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Chapter 870: Iron Sky!

Chapter 870: Iron Sky!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 870 Steel Sky!

  A hearty battle has just ended. The soldiers on the western front are cleaning up the battlefield with pride, while the rear area in the east is in a completely different situation.

  In the middle of Mazhou,

  there is a small mountain village with a plain appearance. It is sparsely populated with only some old people and children.

  Like Tiandu, this place belongs to the territory of the Kingdom of Borneo. The only difference is that the former is located in the border area, so it rarely appears in the public eye.

  In contrast, the people here know very little about what is happening in the outside world.

  When the residents of Tiandu were busy preparing for the exam, the residents of Liema City were considering whether to take a boat to Tiandu to take the exam. The locals didn’t even know what the exam was.

  Not only that.

  Because this place is sandwiched between Mammoth State and Tiger State, and the remnants of the Gray Wolf Army are active in this area, it is equivalent to having three warlord forces fighting each other, so the control of the Abusek authorities over it is also extremely weak.

  Except for a few places with a population of 100,000 or 1,000, most other mountain villages are actually no-man’s land. Even the nobles with land have fled.

  Poor places like this naturally cannot retain young people.

  Unless they can’t leave with their families, most of the young men who are still able to move either go to the city to work hard or join the nearby warlords. At

  least here, there is no way to make a living by farming honestly, and it is difficult for a family to have a full meal.

  The old man with a backpack on his back was just walking home from working in the fields, and was suddenly stopped by a polite young man halfway.

  ”… Old sir, how do I get to Black Python Mountain?”

  The old man stopped and glanced at the young man in front of him. He was carrying a bag and wearing long-sleeved clothes. Although he was dusty, he was white and clean, and he looked like a decent man.

  As the saying goes, don’t hit a smiling person, and it’s hard not to be impressed by his polite appearance.

  Especially the old man was used to being looked down upon by the masters, and now that a respectable man was willing to bend down and talk to him, he was a little flattered for a moment.

  Touching the back of his head, he smiled and said politely.

  ”Oh, I dare not be a gentleman, I am just a local… Where are you going to Heilongjiang? Black Python Mountain, right…”

  When he said this, the old man suddenly came to his senses and the place was called Black Python Mountain, and his face changed immediately.

  Zaid smiled and nodded, and said in a generous and kind tone.

  ”I heard that General Gopal is nearby, and I want to visit him.”

  ”Hey, why are you looking for that wolf who eats people without leaving any bones?”

  Without waiting for the young man to explain, the old man looked around nervously, and seeing that there was no one else nearby, he continued to persuade him earnestly.

  ”Young man, listen to my advice. Those wolf cubs are not good people… They are just a bunch of bandits! It’s because there is a war going on at the front line that General Abusek can’t spare time to deal with them. Once the war is over, none of them will be able to escape!”

  Zayd smiled and sighed.

  ”It seems that these bandits have caused you a lot of trouble.”

  The old man shook his head and sighed.

  ”Oh, that’s right! Because of those guys, everyone has to hide their surplus food carefully. They come every now and then to rob me, and they almost stripped the wall of my house.”

  ”You have suffered,” Zaid looked at the old man with sympathy, and put his hand on his shoulder, as if he really couldn’t bear to see him suffer. “But old man, don’t worry! I will take care of things that Commander Abusek can’t handle! In fact, I am here to solve your troubles!”

  ”Solve?” The old man was stunned for a moment, and looked at him suspiciously. “You are a scholar… What problems can you solve?”

  Zaid laughed when he heard it.

  ”I’m not a scholar… Just tell me how to find him.” It’s

  hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words.

  Seeing that he insisted on going, the old man could only sigh and pointed behind him.

  ”Climb over the mountain in front, the winding mountain that looks like a giant python is called Black Python Mountain. It takes several days to walk there. You can’t go in alone, but his people are patrolling there to guard against the militia from the nearby city. When you reach the woods behind the mountain, you can shout every two steps forward, and they will naturally come to you.”

  After saying that, the old man kindly advised again.

  ”That guy is really not a good person… If you want to join the army, you’d better go to Laxi or Abusek.”

  The burning of the village was vivid in his mind.

  Although he didn’t experience it personally, he heard from the refugees in the north that their village was burned by the Gray Wolf Army for some reason.

  Every one of the old ministers of the empire is a guy who doesn’t treat people as human beings.

  ”I know, you can rest assured, just leave it to me.”

  Zayed smiled and patted the old man’s shoulder, and then walked towards the direction the old man had pointed before without looking back.

  Good man…

  Looking at the dark forest, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  If that guy was a good man, he would not have come to this hellhole…

  Leaving the mountain village and heading north. The

  further into the forest you go, the fewer people there are, and you can faintly hear a few wolf howls.

  Without any followers.

  Zayed picked up a stick as a crutch and walked forward alone, like a determined pilgrim.

  After a long journey, after passing through dense forests and bushes covered with thorns, he finally saw the mountains that were like giant pythons entwined on the ground. In

  front of us is the Black Python Mountain!

  The remnants of the Gray Wolf Army are hiding there!

  Zayed smiled, and just as he was about to shout to attract the attention of the nearby patrol team as the old man said, a black gun muzzle suddenly pointed at him.

  ”Don’t move.”

  The cold voice seemed to float from hell, as gloomy as a cave that had not seen the light for a long time.

  And that is where snakes like to hide the most.

  Zaid could feel that at least ten guns were pointed at him, and those eyes were full of vigilance and hostility.

  He threw away the crutches in his hand, raised his hands, and said with his back to the black muzzle of the gun.

  ”My name is Zaid. Commander Abusek asked me to come here to negotiate with you… Please let me meet your commander.”

  There were bursts of laughter around.

  Gopal, holding the rifle, grinned.

  I didn’t expect that I would run into such a big fish when I was bored and came out to relax.

  ”I am the commander here, the former staff officer of the Gray Wolf Army, and now the general of the Gray Wolf Army. Commander Abusek, tut tut… you traitors really dare to come here.”

  Zaid raised his hands above his head and smiled faintly.

  ”Why not? These days, anyone with a little ability has rebelled. I am a traitor, and so are you? If you are not, you should surrender to His Majesty Akbar instead of staying here.”

  Gopal’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the pairs of eyes around him also became unfriendly.

  The atmosphere at the scene gradually became cold.

  But at this moment, Gopal’s brows suddenly relaxed, and he said with a sneer.

  ”Interesting, then I would like to hear what your master wants you to say to me.”

  Zaid glanced around and saw the hatred deep in his bones from those pairs of eyes.

  They were once the proudest warriors of the empire and heroes admired by thousands of people, but now they are abandoned here like wild dogs to die.

  Wu Tuo never trusted these guys until his death, but he knew clearly that these guys were the most loyal people in the empire.

  When everyone had abandoned the empire, even the old farmers recognized Abusek as the “new king”, only they had never abandoned the old master they had once been loyal to.

  This was the case with Alayan.

  So were his subordinates.

  That was why they hated Abusek, their former comrade.

  It was that guy who made their loyalty a joke and a clown in the eyes of the people.

  That was why Zayed knew very well that if he took out the letter of appointment, he would be dead.

  That thing was not used in this way.

  ”… Let’s be frank,” Zayed looked at Gopal intently, “I have never regarded Abusek as my master, and that kind of two-faced and indecisive guy is not worthy of being my master.”

  Gopal suddenly laughed.

  ”What do you want to say?”

  ”I can help General Alayan restore his reputation, as well as you and your family,” Zaid looked around and then looked at Gopal, “Not only that, I can also help you get revenge.”

  The atmosphere around him became quiet, and everyone’s eyes were filled with disbelief.

  Help General Alayan restore his reputation?

  Just with this unknown person?

  Gopal’s pupils shrank slightly, and he was obviously a little moved.

  But that was only for a moment.

  He quickly realized that this guy was testing him, and then sneered, and the muzzle of the gun in his hand moved forward an inch.

  ”Do I need it?”

  Although he concealed his emotions very carefully, the man standing in front of him still caught the change in his expression at that moment.

  Having received the affirmative answer, Zaid looked at General Gopal calmly, without even looking at the muzzle of the gun that was about to poke his nostrils, and spoke softly.

  ”…If you don’t need it, why don’t you go find Lassi, or go directly to Abusek, instead of being a bandit here with your men. You know this is a dead end. When the Bharat Kingdom finishes dealing with the Southern Legion, the first thing they will do is deal with you.”

  Gopal sneered.

  ”You said it as if they have already won.”

