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Chapter 86 The Correct Use of Crow

Chapter 86 The Correct Use of Crow


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 86 The Correct Use of Ya Ya

  Action is better than thought.

  Chu Guang immediately found an axe and chopped off the joint of the hind leg of the split-claw crab, chopping off a section that was about as long as a baseball bat.

  Not to mention, the crab leg looked quite solid, thick and long. It weighed at least six or seven pounds, enough for two or three people to eat.

  The white crab meat swayed in the crab shell, looking as tender as tofu, full of high-quality protein and fat.

  This big guy looked so ugly on the outside, and the mud on his body seemed to be impossible to wash off, but I didn’t expect that the crab meat inside looked quite delicious.

  It happened that he didn’t have lunch, so Chu Guang randomly picked a passing little player and asked him to call Ya Ya to the room of the sanatorium.

  Before Ya Ya asked what he wanted to see him for, Chu Guang handed over the crab leg in his hand and showed her the crab meat.

  ”Can I eat it?”

  Ya Ya looked confused and nodded blankly.

  ”Uh, it should be?”

  But there was no green color.

  However, how can you be assured if you don’t have proof?

  Chu Guang, who has always been cautious, continued in an imperative tone.

  ”Take a bite.”

  That look seemed like a gift.

  Just like the NPCs guarding the resurrection point in other games.

  But the gifted player didn’t think so.

  Seeing that the administrator was about to put the crab legs into her mouth, Ya Ya quickly stepped back and waved her hands, saying with a smile.

  ”Wait, wait a minute! This is a raw duck! Can you cook it before letting me eat it?” She didn’t mind the administrator’s tough attitude, after all, it was not a real person.


  Why do you care so much in the game?

  Just eat it if you are told to, just open your mouth and take a bite.

  I didn’t expect this little player to be so particular. But Chu Guang thought about it and felt that what she said seemed to make some sense.

  Freshwater crabs are different from deep-sea crabs. There are many parasites in freshwater environments, so it is not advisable to eat them raw.

  After all, the absence of poison does not mean that you will not have diarrhea after eating it, but it just means that you will not die for a while after eating it. It’s like no matter how strong your physique is, there’s no need to pick up dirty things to eat, right?

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang stopped forcing her, and changed his mind and said,

  ”I’ll give you a task.”

  ”What, what task?”

  Yaya’s face was full of suspicion and vigilance, and she always felt that the word “task” was full of conspiracy.

  However, Chu Guang was too lazy to explain, and just stuffed the crab leg as long as a baseball bat into her hand.

  ”The content of the task is very simple. First of all, step 1, you go and cook this crab leg… This is 2 copper coins, take it to the warehouse to buy some charcoal.”

  It seems that this task has to be triggered step by step.

  Although I always feel that there is a pit, as a player, Yaya couldn’t resist the temptation of the “exclusive task” in the end. Taking the 2 copper coins “task prop” given by Chu Guang, she ran to the warehouse to buy charcoal.

  Soon, Yaya came back with the charcoal she just bought.

  I saw that she carefully found an empty room on the first floor of the sanatorium that was not leaky, squatted in the corner and surrounded a small circle with stones.

  Then he put the charcoal on the fire, lit it, and started roasting the crab legs while humming a song.

  While Ya Ya was roasting the crab legs, Chu Guang, who was standing at the door waiting boredly, could not help but let his thoughts drift away.

  Why can’t cockroaches be eaten, but crabs can be eaten when they are both scavengers?

  Could it be…

  that they are actually edible?

  It’s just that no one has tried it.

  Puzzled, his eyes unconsciously drifted to Ya Ya’s back.

  Coincidentally, the shell of the crab leg on the fire was cracked by the roasting, making a “pop” sound.

  The sudden sound startled Ya Ya, who was concentrating on roasting the crab legs, and his neck and shoulders reflexively shrank back, but he didn’t sense someone’s ill intentions.

  Chu Guang walked into the room and looked at the crab leg in her hand.

  The muddy green crab shell was roasted into a waxy red with a circle of black, and there was a small crack in the center of the shell.

  Wisps of white water vapor and bubbles came out from the cracks, wrapped in the fragrance that had been trapped in the shell for a long time, and instantly filled the whole room.

  ”Wow… It smells so good.”

  Yaya sniffed and swallowed her saliva greedily.

  It looks better than king crab.

