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Chapter 868: Unexpected Raid

Chapter 868: Unexpected Raid


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 868: Unexpected Raid


  The towering gun barrels spewed out fire snakes, and the deafening sound of the guns resounded in the wilderness.

  A total of 52 “Fire Crossbow” self-propelled artillery, divided into 5 artillery positions, launched a full six rounds of salvos at the enemy artillery positions on the east bank of the river that were exposed due to firing!

  As a self-propelled artillery independently developed by the Southern Corps, the “Fire Crossbow” is deeply loved by the Southern Corps for its excellent support efficiency, and its popularity is second only to the 902mm giant gun and shallow water heavy gunboat.

  Although the whole vehicle still uses the Conqueror series armored chassis, whether it is its automatic loading system or fire control system, or even the thick and long 200mm gun, they are all independently designed by the Southern Corps according to its own battlefield needs.

  Next to the 5 artillery positions, there are 12 anti-aircraft vehicles divided into three anti-aircraft positions on standby, alert to threats from the air.

  Although the horn was monitoring the airspace, considering that the Alliance was equipped with next-generation fighters in addition to propeller planes, the Legion did not send anti-aircraft guns to the front line to help as it did when fighting the natives. At

  one of the artillery positions, a man wearing an officer’s hat squinted his eyes and looked at the roar of artillery fire not far away, with a cold smile on his lips.

  His name was Tolan, the commander of the 360,000-man support team, with the rank of centurion.

  A few minutes ago, the Alliance’s artillery group hidden on the other side of the river could not help but launch an attack. He immediately retaliated against the enemy’s coordinates according to the instructions of the captain of the thousand-man Wolf.

  As expected, the 155mm artillery belonging to the Alliance had been blown into scrap metal by their counterfire.

  The adjutant standing next to him laughed, with a hint of sarcasm between his eyebrows.

  ”This round of artillery fire should be enough to give the Alliance a hard time.”

  When the other side launched the artillery fire, they could confirm that the opponent was undoubtedly the Alliance.

  Tolan smiled faintly.

  ”Don’t even mention one pot, I think two pots are enough.”

  Adjutant: “Hahaha!”

  Just as the two were chatting and laughing, the communicator hanging on Tolan’s shoulder suddenly vibrated.

  Seeing that it was an order from the headquarters, Tolan immediately restrained his joking expression and pressed the connect button.

  Soon, the voice of the communicator from the headquarters came.

  ”… There is a 10,000-man team in the southeast direction heading towards you. They are equipped with a certain number of vehicles. Preliminary judgment is that they should be the First Mechanized Infantry Division of Jingalon Port.”

  Tolan raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”Have they declared war on us?”

  Communicator: “No, it’s obviously the same as the Alliance, and it’s that volunteer again, you know… But don’t worry, they can’t touch you. The 370,000th team is advancing in their direction. I need you to provide support for the 370,000th team. I will temporarily transfer your communication channel to them.”

  Tolan also didn’t take this unit seriously. The expression on his face was not panic at all, but he was worried about his brothers on the front line.

  Horn had just arrived in this area and had not yet lowered the anchor chain. He was worried that without their artillery cover, the 1,000-man team that crossed the river to explore the way would encounter an emergency.

  ”Received… What about our frontline troops?”

  The communicator said, “They have already engaged in a firefight with the frontline troops of the Alliance. We have sent ground troops to reinforce them. The fighting distance is relatively close at present, and you can’t help them for the time being.”


  Tolan frowned slightly after putting down the communicator, but a hidden worry lingered in his heart.

  However, since the headquarters had given such instructions, he could only do as he was told, ordering each artillery group to cease fire, setting new firing parameters according to the coordinates provided by the headquarters, and aiming at the direction of advance of the First Mechanized Infantry Division of King Gallen Port.

  At this moment, Tolan and other officers and artillerymen did not notice that a hummingbird hovering in the air had already stared at them.

  On a small hill less than two kilometers away, Kuangfeng and Ye Shi were lying behind a dirt slope, one responsible for operating the drone for observation, and the other responsible for communicating with the large troops.

  ”…This is Ye Shi. We have confirmed the location of the enemy artillery unit and the coordinates have been updated on the map.”

  After a short pause, the voice soon came again in the communication channel.

