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Chapter 869 Great victory in Akale County!

Chapter 869 Great victory in Akale County!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 869: Great victory in Akal County!

  In the south of Akal County, a massive encounter broke out in the wilderness.

  On one side was the 370,000th Squadron of the Southern Corps led by Baldwin, and on the other side was the First Mechanized Infantry Division of Kinggalun Port, plus two armored regiments from the Tiger Army and the Black Panther Army.

  The latter’s goal was to advance to the bend of the Yongliu River and cut off the retreat of the 360,000th Squadron of the Southern Corps, while the former’s goal was naturally to prevent the latter from raiding the rear of friendly forces.

  Fierce exchanges of fire broke out as soon as the two sides came into contact.

  Two “Chimera” armored vehicles took the lead in launching “Dove” missiles, successively blowing up a “Conqueror” No. 5 light tank and a “Beast” wheeled infantry fighting vehicle. The

  370,000th Squadron of the Southern Corps did not show weakness either. Two light armored teams quickly moved forward and destroyed three “Chimera” armored vehicles of the Kinggalun Port Mechanized Infantry Division in succession.

  Seeing that the armored team of the 370,000th Army was about to devour the vanguard of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division of Kinggallon Port, a steel torrent composed of hundreds of “Conqueror No. 10” tanks suddenly broke into the position of the Southern Corps!

  Before the two light armored teams could come to their senses, they were pierced through the side armor by the whistling tank shells and exploded into a ball of burning scrap metal in the mud.

  ”Forward!!!” The commander of the Tiger Army Armored Regiment roared loudly in the communication channel, leading his men to break into the flank position of the 370,000th Army.

  Seeing their own tanks crashing in, the Willant soldiers of the 370,000th Army were dumbfounded.

  The Conqueror was obviously their tank.

  It would be fine if the Alliance could get one or two, but how did they get together two thousand-man teams of tanks? !

  Faced with the limited anti-tank firepower of the Southern Corps, the Conqueror No. 10 tanks were like entering an empty space, chasing the former’s infantry fighting vehicles and reconnaissance vehicles and fleeing all over the mountains!

  Looking at the battle damage reported by the frontline officers, Baldwin, who was in command, felt his heart bleeding.

  The two light armored teams sent up just now were his direct lineage and also his elite!

  Seeing that the opposite side was the natives of the Borneo Province, he wanted to let his people go up to pick up two medals, but he didn’t expect that two armored thousand-man teams would suddenly appear on the opposite side! In

  just a few minutes, he had destroyed twenty “Beast” wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, five “Greyhounds” and two armored personnel carriers.

  Seeing that the two light armored teams were about to be overwhelmed, he grabbed the communicator without hesitation and shouted in an almost roaring voice.

  ”The light armored team retreats! The first thousand-man team goes up! Break their tracks for me!”

  ”The support team is ready to open fire! Use armor-piercing grenades! Aim at those tanks with broken tracks!”

  As the order was issued, the two light armored teams of the 370,000th team quickly moved to the rear, and were replaced by rows of Willant soldiers carrying anti-tank weapons and rushed forward.

  The only undulating ridges in the whole wilderness could serve as limited cover.

  They moved along the edge of the ridges, firing back with anti-tank rockets in their hands, and covering the retreat of their own light armored units.

  At the same time, more than a thousand soldiers of the Glorious Army also grabbed simple anti-tank weapons and launched a suicide raid on the armored regiment of the Tiger Army.

  The mountains and plains were filled with shouts of killing, but the chaotic impact collided with the 37mm fragmentation bombs sweeping in the face.

  The flames of the explosion bloomed in the fields, and there were flying flesh and blood and fragments.

  The clone soldiers died in an instant like cut wheat, but under the urging of the centurion, they had to stare and move forward.

  The tragic battle began.

  The 1st Mechanized Infantry Division of Kinggalon Port, which was covered by friendly forces, immediately stopped retreating.

  The 20 Chimera armored vehicles that led the charge quickly turned around and followed the pace of the Tiger Army armored forces. They used 37mm guns to help the tanks get rid of the approaching infantry, and fired “pigeon” missiles to chase the fleeing Conqueror No. 5 light tanks.

  On the other hand, the 370,000th team of the Southern Legion was in a tough battle at the moment.

