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Chapter 860: Ridbur Meat Grinder

Chapter 860: Ridbur Meat Grinder


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 860: Ridbur Meat Grinder

  In the sunny harbor, a tall cargo ship quietly docked at the dock.

  In the cabin of the cargo ship, an unconscious man was lying on his back on the bed.

  Perhaps the sound of the “quack” seagulls outside the window disturbed his sweet dream, and the tightly closed eyes suddenly twitched, and then opened with a violent cough.

  ”Cough cough!”

  Looking at the man who suddenly coughed, the doctor put away the stethoscope in his hand and said to Alman who was sitting beside him.

  ”It seems that there is nothing serious, just rest for a while.”

  Alman breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the doctor sincerely.

  ”Thank you.”

  ”You’re welcome, this is my job.”

  The doctor nodded slightly, and stood up from the chair as if he didn’t want to talk more.

  He was a local of Kinggallon Port, in other words, a Boro, and he treated the Weilantes purely out of his professional ethics of not watching people die without helping.

  If it weren’t for this, he wouldn’t want to say a word to the person in front of him.

  Although the survivors of the Borneo Province once worshipped these big noses as gods, that was a thing of the past. At least in Kinggallon Harbor, the Weilants have lost their halo.

  Alman sent him out the door, and turned back a moment later, looking at his compatriot who had already sat up on the bed and said.

  ”Feeling better?”

  Henk nodded blankly, staring at him for a while as if he didn’t understand the situation, and then his eyes passed the small and damp room and looked out the window.

  In the distance was a pleasant harbor, those staggered marble buildings, and the fountain statues standing in the port square, each scene reminded him of the “spiritual hometown” he had not returned to for a long time – Triumph City.

  Those things seemed to be copied from Triumph City.

  In addition to those marble buildings, another row of square concrete buildings and red brick and bright tile buildings had some different styles that he had never seen before.

  What was even more impressive was the bustling streets and the busy scene, which was no less impressive than the most prosperous ports in the New World.

  Just then, a bird with pure white feathers flapped its wings and landed on the windowsill, pecked at his armpit, and then stared at him stupidly.

  Looking at the clear and stupid eyes, he suddenly had the urge to feed it French fries…

  This should be a seagull.

  But then again, what are French fries?

  It seemed that seeing that he didn’t say anything for a long time, the seagull flew away very realistically.

  Looking at the feathers that fell on the windowsill, Henk finally came to his senses and realized that he hadn’t answered the question of his savior yet, so he quickly spoke embarrassedly.

  ”I’m much better, thank you for saving my life… By the way, my name is Henk, from the New World, may I ask where this is?”

  Looking at Henk who was embarrassed to introduce himself, Alman didn’t care, but just smiled gently and said.

  ”My name is Alman. This is Golden Gallon Port. We need to purchase some supplies here and see if there are any other people who want to get on board. In addition, the other people who were rescued with you all landed here. You were the last to wake up.”

  Henk didn’t react at first, but just felt that the word sounded familiar.

  But then he remembered a joke a sailor made with him before he got on board, saying that he must not go to Golden Gallon Port, which is the territory of the locals of Borneo Province. If you are caught, you will have your nose cut off.

  Henk’s face turned pale in an instant.

  He was not worried that the rumor was true. After all, it was difficult for anyone who saw this prosperous port to associate the locals with the natives.

  But he was an arms dealer after all, and he was transporting arms to the enemies of the locals.

  Even if his nose was not cut off, he would probably be imprisoned.

  Looking at Henk, whose face suddenly turned pale, Alman probably guessed something in his heart, and even saw his former self from that uneasy face.

  Most people who think they can stay out of it are actually already in it.

  Those who fantasize about being able to fish in troubled waters are actually soaking in the muddy water and are completely unaware of it.

  A momentary fluke is just a matter of time.

  He almost lost everything because of a promise that could not be fulfilled.

  However, Alman did not say anything, but just asked with concern.

  ”Do you feel uncomfortable?”

  ”No…” Henk smiled awkwardly, his face pale, and looked out the window again. His Adam’s apple moved and said, “Can I… not get off the boat?”

  His voice was filled with a hint of pleading.

  Alman nodded and said in a gentle tone.

  ”Of course, but it may take some time for us to return to Xifan Port. You have to stay on the boat for a month or two.”

