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Chapter 875 Crazy

Chapter 875 Crazy


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 875 Madness

  Twisted steel burned in the muddy wilderness, and broken corpses were buried on the riverbank washed by rain.

  After the pontoon bridge was built, 5,000 soldiers of the Glorious Army carrying Eviscerator rifles took the lead in launching a charge, followed by another 5,000.

  These clones were like hyenas that had broken free from their reins, fiercely rushing towards the scattered positions of the Alliance and the Borneo Army. The

  fierce battle turned the entire forest into a cruel meat grinder, and the clones that were filled in wave after wave were like rolling pieces of meat.

  The opposite side was the same.

  They suffered severe casualties under the almost fanatical charge.

  However, even so, the charge of more than 10,000 clone soldiers still failed to break through the positions standing on the east bank of the river.

  The people on the opposite side seemed to be immortal. After ten consecutive rounds of charge and bombardment, sporadic and harsh gunshots were still heard from time to time.

  The bloody scene made all the onlookers of the Weylandt soldiers swallow their saliva. It was only then that they finally gradually understood what happened to the brothers of the 360,000th team.

  But before they could rejoice that the dead were all clone cannon fodder, they heard the thunderous roar of the commander.

  ”Our Glorious Army has disintegrated the enemy’s defense line! Now! Check your equipment! Prepare to charge!”

  The clone infantry of the Glorious Army is not unlimited. Just like the shells of the support team, the regular army will have to charge after the bombardment.

  Especially those clones are not suitable for fighting against scattered soldiers. They are as difficult to control and communicate as mad dogs. They are only suitable for charging against a solid defense line.

  The thousand-man team that took the lead quickly assembled at the bridgehead.

  Military boots stepped over the bloody corpses. The Weylandt soldiers wearing exoskeletons and bulletproof armor stared at the withered forest with wide eyes, venting their fear and courage in the roar of the charge.

  ”Oh oh oh!!!”

  They rushed through the river bank defense zone under the cover of armored vehicles and tanks, and a fierce exchange of fire broke out with the joint forces hiding in the forests and hills. The

  fierce battle officially kicked off. The battle lasted from early morning to dusk. The blood that flowed across the land, mountains, rivers and the sun were all dyed scarlet.

  The Death Corps was killed in battle!

  The players who held on to their positions almost emptied their last bullets and even the weapons they picked up.

  The same was true for the rocket launcher positions of the Goblin Corps.

  The twelve “Storm” rocket launchers were all destroyed by the Horn Airship, and only a few 155mm field guns scattered in the mountains survived.

  The Borneo Army also suffered heavy casualties.

  The 500, 510, and 520,000th troops who had just reached the front line were forced to fight a tough battle before they had time to familiarize themselves with the local situation, and suffered heavy casualties for a while.

  However, the Southern Corps also did not gain any benefits.

  Leaving aside the 10,000 Glorious Army soldiers, the casualties of the regular army have reached more than 4,000, and the number of scrapped vehicles has exceeded 300!

  Moreover, this is with the support of airships, and the Burning Corps of the Alliance and the First Mechanized Infantry Division of Golden Galleon Port have returned to defend Tiandu. In addition to

  the losses of ground forces, the losses of air forces are also not small.

  Among the five airships, three have lost power.

  Even if Xifan Port has prepared replaceable wings, it will take a week or two to repair these three airships.

  Looking at the messy river beach in the distance, Captain Ryan, who was sitting in the command vehicle, clenched his fists tightly, and his teeth made a creaking sound.

  After a while, he squeezed out a curse from his mouth.

  ”…A bunch of trash!”

  Although they won the battle, he was not happy at all.

  After all, according to his original plan, they would crush the guys stationed on the east coast like crushing a grasshopper, and regain the face and morale lost by the 360,000th team, but they didn’t expect to be bitten off by this grasshopper.

  No one would cheer for such a high-cost victory.

