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Chapter 867 Death Charge!

Chapter 867 Death Charge!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 867 Death Charge!

  On the bridge of the Horn airship, John, sitting on a chair, was playing with the shell pendant in his hand while looking bored at the smoke-covered hills in the distance.

  A man in a white coat stood next to him, his fanatical look formed a sharp contrast with the boredom on his face.

  The man’s name was Martin, a biologist from the colony on the west coast of the Great Desert, and it was said that he was also a resident of the shelter.

  John didn’t like this guy very much.

  It’s not because this guy is a blue mole, but because this person makes people feel uncomfortable from head to toe.

  Maybe because he often deals with corpses, he has a smell of corpses on his body.

  However, this guy came with a letter of introduction from General Gullion after all.

  Even if John didn’t like him, it would not be appropriate to drive him away so disrespectfully.

  And these days, it is not easy to find a blue mole who favors the legion.

  After all, this guy is on his side.

  ”Death agent… Just one bottle cap of it can make plants wither! Make organs fail! Make the land die! And become a breeding ground for new toxins!”

  Listening to the mysterious mumbling, John yawned with little interest.

  ”…We have at least 20 kinds of poisons stronger than this. How is your ‘death agent’ stronger than them?”

  Martin smiled sinisterly.

  ”It’s stronger in the aftereffects! For example, complications, such as infection, etc.! It won’t kill our enemies quickly, but will torture them, make them struggle in pain, and infect more people.”

  John, who originally didn’t care, was shocked when he heard this and sat up straight in his chair.

  ”Infection? Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

  While speaking, his eyes were already fixed on the soldiers who were building a bridge to cross the river outside the French window.

  After all, they were his compatriots.

  Although they were idiots on land, he couldn’t just watch them die.

  ”Hehe… Don’t worry,” Martin laughed dryly at the commander who was facing a great enemy, and continued, “That is the expected effect, such as super contagiousness, and only works on humans, and only works on specific groups of people, etc.”

  ”These effects have not yet been realized, but they are almost there… And I have controlled the dosage of the toxin. With Willant’s immunity, he will produce antibodies within an hour and will basically not be threatened by this toxin.”

  ”Basically.” John looked at him meaningfully, not satisfied with this ambiguous modifier.


  Martin did not deny it, but nodded frankly and admitted it very straightforwardly.

  ”… I can’t guarantee 100%, just like I can’t guarantee that it will be sunny today, but 99% can be guaranteed, and this probability is also acceptable to the top management.”

  After a pause, he continued with a fanatical look.

  ”As long as the final version of this virus can be completed… it will be like the ancient Black Death, clearing out most of the Boro people on this land.”

  ”What good will that do for us?” John glanced at him sideways, “We don’t want a wasteland, one in the Great Desert is enough.”

  Sometimes he really couldn’t figure out what these high-level people were thinking, including that Ryan.

  Compared with other natives in their colonies, the Boro people are simply too docile.

  These are simply slaves given to them by His Majesty the Marshal, and it would be a waste to clear them out.

  However, Martin did not understand what he meant, but just smiled and said.

  ”How can it become a wasteland? This is a wasteland! It’s better to say… this is giving the wasteland a blood transfusion.”

  The fanaticism flashing in the pupils made John feel a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t say anything.

  In the distance, crossing the river was the 1,000th team of the 360,000th team, under the command of Captain Wolf.

  Due to the great progress made on the Eastern Front, General Gullion sent two additional teams of 10,000 people here, and also sent a group of officers to Lion City to train the vassal army.

  The 360,000th Army was one of the reinforcements. They had severely defeated the elite armored division of the Alliance, the Skeleton Corps, in the west of Ridbur County.

  The large army led by Captain Ryan was heading here from the Lion City area. The Horn Airship was deployed to the front line first to cooperate with the 360,000th Army to establish an outpost on the other side of the river.

  According to Captain Ryan’s own judgment, if the Alliance and the Borneo Kingdom intend to snipe their logistics line, they will definitely think about the bend of the Yongliu River.

  Akal County is the most likely.

  Whether there are Borneo guerrillas on the other side of the river, they have to go and take a look…

  At the same time, in the west of Akal County, in an unnamed small village less than 20 kilometers away from the Yongliu River, the headquarters of the 360,000th Army was stationed.

  Famine seems to have arrived here before the Willants.