  ”Received… Can you find a way to lock the enemy artillery group’s headquarters?”

  Ye Shi gave Kuang Feng a look, then fiddled with the zoom ratio of the VM screen with two fingers, and quickly locked on several guys who looked like officers.

  Although there was nothing wrong with the tactics and strategy of these Willant people, one or two of them were extremely arrogant, as if they didn’t take their opponents seriously at all.

  However, this also saved them time, and Ye Shi quickly reported the clues to Fang Chang.

  ”I’ll look… There are a few guys who look like officers, near the C point mark. Do you want me to find a way to get rid of them?”

  Fang Chang replied calmly.

  ”No, just keep an eye on their vehicles and don’t let them run away.”

  Ye Shi: “Received!”

  At the same time, in a field full of weeds ten kilometers away, a black exoskeleton was standing on the edge of the ridge.

  Most of them are exoskeletons of the Alliance, and some are captured from the 340,000th Brigade, with a bandage wrapped around the arm as a sign of identification.

  Although the players of the Burning Corps look down on the exoskeletons of the Legion, these captured equipment are still quite attractive to the soldiers of the Borneo Kingdom.

  After withdrawing from Lidbur County, the Burning Corps, led by Lao Bai, quickly joined the 110,000th Brigade of Borneo Kingdom, which also withdrew from Lidbur County, and took them to the Niuzhou area.

  In order to improve the mobility efficiency of friendly forces, the players of the Burning Corps also taught them the tactics of “human cattle and horses”.

  That is, one person wears an exoskeleton and carries another teammate without an exoskeleton.

  A long time ago, when the Alliance and the Bone Chewing Tribe fought, they relied on this method to maneuver.

  Although the marching speed is not as fast as riding a bicycle or riding a horse, it is better than running on two legs.

  The only disadvantage is energy consumption.

  But you don’t have to worry about this when you follow the players.

  The air force brothers occasionally throw down supplies, including solid hydrogen batteries.

  Not only that, the power armors that use cold fusion technology are equivalent to mobile power banks. By plugging in the adapter, the power can be input into the fuel cell of the exoskeleton.

  Standing next to Lao Bai, the commander of the army, Yokale, who was wearing the standard exoskeleton of the legion, looked eager to try and asked energetically.

  ”When do we act?”

  He was eager to teach the legion a lesson.

  Seeing this guy wearing the army’s equipment and saluting the Alliance, Lao Bai couldn’t help but smile.

  ”Don’t worry, the next job is for the air force brothers, we just need to watch and prepare to finish off the enemy.”

  Yokaler was stunned.

  ”This time… aren’t we going to confiscate their guns?”

  Fang Chang shook his head.

  ”That’s not necessary. We haven’t studied that thing yet, and we won’t fire it even if we seize it.”

  The main reason is that it’s not worth studying.

  According to the intelligence obtained by the Alliance, that thing is a turret modified on the basis of the Conqueror tank, and its shooting accuracy and rate of fire are only at an average level.

  Yokaler hesitated and suggested with an embarrassed look.

  ”That… can you leave us a few self-propelled artillery? Of course, we won’t let you take risks. Just like before, our people will be responsible for snatching them away!” It

  ’s not that he’s greedy.

  The main reason is that the power of that thing is too enviable, and you can just pull up your pants and run away after shooting.

  Although this thing is nothing rare for the Alliance, it is another matter for the country of Borneo, which can’t even measure a few tractors.

  Fang Chang looked at him strangely.

  ”Leave it to you, can you drive it?”

  Yokale chuckled, shook his head, and then nodded quickly.

  ”No! But we can learn!”

  Lao Bai and Fang Chang looked at each other and exchanged glances.

  ”Why don’t we give it to them?”


  The guerrilla division with self-propelled artillery is quite exciting to think about.

  He doesn’t mind if the friendly forces pick up more garbage, maybe it will play a miraculous role in the next battle.

  Thinking of this, Fang Chang no longer hesitated, and immediately took out VM and called Luo Yu.

  ”Luo Yu, the plan has changed. You go to support them at the edge, and leave the artillery to us.”

  There was obvious noise in the communication channel, and it was obvious that Luo Yu had taken off and was heading here.

  ”Got it… Are you okay?”

  Fang Chang teased.

  ”Are you kidding, am I okay?”