  The key is that she has eaten king crab, but not this!

  ”Is it baked?”

  Hearing the urging behind her, Yaya came back to her senses and realized that she was still on the task, and quickly stood up with the crab legs.

  ”Dear manager, I have completed the task you assigned me!”

  ”Very good.”

  Taking the baked crab legs from Yaya’s hands, Chu Guang waited until it was not so hot, broke it in half from the middle, and gave her half.

  ”Eat it.”


  Who would refuse a cooked delicacy?

  Yaya obediently took the crab legs with both hands, put it into her mouth and took a careful bite. When she found that it was not hot, she immediately gobbled it up, and then looked up at the manager with expectation.

  Chu Guang did not speak, but waited quietly for a while. Seeing that there was no toxic reaction, he tasted the portion in his hand.

  The aroma of crab meat spread between his lips and teeth.

  Although it has a bit of original fishy smell, it does not affect the fresh, smooth and chewy taste at all. It also echoes Mr. Shu Ren’s words that high-end ingredients often only need the simplest cooking methods.

  One word to describe it, extremely delicious!

  Especially for Chu Guang, who has been eating dried meat and dry food for too long, this bite of crab meat simply rekindled his desire for delicious food.

  The only flaw is that when he took the crab legs just now, he found that this split claw crab was actually a male and had no crab roe.

  It’s a pity that he can only nibble on the crab legs.

  ”Not bad.”

  Chu Guang nodded after chewing slowly and eating a bite, and then took another bite expressionlessly, and the second bite… countless bites.

  Don’t say it.

  This thing is really more and more addictive.

  It would be even better if there was some cooking wine to remove the fishy smell and vinegar mixed with garlic to enhance the flavor…

  Yaya was waiting with her eyes wide open, holding a half-cold crab shell in her hand. She waited for a long time but nothing happened.

  Seeing that the manager had finished eating the crab legs in her hand, she finally couldn’t help but asked in a low voice with a hint of urging.

  ”Dear manager, may I ask… do you have any other instructions?”

  Chu Guang wiped his mouth and handed her the crab shell in his hand.

  ”No more, just find a place where I can throw it away without getting in the way.”

  Yaya looked at the crab shell in her hand, then at the manager, and hesitated for a long time before she could say a word.

  ”That… what is the reward?”

  Chu Guang looked at her blankly.

  ”… What reward?”

  Seeing the manager’s forgetful expression, Yaya suddenly became anxious and reminded him.

  ”It’s, it’s the task reward… Isn’t it the task of roasting crab legs? I have finished it, right? I have finished it, right?”

  Chu Guang was silent for a while, looked at her with a strange expression, and nodded slowly.

  ”Well, it’s done.”

  Hearing this, hope rekindled on Yaya’s face, and the light of hope reflected in her eyes.


  Chu Guang: “… But didn’t you eat it too?”

  Yaya: “???”

  What the hell!

  This is also okay? !


  People should not be too greedy.

  Isn’t it enough to have lunch with the great manager and enjoy a delicacy more noble than king crab as a reward?

  No matter how the little player talked, Chu Guang, who didn’t want to talk, looked at her with an expression of “I am an NPC”.

  He now understands Xiaoqi a little.

  It seems that pretending to be stupid is really easy.

  In the end, Yaya still failed to get the reward she expected from the respected manager. She left this place that made her sad.

  However, the strong Yaya was only sad for two seconds, and soon cheered up again.

  In fact, if we analyze it rationally, there is no task without reward, because it does not conform to the logic of game design!

  Especially for this kind of “exclusive task” that the core NPC “named” a certain player to do, and the task was not failed, it is even more impossible that there is no reward at all.

  The reward must have been paid!

  It’s just that it was not settled in money or contribution points, but in another way.

  Yaya instantly thought of what she had talked about with the planner in the in-site text message before, her eyes gradually became excited, and she whispered to herself.

  ”Yes, NPCs all have favorability, how could I forget such important information!”

  If they don’t give experience or money, they must give favorability!

  Ah, why am I so stupid! I

  actually asked the NPC for a reward!

  Fortunately, the NPC didn’t give it. If I didn’t exchange the favorability for silver coins, wouldn’t I regret it to death!

  Thinking of this, Yaya felt fortunate in her heart. Fortunately, she didn’t force it, and fortunately, she forced it for a long time, but the NPC didn’t give in.

