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Chapter 866 This is Us

Chapter 866 This is Us


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 866 This is Us

  The dark clouds of war were pressing down on Tiandu. The bayonets of the Willant people were almost against the throats of the Boro people. Not to mention the survivors in the city, even the fish and shrimp in the Yongliu River were suffocated.

  However, at this precarious moment, Tiandu had a rare major event that was not related to the war, which brought a ray of cool breeze to the stuffy house.

  The Education Committee of the Boro authorities suddenly announced that it would establish Tiandu University and recruit all eligible teenagers and young people aged 12 to 16 and 16 to 20.

  The former will enter the preparatory course, and the latter will enter the undergraduate course. The scope of study covers engineering, science, sociology and other subjects.

  Since Tiandu University currently only has a plaque, there is no teaching building or teachers, and even no basic textbooks, so this group of students will temporarily go to Mammoth University in Mammoth City for education.

  This enrollment is expected to enroll 500 people, including 300 preparatory courses and 200 undergraduates.

  The Education Committee of the Borneo Kingdom will bear all expenses such as tuition and living expenses of the selected students during the study period.

  After completing the preparatory course, the preparatory students will decide whether to stay in Mammoth City to continue their studies or return to Tiandu City to study for undergraduate courses based on their grades and subsequent changes in the war situation.

  As for the latter, they will return to Tiandu after completing their studies and serve as professors at Tiandu University, or be introduced to other professional jobs by the Borneo Kingdom authorities.

  In a nutshell, as long as you pass the exam, you don’t have to worry about the rest of your life. The commander-in-chief will worry about it for you.

  The exam will be held in the Tiangong of Tiandu. In addition to age, the only requirement is literacy and numeracy.

  After all, if you can’t even write your name, it’s useless to take the exam, which wastes both paper and everyone’s time.

  Although it seems a bit inappropriate to do this at a time when there is a war going on, the reform plan proposed by Commissioner Kabaha has been green-lit all the way because of Abusek’s endorsement.

  Not only did the authorities not encounter much resistance, but the residents of Tiandu City were also enthusiastic about this matter.

  Abusek is sending 500 students to study in Mammoth City!

  This is big news!

  After all, going to Mammoth City means not being drafted, and you can also leave the dangerous front line!

  Not only that!

  Abusek also arranged for him to be an official when he returned!

  Is there really such a good thing in this world? !

  Once the news spread, the whole Tiandu City was in an uproar!

  Although the notice did not say so at all, when seeing the rubber stamp on the notice, almost everyone translated the information they saw in their heads.

  Fearing that they would miss this opportunity to change their fate, all literate survivors, regardless of age, rushed to sign up.

  There were also parents who signed up for their sons and daughters.

  This category in particular accounted for the vast majority.

  Regardless of whether they were educated or not, all the candidates whose names were recorded started to prepare for the exam at the last minute, and for a time, a wave of learning was set off in Tiandu.

  All the books available on the market were snapped up and sold out.

  There were respectable people wearing long-sleeved clothes, soldiers in military uniforms, and old farmers with only a cloth tied around their waists who came to buy books.

  Most people didn’t read them for themselves, but mainly bought them for their children.

  Later, the books were sold out, and even the newspapers on the newsstands were affected.

  Almost all the things with words were swept away.

  ”…Fuck, are these NPCs so fond of learning?” Looking at the newsstands that were swept away, the debt-ridden big-eyed man had a surprised expression on his face.

  This was completely different from what he saw in Jingalon Port.

  The people there were also very studious. Almost every girl he met said that she was a student, but he had never seen the grand occasion where even the newsstands were sold out.

  ”Emmm…It has nothing to do with us, let’s go back to the barracks.” The boy and the brick on the construction site had a subtle expression on their faces.

  These Brahma people like to go to extremes in everything they do, just like now.

  What they actually desire is not knowledge or axioms, but the power that things may bring.

  He couldn’t tell whether this was good or bad, but for them who were still living in the feudal society a few years ago, this was obviously an improvement.

  Although I didn’t see what the test paper looked like, it was much more reliable than using the game of Beast Chess to select talents.

  The two of them slowly walked back to the barracks, and saw several young officers standing at the door.

  One of them looked familiar, and it seemed to be called Isher, who was quite present in the Xifan Port incident.

  After the incident, he was no longer mentioned in the Eagle’s post, only saying that this person later became a thousand-man captain of the border army, and was still on the border between Boro and Xifan Port. After the war, his life and death were unknown.

  I didn’t expect this guy to be alive.

  He really deserves to be born in the Year of the Rat.

  Coincidentally, at this time, Bianbian Pashui also came out of the barracks, walked in front of a group of officers and talked for a few words, and then looked at the ten-thousand-man captain who was going to go with them.