  The local villagers have moved away early, leaving only empty shacks and dilapidated tile walls.

  Although the survivors in the Borneo Province have red soil to eat, red soil is not available everywhere.

  Only settlements with large populations or farms of nobles have the foundation to breed large tracts of red soil.

  The number of people is the key.

  It is not enough to have a large number of people, but they must be exploited ruthlessly, so that some people live like animals.

  After all, it is not a decent food. As long as they can eat a mouthful of beans, no one would be willing to eat that thing.

  Wolf sometimes felt that they were not here to occupy the homes of the indigenous people, but to save these natives who had almost degenerated into primitive people from their ignorant lives.

  No matter how lacking freedom and dignity the residents of Xifan Port were, they were much more decent than during the reign of Wutuo.

  The residents of Lion City will soon be the same.

  They lost only some wooden sheds and beggars, and it will not be long before they can get clean and tidy streets, and even sewers that they never had before.

  In the command vehicle.

  The adjutant stared at the screen intently, looking at the repaired pontoon and the troops that successfully arrived on the other side of the river, and his tense expression finally stretched into a smile.

  ”…The 1,000th team has successfully crossed the river. Haha, it seems that we still thought they were too smart.”

  The staff officer frowned and reminded calmly.

  ”Don’t underestimate the enemy. Our opponents are not only the locals, but also the alliance.”

  The adjutant grinned and said indifferently.

  ”I know that the alliance is a problem, but there are only so many of them, and there will always be things they can’t take care of.”

  Just like the battle in Lion City, the Alliance troops at most caused some troubles to Captain Ryan’s men outside the front battlefield, and then they were wiped out on the plains, becoming a brand new medal on his chest.

  Even if they are about to face the Alliance, there is nothing to be afraid of.

  Wolfe pondered for a long time, and suddenly his heart moved slightly.

  ”I remember… the airship’s precise firepower needs to be deployed after the anchor chain is lowered?”

  The adjutant was slightly stunned, looked at the staff officer, and then nodded cautiously.

  ”That’s right, what’s wrong?”

  The airship’s fire control system is divided into two modes, one is a scattered barrage, and the other is a precise artillery attack.

  Due to many reasons such as recoil and wind resistance, it is often necessary to drop the anchor chain before launching a more precise firepower strike.

  In other words, if their troops are too close to the enemy, the supporting firepower may be difficult to use.

  Thinking of this, Wolfe immediately made a decision and looked at the adjutant and ordered.

  ”Let the support team prepare and aim the firing parameters in the direction of our 1,000-man team.”

  Although he was very confused about whether it was necessary to do so, the adjutant still dutifully accepted the order.


  At the same time as the order was issued, nearly a hundred “Fire Crossbow” self-propelled artillery pieces were divided into three groups, and drove from the hidden area to the nearest artillery point to complete the deployment.

  On the other side, the 1,000-man team led by Captain Taote had successfully crossed the Yongliu River without being attacked during the period.

  The army of the Pala Kingdom was like sleeping, handing over the entire position.

  Looking at the quiet forest, the centurion sitting in the reconnaissance vehicle couldn’t help but frowned, his eyes pressed against the observation mirror of the electric machine gun, and moved closer.

  He was not the only one who felt that there was a problem. The driver sitting in the driver’s seat was the same, rubbing his palms on the steering wheel, with a vigilant expression on his face.

  ”The situation here is a bit strange…”

  Staring at the sight, the centurion said casually.

  ”Did you find anything?”

  ”…That’s why I feel strange because I didn’t find anything.”

  The driver shook his head, swallowed nervously, and continued to talk while staring at the dense forest.

  ”There is a hill next to the bend of the river. There is no better ambush point than this…But they seemed to have disappeared, leaving this perfect position to us.”

  The soldier sitting in the back seat whistled and grinned and teased.

  ”Maybe they were destroyed by our artillery fire.”

  The machine gunner sitting next to him also laughed and interrupted.

  ”This possibility cannot be ruled out. I heard that these natives don’t even have gas masks.”

  ”I really don’t understand what the brothers in front do for a living, to be disarmed by these guys.”

  ”You remind me of that poor slug.”

  ”Haha, I really don’t want to recall that cowardly guy–”

  As soon as the voice fell, a huge impact force hit the side door.

  The metal jet instantly penetrated the door, and the high-temperature fragments blasted half of the soldier carrying the machine gun.

  The rifleman on the side was so scared that he lost his soul. Looking at the half body left and the black blood spilled on half of the car, he was so scared that he shrank on the ground.

  He didn’t realize that his pants were already wet, half of which was his comrade’s blood, and the other half was his urine.

  This place is completely different from the Great Desert.

  In the Great Desert, the most deadly threat is nothing more than the natives’ Molotov cocktails or remote-controlled bombs buried on the roadside. They have never encountered weapons that can penetrate their vehicles.

  Even not long ago, their allies had suffered a setback with these equipment.

  Because of their arrogance, they suffered the same setback again.

  The tilted front of the car hit the tree violently, and the driver’s forehead almost hit the car window. The people sitting in the car were shaken violently and were dizzy.

  ”Damn it!”

  ”RPG!!! It’s the Alliance!!”

  ”It’s coming from the right!”

  ”Joe’s fallen!”

  ”Get out of the car! Quick!”

  The centurion had dark circles under his eyes. He cursed and turned his machine gun to the direction of the rocket. He fired a burst of bullets without caring whether he saw anyone or not.

  The driver knocked the door open with his shoulder, and the other soldiers got out of the car, using the car as a cover and firing in the direction of the rocket.

  Soon another rocket came and hit the hood in front. The

  high-temperature metal jet instantly poured into the engine, and the flying fragments pierced the glass of the driver’s seat.

  ”Damn it!!!”

  Looking at the spider webs crawling all over the bulletproof glass, the centurion sitting in the gunner’s seat cursed angrily, commanding his men to disperse to both sides while calling for reinforcements from the rear.

  ”This is the reconnaissance team one! We are being attacked by enemy guerrillas! We need reinforcements!”

  The noisy electric sound came from the headphones, followed by a slow voice.

  ”Received, report the number and position of the enemy!”

  ”I don’t know! Damn it! They are right in front of us!” The centurion was terrified. He gritted his teeth and controlled the electric machine gun to fire, while trying to identify the direction of the enemy’s attack.

  However, the situation at the scene was too chaotic. The bullets seemed to be coming from all directions, and some even came from behind them.

  They had clearly scouted that area. Where did these guys come from? !

  It seemed that they could hear the anxious situation of the battle.

  The originally unhurried voice in the communication channel gradually became serious.

  ”Understood, we have sent reinforcements to your position, hold on!”


  The centurion roared in response.

  At the same time, the barrel of the electric machine gun was forced to stop firing due to overheating.

  He cursed, grabbed the rifle hanging on the side, and hurriedly got out of the open car.

  And almost at the same time when he stopped firing and got out of the car, another RPG rocket came over.

  This time the rocket hit the fuel tank directly, and the flames of the explosion shot up into the sky, overturning the entire car.

  The centurion groaned and fell to the ground. A soldier was unable to dodge and was crushed under the car. He died without even having time to scream.

  Looking at the exploding reconnaissance vehicle, everyone’s eyes were filled with fear. They were in a panic and didn’t know what to do.

  ”The captain has fallen down!!”

  ”Damn it! Who’s going to wake him up?!”

  ”I can’t get through it!!”


  The machine gunner holding the machine gun cursed and fired a burst of bullets at the distant woods. Then he handed the machine gun to his teammates and quickly crawled towards the captain.

  Unfortunately, he had just left the bunker when a bullet flew over and shot through his helmet.

  The machine gunner fell to the ground without a word, and the soldiers around him fell into panic.

  ”It’s a sniper!”

  At the same time, on the earth slope 200 meters away, a player holding a sniper rifle took a deep breath, moved the scope and aimed at the next target.

  ”The machine gunner has fallen! Someone has taken his place!”

  Another player put his hand on his shoulder.

  ”Don’t kill all the people, leave a few baits.”

  The player holding the sniper rifle fired a shot, shooting down the soldier who took over the machine gun.

  ”Got it! I’m counting.”

  At the same time, four armored personnel carriers, led by an infantry fighting vehicle, rushed from the edge of the Yongliu River to the direction where the friendly forces were attacked.

  The 20mm cannon and 10mm machine guns fired at the forest, and the accumulated firepower temporarily suppressed the rain of bullets rushing towards the reconnaissance team.

  However, the Willant people sitting in the car did not notice the whispers under the trees and bushes beside them.

  Just as they rushed over to reinforce the friendly forces, two teams carrying anti-tank equipment and light machine guns had already circled their flanks and completed their deployment.

  Looking at the Willant Hundred Man Team getting closer and closer, Laplace slowly raised his hand and then clenched it into a fist.


  As soon as he gave the order, ten rockets with tail flames flew like locusts towards the infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers that were speeding.

  Because the rocket was stuck at the edge of the safe distance, the distance was so close that the crew had no time to react and could only collide with the rocket.

  The most unlucky one was the infantry fighting vehicle. An RPG shot directly penetrated the driver’s seat. With a loud explosion, it broke down on the side of the road and hit an old tree as thick as a thigh.

  Two of the other four armored personnel carriers had their engines blown up, and one had its compartment blown up.

  Another one turned over because it turned too sharply, but it was a blessing in disguise that it was not hit by the RPG.

  The dizzy Willant people hurriedly got out of the car. Before they had time to figure out where the rocket came from, they were dizzy again by the sound of gunfire. The

  tracers flew in the woods, opening up a deadly net.

  ”Disperse! Quick!”

  The centurion who got off the car first yelled at the top of his lungs, then huddled behind a scrapped armored vehicle, trying to observe the situation around him.

  However, the whizzing bullets came from all directions, and it was impossible to tell where there were more people and where there were fewer people.

  Relying on an armored vehicle alone could not stop the fierce firepower, so he could only lie on the ground in embarrassment again. The

  surging firepower attacked from all directions, and the Willant soldiers who got off the car were beaten up and lost their way. They could only lie down on the ground and then fight back in the direction of the gunfire.

  The whole battlefield was in chaos!

  All you could hear were the gunshots and sporadic explosions, but you couldn’t see where the enemy was!

  Seeing the critical situation, the centurion who was lying next to the armored vehicle immediately took off the communicator hanging on his shoulder and shouted loudly into the communication channel.

  ”This is a team! We are being sniped by the enemy’s ambush team!”

  ”Their firepower is too strong! There is at least a thousand-man team surrounding us!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp whistle suddenly came from the distance.

  Before he could react, the flames of the explosion burst out on the battlefield.

  Two Willant soldiers were blown up, and their bodies in exoskeletons rolled to the side.

  The centurion who barely raised his head glanced at the battlefield, and finally a trace of panic was written in his eyes.

  ”Damn! It’s a mortar!”

  On the edge of the Yongliu River.

  The centurion Taote, who was commanding the front line, listened to the roar in the communication channel and was extremely anxious.

  However, his combat quality was still good, and he did not panic because of the sudden situation.

  The enemy is in the woods!

  And there is at least a thousand-man team!

  Maybe it’s the regular army of the alliance!

  Without any hesitation, he immediately connected to the communication channel of the airship.

  ”This is the 1,000th team of the 360,000th team! We are facing intensive enemy firepower and need artillery support!”

  Tao Te quickly reported the artillery coordinates.

  After a short period of electric noise, a reply came from the communication channel. However,

  this reply made Tao Te’s mood sink to the bottom.

  ”This is the horn. We cannot approve your request… The airship is moving, and we cannot carry out precise fire strikes. Direct fire will cover you all within the artillery range. If you still want to get support, please keep at least 1 kilometer away from the enemy units.”

  One kilometer? !

  They have to retreat to the other side of the river!

  Tao Te greeted the ancestors of the other side in his heart, and then glanced at the other side of the river, but soon turned his head back.

  Why retreat?

  The other side is just a group of stragglers, and they only bit his reconnaissance team and a hundred-man team.

  According to the report from the front, the enemy is no more than a thousand-man team. As long as he pushes his troops forward, he can crush the grasshopper biting his toes in minutes!

  If he retreats at this time, he will be branded as a coward.

  After sorting out the pros and cons, Tout no longer hesitated and grabbed the communicator and shouted loudly.

  ”All infantry get off the vehicle! The second and third hundred-man teams will reinforce the first hundred-man team on both wings!”

  ”The rest of the combat units at all levels advance into the forest! Eliminate all enemies you see!!”

  Hearing the commander’s order, the Willant people on the river bank roared in high morale.

  ”Got it!!”

  ”Oh oh oh!!!”

  The mighty army marched towards the forest, with seven 100-man teams moving in a straight line towards the hinterland of the hills, and the other two 100-man teams clamped the scorching battlefield from left to right like a pair of pliers.

  The reason for taking such action was that Taote judged that there were other ambushers in the forest.

  It must be said that his judgment was very accurate.

  Unfortunately, however, he obviously underestimated the number of ambushers.

  The troops stationed here were not a thousand-man team at all, but the Death Corps of the Alliance and the 30,000-man team of the Pala Kingdom!

  A mere thousand-man team, filling in is no different from sending oneself to death…

  ”Good fellow, the Willant people are starting to save their grandfather.”

  Looking at the troops advancing into the forest, the debt-ridden big-eyed man crawling behind the bunker smacked his tongue in surprise.

  ”The tactic of adding oil is a taboo in military strategy. I remember that these big-nosed people were not so stupid before?” The construction site guy lying on the side was puzzled and muttered.

  ”They are too confident. Maybe they can hook a big fish this time.” He

  suppressed his excitement and reached the edge of the front line, paddled in the water, opened the safety of his rifle, and shouted to the communication channel at the same time.

  ”First group of artillery fire! Push the barrage to the riverside and raise their pontoon for me!”

  ”Second group of artillery fire smoke! After three rounds of barrage, immediately retreat to the hiding place!”

  ”Brothers of the first battalion! Follow me!”

  After saying that, he put the short whistle hanging around his neck in his mouth and blew it hard.


  The harsh sound was like an arrow piercing the forest, scaring the Willant people who were advancing into the forest.

  Especially the sound of artillery that sounded immediately afterwards, which made Tout, who was following the front-line troops forward, panic.

  Support artillery!!

  There is definitely more than a thousand-man team stationed here!

  However, it was too late to react at this moment.

  The noisy shouting and killing like the waves almost hit his face together with the roaring explosion!


  Those people seemed to appear out of thin air, or like trees coming to life.

  They were wearing plain military uniforms, wearing gas masks, holding shining bayonets and rifles in their hands.


  Tote shouted into the communication channel.

  In fact, he didn’t need to give orders at all.

  At the same time when the whistle sounded, his troops had already started a firefight with the troops that rushed out of the forest.

  The sound of gunfire shuttled through the forest, and there were continuous deaths.

  The number of those people seemed endless.

  They were like a tsunami hitting the shore, and in an instant they submerged several hundred-man teams under his command.

  The reconnaissance team that was still calling for help a second ago had no signal, and the two hundred-man teams that rushed over to reinforce were also caught off guard by the ambush halfway and could only flee.

  Roars and exclamations came one after another in the communication channel, and Tote’s face finally showed a trace of fear.

  What kind of troops were they fighting with? !

  ”Gas mask…”

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

  Could it be…

  the Death Corps? !

  It wasn’t just the Willant people who were shocked.

  Isher and the soldiers of the 30,000th Squadron who were watching the battle from a distance were also stunned.

  What shocked them was not only the fighting power of the Alliance soldiers, but also their indomitable courage and morale.

  Life and death seemed to have been put aside by them. When the whistle sounded, everyone climbed out of the trench without hesitation and charged towards the enemy.

  And it was not a reckless suicide raid.

  After aiming at the enemy’s flaws, they used the bayonets in their hands to stab a steady and ruthless blow.

  Faced with the raid so close, the Willant airship could only worry even if it saw it.

  Standing next to Isher, a centurion lowered his voice and muttered with difficulty.

  ”…Fortunately, they are our friends.”

  If possible, he would rather face the Willant people than fight against these fearless guys.

  After all, even the Weilants, who are known as a fighting race, may surrender.

  And when these guys start fighting, it is simply a fight to the death, and no one can stand it.

  Isher didn’t say anything, but stared at the group of comrades who were fighting hard.

  An officer was ignited with blood in his heart, and couldn’t help but look at him and asked.

  ”Don’t we really need to go up to help?”

  Isher shook his head.

  ”They said it’s not time for us to go up yet.”

  What they have to do now is to learn, and they will have the opportunity to play when the time comes.

  And at this moment, there was a deafening sound of artillery in the distance.

  The sound came from a long distance, and it came from the ground.

  Hearing the sound of the artillery, the faces of the officers watching the battle changed in unison.

  ”It’s the artillery of the Weilants!!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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