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Chapter 877: Enemy at the Gate

Chapter 877: Enemy at the Gate


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 877: The Enemy at the Gates

  In the wilderness west of Kinggallon Harbor, a group of Willant people in prison uniforms were working on a construction site.

  As one of the younger brothers of the Alliance, Kinggallon Harbor inherited the glorious tradition of the Alliance. The prisoner-of-war camp has always been built by the prisoners themselves, and they can move in when it is finished.

  There is no distinction between centurions or ten thousand men here, only supervisors and prisoners.

  Even Wolf has to do the same work as the soldiers.

  At the entrance of the prisoner-of-war camp.

  A soldier on duty sat on a bench, crossed his legs and looked at the newspaper in his hand, and suddenly couldn’t help cursing.

  ”What a waste!”

  There was a shocking line of black words on a white background on the headline of the newspaper.

  ”Abusek changes generals on the battlefield! Akale County is lost!”

  Half a month ago, the headline printed on this headline was still the great victory of Akale County. In

  just half a month, that waste has lost the advantage in his hands.

  Not only that, but what’s even more infuriating is the content of the newspaper!

  More than half of the 50th, 51st, and 52nd Divisions (10,000-man troops) were killed or wounded, and all members of the Death Corps were killed!

  If the 11th and 3rd Divisions did not go north to support the Mammoth Country, but defended together with the three reinforcement divisions, how could they be defeated by the Legion!

  And it is not reasonable to say that they were reinforcements. Who doesn’t know that the target of the Southern Legion is Tiandu?

  Going north under the guise of reinforcing the allies at this time is nothing more than wanting to preserve their own lineage, and then kill back and take advantage after the battle of Tiandu is over!

  He heard the sound of pressing the calculator keyboard in Jingalon Port!

  Looking at the angry expression of his comrade, the soldier leaning on the pillar laughed and said teasingly.

  ”When did you have the illusion that that guy was not a waste?”

  The soldier with a rifle on his shoulder also laughed.

  ”A dock worker knows nothing about fighting. I am better than him in the battlefield.”

  The soldier leaning against the pillar made a round.

  ”You can’t say that about him. He was a soldier before he became a dockworker.”

  ”Oh, the Gray Wolf Army… After all, he’s a good swimmer.”

  ”Hahaha, shit!”

  ”Hey… why do we always have this kind of idiot? Can’t we have a normal person as the leader?” The soldier holding the newspaper sighed, his face full of helplessness.

  Either they can fight but not govern, or they can govern but not fight.

  It’s not that the Alliance didn’t help them, even the legion that was beating them helped them a little.

  He always felt that it shouldn’t be like this.

  So many of their compatriots have woken up, but they still can’t wait for a saint worthy of their loyalty.

  The old soldier who had been silent all the time threw his empty cigarette butt on the ground and said lightly.

  ”Maybe it’s fate.”

  He was an old man from the time of Duke Nihak, and he was a soldier at that time.

  Compared with these newly enlisted young men, he is actually much more open-minded.

  Abusek has ten thousand faults, even if he has swam in the river, he is much better than Wutu and Nihak.

  In his opinion, a perfect person who has no moral flaws, is not only hardworking and dedicated, but also powerful and wise, is either a god or a liar.

  Only the profession of liar can meet all people’s requirements, no matter how harsh and perverted those fantasies sound. Especially the skilled liars, they can always justify themselves when the victims begin to doubt.

  From this perspective, Abusek is indeed not smart, and he only deceived the legion once. If he had the ability to turn black into white, there would not be so many people scolding him.

  Hearing those “furious” voices, the captives hid away.

  For various reasons, the hatred of the survivors of the Borneo Province towards the Willant people has reached an unprecedented peak recently, so that the locals can’t help spitting and throwing things at them when they see their noses. Although

  the soldiers on duty will stop people, they usually don’t have a good face for them.

  Everything seems to have returned to two centuries ago when the Willant people had the lowest status.

