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Chapter 872: It is easy to dodge a spear, but difficult to guard against an arrow from the dark

Chapter 872: It is easy to dodge a spear, but difficult to guard against an arrow from the dark


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 872: It is easy to dodge an open attack, but it is difficult to guard against an arrow from the dark.

  The same battle report was not only updated on the official website forum, but also appeared in the hands of Commander Abusek.

  Presidential Palace.

  Abusek, who was sitting at his desk, finished reading the report in his hand, stood up energetically, and couldn’t help but sighed.

  ”Damn it… After being a grandson for so long, I finally get to hold my head high! This battle was fought beautifully!”

  Seeing the commander-in-chief’s happy face, the internal affairs committee member Wadia standing next to him also had a happy smile on his face.

  However, due to his duty, after laughing, he still reminded softly.

  ”My lord, the commander of the 110,000th team is Yokale, and that person is Yudono’s man.”

  Although the names of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Polo Kingdom and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Academy are similar, their functions and goals are completely different.

  The latter is the institution responsible for the internal management of the academy, while the former is actually the counterpart of the Mammoth Country’s stormtroopers, equivalent to an internal spy agency, responsible for monitoring whether officers and committee members at all levels are fulfilling their duties, and at the same time establishing secret files for some personnel that need attention.

  For example, there are confidants like Anwo who have grown wings, such as capable young officers like Isher, and even the education committee member Kabaha who represents the political power of the literati, and the agricultural committee member who represents the political power of the peasants.

  He even asked the internal affairs to pay attention to Zayed and the family association who were “in opposition”. But later, his subordinates really didn’t see that this family would have the potential to become a political force, and they didn’t even have the opportunity to enter the political stage of Tiandu, so they weakened their investigation of it.

  After all, there are too many things to pay attention to.

  Compared with the family association that did nothing, it is more worthy of attention to those guys in the army who flirted with the Weilantes.

  After all, he himself had flirted with the legion, and the current war situation is so urgent, there may be people who are betting on both sides, ready to trip him up behind his back.

  The death of a ruthless man on the throne has always been an indelible shadow in Abusek’s heart.

  He is always worried that a madman will suddenly rush out and kill him one day, so he has been very careful to take precautions.

  However, there are many forces within the country of Borneo, and several great commissioners hold military power in their hands. Including himself, he has secured the position of the general commander of Borneo with the help of many forces. Naturally, it is impossible to learn from Lasi to openly set up a stormtrooper and point a submachine gun at anyone who opposes him.

  Therefore, this department is active behind the political stage of Tiandu most of the time, mainly doing some background investigation work to provide reference for the decision-making of the general commander.

  Abusek knows what Wadia means by this sentence. The commander of Yokale was once a subordinate of Yudono, which means that he is an old subordinate of King Janus.

  In the entire Borneo Army, he is most wary of Janus’s old subordinates.

  Those people are like a time bomb.

  Not only is it possible to seek revenge at any time, but it is also very likely that they will overturn the case for the Heavenly King Janush in the future and drag the country of Boro into an abyss with no bottom.

  Although he and several other great commissioners worked together to purge a group of the most extreme guys, he knew very well that the purge, which was done in a hurry, could not be thorough.

  This is the dirty side of zz.

  The best fate for these people is to die tragically on the battlefield, carrying the evil committed by the Heavenly King’s army, rather than becoming living heroes.

  Abusek hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn’t make up his mind and sighed.

  ”…We can’t always live in the past, we have to look forward.”

  Wadia was slightly stunned and said respectfully.

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”We have to give him a chance to be branded by us… Besides, it is also a good thing for us to absorb some promising officers.”

  Abusek thought for a long time, his eyes fell on the battle report, his heart suddenly moved, and he spoke.

  ”So…promote Isher to a two-star captain of ten thousand men, and command the Northern Field Army. Lead the 3rd and 11th 10,000-man teams to the three northern states to support the Mammoth Kingdom in the war!” In

  the great victory of Akal, the 30,000-man team and the Death Corps of the Alliance were the main defensive forces. They captured a 10,000-man team of the Legion in an organized manner. Its commander, Isher, deserves to be promoted.

