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Chapter 871 The Difference Between a Big Win and a Small Win

Chapter 871 The Difference Between a Big Win and a Small Win


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 871 The difference between a big win or a small win

  On the west side of the Borneo Sea, the bridge of the cruiser “Harpoon”.

  A group of officers headed by Li Minghui were standing in front of the control panel, staring intently at the bright radar signal on the screen.

  The airships of the Legion did not take any stealth measures, and in fact they did not need to do so.

  After all, such a large target floating in the sky, as long as it is not too far away or too blind, there is no need for radar, and you can see it clearly with your eyes.

  ”Four airships… Tsk tsk, what a big deal.” Staring at the dancing circles of ripples on the screen, the adjutant standing next to Li Minghui couldn’t help but pull the corners of his mouth.

  The captain next to him also clenched his fists involuntarily and put his hands on the control panel.

  ”This is really too much. These guys drove right through our faces!”

  ”…If only the Haiya was still there.”

  ”You’ve said this so many times, I’m tired of hearing it.”

  The cost of salvaging a sunken battleship and repairing it is no less than rebuilding a new one.

  At present, the South China Sea Alliance cannot afford this high cost, and the Representative Council will not agree to this proposal that has no benefit to its citizens.

  In fact, let alone the Representative Council, Li Minghui himself does not think it is necessary to build another Haiya.

  With the advent of the new era, that thing is destined to be eliminated.

  Just like the “steel airship” it is benchmarking.

  ”It doesn’t matter.”

  Putting down his arms, Li Minghui straightened the officer’s hat on his head and continued in a calm tone.

  ”…Since the academy said they will take action, let them do it.”


  At the same time, in another world.

  [Battle report update: Akale County victory! 】

  【Attackers: 360,000 and 370,000-man Southern Corps, 7th Air Force of Xifan Port. 】

  【Participating forces: 24,000 combatants (excluding more than 5,000 clone soldiers). 】

  【Combat equipment: one steel airship, 104 “Fire Crossbow” self-propelled artillery, 88 “Conqueror” Type 5 tanks, 220 “Beast” wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, 45 “Greyhound” reconnaissance vehicles, 500 armored personnel carriers and supply cards, etc. 20 “Dagger” propeller planes, two “Saber” jet fighters, exoskeletons and bulletproof armor. 】


  【Defenders: Death Corps, Burning Corps, Goblin Corps; 30,000 and 110,000-man Boro Corps; 1st Mechanized Infantry Division of Jingalon Port, Tiger Army Expeditionary Armored Regiment, Black Panther Army Expeditionary Armored Regiment, etc. 】

  【Strength of troops involved in the battle: 47,000 combatants】

  【Combat equipment: 120 “Chimera” armored vehicles, 99 “Conqueror X” heavy tanks, 42 155mm artillery, 20 88mm mortars, 5,000 exoskeletons and powered armor, 3,000 transport animals, 4,100 bicycles and human-powered tricycles. Two “Thunder” fighters. 】 ——


  Battle results: The defenders won! 】

  【The 360,000th team of the Southern Corps was completely wiped out! 6,710 combatants were captured! Among them were Captain Wolf, seven thousand captains, and dozens of centurions.

  The 370,000th team evacuated to the Lion State area! More than half of the armored forces were lost, and the support team was severely damaged!

  52 self-propelled artillery pieces, 27 infantry fighting vehicles, nearly 300 transport vehicles of various types, nearly 4,000 exoskeletons and non-powered bulletproof armor, 17,000 light weapons, and millions of rounds of ammunition of various calibers were seized!


  【Evaluation: S (Epic Victory!)】

  The official forum of “Wasteland OL” is as lively as ever today.

  Since the launch of the new expansion “Southern Barbarian Invasion”, the official forum will update the battle reports of some important battles from time to time.

  Although not all players have joined the ranks of volunteers, since several well-known legions have participated in the battle, most players are still quite enthusiastic about the progress of the battle.

  Even though most players have never even been to the province of Borneo.

  Quit smoking: “Brother Fang is awesome!!!”

  Tail: “Oh, oh, so awesome!” ()”

  Fang Chang: “Basic operations are not bad… cough, no more pretentious, this time the performance is really good. Of course, the main reason is that everyone played well. (pushing glasses)”

  Garbage Picking Level 99: “6666!”

