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Chapter 876 Biological Warfare

Chapter 876 Biological Warfare


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 876 Biological Warfare

  The world of Wasteland OL is not a series of isolated islands, but a seamless and continuous whole.

  A typhoon in the Borneo Sea may cause heavy rains in the Baiyue Province.

  After such a long closed beta, players have long been accustomed to the various interlocking events that have occurred in the wasteland. Therefore, when Kuangfeng saw the legion throwing corpses into the river, he immediately thought of the impact that the virus carried by the corpses might have on the downstream settlements. After consulting the

  opinions of the researchers of the academy, Fang Chang immediately conveyed the news to Abusek, hoping that the authorities of Borneo could do a good job in responding to the epidemic.

  Unfortunately, facing the overwhelming affairs and the factional struggles that never stopped, Abusek obviously did not pay enough attention.

  He agreed verbally and did give instructions to the health committee member, but neither the former nor the latter obviously took this “little thing” to heart.

  In fact, it’s not his fault that he didn’t care.

  The players’ understanding of viruses is completely different from that of the wastelanders.

  After all, infectious diseases were a rare thing in the era of the Human Union, and they were not a big deal for the Borneo people who lived on red soil.

  The volunteers of the Alliance often caught colds due to acclimatization, and even awakeners like Da Yan caught a cold once.

  However, Abusek has lived in the local area for so long, and he has only heard of people dying of starvation and poverty, but he has never heard of anyone being killed by a virus.

  The greatest legacy left by the Human Union to its children is actually hidden in everyone’s DNA.

  It is the product of controlled evolution.

  Even if human civilization has fallen into stagnation, it will probably take at least several centuries for naturally born viruses to catch up with the pace of human evolution.

  However, this is just the situation under natural evolution.

  If the catalysis of technology is added, the situation will be completely different…

  Almost the day after Fang Chang notified Abusek to prepare for the epidemic, a serious disaster occurred in the village facing the river north of Tiandu.

  More than 60% of the nearly 100 households in the village had fever symptoms, and more than half of the patients with fever fell into a severe coma.

  Fortunately, the players had anticipated what might happen. The Alliance Field Hospital in Tiandu immediately dispatched a medical team to treat the patients while isolating the village and collecting virus samples for testing.

  In addition, researchers from the academy also followed up on the investigation.

  It was not until then that Abusek realized the horror of “biological warfare” and quickly dispatched a thousand-man team from Tiandu City to the banks of the Yongliu River to station there. He also worked with the Alliance Field Hospital to define the control area, and then sent a telegram to the entire territory of the country of Borneo, requiring units at all levels to do a good job of hygiene and publicity, and telling the survivors not to drink unboiled river water directly.

  In fact, there was no need for Abusek authorities to publicize.

  When they heard that the Southern Legion had poisoned the Yongliu River, the survivors from Tiandu to Jingalon Port were terrified.

  Every household put pots and pans on the roof, waiting for it to rain. Not to mention that they dared not touch the river water, they even dared not drink the well water.

  Although there was a suspicion of overcorrection, no one dared to bet on that probability.

  After all, apart from the researchers of the academy and the field hospital of the alliance, no one can guarantee that boiling water will inactivate the virus. On

  the third day of the infection, the field hospital of the alliance quickly completed the analysis of the samples with the cooperation of the researchers of the academy.

  After receiving the analysis report from the field hospital of the alliance, although Abusek was confused by the first half, he saw the estimated millions of casualties at the end of the report and couldn’t help cursing.

  ”These damn Weilante people are so cruel!”

  Although the doctors of the alliance also did popular science in the report, this death toll would not be directly reflected in the changes in the total population and the number of registered households, and might overlap with natural deaths, but it still made Abusek sweat.

  One million people!

  The entire Lion City has only one million people!

  The Weilante people just urinated into the Yongliu River and killed the entire Lion City of Poro people!

  In addition, according to the analysis model provided by the Alliance Biological Research Institute, the virus called “death agent” has completely contaminated the Yongliu River system.