  There is nothing wrong with the appointment of this two-star captain of ten thousand men!

  Not only that, this person is an old subordinate of Anwo, and Anwo is his own man. With this arrangement, Yokaler can also be regarded as one of his own.

  As long as this guy is not stupid, he should be able to understand his good intentions.

  As for Akal County, it will be handed over to other 10,000-man teams.

  Besides, the Legion suffered a loss there, and it will definitely get back from there. It will surely be a tough battle by then.

  Now that the Dog State is in danger, the Polo Kingdom has come to help. Strategically, it can consolidate the relationship with the Mammoth State, tactically, it can avoid casualties of the direct troops in the next tough battle, and by the way, it can also win over a future famous general with a promising future to its own faction.

  This can be said to kill three birds with one stone!

  Abusek was very satisfied with his plan. Wadia, who was standing aside, thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he respectfully accepted the order.


  Wadia accepted the order and turned around and left the office.

  Abusek returned to his desk and sat down. As a result, before he could sit down, he soon received a call from the alliance representative and learned the bad news that four airships had arrived at Xifan Port. The

  alliance representative comforted him that he didn’t need to worry too much, after all, worrying was useless, but this was obviously not much comfort.

  One airship destroyed half of the Lion City, and now four airships came.

  If this news is announced, I am afraid that most of the Polo Kingdom will be in chaos before the war even starts.

  Just when he was getting upset, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the office, followed by two knocks on the door, and the door was opened rudely without waiting for his response.

  ”Abusek, give me an explanation! What does this mean!”

  ”Tiger King” Duwata strode into the office with a furious look on his face, and threw the newspaper in his hand hard on the desk.

  Frightened by the noise, Abusek thought someone was trying to assassinate him, and reached into the drawer of the desk until he saw that it was Duwata who came in, then he stood up and cursed angrily.

  ”What the hell is wrong with you again?”

  Duwata widened his eyes and cursed angrily.

  ”Why the hell am I crazy? I’m setting up defenses outside the city with my brothers and fighting the Willant people, while letting you sit in this office and enjoy yourself. Why the hell am I crazy? I just want to ask you, why isn’t my son on the list?”

  Abusek picked up the “Survivor Daily” and took a look at it. His eyes fell on the list of the big exam and he immediately understood what was going on.

  This Kabaha is really stubborn. Not only did he make a “seating order” list, but he also published it in the newspaper with great fanfare, making the matter unrecoverable.

  He felt comfortable in his heart, but others might not.

  Moreover, most of the 500 names are the families of the nobles of the previous dynasty. Even if we don’t ask what the residents of Tiandu City think, what do the soldiers think?

  Even if the 500 people selected in this exam are really pillars of society, this is not the way to do it.

  The reason why he set up this committee in imitation of the representatives of the Alliance and the South China Sea Alliance is to let everyone discuss things on the table, and not have no channel for discussion. When encountering problems, they pull out guns and go to extremes without saying a word.

  This guy is good.

  He wears the hat of a committee member on his head, and enjoys the good words of the committee, but treats him, Abusek, as the emperor who has the final say.

  Abusek was angry and amused in his heart, but more of it was helplessness and headache.

  Perhaps it was indeed a wrong decision to put Kabaha in the position of education committee member.

  After Tiandu University is built, let him be the president of the university.

  This guy has some skills, but he is obviously not cut out for politics.

  However, at this critical juncture, he has no intention of making more detailed adjustments. He can only kick the ball back temporarily and wait until this battle is over.

  ”This… the exam is not my responsibility. If you have any opinions about the scores, talk to our education committee.”

  Duwata’s eyes narrowed.

  ”It’s not your responsibility. Didn’t you appoint Kabaha? Okay, then I’ll take people to his house now!”

  After he turned around and was about to leave, Abusek suddenly stared at the back of his head and shouted.

  ”Stop right there!”

  Duwata stopped, turned around and stared at him, without any fear in his eyes.

  ”Abusek, I call you the Grand Commander, and I will speak frankly to you as if you were one of my own. The brothers followed you because they felt that following you would offer them a better future than following Janusz.”

  ”I have no objection to you promoting the old guard of the old empire, as the Kingdom of Borneo can use them. But if you want them to ride on the heads of the brothers and want to be the emperor who has the final say, then don’t blame me for not reminding you that the last person who did that didn’t end up well.”

  Abusek’s heart twitched, and Janusz’s face appeared in his mind again.

  He widened his eyes, but eventually suppressed his anger, got up from his chair, walked to his old friend, put his hands on his shoulders, and spoke earnestly.

  ”Hey! You misunderstood me, brother. How can I let the old nobles of the empire ride on the necks of brothers? Those 500 students went to Mammoth Country to learn from the masters, not to enjoy themselves! And you, a senior commissioner, why are you keeping an eye on the quotas of those students? It’s not easy for you to find a way out for your son. Tell me which unit you want to go to!”

  Duwata sneered.

  ”I don’t care. My son is definitely a material for being a general, but my men are keeping a close eye on him. Don’t play dumb with me. When this war is over and it’s time to start construction, will you only let those students become professors? Even if they become professors themselves, can the students they teach become directors or ministers?”

  Without waiting for Abusek to answer, Duwata continued to speak word by word.

  ”You made a brilliant move… Support the noble children of the old empire, and when this war is over and most of us old guys are dead, use the power of the new nobles to check our children. Tsk tsk, I knew you, an old fox, are not easy to deal with, but don’t think we are too stupid.”

  ”No… You think too much, do you know what time it is now? The airship of the Legion is almost in our face!” Abusek looked at him with a helpless expression.

  To be honest, he really didn’t think of this level, although it does sound interesting, maybe it can really be played this way.

  Speaking of which, this “Tiger King” looks like a sturdy and rough man, but I didn’t expect that he has ten thousand tricks like himself.

  Why are there so many people like this around me? !

  If these damn guys could move a little bit of their intelligence to other places, and become scientists, engineers, or artists or even painters, how could the Alliance come to build this space elevator, and how could the Legion come to invade them?

  With the conspiracies and tricks that the Weilantes came up with, they could hang them up and beat them!

  ”One thing is one thing. My subordinates asked me for an explanation, so I asked you for an explanation. If you don’t give me an explanation, I will tell them what you said exactly. Don’t blame me if anything happens.”

  Seeing that this guy was unmoved, Abusek got angry and stared at him and warned.

  ”I warn you not to do anything reckless! If Tiandu City cannot be defended, you and I will both–”

  Duwata raised his hand to interrupt him.

  ”Don’t worry about that. I will definitely not do anything reckless on matters of right and wrong, but if someone abuses power for personal gain, the righteous men of the reformist faction will not sit idly by.”

  ”If it’s okay, I’ll go back to the barracks.”

  After saying this, Duwata walked out of the door without looking back.

  Abusek stared at his back, angry but helpless.

  At this time, Wadia, the internal affairs committee member who had just sent a telegram to the front line, came back.

  Looking at the gloomy commander, he immediately guessed the whole story from the perspective of the Grand Commissioner Duwata whom he had met in the corridor.

  Closing the door behind him, he reminded him in a very soft voice.

  ”My Lord, I may not be the one to say this… but we still have to be ruthless when we need to be.”

  Abusek sighed.

  ”It’s not that I can’t be ruthless or that I miss the old friendship. It’s just that the current situation doesn’t allow it. The Weilantes are eyeing us covetously outside, and inside there’s Shahruk, the cunning guy, waiting to reap the benefits in the south. If we do something too extreme here, Shahruk will be able to raise another banner immediately, and then it won’t just be Tiandu that will be in chaos.”

  Looking at the troubled commander, Wadia’s heart moved slightly, and he immediately gave advice.

  ”What does the alliance mean?”

  Abusek shook his head.

  ”We can rely on them on the battlefield, but the Alliance has made it clear that they will not interfere in our internal affairs. And… they also don’t recommend that we be too harsh on our own people, otherwise I wouldn’t have set up this committee. Oh, it’s still time. We have too little time left. If only we could have a few more years.”

  Perhaps it’s not just Kabaha’s problem, the entire committee has a big problem.

  Those people say they support reform, but in fact, there is an omnipotent emperor living in their hearts. They regard themselves as loyal ministers who dare to make suggestions, rather than as part of this collective.

  This emperor is sometimes the Alliance, sometimes he, the commander-in-chief, or someone else.

  The worst thing is that this emperor is “selective”.

  When the cake in his hand is touched, those committee members pull out the banner of equality and warn him not to mess around. And when they want to snatch the cake from others, they suddenly hope that they will mess around, and it is best to do everything possible and cut it without any care. This is

  the case with the education committee, and the industrial committee, agricultural committee and other committees.

  Maybe this committee is destined from its birth, and they will almost inevitably become a union that is in name only.

  And this is the time when the country of Borneo needs unity the most.

  After a moment of silence, Abusek looked at his internal affairs committee and ordered.

  ”Send some people to protect Committee Member Kabaha and his family… I’m worried that some people in the army may attack him.”

  The list of the big exam has been published in the newspaper, and this matter is definitely irreversible.

  But it is not completely without a solution.

  For example, add a honor roll in addition to the list of the big exam, and arrange for the families of those military families to take another round of exams separately.

  For example, they promised to give extra points to the children of the fallen soldiers in the next exam.

  However, it is useless for the country to make the final decision on this matter alone. Mammoth University also needs to give its approval.

  The educational resources on the other side are not unlimited. They also face similar distribution problems internally.

  In addition, Abusek calmed down and carefully recalled what Duwata said. Although this guy mentioned his son at the beginning, he did not mention his son in the following words.

  He was mainly seeking this benefit for his subordinates. In fact, think about it. As a great committee member, he would not be so eager for those places to study abroad. If he really wanted it, he would probably be eager for other things.

  For example, influence in the fields of economy, industry, transportation, culture, etc.

  The country of Boro is currently poor and knows nothing about these things. In the future, won’t it have to rely on those who go abroad to learn from them?

  Those 500 students are the first batch of people who eat crabs. In the future, how to build roads in Boro, how to erect telephone poles, how to dig mines, and how to make steel will all be decided by these people.

  He couldn’t guarantee that the son of his commander would be able to become a commander in the future, but as long as he could grab some quotas, it would be no problem to arrange for a general manager.

  People always accidentally let slip what they care about most.

  It was only then that Abusek came to his senses, wondering why Duwata said those “inexplicable” words at the end.

  Because that’s what he thought!

  This guy is really hiding it!

  Thinking of this, Abusek immediately added a sentence after asking Wadia to do it.

  ”Forget it, just invite Kabaha and his family to the Heavenly Palace… and announce to the outside world that I put him under house arrest.”

  This would also calm the dissatisfaction within the army, and then come up with a new plan that all parties can accept, and the matter would be settled.

  ”I understand.” Wadia nodded seriously, and suddenly remembered something, and continued, “By the way… there is one more thing I have to report to you.”

  Abusek pressed his eyebrows and said casually.

  ”What is it?”

  Wadia said cautiously.

  ”The Zaid you sent to the east before recruited the Gray Wolf Army.”

  Abusek raised his head and opened his mouth unconsciously. He was stunned for a long time before speaking.

  ”…This guy has this ability?”

  The guy who pretended to bow down to him when he saw him?

  Wadia nodded subtly, obviously also feeling incredible.

  They didn’t expect to recruit the Gray Wolf Army at all, but this unknown guy who jumped out of nowhere actually persuaded the Gray Wolf Army to surrender.

  But no matter what, this is undoubtedly a good thing. At least they have no worries.

  ”We just received the telegram. At present, they are heading to Snake State according to your order…”

  Snake State…

  That place is now Shah Rukh’s territory.

