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Chapter 861 The Alliance’s Iron Cavalry!

Chapter 861 The Alliance’s Iron Cavalry!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 861: The Iron Cavalry of the Alliance!

  The official website of “Wasteland OL”.

  The Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “…Ahem! Brothers, was the server down for maintenance just now?”

  Quit Smoking: “???”

  Tail: “0ω0?”

  Edge Pad: “What?”

  Fang Chang: “Generally speaking, we call this situation a resurrection CD.”

  Macabazi: “Hahaha! Die of laughter!”

  Fountain Commander: “Brother, can you do it? (Funny)”

  I’m the Darkest: “If you can’t, let us do it. (Grinning teeth)”

  The Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “Get lost, people make mistakes, horses stumble… MMP! It’s so damn unlucky!”

  Fang Chang: “Indeed, everyone has bad luck sometimes, at least At least our Mole brothers’ teammates are still online, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”

  Ye Shi: “Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that similar conversations have happened before. (Funny)”

  Irena: “You should ask, when has a similar conversation not happened? (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “This game is too real. (Funny)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Fuck, why are you two coming down too? !”

  Irena: “Aren’t you here to laugh at you? I’ll go back soon. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Have a good journey, Captain! (Funny)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “@#&@!”


  Facts have proved that although pretending to be cool will not be struck by lightning, being careless and underestimating the enemy will definitely cause problems.

  Although the 340,000th Squadron of the Southern Corps is only a “mechanized infantry division” and its luck is not very good, it was caught off guard, but it is not a soft persimmon that can be squeezed at will as the Mole imagined.

  It can even be said that compared to the armored forces that the Southern Corps is not yet proficient in using, the mechanized infantry that cooperates with the artillery attack is their real trump card!

  The reserve is only a strategic positioning, which does not mean that the entire army is rookie.

  Time goes back to half an hour ago.

  Since the horn has been deployed to the front line, the 300,000th team led by Captain Ryan is advancing with great momentum. The 340,000th team can only rely on its own reconnaissance team and regular patrol reconnaissance aircraft to search for the enemy.

  In fact, the war has reached this point, and there is no suspense about the capture of the Lion City. Almost no one in the Southern Corps doubts that they will take over the entire Lion State before the end of the month, force the Borneo Kingdom to sign an armistice agreement, and then concentrate on dealing with the Mammoth Kingdom occupying the three northern states.

  Under such circumstances, the 340,000th team naturally does not worry about the possibility of any counterattack by the Borneo Army, and the main task of the reconnaissance troops is to search for those annoying tunnels and “rat holes”.

  However, by chance, just when they were burying their heads in whack-a-mole, they ran into the Skeleton Corps that rushed to the southern part of Ridbo County.

  The two sides came into contact on a gentle slope where a forest meets a farmland.

  The 340,000th Squadron of the Southern Legion immediately paid the price for their underestimation of the enemy.

  The ten unlucky “Greyhound” reconnaissance vehicles had just discovered the surging steel torrent when their armor was blown up by the 155mm high-explosive shells that came from the front.

  The reason why the players chose to use high-explosive shells instead of armor-piercing shells was mainly to prevent “over-penetration”.

  With the thickness of the armor of the “Greyhound” reconnaissance vehicle, it was like paper in front of the Alliance’s Type 3 tank. One shot made two holes, and the damage effect might not be as strong as that of high-explosive shells.

  The first contact with the enemy killed ten armored units of the opponent, and the morale of the players of the Skeleton Corps was greatly boosted!

  The Mole immediately ordered to continue the charge forward, intending to cooperate with the air force brothers of the Goblin Corps to eat up the entire division in one bite.

  However, the opposite Willant people were not vegetarians.

  After being hit head-on, Gibson, the captain of the 340,000th Squadron, immediately came to his senses, calling for air force support while issuing combat instructions.

  Not only that, this guy also played a trick, splitting two mechanized infantry teams of 1,000 men, unloading the infantry and anti-tank equipment on the armored personnel carriers, and sending them into the foxholes and rat holes dug by the Borneo soldiers to ambush, and then deployed self-propelled artillery and light armor behind these foxholes.

  It must be said that this trick is indeed useful.

  Although those “rat holes” are a bit narrow for the Willant people, they can still hide in them if they squeeze in.

  The killing surface of high-explosive bombs is mainly an upward fan-shaped surface, and the damage to targets below the horizontal plane is limited.

  When the Skeleton Corps entered the field of vision of those scattered soldiers, the Willant soldiers ambushed in the rat holes immediately used radio communication equipment to report their positions to the rear and called for long-range firepower.

  Fifty-two “Fire Crossbow” self-propelled artillery launched a round of volleys first, and dense rain of bullets instantly rushed towards the 1st Battalion of the Skeleton Corps.

  In fact, with the protection ability of the Type 3 tank, as long as it is not directly hit by the shells, it is not afraid of long-range fire attacks. And at such a long distance, using indirect fire to attack tanks, the winning rate is comparable to scratching lottery tickets.

  However, as luck would have it, someone was so unlucky.

  A 200mm wind cap armor-piercing grenade hit the Mole Brother’s car squarely, directly penetrated through the fragile top cover, and gave him a blow in the middle.

  From the shell penetrating the armor to the explosion, the whole process took less than a second, so that before the Mole came to his senses, he had already returned to the line.

  At the same time, the aviation team that took off urgently from Xifan Port also rushed to the battlefield, carrying hundreds of kilograms of bombs.

  Fortunately, the Goblin Corps that took off from Tiandu Airport also joined the battle at this time, so that the Skeleton Corps did not become meat on the chopping board.

  200 “Daggers” faced 200 “Mosquitoes”. The two sides fought back and forth in the air, and the sky and the earth were dark under the dark clouds.

  Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely, four “Thunder” fighters took off from Golden Gallon Port and six “Sabers” took off from Evernight Port and joined the battle one after another.

  The former is the next-generation fighter of the Alliance, using advanced but unstable plasma thrusters.

  The latter is an antique that the Legion has used for a century. Although it uses an old-fashioned jet engine, its technical content and casting process are basically close to the peak of “chemical power engine”.

  The reason for using jet engines is not because of “path dependence”

  but that the only one in the wasteland that can force the Legion to take out supersonic aircraft is the Alliance, except for the enterprise.

  The missiles fired by this thing are much more expensive than propeller planes, and the machine guns can’t carry much ammunition. Not only the army of the Legion doesn’t like it, but the air force itself doesn’t like it very much either. It usually only uses it during military parades.

  When he was in Luoxia Province before, Luoyu had once competed with this thing in a “Lingyun” fighter, and he barely won by combining with Xiaoyu.

  But now, whether it is him, Xiaoyu, or the alliance’s aircraft, they are no longer at the same level as before,

  let alone four against six, even one against six! He is also confident that he can do it again in three days!

  Holding the joystick with both hands, Luoyu took a deep breath and sank his consciousness into the biological prosthesis.

  Xiaoyu’s fruiting body spread throughout the cockpit.

  Through these “biomass sensors”, he can even sense the airflow blowing across the canopy and the vibration of the wingtips!

  The whole plane seems to be integrated with him!

  His “field of vision” has passed through the clouds, as if he can “see” the heartbeat and breathing of the enemy pilot, and at this moment an air-to-air missile is flying towards him along the edge of the clouds.

  Without the slightest fear, his chest is burning with a boiling desire to fight.

  When fighting the Torch Church before, the opponent’s flying unit speed was not even 200 yards.

  Now there is finally a decent opponent!

  ”Xiao Yu, get ready!”

  As the missile radar was turned on, a light call came from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.


  Thick tracers flew up and down in the air, and occasionally one or two air-to-air missiles whizzed by, and from time to time, planes turned into fireballs and fell with parachutes.

  Those were mainly parachutes of the Willant people.

  The pilots of the Goblin Corps did not need that thing, and Mosquito did not install it for his own people at all.

  The battle in the sky gradually became white-hot, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

  At the same time, the battle on the ground was also continuing.

  Although Brother Mole got a box lunch at the beginning, the command system of the Skeleton Corps did not collapse because of this. Instead, the captains of the following vehicles laughed out loud.

  ”Fuck, this damn Mole is so damn lucky.”

  ”He can even hit it?! He must be cheating!”

  ”The damn planner adjusted the difficulty.”

  ”The end of not doing his job, he was sanctioned.”

  There was a happy atmosphere in the communication channel, and many people took advantage of the Mole’s absence to curse.

  However, the battle continued, and everyone did not waste all their time on chatting, and soon put their attention back on the battlefield.

  Even if it was to avenge Brother Mole, they had to show some real skills!

  Irena quickly took over the command and shouted into the communication channel.

  ”…Air Defense Company, did you see anything in the nearby air? Like drones or something.”

  The communication channel quickly received a reply.

  ”No! Not to mention drones, there are not even birds nearby.”

  The enemy’s air force was still fighting with the brothers of the Goblin Corps, and they could not take care of this for the time being.

  Irena nodded.

  ”Very good… It seems that the opponent’s ‘eyes’ and radio stations are hidden in front of us.”

  The two sides were in an encounter battle, and there was not much time to deploy in advance.

  In such a short time, the 340,000th Corps is unlikely to have enough time to deploy infantry on the two wings of their advance direction.

  In particular, this behavior has the risk of exposing their own artillery to the enemy’s armored forces.

  After guessing the enemy’s deployment, Irena immediately made a judgment and issued a series of orders to the communication channel.

  ”Attention, support company! Go to the map mark and deploy yourself, waiting for the next instruction.”

  ”The first and second armored battalions will go around to the left, and the third armored battalion will go around to the right, targeting the enemy’s self-propelled artillery and light armored units, and pay attention to the enemy’s anti-tank weapons. The fifth mechanized infantry battalion will cover the fourth battalion to continue to advance!”

  The battalion commanders: “Received!”

  After a pause, Irena continued to order.

  ”In addition, the anti-aircraft company’s anti-aircraft guns are flat! Push your FAK up, and if you see any place that looks like someone is hiding or there is a foxhole, sweep two rounds first!”

  FK-1 “Defender” crew: “Received!”

  As the orders were issued one by one, the Skeleton Corps immediately changed its formation to advance forward.

  The vanguard troops changed from Type 3 main battle tanks to “Chimera” armored vehicles, and the heavy armor scattered on both wings rushed straight to the artillery positions of the 340,000th team like two giant axes.

  The offensive of the Skeleton Corps did not fall into chaos because of the loss of the commander.

  It is better to say that it is precisely because of the confidence that “even if I am gone, the Skeleton Corps can continue to fight” that the mole dared to drive the command vehicle to the front line of the battlefield.

  Each main battle tank is equipped with an “offline member” to replace the position of the communicator, responsible for transmitting the offline deployment to the online and making strategic deployments. The online communication is taken care of by the commander, who communicates with other crews in real time.

  This is the experience they summed up during the Battle of Luoxia.

  Not to mention the loss of the commander, even if the entire reinforced regiment was hit by strategic-level EMP weapons, the crews can still communicate relatively in real time.

  Discovering the actions of the Alliance armored forces, the 340,000-man commander Gibson felt a sense of difficulty.

  After being bombarded, they did not rush to the infantry positions in a hurry, but chose to bypass the front positions from both sides.

  Seeing that the air force was not useful for a long time and the enemy’s armored forces were about to rush to the front, Gibson had to bite the bullet and order the deployed self-propelled artillery to withdraw and let the armored personnel carriers guarding nearby to follow.

  As for the more than 3,000 soldiers left behind, they could only hide on the spot.

  Anyway, it was difficult for the alliance to find all of them in such a large area, and it was unlikely to waste so much time to find them.

  Although Gibson did make the right judgment from the standpoint of the commander, this also made the infantry who were left behind to ambush the tanks become abandoned.

  Without the support firepower and the cover of light armor, more than 3,000 scattered soldiers on the position instantly became orphans.

  After discovering that the enemy had ceased fire, Irena immediately issued an order to the support company that had already completed its deployment, released the drone that guided the artillery fire, and fired three rounds of incendiary bombs at the areas suspected of hiding enemy targets one by one.

  The raging fire was burning in the wilderness. Although the fire was not big, it had a miraculous effect on the Willant soldiers hiding in the caves.

  They were physically strong and could not move in the narrow pits. The fire also exhausted the oxygen on the ground. Some people could not bear it and crawled out, while others were suffocated to death in the caves.

  Seeing that the fire was almost over, Irena immediately shouted “Get off the car”, and then took more than 300 brothers from the Fourth Battalion out of the car, and cooperated with the Chimera armored vehicle to search forward in groups of three.

  Since the “Fire Fighting War”, the mechanized infantry of the Skeleton Corps has all been equipped with the “Type 5” light exoskeleton that combines mobility and defense.

  With the battlefield guidance system of the helmet, they only need to “look” at the place where there are suspected people, and the sensor that recognizes the iris can immediately synchronize their sight to the gunner on the armored vehicle behind them, who will determine whether to fire a round.

  Soon after everyone got off the car, they were immediately blocked by the scattered soldiers of the Willant.

  The bullets shot were like flying raindrops, making a whistling sound in the air.

  After ducking to avoid a round of bullets, Irena immediately picked up the LD-47 assault rifle and swept back.

  The 7mm full-power bullet shot directly through the helmet, and the Willant man lying in the foxhole had no time to utter a muffled groan. His head instantly scattered red and white like a smashed watermelon.

  The man was like a potato stuck in the ground, his shoulder stuck in the entrance of the foxhole, and he did not fall back, leaving only half of his body lying on the ground.

  The death of his teammates did not scare the remaining Willant men, but instead aroused their bloodiness. The sound of

  gunfire in the field came one after another, and the fierce firepower suppressed the team led by Irena behind the armored vehicle.

  However, no matter how fierce the firepower was, it was also sprayed from a small water pipe, and it was no match for the 37mm gun of the “Chimera” armored vehicle.

  ”Three o’clock direction! Hit me hard with high-explosive bombs! We’re watching the barrel!”

  Irena hammered the car door twice with her fist, then placed the rifle on the front armored side of the armored vehicle, aimed at a guy who climbed out of the foxhole with an anti-tank rocket launcher on his back, and pulled the trigger.

  With a few short gunshots, the guy fell to the ground before he could reload.

  The enemy commander obviously ignored the size of these foxholes, as well as the size of his own soldiers and equipment.

  The Poros could stand in these foxholes and fire RPGs, but the Willant people could barely get in, let alone reload the anti-tank rocket launcher, and had to climb out to operate it.

  Perhaps it would be better to switch to the cheap, disposable “Iron Fist” rocket launcher.

  Anyway, against lightly armored targets, any amount of armor-piercing shells would make the same difference.

  The anti-tank infantry was easily dealt with by Irena, and the Chimera armored vehicle used as a cover by his team also focused on dealing with the soft targets firing rifles.

  The 37mm gun fired bang bang, and the shells hit the turret and body of the armored vehicle with a clang. In just a few breaths, most of the Willant infantry standing in front of them were killed or injured.

  While the Chimera armored vehicle continued to output firepower, the FK-1 Defender, which was following not far behind the group, also pressed forward. The

  20mm “Red Dot” rapid-fire gun designed based on the destroyer’s close-in defense gun was aimed at a muddy black land in front of it, and suddenly let out a series of roars like a cloth tearing machine.

  The dense rain of bullets was like a raging storm, covering the rows of foxholes in front with a devastating force, and even overturned the ground. In just a few minutes, 6% of the mass of the entire vehicle was knocked off.

  Although the armor-piercing ability of this electromagnetically accelerated light mass projectile was not high, it unexpectedly produced a miraculous effect when dealing with soft soil.

  Where the fragments of high-explosive bombs could not penetrate, these directional metal balls easily pierced in, and even poked through the foxholes.

  The breakthrough on the opposite side stopped in an instant. Irena fired a few shots tentatively, and after finding no response, she took Lao Wang and another brother forward.

  When he walked to the nearest foxhole, he found that the entire pit had been buried by the collapsed soil, and the pile of soil covering it was dotted with tiny holes, like a honeycomb.

  ”Oh my god… this is fucking miserable.”

  Irena smacked her lips, overcame the discomfort in her heart, took off the engineer shovel hanging on the exoskeleton, dug up the buried foxhole, and took a photo of the pit.

  It’s not his bad taste.

  Confirming the damage effect of the weapon is also part of the combat mission. After all, this is the first time that the FK-1 “Defender” has been put into the battlefield.

  Looking at the bloody mud, even Lao Wang, who has seen a lot of hell, felt a churn in his stomach and couldn’t help but complain.

  ”… This fucking can’t even pick up equipment.”

  ”What version is it? It can’t be used.”

  Since the development of the Alliance industry, they have rarely used captured equipment.

  Those things are usually given to newcomers for transition, or sold to interested wastelanders, or given to the Giant Stone Military Industry for research.

  Irena silently chanted “Amitabha” and buried herself in the blood pit again.

  Too miserable.

  This game is always superfluous in inexplicable places. No wonder A Guang doesn’t let children in.

  If Ye Ao and his brother saw this, wouldn’t they be scared to death on the spot?

  On the other side, the battle in the sky seemed to have come to an end.

  The Third Air Force of the Southern Legion gradually showed signs of decline. Even the ace pilot who claimed to have shot down ten alliance planes in the “Port Defense War” was defeated and became the horizontal stroke of the word “positive” written in Feng Qing’s cockpit.

  Luo Yu also had a remarkable record. He shot down two of the six “Sabre” fighters.

  Two more heads were taken by teammates.

  Although the price was one for one, it was not a big problem!

  The original advantage became a balance, and the only two remaining “Sabres” chose to retreat.

  Luo Yu, who had little ammunition, did not choose to continue the pursuit, but covered another injured friendly plane and returned to the direction of Golden Galleon Port.

  In terms of acceleration, the plasma engine, which is still in its infancy, is indeed no match for the mature chemical engine. Its advantages mainly lie in endurance and stability.

  After the battle in the air, Mosquito did not pursue the retreating Third Air Force of the Southern Corps, but took the remaining 39 planes to attack the 340,000th Army retreating towards the northern railway. The

  ammunition on his plane has not been emptied yet, so it would be a pity to go home like this.

  Although he did not bring aerial bombs on this mission, it did not prevent him from using 20mm machine guns to cause a little trouble to the Willant people who were running away with their tails between their legs.

  ”Brothers! Don’t worry about the armored vehicles, aim at those transport vehicles!”

  After shouting into the communication channel, Mosquito pulled down the goggles on his head, screamed and dived up first. As

  the trigger was pressed, two 20mm machine guns spewed out fire snakes, smashing the front of an armored personnel carrier.

  The Willant soldiers hiding in the back of the car jumped out in a hurry and, at the urging of their superiors, dispersed and ran towards the woods nearby.

  The originally orderly convoy suddenly became a mess. Some of the exasperated Willant men picked up their assault rifles and submachine guns and fired at the sky, but they didn’t even scratch the shadow of the plane.

  ”Using submachine guns to shoot at me? Are you crazy? Hahahaha – fuck!?”

  There was a soft snap, and a bullet hole suddenly appeared on the glass of the cockpit.

  Mosquito, who was pretending to be tough, was startled and hurriedly pulled the joystick to pull up the nose of the plane.

  Thirty-nine propeller planes dived towards the ground in turn, destroying almost all the transport vehicles that could still move, and removing the tires of those that could not be hit, leaving only some armored vehicles and light tanks that were really hard to chew on on the ground.

  The brothers of the Skeleton Corps will clean up those things.

  They have used up their last round of ammunition, and their mission has been completed.

  Just as Brother Mosquito led his brothers back to the direction of Tiandu, the three armored battalions of the Skeleton Corps had caught up with the fleeing soldiers of the 340,000-man team.

  The entire 10,000-man team was almost defeated.

  Except for the 52 “Fire Crossbow” self-propelled artillery that escaped because of its strong armor, almost all the remaining soldiers were forced to disperse and hide in the mountains and woods because they lost their means of transportation.

  It’s a pity that the two mechanized infantry battalions led by Lao Na did not keep up, otherwise they might have wiped out the entire division-level combat unit on the opposite side.

  However, this pot cannot be completely put on Lao Na’s head.

  After all, he did not expect that the Willant people were so stubborn that they refused to surrender even if they were orphans.

  More than 3,000 big noses were hiding on a battlefield that was more than ten kilometers long and wide with nearly half a division’s anti-tank equipment.

  Even if he used up all the ammunition of the entire regiment, he might not be able to clear out these 3,000 scattered soldiers.

  The small number of people is a hard flaw.

  The two battalions together have only 600 people. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack to search the battle line that is more than ten kilometers wide.

  The most important thing is that their current position is already behind the enemy, and if they stop, they will be in danger of being surrounded.

  The other side obviously knew this, and unless they were pointed at their heads with guns and pulled out of the cave by the neck, they would not surrender no matter how much they shouted.

  Irena couldn’t help but complain in her heart, who the hell is the mole?

  Of course, it’s not okay to ignore these people, because when they retreat, this army will definitely bite them.

  Just when I was in a dilemma, a few horses suddenly came from a distance.

  Hearing the sound of horse hooves, he subconsciously aimed his rifle over, but saw the other side raised his hand.

  ”Brothers of the Alliance, don’t shoot! We are one!”

  After saying that, the man pulled the reins and rolled off the horse.

  Irena stared at the man in plain clothes and lowered the muzzle of the gun in her hand.

  ”Who are you?”

  The man’s face was flushed, with a respectful expression on his face, and he straightened his back and saluted.

  ”Captain of the 110,000th Army of the Polo Kingdom! Yokale!”

  Good guy.

  Captain, you can be resurrected in three days in such a frontline place?

  Irena looked at him in surprise, and then at the soldiers who dismounted behind him.

  ”Where are your troops? Just these few?”

  Yokale said quickly.

  ”Our troops are nearby. Commander Yudono told me to fight guerrilla warfare in this area! I heard the gunshots just now, so I rode over here first. My subordinates are still running behind. They should be here in ten minutes.” The

  Borneo Army lacks vehicles, and most soldiers rely on their legs to move.

  When facing the motorized forces of the legion, their speed of reinforcement is far behind the speed of the opposite side’s racing. Often, the bodies of friendly troops are cold, but they are still running on the road.

  It is for this reason that the Southern Legion did not take the 200,000 troops seriously.

  It is useless for troops that cannot arrive at the battlefield on time, no matter how many there are.

  It is out of such helplessness that the front-line commander of Borneo simply let this unit fight guerrilla warfare.

  Although Irena felt that with the communication level of the 100 people sharing one radio, it would not take long for the decurions to find the centurions, but they really had no better way at the moment.

  But at this moment, he had an idea and asked the officer in front of him.

  ”How many people do you have?”

  Yokale said with full energy.

  ”Besides us, there are tens of thousands of others! We can accept your command!”

  ”Very good!”

  Irena patted his shoulder with great joy, then glanced at the “potato field” behind him and continued.

  ”These big noses are hiding in the rat hole and refuse to come out. We can’t persuade them. You take your men to look for them. They have radios on them. Although they are on the same frequency band as the Southern Legion, you can make do with a secret code.”

  Not only radios, but also exoskeletons and rocket launchers.

  Although he looked down on those things, the Borneo Army was not picky.

  Sure enough, after hearing his words, Yokale’s face immediately showed a surprised expression, and he received the order excitedly.

  ”Don’t worry, leave it to us! I promise to catch them all!”

  ”Well, I leave it to you!” Irena smiled and patted his shoulder, and reminded him, “Remember to move quickly. You never know when their reinforcements will arrive. Take your equipment and go south. It’s too late to go to Lion City anyway.” Leaving behind

  Yokale who was grateful, Irena waited for the army of Borneo to come and handed over this “potato field” to them.

  If you don’t want to surrender, then don’t surrender. He just thought it was too troublesome to take prisoners.

  After silently praying for those stubborn Willant boys in his heart, Lao Na then took a group of brothers and escorted the hooded prisoners back to the car.

  The logistics company will collect these captured prisoners and send them to the prisoner-of-war camp in the rear.

  ”Attention, the fourth battalion, the fifth battalion, the support company and the anti-aircraft company, the target is the railway in the north! Forward!”

  The rolling sound of the wheels continued to move forward, interspersed with the buttocks of the Eastern Front troops of the Southern Legion.

  Unfortunately, the partial victory did not reverse the situation of the entire battle.

  While the Skeleton Corps and the 350,000-man detachment along the defense railway were engaged in a fierce exchange of fire around the armored train, the 300,000-man detachment led by Captain Ryan had already broken through the defense line in the northeast of Ridbur County and kicked open the gate of Lion City.

  Facing the joint attack of the three 10,000-man detachments of the Southern Legion and a steel airship, the six 10,000-man detachments of the Borneo Kingdom stationed outside the city were beaten to a pulp and could only retreat into the city to prepare for street fighting.

  Yudono had already evacuated some civilians, and some people ran away when they saw that things were not going their way.

  However, Lion City was a large settlement of one million people, and it was not easy to evacuate the people. Besides, it

  was not just Abusek who had illusions about the Willant people.

  Even after seeing the tragedy at Xifan Port, there would still be people who felt that those dead people deserved it, and the “decisive killing” of the Southern Corps was justifiable.

  Upon hearing that the 340,000th Army was defeated, Ryan was unexpectedly calm, and did not even get angry at the Gibson commander who reported the news, but just calmly made arrangements.

  The war had already reached this point, and even the most naive Willant people would not think that their opponents were those dirty people.

  It was the Alliance that was against them.

  It was not shameful to lose temporarily in a battle against an ancient enemy, and even if they lost two battles, it would not change the fact that they were advancing triumphantly.

  However, since the local survivors chose to stand with the remnants of the War Construction Committee and fight against the Willant people, don’t blame him for being ruthless…

  In the command vehicle.

  Looking at the settlement filled with black smoke on the holographic screen, Captain Ryan gave an order to the “Horn” airship expressionlessly.

  ”Drive your airship over the southern urban area of ​​Lion City.”

  The captain of the Horn knew what he wanted to do, and didn’t think there was anything wrong with doing so, but he couldn’t help but wonder if it was a bit too extreme.

  What they need is not a ruin.

  That kind of thing is everywhere in the desert, and no one wants it even if it is given away for free.

  ”What’s the point? The rest are just some remnants of the defeated army. If you are worried about casualties among your subordinates, we can release a wave of dogs first. Those things are always cheaper than shells.”

  The so-called dogs refer to those glorious troops without numbers.

  Ryan didn’t explain to him, but said coldly.

  ”Do as I say.”

  He needed to defeat the local people’s will to resist and let them know what the consequences of going against the Southern Legion would be.

  The captain of the Horn sighed and stopped trying to dissuade him.

  ”Okay… well, I mean, as you command.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode