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Chapter 874 A Match of Equals

Chapter 874 A Match of Equals


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 874 A Match of Equals

  The news of the reorganization of the 11th and 30,000th troops to form the Northern Field Army quickly spread throughout the front line, and the front-line troops had different reactions from the command level to the grassroots.

  Some people breathed a sigh of relief, and even felt fortunate, especially those with families and those veterans who had been on the battlefield for a long time.

  After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that staying here is almost certain to die.

  However, some people expressed incomprehension and even indignation.

  Most of these people are young people, especially the guys of fifteen or sixteen.

  After hearing about the atrocities of the Willant people in Lion City, they have been full of anger for a long time, and they can’t wait to fight those big noses to the death.

  Especially the retreat of the horn, let them see the hope of victory-the brothers of the alliance told them with their actions that the legion is not invincible.

  However, now, Abusek’s transfer order asked them to hand over this opportunity to others, which undoubtedly poured cold water on their full blood!

  Especially the commander of the 110,000th team, Yokale.

  As another great contributor to the victory of Akal County, he stood up from the command table in a rage after listening to the order relayed by Isher.

  ”I disagree!”

  As if he felt that his tone was not strong enough, he added another sentence in a firm tone after saying the first sentence.

  ”I strongly disagree! You also know the strategic significance of Akal County. Once the corps controls this place, their supply lines can drive straight in from the plains in our south! And changing guards at this time is simply a joke with the lives of the soldiers on the front line!”

  After all, the three northern states are mountainous, and the logistics system of the Mammoth Army does not have ammunition for 200mm artillery, and Abusek cannot give these equipment to Laxi.

  And this means that once their 110,000th team goes to the north, they have to leave the 52 self-propelled artillery behind.

  His soldiers finally learned how to operate those artillery. Now Abusek wants him to spit out the meat in his mouth. How can he agree!

  As for death.

  He is not so afraid.

  Since hearing the news of Yudono’s death, he has been ready to die heroically. As long as he can kill more Willant people, he will die a worthy death.

  Facing the angry Yokale, Isher was speechless for a while.

  The strategic significance of Akal County is indeed important. Not only can they see it, but the Legion can also see it.

  However, it is precisely because of this that the Legion will definitely do its best to attack here. Even with the support of the Death Corps, it is almost impossible for them to defend this place alone.

  The most they can do is to eliminate the Legion’s living forces as much as possible here, and pave the way for future victories.

  This is like horse racing.

  Use a pony to replace the opponent’s big horse, so that you can use your own big horse to replace the opponent’s medium horse in the second battle.

  The only cruel thing is that the losing horse will die.

  It is precisely because of this that this is not only a military matter, but also a political matter.

  Yokale obviously did not understand the olive branch that Abusek threw to him.

  Isher could even assert that if this guy dared to disobey orders, he would be executed even if he won the battle in the future.

  Although he didn’t want to use his military rank to pressure others, he didn’t want to see the guy make a fool of himself, so he still took out the majesty of the superior and ordered in a tough tone.

  ”Captain Yokale! This is an order! It is your duty to obey orders. I don’t want to say it a second time!”

  Yokale’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  ”What if I don’t listen?”

  Isher said expressionlessly.

  ”Then I can only send you to the military court.”

  The atmosphere in the command tent became tense in an instant.

  Feeling the tense atmosphere, the guards on both sides couldn’t help but put their hands on their guns.

  Yokale’s eyes narrowed into a slit, staring at the expressionless Isher, and suddenly looked at the guard next to him and shouted.

  ”What are you doing, you want to rebel?”

  The guard next to him was stunned by the shouting, but he subconsciously moved his hand away from the holster.

  The guards behind Isher all breathed a sigh of relief and removed their hands from their holsters.

  If they had a choice, they really didn’t want to fight their compatriots.

  Since the Heavenly King Rebellion, enough Brahmans have died in the internal strife…

  Walking to Isher’s side, Yokale stared into his eyes and squeezed out a word from between his teeth.

  ”…Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

  Like the guards beside him, he would rather die at the hands of the Weilants than at the hands of his own people, and he didn’t want to be called a traitor.

  But this did not conflict with the anger in his heart. What

  he couldn’t accept in particular was that this guy, who was a small centurion until a month ago, rode on his head like this.

  When Janusz was still there, he was a one-star centurion!

  Isher looked at the resentful eyes, but didn’t say much, just nodded simply.

  ”Then go quickly.”


  The change of guard has become a foregone conclusion.

  The day after Isher found Captain Yokaler to talk, the 50th, 51st, and 530th troop of soldiers rushed to the defense section at the bend of the river.

  Although these young men were not tall and most of them were as thin as bamboo poles, they were all in high spirits and full of energy.

  Not only that, they all had LD-47s on their shoulders, and the same engineer shovels as the Death Corps on their waists. Occasionally, one or two brothers carried RPG rocket launchers.

  This excellent equipment made the brothers of the 110,000th troop envious.

  Most of them were Yudono’s old subordinates, and the little equipment they had was snatched back from the Weilants at the risk of their lives.

  These guys are good, they are “fully equipped” with god equipment right from the start, and they will soon “pick up” 52 self-propelled artillery.

  Near the logistics department.

  Several veterans stood next to the ammunition storage point, looking at the “test drive” recruits in the distance with envy, and couldn’t help muttering.

  ”Damn, it’s a waste to leave such good equipment to these rookies.”

  ”Heh… who wanted us to have a long-distance running champion?”

  ”I remember that guy was also in Lion City at that time, but General Yudono stayed behind and he ran away.”

  ”Haha, cowards and cowards are a pair, otherwise why was he promoted instead of our leader?”

  ”Tsk, this coward is worthy of inheriting the number of the 30,000-man team! It’s an insult to Captain Metar!” Captain Metar

  was the commander of the 30,000-man team, and also the first captain-level officer to die on the side of the Boro Kingdom since the war began.

  His fighting spirit of dying rather than surrendering inspired many people, especially the grassroots soldiers.

  Everyone whispered in a low voice until they saw Captain Ishel coming from a distance, and then they stopped gossiping.

  Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction.

  They don’t need to cause trouble for their superiors.

  Although they hid their dissatisfaction very carefully, it was obviously not hidden from Ishel’s eyes.

  However, he was not a petty person, and he didn’t need to see a group of big-headed soldiers. After completing the equipment delivery, he went straight back to the position of the 30,000-man team.

  Unlike the brothers of the 110,000-man team.

  The reorganized 30,000th Army was his own army, from the captain to the soldiers below.

  Abusek hoped that he could take the opportunity of establishing the Northern Field Army to recruit Yokale under his command.

  However, given Yokale’s previous uncooperative attitude, he no longer had much hope that Yokale would actively cooperate with him.

  He planned to promote several middle-level officers to the 110,000th Army to serve as staff officers or instructors.

  In this way, whether Yokale could understand his difficulties or not, at least it was justified in name.

  He didn’t want to see such a promising officer die in a struggle outside the battlefield.

  They had sacrificed enough brothers for this…

  After the personnel arrangements were settled, Isher took his guards and patrolled the position.

  They were leaving here tomorrow, and he wanted to take another look at the place where he had fought and relax.

  When passing by an anti-aircraft position, Isher suddenly saw several helmets standing upright in the bomb shelter, looking at something together.

  When he held a security meeting before, he and his officers repeatedly emphasized that no more than three people should stay in a pit unless necessary.

  He roughly counted and found that the whole class was squatting in it!

  Walking forward calmly, Isher glanced into the pit and saw a small booklet in the middle. He suddenly asked.

  ”What are you reading?”

  Startled by the voice from above, several soldiers stood up from the ground and threw the booklet back and forth, and finally threw it to a young man of about sixteen or seventeen years old.

  The young man looked very honest, probably a farmer’s child. Isher just glared at him, and he stammered and confessed everything.

  ”Report, report to the commander! Yes, it’s “Family Letter”…”

  Isher was stunned. ”


  The young man scratched his head and said nervously.

  ”…I don’t know either. It was seized from those Willant people. I heard that it is a banned book in Xifan Port.”

  How could the Willant people have the banned book in Xifan Port?

  Ishel was confused, but soon thought of the privileges of the Weilantes in Xifan Port, so he was not surprised.

  The Legion has always followed the laws of Triumph City for its own people, and the laws of Xifan Port are to restrict the Poro people.

  And this book may not be the Weilantes’ own, maybe it was snatched from nearby farmers or citizens.

  But then Ishel became curious again, what kind of book would make the Weilantes so scared.

  ”You took the captives’ things again, what did I say in the meeting before? Didn’t your superiors teach you?”

  After being scolded, the young man explained with a wronged look.

  ”I didn’t take it… they dropped it.”

  ”Let me take a look.”

  ”Yes!” Looking at the ten thousand-man captain who stretched out his hand, the young man immediately raised the booklet in his hand above his head and handed it over.

  Reaching out to take the family letter, Ishel flipped it open and took a look. He saw that it was mainly some repetitive words to persuade people to be good, but there was nothing scary.

  Just like the scriptures of the Silver Moon Sect.

  At least he couldn’t imagine why the Willant people were afraid of this thing and banned it with great fanfare.

  Or is there another hidden story?

  However, what Yisher cared about was not the content of the book, but the phonetic symbols printed on the lines of words.

  This phonetic symbol is a good thing.

  When Mr. Melgio taught them to read, he taught them the phonetic symbols first, and then taught them other things.

  Human-linked language is actually very simple.

  As long as you can recognize it, you are basically not far from being able to write it.

  After flipping the booklet from beginning to end, Yisher shook it in his hand and asked the young man with a nervous face.

  ”Can you understand this thing?”

  The young man looked at his comrades next to him with a confused look. The soldiers also looked at each other and shook their heads.

  ”I don’t understand…”

  ”I can only write my name…”

  ”I barely understand a few phonetic symbols… I can still guess roughly.”

  Most of the soldiers in the Borneo Army are children from poor families. Joining the army is not only a decision made on impulse, but also a helpless act forced by life.

  But even so, they still have a vague concept in their hearts that learning more knowledge is always beneficial.

  Isn’t the recent big exam the best example?

  Although the exam was held in Tiandu, after the news reached the front line, it still touched many people, especially young people.

  They are eager to change their own destiny.

  This passionate feeling is as sincere as their desire to change the fate of this land.

  Seeing their eager to learn, Isher’s heart was slightly touched.

  ”You can figure out what you can do by yourself. When you go to the north, I will teach you!”


  The young man’s face suddenly showed an excited expression.

  The other soldiers were the same. Hearing that General Isher actually taught them to read in person, one by one, they also became excited.

  ”Of course it’s true,” Isher nodded with a smile and shook the booklet in his hand. “Lend me this book for two days and I’ll return it to you in a few days.”

  The young man said with a simple smile.

  ”No, no, we have some more here, just take them and have a look.”

  Still more?

  Isher was stunned for a moment, but just nodded, not taking it too seriously.

  Because at this moment, the roar of propellers came from afar, and the outlines of steel airships gradually appeared from under the clouds. There

  are five towering steel fortresses in total!

  As expected, as they expected, the Southern Corps has put all its chips on the Eastern Front!

  In the woods not far away, he moved a small stool and sat on the edge of the bomb shelter, paddling and adjusting the rifle in his hand.

  Noticing that the light through the gap in the woods was blocked, he subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance. With

  his eyes slightly narrowed, he put the rifle in his hand aside.



  It’s not just five airships that arrived at the battlefield.

  There is also the 300,000th team led by Ryan himself, and the 340,000th and 370,000th teams that have been reorganized and supplemented!

  The vast smoke and dust floated from the horizon, and the outlines of tanks and armored vehicles appeared in the wilderness.

  Unlike last time.

  This time the Legion was clearly serious!

  As soon as the two airships had brought the east bank of the Yongliu River into their firing range, they decisively dropped the heavy anchor chain and completed the shooting preparations.

  On the bridge of the airship, Captain John looked out at the forest outside the French window and waved his hand expressionlessly.

  The adjutant standing next to him immediately grabbed the communicator and shouted loudly.


  At the same time as the words fell, a long tongue of fire spurted out from the gun barrels.

  The overwhelming rain of bullets was like locusts, and with a whizzing sound, it crashed into the dense forest.


  The flames of the explosion instantly filled half of the mountain, and the yellow-green smoke almost engulfed the entire forest on the east side of the river.

  This round of artillery fire, both in terms of coverage and firepower density, far exceeded the artillery fire of the horn in the previous battle.

  Not only that.

  The thunderous sound of the cannon rang for five rounds, and the destructive posture seemed to wipe out the positions of the Alliance and the Kingdom of Borneo from the earth!

  After a fierce bombardment, the poisonous smoke almost washed the entire forest, and the vegetation shrouded in it withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually exposing some hidden positions.

  In the previous battle, although the Horn also used chemical weapons, the effect was far less outstanding than this time.

  As for why the effect this time was so outstanding, the reason is also very simple.

  The battlefield research institute deployed by the Southern Corps on the front line has improved the composition and loading method of the “death agent”.

  Standing next to the French window, Martin, wearing a white coat, stared at the withering forest with fanatical eyes, and his nose tip wanted to poke through the bulletproof glass over there.

  As the director of the battlefield research institute, the “death agent” project was his handiwork.

  After the bombardment stopped, he immediately looked back at Captain John sitting in the chair and said with a bright smile.

  ”…How is it? Dear Mr. Captain, are you satisfied with my research results?”

  ”Not bad.”

  John, with his right arm resting on the armrest of the chair and his chin resting on the back of his hand, replied in boredom.

  In fact, he prefers to use fire rather than poison gas.