  Forced: “This is full marks. (funny)”

  To be honest, this battle is indeed the most professional one they have fought in recent times.

  It is also the most proud one.

  Although they had achieved some local victories before, it still could not change the fact that the army’s front line was advancing forward with great momentum, and the army of the Pala Kingdom was completely beaten unilaterally.

  However, this time it was different, and their friendly forces suddenly stood up.

  Although the opponent was indeed suspected of being careless and underestimating the enemy, it was also their ability to seize the opportunity and maximize their strength.

  However, although Fang Chang did not pretend to be cool, this guy pretended to be cool in his actions, which caused dissatisfaction among his good brothers.

  Edge of Pause: “Fuck! We are the main force, okay!”

  Debt-Eyes: “MMP! Too much! We are the ones fighting the tough battles, and you guys are the ones pretending! (Angry)”

  Night Ten: “We are not the ones pretending. We only captured a centurion of the 360,000th Squadron, incorporated 52 self-propelled artillery, and crippled the support team of the 370,000th Squadron… It’s not bad, it’s not bad. (Funny)”

  Debt-Eyes: “@#%!”

  Kuangfeng: “You are showing off a bit, it’s a bit bullying. (Slant eyes)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Something is wrong, why do I feel like your Burning Legion has been secretly taking advantage of us, and you want to be the MVP this time! Where’s your conscience!”

  Elf King Fugui: “That’s right! I’m on Big Eyes’ side this time, it’s too much!”

  Irena: “Manually funny.”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Let’s fight!! (Excited)”

  As there were too many voices condemning him, Fang Chang might have felt guilty, so he dived into the water without saying a word.

  Only Ye Shi was quite energetic. He argued with a dozen people and argued for hundreds of floors for the MVP.

  As for the cloud players, they watched the show from the side, occasionally interjected and made trouble.

  Fortunately, the dog planner was “impartial in law enforcement” and would not listen to whoever had the loudest voice.

  After the battle scores were calculated, the Death Corps won the MVP of the entire battle with a slight advantage.

  After all, they wiped out a division. Although the commander of the opposing division was captured by the Burning Corps, objectively speaking, this head looked more like a found head.

  As for the other division, it was mainly the credit of the NPC troops.

  Lao Bai and Fang Chang had no objection to such a result.

  Rather, they wanted to give other corps some opportunities, so as not to let their side get all the benefits, which would attract too much hatred and be shouted at by a group of people to “cut them down”.

  As the top 0 corps in the entire server and the ace of the alliance, they didn’t care about the scores of one or two battles.

  Especially Fang Chang himself.

  Compared with the victory and rewards of one or two local battles, he can get more from the victory of the entire war.

  Not only him, but also the shareholders of Baiyue Company, including other life professional players who indirectly benefited from it.

  The topic of the crowd quickly shifted from the victory or defeat of a battle to what happened after the victory of the entire war.

  It was a province with a population of over 100 million.

  And it is foreseeable that with the end of the war, there will most likely be a baby boom like the River Valley Province, and the population will usher in another round of explosive growth.

  These people need to eat, wear clothes, live in housing, receive education, need hospitals, and have means of transportation and supporting infrastructure for transportation, etc.

  And they have more than just needs. When these needs are met, they will create wealth far beyond the needs themselves.

  In particular, the locals are hardworking enough and have good credit conditions. As long as they have the idea of ​​striving, there will be banks willing to lend them money to help them tide over the difficulties and share the benefits of the bigger pie.

  An ancient feudal empire will enter a new era.

  They don’t even need to rely on external opportunities like the Mammoth Kingdom, because they themselves are the biggest opportunity in the entire wasteland, even not inferior to the space elevator under construction.

  The latter is a torch burning in the sky, and they will become the light on the ground.

  It is also easy to seize these opportunities.

  It doesn’t even require Abusek to be too smart, just a normal person is enough.

  Seeing Brother Fang Chang talking about agriculture, infrastructure, and then about immigration to space in the future, some players and cloud players were fascinated, as if the planner was really drawing a pie in the sky.

  However, some people rationally expressed doubts.

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “It’s not that I have to pour cold water on you, but I always feel that you think it’s too smooth.”

  Fang Chang: “In fact, don’t say you think so, I have felt so more than once, but we can’t always judge the development of objective things based on intuition.”