  Abusek closed his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and said.

  ”If this Zaid really has the ability to persuade the Gray Wolf Army to surrender, maybe Shah Rukh will drink a pot.”

  Wadia smiled slightly.

  ”Do you want to drive the wolf to swallow the tiger?”

  Abusek laughed.

  ”I don’t think he has that ability, but it’s good to teach Shahrukh a lesson.”

  Since he couldn’t command these two armies and had no time to deal with them, he might as well let them fight among themselves. At least it wouldn’t affect the deployment on the front line. Anyway

  , he would settle the account with Shahrukh for deserting the battlefield.

  Want to sit back and watch the fire and take advantage?

  He would let that guy know that there is no way!

  Hearing this ingenious plan, Wadia couldn’t help but give a thumbs up and praised “wise commander”.

  He admired this commander from the bottom of his heart.

  Although this person was not as upright as the managers of the alliance, the managers of the alliance might not be his opponent in terms of cunning. This

  was not something to be proud of, but it was also a skill.

  If Janusz had taken the position of commander, he would have been shot on the throne several times.

  While the war in Borneo Province was in full swing, the Baiyue Strait across the sea was peaceful and calm.

  French Fries Port and Youtiao Port faced each other across the strait.

  The scale of these two ports was only the size of fishing villages, but now they have developed.

  Whether it is the clean and tidy streets or the rows of houses, they are no longer the same as before.

  Standing on the deck of the cargo ship, Alman squinted his eyes and looked to the north, and said to Henk from the New World.

  ”The north coast is French Fries Port… Do you see that beach?”

  Henk looked in the direction pointed by Alman’s index finger.

  It was the edge of French Fries Port, close to the jungle on the westernmost side. I saw villas of unique styles scattered on the beautiful coastline.

  The small houses seemed to blend into the environment, not like they were built brick by brick, but like they grew out of the ground.

  Henk had never seen anything so strange before, and his eyes widened.

  ”What is that?”

  Alman smiled.

  ”That’s a kind of biomass material made by the Alliance… I don’t know the details, but what I want to talk about is not those houses, but that beach.”

  Henk looked at him puzzled.

  ”Is there anything special about that beach?”

  Alman squinted and continued.

  ”More than a year ago, when the Empire was still there, a group of ‘Gray Wolves’ came ashore here and tried to launch a surprise attack on French Fry Port, but were driven back to the sea by the Alliance.”

  I heard that there were many hidden secrets in that incident, and even aquatic mutants were involved.

  However, the most widely circulated version is the one he is talking about now.

  The spread of truth is not without loss.

  Even for such trivial matters.

  ”The Alliance and the Empire… Were enemies?” Henk’s face was filled with an expression of disbelief, which was completely different from the propaganda of the Western Legion.

  The news he heard was that the Empire jumped back and forth between the Legion and the Alliance, and received benefits from the Legion but wanted to turn to the Alliance. The

  cowardly civil service group indulged those cunning rats, which eventually led to the tragedy of West Sail Port, so the Southern Legion launched a just war.

  Looking at the surprised Henk, Alman grinned and said.

  ”It is the same now, but their enemy is only the Empire, and has nothing to do with the survivors living there.”

  Henk unexpectedly looked at his compatriot twice more.

  He found that since leaving the Legion’s sphere of influence, this guy has been smiling more and more.

  He became more and more curious in his heart, what is so special about this alliance that makes a Willant so yearning for it.

  ”Will we dock there?”

  He was full of interest in the rich port.

  Not only because of the pleasant scenery and beautiful scenery, but also because his intuition told him that there might be business opportunities there that could make him make a comeback!

  A brand new route!

  This is much more attractive than the high-risk arms trade.

  Looking at the harbor so close, Alman smiled and said.

  ”Our destination is not here, but a place called Settlement No. 1.”

  Henk asked subconsciously.

  ”Where is that?”

  Alman replied without hesitation.

  ”It was the former French Fries Port, which is also a place full of hope.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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