  He even saw the shock and panic on the faces of those soldiers, which should never appear on the faces of the Willant people.

  Looking at the angry commander, the adjutant and the staff officer beside him were all restless and dared not say a word.

  At this moment, a communication request came from the holographic screen.

  Seeing the signal that popped up, Ryan’s heart unconsciously skipped a beat, until he saw that it was John who called, and he was relieved and pressed the connect button.

  Looking at the face that appeared on the holographic screen, Ryan said expressionlessly.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  Perhaps sensing that Ryan was in a bad mood, John did not dare to ridicule the army for fighting a stupid battle as before, but just said it in a businesslike tone.

  ”…The blue mole that General Gullion arranged on my airship wants us to provide him with some corpses, preferably those that were poisoned to death.”

  Ryan said impatiently.

  ”With so many dead people, where can I find them to be poisoned to death?”

  As soon as he finished speaking, a nasty flat-nosed man rushed into the holographic screen.

  ”Give me an engineering team! And a medical team! I can build a front-line research institute myself!”

  Hearing this request, Ryan sneered in his heart.

  An engineering team plus a medical team…

  How dare you ask this!

  ”What’s in it for me?”

  The blue mole laughed twice.

  ”Of course! As long as my project is completed, you can get a virus that only works on the Brahmans… Not even just the Brahmans, we can customize the receptor RNA so that the ‘death agent’ can match the ability of receptors with specific DNA according to our needs.”

  Not understanding what this guy was talking about, Ryan snorted without comment.

  ”So what?”

  Martin said softly.

  ”It’s equivalent to… you can make any race you don’t like disappear from this planet.”

  Ryan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  ”… Interesting.”

  He didn’t think this guy really had that ability, but it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. After all, if it really worked, the war might end immediately.

  They don’t need to kill all the Brahmans.

  Just kill some of them and make the rest afraid.

  Martin chuckled.

  ”Then… do you agree?”

  Ryan said after thinking for a moment.

  ”The engineering team is fine, but the medical resources on the front line are tight, and I don’t have any manpower for you… Can we replace the medical team with a hundred-man team?”

  Martin said with difficulty.

  ”A hundred-man team… do you mean your soldiers? I don’t doubt their bravery, but it may be difficult for them to identify the cause of death of the corpses-”

  Ryan waved his hand impatiently.

  ”Then use living people.”

  The clones of the Glorious Army can be used at will.

  If the quick-made products don’t work, you can also go to the local area to catch some.

  As long as it can reduce the casualties of the Weyland people, this insignificant cost is worth it.

  Martin was stunned when he heard this, with an expression of disbelief on his face, but soon his face showed excitement and ecstasy.

  ”Oh, oh, oh… That’s great! Dear general! Thank you for ending the wasteland-cough, I mean thank you for your support for science!”

  Ryan laughed.

  ”Don’t rush to thank me, I want to see the results.”

  ”No problem! My lord!”

  Martin bowed deeply.

  ”I will definitely not let you down!”

  On the other side, in the north of Akal County, two sneaky figures were looking at the Weilantes who were cleaning up the battlefield on the riverbank.

  Looking at the corpses, Ye Shi couldn’t help but smack his lips.

  ”Oh my god… This fight is too miserable.”

  If it were in reality, it would take at least one or two months to get results in this area that is only the size of a fingernail on the map.

  It’s not possible to fight like this in a wasteland where people are not treated as human beings.

  Since the legion has parked five airships here and there are too many radars, the two dared not use drones to peek at the screen, and could only lie on the ground in ghillie suits to scout.

  Kuangfeng glanced at the time on the VM screen, then looked at the airship in the distance, and then said calmly.

  ”From the damage situation, it should be no problem to fight for a week… By the way, how long will your friend from the academy need?”

  Ye Shi thought for a while and said.

  ”About a week should be enough…”

  Kuangfeng nodded, without saying anything, but stared at the truck full of corpses in the distance and frowned slightly.