  It’s even worse than that time.

  No one dared to offend the soldier. They all buried their heads in their own work, pretending to be busy.

  Some people secretly vented their anger or cheered.

  After all, the reason why these Brahmas were so angry must be that they had suffered a defeat at the front.

  For those who were doing hard labor in the prisoner-of-war camp, there was no better news than this.

  When Captain Ryan’s army came over, they would be able to take them home!

  At six o’clock in the evening, the sun was hanging in the sky, and the bell rang in the prisoner-of-war camp.

  It was the bell for the end of work, and also the signal for dinner.

  The soldier on duty at the door threw the torn newspaper aside, saluted the brother who came to change the guard, and then carried the rifle to the next barracks.

  They needed to return their weapons and clothes before they could get off work, and then it was private time.

  As for the newspaper thrown on the ground, it became a hot commodity in the eyes of the prisoners of war.

  Everyone rushed up to pick up the newspaper and looked at it curiously, wanting to see what happened on the front line.

  The headlines they saw were exactly what they expected. The explosive news was already written on the title.

  A pair of eyes suddenly showed excitement, and many prisoners clenched their fists excitedly.

  ”Damn, it’s so refreshing!”

  ”Beautiful fight!”

  ”Kill these bastards!”

  However, no matter how excited they were, they were still prisoners in someone else’s territory, so they didn’t dare to celebrate too blatantly. They only dared to hide in a place without supervision and secretly circulate the good news.

  The newspaper was passed around and finally reached Wolfe’s hands.

  Taking off the black work gloves, the haggard old general took the newspaper in his hand and glanced at it. The corners of his mouth smiled and he was happy for a while.

  However, not long after, his brows caused a hint of sadness.

  ”…The 300,000th team was delayed in Akal County for nearly half a month. This is not a good sign.”

  The adjutant standing next to him raised his eyebrows.

  ”Do you think Ryan might lose?”

  Wolfe shook his head and sighed.

  ”It’s hard to say.”

  According to the original plan, they should have reached Tiandu City by now, but they were stuck by Akale County for so long.

  Since the beginning of this war, their plans have not kept up with the changes.

  Including the previous bombing of Lion City.

  Ryan intended to destroy the resistance of the survivors in Borneo Province in this way, but it had the opposite effect, twisting the group of scattered rats into a rope, and eventually led to their first fall in Akale County.

  His evaluation of Abusek was completely different from that of the locals. He was an old fox who was extremely cunning.

  If it was Janusz as their opponent, they would not have won so hard.

  At this moment, the sound of rolling wheels came from the road at the entrance of the prisoner-of-war camp.

  Wolf looked up outside the camp and saw trucks full of soldiers speeding past the road and heading towards the inland dock.

  The expression on his face froze slightly.

  It was not because of the military trucks transporting soldiers, but because of the soldiers sitting on the trucks.

  The black gas masks awakened his instinctive fear…

  It was the Death Corps!

  Weren’t they wiped out?

  How come they are back? !

  Not only was Wolfe surprised, but also Captain Tote and other Weilant officers who had fought against the Death Corps.

  They all had more or less collapsed expressions on their faces, as if they had seen a ghost.


  A captain clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with disbelief and panic.

  How many of these guys are there? !

  At the same time, on the truck heading to the dock, Edgewater was squinting at the dock not far away.

  He was carried away by a 200mm cannon before he had enough fun in the last battle.

  I hope that in this battle to defend Tiandu, I won’t be so unlucky…


  After a week of twists and turns, the resurrected Death Corps once again set foot on the land of the Borneo Province and headed towards the front line.

  Not only that.

  The Skeleton Corps, which had been wiped out before, also drove the tanks that had just come off the assembly line back to kill again.

  The location of the decisive battle was set in Tiandu.

  It was not only the heart of the country of Bo Luo, but also the gift prepared by the academy for the legion.

  An unprecedented battle was brewing.

  At the same time, at the bend of the river in Akal County, three airships with broken wings finally completed the final overhaul.