  The only pity is that the favorability cannot be checked. It is said that it is a hidden weight value, and I don’t know how much this task adds.

  But, but, isn’t that how all those online game articles with tubes inserted in the back of the brain are written?

  The protagonist made a simple meal for the NPC, but the NPC didn’t pay for it and only gave a thumbs up. After a while, the protagonist and the readers forgot about it. Suddenly, the NPC jumped out to show his presence, and slapped a big sword into the protagonist’s pocket. Then, there was a unique secret book that was not passed on to men and women but only to you. The protagonist and the readers clapped their thighs and exclaimed.

  Oh my god, it turns out that the meal was a foreshadowing!

  She must have seen similar content in a novel, there must be! But she has read too many and can’t remember which one it was for a while. The more I think about it

  , the more I think it’s possible.

  Ya Ya, who was originally a little depressed, couldn’t close her mouth with joy, and kept grinning foolishly, as if she had grasped the future.



  Hidden task!


  Suddenly, the snow outside the house and the cool breeze blowing past my ears and ankles didn’t feel so cold anymore.

  Teng Teng, holding a basket of furs, was coming out of the warehouse.

  By chance, she saw Ya Ya passing by the door, and by chance, she was attracted by her silly smile. Teng Teng couldn’t help but look at her twice more.

  By the way…

  Is this guy really okay?

  That expression always feels like he has eaten the wrong mushroom.

  But Teng Teng just looked at him twice, and then ignored him. She hummed a cheerful tune with full energy and continued to go to the tailor’s stall not far from the warehouse.

  This evening, the great and wise administrator will allocate her land for building a tailor’s hut.

  By then, her identity will change from a little tailor Teng Teng to a big boss Teng Teng!

  Teng Teng has already thought about it.

  It doesn’t matter whether she becomes a rich woman or not. The main thing is that she likes to make clothes. She wants those clothes with her carefully designed LOGO to sell well in the whole wasteland!

  By then, not only the players, but even the NPCs in the game will wear clothes designed by her.

  A completely real virtual reality game.

  It’s really great! !


  In the afternoon.

  The snow is getting heavier.

  In order to prevent the trenches from being buried by snow, Chu Guang instructed the players on duty at the gate to report to him immediately if they found waterlogging or snow accumulation in the trenches.

  At the same time, in order to prevent predators from approaching during the heavy snow, he sent two perception and two agility players to form a team, starting from the north gate and east gate of the wetland park respectively, and carefully scouting along the main road.

  If there is any situation, report back immediately.

  After doing these things, Chu Guang, who was wearing a deerskin coat, went to the industrial area south of the sanatorium.

  He brought four pieces of wood, two of which were inserted at the door and two were attached to the building of the sanatorium. He measured a 5m wide main road from the two points.

  The area of ​​the entire outpost base is actually not very large. According to the fence, the length and width are just over 100 meters. A

  5-meter wide main road seems a bit redundant, but for future planning, Chu Guang decided to widen the road around the “resurrection point”.

  The main road was standardized, and then Chu Guang used branches to mark every distance along the main road like drawing a grid. At the same time, he marked the corresponding points on the sketch of the outpost base and marked the area before the point with numbers.

  After that, he had to put signs on the circled plots, corresponding to the grids drawn on the map.

  ”Tsk, I didn’t expect that surveying is still a technical job.”

  I should have asked a physical education teacher to help.

  The area within the wall is just a little larger than the playground.

  I remember that when I was in school, there was no laser surveyor. The physical education teacher walked along the playground with a spoon and drew a straight line, which was straighter than the math teacher drew on the blackboard.

  Looking at the sky that was already late, Chu Guang shook the snow off the small notebook, returned to the front of the sanatorium, and summoned the life professional players who had been approved for industrial land before.

  In fact, there were not many relevant personnel. After all, including the mosquito who submitted the materials later, he only approved five projects in total.

  However, there were far more players around.

  Most of them came to watch the fun.

  ”The land has been divided!”

  ”Land reform has been carried out!”

  ”I hope my steel workshop is closer to the resurrection point.”

  ”It’s unrealistic. How can you fill such a large area next to the resurrection point? Forget it!”

  The noise continued in my ears.

  With a serious face, Chu Guang, holding a small notebook, cleared his throat and announced his arrangements loudly.

  ”The approved industrial land has been marked on the map.”

  ”Players whose projects have been approved, please come forward to claim them.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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