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Chapter 862: City Fall

Chapter 862: City Fall


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 862: The Fall of

  the Lion City.

  There was a big hole in the towering city wall, with scorched earth and broken bricks on one side and only broken walls and ruins on the other.

  This is the largest settlement in the entire Lion State, even larger than Xifan Port. Many wealthy streets have very wide and large houses, and some citizens’ houses have been replaced with stone and cement walls.

  Although Wu Tuo does not take steel and cement seriously, because of his admiration for the Willant people, the people of Lion State regard the Willant people as their godfathers and imitate everything from top to bottom.

  For example, using cement to build walls, plastering on walls, paving roads with cement, and even burying steel bars in walls, etc. These are all learned by the local nobles and rich people from the Willant people.

  At this moment, these buildings built with steel and cement have become one of the few shelters for the Borneo Army.

  This is one of the few good things that Wutuo has done for his “people”…

  The sky is dark and the ground is so stuffy that it is hard to breathe, as if a rainstorm is about to come.

  In the position of the southern city, in a low building, the temporary command post of the Borneo Army is hidden.

  With the assistance of Isher, who had seen the firepower of the “Horn” with his own eyes, the Borneo officers completed the deployment of the front-line defense.

  In fact, he didn’t need to stay here, because not long ago his old boss Anwo sent a telegram to the front line, intending to pull him to Jingalon Port.

  Anwo didn’t forget him after all.

  Although Anwo was suspected by his old boss Abusek, the intrigues among the top leaders would not affect him as a small centurion.

  However, Isher did not leave immediately.

  At least before he left, he had to tell the other officers what he saw on the front line.

  ”…The airships of the Legion are not invincible. Their artillery is dual-purpose for air defense and ground attack, mostly with small caliber artillery. Whether they are firing cluster bombs, high-explosive bombs or other warheads, they are mainly aimed at simple bunkers and dense soft targets on the plains.”

  ”Our allies are helping us intercept the most threatening 902mm heavy artillery and supplies sent to the front line. The enemy’s firepower advantage will continue to weaken with our resistance. In the end, they will have to send elite troops to fight us… and as long as it is delayed to that time, it will be the turning point of this war.”

  ”Although I don’t want to say this, quantity is indeed our only reliance.”

  Isher drew some sketches on the blackboard, roughly describing the scene of the explosion, the killing fan-shaped surfaces of various warheads, and possible ways to survive.

  These things were tested by his subordinates with their lives.

  While he was teaching these officers, his subordinates also went to various grassroots levels to teach the local garrisons how to survive.

  Survival is the most critical.

  Even more important than killing the enemy.

  As long as the Weilants have exhausted all their methods and still can’t kill them all, it’s their turn.

  Although his painting is very abstract, the officers of the Boro Kingdom listened very carefully.

  What they lack most is these experiences, and what Isher brought back from the front is exactly what they need most.

  Not only some of the captains of the army listened to his lectures, but even the commander-in-chief of the Lion State War Zone, Yudono, was here.

  Since the fall of Ridbur County, he left the conspicuous city lord’s mansion.

  Facts have proved that his choice was correct.

  Because not long after he left, the legion’s aircraft launched an air strike on the city lord’s mansion.

  If he was a step later, he might have gone down to accompany his old boss Janus.

  After the meeting.

  All the officers left the combat command room and went to their respective defense zones to prepare for a decisive battle with the Weilants.

  Isher was about to leave, but was left alone by Yudono.

  ”…Thank you, the things you brought back are very important to us, but to be honest, even with those things we may not be able to defend this city.”

  Isher said seriously.

  ”It’s impossible to defend it without doing anything. At least we have to do something.”

  ”You’re right,” Yudono sighed, looking at the ceiling and then at the ground. “I can feel that you really love this land and want to do something for it.”

  Looking at this guy’s appearance, Yisher suddenly became undecided about what he meant.

  He had heard about this guy’s resume. It was said that he was a servant of a great noble in Lion State. He responded to the call of the Heavenly King Army and rose up. He rose all the way and became a confidant of Janus.

  The commander-in-chief Abusek did not trust him and never called him back to Tiandu.

  Although he was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the Lion State War Zone, anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was putting him in a fire pit.

  If he ran away, he would be a sinner of the Pala Kingdom and there would be no room for advancement in his career in the future.

  And if he stayed and didn’t leave, he would almost certainly die.

  Seeing that Yisher did not answer, Yudono could guess that this clever young man did not trust him, and suddenly changed the subject and talked about his old boss.

  ”I remember a long time ago… not long ago, actually, I asked Janus a question, what if the interests of the Weirant people are to let us all die.”