  The towering steel fortress was like a man-made dark cloud, and the gun barrels were pointing at Tiandu from afar.

  Not only that.

  The railway connecting Xifan Port and Xiongshi City has also been repaired and extended to the Yongliu River.

  Cars of brand-new equipment were pulled to the front line by train, including ammunition for front-line soldiers and airships, as well as self-propelled artillery and tanks sent through the sea blockade.

  In the face of absolute power, all fancy skills are paper tigers.

  The series of actions taken by the alliance on the logistics supply line of the Southern Legion did have some effect, but it still could not change the fact that the Southern Legion’s front line was advancing. In

  the command vehicle.

  Looking at the troops ready to go on the holographic screen, Captain Ryan, who had been tightening his lips for several days, finally raised a trace of joyful smile.

  He wanted to see what these grasshoppers in front of the wheels could do to stop this powerful steel torrent!

  Thinking of this, he slowly raised his right hand and waved it forward.

  ”Let’s go!”

  The adjutant who received the order sitting next to him blushed with excitement.

  The opportunity for the 300,000th team to avenge the previous shame is finally here!

  He straightened his back and shouted loudly and powerfully.


  As the order to march was issued, the five airships all retracted their anchor chains and marched towards Tiandu.

  At the same time, the troops on the ground were also moving forward in

  a mighty manner! Trucks rolled over the mud, and the wide tires left thick ruts on the soft plain.

  Sitting in the carriages were all Weyland soldiers who were armed to the teeth.

  Some of them wore sophisticated exoskeletons, and some wore heavy bulletproof armor. Their fierce eyes were like hungry wolves on the grassland, and they couldn’t wait for the upcoming hunt.

  In addition to the Willant soldiers, there were also soldiers from the Glorious Army.

  Their eyes were equally fierce, like hyenas picking up meat behind wolves.

  The shining bayonets were their teeth!

  They will be responsible for the hardest bones to chew, and use their flesh and blood to pave the way for the Southern Corps to move forward!

  In addition to infantry and artillery, the steel torrent that the Willant people are proud of also moved forward!

  Nearly 800 “Conqueror” No. 10, under the cover of nearly 2,000 light tanks and armored vehicles, were like a moving wall!

  These tanks mainly came from the factories of the Western Corps and were sent to Xifan Port by fearless cargo ships.

  The roar of the engine and the sound of the rolling tracks shook the earth, just like an earthquake!

  Seeing this scene from a distance, the farmers in the fields showed terrified looks on their faces.

  They had never seen such an amazing scene, and they could not imagine how to defeat such a terrifying opponent…

  Facing the concentrated offensive launched by the Legion, General Yudono’s old subordinates launched a desperate battle.

  Nearly 100,000 troops gathered from the front lines of hundreds of kilometers, and rushed to the eastern part of Akal County to the western suburbs of Tiandu.

  In cooperation with the air force of the alliance, they launched dozens of large and small blocking battles on the marching route of nearly 100 kilometers.

  Even if it was a desperate resistance, they did not frown. Even if they risked their heads and blood, they would bite off a piece of meat from the arm of the Southern Legion! The

  thick plasma paved a road of death, and human bones were buried in almost every inch of soil.

  Among them were the people of the Boro Kingdom, the people of the Weylandt, or clones and players.

  Both sides were bloodshot!

  In this nearly one month of fighting, the temperament of both the soldiers of the Boro Kingdom and the soldiers of the Southern Legion has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  At first, it took a team of ten soldiers from the Kingdom of Borneo to replace one Weilante soldier, but later the ratio became 5:1, or even 3:1.

  No one thought they could win the final victory before, but as the battle continued, they not only gained experience, but also showed their determination to win.

  The situation on the Willant side was completely different.

  The continuous casualties and the difficulty of advancing made the propaganda on the radio more and more like a hypocritical lie.

  The local survivors were not as weak as the top leaders of the Southern Corps claimed.

