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Chapter 864 Wolf, Snake and Dog

Chapter 864 Wolf, Snake and Dog


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 864 Wolf, Snake and Dog

  [… Commander Abusek, the Southern Legion is ready to move. Judging from their movements, they will definitely go all the way south next, first taking Wolf State and then Snake State! ]

  [Although Wolf State and Snake State have nominally submitted to us, the local forces are intertwined, and many nobles are the base of the Xilan Royal Court. If the Legion takes the two places, not only will we be in a dilemma of being attacked from all sides, but even the Leopard State and Lowell State in the east will be in danger! ]

  [For the sake of the Pala Kingdom and for Mr. Great Commander, I am willing to go to Wolf State and Snake State in person to fight against the Legion. ]

  [This trip is only for the greater good, the Great Commander does not need to keep me! ]

  The office of the Commander’s Mansion.

  Abusek, who was sitting at the desk, read the letter from beginning to end, suddenly cursed, and threw the letter fiercely on the table.

  ”This sly guy!”

  The letter was written by Shahruk.

  That is, the horse king who accompanied him to “sing a double act” in the palace hall that day.

  Since the four kings of Borneo built the country together, including the Horse King, the other two Tiger Kings and Leopard Kings were also named “Grand Commissioners” by him, and some kings who changed their flags later also became commissioners.

  As a result, none of the three commissioners were useful. Two of them ran away before the battle started, and one sent his family to Jinjialun Port and moved to the airport.

  Not feeling relieved, Abusek added another sentence with a curse.

  ”…What a great trip for justice! Haha, I think they are building roads in the open and crossing bridges on their backs.”

  It would be strange if the army went south at this time!

  Anyone with a little bit of brains can see that their next step must be Niuzhou! And it is Tiandu in Niuzhou!

  The Southern Army is not monolithic, and there should be competition between the captains.

  According to the battle report from the front line, the captain of the Southern Army, Otley, has launched an attack on Gouzhou from Sulak County on the northern line, and he is rushing to compete with his own people to see who can push faster.

  How come it was the other way around, with all these sneaky and cunning people around him?

  Abusek kept shaking his head, feeling helpless, but he could only sigh secretly, and could only play the tough guy to the end.

  It seemed that he had no right to criticize others, and he himself was also a speculator. The

  only “honest man” in the entire Tianwang Army was probably the already cold Janus.

  The guards standing by looked at each other, not knowing why the commander-in-chief was angry, but they did not dare to ask more.

  At this time, another subordinate came in, saluted, and reported.

  ”…Sir, the education committee wants to invite you to a meeting, saying that they want to discuss public education with you at the meeting.”

  Abusek waved his hand impatiently, not wanting to care about these trivial matters.

  ”No, I don’t have time! The budget has been approved for him, let him do it himself, don’t you see what time it is now? The army is about to fight to Tiandu, I have time to care about his trivial matters!”

  The subordinate said with a hesitant expression and lowered his head.

  ”But… he wants to discuss the budget with you.”

  Hearing the word “budget”, Abusek became even more impatient.

  ”Tell him that’s all. I’m lucky not to deduct his budget. Take it or leave it.”

  These intellectuals really have no sense at all.

  The soldiers under him can’t even put their trousers together, and they are still arguing about not having enough desks and books.

  That guy didn’t think about what the soldiers would think if he really approved their budget.

  No desks?

  No textbooks?

  Then sit on the ground and read! Write on the ground!

  It’s good that I didn’t let you roll into the trenches.

  Of course, Abusek only said this in his heart, and he couldn’t really tell the education committee member.

  These intellectuals are too poisonous. If they really start to scold, he may not win.

  The subordinate nodded respectfully, turned around and left in a hurry.


  Not long after, footsteps were heard outside the door again.

  Abusek was about to lose his temper when he saw two representatives of the alliance coming in. He suddenly changed his face like magic and became friendly.

  ”What brings you two here?”

  Farsighted Eagle didn’t say hello and got straight to the point.