  Whether it was the recoilless guns in the hands of the anti-tank team or the clone soldiers of the Glorious Army charging with anti-tank grenades and “iron fist” rocket launchers, they were helpless when facing the Conqueror No. 10 heavy tanks. The

  defense of spaced armor against armor-piercing shells is almost absolute, while the small water pipes of the Conqueror No. 5 light tank can’t even scrape a layer of the Conqueror No. 10’s skin, and at most can break the latter’s tracks.

  A long time ago, the Alliance did an experiment in which two Conqueror No. 10 tanks fired at each other. As a result, all the spare ammunition was used up and neither of them could do anything to the other.

  In terms of weapon design ideas, the Legion and the South China Sea Alliance seem to be two completely opposite extremes.

  The latter’s idea is to check and balance each other, while the former seems to have never considered the situation of fighting with their own people.

  In this sense alone, the Willant people are indeed very united.

  However, when the backstab happened, this unity unexpectedly became a burden.

  These Conqueror No. 10 tanks were sold to the warlords of Tiger State and Leopard State by the Eastern Legion through the arms dealers of the Death Coast!

  The First Mechanized Infantry Division of Jingalon Port quickly gained the upper hand, but their opponents were not vegetarians after all.

  After the Tiger Army’s armored regiment rushed forward for a while, the offensive soon came to a standstill.

  Dozens of tanks were stuck in the mud because of their own weight, and nearly five tanks had their tracks broken.

  The area around Akal County is originally a floodplain with soft soil and a lot of sand. It happened to be the rainy season recently. It rained a lot for several consecutive days, making the soil even more muddy.

  Seeing the tanks stuck in the wilderness, Captain Baldwin immediately ordered the self-propelled artillery to open fire.

  According to the infantry’s report, 200mm armor-piercing grenades were fired one after another at the field full of tanks.

  A Conqueror X was soon hit.

  An armor-piercing grenade hit the center of the turret, and the attack from top to bottom directly poured into the cabin.

  The thick smoke of the explosion rose into the sky, and the shells were blown up by the ammunition rack.

  The crew members sitting in the tank were killed instantly, and not even a complete body could be found.

  Seeing the miserable state of the friendly forces, the crew members who were stuck in the mud and unable to move were forced to abandon the car and flee.

  ”Blast them into pieces! Hit them hard!” Looking at the group of fleeing Brahmans, Baldwin’s eyes were red and his face was full of grim smiles.

  Are you stupid!

  Artillery is the trump card of the Southern Legion!

  The invincibility of the Conqueror X is not invincible in an absolute sense, but in a relative sense.

  They are not completely helpless against the Conqueror X!

  The noisy artillery fire continued, and in the blink of an eye, another Conqueror X’s turret flew into the sky.

  However, Baldwin did not feel proud for too long. Suddenly, several deafening explosions were mixed in with the noisy artillery sounds in the distance.

  It seemed that it was not the sound of self-propelled artillery firing, but the sound of artillery shells exploding!

  Baldwin’s grim smile gradually solidified on his face, especially when he saw a wisp of thick smoke floating from the artillery position, his heart was even more shocked.

  ”Damn it!”

  He cursed angrily and immediately grabbed the communicator and turned to the support team.

  ”What was the explosion just now?! What happened over there?!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, a series of more intensive explosions came from the direction of the artillery position, and this time the smoke was no longer a wisp, but a whole piece!

  Even if he was slow, he reacted. The explosion just now was a calibration artillery attack.

  And the next round is the real thing!

  The noisy sound of electricity and the roar of artillery came from the communication channel, and the centurion of the support team roared in embarrassment.

  ”We are under fire! It’s the artillery position of the 360,000th Squadron! Damn it, let them stop firing!”

  ”The 360,000th Squadron?!”

  Baldwin was stunned for a moment, his mind was blank, countless possibilities flashed through his mind, and finally only one possibility remained.

  The friendly artillery position was destroyed!

  The 52 “Fire Crossbow” self-propelled artillery that should have been aimed at their enemies was now aimed at them!

  Cold sweat slid down Baldwin’s forehead. He made the final decision in just three seconds, holding the communicator and shouting loudly.

  ”The Glorious Army continues to block the enemy! Delay them at all costs!!”

  ”The rest of the troops retreat westward! We will regroup in the south of Ridbul County!”

  As the order to retreat was issued, the Willant troops who were exchanging fire with the First Mechanized Infantry Division of Kingalen Port withdrew from the battlefield one after another.

  Even though many of the thousand-man teams still had a clear advantage, they still withdrew without hesitation, and instead let the clones launch a charge.

  The latter was quickly annihilated, while the Willant people took advantage of the time they bought to quickly board the armored personnel carriers.

  Due to the hasty retreat, they did not even have time to pick up the bodies of the fallen friendly soldiers, and could only leave them and the dropped equipment on the battlefield.

  One armored personnel carrier after another quickly evacuated the battlefield, and the entire battle line of more than ten kilometers wide was abandoned…

  Although it was a bit embarrassing, it had to be admitted that Baldwin did make a smart decision.

  Because soon after they began to retreat, the burning white phosphorus landed on their positions and drenched them from north to south.

  After seizing the self-propelled artillery, Yokale’s men had no intention of being merciful and directly used the most ruthless work.

  If they had left one minute later, the Willant soldiers lying behind the ridge would have to roll in the flames and mud, unable to live or die…

  Looking at the boiling sea of ​​fire and the charred bodies, the King Gallon Port soldiers lying behind the ridge were surprised.

  ”The Willant people… retreated.”

  Several soldiers from Jingalon Port looked at each other, and they all saw the look of disbelief on each other’s faces.


  A young man swallowed his saliva and muttered in a low voice.

  ”…We actually won.”

  No one could believe this was true.

  Whether it was the soldiers on the front line or the officers in the rear, their faces were full of surprise.

  Before stepping onto the battlefield, they had never thought that they could defeat the legion on the front battlefield, but they didn’t expect that they actually won.

  After the flames went out, an old soldier tentatively stood up and groped forward. He found that there was indeed no trace of the Willant people on the opposite side, only some discarded equipment and unburned corpses.

  Unable to suppress the excitement in his heart, he raised the rifle in his hand and shouted at the top of his voice.


  The excited shout soon merged into shouts all over the mountains.

  ”We won!!!”

  ”Oh oh oh!!!”

  At the same time, the faces of the Willant soldiers who were sitting on the armored personnel carriers were full of humiliation.

  They actually lost to a group of natives!


  A Willant soldier punched his knee pad with hatred, making a dull sound.

  The soldiers sitting next to him were also silent, with no expression on their heavy faces.

  Baldwin in the command vehicle was the same, but the reason for his heavy face was not because of the temporary failure, but because he found that he could not contact the friendly forces next door.

  From the moment he was bombarded, he tried to get in touch with Captain Wolfe, but he couldn’t get in touch.

  ”Damn it!”

  He pressed the communicator hard on the table, and his gloomy face became even gloomier.

  Sitting next to him, the adjutant said in a heavy tone.

  ”The 360,000th team is probably in danger… In the worst case, the command center may have been destroyed.”

  ”What is that idiot doing!”

  Baldwin cursed, and then looked at the looming figure floating in the sky in the distance.

  They were defeated right under the nose of the steel airship! They really lost face for the legion!

  They might as well kill themselves!


  Just as Baldwin expected, the situation of the 360,000th team was not optimistic.

  First of all, on the side of the support troops, 52 self-propelled artillery had just adjusted the firing parameters and prepared to support their battle, but they were disarmed by the Burning Corps who were close.

  It was the most aggrieved battle. The Alliance soldiers wearing power armor directly killed the face of Captain Tolan!

  Facing the black muzzles of the guns, Tolan was stunned but did not hesitate at all, and decisively raised his hands to surrender.

  They were surrounded not only by the Burning Corps, but also by the 110,000th team of the Polo Kingdom wearing the legion’s standard exoskeleton.

  With only their support team to fight, there was no hope of breaking through.

  Even if they fought to the last, it would be useless and would only cause meaningless casualties.

  ”Give up, Phil, they won this battle.” Glancing at the adjutant who was still trying to draw his gun to resist, Tolland said in a calm tone.


  ”Even if you don’t think about yourself, think about your subordinates. They have their own families too.”

  Hearing what the superior said, the adjutant named Phil finally handed over his pistol with a humiliated look on his face.