  When they needed a strong leader to unite the scattered people of Boro, they almost immediately got a Laxi.

  Laxi’s approach was too tough. He had the ability to fight, but lacked the skills of a politician, so they quickly got a balanced player like Abusek.

  From this perspective, they were indeed a little too smooth.

  However, sometimes he couldn’t help but think that this might not be the choice of the Boro people themselves.

  There is such a force within them.

  Although this force is not strong, it will emerge when the time is right.

  However, as before, Professor Yang, the King of Lightning, still has a different opinion this time.

  ”It’s not because of my intuition, but I think there is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​the Legion turning livestock into goods. It’s just that the internal differences among them are too great, and this time they just happened to break the critical point of mutual checks and balances, so they messed up.”

  ”You want to turn livestock into humans directly, skipping the middle link. I think it’s as difficult as turning stone into gold. Haha, of course, I’m just a cloud, just talking nonsense, maybe there are miracles in the game. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “Tsk, you are sometimes annoying, can you have a little dream. (Slant eyes)”

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “I am a realist and a pragmatist. In my opinion, stocks that cannot be shorted cannot rise for a long time, so you must get off before the collapse. You are in finance, so you should understand what I mean.”

  ”Even if you get a shadowless lamp and give them more good people, you can’t solve the shadow hidden inside. They are just themselves. Everyone has their own limitations. This is their limitation, and it is also your limitation.” After

  throwing down this ambiguous sentence, Professor Yang, who had finished pretending to be powerful, disappeared like the brothers Ye Ao. As

  usual, everyone didn’t care too much.

  After all, this guy is not the first time to fart,

  and he has never been right. As for Fang Chang, although he pondered for a while, he didn’t take it too seriously in the end.

  In fact, he knew what Professor Yang said, but that was not important.

  This war determines not only the fate of the Boro people, but also the fate of the Willant people.

  If the Southern Legion is defeated, the disintegration of the legion is almost inevitable.

  After all, they actually wanted to separate a long time ago. The Eastern Legion may wish that the Southern Legion would be defeated, but it is just because of the internal checks and balances that they can’t personally go out.

  By then, there will inevitably be a wave of liberation movements in the colonies of the Southern Legion.

  The suppressed local forces will be released as the Southern Legion is weakened.

  But this is not a bad thing for the Weilantes.

  As long as they can settle their accounts thoroughly and objectively recognize the two sides of their own and others’ history, they will also have the opportunity to enter a new era.

  That is why, even if, as Professor Yang said, the Alliance cannot get all the Poro people on board the ship bound for the New World, at least some of the Weilantes can be pulled on board.

  This is not a loss.

  In other words, no matter what, their efforts will never be in vain.

  As long as they can win.

  In the end, it is nothing more than a big win or a small win…


  Since the Legion occupied the Lion State with great momentum, the people in Tiandu City have been in a panic.

  Especially after hearing about the tragic situation in the Lion City, the residents in the city are even more worried, worried that the fire will fall on their heads.

  But worrying is worrying, some things are useless even if you are afraid, what is coming will still come, and life still has to go on as usual.

  And think about it carefully, there is actually nothing to be afraid of. Although a great commissioner was scared away, the commander-in-chief has not run away yet, so they don’t seem to have anything to be afraid of.

  At this critical juncture, two great things happened.

  One was the great victory in Akal County, and the other was the announcement of the results of the imperial examination.

  Especially the latter.

  For most ordinary survivors, it was a chance to change the fate of their family.

  In a sense, the result of this exam was even more concerned by the locals than the victory in Akale County.

  On the streets of Tiandu City,

  a newspaper boy was running through the streets, shouting as he ran.

  ”Big news, big news!! A victory in Akale County! The results of the Tiandu City exam are out!”

  People gathered around when they heard the shouting, and several people pooled their money to buy one.

  The new version of the “Survivor Daily” in Tiandu City was actually not expensive, and they who lived in the city could afford it.

  It was just that the exam had already been taken, and they really didn’t want to spend one more dollar on “useless” things.

  The newspaper boy was a local, and he was used to it. He knew that he could only sell one copy per circle of people, so he quickly ran to the next street.

  Anyway, there were many people here, and as long as he was fast enough, he could sell some.