  The soldiers of the Southern Legion loaded the bodies of the Borneo people into a car separately, drove along the crooked river bank to a flat area, and then lifted the carriage and dumped all the bodies into the Yongliu River. Ye

  Shi also frowned after noticing the situation at the river bank .

  ”What do they want to do?”

  Kuangfeng thought for a moment and said.

  ”Maybe they hope that these bodies will rush to Tiandu downstream to disintegrate the resistance of the survivors of Borneo.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Of course, it may be poisoning.”

  In addition to dying in battle, a considerable number of Borneo soldiers died from poison gas.

  According to the old man on the edge, the poison gas bombs used by the Southern Legion do not seem to be simple synthetic toxins, but viruses with a certain self-replication ability.

  This thing is much more powerful than nuclear radiation.

  But this is also the most confusing part for Kuangfeng.

  If the purpose of the Southern Legion is to occupy the land and population here, he really can’t figure out what the meaning of their doing this is.

  Unless –

  they are conducting some kind of experiment.

  The virus they put on the battlefield was just an over-product of the experiment, or an “incomplete form” of a final product.

  In this way, everything makes sense…


  The news of the fall of Akal County has not yet reached Tiandu, but it has been spread to the official forum with the death of Debt Eyes.

  While the players were talking about it, a group of researchers in white coats were busy with tablet computers in a secluded corner of the Tiangong.

  They were all researchers from the academy, about a hundred people, the lowest of whom was E-level, and the highest level reached B-level.

  Since the war between the Southern Legion and the countries of the Borneo Province began, the academy has borrowed part of the Tiangong from Abusek and established an inspection station.

  Although Borneo did not establish formal diplomatic relations with the academy, Abusek heard that the academy could help deal with the legion, and nodded without saying a word, and even arranged for the quack doctors, scribes, emcees, etc. that Wu Tuo had not taken away in time to help.

  On the surface, it was to help, but in fact, Abusek also wanted these guys to learn something.

  However, the academy obviously looked down on the level of these people, and did not pay much attention to Abusek’s little thoughts. They only arranged some miscellaneous work for them.

  As for the miscellaneous work related to research, they still trusted their explorers and apprentices more. At

  the entrance of the survey site.

  Fang Chang showed the card with the identification code to the bionic soldier on duty, and took several players wearing exoskeletons and dragged a cart full of body bags across the checkpoint.

  Jiang Xuezhou’s mentor Yang Kai happened to be standing next to a barracks, directing several E-level researchers to operate a square terminal device.

  Fang Chang’s eyes were filled with curiosity, and he leaned over to take a look and then asked.

  ”What is this?”

  Yang Kai did not keep him in suspense, and introduced it concisely.

  ”We redesigned the control terminal for this starship. Through this thing, we can connect to the starship’s control server without entering the starship, adjust the reactor’s output power, and obtain connection permission, etc….”

  ”In short, this thing is simple to say, but it is not simple at all. The local natives have piled up too many useless structures on the outer shell of the starship, so that the passage into the starship is almost completely blocked.”

  Fang Chang asked curiously.

  ”Is this thing not repairable?”

  Yang Kai laughed and said teasingly.

  ”We are sometimes lazy, but we are not blind. If this thing can be repaired, we would not have left it here for more than a century.”

  This made so much sense that Fang Chang could not refute it for a while.

  After a pause, Yang Kai said in a teasing tone.

  ”The gravity exerted by the locals on this starship is too heavy, even the anti-gravity engine can hardly bear it… According to our inspection of the reactor operation data, even if this incident did not happen, this palace can only float for another thirty or forty years at most. If we toss it again this time, it is estimated that it will only have a lifespan of ten or twenty years. You’d better talk to that chieftain, so that he doesn’t blame us again.”

  Fang Chang nodded and said.

  ”I will tell him, but I don’t think he should be such a petty person.”

  Yang Kai laughed and said without comment.

  ”That’s hard to say.”