  ”You must be Isher, right?”

  ”Isher, the captain of the 30,000-man brigade! I will obey the general’s orders!” Isher stood at attention and saluted, speaking in a loud voice.

  Looking at this energetic young officer, Bianbianhuashui smiled when he heard the words.

  ”I’m not a general, but a corps commander. According to your organization, my rank is probably not as high as yours.”

  In fact, strictly speaking, players do not have military ranks. Instead, there is a contribution point system to represent their contribution to the alliance.

  Isher smiled heartily when he heard the words.

  ”What are you talking about! You are a teacher and I am a student, which is another generation. You don’t have to be polite. If you see anything that you don’t like, just tell me and I will definitely fix it!”

  This brother’s words are quite interesting.

  Bianbianhuashui laughed and said in a joking tone.

  ”I was worried about you guys before. The commander-in-chief sent someone who didn’t know how to adapt to follow me. Now it seems that I was worrying too much. Not bad! Guerrilla warfare requires your cleverness. I’m optimistic about you!”

  Isher also grinned, with a hint of pride between his eyebrows, like a student who has been praised. From

  his point of view, it is indeed true.

  After all, the man in front of him is the commander of the Death Corps!

  It is said that during the Torch War, this corps from the Valley Province, as a member of the Sticky Community Coalition, had made great contributions to the survivors! Liberated two provinces from the Torch!

  In comparison, their predecessors, the rat soldiers who went on an expedition to Jinchuan Province, only played a supporting role on the battlefield and were not even considered third-line troops.

  Being recognized by the head of the Death Corps made him prouder than the medal given to him by Abusek.

  ”Speaking of which, what is your name, General?”

  Bianbian Huashui paused, and coughed lightly with some embarrassment.

  ”Uh… call me Bianbian, my brothers all call me that.”

  Some online names don’t feel good when typed on the keyboard, but it’s still a bit embarrassing to pronounce them.

  Obviously, he is not the only one who feels this way. Isher was also stunned when he heard the name.


  What a strange name.

  But I heard that people in the alliance are like this, especially those residents of the shelter from the prosperous era.

  He was good at observing people’s expressions and saw the embarrassment on Bianbian’s face at a glance, so he smiled and changed the subject.

  ”…Then General Bianbian, when are we going to the front line?”

  Bianbian Huashui said with a smile.

  ”It’s up to you. We are ready and can leave at any time.”

  Isher: “What a coincidence, so are we!”

  Bianbian Huashui raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the man in front of him twice more.

  ”Okay, since you said so, let’s do it now!”


  Just as the survivors of Tiandu City were busy preparing for the exam, a mighty army quietly left the city.

  Led by the Death Corps, nearly 200,000 troops once again rushed to the front line.

  Among them, except for the 30,000-man team led by Isher, which can be regarded as Abusek’s direct line, the other few teams of 10,000 are mostly led by Yudono’s old subordinates.

  That is, the “defeaters” who withdrew from Lion City.

  However, although they had just suffered a defeat, their morale was not low, and it could even be said to be high.

  Because the brothers of the alliance stood with them.

  They did not think that this was to be cannon fodder, but just the opposite.

  This is a chance for revenge!

  They will return the humiliation of that day to the Willant people, and let those big noses see that they are also people with backbone!

  At the same time, let Abusek and the survivors of Tiandu see that they are not cowards!

  In this new battle, they will change the strategy they used in the Lion State, using half of their troops to maintain the advance, and the remaining half will follow the officers of the Death Corps to infiltrate the enemy’s rear.

  For example, the 30,000-man corps that led the Death Corps.

  Although most of the troops in this unit are new recruits, Ishel did not spoil them and took them to the rear to kill time.

  The situation on the battlefield is unpredictable, and sometimes dangerous places are safer.

  Especially if the legion is eager to capture Tiandu, the battle situation on the front line may be more tragic than Abusek expected, and then it will not matter whether it is the front line or the rear.

  Of course, the reason for making such a risky decision is also partly because of Ishel’s intuition.

  His intuition tells him that it will be safer to get closer to the people of the alliance.

  And there is a greater hope of learning real skills.

  Although the young men under his command have no chance to go to Mammoth Country to study, he believes that this experience will also become a highlight on their resumes.

  Just like the Xifan Port Massacre to himself.

  As long as they can survive and win the final victory, they will pass the test…

  The head of the Death Corps did not stop them, but happily took him and the brave young men with him.

  In this way, after three days and three nights of travel, the two teams marched to the border between Niuzhou and Shizhou and came to a place called Akale County.

  This is the turning point of the Yongliu River, and it is also a strategic location that both sides cannot ignore.

  The river water from the west side of the Zhuobar Mountains is like a dense spider web, pouring into the west of Niuzhou, winding and wandering at the junction of hills and plains, like a curled python.

  After arriving in Akale County, the longitudinal river water turned from west to east, passing through the plains in the middle and merging into the estuary in the east of the Borneo Province.

  Because the flooded river water constantly impacted the river channel and plains on the west side, a vast river beach and impact plain were formed on the relatively low west side.

  On the east side of the winding river is a nearly primitive forest. The dense forest extends northward along with the rolling hills until it merges into the Zhuobar Mountain Range.

  After aerial photography and field investigation of the nearby terrain, the Death Corps decided to station on the east bank of the river and dispersed the 155mm field guns and 20mm quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns in the forest.

  The impact plain on the west bank of the river can effectively limit the marching speed of the Corps’ mobile forces.

  If the enemy wants to enter Akal County, it is impossible to leave this nail stuck on the other side of the river alone, unless they intend to completely abandon the supply line.

  After completing the strategic deployment, Bianbianhuashui found Ishel and asked him to disperse the combat units at all levels to the mountains and forests to dig L-shaped caves, and the kind that can hide a person.

  The logistics troops deliver supplies every three days.

  If there is no mission at other times, the units will stay in the caves on standby.

  This is just part of the preparation work.

  In addition to the “rat holes” scattered in the forest, they also had to prepare some fixed firepower in the forest, such as light machine gun bunkers, etc., to snipe the Willant people who were searching deep in the woods.

  Although this group of recruits was not very skilled, they did not do too badly with the help of the players of the Death Corps.

  It took them three whole days to finally complete the construction of the position.

  The next thing to do is to wait patiently…

  But with the impatience of the Willant people, they should not have to wait too long.

  On the second day after everyone completed the construction of the position, the players who were sent to the front to scout quickly sent back the news-

  the Legion’s troops are coming!


  Crouching on a hill near the river, [Sheep and Bag] took out a telescope and looked at the impact plain in the distance, and suddenly a sentence popped out of his mouth without warning.

  ”This place must be suitable for farming.”

  [Midnight with Umbrella but No Knife] looked at him in surprise.

  ”You know this?”

  Sheep and Bag laughed.

  ”You must know it, food +3.”

  Midnight with Umbrella but No Knife: “……?”

  What the hell?

  Before he could react to what this guy was saying, Laplace next to him couldn’t help but interrupt.

  ”…What version is this? If we don’t repair the big bath, it will be a piece of crap. It will flood and consume people at any time. The little bonus is dispensable.”

  Yang Youbao: “Ah… I think it’s okay. Anyway, if the Torres del Paine National Park is not within three grids at the beginning, I will jump in.”

  Laplace: “Fuck, then you have to grind all day?!”

  Yang Youbao: “You have to do something when the resurrection CD is on.”

  Laplace: “…”

  Seeing that his good brother was silent, Yang Youbao smiled and persuaded.

  ”When you die later, go online and jump in together.”

  Laplace: “Get lost.”

  Midnight looked at the two people in confusion with an umbrella but no knife.

  ”What the hell are you talking about?!”

  Midnight was not the only one who was confused. Ishel, who happened to hear their conversation, was also confused.

  It was not because of the content of their chat, but because he didn’t understand what they were saying at all.

  ”Did you make up your own language?” Ishel looked at the edge beside him and asked curiously.

  The edge had a subtle expression and nodded.

  ”I guess so…”

  If it wasn’t made up by ourselves, could it be given by aliens?

  Ishel nodded. Although his expression did not change, he was envious in his heart.

  Having a common language is also a manifestation of cohesion.

  Since he found that “Awakener Bol” could not save the province of Boro, he has been thinking about a new way out. Now he finally has some inspiration. If

  the survivors of the province of Boro want to have a way out, they must have their own culture…

  Just as he was thinking about it, a rolling dust suddenly appeared on the edge of the skyline. It was obviously lifted by the tires of the vehicle.

  The edge of the water immediately raised his hand after discovering the situation. Everyone quickly hid behind the bunker and stuck to the ground tightly, not letting any flaws leak out.

  Ishel was the same. All the muscles in his body were tense and he held his breath involuntarily.

  Just as the rolling dust appeared on the horizon, a towering steel fortress also pushed away the heavy clouds at the same time, showing its oppressive body

  ”Horn” in the sky!

  Isher’s eyes widened, with half fear and half hatred and anger in his pupils.

  He clenched his fists, wishing he could tear that guy to pieces with his eyes!

  It was that thing that bombed Lion City!

  He would never forget the raging fire that burned in the city that day, and those compatriots who desperately fled in the flames.

  The player lying next to the bunker held a telescope, but he did not have such rich psychological activities as him. He just looked at the vehicles in the distance and calmly observed the enemy situation.

  ”Three Greyhounds!”

  ”It’s the reconnaissance team of the Willant people. There is probably a mechanized infantry brigade behind them…”

  ”I don’t know if it’s the 300,000th team. It would be great if we could meet them.”

  ”By the way, I remember that their reconnaissance teams were equipped with 10 vehicles before?”

  ”Their ‘supplier’ is not very good.”

  ”Maybe our ‘Laken’ is too powerful.”


  Staring at the smoke and dust getting closer and closer in front of them, the players lying on the battlefield talked and laughed, as if they didn’t take their opponents seriously at all.

  ”Don’t worry, brother.”

  Noticing Ishel’s nervous expression, Bianbianshui put his hand on his shoulder and shook it, grinning.

  ”Believe me, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  When they met McLen that year, half of their equipment was made by themselves, and the other half was captured. Even professional life players went up to fill in the line, but didn’t they still beat that thing in the end?

  He has always believed that talent is the key to winning or losing.

  Ishel’s Adam’s apple moved, and he took a deep breath to calm down.

  ”Well…is there anything I can do?”

  Bianbianshui looked back at the rolling dust in front of him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”All you can do is hide well.”

  ”We will teach you how to hide yourself under the enemy’s fire, teach you how to survive, and then when they think we are all dead, we will jump out and give them a head-on blow.”

  ”This war has just begun, and there will be more to fight. If we are gone one day, you will teach other compatriots what we taught you, and pass on our number.”

  Pass it on…

  Isher’s eyes were slightly touched.

  ”…Is this the Death Corps?”

  ”I guess so, this is us.”

  As soon as the voice of Edgewater fell, the airship that was slowly moving suddenly lowered its gun barrel and spewed out flashes of fire towards the east bank of the Yongliu River!

  Looking at the rain of bullets, Isher’s pupils shrank sharply.

  ”They found us?!”

  Edgewater said with a smile.

  ”There is no need to find out. In such a conspicuous position, anyone knows we are here… So I asked you to hide separately and prepare the bullet shelter first.”

  Firing while moving, instead of dropping the anchor chain in advance and shooting, the other party obviously did not find their position.

  Just as he expected, the shells were completely inaccurate, doing Brownian motion in the sky, and then fell into an empty mountain.

  There were at least thirty or forty hills in the entire mountain area, and hundreds of shells were like toothpicks poking on bread.

  The roar of the explosion came almost at the same time as the sound of the artillery in the sky, and the whole forest was shaken by the sound.

  Edgewater frowned, and suddenly noticed a hint of unusual meaning from the thick smoke of the explosion.

  ”It’s a poison gas bomb,” he suddenly reacted and quickly took out a spare gas mask and threw it on Isher’s chest, “Take this thing.”

  Isher didn’t dare to hesitate and immediately put on the mask thrown by the alliance brothers.

  But then he quickly remembered that the brothers squatting in the foxholes didn’t have it.

  ”My men…”

  ”There are gas masks in the supplies we left for them… My brothers taught them how to use them.” Staring at the airship in the sky, Edgewater whispered.

  That thing was not very expensive, and they each took two. When they saw that the brothers in the 30,000-man team didn’t have any, they gave them half of it.

  The 30,000-man corps deployed on the frontline was only two thousand-man corps, and the Death Corps had 5,000 people, so it was more than enough to give them some.

  But what he didn’t expect was that the Corps actually took out all the poison gas bombs.

  He thought they would set fire to the mountain, but it seems that he still overestimated their bottom line.

  The yellow-green gas filled the forest, and some trees withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The density of these gases was obviously heavier than the air, and they did not float away immediately.

  If it weren’t for the gas mask, the consequences would be disastrous!

  Fortunately, a gust of wind blew at this time, dispersing the poison gas that permeated the mountain.

  Probably thinking that even if there were people in the mountain, they would die, the reconnaissance vehicle wandering beside the river beach cruised around, and finally moved forward reluctantly under the order of the superior.

  At the same time, armored personnel carriers drove over from a distance.

  The scale of that troop was not small. Judging from the organization, it should be a thousand-man corps, equivalent to a regiment of the Alliance.

  Yang Youbao put down the telescope and looked back excitedly at the edge of the water.

  ”They seem to be preparing to cross the river!”

  ”It seems that their commander is still not confident in his own artillery.”

  Edgewater laughed and pressed his hand on the communicator hanging on his shoulder.

  ”Attention, all units, the enemy is preparing to cross the river!”

  ”Wait until they finish building the bridge and come ashore before fighting!”

  A uniform reply came from the communication channel.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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