  ”Hey! My son is not on the list!”

  ”What a loss, I said that kid is destined to be a farmer, so much money was wasted.”

  ”You can’t buy blindly, what’s the point of buying those old newspapers, you have to buy some useful books!”

  ”But… what are useful books?”

  ”Commissioner Kabaha, who set the question, used to work in the Royal Printing Factory, which is now the Tiandu First Printing Factory. What kind of books does he like to read, wouldn’t you ask the employees there?”

  ”Oh, if I had known it two days earlier, why didn’t you tell me earlier!”

  ”I also heard it from my neighbor… That guy is very bad, he did it secretly.”

  ”Then his son passed the exam?”

  ”What the hell, a bad guy is worthy of being on the list? I said his son definitely won’t pass!”

  A group of people talked a lot for a while, and found that no one was on the list. They felt sad but also felt comforted. At least it

  ’s not just their own children who failed the exam, the children of the neighbors were not on the list either.

  Soon, rumors spread that this exam had nothing to do with civilians. The quotas were already decided. Some were given to the children of officers, and some were given to the children of intellectuals. There was not much left for civilians.

  This was true and not true.

  Commissioner Kabaha was indeed fair enough. Not only did he conscientiously set up a question-writing committee and a paper-grading committee, he also made a “double-blind” rule and required that no one leave the suspended palace before the exam results came out. No

  one who wrote the papers or graded the papers was allowed to leave.

  In this case, it was almost impossible to cheat for personal gain, and there was no chance to bribe anyone. As

  for bribing Commissioner Kabaha himself, there was no need to even think about it. He was so desperate that even Abusek pointed at him and scolded him. It would be better to go directly to Abusek than to go to him.

  However, even if Kabaha did ten thousand things to ensure fairness, he could not stand up to the mess left by the old empire. Educational resources themselves were unequal.

  There are only a few people in Tiandu City who can read and count. They are either old nobles and former servants, or some wealthy businessmen or accountants in the account office.

  Their sons have received education.

  Even though human language is easy to learn and arithmetic is not too difficult, it still cannot stop them from starting at a higher level.

  Not to mention that the sons of commoners can’t beat them in the exam, even the sons of the rough and sturdy soldiers in the army can’t beat them in the exam.

  After all, even Abusek himself was once a “gray wolf” working on the docks, not to mention other officers, some of whom used to be farmers, some of whom were carpenters and had never touched a book.

  But even so, there are still some children of commoners who are selected.

  Especially for the selection of preparatory courses, the proportion of children from commoner families who are selected is much higher than that of undergraduates who are required to be over 16 years old.

  These children are real geniuses, just like the little fish who are naturally sensitive to numbers.

  They have extremely keen intuition about words and numbers. They may figure out a problem that others need to spend hours thinking about in just a few minutes, and they can even draw inferences from one example in the field of interest.

  With a little training, they can easily become experts or even great men in a certain field.

  This is also the advantage of

  having a large number of people. There are only a hundred households in the entire Bet Street, and even with the help of the shelter, only one small fish was born.

  However, in Tiandu City with a population of millions, the number of talents is also geometric.

  Perhaps Abusek himself does not know what kind of huge gold mine is sitting under his butt.

  And this gold mine is exactly what Fang Chang covets the most.

  The legion treats them as iron ore to mine, which is simply a waste of natural resources!

  Of course, it is too early to talk about these distant things at this moment, and the locals are still immersed in the most primitive happiness for the time being.

  After all, as long as you pass the exam, you can change your destiny. This kind of pie in the sky is not often available.

  Occasionally, one or two exclamations came from the street, and some people even fainted in surprise, causing a commotion among the people around.

  ”Hahaha! I won! My youngest son won!” An old man in a short shirt was excited and flushed. At this age, there is still a young son. I am afraid that there must be at least four or five people in the family.

  And the fact is that his name is Luo Ci, and he lives nearby. His eldest son is thirty-five or thirty-six years old and has already started a family, while his youngest son is only twelve, just old enough to enroll in the preparatory course.

  When he registered his youngest son, he didn’t have much hope, but he didn’t expect that he would pass the exam.

  It’s really the god of the sun!

  The people around him were envious and jealous, but no matter what they thought in their hearts, they had to compliment him.

  ”Congratulations, old man, your son will be the commander-in-chief in the future!”

  ”Oh! When will my family have this blessing?”

  A man who was also wearing a short shirt sighed, hating his son for not living up to his expectations.

  This was originally a self-pitying mutter, but it happened to be heard by others, and immediately caused a laugh.

  ”You? Master Luo Ci lives in Tiandu after all, and his ancestors were also rich people. You, a mud-legged man, are worthy of eating royal food!”

  The man blushed when he heard this, and reached out to grab the man’s collar.

  ”You! How come I’m not worthy!”

  The man whose collar was grabbed also blushed, feeling that he had lost face in front of others, and immediately pushed back.

  ”How dare you fight with me? You’re asking for your own death!”

  ”Fuck @#%!”

  The verbal battle turned into a fistfight, and the two neighbors fought over the trivial matter of “whether they are worthy or not”.

  The ruthlessness of the attack seemed to have vented all the resentment that his son did not pass the exam.

  Seeing this, the bystanders pulled them apart, and the old man who was excited also helped.

  ”Hey, what are you doing! Let go! Do you still have the law in your eyes!”

  There is nothing wrong with this righteous statement, but the one who refuted it is the problem.

  However, the tone of the protagonist who ordered the servants seemed to have skipped many steps and had already sat on the master’s chair.

  The people around did not think anything was wrong, but applauded.

  As the saying goes, a father like a tiger cannot give birth to a son like a dog. This old Roci is so upright, I believe that little Roci will definitely be an honest official when he grows up.

  The two violent guys did not dare to say anything anymore, after all, they still had to give face to the master.

  At this time, a man in long sleeves squeezed into the crowd, complimented old Roci with a smile for a while, and then couldn’t wait to speak.

  ”Old man, how old is your son? Is he married yet? How many wives did he marry–”

  Before the guy could finish his words, the old man pushed him away with a look of disgust.

  ”Go away! If my son wants to get married, he must marry a scholar. Who do you think you are!”

  If it were another occasion, he might have agreed. After all, the status of the man in front of him seemed not low. Even if he arranged a marriage, his son would not suffer

  any loss. However, the neighbors around him praised him too much, and he unconsciously regarded himself as a big shot.

  Others did not think it was inappropriate to hear it, but they all cheered and agreed, praising the old man for his vision and not to rush the marriage of this youngest son.

  The man in long sleeves turned pale and blue, but in the end he didn’t say anything. He glared at the crazy mud legs and then left.

  Similar farces were staged everywhere in Tiandu City, adding a bit of joy to the serious atmosphere.

  Looking at the noisy guys, little Gale’s face was full of disdain.

  It’s just an exam.

  Look how excited these guys are.

  His father is the captain of Pikli, a subordinate of “Tiger King” Duwata.

  Although Duwata’s power is not as strong as that of Abusek, he is still a big shot in Tiandu.

  As for that Kabaha, he is just a “committee member”, or to put it bluntly, a dog kept by Abusek, and a dog that is not very obedient.

  That’s why he didn’t take the so-called big exam seriously at all.

  What if he fails?

  Even if he fails, he can still be a captain of ten thousand men in the future!

  Not only was he disdainful, but the little followers beside him were the same, with contempt in their eyes.

  ”… A bunch of inferior people, look how excited they are.”

  ”That’s right!”

  ”It’s just that they got a higher score in the exam, can they really change their fate with that thing?”

  ”By the way, it seems that Brother Gale also took the exam?”

  Seeing that the topic suddenly turned to himself, Gale responded indifferently.

  ”Well, my dad signed me up and insisted that I take that exam, so I went.”

  The followers looked at each other.

  They actually went, and they were forced to go by their father, saying that it was to have another way out.

  After all, their father was only a captain of a thousand men, and he really didn’t have the ability to guarantee that they would be able to become a captain of a thousand men in the future.

  But they didn’t expect that the son of a captain of ten thousand men would also have to take that big exam.

  ”So… what do you think of the questions?” One of the followers couldn’t help asking.

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another younger brother who was eager to flatter him.

  ”Do you even need to ask? For our brother Gale, that kind of question is not a simple matter!”

  ”That’s right!”

  The other younger brothers also responded, not stingy with flattery, and gave all kinds of flattery, which made Gale feel flattered.

  In fact, to be fair, the questions in the exam were still a bit difficult.

  Even though the teacher his father hired trained him for a week, he still couldn’t answer several questions. He could only write some answers randomly and handed in the paper.

  However, after being praised by everyone, he was in a dilemma. He had

  to pretend to be so arrogant, otherwise how could he, a “descendant of a general”, survive in this street in the future?

  ”… It’s normal, not very difficult. Anyway, I filled the paper.”

  For his father’s face and for his own, he replied vaguely.

  As soon as he said this, he, who was a little unconfident at first, became confident in his heart.

  Think about it.

  His father is Duwata’s confidant after all! Even the leader Abusek has to win over him!

  How dare a mere education committee member let him fail the exam!

  When the younger brothers around heard that their boss had filled such a difficult paper, they all exclaimed, and the expressions on their faces were even more admiring. They all shouted to buy a newspaper to see where the boss’s name ranked among the two hundred undergraduates.

  Gail was also curious about where he would rank, and even mentally counted several competitive guys.

  Abusek was a bachelor, with no offspring.

  Commissioner Duwata’s youngest son must be on the list, and I remember he was seventeen years old.

  And Commissioner Nigley’s nephew seemed to be eighteen years old, and his second wife’s child was only twelve. Even if he had to take the exam, it would be a preparatory exam, and it was not the same as the undergraduate exam… After

  all the calculations, it was certain that he would be in the top ten. With an idea

  in mind, Gail proudly commanded a few of his younger brothers, went up to stop a newsboy, and then generously took out a hundred-dollar Borneo currency bill and slapped it into the hand of the terrified boy.

  ”No need to change, the rest is your reward.”

  Although he didn’t know what was wrong with these guys, he was just a newsboy and didn’t dare to offend them.

  Although there were a group of old nobles who took human lives lightly in Tiandu in the past, those adults at least cared about their reputation and never beat people themselves, nor did they come into contact with the poor.

  But these guys are different. Their fathers are all members of the King Janusz. They don’t care about face. They always beat people up themselves, and they always kill them.

  ”Thank you, thank you!”

  Nodding and bowing, the newsboy took the money and hurriedly fled to the next street, not daring to stay for a moment.

  Gail, who was in a good mood, didn’t argue with him. He shook the newspaper in his hand proudly.

  However, when he turned to the page of the list of candidates for the final exam, he was stunned.

  His name was not on it.

  Not only was his name not on it, but also the youngest son of “Tiger King” Duwata and the youngest nephew of “Panther King” Nigley were not on it. There were all names he had never heard of…

  Gail’s face gradually turned red, and then turned livid, like an angry bull.

  How dare this old man!

  Those younger brothers who had followed the booing earlier also shut up and looked at their eldest brother tremblingly. No one dared to say a word.

  They were all sensible children, afraid that they would betray their father and make themselves orphans.

  After a while, Gail took a deep breath and suddenly calmed down.

  The list was posted on the newspaper, and everyone in the city saw it. Even if he was angry, it would be useless, and he couldn’t change anything.

  This old man is so cruel! He offended everyone he

  could offend at once!

  Curling his lips with disdain, Gail crumpled the newspaper in his hand into a ball and threw it hard on the street.

  ”… Only idiots would take this crap.”

  Seeing that the boss finally spoke up and “defined” the exam, the younger brothers around him breathed a sigh of relief. If

  the boss didn’t speak up, they couldn’t scold him, for fear that they wouldn’t be able to perform well and that a word of flattery would hit the horse’s leg, which would be better than not flattering him .

  However, they were relieved for less than two seconds before their faces turned bitter.

  Only idiots would take this exam… Doesn’t

  that mean that all those who took the exam are idiots?

  Ah, this…

  Should we scold or not?

  ”Brother, what you said is…”

  ”Hey, the boss is right!”

  ”Indeed… That thing is something that low-class people think about… In short, it’s nothing great.”

  Some people agreed vaguely, and some tried to make some awkward patches to this statement, but no one dared to point out the problems with this statement itself.

  Gale didn’t care, and didn’t take these flatteries to heart at all, just sneered.

  Just wait and see.

  It’s not just him who loses face, but everyone else. If this list had not been published in the newspaper, there would still be room for redemption, but if it was published, it would be a complete loss of face.

  This is a big deal!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode