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Chapter 859 Hunting Submarine

Chapter 859 Hunting Submarine


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 859 Hunting Submarine

  The eastern line of Lion State is filled with boiling flames and thick smoke, while the West Borneo Sea on the other side is peaceful and tranquil.

  Three fully loaded large cargo ships are sailing steadily on the sea, and the towering bows are breaking waves one after another.

  Standing on the edge of the deck, facing the sea breeze, Henk has a smug expression, and his upturned nose is exactly the same as the bow that splits the waves.

  There is no doubt that he is a pure-blooded Willant, and he was born in the Triumph City with supreme glory and wealth.

  However, because the Triumph City is too crowded, when he was still young, he followed his parents to the distant New World to open up new territory for the Willant people in the new land.

  His father was a centurion. If nothing unexpected happened, he should have become a glorious soldier like his father and established merits on the battlefield.

  Unfortunately, the tiger father gave birth to a dog son. He was not good at fighting. He failed the selection of the youth army and the assessment of the reserve officers.

  Especially the selection of the youth army.

  He didn’t even make it to the second round. He was screened out in the first round of physical examination. Among the multiple physical fitness tests, only swimming barely passed.

  Facts have proved that even for a race born for fighting, not everyone is good at fighting.

  Frustrated, Henk once gave up on himself and numbed himself with alcohol all day long. Until one day, a friend he made during the youth training camp brought him a bottle of “Big Bird Turn Turn Vodka” from the “Old World”, and he suddenly woke up from his confusion –

  what kind of horse urine did he drink before?

  The spicy taste was accompanied by a slight sweetness that could make people forget all their troubles. Since he tasted it, he became obsessed with this feeling, and other wines felt tasteless.

  However, this thing was produced in a distant alliance. Even in Triumph City, it is not easy to get it, as the best sources are mostly monopolized by the Eastern Legion.

  Although the manufacturing process of this thing is not complicated and the raw materials are simple, the imitations produced by the Triumph City Distillery always feel that something is missing.

  He knows what those imitations lack, and that is what makes him most intoxicated – the slightly sweet taste that can make people forget all their troubles and sometimes hallucinate.

  In order to be able to drink more in the future, Henk temporarily came out of depression. He first made a continuous distiller by himself, and then tinkered with brewing in his own warehouse to improve the brewing process… Unexpectedly, after a lot of tinkering, he actually restored the “slightly sweet taste that makes people forget all their troubles”.

  In fact, the secret to making people forget their troubles lies in the “methanol within the safe measurement range”.

  The Triumph City distillery is obsessed with improving the distillation process, pursuing the production of the purest vodka, and striving for excellence in quality, but ignores what the lower-level Willant people really need.

  They don’t have time to order a special cocktail in a high-end restaurant and savor the smooth and rich taste. What they need is something that can make them forget all their troubles, even if they have a splitting headache the next day.

  If it is cheap, it will be even better, even if this happiness is not healthy.

  In short, thanks to this “invention”, Henk became a well-known wine merchant on the east coast of the New World, turning vodka from an “imported product” into something that even ordinary people can afford.

  If nothing unexpected happens, he may sell wine for a lifetime, and then his business will grow bigger and bigger, and he may even export his “Chicken Vodka” to the distant Dawn City, so that the guys in the Alliance can also see his cleverness.

  However, unfortunately, the sky does not go as planned,

  and the profit from selling wine is still too low. Although his “Chicken Vodka” was popular for a while, it was only for a while.

  Especially in this industry, there is no threshold.

  Since he can imitate the Alliance’s products, others can naturally imitate his.

  Moreover, it was much easier to recruit people from his winery to Triumph City than from the Alliance. A boat ticket and a house in the suburbs of Triumph City were all that was needed.

  Seeing that his career had hit a bottleneck, Henk could only turn his attention to other new fields that were not so competitive and had broad prospects, just like most self-made Willant people.

  In the Legion, only arms were eternal trade, and their status was the highest among all merchants.

  And by coincidence, at this time, the respected Marshal opened a window for him again.

  The Southern Legion was building momentum for the war!

  Although this war was nominally a war between the Xilan Empire and the rebels, 300,000-man “mercenaries” were rare even in the history of human civilization.

  The Alliance was not surprised and ended up losing.

  And it is foreseeable that enterprises, colleges, and even all the survivors in the Great Rift Valley and the eastern part of the Old World will participate in this war.

  The Southern Legion’s local industry and transportation capacity obviously could not support the material expenses of this war alone, and the expansion of the Western Legion happened to be stuck in the bottleneck of expansion, and a large number of unsalable arms were piled up in the warehouse with nowhere to go .

  It happened that the Western Legion and the Southern Legion signed a tax exemption agreement for military supplies.

  Henk, who smelled the wind, saw the business opportunity at a glance and immediately put all his worth on it.

  No one reacted faster than him.

  If nothing unexpected happens, he will probably become the first New World businessman to dig the first pot of gold from the Borneo Province…if those bigwigs who got ahead early are not counted.

  After becoming the largest private arms contractor in Xifan Port, he will also promote his “Chicken Vodka” to the local Willant soldiers.

  He believes that they will definitely like the feeling that makes people unable to stop.

  And this can be regarded as a way to “save the factory in a roundabout way”.

  A few white birds flew in from afar, hovering over the plywood, as if they wanted to stop and rest their feet.


  Hearing the rhythmic call, Henk felt indescribably happy.

  ”It’s a seagull! Haha, it looks like we’re getting to shore!”

  Walking next to him, the captain, whose skin was tanned red, grinned and held back his complaints.

  ”That’s an albatross, sir… and it seems to be a mutant, you’d better not tease it.”

  They still have more than 20 hours of sailing to Borneo Province, and the earliest they can reach the shore is tomorrow noon.

  Seeing this guy’s excitement, he guessed that this boss was probably going out to sea for the first time, not to mention that this guy couldn’t even tell the difference between an albatross and a seagull.

  Henk didn’t care, he just laughed to fool around with the embarrassment.

  ”Hahaha! No matter what it is, it’s my lucky bird! Go get some bread… remember to get the kind that’s about to expire.” As he said that, he pushed the secretary next to him and urged the helpless secretary to go back to the cabin.

  The captain grinned, thinking that this boss from the New World was quite humorous.

  He heard that people in the New World were like this, more tactful and cunning than the Willands in the “Old World”.

  However, he had never really lived there, and all he knew was hearsay.

  The captain’s job was introduced to him by a merchant from the Southern Corps, and he only made a brief stop at the port of the New World before boarding the cargo ship bound for the Borneo Sea. The

  deck was peaceful and quiet, just like the calm sea.

  The casual sailors either rested their hands on the railing to bask in the sun, or used beer bottle caps as chips to play chess to pass the time, or planned where to have fun after landing.

  At this moment, no one noticed that a periscope quietly stretched out of the sea, stared at them for a while, and then quietly retracted.

  Jian’s secretary, who went to the cabin to get bread, had not returned yet. Henk was about to go to the cabin to urge the guy, but saw large bubbles rolling out of the surging waves.

  Something was approaching his cargo ship quickly, and it looked quite large.

  Henk suddenly remembered a story told by a sailor who had boasted to him in the tavern before he boarded the ship.

  It was said that in the distant Borneo Sea and the southern seas, there was a sea monster called Laken.

  That thing was like a giant dragon wandering in the deep sea, and could easily overturn cargo ships with a displacement of thousands of tons.

  But Henk was not worried, after all, his three cargo ships were all over 50,000 tons, and they were also equipped with sonar to drive away alien species.

  Looking at the “big fish” that was getting closer and closer, he even stuck his head out of the side of the ship and shouted excitedly.

  ”What is that? Laken?”

  The captain smiled and walked to Henk’s side.

  ”Laken won’t be interested in us. We turned on the sonar wave–” He

  was halfway through his words when his face suddenly changed and he shouted in fear behind him.


  He had never encountered such a thing before, and he didn’t know how to deal with it, but he instinctively pulled off the life jacket hanging on the guardrail, threw one to Henk, and put one on himself.

  Almost at the same time, a deafening roar came from under the feet of the two.

  A torpedo hit the side of the cargo ship!

  In the face of the terrifying destructive power that could sink a warship, a cargo ship of only 50,000 tons was as fragile as a toothpick.

  He had no time to take care of the situation of the other two cargo ships. Henk only felt that he was flying up, and the whole person turned over, and fell into the sea with a plop.

  Things developed too suddenly, and he didn’t even have time to be afraid, and his consciousness was broken…


  A few minutes ago, under the sea.

  In the steel bridge, more than a dozen officers in military uniforms were staring at the picture projected on the holographic screen with serious expressions.

  Twenty-four hours ago, Commander Li Minghui issued a battle plan code-named “Laken”.

  They will act as ghosts lurking under the Sea of ​​​​Hyperoro, attacking the transport ships carrying munitions to Xifan Port.

  In the case of uncertainty about the true strength of the enemy’s warships, this is the safest method.

  On the one hand, it can attack the logistics of the Southern Corps and delay the offensive on the front line. On the other hand, it can force the Western Corps to come out for escort, thereby exposing their true combat effectiveness.

  ”… The target search is completed, and multiple 120mm field guns are found. The cargo carried on the ship is confirmed to be munitions.” The observer sitting in front of the control console looked back at the captain and said in a positive tone.

  The captain nodded expressionlessly, without any hesitation, picked up the communicator and issued an order.

  ”Combat units at all levels are ready! Send them to see Laken!”

  An echo soon came from the communication channel.


  As the order was issued, the crew of the entire attack nuclear submarine immediately acted like a gear with a spring wound up.

  The target locked by the sonar, the torpedo compartment began to store water, and then a thick black torpedo was launched from the torpedo compartment, like a harpoon hidden underwater, stabbing the unsuspecting cargo ship.

  This was a battle without suspense, and the opponent didn’t even have the means to discover them.

  They fired a total of three torpedoes, and all hit the target without exception.

  Looking at the flames of the explosion and the steel slowly sinking into the water, the people in the bridge did not celebrate.

  After all, the target that was sunk was not a warship, so there was nothing to celebrate even if they won.

  But this does not mean that they will feel any regret for participating in this operation.

  No matter what form or reason, since they have participated in this war, they must be prepared to pay the corresponding price.

  Just like them standing here.

  They knew very well what they were facing and what would happen if they were targeted by the opponent’s warships…

  After confirming that the target had sunk, the captain immediately gave the order to dive.

  With the cooperation of various units, the submarine quickly sank to the bottom of the sea, as if it had never appeared.

  At the same time, in the sea area more than ten kilometers away, on a cargo ship full of immigrants.

  Hearing the explosion from afar, Alman standing on the deck and the crew beside him were stunned.

  ”…What happened?”

  Listening to the boss’s question, the captain standing next to Alman frowned, and said in an uncertain tone after a moment.

  ”Three explosions… Maybe it was a torpedo.”

  ”You can hear that?” Alman looked at him unexpectedly, not expecting this guy to have this ability.

  ”Otherwise, could it be caused by aliens?” The captain made a helpless expression and shrugged his shoulders.

  Seeing that the boss looked worried, he whispered a word of advice.

  ”We’d better not get involved in this… You should understand that working for those big guys is definitely not a good thing.”

  Alman naturally understood what he meant, but finally sighed and said.

  ”…The teachings of the Silver Moon Cult say that you can’t leave someone drowning without help. No matter what, I have to go over there to see if there are any survivors. Of course, I won’t ask you to go with me on this adventure. I’ll just take a few people who want to go with me.”

  If there are still people alive, they have to be fished out before they are targeted by the aliens in the sea.

  Guessing what the boss would say, the captain made a helpless expression and sighed.

  ”I’m even more worried about you going alone. I’ll take a few people with you.”

  Without much delay, several diesel-powered lifeboats were lowered from the ship and rushed towards the waters where the explosion occurred.

  When they arrived at their destination, the bow that had been raised upward had basically sunk into the water, leaving only some debris and garbage mixed with scattered burning fuel floating on the sea.

  Alman didn’t know what was being transported on the three sinking cargo ships, but fortunately there was no secondary explosion.

  After discovering the survivors who fell into the water, he immediately called on the crew to drag them onto the lifeboats, and then left the dangerous waters before the fire spread…

  The Southern Legion wanted to limit the war to the Borneo Province, and the Western Legion wanted to hide behind the scenes and make a fortune, but things could not always develop in the direction they expected.

  Just like the messy train station and warehouse area in Xifan Port, and the tanks that were blown up on the central plains of Lion State, the three transport ships that sank to the bottom of the sea and the arms worth tens of millions of dinars were just the beginning.

  At the same time when Alman rescued his compatriots who fell into the water and put them back on the boat, the five 10,000-man troops led by Captain Ryan finally pushed to Lidbur County with murderous intent, just one step away from Lion City. There

  are a few hills on the entire plain in the area, and several tributaries of the Yongliu River system run through this place and merge into a freshwater lake called “Sunrise Lake”.

  Like Sulak County, this “Li County” also belongs to the territory of a noble family, but this Viscount Lidbur is not as lucky as Viscount Sulak.

  As early as the “Heavenly King Rebellion”, he was tied up and beheaded by a group of rebellious serfs and tenants. Only a few distant males were left in the family.

  Later, Janus died, and the Heavenly King’s Army changed its flag and became the Kingdom of Bora. His family’s bloodline was not cut off. He sold some land and property, and finally kept the farmland all over the mountains from being abandoned.

  However, the good times did not last long.

  Seeing that the rice seedlings in the field were finally growing, the Southern Legion attacked again.

  In order to defend the Lion City, Captain Yudonovan waved his hand and added 100,000 troops to the 200,000-man army.

  These soldiers built fortifications and dug trenches, filling the crops that had finally sprouted, and most of the crops in the field were destroyed. Although

  compensation would be given, it was in the currency of Boro. No one knew what this thing was for, and no one even knew how many days this Boro country could exist.

  However, the young Ridbur, who inherited the title, was a man who understood the overall situation. He did not dare to sing a different tune at this time, and even took a group of servants to help these soldiers.

  On the contrary, some free people who got the land were quite dissatisfied, but they just endured it.

  It was heard that the people in the legion gave dinars as compensation, but Abusek was stingy with his own people and sent them away with a few pieces of waste paper.

  However, the voices of complaints were only a minority after all. At least at this moment, most people still agreed with Abusek.

  Especially those in the army.

  That guy is not a good person.

  Cunning, petty, indecisive… All negative descriptions can be used on him, but there is only one thing that must be admitted, that he, Byanush, is more like a normal person.

  This is actually very good – even rare.

  The country of Borneo has never lacked capable people, but the strange thing is that there are few normal people standing on the top of the tower.

  Under this unanimous unity, the mountains and fields of Ridbur County were quickly covered with crisscrossing tunnels.

  There were also those caves with only entrances but no exits.

  The soldiers with weapons and dry food drilled in without hesitation, and were ready to fill them with their own flesh and blood first. At

  the same time, the second batch of supplies from the alliance also arrived at the front line.

  In addition to RPG rocket launchers and recoilless guns, the equipment newly sent to the front line also included some powerful metal hydrogen explosives and mines.

  Especially the latter, as long as the method is used properly, it is enough to pose a threat to the Conqueror No. 10 tank of the Legion!

  At least, they will not let the Legion easily take over the Lion City behind.


  Inside the Lion City.

  Captain Yudonowan stared at the map on the command table, holding a burning cigarette on his index finger, with a sad look on his face.

  He used to be a subordinate of King Janush. Later, when Janush sent troops to attack Tiandu, he left him in Lion City to cover the rear, or to “vent anger” for the Legion.

  At that time, Yudono thought he was dead, but he didn’t expect that before the Legion had time to fight, Janush went first and was assassinated by the reformist officers in the hall of the Tiandu Palace.

  Later, Abusek joined forces with several other kings to purge Janush’s old subordinates and changed the flag of the Kingdom of Pala to the King of Heaven. And he himself also followed the general trend and took his subordinates to join the new authorities, and was promoted because of this.

  Although this promotion seemed to him to be the same as sending him to his death, as an old subordinate of Janusz, he did not have much choice.

  In terms of surrendering, the Pala Kingdom and the Heavenly King Army were of the same lineage, and he also had his own surrender to surrender, and only after surrendering could he be considered one of their own.

  And now the task that Abusek gave him was to lead the 200,000 troops stationed in Lion State to block the offensive of the Southern Corps.

  This was an almost impossible task.

  ”…The armored forces of the Alliance are rushing towards us, and it is said to be one of the elite forces of the Alliance. However, their number is not large, with only one regiment of troops.”

  ”In addition, there are two armored regiments sent by the Tiger Army and the Black Panther Army, as well as a mechanized infantry division in Kinggallon Port… They have arrived on the south side of Ridbul County.”

  Standing next to the command table, the officer in his early twenties was reporting quickly, but these good news did not completely relax Yudono’s brows.

  Three regiments can barely make up a division.

  There is no need to worry about the armored regiments of the Alliance, but it is still unknown how much combat effectiveness the armored regiments of the Black Panther Army and the Tiger Army can have.

  Those people may not be willing to give their all.

  The mechanized infantry division of Jingalon Port should listen to the Alliance, and it is estimated that it cannot be commanded.

  After staring at the map for a long time, Yudono sighed and said.

  ”It is unreliable to rely on outsiders. In the end, we still have to rely on ourselves…”

  After calming down, he cast his eyes on the officers standing in front of the command table.

  ”No matter what, we have 200,000 troops, and the Willant people only have 50,000… This battle is our home ground, and we must defend it even if we die!”

  Although the idea of ​​the Mammoth Country is good, the Lion State is not the Dog State after all. The millions of residents of the Lion City are behind them. Even if they want to retreat, they have nowhere to retreat. This battle cannot be avoided after all.

  Reading the determination in the eyes of the superior, the officers standing in front of the command table looked solemn and put their right fists on their left chests.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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