  Although the virus is not highly contagious at present, as the Southern Legion improves the virus, no one can say what will happen in the future. What’s

  more terrible is that he, the commander-in-chief, knows that the sword is already on his neck, but he has no way to do anything except worrying.

  This is a contest between the Southern Legion and the Academy and the Alliance.

  Although this duel determines the life and death of the survivors in the Borneo Province, they themselves do not even have the qualifications to stand on the ring.

  Until this moment, Abusek truly realized the power of science and technology and the importance of the education reform advocated by Commissioner Kabaha.

  If we cannot master knowledge and let knowledge play its due role in society, the Borneo people will never be able to truly stand up, and there will always be endless suffering!

  Putting down the report in his hand, Abusek wiped the sweat from his forehead and cursed in a low voice.

  ”Damn it… This education reform must be carried out!”

  No matter how much resistance there is, it must be carried out!

  Looking at Abusek who was cursing, the internal affairs committee member Wadia standing at the desk didn’t understand why the commander-in-chief suddenly talked about education reform, but still lowered his voice to report.

  ”Don’t worry, sir. Commissioner Kabaha and his family have been transferred to the Heavenly Palace. They are now under the protection of the Internal Affairs Committee. No one can hurt them.”

  Abusek sighed and continued.

  ”I’m not worried about Kabaha now, but about those students. The battle in Tiandu will start soon, and now there is a plague. We have to arrange for them to go on the road as soon as possible.”

  Akal County has been lost. The

  200,000 cannon fodders on the front line are about to collapse, and it will soon be the turn of Duwata and Nigley’s men to take over.

  Including his own direct line.

  Compared with the venom in the Yongli River, the army of the legion that marched straight in is a more imminent threat.

  The alliance has already informed him of what might happen in the city, and before that he must send those students out first.

  Looking at the worried Abusek, Wadia was silent for a moment and then whispered.

  ”This work was originally the responsibility of the Education Committee, but since Commissioner Kabaha was taken away, there have been rumors that the army wants to purge the Education Committee, so that the entire education department is almost shut down…”

  Abusek said angrily.

  ”Who the hell is talking nonsense there!”

  Wadia said with a wry smile.

  ”It’s probably Captain Duwata… but it could also be one of his subordinates.”

  ”What a sly guy!”

  Abusek narrowed his eyes.

  What a trick!

  Duwata obviously saw through his real intention of placing Commissioner Kabaha under house arrest. That is, on the surface, he criticized the Education Commissioner for the exam and appeased the discontent in the army, but secretly protected him.

  So that guy did this to him and promoted his “good deeds”.

  From the perspective of the authorities, they couldn’t clarify the secret behind it.

  After all, they did arrest the person. Now clarifying that the arrest was for the good of others, not to mention whether anyone would believe it, it would anger the big-headed soldiers he had finally coaxed.

  Abusek narrowed his eyes and pondered for a long time, looking at Wadia and giving an order.

  ”Since they are using a trick to counterattack, then we will play the whole trick with them… From now on, the Education Committee will be temporarily taken over by the Internal Affairs Committee until the wartime state ends.”

  Wadia’s face became solemn and he accepted the order respectfully.



  Not only the cats that were pressing forward step by step, but also the mice that were forced into a corner were furious.

  Even though the iron hoofs of the legion were already at the gates of the city, the people of Tiandu still did not forget the ancestral art, but became even more aggressive under the cruel high pressure.

  A small exam not only caused a committee member to fall, but also almost shut down the entire Education Committee. Not only did all the schools close their doors, but the teachers also stopped classes and asked Abusek to release the people.

  As for the soldiers in the city, they were all eyeing it covetously.

  No matter who they were under, they were all dissatisfied with Kabaha.

  They wanted to see who dared to move!

  This time, it was the internal affairs of the country of Bora who came out to perform.

  A group of officers wearing black hats quickly took over the yard of the Education Committee and announced Abusek’s order.

  Due to the passive sabotage of the Education Committee, the Education Committee is now taken over by the Internal Affairs Committee.

  As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a thousand waves and made a great commotion in the city.

