisively gave the order to attack and let the armored formation on the right rush up.

  Individual anti-vehicle weapons usually have a safe distance limit, and it is safer to approach the limit distance.

  The tanks of the Legion changed direction, and at least 30 tanks rolled directly towards the woods, and fired at the woods while driving.

  The flames of the explosion instantly engulfed a corner of the woods, pushing down trees as thick as thighs with a force that crushed them.

  If it were the army of the Borneo Kingdom, more than half of them would have died in this round of bombardment!

  However, at this moment, they were facing the “Blue Gophers” from Shelter No. 404.

  And they were from the most elite Burning Legion!

  It was not the first time for the players present to face the tanks of the Legion, so they naturally could not stand there and let them shoot.

  After firing a missile, Lao Bai immediately increased the output power of the power armor to the maximum, and ran away before the barrel of the gun moved over.

  When that round of shells covered him, he had already moved to another place and even loaded the third missile.

  A thin white smoke drilled out of the woods, drew a steep zigzag line in the air, and slammed into a Conqueror No. 10 that was fleeing madly with smoke.

  There was no suspense. The fleeing tank was like a can targeted by a can opener, and turned into a pile of scrap metal in the boiling flames.

  After a successful shot, Old White did not look back to see the sparks of the explosion. He quickly moved to the next shooting point, and the observer in the Corps had already helped him confirm the kill.

  ”Direct hit! Well done!”

  ”Hurry up and lock on the next one.”

  ”Got it!”

  It was not just Old White who was carrying the missile launcher, and there was more than one “pigeon” flying out of the forest.

  The 500 players of the Alliance were divided into groups of two, scattered in the woods and fields that were more than ten kilometers wide. One was responsible for locking and observing, and the other was responsible for loading and firing.

  Although the tail flame of the missile would expose the position of the “shooter”, the protection and mobility of the “Sunshine” power armor made the Corps’ tanks helpless.

  Unless they were hit by armor-piercing shells, or high-explosive shells exploded at a very close distance, the shrapnel produced by the explosion alone would not be enough to make those flexible and mobile armored infantry lose their ability to move!

  On the other hand, the Corps’ tanks were like paper in front of those missiles.

  The continuous explosions made the three armored centurions who rushed forward almost desperate.

  They had already rushed into the woods that were torn apart by the artillery fire, but the situation did not improve at all, and they were still suffering continuous casualties.

  ”…Damn it! They are equipped with power armor!”

  ”What the hell is that missile?!”

  ”They are too fast! We need infantry reinforcements!”

  It was not only the right position of the Armored Thousand that fell into despair, the pessimistic mood quickly spread to the entire battlefield.

  Looking at the burning scrap metal on the northeast side and the flames getting closer and closer, Renekton was shocked and stunned, and fell into complete despair.

  How did these guys do it? !

  The spaced armor of Conqueror No. 10 can defend against the metal jets of traditional armor-piercing shells, and the protective power of the armor material itself can block all kinetic artillery with traditional firing principles!

  Not only that, Conqueror No. 10’s full protection system has the ability to withstand the overpressure of aerial bombs, and can also resist the threat of poison gas and radioactive substances!

  For the survivors whose technical strength is before the early stage of the Prosperous Era, their advantage is almost absolute!

  And for the survivors whose technical strength is above the early stage of the Prosperous Era, they can rely on their huge scale and unparalleled cohesion to win.

  This efficient expansion model has been tried and tested over the past century and a half.

  And this is the source of their confidence!

  However, this time, they kicked on the iron plate.

  The Alliance was like a bucket of hot iron. It united the vault dwellers and wastelanders, who were originally in sharp conflict, with a common belief, and welded the technologically advanced survivor forces and the large-scale survivor forces into a piece of iron.

  The missile’s power design and launch system came from Boulder City, the identification, guidance, and micro-energy storage technologies came from the South Sea Alliance, and the most critical “plasma” warhead was derived from the plasma-related technology of the enterprise…

  These technologies were integrated by Camp 101 and completed in the industrial zone of Dawn City.

  The advantage of technological strength is only superficial.

  Just like the prosperity of the economy, culture and other fields.

  Renekton will never understand where he lost until his death.

  What they are facing at this moment is not a certain settlement or a certain survivor force.

  It is all the survivors who have united in the wasteland!

  In less than five minutes, the thirty tanks that were alone deep in the woods were all destroyed!