  ”It’s about reinforcements… Our Death Corps has arrived at Jinjialun Port, including the subsequent reinforcements, there are more than 10,000 people. Since their combat area is mainly in Niuzhou, they are carrying out defensive counterattacks. They hope that you can send a few officers to assist them.”

  Abusek was overjoyed and said immediately.

  ”That’s easy. I will arrange a captain to assist you!”

  Farsighted Eagle continued.

  ”You don’t need such high-level officers. It’s best to have first- and second-line officers who are more familiar with the local terrain and the front-line conditions. We will teach you some experience in guerrilla warfare… So you should try to pick as many people as possible, about a hundred or so.”

  With the current military strength of the Pala Kingdom, it is almost impossible to rely entirely on positional warfare to hold back the opponent, so they can only find a way to fight guerrilla warfare.

  Several corps commanders discussed it on the forum and finally decided to let the marginal brother teach them. It is better to have a master to teach them than to let them risk their lives.

  Abusek immediately agreed.

  ”No problem! We have a lot of officers who have withdrawn from the front line! Just hand them over to you!”

  Although he agreed happily, he also had his own calculations in his heart.

  The casualties of this guerrilla war must be large, and he must not use his own direct line.

  Most of the officers who retreated from the front line were Yudono’s old subordinates.

  Since these people lost the Lion City, let them make meritorious service.

  The far-sighted Eagle did not care where the officers he was given were withdrawn from, and he did not care about Abusek’s little tricks in his heart.

  This kind of thing does not matter to the alliance, as long as they have been on the front line.

  Compared with Janusz, who “says one thing and does another behind the back” and “treats people as fools”, this guy’s attitude of full cooperation still makes him very satisfied.

  Not only did the old guys on the forum want to help him, but even the farsighted Eagle himself wanted to help him.

  If the country of Borneo could be managed well, they wouldn’t have to worry about the 4 million square kilometers of wasteland.

  Although they were poor, without technology or culture, they also had the potential to become part of the push for the wasteland era to move forward to a new era.

  Just like the survivors of the South Sea Alliance.

  ”…Speaking of which, what made you so angry just now?”

  ”Hey! It’s all because of poverty. I’m sorry to make you laugh.”

  Abusek sighed and continued to cry about poverty with a sad face.

  ”The money left by Wutuo is so little. We even borrowed money to buy clothes for the soldiers. We also have to buy weapons and ammunition, and we have to buy logistics vehicles. Later, the agricultural committee chased me for money to buy tractors and fertilizers, and the industrial committee wanted to buy steel furnaces and coal furnaces. Can I not give them? But I just paid the money here, and the education committee came to me and said that there was a shortage of textbooks… What can I do? I can print money, but you don’t recognize it, so I can only send him away.”

  When the old eagle heard this guy crying poor again, he immediately shut up and stopped talking.

  The little money in his pocket is not enough to fill the hole.

  The alliance is even more impossible.

  It’s not on the same order of magnitude. Only the ideal city may help them.

  The old stick coughed and interrupted.

  ”… Let’s put it in a different way. It’s not that we don’t recognize your paper money, it’s that the Golden Gallon Port Bank doesn’t recognize it. This is their legal right, and we can’t force them. On the contrary, you should just marry fewer concubines.”

  Abusek smiled bitterly and shook his head.

  ”Oh, how much money can a few concubines cost? And the money spent is not from the treasury. It doesn’t go into the treasury whether you save it or not. This is called putting it in a different way. What’s more, if I can marry fewer, I can let the people below follow me.”

  He was not as impatient as Janusz for women, so that many people in the army even rumored that he was no longer good and broke that thing during the war.

  When he heard this rumor, his nose was almost crooked, and he wanted to ask the internal affairs department to catch that person.

  Of course, he was just thinking about this kind of thing, and it was impossible for him to kill the whole family just because someone scolded him. After all,

  there were too many people who scolded him, even in the army. If he killed them all, he, the commander-in-chief, would be left alone.