  He, a B-level researcher, also climbed up from the grassroots level. When he was young, he also dealt with survivors in the wasteland.

  He knew what those people were thinking…

  At this moment, Yang Kai finally noticed the cart next to Fang Chang and the body bags piled on the cart.

  He raised his eyebrows slightly, and he had guessed something.

  ”These people…are they the infected people of the ‘death agent’ you mentioned?”

  Seeing that the topic shifted to the body bags, Fang Chang also restrained his joking expression and nodded seriously.

  ”That’s right. They are soldiers who died on the front line. We found some viruses we have never seen on their bodies. Their genetic material is suspected to be artificially designed. At present, the Alliance Biological Research Institute has analyzed the samples… The manager hopes that we will give you some samples for research. Maybe you can find some clues that we haven’t noticed.”

  Yang Kai touched his chin, and his expression gradually became serious.

  ”Okay, leave the bodies here.”

  Viral weapons are much more dangerous than nuclear weapons. No matter how powerful the latter is, it can only destroy an area, while the former has a range of action on the entire ecosystem.

  After speaking, he raised his index finger and tapped twice on the personal terminal. Soon a young man in a white coat came over.

  The young man looked very young, only in his early 18s, but he had the temperament of a professional.

  Especially the shiny forehead, it was so convincing.

  Facing Yang Kai, the young man said respectfully.

  ”Professor, you’re looking for me?”

  ”Qin Yuanxing, right… Yes, I have something to ask you.”

  As if he had forgotten that he had this student, Yang Kai glanced at the name tag on his chest before matching this face with the number in the system, and then continued to speak concisely.

  ”Our old friend sent some virus samples. I remember that your research direction includes virology. You can do RNA and pathological analysis. After that, compare it with our database, and then see if you can come up with a cost-effective solution.”

  When he heard that his major could be used, the young man’s eyes suddenly lit up and he said energetically.

  ”Don’t worry, leave it to me!”

  The last thing the college lacks is researchers, but it lacks opportunities to stand out.

  His ability is not inferior to that of his senior brothers and sisters at the D level. The reason why he is still at the E level is just because his resume is not qualified.

  Looking at the young man who hurriedly left, Fang Chang’s eyes were full of obvious envy.

  Although there are many researchers in the alliance, it is obviously not enough to call anyone out to take charge of a large project.

  At least in terms of the reserve of research talents, the college’s foundation is indeed deep enough.

  It would be great if we could bring these E-levels to the alliance!

  At this moment, Yang Kai didn’t know that because of his unintentional pretense, his corner had been taken by someone.

  Retracting his gaze from where the back disappeared, Fang Chang suddenly thought of something and continued to talk to Yang Kai.

  ”By the way, according to the latest feedback from our frontline troops, they found that the Weilants threw some corpses carrying the virus into the river. We are worried that this virus may contaminate the water of Yongliu River.”

  Yang Kai frowned slightly and said after thinking for a moment.

  ”Well, your worry is not unreasonable. It’s better to remind the local chieftain to let his survivors pay attention to hygiene, such as trying not to use river water when washing clothes, and remember to boil drinking water before drinking.”

  Poisoning the Yongliu River…

  these big noses are really cruel.

  The virus will not stay in the Yongliu River. Sooner or later, it will be washed into the sea by the river. At that time, only God knows where the fish and ocean currents will take them.

  Fortunately, this “killing agent” has a very high mortality rate. From a pathological point of view, it is not a perfect virus, and its spread range is not expected to be too wide.

  But it is obvious that the group of madmen who are crazy about killing will not be satisfied with the semi-finished products at present. They will definitely think of ways to improve the existing samples so that it has stronger infectiousness and transmission efficiency while having destructive power.

  It is much easier to do bad things with high technology than to do construction…

   Writing is really a high-risk industry… Sometimes I feel that my physical condition is poor, but after looking at the situation of my colleagues, I feel that I am still lucky.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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