  Only a small part of them had their ammunition racks and fuel tanks directly blown up, and another part had its power system destroyed, and the crew was forced to abandon the car and surrender.

  With the will of the Weilants, there were naturally many who resisted stubbornly.

  However, facing the most elite infantry of the alliance, the weak resistance did not even cause a splash, and was pressed to the ground by the rain of bullets from the woods.

  With the collapse of the right position, this “armored spearhead” that drove straight in soon lost its balance and fell into a muddy wilderness like a lame mad bull.

  A full eighty of the ninety-two tanks were scrapped on the way forward.

  As for the remaining twelve, they were scrapped on the way back.

  Looking at the burning steel in the wilderness, Ye Shi, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn’t help but sigh.

  ”My God… This upgraded plasma warhead is too damn powerful!”

  No exaggeration.

  This upgraded version of the “Dove” type is at least five times more powerful than the original traditional armor-piercing shell!

  Before that, apart from the “No. 60 vehicle-mounted electromagnetic gun” and the crotch-piercing suicide drone, they really had no good way to deal with the Legion’s Conqueror No. 10.

  Kuangfeng, who was squatting next to him, glanced at him.

  ”Do you think that thing is cheap?”

  The technical content of this plasma missile is no less than that of a nuclear bomb.

  At least he, a physics professor, couldn’t figure out how to integrate those complex devices into a small warhead.

  Just like a savage who just learned to make fire by drilling wood can’t figure out how a lighter ignites.

  This thing is a “primitive lighter” to him, and at present they are still at the stage of studying how to “make high-temperature plasma burn more stably and last longer.”

  Ye Shi didn’t think about so many troublesome things, and didn’t even bring it into reality. He just laughed and said.

  ”No matter how expensive it is, at least it’s cheaper than a tank, right?”

  ”… Maybe, I don’t know much about this thing, you may have to ask Fang Chang.”

  Kuangfeng glanced at the sky in the west, looked at the dark clouds that were getting closer and closer, and continued.

  ”However, the real trouble is never on the ground. I feel that the trouble in the sky may be even bigger.”

  This time, the Southern Legion deployed a total of five airships.

  Compared with the steel torrent on the ground, the fortresses floating in the sky are the real deadly threat.

  The same tactics are unlikely to succeed twice.

  Whether it is a boarding battle, phase weapons or high-power electromagnetic cannons, the Southern Legion will definitely be on guard.

  But putting aside those long-term concerns, they did win this blocking battle at the moment.

  And it was a hearty victory!

  Whether in tactical or strategic terms, they successfully blocked the Legion’s surging offensive rhythm and severely hit the arrogance of the Willant people.

  At this time, a fixed-wing drone with exhausted energy slowly landed near the two people.

  Kuangfeng walked up to pick it up, folded the wings, and stuffed it into the charging backpack on his back.

  ”…The 300,000th troop of the Legion is only ten kilometers away from us. They have already found that their front teeth have been knocked out. We should move.”

  Ye Shi brushed off the mud and grass on his trouser legs, got up from the ground and helped up the off-road electric scooter that fell to the side, and responded with a smile.

  ”Got it!”


  Carrying the equipment left by the friendly forces, the victorious Burning Legion withdrew from the battlefield in an orderly manner.

  In the whole battle, they only lost three power armors and seven exoskeletons.

  These lost equipment may still be usable after being towed to the rear for repair, and the good brothers who died in battle can take a special flight back to the front line in a week at most, so it’s not a big deal.

  Rounding it off, they are almost equivalent to no battle losses, and at most they only spent some expensive ammunition.

  On the other hand, the Southern Legion had an entire “heavy armored regiment” blown up.

  For the Southern Legion, which had few armored troops, this loss was not too heavy.

  When Ryan, who was several kilometers away, learned of the death of Renekton, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood in the command vehicle.

  That was his direct line! It was

  also the most elite armored unit in his hands!

  Although he didn’t really spit out blood, his heart was bleeding.

  Ryan’s face muscles were twisted into a ball with fists clenched tightly, and his ferocious face was full of anger.

  From the time he received the news until now, he didn’t say a word, but everything he wanted to say was written on his face.

  ”…I’m going to kill them!”

  Looking at the furious commander, the adjutant and the staff sitting opposite him all closed their mouths, not daring to breathe, but they were equally furious in their hearts.

  Those more than a thousand brothers must not die in vain…

  Their enemies will pay a heavy price!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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