  Ishel asked.

  ”What did he answer you?”

  Yudono continued.

  ”… He said a lot of things, one moment he wanted to liberate the slaves in the Borneo Province, and the next moment he said that the survivors in Xifan Port were enough for the Weirant people to vent their anger. I don’t want to recall every word he said, but to sum it up in one sentence, history is written by the winner. He firmly believes in the law of the jungle. As long as he wins, no one will remember what he did.”

  Ishel frowned, but relaxed after a moment.

  ”So you were deceived by him, do you regret it?”

  Yudono shook his head.

  ”There’s nothing to regret. I just made what I think is the most correct choice. If I were to do it again, I’m afraid I would still follow him to rebel. After all, even if he is ten thousand times stupid, he is ten thousand times better than people like Wutuo.”

  Looking at this man who is more pessimistic than himself, Ishel comforted him in a soothing tone.

  ”We will slowly get better, just like the Stone City in the past. From Wutuo to Janushi, it’s a great progress, and now it’s Abusek… I’m not trying to show my loyalty, that hypocrite doesn’t deserve my loyalty, but don’t you realize? A few months ago you didn’t even dare to say that Janushi was too extreme, but now at least I dare to talk to you about Abusek being a performing artist.”

  Many officers of the Bharatiya Kingdom scolded Abusek, especially after the latter surrendered the former’s gun.

  The same is true for the grassroots soldiers.

  They lacked clothes, ammunition, and even trousers, while the landlords who did business with the warlords were so rich that one of them even married three or four wives.

  If Janusz was still alive, at least they would not lack clothes to wear and would not have to worry about not being able to find a wife. That man ate a lot of greasy food himself, and he was never stingy about sharing a mouthful of soup with them.

  But Isher thought that this was already good.

  At least, he couldn’t imagine Janusz running public education, factories, and tax reforms.

  That guy might try, but the final result might be worse than not trying.

  Changes promoted by the most extreme conservatives will inevitably become performance art for the sake of change, and will eventually make people laugh and cry.

  If Janusz wanted to achieve equality one day and let everyone read books, the solution he could come up with would never be to first let the tillers have their own land and then make reading useful, but to tear the few textbooks in half and share them with the people below, or to chop off those who could not read or those who knew too many words.

  If he wants to engage in industry or agriculture one day, it will be even more doomed. I am afraid that all the machines will have to be smelted into molten iron, and the sows that can give birth and the boars that can breed will be killed without any distinction.

  Isher was just glad that Anwo shot him.

  Yudono looked at him and smiled.

  ”Janush is not dead.”

  Isher was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

  ”How is it possible! Don’t make such a joke. Everyone saw that he was dead, how could he come back to life?”

  Anwo killed him.

  It was Abusek’s order, and he also instigated and hinted.

  ”No, you didn’t understand what I meant,” Yudono shook his head, “The Brahman is Janush, Janush is the Brahman… He stood up that day, and then he responded to everyone. Only that incident was not a conspiracy of the Weirant people, and he was the choice that everyone expected.”

  ”No one chose him, you may not know… Some people pushed him up.” Isher said it very obscurely, after all, if he continued to talk about it, it would involve some inside stories of the Federation.

  Yudono seemed to have not heard and continued to talk to himself.

  ”You are wrong. No one pushed him, or whether anyone pushed him or not, it would be the same. He would always be himself, because he is the god on earth and the god in the hearts of the Brahmans.”

  ”Really? Then this god is really stupid. He killed himself.” Ishel smiled and said teasingly without comment.

  ”Who said that gods must be smart?” Yudono grinned. “Gods are never perfect, whether it is the wolf god, the dog god, or the sun-carrying bull from Utopia… Is it smart to demote the Moon Tribe to slaves with just one lie? They got some benefits, and most people shouted that it was a good thing to kill them. But the Moon Tribe fired the first shot to overthrow the empire, and it was the most loyal wolf that bit the empire to death later.”

  When he said this, Yudono looked at Ishel meaningfully.

  ”Instead of doing the right thing, whatever you do will be recognized as the right thing… This is God.”

  ”I paid a heavy price for selectively forgetting some things… So I was left in this city to die. You must not be a fool to walk out of Xifan Port alive, but you should not be too proud of yourself.” ”

  This is just the beginning. The killing in Xifan Port has not ended. Half of your foot has stepped on the red soil. If you want to survive, you must open your eyes.”

  ”This is a piece of advice left to you by a dying man… Considering that you racked your brains and wanted to do something for a dead man like me.”