  But speaking of it, the words raised by the brother of the alliance did open up his mind.

  Abusek thought to himself that if anyone marries a second wife in the future, they will have to pay a tax.

  Marrying three or four wives will have to double the tax, which is likely to cost a lot of money!

  After all, those who really have the money to marry three or four wives are not the big soldiers, but the old nobles who own real estate.

  When they can’t afford to marry three or four wives, he will issue a warrant to ban this evil custom, and the resistance to reform will be much smaller by then.

  ”Say less.”

  The far-sighted Eagle glared at Brother Stick, who smiled angrily and shut up.

  Seeing the latter shut up, the Eagle looked at Abusek again and said in a soothing tone.

  ”You have to eat one bite at a time. You don’t have to be too anxious. Once the Southern Legion is driven away, you will have enough time to develop. Just like Lasi, he seized the opportunity of the end of the civil war in the southern sea and the Torch War, and the economy of the Mammoth Kingdom took off directly. We are building a space elevator recently, and you have the same opportunity.”

  Maybe because he has been with A Guang for a long time, he has learned to make big promises without realizing it.

  However, Abusek ate very happily, with a happy expression on his face, nodding like pounding garlic.

  ”I’ve learned a lesson! I will definitely remember what you said, sir!”

  Seeing this guy’s obedient appearance, Eagle smiled and waved his hand.

  ”Thank you, thank you.”

  Anyway, he is not a manager, and there is no benefit in praising him, so he was too lazy to be humble.

  After finishing the business, Eagle was afraid that this guy would ask for money, so he hurriedly left with Laogun.

  In fact, his worry was completely unnecessary. After getting along for so long, Abusek knew that this guy could not come up with money, so he didn’t even ask for it.

  He just cried poor out of habit to show that he was different from Wu Tuo, who was stupid but rich.

  Seeing the alliance representative leave, his face immediately returned to his normal expression, and he acted like a millionaire.

  At this time, there was another knock on the door outside, and the subordinate who had just left came closer.

  Abusek looked impatient.

  ”Don’t bother me about the education committee member. The alliance representative just left. Let him go to the alliance to ask for it.”

  The subordinate whispered.

  ”But… Mr. Kabaha is already outside the door.”

  Abusek waved his hand.


  Seeing that the subordinate did not leave, he said impatiently again.

  ”What else?”

  The young officer nodded immediately.

  ”There is also the president of the Family Association who wants to see you.”

  The Family Association…

  Abusek frowned, remembering that the man seemed to be called Zayed.

  What a coincidence.

  Their old members of the Heavenly King Army came from Xifan Port, and so did the Family Association. The two of them can be considered “from the same school.”

  But the fate of the Family Society was not as good as theirs. They kicked on the iron plate. Not only did the uprising fail, but they were also massacred by the regular army of the Legion. It is said that more than 1,000 people were shot.

  However, it was precisely because of this incident that the “Survivor Daily” in Jingalon Port sympathized with the experience of the Family Society and even spent a special space to report on the Family Society and its president.

  In that report, Zaid also specifically stated that he was his admirer. It was after seeing the righteous deeds of the reformers that he decided to leave Dawn City and wanted to return to his hometown to do something for the suffering survivors.

  It’s a pity that he is not talented and learned, and those who follow him suffer.

  This hat is not too high, but it is just humble enough, and it is a head shorter than him.

  He handed the hat of success to the real winner and took the hat that belonged to the “loser”.

  And this is also what made Abusek look at him twice… This guy is a smart man.

  And maybe he is a smart man like himself.

  In order to show his open-mindedness and broad-mindedness, and also to gain the favor of the people of Golden Galleon Port, Abusek still adopted an attitude of acceptance. After meeting Lacy of the Mammoth Country, he also met this “his admirer”.

  It was a purely polite meeting.

  After meeting that guy, Abusek also confirmed his guess in his heart-this guy is indeed the same kind of person as himself, both of them are speculators who are good at speculation.