  Some people applauded and said that those old things should have been killed long ago, while others sighed and lamented that Commissioner Kabaha had not met a wise leader.

  The sharp contradictions have in fact divided all classes in the country of Boro.

  Everyone is holding back a lot of anger, and all they need is an outlet to release it.

  It is no exaggeration to say that this broken sky is like a leaky house. Even if no one kicks the door, it may collapse one day.

  In this sense, Abusek really has to thank the Legion.

  Not only did he get the angel round of investment from those big noses, but he also relied on the barbarity of those big noses to prop up this shaky house.

  For a mediocre dock worker, this is almost the limit of his ability.

  In short, although the whole process was full of twists and turns, the result was satisfactory.

  The 500 students selected by the big exam finally waited for the flight to the Mammoth Country.

  In addition, after repeated communication between Tiandu University and Mammoth University, the latter arranged 100 more study places for the former, for officers and families of fallen soldiers.

  On the day of departure, the guardrail beside the runway of the military airport outside Tiandu was crowded with family members who came to see their children off.

  Looking at his old father with wrinkles on his face but full of smiles, the slightly immature young man lowered his head and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

  ”Dad, when I learn to be successful… I will take you to the Alliance.”

  Old Roth was slightly stunned, then grabbed his son’s shoulders with both hands and looked at his eyes in surprise.

  ”Silly child, what are you talking about? Lord Abusek is still waiting for you to come back to be an official. What are you doing in the Alliance?”

  Nayak raised his head and met his father’s honest face and surprised eyes.

  Neighbors always praised his father for being honest, but he knew that his father was actually not honest at all.

  The man with turbid eyes was actually more cunning and mercenary than anyone else.

  But Nayak didn’t think his father was a bad man, and he didn’t think cunning was a bad thing.

  In the cruel jungle, even the harmless rabbits had a thousand eyes and a thousand ears.

  If his father wasn’t cunning, he and his brothers and sisters wouldn’t have survived.

  On the contrary, the bad ones were those who racked their brains to label his father as honest.

  On the farms in Niuzhou, the most honest ones were the two-headed cows with two heads.

  And they were the most vulnerable.

  The old empire had granted them the highest honor, but never really respected them for a second.

  The nobles could enjoy them at will, and outsiders could too, but only the people who raised them couldn’t.

  Everyone in Tiandu said that the sky had changed, but he saw clearly that this thing that changes all year round, what’s the point of changing or not?

  People are still the same people.

  They have been sad, angry, awake and asleep, but they have never changed.

  Looking at his father who was still kept in the dark, Nayak lowered his voice and continued.

  ”Commander Abusek never said that…you said it for him.”

  Looking at the silly boy who was still making a fool of himself, old Rotz was anxious and wanted to wake him up.

  ”Does anyone need to tell you about something that is obvious? Don’t think too much, just study hard and listen to your father.”

  Nayak didn’t say anything, but finally sighed and hid the truth in his heart.

  ”I know.”

  Janus’ death was an accident, and the one who killed that guy is really dead.

  But he can’t change anything. No

  matter how much he learns, the imprisoned Kabaha Commissioner is the limit of his life.

  If he learns his father’s skills, he may be a Kabaha Commissioner who is not under house arrest, or a Kabaha Commissioner who is worshipped on the altar…but what’s the point?

  Power was not what he pursued, including those colorful paper money that changed from time to time.

  If he really wanted to say what he was interested in, he would rather take a look at the moon.

  I heard that two hundred years ago was a great era. People at that time were much more powerful and knowledgeable than they are now, and they were just a little bit away from truly reaching for the stars.

  It would be a pity to abandon that great cause halfway. Someone has to continue the unfinished road for those pioneers.

  He wants to be that kind of person.

  Of course, this does not mean that he will abandon his loved ones.

  He will just use his own way to help them…

  Not knowing what his son was thinking, old Roz saw him finally bow his head meekly, and finally showed a relieved smile on his face. He grinned and touched his son’s head.

  ”So good…”

  When drinking yesterday, a neighbor’s words woke him up.

  It is only a matter of time for his son to eat the emperor’s food.

  Maybe he should seriously consider and come up with a name for the family in the future…

  At the same time when old Roz sent his son on the plane, Captain Pickley’s youngest son Gale also picked up his bag under the tearful farewell of a group of friends.

  Unlike old Roz’s son, he actually didn’t want to go to Mammoth City.

  First of all, the war was about to start, and he didn’t want to be too far away from his father.

  Secondly, that place is the territory of the ruthless Laxi, and his father cannot reach there. If he goes there, he will have to behave himself. How can he be free and easy like in Tiandu?

  In Tiandu, he can count the number of people he dare not offend on his fingers. As long as other people are not foreign guests of the Alliance or the Academy, he can offend them however he wants and do whatever he wants.

  Not only that.

  There are also a group of friends who can play with him here, and what he is most reluctant to part with are these good buddies who value feelings.

  However, helplessly, this matter is not up to him.

  In his father’s words, this opportunity was obtained by his father at the risk of his life to ask for it from the great councilor Duwata. He has already owed a huge favor, so he has to go even if he doesn’t want to.

  Although Gale is a bit of a dandy, and his dandyism is not very decent, he is not a stupid person.

  Facing the belt held by his father, he can only bite the bullet and obey.

  Seeing Gale about to board the plane, a slightly overweight little fat man squeezed in front of him and said with tears and snot.

  ”Boss, you are going… I don’t know when you can come back.”

  Gale was touched, but he still acted like a big brother and patted the little brother on the shoulder.

  ”Don’t cry, if you really miss me, study hard for a year or two, and come to accompany me when you take the exam next year!”

  Upon hearing this, the little fat man who was still crying a second ago, his expression suddenly turned bitter.

  ”Boss… You also know how difficult the questions that old man asks are. I want to pass the exam but I am powerless.”

  The sons of the other centurions also responded and flattered him.

  ”Yes, boss.”

  ”Our brains are not as good as yours.”

  Seeing that these guys were hesitating for a long time and didn’t get on the plane, the players standing next to the cabin waiting for the door to close finally got impatient and urged them.

  ”Hey, can you guys hurry up and do the story? We’re in a hurry to send the next one!”

  Do the story?

  Gale was stunned, but didn’t dare to ask more.

  His father had long told him who to offend and who not to offend.

  After politely saying sorry, Gale immediately carried his luggage into the cabin and found an empty seat to sit down.

  Not long after, the roar of the engine came along the cabin wall, and four arcs of blue light pushed the huge fuselage faster and faster on the straight runway, and then took off into the air.

  That was the runway that the survivors around Tiandu had knocked out bit by bit with hoes and shovels.

  And the pair of silver wings carried all the expectations on the ground, and with those pairs of hopeful eyes, they temporarily got rid of the gravity of the earth’s core and flew to the unknown distance…


  On the other side, in the northwest of Lion State, adjacent to Sulak County of Dog State, soldiers carrying rifles were patrolling along the square ridges of the fields.

  They were vassal troops from the colonies. Although they spoke the same language, their accents were different.

  At the same time that Captain Ryan took over Akal County, the 17th, 18th, and 19th 10,000 troops led by Captain Olet had already taken over the Dog State and were marching towards the Sheep State in the middle of the three northern states.

  Ross, who was stationed in Sulak County under Captain Olet, also followed the dispatch and led the 171st 1,000-man team to the northern front.

  As for Sulak County, it was handed over to the vassal troops transferred from the colonies for defense.

  This is considered a logistics hub on the northern line, and its strategic significance is still relatively important.

  In addition, a “tough guy of the alliance” who refused to confess was also handed over to the vassal army that took over the defense.

  Unlike the Willant people, these migrant workers from the colonies did not have much enthusiasm for torturing prisoners. Seeing that the latter refused to confess, they threw them in the dungeon and left them alone.

  To be honest, Lao Gou actually felt a little sorry for the passive resistance of these lackeys.

  It was not because he was a M, but mainly because the big nose who had locked him up before said that he would teach him a lesson, but in the end, he did the same tricks over and over again.

  He had to admit that he was really scared at first.

  However, from some day on, he suddenly found that he could accept it unexpectedly.

  The helmet helped him block most of the pain, and he could fully appreciate the frustrated expressions on the faces of those Weilant people in a sober state.

  In front of his iron will, these Weilant people had no way to deal with him, and on the contrary had to endure his ridicule of “that’s it” and “trash”. Anyway,

  he was not in a hurry to die, so he might as well practice the servants’ language and get some information by the way.

  And those Weilant people who wanted to pry information out of him, although they did not show mercy when torturing him, did not dare to really kill him.

  In addition, he had another fun, which was to share his “game experience” with his good brothers in the small group.

  Even though no one in the small group of four wanted to listen to his description, they all advised him to find a wall to hit himself to death. If he continued to squat, the expansion might end…

  It was another quiet night. Lao Gou heard the noise outside the door and thought someone came to bring him food, but unexpectedly, a sneaky guy came in.

  The man was very short and thin, with some hay hanging on his clothes and hair.

  As soon as Lao Gou saw this guy, he was sure that he was definitely not a lackey of the Willant people, so he asked curiously in the stuttering human language.

  ”Who are you?”

  ”I’m from the family! Just call me family! Brother, I’m sorry to have made you suffer!”

  The young man hurried up without paying attention to the grass on his body, took out a key, and opened the lock on the fence gate with a clang, and then unlocked the lock against his foot.

  Family meeting?

  Chewing on this word repeatedly, the dying old dog’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he continued to speak stutteringly.

  ”Oh… I’ve heard of you. You have been to Dawn City, right?”

  He had an impression of this group of people.

  Because of a post by brother [No Family], this group of people was once popular on the forum, and many players donated money to them.

  The NPCs in this game are very smart, but there are too few who are willing to play with them.

  The young man with a simple expression smiled at him politely, not knowing whether he understood his human language or not, and then said with a serious expression.

  ”…This is not a place to talk, I will take you away first!”

  After barely understanding what he said, the old dog was happy in his heart, and finally had the opportunity to save the game.

  However, when he thought about leaving here, he suddenly felt a little reluctant.

  ”Hey, you’re too polite… Actually, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine staying here.”

  The young man didn’t know whether he understood or not. He gave up communicating with him, put him on his shoulder, and walked out of the door.

  The night was quiet, with only the sound of quacking.

  Although Lao Gou wanted to stay, he had no intention of harming anyone, so he finally shut up honestly.

  Not long after the two figures left the small dark room, the roar of a jet engine came from the air.

  A metal hydrogen bomb accurately landed on the camp where Lao Gou had stayed before, and the flames of the explosion instantly illuminated the night.

  The servants who were attacked by the air raid chattered and attacked everywhere in panic, but they created a time window for the two people hiding at the edge of the village to escape.

  At this time, Lao Gou suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that there were several sneaky figures hiding in the dark.

  In their hands were some automatic rifles stolen from the village…

  On the slope in the distance, two players in ghillie suits were looking at the center of the explosion with binoculars.

  ”The ammunition depot exploded, well done.”

  A rustling sound of electricity came from the communication channel, and Luo Yu’s voice continued to come a moment later.

  ”Where’s that newbie?”

  Ye Shi yawned.

  ”It’s been recovered… Actually, I think it’s a bit redundant. That guy replenished himself the fastest. It’s better to restart and pick up the lost experience.”

  Kuangfeng glanced at him.

  ”Everyone has a different understanding of the game. You can’t expect everyone to be the same as you.”

  Ye Shi made a helpless expression.

  ”I just said it casually… It’s time to retreat.”

  The two haystacks disappeared silently on the slope, as if they had never been there.

  After the fall of Akale County, they did not retreat with the other brothers of the Burning Legion, but rode their electric donkeys all the way west and moved to Shizhou.

  Their mission from now on is to cooperate with the Alliance Air Force and the guerrillas active in the area to attack the logistics system of the Southern Army.

  As for saving people, it is just a matter of convenience…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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