  However, the problem is that this place is located in the tropics, the climate is humid and rainy, and the damage range of incendiary bombs is limited.

  After getting a positive answer, Martin showed a creepy smile on his face and continued to talk without stopping.

  ”The toxicity can be further enhanced… But I need some corpses, mainly for research.”

  John said concisely.

  ”I will pass your request to Captain Ryan. Cleaning up the battlefield is the job of the army.”

  ”Thank you very much!” Martin bowed deeply, and then left the bridge on his own.

  He had already seen everything he had just entered, and now he just had to wait for those Willant people to send the corpses to his laboratory.

  John did not stop him.

  It’s better to say that he wished that this guy with the stench of corpses would get away.

  The adjutant standing aside glanced at the closed door, then looked at John sitting on the chair, and couldn’t help but sighed and said.

  ”This guy is actually a resident of the shelter… I believe you if you say he is a mutant in human skin.”

  Looking at the land plowed by artillery fire outside the French window, John laughed softly.

  ”I never thought that the shelter protected any good people, and the illusory concept of good and bad has never been the standard for shelter screening.”

  Besides, not all shelters perform normal shelter tasks.

  There are some twisted experiments, or big thunders brewed after fermentation over time.

  Looking at the troops slowly advancing outside the French window, the staff officer who had not spoken said.

  ”It’s over, this war is basically no suspense.”

  He couldn’t imagine anything that could stop this army.

  Even a nuclear bomb is impossible!

  At this time, a request for support firepower from the ground troops came from the communication channel.

  John looked at the adjutant beside him, or immediately understood, holding the communicator and shouting loudly.

  ”Switch to white phosphorus bombs!”

  At the same time as the order was issued, the cannons were quickly loaded.

  After confirming the situation of each gun group, he immediately opened his voice and continued to shout.


  At the same time, in the wilderness west of Yongliu River, Ryan, sitting in the command vehicle, was looking at the flickering flames in the sky outside the window with a smile.

  With such dense firepower, no carbon-based creature can survive from the opposite position.

  However, at this moment, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the communication channel.

  ”Rockets! It’s the rockets of the Alliance!”

  Hearing that voice, Ryan’s pupils shrank sharply, and he immediately reached out to open the holographic screen and connected to the observation lens on the roof of the command vehicle.

  Almost at the same time, rockets with tail flames dragged against the rain of fire falling from the sky and rushed into the sky from the distant mountains.

  Those rockets seem to be targeting airships?

  Are they crazy? !

  Ryan’s eyes flashed with confusion, not knowing what this was for.

  However, he was not confused for too long, as the fire that exploded in the sky soon answered his confusion.

  The rockets did not hit the airship, but the debris and burning materials produced by the explosion were actively “sucked” in by the rows of propellers that stretched out.

  Realizing what the alliance wanted to do, Ryan’s face changed instantly, and he immediately shouted into the intercom.

  ”Turn off the propeller!”

  In fact, he didn’t need to say this, the captains had already realized the problem and ordered the propellers to be turned off.

  Unfortunately, their actions were still a step slow!

  The propeller that sucked in fuel instantly turned into a ball of fire, and the raging fire was still spreading along the spread wings toward the airship.

  Three of the five airships had their wings set on fire!

  Although the deflector shield could block the fragments of the explosion, it could not block the burning flames.

  In desperation, the three unlucky airships could only abandon their wings and let the burning “wings” fall to the ground.

  Although the damage to the wing was not fatal to the airships of the Legion, it was embarrassing enough for them to lose the mobility of three airships at the same time.

  Captain Ryan was furious, clenching his teeth, wishing he could crush them.

  ”Horn, Thunder, listen up! Aim at their counter-fire and fire!”

  A reply came quickly from the communication channel.

  ”Received… But respected Captain Ryan, the enemy’s rocket artillery position is beyond our effective range!”

  ”Then take up the anchor chain and go over to shoot!”

  Captain Ryan continued to shout orders without stopping for a moment.

  ”Attention, 30th, 34th, and 37th platoons! Continue to advance to the river bank! Annihilate all living people in your way!”

  ”I’ll crush them!!!”

  On the other side, on the position on the east bank of Yongliu River, Big Eyes with a gas mask stood up.

  Although their rocket artillery gave the Legion a setback, the opposite side’s shelling also caused them considerable casualties.

  Including the Corps Commander Edge, who died in the previous shelling.

  But it doesn’t really matter.

  For the Skeleton Corps, sacrificing their leader was an accident.

  But for the Death Corps, it was just basic training.

  He took over the command without hesitation and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Brothers! These big-nosed guys still don’t give up. Let’s teach them a lesson!!!”

  The communication channel soon heard high-spirited roars and shouts.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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