  ”How did they lose? Or how did the Southern Legion win?” Zaid smiled faintly, “Since you are the staff officer of the Gray Wolf Army, I believe your vision is definitely not inferior to mine.”

  Without waiting for Gopal to answer, Zaid continued.

  ”They all misunderstood you and didn’t take you seriously, but only I know that you and your former general are true loyal ministers… You shouldn’t lie in the grave with shame, you should be loved and respected by all the survivors in the entire Bharat Province.”

  Gopal suddenly laughed out loud, and the sound of laughter was so loud that it even scared away the birds in the forest.

  He lowered the muzzle of the gun in his hand.

  ”Interesting… This is the second time I think so.”

  Looking at the lowered muzzle of the gun, Zaid’s face showed a happy smile.

  ”What’s your answer?”

  ”I’m very interested in your ability to help General Alayan restore his reputation and help me get revenge… But I have to tell you that I hate not only Lassi, but everyone.”

  Zaid: “Everyone?”

  ”That’s right…” Gopal stared at him sinisterly, and said word by word, “All those who abandoned us and betrayed us… They have to pay the price.”

  So that’s it.

  Zaid showed a look of realization, and looked at this guy who was more twisted than himself with interest, especially after looking at his wolf-like eyes for a while.

  No wonder even the old man who farmed the land thought that this guy was not a good thing.

  He had hatred written on his face.

  And the object of hatred was all the Brahma people.

  ”… Then you have found the right person.” Zaid suddenly laughed out loud and stretched out his right hand. “In this world… I am afraid that only I can satisfy your wish.”

  Gopal grinned and held his right hand.

  ”That may not be the case… But I believe that as long as I wait, I will definitely wait for a guy like you.”

  That’s you!

  That expression seemed to say so.

  Zaid smiled brightly and shook his hand.

  ”Then I wish us a happy cooperation.”

  There will probably be no more frank conversations like today.

  From the moment he walked out of the forest with Gray Wolf, a wise and martial saint will be born in Snake State.

  The survivors of the Borneo Province will remember this moment, but no one will remember what they said that day.

  In order to make it easier to write memoirs in the future, he deliberately did not bring his students with him.

  After persuading Gopal, Zaid took out the letter of appointment and told him the plan in his mind.

  He had passed Abusek’s first “impossible test”, and the next one was the second.

  Snake State is currently ruled by Grand Commissioner Shah Rukh, and he will definitely not allow an unknown person like him to seize power.

  Even if he took the letter of appointment as the “Commander-in-Chief of the Snake State War Zone”, it would be useless.

  If he really went there stupidly, his situation would only be more dangerous than today when he went alone into the wolf’s den.

  Shah Rukh would definitely rack his brains to find a way to make him disappear, and it would be as easy as crushing an ant. After all, although it was his hometown, it was Shah Rukh’s territory.

  However, the premise for all this to be true would only happen if he went to seize power.

  What if he didn’t go to seize power?


  the person who really seized power was not himself.

  Zaid told Gopal in a very light voice what he was going to do, and the latter was stunned after hearing it, and then showed an expression of admiration.

  Such a vicious idea…

  he really found the right person.

  The two guys, each with their own thoughts, showed a sinister smile on their faces.

  Near the end, looking at Zaid who put away the letter of appointment, Gopal suddenly spoke.

  ”By the way, how did you know that General Alayan was wronged?”

  Zaid said without thinking.

  ”What are you talking about?”

  ”The embankment of the Tasang River,” Gopal shrugged. “At first they said it was the city defense army that blew it up, but later they changed their words and said we ordered the city defense army to blow it up, which indirectly killed 100,000 people… In fact, not that many people died, and it has nothing to do with us.”

  Zaid raised his hand and interrupted him impatiently.

  ”Is that kind of thing important? Could the villagers on the border of Maryland and Mammoth State be the work of the Moon Clan Resistance Army?”

  He had never been there, but a glance at the map showed that Laxi had no advantage in doing this.

  As for the dam, maybe it was indeed built by Laxi, but it was not because the map revealed something, but because that guy built another one out of guilt.

  If it were him, he would not do such a stupid thing. Since ancient times, how could kings admit their mistakes?

  Incompetence is not incompetence, but admitting mistakes is.

  Of course, these are what he really thinks, and he would not even tell Sava, who is closest to him.

  Gopal was speechless for a moment and could not answer this question.

  Judging from the number of people killed, Alayan must have killed more than Lashi, and his subjective will was stronger.

  Zaid patted him on the shoulder, did not explain, and just said lightly.

  ”When we win, it’s all their fault.”


  Xifan Port, Governor’s Mansion.

  General Gullion, who was sitting in the Governor’s office, finished reading the battle report in his hand, his face was livid.

  After a long time, he stood up from his chair in anger, threw the battle report on the table, and cursed.

  ”A bunch of trash!”

  Two mechanized infantry teams of 10,000 people!

  One was beaten to a cripple, the other was captured as a whole, and even the captain of 10,000 men was captured.

  And this was under the cover of airships!

  It’s a waste of food for these pigs to live, it’s better to kill themselves!

  The officer standing at the door didn’t dare to breathe, and could only stare out the window.

  The staff officer on the side looked solemn and said in a low voice.

  ”…Our frontline troops underestimated the enemy, which is a big problem. This time our opponents are not only the countries of the Borneo Province, but also volunteers from the Alliance.”

  ”The biggest problem is this idiot Wolf!” General Gullion cursed angrily, “We asked him to explore the way in Akal County, but he drove the troops into the river to catch shrimps, and turned a local friction into a battle. Not only did he lose himself, but he also dragged down the 370,000th Army!”

  The staff officer said with a wry smile.

  ”That’s the problem I want to talk about… These guys treat people like walking medals. If this goes on, they will definitely suffer a great loss!”

  General Gullion shook his head angrily, reached out and picked up the phone, and was about to scold Ryan, the captain in charge of the Eastern Front, but before he could make the call, another call came in.

  The call came from the General Staff.

  Gullion’s heart suddenly skipped a beat, but he still pressed the connect button.

  Not long after, the voice of the Chief of General Staff came from the other end of the phone.

  This person was the second-in-command of the Southern Corps and the person who communicated directly with him.

  ”How is the situation in the war zone?”

  Gu Liong reported immediately without delay.

  ”The situation in the war zone is very good. The three 10,000-man troops led by Captain Otley have successfully entered the Dog State! We will be able to launch the second phase of the offensive soon!”

  After listening to his report, the chief of staff just said “hmm” and continued to ask.

  ”What about the Eastern Front?”

  Gu Liong’s expression was a little stiff, but facing the questioning of the chief of staff, he could only continue to speak.

  ”… We have taken down the Lion City. At present, the entire Lion State is under our control. It won’t take long to take down Tiandu. By then, the entire Borneo Province will be under our control-”

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the voice from the other end of the phone.

  ”I have heard about the 360,000-man team.”

  The Governor’s office suddenly became quiet, as if a needle falling on the ground could be clearly heard.

  Unexpectedly, this scandal has been reported to the General Staff. Gu Liong’s Adam’s apple moved, and he spoke with difficulty.

  ”Woolf’s incident… was an accident. There were reasons for the terrain and the weather. Of course, the main reason was the Alliance’s sneak attack.”

  Although he had just cursed Wolfe, he had to say a few good words for that idiot now.

  After all, the stupidity of his subordinates could not excuse his mistakes. Instead, it would make him look even more stupid for entrusting that guy with important tasks.

  In terms of accountability mechanisms, the Legion and the Empire are completely different, even completely opposite.

  After listening to Gurion’s explanation patiently, the Chief of Staff said in a very light voice.

  ”No matter what the reason is, this is a shame for the entire Southern Legion… I don’t care whether you use negotiations or other methods to get those prisoners back.”

  Gurion said seriously as if facing a great enemy.


  As if he was satisfied with his attitude, the Chief of Staff on the other end of the phone did not blame him too much. He just paused for a while and continued.

  ”In addition, don’t be too eager for quick success. Since a quick battle cannot be resolved, then we should take steady steps to consolidate each position… After all, our opponents may not only be the Alliance.”

  Gurion replied in a sonorous and powerful voice.


  Without wasting too much time on meaningless things, the Chief of Staff asked some more questions and then hung up the phone.

  Looking at the hung up phone, Gu Liong let out a long breath, not realizing that his back was soaked with sweat.

  But to his surprise, the Chief of Staff did not scold him…

  Looking at the phone in his hand, he was still angry just now, and suddenly he was a little undecided about whether to call the front line and scold Captain Ryan. At

  this time, there was a knock on the door, and soon an officer pushed the door open and walked in.

  ”Report to the general, the reinforcements of the Rolling Thunder, Giant Axe, Fortress, and Iron Wall airships have entered our airspace!”

  Gu Liong heard this, and his face immediately showed joy, and he couldn’t help clenching his fists.

  ”Great… Let the captains come to the barracks for a meeting immediately after they arrive!”

  The officer standing at the door saluted.


  There were a total of four airships that arrived at Xifan Port this time.

  They brought not only abundant firepower, but also “Wanderer” tanks specially designed to deal with the Alliance Type 3 tanks and anti-tank electromagnetic guns!

  He planned to transfer all four airships to the eastern front to cooperate with Captain Ryan to take down Tiandu in one fell swoop!

  The spirited Gurion stood up from his desk and walked to the window facing the harbor.

  Under the thick black clouds, towering steel bows were gradually revealing their shapes, like a steel dome covering the sky!

  Attracted by the towering giants in the sky, pedestrians passing by on the street stopped and cast incredible eyes to the sky. Among them,

  there were surprises, confusion, surprises, or fear…

  It was a real weapon of war.

  No one can withstand the rain of fire from the sky!

  Seeing the scene that came into view, General Gurion finally smiled with relief.

  ”…We won.”

  At the same time, downstairs of the Governor’s Mansion.

  The new Xilan Emperor Akbar had a flattering smile on his face and held a silk banner in his hand.

  On the scarlet silk banner, there was a line of artistic fonts written in a grand manner.

  [Congratulations to General Gullion for his successive victories!]

  He wanted to go in and present the silk banner to General Gullion in person, but the servants standing at the door had no sense at all and did not take him, the emperor, seriously.

  He could not get in no matter what he said, so he could only stand at the door and worry.

  Just at this moment, an officer came out of the Governor’s Mansion.

  He happened to recognize that face, and it seemed to be a servant next to General Gullion.

  Akbar, who seized the opportunity, immediately greeted him with a smile and explained his purpose.

  However, after listening to his purpose, the officer had a strange expression on his face, especially staring at the silk banner in his hand for a long time.

  ”…General Gullion will have a meeting later, I’m afraid he won’t have time to see you.”

  Akbar’s face froze, but he didn’t get angry in the end, and said the next best thing.

  ”Then… when is he free?”

  ”He has no time recently. If you have nothing to do, you’d better not bother him,” the officer waved his hand impatiently, and finally took a look at the silk banner in his hand, “I’ll deliver this silk banner for you.”

  General Gullion was angry now. If he really saw this silk banner, he would be furious.

  However, Akbar didn’t know the inside story. His understanding of the front-line battle situation was still stuck on the fact that Ryan Wanfu defeated the 200,000-strong army of the Pala Kingdom and conquered the Lion City in one battle. He

  handed the silk banner to the officer blankly, and he still reminded him with lingering thoughts.

  ”I haven’t seen General Gullion for a long time… If he is not busy, please introduce him to me.”

  ”Got it.”

  The officer rolled up the silk banner and held it in his hand, and replied impatiently, and walked out.

  Akbar was about to ask if he was walking in the wrong direction, but in the end he didn’t dare to ask.

  Just at this moment, the roar of the engine suddenly broke through the clouds and came towards the ground.

  Thinking that it was the Alliance bomber coming again, Akbar’s face suddenly changed, and he subconsciously wanted to find a shelter, until he looked up and saw that it was not an Alliance plane at all, but a steel airship of the Legion!

  The four towering bows pushed away the heavy dark clouds, showing the arrogant figure in the sky.

  His eyes were dull at first, and then the dullness turned into ecstasy.

  ”Hahaha! Now those grandsons will have a good time!”

  Unlike him, the old man of the Lion Clan who followed him timidly had a horrified expression on his face, and kept muttering something.

  One Horn destroyed half of the city, but this time there were four…

  He couldn’t imagine what could deal with this thing.

  Especially when they launched an attack together…

  Tiandu seemed to have become a dead city.

  No matter how many local victories there were, they seemed too pale in front of that absolute power.

  Perhaps, only a miracle itself – only the Alliance’s administrator can save them…

  The wrinkled face was full of despair, and he was not the only one who thought so.

  ”It’s over…”

  This time it might really be over…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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