  Isher frowned.

  ”Are you reminding me to pay attention to Commander Abusek?”

  Yudono said nothing, but said meaningfully.


  ”If you really have ideals in your heart, you are not just talking like Janusz. You have to be careful of everyone.”

  The timid voice was like a candle swaying in the darkness, which made Isher’s vision blurry for a moment.

  He suddenly realized that his back was soaked with cold sweat, but he didn’t know where the sweat came from.

  At this moment, a shrill alarm interrupted the conversation between the two.

  Isher and Yudono’s faces changed at the same time, and they rushed out of the door and looked up at the sky.

  They saw a huge airship flying over the Lion City!

  To be precise, it was a fortress made of steel.

  Its heart once soared in the boundless galaxy, and later generations used old weapons to cast a new shell for it.

  The towering figure seemed to cover the entire southern city area, and the densely packed gun barrels were simply more than the guns on the ground.

  The fear that was once dominated by the “Horn” once again enveloped Isher.

  But this time it did not fire, but just flew over and dropped a black barrel…

  There were at least thousands of black barrels, and the terrifying number was too much to count.

  They were free falling in the air, and exploded just before they approached the ground. The flames, like solid objects, were like bowls hitting the ground, covering the buildings.

  The flames spread instantly!

  Most of the southern city area turned into a sea of ​​fire!

  Even if the survivors of Lion City replaced some of the buildings with concrete, it could not change the reality that most houses were made of wood.

  Screams came one after another in the distance. Isher could vaguely hear the crying of children, the wailing of men and women, and the moans of chickens, dogs, cows and sheep.

  People who once had illusions about the Willant people were now scrambling to escape from the city.

  What happened in Xifan Port was true.

  It turned out that the Legion really didn’t care about their lives!

  Some people angrily scolded the soldiers for getting themselves into trouble, some cried and shouted to find the lost children, and some pushed down those who were in the way.


  ”Someone help me! My child is being held down!”

  ”Ami!! Where are you?!”

  ”Damn, I left the box at the door! No! I have to go back and get it!”

  ”It’s already this hour, and you still care about your box! Run for your life!”


  The people on the street were shouting noisily, and the crackling of the flames was like the silent howling of ghosts.

  On the bridge of the Horn airship, the officer who ordered the bombing sighed and muttered that it was a waste.

  And sitting in the command vehicle, Captain Ryan had a cruel grin on his face.

  ”Attack.” Looking at the officer standing aside, he gave the order in a cold voice.

  As his order was given, the centurion on the front line blew a short whistle, and the clone infantry holding the Ripper rifle, inspired by the whistle, roared and charged towards the position of the Borneo Army.


  Facing the rushing clone troops, the soldiers of the Polo Kingdom guarding the city gate collapsed at the first blow.

  The entire southern city area has become a purgatory, and the purgatory on earth is still spreading to other city areas.

  ”… Damn it.”

  Staring at the airship, Isher’s eyes were bloodshot, and he clenched his fists, wishing he could bite his teeth to pieces.

  His mind was blank, burning with chaotic flames, and even confused for a moment, whether it was the right choice to save those Weyland people in the first place.

  At this moment, Yudono, who was standing next to him, suddenly pushed him, causing him to stagger and almost fall.

  Isher, who woke up, didn’t turn his head suddenly, but saw the lion man roaring at him.

  ”What are you still standing there for! Run!”


  1,400 napalm bombs.

  This is the maximum bomb load of the Horn airship, and it is also the strongest killer move of the Legion airship.

  When a fortress cannot be conquered for a long time, they will use this move to force the remaining people to surrender.

  The unstoppable airship and the inextinguishable flames were enough to destroy the bodies and spirits of a group of people.

  This thing was even better than nuclear weapons.

  And it worked every time.

  There was no living person in the entire southern city, and the aftermath of the flames was still burning towards other city districts.

  The fourth and fifth 10,000-man teams of the Boro Kingdom were stationed in the southern city. These two teams were withdrawn from Lidbur County. They were not fully staffed, and they were completely destroyed after this battle!

  The clone infantrymen with eviscerator rifles stepped over the charred corpses and strode forward towards the positions of the sixth and seventh 10,000-man teams.

  On the other hand, after seeing the blazing flames, the morale of the remaining four 10,000-man teams of the Boro Kingdom soldiers was on the verge of collapse.

  The fear of fire is an animal instinct.

  After all, they are just mortals.

  It is not only the soldiers who suffered casualties, but also the residents in the city.

  No one knows how many people died in this fire, and no one will know in the future.

  But it must be a lot.

  Just as the three thousand-man teams of the Weilant people were approaching the Lion City, a research ship from the academy was parked far away on a small hill.

  In a sense, the academy and the Weilant people have some origins.

  After all, the predecessor of the academy was the technical department of the post-war reconstruction committee, and the latter was the “proud work” completed by the technical department at the request of the Ministry of Defense.

  That is why when the Weilant people cursed the researchers of the academy as a group of slugs in the swamp, those “slugs” would always smile and say “I am your father”.

  This is indeed true.

  Although that was a long-standing story two hundred years ago…

  Sitting on the research ship was Yang Kai from the Research Department, and the holographic image standing next to him was Li Ke from the Special Planning Group of the Foreign Affairs Department.

  Both of them are B-level researchers, and this position is not low in the academy. Above them are only the four major directors and various committee members of the A-level, and the chief technology officer of the S-level.

  As for Dr. Conclusion, that gentleman is without a level.

  ”Tsk tsk, those big-nosed people are really ruthless… At least tens of thousands of people must have died in this bombing.”

  Looking at the image on the holographic screen, Yang Kai couldn’t help but click his tongue.

  Li Ke nodded and sighed sincerely.

  ”If those guys in the Ministry of Defense who pointed fingers at us back then were still alive, I wonder if they would regret their stupid choice back then.”

  Yang Kai said with a chuckle.

  ”Isn’t there one person still alive?”

  Li Ke: “Who?”

  Yang Kai took a sip of coffee and said slowly.

  ”I remember his name was Julius, the leader of the group of Willant people.”

  Hearing this name, Li Ke’s face showed a look of realization.

  ”Ah… You said that guy, that guy may still be alive, but it’s just a possibility.”

  There are many ways to prolong life, but two centuries is too long anyway.

  Moreover, the medical conditions of the Legion are far inferior to those of the Academy, or even those of the people on the East Coast.

  ”… At least no one can prove that he is dead, who knows.” Yang Kai shrugged.

  They had advised the Ministry of Defense not to regard technology as a panacea to solve all problems, but those guys with muscles bigger than their brains obviously didn’t listen at all, and forced everyone to eat this shit.

  As a result, they basically all died at the hands of the Weilantes, and dragged many people with them.

  It is said that the guy named Lowell was also the same. He forced his researchers to make some red soil. Although it did save a lot of people, it is hard to say whether letting people live and reproduce like animals can be called salvation.

  These arrogant guys, without exception, all paid the price for their stupidity and self-righteousness.

  Whether it is the Ministry of Defense or the War Construction Committee.

  Whether it is the Human Union or Lowell…

  Although history rarely repeats itself simply, it is always strangely similar.

  Shortly after Yang Kai and Li Ke finished their communication, Jiang Xuezhou, wearing a thick protective suit, returned to the research ship.

  The equipment that looked almost the same as a space suit made her look like a bloated snowman.

  ”Teacher, I have collected the data you requested!”

  ”Very good, well done, just save it in the server.” Yang Kai praised, dragged the holographic screen in front of him to one side, and said casually.

  Allowing the army to continue to expand eastward is not only not in the interests of enterprises and the alliance, but also not in the interests of the academy.

  According to the agreement reached with the alliance, they intend to participate in this war in the form of “technology investment”, just like their plan to join the space elevator.

  The Southern Army has prepared five airships for this invasion, and they have also prepared a special “gift” for the Southern Army.

  However, in order to ensure that this gift can be delivered to the latter, they still need to collect some necessary data.

  This data is mainly related to gravitons, and it is easiest to collect when the output power of the anti-gravity system changes greatly.

  For example, when dropping bombs or loading and unloading supplies.

  Looking at the raging fire burning in the holographic screen, Jiang Xuezhou’s eyes couldn’t help but be slightly touched.

  There should be quite a few people there…

  Noticing the expression on his student’s face, Yang Kai raised his eyebrows slightly.

  As if he remembered something, especially the rumors about the “study meeting”, he spoke with interest.

  ”Are you wondering why we don’t do something to stop them?”

  ”… Can’t we?” Jiang Xuezhou asked subconsciously, but soon realized his impoliteness, so he lowered his head with apology.

  But Yang Kai didn’t care, just smiled lightly.

  ”Let’s not talk about whether it can be done or not. Even if we really have the ability, we will never waste the effort.”

  Slowly raising his head, Jiang Xuezhou looked at his mentor in confusion.


  Yang Kai said lightly.

  ”The academy was not built in a day. If you are interested, you can read more of the reports in the deepest part of the library. It’s not a secret that can’t be discussed. It’s not that we haven’t helped the wastelanders, and we even take care of more things than anyone else, but have you seen anyone thank us?” Jiang

  Xuezhou was speechless for a moment.

  It seems to be true.

  Because of the academy’s style of doing things, they are not very popular in the wasteland.

  Although she didn’t think about being in the limelight or becoming a hero in people’s minds.

  Taking a sip from the coffee cup on the tray, Yang Kai continued slowly.

  ”They admire Utopia, they fear the Legion, but they look down on us and blame us for taking the technology for ourselves. And they don’t think about it. Just a small shelter No. 117 can kill through two provinces. What will happen to them if we don’t take in those technologies? Will they live a life with exoskeletons and mechanical prostheses? They will only be chased by the Death Claws wearing exoskeletons, just like they were slaughtered like pigs by mutants in the Seaside Province.”

  ”I can even bet that even if the Alliance has risked their lives to help them, they will definitely blame the Alliance afterwards, why they didn’t save more people, why they didn’t save the people in that city, and the guys who really created the problem and the problem itself may be forgiven.”

  How is it possible?

  Jiang Xuezhou wanted to ask this, but the words were stuck in her throat and she couldn’t say it.

  After a while, she changed her statement.

  ”…But I think those people you are talking about may not care either.”

  For example, Ye Shi.

  In her impression, that optimistic man always had a sunny smile on his face, and he would never be afraid or retreat no matter what kind of situation he faced.

  That optimism and courage were what she admired most, as well as his kindness.

  If it was that guy, he probably wouldn’t take such things to heart at all.

  ”Maybe, but this is not a question of caring or not caring, but whether we can wait until the dawn after the long night before the light on them goes out.”

  Yang Kai smiled meaningfully, looking at her and said meaningfully.

  ”Do you think your boyfriend really likes the body you gave him?”

  Jiang Xuezhou blushed, and hurriedly tried to explain that the guy was not her boyfriend, but soon realized another more serious problem.

  Her mentor actually knew that she had paid for him to change his body out of her own pocket!

  But it seems that this kind of thing can’t be hidden…

  Seeing that the mentor didn’t seem to be angry, she whispered.

  ”But I think he likes it quite a bit, so he won’t hate it, right? I’ve already given him the most expensive one… the one I can afford.”

  ”Have you asked him?”

  Yang Kai said slowly, putting the coffee cup on the tray and looking at the stunned Jiang Xuezhou.

  ”I don’t actually oppose some of the things you are doing, but as your mentor, I still have to remind you not to get too deeply involved in some things.”

  ”Respect the fate of others, put aside the desire to help others, and only do what we can and what we think is worthwhile. This is the lesson that history has taught us.”

  ”We will eventually go to the new world, unless you can convince him to go with you.”

  Jiang Xuezhou bit his lip and finally lowered his head.


  Yang Kai nodded approvingly.

  ”It’s good to know it in your heart. Go and do your own thing. I’ll call you if there’s anything.”

  On the other side, in the southern part of Lion City, there was a hilly area more than ten kilometers away.

  Looking at the blazing fire, Ye Shiqing, who was holding a telescope, couldn’t help but clench his fists.


  Kuangfeng put his hand on his shoulder and patted him gently.

  ”Our mission is to investigate… There are only two of us, don’t even think about doing anything.”

  Fang Chang and his team were searching for the two crashed “Thunderbolts”. The wreckage of that thing must not fall into the hands of the Legion, and it must be completely blown up before the Legion finds them.

  In addition, the Skeleton Corps has also encountered some troubles, and they may have to go over to help after they finish their work.

  At present, the corps sent by the Alliance to the front line has just landed in Kingalen Port.

  As for the burning flame, they can’t do anything standing here.

  After all, they are not gods.

  Ye Shi didn’t speak, but just stood there in silence.

  Like most players, he has always played this game with the mentality of a player, but when he thought that those people were really dead, he still felt like a stone was blocking his heart.

  The billowing smoke connected the sky and the earth, and the dark clouds seemed to be choked by the smoke. After a sneeze of “boom”, the heavy rain finally fell.

  The rain washed the muddy and charred streets, washing away the dried black blood and mud on the walls.

  After several hours of fierce fighting, the defenders of the Borneo Kingdom were finally defeated.

  Nearly 70% of the six 10,000-man troops in the city were killed or wounded. Captain Yudonowan, the commander-in-chief of the Lion State War Zone, died on the battlefield. The 200,000-man army on the western front of Borneo was almost completely defeated, just like the pouring rain! The

  Lion City was finally broken.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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