  ”It doesn’t matter!”

  Henk breathed a sigh of relief and said immediately, “Just let me follow you… I can help with some things.”

  Alman smiled and said.

  ”You should heal your injuries first, and we can talk about this when you can get out of bed and walk.”

  Henk, who had calmed down, looked at him and asked.

  ”By the way, what business are you in?”

  Alman thought for a while and said.

  ”I don’t know how to describe my business, but my partner calls me a snakehead.”


  Looking at the bewildered Henk, Alman nodded and explained concisely.

  ”Pull the survivors here to the southern coast of the Seaside Province, where there are several alliance settlements. It’s that simple.”

  This sounds like the slave trade, but it’s not collecting money from slave owners, but from…slaves? But

  where do slaves get the money?

  Henk was puzzled and asked with a confused look on his face.

  ”How much money can those natives give you?”

  Alman didn’t hide it and told him frankly.

  ”Of course they can’t give it now, but they can owe it first. We will help them go to their new homeland, help them settle down there, help them find jobs, and then take part of their future wages to repay the debts they owed before boarding the ship.”

  Can it be played like this? !

  Henk was shocked.

  ”Your business model is good!”

  If the ticket is written as 1 million dinars, wouldn’t it be possible to fleece a person to death?

  Knowing that he must have thought of something wrong, and even guessed what he thought of, Yarman just smiled lightly without explaining.

  Debts cannot increase indefinitely, and the legal and regulatory agencies of the alliance are not fools.

  However, this is too troublesome to explain, including what he is doing now. It seems that he is just transporting people over, but there is actually a whole set of necessary processes behind it.

  ”…It’s okay. Although it can’t compare with arms sales, it is safer. The people of the Southern Legion ignore us. The population of Xifan Port is too much for them. They don’t need so many people. The people of the Alliance will take care of us when they see us. They are doing big projects in the southern waters and are in need of manpower.”

  When Henk heard about arms, his heart ached. The cargo of the three ships was at least worth 30 million dinars, not to mention the money of the three ships.

  Although he insured the cargo and the ship, he was sunk by a torpedo… He was not sure whether it was within the scope of compensation.

  And the most terrible thing is that if this war continues, more and more insured ships will be sunk, and the insurance company may have to go bankrupt on the spot.

  When he returned to the New World, it was hard to say whether the company he insured was still in existence.

  Henk no longer had any hope of getting the money back.

  Now he could only take it one step at a time…


  Just when a certain unlucky arms dealer was planning to follow Alman’s fleet to try his luck on the alliance’s territory, an unprecedented battle finally broke out on the land of Borneo Province. The

  300,000th troop of the Southern Legion took the lead in attacking the west side of Ridbur County, and exchanged fire with the 30,000, 40,000, and 50,000 troop of Borneo State stationed on the west side of Sunrise Lake.

  Before arriving in Ridbur County, the 300,000th troop of the Southern Legion had already lost an armored troop of 1,000, and the gap in the strength of the two sides was huge.

  In particular, long before the Southern Legion sent out troops, the commander of the Lion State Theater of Borneo Province ordered the excavation of a large number of tunnels and “rat holes” in Ridbur County.

  If the 300,000th troop of the Southern Corps chose to attack, even if they still had two-thirds of their tanks and a large number of armored personnel carriers, they would still have to pay a heavy price.

  However, this was theoretically true.

  The moment the Southern Corps’ airships arrived at the front line, the advantage of the Borneo Army was instantly wiped out.

  The rain of bullets that covered the sky was like locusts.

  As if to show off their firepower, the Willant people even installed tracers on the indirect fire shells.


  Looking at the death that was getting closer and closer, the Borneo centurion lying on the battlefield roared in despair.

  The soldiers crawling in the foxholes pressed their foreheads against the soil, clenched their fists or held the keepsakes of their families, and prayed silently in their hearts.

  The whistling rain of bullets was getting closer.

  Before reaching the ground, the shells exploded one by one, and scattered into more fragmented and dense light rain, indiscriminately covering every inch of soil in the position.

  The flames of the explosion plowed across the battlefield, scorching the rubble and lifting the dust from the ground to the sky.

  Wisps of smoke rose up, and the noisy land was instantly silent.

  That was a cluster bomb.

  In the place washed by that thing, not to mention living people, there would not even be a piece of living grass left… In

  the command vehicle more than ten kilometers away.

  Ryan, the commander of the 300,000th Squadron and the commander of the Eastern Front, stared at the image on the holographic screen with a gloomy face.

  That was the picture taken by the Horn airship.

  On the land that was plowed by artillery fire, not to mention a human figure, even a complete body could not be found.

  However, not long after, a group of moving heads appeared in the corner of the screen.

  Seeing this scene, Ryan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  The positions of the Borneo Army were washed over and over by him, but those Borneo soldiers were like endless locusts, filling up in waves.

  He was about to order another round of barrage coverage when the communicator hanging on his shoulder suddenly vibrated twice.

  Ryan reached out and pressed the communicator, and soon the annoying voice came from the other end of the communication channel.

  ”… Dear Commander, although I don’t want to disturb your interest, I still have to remind you that one-third of our ammunition has been consumed.”

  The person who spoke was the captain of the Horn, a one-star captain from Avent. Ryan

  frowned and said with an unhappy look.

  ”Didn’t we purchase a batch of ammunition from the Western Legion?”

  Captain of the Horn: “That’s right… But the news I received here is that only four of the ten transport ships that were scheduled to arrive yesterday have arrived.”

  Ryan: “… What do you mean?”

  Captain of the Horn: “You should be able to guess it. It’s obviously the work of the Alliance. It is said that their submarines are attacking the transport ships of our allies, although they quibble that it was Laken who did it. At present, our supply situation is still good, but no one can say what will happen next. We’d better save a little… What do you think?”

  Due to the issue of command, the relationship between the Air Force and the Army is not harmonious.

  This situation is not only happening in the Eastern Legion, but also in the other three legions.

  Even if two people belong to the same faction and have the same philosophy, it does not mean that they are really brothers.

  Even if the necks are twisted to the right at the same time, there will always be one who is more right and one who is not so right.

  The voice of the captain of the Horn was a bit of a joke, but Ryan’s face was completely gloomy.

  This alliance is really vicious.

  I dare not confront them head-on, but I actually picked those transport ships to attack!

  ”…Do you want to continue?”

  Listening to the voice coming from the communication channel, Ryan thought for a moment and gave an order.

  ”Fire a round of white phosphorus bombs, and I’ll leave the rest to the infantry.”

  The captain of the Horn quickly replied.


  Soon after the order was issued, a muffled sound like thunder came from below the low clouds.

  The flames wrapped in thick smoke were like an avalanche falling from the top of a mountain, rushing towards the position where hot steam was rising with a devastating force.

  The reinforcements from the rear had just filled the trenches when they were immediately showered with boiling fire.

  The flames could not be extinguished no matter how hard they tried.

  And even if they were just a little bit touched, they could turn into a burning man.


  ”My arm–!”

  Screams came one after another, and the trenches were filled with the smell of burnt flesh and blood, just like hell.

  Some soldiers who were set on fire could not bear the intense pain and could only let their comrades kill them, or put the muzzle of the gun against their jaws and do it themselves.

  And this was just the beginning.

  The lethality of white phosphorus bombs is not all in the flames. The poisonous gas produced by the burning is also deadly.

  For the soldiers of the Borneo Kingdom who lack gas masks, they can only bury their faces in the soil and try to filter the poisonous gas with the soft soil.

  However, this method is not always effective. The poisonous gas released by the white phosphorus bombs still caused huge casualties.

  Looking at the burnt black or distorted corpses, the soldiers squatting in the trenches gnashed their teeth, and their wide eyes were filled with hatred and anger.

  They no longer cared whether they could go back alive.

  They just wanted to avenge their dead comrades and return the pain to the Willant people without leaving any.

  Not only the soldiers on the front line, but also the officers standing behind them were the same.

  Facing an intermittent radio, the heart of the 10,000-man leader of the third 10,000-man Brigade of the Borneo Kingdom squatting in the anti-artillery cave was even more painful as if bleeding. In

  just one hour,

  he had already sent three thousand-man teams to the front line, and they didn’t even see the shadow of the Willant people!

  This was simply using the lives of his brothers to exchange for the Willant people’s artillery shells!

  Fortunately, the Willant people’s artillery shells were not unlimited, and the burning rain of fire seemed to be the last madness.

  After most of the flames and smoke dissipated, a thousand-man team belonging to the Southern Legion was quickly pushed to the front line.

  The height and physique of those soldiers were roughly the same, and the degree of twisting of their facial muscles was surprisingly the same.

  Their weapons were all the same, the bayonets hanging under the muzzles emitted a cold light.

  Looking at the murderous troops, the Borneo soldiers squatting in the trenches all swallowed their saliva at the same time.

  That was the clone troop of the legion!

  It is said that those fearless guys are like hyenas, and they can fight to the death with their opponents even if their intestines fall out.

  Although I heard from the brothers in the alliance that those clones are more or less disabled and their physical fitness is not high.

  However, these Brahman soldiers found that these disabled guys are healthier than themselves.

  At least they have some meat hanging on their bones.

  ”… Damn, we eat and wear worse than these clones.” The soldier with a bandage on his head couldn’t help but curse, with envy and anger in his eyes.

  The comrade lying next to him grinned and said in a half-joking tone.

  ”It doesn’t matter, my pension has been sent home, and my cubs will definitely grow stronger than them in the future.”

  ”I heard that your family’s seven and a half pounds?” The old guy next to him interrupted with an expression that he had never seen the world, “Is it true!”

  The soldier grinned and laughed, with a little pride on his smug face.

  ”How can it be false? I weighed it myself! That kid will definitely be taller than me in the future.”

  The old guy was even more envious and couldn’t help asking another question.

  ”What can you eat to grow so big?”

  The soldier glanced at him and said with a smile.

  ”You are already old, and you are about to be buried in the ground. Why are you asking this?”

  The old man’s face froze and he glared at him and said.

  ”Can’t I give it to my son?”

  This caused a burst of laughter. Many old people in the team remembered that this guy said that he had no son.

  ”Don’t worry about what you eat, as long as you don’t eat dirt, you can grow up like a human.”

  The machine gunner who had one eye blinded by smoke put the LD-47j light machine gun with a broken bracket on the trench and took a deep breath, then put his charred face on the black butt.

  ”Abusek said that we don’t have to eat dirt in the future, and our descendants won’t have to. I hope that bastard better keep his word… Otherwise, I won’t let him go even if I become a ghost!”

  His life was handed over to that guy.

  He had no other demands, just hoping that what Abusek promised was not just empty words.

  Looking at the joking soldiers, the centurion on the side whispered a reprimand.

  ”Don’t interrupt, keep your eyes on the front, those big noses are coming!”

  ”Oh oh oh!” The young man with a bandage on his head, who loaded his rifle, shouted excitedly, “Let these dogs come!”

  As someone once said, they have nothing to lose.

  With a sharp whistle, the calm before the storm was completely torn apart.

  The centurion marching on one side of the team drew out his saber and blew the short whistle in his mouth.


  The loud whistle was like a command arrow, crossing the entire battlefield.

  The clone soldiers marching forward in a uniform pace, almost at the same time raised their rifles and bayonets in their hands, and rushed to the smoke-filled battlefield under the leadership of the centurion.


  The shouts of killing shook the earth!

  The roaring clones charging forward were like jackals in human form.

  The bayonets pointing forward were their fangs. They were like gnawers who could speak human language!

  The centurion who spit out the whistle still held the saber in his hand high and roared with a rough voice.


  ”Use the rifles in your hands, your bayonets, fists, teeth and nails, everything you can use! Let your prey stop breathing dirty!”

  ”You are the bravest warriors! Those weak rats are vulnerable in front of you–!”

  The fanatical roar boosted the morale of all the clones.

  For them who were born in the duel arena, the man with a rough voice was their father.

  But their father obviously deceived them. Those weak rats were not vulnerable.

  At the moment they approached 200 meters, the centurion of the Pala Kingdom crawling in the trench also blew the whistle in his mouth, raised his pistol and fired a shot forward.


  The soldiers crawling on the edge of the trenches could no longer suppress their anger, and they pulled the triggers one after another.

  The sound of gunfire resounded across the battlefield, and orange-yellow tracers flew wildly, outlining the trajectory of the Grim Reaper’s scythe on the battlefield full of corpses.

  Clone soldiers were constantly pinned to the ground by machine guns, and some of them were the centurions of the Weylandt who fell to the ground and died.

  The same was true for the soldiers of the Pak country lying in the trenches.

  The LD-47j machine gun that was missing a bracket had two shooters behind it. The man who was now manipulating it had changed from a father of a child to a 13-year-old boy.

  The boy with a bandage on his forehead, who was shouting “Let the horses come”, was shot in the head early and fell to the ground without a sound.

  There was also the man whose son was said to be 7.5 kilograms. The

  old man who always quarreled with him never pried out the secret recipe of “giving birth to a big fat boy” from him until his death.

  However, he didn’t need it anymore.

  Soon a team of 100 people was defeated, and then another team of 100 people filled it up.

  Then there were teams of 1,000 people, and even 10,000 people!

  The crooked battle line was like the teeth of a giant beast, draining the flesh and blood of those involved.

  The weight of more than 100 kilograms should have been the backbone of each family, but it was as light as a feather when placed on the battle line that was tens of kilometers wide. It was

  not only the Poro people who were bleeding, but also the Willant people who charged towards the land plowed by artillery fire.

  Although the clones listed in the logistics list were not counted in the establishment of the five 10,000-man teams, and even livestock were not counted, and the deaths and injuries would not be counted as casualties, but every ten or twelve clone soldiers would eventually be equipped with a Willant centurion to charge with them. In

  just one morning, the 300,000-man team of the Southern Legion defeated the three 10,000-man teams of Poro guarding the hills on the west bank of Sunrise Lake, and pushed the battle line forward for a full ten kilometers! The 10,000- man

  captain Metar was unwilling to retreat, and personally led the 1,000-man team directly under him to cover the retreat of friendly forces. Unfortunately, he was shot and killed while blocking the assault of the 1,000-man mechanized infantry team of the Southern Legion.

  At this point, the 300,000-man team of Poro was annihilated as a whole!

  More than 12,000 soldiers and officers were almost completely lost, and no one survived!

  The 4th and 5th thousand-man teams also suffered more than half of their casualties and were forced to move to the rear positions.

  On the other hand, the 300,000-man team of the Southern Legion had only 300 casualties.

  After losing an armored thousand-man team, Captain Ryan finally got his wish to regain his lost face on the front battlefield.

  Even though he paid nearly 20,000 clone cannon fodder and tens of thousands of artillery shells for this.

  The western part of Ridbul County was completely occupied, and the Southern Legion’s fist had already grabbed the neck of the old lion of Lion City.

  The 31st and 320,000-man teams were cutting into the battlefield from the southwest and northwest respectively.

  And arriving at the front line with them, there was also an armored train loaded with ammunition and weapons, and a 902mm heavy artillery with both deterrence and power!

  The Alliance’s fearless air strikes made the logistics troops of the Southern Legion nervous, and they only dared to move under the airspace dominated by armored airships.

  However, if they thought that all the dangers came from the sky, they were very wrong. In

  the southeast of “Li County”, billowing smoke was running across the endless wilderness.

  Under the cover of 62 “Chimera” armored vehicles, the attack formation formed by 93 “No. 3” heavy tanks was rushing all the way to the southern front of the corps.

  Their target was the 340,000th corps of the Southern Corps.

  According to the intelligence collected by Pangolin during the Xifan Port period, it was a reserve corps.

  As long as they could penetrate the 340,000th corps, they could touch the anus of Captain Ryan!

  For this upcoming battle, the players of the Skeleton Corps have been looking forward to it for too long.

  Especially after seeing the brothers of the Burning Corps pretending to be so powerful on the forum, they were eager to rub their hands.

  A group of airborne infantry can blow up the armored regiment on the opposite side. If they were replaced by professionals like them, wouldn’t they beat the big noses to death?

  Besides, it’s not just their corps that will participate in this battle!

  After five days of waiting, the good brothers of the Goblin Corps have returned to the front line on the “Overlord” transport plane, and their vehicles have been driven to the airport outside Tiandu by the pilots of Jingalon Port.

  In addition, the Luoyu brothers who are driving the “Thunder” fighter will also participate in this battle.

  They have no reason to lose!

  On the turret of the Type 3 tank, the mole with half of his body sticking out held the communicator and shouted loudly with high spirits.


  ”The 340,000th team of the Southern Legion is only 20 kilometers away from us!”

  ”It’s time to let them see what a real steel torrent looks like!”

  As soon as his voice fell, excited roars came from the communication channel.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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