  Luo Yu: “Haha! Brother Fang Chang is awesome! Good luck to you!”

  Fang Chang grinned, hung up the communication, and then looked at the Yokale Ten Thousand Captain who was standing next to him like a student.

  ”We have communicated with the friendly forces and changed the destruction to capture. Let your people get ready. We are going to attack.”

  Yokale said hurriedly.

  ”Just leave it to us. You have already helped us so much. How can we bother you again?”

  Fang Chang raised his hand to stop him.

  ”Don’t be so polite. The most important thing right now is to drive the invaders away. We will take the lead in a while. You just follow us. Remember to listen to our command. Don’t rush ahead or shrink back.”

  Fang Chang did not object to these people wanting to follow him, but he was still a little worried about leaving it to them completely. Even

  though they have upgraded their guns and cannons now, with more than 3,000 exoskeletons, automatic firepower and light anti-tank equipment, it is still questionable whether they can use them well.

  Looking at the captain Yokale who had carefully memorized it, Fang Chang’s heart moved and continued.

  ”By the way, for the surrendered soldiers of the enemy, remember to take prisoners as the main thing. We will help you remove the positioning equipment on the vehicle, but how to operate the vehicle still requires their confession.”

  Yokale raised his head and saluted.


  Fang Chang nodded approvingly, then waved his hand.



  Horn Airship.

  Sitting on the bridge, John stared at the floating bridge over the river and the forest on the other side of the river. His brows suddenly frowned slightly, and he looked at the adjutant standing beside him and asked.

  ”Did they take too long to go in?”

  His adjutant was slightly stunned, and then nodded with a serious expression.

  ”It’s a bit… unusual.”

  Not only the time.

  The people too.

  I saw the soldiers of the 360,000th team filling the other side of the river one car after another. The gunshots in the forest kept crackling, but no one was seen withdrawing from the front.

  Logically, this kind of tug-of-war should be left to the clones.

  Obviously, the friendly forces misjudged the size of the enemy forces in the forest, and also overestimated their own combat effectiveness.

  Martin, wearing a white coat, looked at John excitedly.

  ”Do you want to poison? This toxin has little effect on the Weilantes, so little that it can be ignored. It’s just right for us to test it in actual combat.”

  John glanced at him and ignored the madman. Then he reached out to take down the communicator and turned to Captain Wolfe.

  ”Captain Wolfe, did you encounter any problems?”

  The answer came quickly in the communication channel.

  ”No, it’s just a few small grasshoppers. We solved them easily.”


  Although he didn’t mean to mock, this sentence was still misunderstood as something else when it came out of his mouth.

  Wolfe: “Are you questioning our combat effectiveness?” Is

  there still a need to question your combat effectiveness?

  John sneered in his heart, but still spoke in the gentlest tone possible.

  ”I don’t mean that. I’m just worried that you messed up Captain Ryan’s plan. If we want to destroy the Poro Kingdom within two months, we must drive the troops to Tiandu before the end of the month.”

  ”Your worries are unnecessary. I will remember every instruction of Captain Ryan.” Wolfe responded coldly.

  The situation of his men was not optimistic, but it was far from being a difficult situation for him.

  He had already pushed five thousand-man teams forward. According to the report from the front-line centurion, they had successfully reversed the situation and were launching a counterattack against the guerrillas in the forest.

  Two 155mm artillery pieces had been captured. Those guys wearing gas masks had suffered heavy casualties after a mindless charge. It would not take long for them to take the hill closest to the riverbank.

  Although their casualties were also not small, considering that the opponents were volunteers from the Alliance, these casualties were acceptable.

  There was no need to tell Horn about these things, and it would be useless even if he did.

  At such a close distance, the airship’s artillery is useless, not to mention that the airship has not yet dropped anchor.

  They will only be ridiculed by the air force, and even a group of indigenous guerrillas have been tossed around for so long.

  Wolfe may not know his opponent very well, but he knows his own people’s character too well.

  Hearing the sound of hanging up in the communicator, John’s brows twitched fiercely, and he stuffed the communicator back on his shoulder.

  This bunch of ungrateful land turtles!

  He was kind enough to care about it, but it was taken as a donkey’s liver and lungs.

  ”Being able to deal with the 36th Mechanized Infantry 10,000 people for so long, the opponent’s combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.” The adjutant standing aside said solemnly.

  Although he also didn’t take the opponent seriously at first, he had to pay attention to it now.

  John sneered.

  ”It’s not necessary to say that it can’t be underestimated… That should be the Death Corps that made great achievements in Jinchuan Province. Our friendly forces have hit a wall.”

  He had seen the iconic gas mask once in the Triumph Newspaper.

  It was obviously the Death Corps.

  It is said that they are the elite troops of the Alliance. They once captured a mountain that even the brothers of the Eastern Legion found difficult to deal with during the Torch War.

  Is the Alliance crazy?

  Elite troops are sent to this broken place wave after wave, or are they really a group of clones?

  John had a gloomy face, and there was always a bad feeling in his heart.

  His worries were not all from the tactical level.

  There was also a strategic level.

  Why did he feel that he was being accused of being a “natural disaster” like the Torch during the battle?

  This was not a good sign.

  At this time, he did not notice that when Martin, who was standing aside, heard the name of the Death Corps, his face suddenly showed a fanatical expression.

  ”…Death Corps…Hehe…It turned out to be that group of guys.”

  He laughed strangely, his pupils glowed faintly, and his expression was as if he had seen prey.

  John thought for a moment and raised his right hand.

  He could not wait until the army asked for help before taking action, and he had to be prepared before that.

  ”Prepare to lower the anchor chain–”

  Before he finished his words, a series of imperceptible ripples suddenly flashed on the radar.

  Without missing the fleeting signal, the operator sitting in front of the control console shouted immediately.

  ”Enemy fighters have been spotted!”

  ”The speed is approaching Mach 2!”

  ”The target has entered our northeast direction!”

  ”They are moving along the clouds, a total of 10!!”

  ”Damn it! Their target is not us, but the ground!”

  John was shocked and immediately ordered.

  ”Launch air-to-air missiles!”

  ”Yes!” The operator sitting in front of the console responded without hesitation and then pressed the red button.

  At the same time, a honeycomb-shaped missile cabin rose from the upper part of the airship and aimed at the airspace where the enemy was found.


  Accompanied by a rapid buzzing sound, ten air-to-air missiles shot out, dragging a narrow tail flame, and whizzed towards the ten speeding fighters.

  At the current shooting angle and relative speed, there is no one in ten thousand chance that the ten enemy planes can avoid it!

  John’s mouth curled up with a happy smile, as if he had already seen the scrap metal turned into fireballs and the fireworks blooming in the air.

  However, at this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone. The ten air-to-air missiles inexplicably missed the target airspace after approaching it.

  They did not find the aircraft approaching at supersonic speed. After searching for a while, they found a missile emitting radar waves and rushing towards them.

  ”It’s a decoy bomb!”

  The radar operator exclaimed, and John, who was sitting next to him, shrank his pupils.

  ”Switch the anti-aircraft guns! Quick!”

  He gave the order quickly, but it was too late.

  At the same time they discovered the abnormality, the decoy bomb that was rushing towards them exploded instantly, releasing an electromagnetic pulse attack to the surrounding airspace. The

  electromagnetic pulse destroyed the seeker, and the ten air-to-air missiles suddenly ran around in the air like blind flies, some fell to the ground, and some drilled into the clouds.

  At the same time, a real Thunder fighter suddenly drilled out of the clouds.

  There is only one!

  ”Damn it!”

  John, realizing that he had been fooled, cursed loudly and stood up from his chair.

  He stared at the plane outside the French window, wishing he could poke it down with his eyes.

  However, the plane ignored him and emptied the two rocket pods hanging under the wings directly to the ground.

  Twenty-four ground-to-ground rockets with guidance heads came out in droves, and as if they had eyes, they locked onto the infantry fighting vehicles of the 360,000th detachment parked at the edge of the forest and sped away.

  Everything happened in an instant.

  The target had no time to react before the top cover was blown open by the rocket that fell from the sky.


  The flames of the explosion rose and fell at the edge of the forest, and nearly twenty infantry fighting vehicles were blown into scrap metal!

  The flames reflected on the dull faces of the Willant soldiers squatting nearby with rifles in their arms, and their pupils were all filled with a trace of disbelief and despair.

  Without the firepower support of the vehicles, the advantages that the front-line troops of the 360,000th team had finally gained were quickly lost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  It is even better to say that those advantages were deliberately given to them by the other side.

  The purpose is to lure them to move forward!

  John’s eyes widened, his pupils were full of bloodshot, and his clenched fists pounded hard on the armrests of the chair.

  At the same time, Wolfe’s curse came from the communication channel.

  ”What are your anti-aircraft guns for! Why are there planes flying in our faces!”

  John knew he was in the wrong, but he still yelled back.

  ”You blame us… Where are your anti-aircraft guns?”

  ”We – damn it! I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you!” Wolfe was about to say something, but he didn’t care to say it, and hurriedly hung up the communication.

  The Thunder fighter that broke into the battlefield did not stay in the nearby airspace. After a successful attack, it quickly left the battlefield and returned to the direction of Tiandu.

  At this time, the anti-aircraft missiles of the airship had been loaded, but facing the tail flame that was getting farther and farther away, John had no choice but to stare blankly.

  At the same time, with the end of the previous round of air strikes, a new round of counterattacks seemed to have begun.

  The smoke and flickering flames of the explosion were gradually changing from a curved sawtooth to a curve that was closing inward!

  Like a big mouth closing!

  They wanted to swallow the five thousand-man teams trapped in the forest in one gulp!

  Even standing on the airship, John could clearly feel that the situation of the 360,000-man team was taking a sharp turn for the worse, from being evenly matched to being in danger.

  In order to reinforce the friendly forces, Wolfe also pressed the last five thousand-man teams up!

  Including the only twenty or so infantry fighting vehicles and nearly sixty armored personnel carriers left in his hands!

  John was anxious and looked at the adjutant beside him and shouted urgingly.

  ”Did you drop the anchor chain? Hurry up!”

  The adjutant was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, and he could only urge the department responsible for anchoring again.

  Under his anxious urging, the anchor chain was quickly thrown down from the airship, hitting the muddy plain heavily, raising a cloud of dust.

  However, at this moment, another message suddenly came.

  ”Report! A group of light infantry was found 27 kilometers southwest of us!”

  ”They are heading towards the artillery position of the 360,000th Brigade!”

  ”Southwest?!” John was shocked and immediately looked at the map, his heart skipped a beat.

  They were robbed!

  How did these people get behind them under their surveillance? !

  No –

  there is another possibility.

  This group of people did not come from the direction of Tiandu, but had been lurking in the area of ​​​​Ridbull County, and had been chasing them all the way to Niuzhou!

  Cursing the Seventh Air Force in charge of reconnaissance, John immediately notified Captain Wolfe, who was commanding on the ground, of this information.

  After a brief silence, a dejected voice came from the other side of the communication channel.

  ”Our friendly forces… the 370,000th troop ran into the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division of Kingalung Port, or more precisely, ran into the coalition forces of Kingalung Port and Tiger State and Leopard State.”

  ”I don’t know where they got hundreds of Conqueror X vehicles from. Our friendly infantry fighting vehicles can’t penetrate that thing… We can only be forced to retreat to the west.”

  John held his breath for a moment, and his originally calm expression couldn’t help but show a trace of panic.

  This is undoubtedly the worst news!

  At this moment, almost all the troops of the 360,000th troop are trapped on the other side of the river.

  If the 370,000th troop can’t stop the reinforcements of the Borneo Kingdom, then the 360,000th troop is very likely to be captured as a whole!

  By a group of natives…

  No matter how strong the firepower of the Horn is, it is impossible to fire at the heads of friendly forces, or stranded on the ground to help.

  The other side adopted a very rogue tactic, which is to wait for them to get close, and then stick to them and fight.

  John’s Adam’s apple moved, and a trembling voice squeezed out of his throat.

  ”…What should we do now?”

  There was a brief silence on the other side of the communication channel, and finally a very reluctant but forced plea was heard.

  ”…Give me a hand.”

  Faced with the rapidly deteriorating war situation, Wolfe was powerless and could only swallow his pride and beg.

  At least he could not be captured.

  Otherwise, he would be the first legion commander to be captured in the entire war.

  This was not only related to his personal face, but also to the face of the Southern Legion.

  At the same time, this was the only thing he could do for Captain Ryan and General Gullion at this moment…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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