  This kind of person will not worship anyone at all, let alone have any beliefs, and will not even believe what he says, let alone be his admirer.

  As for why he knows so well, it is because he himself is such a person, and he is surrounded by such people.

  As for the so-called worship of himself, it is nothing more than flattery.

  And it was this kind of guy that he hated the most.

  After all, what people hate the most is not dissidents and opponents, but those guys who are “similar but not”.

  Just like people hate their own clones by nature.

  After realizing this, Abusek immediately lost interest in him completely. After using him, he threw him aside and just told the housekeepers to keep an eye on this guy and nothing happened.

  He could ignore those who scolded him.

  After all, some people didn’t scold him to the point, but made themselves look stupid.

  But it was hard for him not to be wary of

  this guy. This was not inconsistent with his not taking that guy seriously.

  After all, that guy was too weak. So

  weak that neither he nor his family could even call him a force.

  He didn’t have to bother with this kind of ant, because that would only make those cultural people talk nonsense.

  In contrast, those small nobles who possessed knowledge were worthy of his serious attention.

  ”What does he want me for?” Abusek’s eyes involuntarily showed a trace of contempt.

  The subordinate answered truthfully.

  ”He wants to join the army.”

  Abusek was stunned when he heard this, and then he laughed out loud.

  ”That guy who can’t even muster two taels of muscle wants to join the army? Let him go to the recruitment point to sign up and pass the physical fitness test first!”


  The subordinate was about to leave, and Abusek suddenly remembered that the Education Committee was at the door, so he stopped him again.


  The subordinate turned around and said respectfully.

  ”Commander, do you have any other instructions?”

  Abusek thought for a while and said,

  ”I changed my mind, let him in.”

  Those intellectuals…that is, those little nobles with a little knowledge, have been jumping a little too much recently.

  They waved the banner of equality, threw away the baron and viscount titles that were not worth much, and regarded themselves as the sons of the alliance.

  I don’t know if they still think that the world is theirs!

  He has to knock these people, lest they don’t even know their last names.

  Especially that Kabaha, he even forgot who gave him the title of Education Committee on his head.

  He was so annoyed that he directly replaced a centurion as the education committee member.

  Now he would rather see a small ant than see him. If he was smart, he should know what this meant.

  The subordinate was stunned for a moment, but did not ask any more questions. He just saluted respectfully and then turned and left.

  At the same time, on the other side, in the lounge of the commander’s mansion, an old man with a sad face was sitting on the sofa, his beard shaking with anger.

  This person was Kabaha, the viscount of the old Xilan Empire. Because he was good at writing songs and painting, he was appreciated by Prince Dilip and became the director of the Royal Printing Factory.

  Later, during the Heavenly King Rebellion, he was imprisoned, and the reformist officers seized power and released him from prison.

  During the time in prison, he came into contact with the ideas of the alliance and gradually understood the real reason for the decline of the empire. So after he was released from prison, he immediately responded to the call of the reformist officers. He first worked as a propaganda manager for a period of time, and finally became the education committee member.

  Unlike those guys who just want to climb higher, he, who is already in his fifties or sixties, really wants to do something for the survivors of Borneo Province so that his descendants will not suffer anymore.

  Running a school is a good way.

  Mr. Rat, who wrote the great article “Red Soil”, opened a university in Mammoth City, so that the young people of Borneo can learn some real skills without going to Dawn City.

  He also wants to open a university in Tiandu, and a university bigger than that of Mammoth. But those guys who once supported him, when it came to spending money, they avoided the topic again.

  ”This Abusek is really a piece of shit! He goes back on his word and regrets what he promised!”

  Sitting next to the old man, a young man with a warm smile put his hand on the back of his hand and comforted him earnestly.

  ”Old sir, what you said is wrong. Commander Abusek is now a great hero. I have to say something fair for him. You are a capable teacher, and he is a capable warrior. You are good at different fields. You are both pillars of the country of Borneo. How can you attack each other?”