  They dug holes and traps in the forest, suddenly jumped down from the trees, and carried rocket launchers or explosive packs to launch suicide attacks… like crazy people who didn’t care about their lives.

  Faced with this unprecedented difficult situation, even the veterans of the colony were caught off guard frequently. In

  just one month, the enthusiasm and bloodthirstiness burning in the pupils have gradually been replaced by numbness and hesitation.

  Especially those new recruits who have just joined the army.

  Fortunately, this bloody torture did not last too long.

  After defeating Yudono’s old troops and breaking through the 150,000 troops under the command of Captain Duwata, they finally pushed the front line to the northwest suburbs only 20 kilometers away from Tiandu.

  There used to be a small town by the river, called Ludel Town, where 20,000 to 30,000 survivors lived.

  However, due to the plague and war, the entire town has been abandoned, leaving only some broken bricks and tiles.

  On the river bank, there are some corpses washed down from the upper reaches. The turbid river water exudes a foul smell, and it looks like the Styx leading to hell.

  Sitting in the command vehicle, Captain Ryan Wanfu looked at the nearby Tiandu and the suspended palace through the holographic screen, and the smile on his face became brighter.

  Finally arrived…

  As long as his troops move forward one more step, the capital of the country of Boro will change hands.

  That will be the turning point of the whole war, just like his victory in Akal County.

  Although it is unfortunate that the captured Wolf and others were not found, as long as the final victory can be achieved, I think General Gullion will not blame him too much.

  Just when Captain Ryan Wanfu was thinking about whether to open a bottle of champagne first, a communication request from Captain Horn suddenly popped up on the holographic screen.

  ”We are already at the edge of Tiandu. I was wondering when you plan to enter the city.”

  Ryan replied concisely.

  ”It’s getting dark soon. I plan to rest for a night before continuing to march.”

  Clones are not good at night battles.

  Only with daylight can artillery bombardment and clone cluster charge tactics play the greatest advantage.

  Due to the continuous attacks of the guerrillas, his men have suffered a lot of casualties during this period of time.

  If possible, he wants to make the last battle a little easier, or to be more proud.

  At least don’t fight it like it was in Akal County.

  Anyway, in his opinion, Tiandu City is already in his pocket. He

  can fight however he wants.

  Seeing that Captain John on the screen looked like he had something to say, Ryan raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled and teased.

  ”What? You can’t wait.”

  John shrugged and said.

  ”How could that be? I just want to remind you, don’t forget the agreement between us.”

  According to the agreement reached between Captain Ryan and the Air Force, the floating palace will be used as a trophy of the Air Force to build an unprecedented steel airship.

  In exchange, the Air Force of the Southern Corps proposed to the General Staff that it would give priority to supporting the Eastern Front and concentrate all its forces to capture Tiandu before supporting the Northern Front.

  Now they have reached the outskirts of Tiandu City, and they are only one step away from the final victory.

  He is worried that some madman will get angry and blow up the Tiangong directly.

  Referring to what this guy did in Lion City, it is not impossible.

  Listening to John’s reminder, Ryan smiled and said.

  ”Don’t worry, I won’t forget it, and I’m not interested in that thing.”

  John said meaningfully.

  ”I know, what I mean is that I hope your subordinates will be a little restrained after entering the city, and don’t burn down the Tiangong.”

  Ryan promised solemnly.

  ”I will restrain them.”

  He is not an arsonist, and he will not set fire to the city under any circumstances.

  Unless the resistance of the survivors of Tiandu City exceeded his expectations.

  If that was the case, he might consider doing something with the Heavenly Palace to undermine the resistance of the locals.

  For example, let it fall down or something.

  After the communication was disconnected, Ryan was about to order the front-line troops to launch a round of feint attack on the western suburbs of Tiandu City, so that the defenders of Tiandu City could spend a tormenting night in anxiety.

  However, at this moment, an unfamiliar communication request popped up on the communication screen.

  The signal came from outside the barracks.

  Obviously, there was only one possibility, that this video call was from the Alliance!

  Looking at the communication request flashing on the screen, Ryan narrowed his eyes slightly, then sneered, and reached out to press the button to connect.

  Answering a call would not expose his position, after all, the receiver for signal transmission was not in his car, and the repeater and his position were at least three kilometers apart.

  He was curious about how his opponent would beg for mercy at this critical moment when the enemy was at the gates of the city.

  However, to his surprise, the man who appeared on the screen was not an officer of the Alliance, but a middle-aged man in a white coat.

  He had an ordinary appearance, with a pair of plain glasses on his nose. He was the kind of guy who could not be found if he changed his clothes and was thrown into a crowd of people.

  Looking at this strange guy, Ryan narrowed his eyes slightly and tested him in a dangerous tone.

  ”…You are from the academy.”

  The man smiled faintly and nodded slightly.

  ”I am Yang Kai, a B-level researcher, affiliated with the Research Department, and currently in charge of the affairs of the Borneo Province.”

  As if he had heard a very funny joke, Ryan sneered disdainfully.

  ”It’s okay to be in charge of the affairs of the Borneo Province… How many 10,000-man teams do you have? You are qualified to talk to me here.”

  Yang Kai shook his head and said in a gentle tone.

  ”Unfortunately, fighting and killing is not what we are good at. The respected Chief and Dr. Conclusion did not give me a 10,000-man team.”

  Ryan’s eyes narrowed into a slit, and a trace of imperceptible fear flashed in his pupils.

  To be honest, he would rather face the enterprise than the academy that is good at conspiracy.

  At least the latter is a visible opponent.

  ”I warn you… This is not the place you should come to. If you still want to continue your peaceful life, it is better to mind your own business.”

  Yang Kai smiled faintly.

  ”How can it be meddling? We are one of the witnesses of the ancient contract, and also the witnesses of the armistice agreement of Falcon City… Now that someone has torn up the contract, we naturally have to do something.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Do you think that our peaceful life fell from the sky?”

  Ryan curled his lips and used his little finger to pick his ears with disdain.

  ”I don’t understand what you are saying, and did I participate in the signing of those waste papers?”

  Yang Kai sighed softly and said with regret.

  ”Tsk tsk… I knew you would say that. Good words of persuasion are like playing the lute to a cow for you. You have to use muskets and whips to deal with uncivilized beasts.”

  Ryan sneered and scolded.

  ”If you have the guts, come and fight me with real swords and guns, don’t just talk nonsense there.”

  Yang Kai nodded.

  ”As you wish.”

  After saying this, the light blue figure disappeared from the holographic screen.

  Ryan was slightly stunned, frowned, and looked around quickly.

  His intuition told him that the slugs in the swamp had played some tricks again.

  However, he waited for a full minute, but nothing happened.

  That sentence was like a bluff, with a whimper and no follow-up.

  The tense nerves relaxed, and Ryan sneered.

  ”…Hehe, you want to scare me.”

  He is a soldier and has experienced many battles. How could he be scared by a small slug!

  At the same time, in the scientific research ship on Tiangong Square, Yang Kai, who was leaning on the reclining chair in the cockpit, opened his eyes slightly.

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was holding a tablet, stood beside him and said seriously.

  ”Professor, our device is ready… Do we need to start it now?”

  ”Well, no need to wait. It’s useless to wait any longer. We have given those big-nosed guys enough opportunities.”

  Nodding slightly, Yang Kai sat up straight from the recliner holding the armrest and took the tablet handed over by the student. He

  tapped the tablet with his index finger twice, and he roughly checked the parameters that had been set, and then dragged the suspended energy bar from 0% to 100%.

  After doing all of this, Yang Kai leisurely looked at the night sky outside the cockpit again, with an expression of watching the fun.

  ”The therapeutic effect of this ‘gravity well’… I’ll trouble you, General, to demonstrate it to our allies.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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