  After taking away the pistol, Old White looked at the centurion named Tolan and raised his eyebrows.

  ”I like people who know the times, because it can save us a lot of time.”

  Looking at the handcuffs handed over by the soldiers, Tolan obediently stretched out his hands.

  But before he was taken away, he suddenly spoke as if he had thought of something.

  ”Are you the commander of the Burning Corps?”

  Seeing the NPC looking at him, Old White nodded and said simply.


  Tolan thought for a while.

  ”Can I ask a question?”

  Old White: “Ask it.”

  Glancing at the group of Polo soldiers wearing legion equipment not far away, Tolan said in a slow voice.

  ”I don’t understand…what benefits did they give you, why did you help them.”

  Old White replied simply.

  ”Because if we don’t do this, the wasteland won’t end.”

  Hearing this unexpected answer, Tolland was obviously stunned for a moment.

  ”…The wasteland won’t end?”

  ”That’s right,” Old White nodded, and then looked at the self-propelled artillery not far away, and raised his chin, “Can that thing end the wasteland?”

  ”As long as there are enough, it can indeed be done,” the officer named Phil retorted unconvinced, staring at Old White, “At the very least, we can get rid of you gophers that are in the way.”

  Old White was not angry, but just laughed and replied.

  ”Really? Then your wasteland should have ended long ago, why come here to find land under the sun. I guess the survivors in the wasteland must be trying their best to run to your place, instead of hiding from you like cockroaches.”

  Tolland suddenly laughed.

  ”If there is such a guy, I bet he must be crazy.”

  Phil looked at his superior in astonishment, as if he couldn’t believe that this was coming out of his mouth.

  Hearing this unexpected answer, Old White looked at the centurion named Tolan and raised his eyebrows slightly.

  It seems that not all the Willant people are crazy, there are still some normal people…

  All 52 self-propelled artillery pieces were seized. Captain Yokaler commanded his men to point their guns at the Willant gunners and asked them to set new firing parameters according to the coordinates provided by the First Mechanized Infantry Division of Kinggallon Port, and then bombarded the artillery positions of the 370,000th Army.

  What happened next was just as Captain Baldwin saw.

  At the same time, facing the tanks rushing in front of them and the artillery fire from the rear, the 370,000th Army could only flee in pieces.

  Compared with being completely defeated, being broken into pieces is just a slightly euphemistic term.

  Fortunately, they ran fast.

  If they ran slower, I’m afraid they wouldn’t have a chance to run.

  The defeat of the 370,000th Army and the fall of the 360,000th Army’s support team were just the beginning.

  Facing the joint offensive of the Death Corps and the 30,000-man Bora Corps, the eight thousand-man teams that crossed the river also suffered heavy casualties.

  Faced with the penetration and encirclement of the Death Corps, nearly 10,000 soldiers who went deep into the woods were forcibly split in half from the middle!

  One part of the troops was surrounded on a hill less than five kilometers away from the river bank because of their recklessness, while the other part of the reinforcements who had just crossed the river were blocked by the river and were in a dilemma.

  The latter was especially tragic.

  As the pontoon bridges were blown up one after another, these Willant people stationed on the river bank had lost their retreat and could only face the rain of bullets from the forest in despair, suffering more and more casualties.

  Some people really couldn’t bear the fear in their hearts, and couldn’t find a shelter to hide, so they could only turn around and jump into the Yongliu River, trying to swim back to the west of the river.

  The blood dyed the river beach red, and the east bank of the Yongliu River was full of corpses!

  Among them were clones and Weylanders. Some died from machine gun fire, while others were unfortunately scratched by shrapnel from mortar shells or had their internal organs shattered.

  Explosions continued one after another. The airships in the air finally dropped their anchor chains and bombarded the ground with artillery, trying to use close-range artillery fire to stop the Death Corps from encircling the 360,000th team.

  However, not long after, thick smoke that could block the signal floated in the forest.

  The artillery in the air lost both the guidance of the ground forces and the field of vision that could be aimed directly, and could only stare at the thick fog that filled the woods.

  The same was true for the Southern Corps Air Force that took off from Xifan Port. Twenty “Daggers” killed over the battlefield, but because they lost the guidance of the ground forces, they were unable to take action.

  Including the “Sabers” that flew from Yongye Port.

  The latter was especially aggrieved, because they lacked ground support means and could only withdraw in disappointment after firing two rounds of machine guns.

  In the end, the most useful thing was the artillery of the horn, which fired one after another at the edge of the smoke, killing many soldiers of the alliance in the chaos.

  However, those guys seemed to be endless, and they rushed to the faces of their ground troops under the whistling shells, even if they died, they would change one.

  Faced with the indomitable momentum, the 360,000th team was completely stunned.

  Many young men from the colonies experienced such a tragic battlefield for the first time.

  Those faces no longer had the arrogance they had when they first stepped onto the battlefield, only panic and fear.

  There were no medals they longed for here. There was

  only death everywhere!

  Not only those young men fighting on the front line, but also the officers commanding in the rear.

  In fact, at this point in the war, there was no distinction between the front and the rear, and the whole forest was full of bullets and gunshots.

  However, not everyone was as “cowardly” as Captain Tolan. For example, Taute, who was the first to cross the river, was stubborn and vowed to never surrender.

  Seeing that his men were almost wiped out, his eyes were bloodshot. He did not have the slightest intention of retreating, but instead led his guard team to attack.

  ”No retreat! Everyone hold on! Our reinforcements are on the way!”

  ”Damn it! Cheer up!”

  Although the 360,000th team had suffered a heavy blow, he believed that the Alliance and the Pala Kingdom on the opposite side had also suffered huge casualties!

  Those bodies scattered in the forest were not all from the Willant people, but also quite a few from the Alliance or the Pala people.

  If he retreated at this time, the brothers who died would have truly died in vain.

  Even for the dignity of the Willant people, he would never allow himself to retreat at this time.

  However, at this moment, a burst of gunfire swept from his side and front.

  Two guards were killed instantly, and the other two were shot in the chest and thigh respectively, bleeding profusely and falling to the ground.

  Tot pulled out his pistol, but before he could open the safety, he was kicked to the ground.

  He reached out to take the fallen pistol, but was stepped on by a military boot.


  Tot screamed in pain, and the edge of the water held the LD-47 rifle with a bayonet in his backhand and stabbed it hard next to his ear.

  ”It’s over, let your men surrender.”

  ”Surrender… hehe…”

  Tot smiled while enduring the pain, and his twisted face was covered with mud and water, like a demon crawling out of the swamp.

  ”… Dream on!”

  Guessing what he would say, the edge of the water “tsk” and said nothing.

  Whether this guy surrenders or not, it can’t change the outcome of this battle.

  Just like he said.

  It’s over.

  The roar of fighter planes flew overhead, and two “Thunder” fighters drew two enchanting blue lights in the air, piercing the “daggers” hovering in the air.

  Those propeller planes moved towards the direction of the steel airship to seek shelter, and the latter also hurriedly set up gun barrels and air-to-air missiles to guard against the two enchanting blue lights.

  Luo Yu, who was driving the Thunder fighter, did not approach the airship’s firing range, but turned along the edge of the firing range and fired 32 unguided rockets with his wingman.

  Those rockets did not fly towards the airship, but accelerated straight to the anchor chain under the airship.

  Although the deflector shield based on graviton technology covered the entire airship, it obviously did not cover the anchor chain under the airship.

  John, who was standing in the bridge, noticed the intention of the alliance aircraft and immediately ordered the anti-aircraft guns to fire.

  The locust-like shells exploded into an impenetrable wall of clouds in the air, but they were still a step slower than the speed of the rockets breaking through Mach 3.

  Rockets with tail flames pierced the dense clouds of fragments like javelins!

  Although most of them passed by the anchor chain, there were still five or six that hit the anchor chain and the iron chain that was tied to the steel pod that was about the thickness of a man’s arms!

  The bursting fire cut the anchor chain in two, and the kinetic energy of the explosion shook the entire towering body of the airship.

  The steel pod that was being released fell heavily to the ground, spreading billowing smoke and dust on the plain.

  Looking at the falling steel pod, Captain Tote, who was lying on his back on the ground, finally raised a trace of despair on his face.

  In his cognition, the legion’s steel airship was invincible and unbeatable!

  However, the reality that appeared in his eyes severely shattered his faith.

  It was not just Captain Taut who had despair on his face, but also Captain Wolf, who was about to board the gondola.

  He could not go back at all.

  The First Mechanized Infantry Division of Kinggallon Port had already killed him, and there were only two thousand-man teams left on the west bank.

  With only these two thousand-man teams, he could not stop those guys who were as ferocious as hungry wolves!

  And the fact was indeed so. Twenty “Chimera” armored vehicles first killed the west bank at the bend of Yongliu River. The 37mm rapid-fire guns swept randomly, and the light infantry stationed by the river bank were quickly beaten and fled.

  As the two armored regiments cut to the relatively high slope on the west side, Captain Wolf, who was sitting in the command vehicle, completely gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

  The white flag was raised from the command vehicle, and he reluctantly issued the order to surrender.

  And listening to the voice on the communication channel, the ferocity on Captain Taut’s face finally turned into a dead gray.

  ”I said, it’s over.”

  Not wanting to laugh at this guy, Bianbianhuashui just teased him and then picked up the pistol that fell beside him.

  The face covered with mud and water looked at him expressionlessly, and suddenly squeezed out a word from the cracked lips.

  ”Kill me.”

  Bianbianhuashui laughed.

  ”We don’t kill prisoners.”

  Taote’s emotions suddenly became excited, and he staggered to get up from the ground.

  ”Then give me my gun back!”

  However, before he finished speaking, he was knocked to the ground by the butt of a gun. The

  one who made the move was a soldier from the country of Borneo.

  He stared at the officer with murderous eyes, wishing he could chop off this guy’s head.

  Since the Lion City tragedy, all the Willant people are the same to him.

  He just wished he could kill them all!

  However, Bianbianhuashui did not give Taote a “glorious” opportunity, and stretched out his hand to stop the friendly brother who was about to take action.

  Walking in front of Taote, he looked down at the guy who was lying in the mud and panting like a wild dog.

  ”…I won’t do that either. We will let you live until the end of this war, and then the victims of this war will judge you, and you will go to hell to repent for your sins.”

  Without looking at the guy again, Bianbianhuashui just reminded him to “keep an eye on the people” and then walked away.

  The battle on the ground is over.

  Whether it is the Weilant people trapped by the river or the Weilant people guarding the hills, they all chose to surrender in the end.

  Perhaps out of concern for the casualties of friendly forces, or perhaps to save ammunition, the airship hanging in the sky did not fire in the end, but retreated to the west, preparing to reunite with the main force before coming back to fight.

  Looking at the airship going farther and farther away, Isher had an unbelievable expression on his face.

  ”…We actually won.”

  ”Don’t be too proud, it’s just this game.”

  Standing on the edge of the hill, Bianbianhuashui looked up and looked into the distance, squinting his eyes slightly.

  There was a hint of imperceptible coldness in the dark clouds.

  He knew where the coldness came from.

  At the same time as they won, four airships that were no less powerful than the Horn had arrived at Xifan Port and were heading east.

  This was intelligence provided by the friendly forces of the South Sea Alliance, and was confirmed by Luo Yu.

  Currently, this information has been synchronized on the official forum of Wasteland OL.

  Seeing the serious-looking Bianhuashui, Yisher also suppressed his contempt for the enemy and became serious.

  ”…What should we do next?”

  ”Next…of course, we celebrate.”

  Seeing Yisher who was facing a great enemy, Bianhuashui suddenly relaxed his brows, smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Cheer up, we just won a battle, and we heard from our friendly forces that they caught a big fish under the airship, and the rank is said to be a captain of ten thousand men.”

  ”Is it the captain of the 360,000-man team?!” Yisher’s face instantly showed a surprised expression.

  No wonder he was so excited!

  After all, until yesterday, they were beaten unilaterally by the Legion.

  The officers who died in the battle of the Pala Kingdom could hardly be counted with two hands, and now they finally got a chance to hold their heads high.

  Although the people were captured by the Alliance, it doesn’t make any difference!

  ”Yes, it was that grandson, a jerk who didn’t take us seriously. I have to thank him later… Thanks to their stubbornness, they insisted on crossing the river.”

  Looking at the surprised Isher, Edgepad smiled and shook his shoulder.

  ”What did I say before? That airship is nothing to be afraid of.”

  ”Everything will be fine slowly.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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