  ”Great hero! Ha! Even that can be called a hero. I think bears can speak human language.” Kabaha was still cursing, and he wanted to spit on the ground. “Others dare not tell the truth. Anyway, I have one foot in the coffin. I won’t indulge him!”

  Zayd said with a smile.

  ”Don’t tell me, when I was in the Alliance, I really saw a talking bear.”

  ”Well, you have been to the Alliance, you are an experienced person! Then you come and judge!”

  Hearing the young man say that he had been to the Alliance, Kabaha became excited instead. He turned sideways and looked at him, vomiting out all his grievances.

  ”He always says he has no money, but I see there are quite a few tables and chairs in the Commander’s Mansion! Are they all free? And those officers, if they were less extravagant and had fewer concubines, how could we not even have desks for our children!”

  ”This… is indeed a problem.” Zayed sighed, with a trace of sadness between his brows, “We are too poor, we should live frugally.”

  These words touched the old man’s heart.

  Kabaha had an excited expression on his face, slapping his palms with the back of his hands, and his beard was shaking with anxiety.

  ”Isn’t that the problem! What’s the point of him hiding from me? Can the problem be solved by not seeing me?”

  Zayed looked at him seriously and made an earnest expression.

  ”Then how much is your budget short? I also have some salary, see if I can save some to help you?”

  Kabaha was speechless for a moment, and sighed.

  ”I appreciate your kindness, but as for your salary, you should keep it for yourself… It’s not a matter of the same order of magnitude.”

  After that, he seemed to be worried and said earnestly.

  ”You young people should study hard, don’t be stingy like us old men, reluctant to spend this and that, and never save where you should spend! We old bones are different. We are atonement for our past mistakes. I have to finish what I should do before I can feel at ease. You are the future of Borneo.”

  Running a school is not a one-time deal, but a continuous expenditure.

  He actually knew that Abusek couldn’t come up with the money, but he still had to chase that guy for it.

  After all, he urged them, and those officers could build such a large commander’s mansion like this. If he didn’t say anything, wouldn’t those guys be in heaven! There

  is obviously a palace in heaven!

  Thinking of this, Kabaha couldn’t help but sigh again, if only there were some silver coins left in Wutuo’s treasury.

  Compared with Wutuo’s lavish spending, the “money for marrying wives” of those officers was indeed just a small amount.

  Perhaps Zayed’s advice was not wrong, and he might indeed be a little too impatient.

  At this time, footsteps were heard outside the lounge, and a young officer walked in.

  Kabaha was about to get up, but the officer didn’t look at him, but looked at the young man next to him.

  ”Mr. Zayed, please follow me in.”

  Zayed couldn’t bear to look at the old man, but still sighed and followed him.

  ”… Old sir, the commander-in-chief called me over, I’ll go first.”

  Kabaha didn’t look at him, but just stared at the officer with wide eyes.

  Due to Abusek’s order, the officer never looked at him from beginning to end, letting him blow his beard and glare at his temper, and took Zayed away…


  The office of the commander’s mansion.

  Abusek, who was sitting behind the desk, put down the pen in his hand and looked at the smiling young man.

  The smile was very kind.

  However, he could see that behind the harmless smile was a sharp sword.

  Just like a snake in the bushes. He

  is indeed a snake.

  Although he is not a racist, he still feels this way in his heart.

  Just as he was examining this guy, Zaid did something that he did not expect.

  ”Greetings to His Majesty the Commander-in-Chief!” After saying that, he raised his hand and made a gesture to bow.

  ”What are you doing!”

  Abusek was panicked when he saw this, and for a moment he could not take care of looking at this guy, and hurriedly stood up and supported him.

  Zaid lowered his head and apologized timidly.

  ”Sorry, I was so excited to see you that I forgot the etiquette for a moment…”

  Abusek sighed and said earnestly.

  ”I have to criticize you. The empire has fallen. Now that the survivors of the Bharatiya have stood up, they are not allowed to kneel again.”

  ”You are right, you are right…” Zaid smiled embarrassedly, with a dull expression on his face, as if he really knew he was wrong.

  Looking at him like this, although Abusek smiled on his face, he was more and more contemptuous in his heart.

  He even looked down on him.

  The “Survivor Daily” actually compared this guy with him, which was simply an insult to him!

  He Abusek is indeed not a good person, but there is only Laxi in the entire Bharatiya Province who can be compared with him. He is generous

  for not arguing with those people, but they are taking advantage of him.

  Abusek’s heart moved, and the smile like an old fox became more brilliant.

  ”…By the way, you said you want to join the army, this is easy to talk about, I will do as you say.”

  After speaking, Abusek returned to his desk, took out a pen and paper, and wrote a letter of appointment.

  That’s it, he cleared his throat and said in a solemn tone.

  ”From now on, I will appoint you as the commander of the Gray Wolf Army. Go to the Snake State war zone and prepare to fight the Legion.”

  He wanted to laugh when he wrote this letter of appointment, but he managed to hold it back.

  The Gray Wolf Army is now a group of bandits. They neither obey the new emperor Akbar nor the United Front’s call for amnesty. They hide in the ravines of Maryland and sulk with Alayan’s ashes. Occasionally, they have to fight with the border troops of the Mammoth Kingdom.

  This army is not the army of the Borneo Kingdom at all. When he has time, he will deal with this group of people. This letter of appointment is not even as good as a piece of waste paper.

  Not to mention how far Maryland in the northeast is from the southernmost Snake State. If

  this guy really took this letter of appointment, even if he was not skinned by the remnants of the Gray Wolf Army, he would be beaten to death by his “Horse King” Shah Rukh.

  If you are sensible, just go to Golden Gallon Port.

  Abusek looked at the letter of appointment in his hand with a smile on his face and stamped it firmly with an official seal.

  You are still a little naive to play tricks on me!

  Zaid was indeed embarrassed.

  But when he saw Abusek handing over the commission, he still gritted his teeth and reached out to take it.

  ”…Yes, sir!”

  ”This mission is very important… Do a good job, I’m counting on you!” Abusek patted his shoulder, looking like an old superior, and said earnestly.

  ”… Thank you for the cultivation of the commander-in-chief, I will definitely live up to the mission.” Zaid had a bitter smile on his face.

  Abusek smiled, very satisfied with the expression on this guy’s face, and his originally depressed mood was relieved a lot.

  However, he did not notice that when the face turned around, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

  After accepting the commission, Zaid walked out of the office with heavy steps, as if the piece of paper in his hand weighed a thousand pounds.

  However, the moment he went out, his steps became lighter, as if he had wings.

  Those who are high above only see the light on themselves, but cannot see the hope in the eyes of ordinary people.

  Abusek was indeed a capable man. He did not reveal any flaws, but he still aroused his fear.

  But unfortunately, perhaps it was the confidence given by the alliance that arrogance eventually blinded that guy’s eyes.

  When passing by the Commander’s Mansion, Zayed humbly said goodbye to the old committee member, and vaguely mentioned his new transfer order. Then, in the old man’s angry grievances and repeated instructions, he reluctantly left the Commander’s Mansion.

  The young man waiting on the roadside saw him, ran up and followed him.

  ”Sir, did Abusek embarrass you?”

  Zayed smiled faintly.

  ”That guy was scared by the blood splashed on his body. He was just a thief who wanted to take but didn’t dare. If he really had the courage to kill, I would go to see Laxi instead of him.”

  Sava was stunned, pressed the peaked cap on his head, and asked in confusion.

  ”Isn’t he considered decisive? Janusz was…”

  Worried that there were people with internal affairs here, he stopped talking again.

  Zaid laughed out loud.

  ”Even that guy can be called decisive? Then what about Janusz?”

  Looking at the puzzled Sava, Zaid continued slowly.

  ”It’s that old man named Kabaha. He dared to point at Abusek’s nose and curse. Do you think he dares to fart in front of Janusz?”

  No need to fart.

  Even if you take a breath, you might be chopped off.

  Sava was puzzled.

  ”…But you said Mr. Kabaha is a good man.”


  The indifferent man who bought a newspaper on the roadside said expressionlessly.

  ”Do you want to be a good person too?”

  Sava immediately shook his head and said modestly and shyly.

  ”I am Mr.’s man.”

  Zaid grinned and patted the back of his head.

  ”It’s time to set off.”

  The tall and short figures gradually disappeared on the narrow road, and then called a rickshaw to go to the inland port outside the east gate of Tiandu.

  A dozen transport ships just docked, and a team of soldiers wearing gas masks stepped down from the dock in an orderly manner and headed straight for the military base in the north of the city.

  They seemed to be in a hurry and did not stop for a moment, even if there was hell ahead.

  People spontaneously made way.

  Whether it was the passengers who were in a hurry with their luggage, the laborers who were moving goods, or the boatmen, citizens, and villagers who were picking and choosing at the nearby stalls, they all looked at those people with respect and even admiration –

  those lofty idealists.

  Standing in the crowd, Sava suddenly sighed with envy.

  ”…If we could also have people who swear allegiance to death like this, that would be great.”

  Zaid also looked at those tall figures and said in a very light voice.

  ”There will be.”

  At the same time, on the front line of Lion State.

  A scrapped steel train was overturned in the wilderness northwest of Ridbul County.

  The heavily armored carriages were squeezed into a ball and deeply sunken into the soil, and the 902mm heavy gun was even more tragic, being hit by an electromagnetic cannon and dented inward.

  Leaning against a scrapped Chimera armored vehicle, Lao Na panted, glanced at the LD-47 assault rifle in her hand, and then glanced at the approaching steel torrent in the distance.

  This thing is probably useless…

  He smiled bitterly and looked at the tightly tied prisoner sitting on the ground not far away.

  The black hood covering the head of the Willant had fallen off, and the face was looking at him in horror.

  Instead of sending him to see his marshal, Irena just shouted at him.

  ”Go away.”

  After killing so many people, one or two more would not matter, and killing prisoners was not very moral.

  The Willant looked at him in disbelief, and his expression was as if he was doubting his ears.

  However, Irena did not explain to him, but just picked up the rifle and aimed at him.


  He fired a shot with his mouth, grinning at the guy who was scared and fell in the mud.

  The Willant soldier twisted his body and climbed out of the mud, not daring to look back at him, and stumbled away.

  When this guy goes back, he may tell his companions a story of escaping death.

  Of course, maybe he will think about why he came here…

  There are no living people here anymore.

  Irena took a breath, looked at her thigh that was bleeding, reached out and pressed the communicator, and sent the last voice message to the brothers of the Burning Corps.

  ”This is the Skeleton Corps… Our mission has been overfulfilled. Not only their armored train, but also the three divisions that tried to stop us have become disabled, although we ourselves are also disabled.”

  ”It’s a pity for those equipment. We treated them with thermite. No need to trouble you.”

  ”By the way, if you encounter the 110,000th guerrilla army of the Borneo Kingdom, remember to take them away from here… The battle here is over.”

  After a short silence, an emotionless answer came from the noisy electric sound.

  Fang Chang: “Received, see you in three days.”

  ”Gan! Can you… let me die a little more tragically?”

  After cursing, Lao Na hung up the communication and looked at the night sky in the west.

  The dark night was lit up by flashing tracers.

  As he expected.

  The Corps was completely enraged, and did not even intend to leave them a complete corpse, and simply carried out a cannon execution.

  Of course, it is possible that they are afraid…

  ”Hahaha! This life is worth it… Bah! I still have the next one!”

  Lao Na laughed heartily, fired a burst of bullets into the sky, and then watched the boiling phosphorus fire fall from the sky and swallowed herself and the mess behind her.

  If the Legion thinks that they can destroy them with fire, then they are too naive.

  It’s only three days.

  He will be back!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode