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Chapter 878 Falling!

Chapter 878 Falling!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 878 Fall!

  The western suburbs of Tiandu City.

  Sandbags were piled under the dilapidated houses, foxholes were dug in the yard, and wooden piles were leaning against the back of the courtyard wall to reinforce the wall.

  The residents who lived here had already moved away, and judging from the daily necessities left in the house, they left in a hurry.

  The soldiers of the Pala Kingdom hid behind the bunker, repeatedly checking their equipment and bullets to kill the remaining time.

  No one spoke.

  The battlefield shrouded in the night was silent, but anyone could see the sadness in the silence.

  The 700,000th Pala Kingdom was stationed here, and the commander was Captain Pickley, who was Gail’s father.

  As one of the conditions for his son to study for an undergraduate degree at Mammoth University, Pickley took the initiative to take the lead and led his men to the front line of the Tiandu defense war.

  In the Pala Province, the first line of defense has always been a place for cannon fodder.

  Although General Duwata allowed him to “act according to circumstances”, he knew very well that even so, he would be in danger.

  I heard that the artillery shells of the legion can evaporate the entire position in an instant, especially the warheads that can split in mid-air.

  Even in the Alliance Corps, many corps commanders were unfortunately killed in the first round of bombardment, not to mention him, a half-way commander.

  But Pickley did not regret it.

  He has paved the way for his son.

  As long as the stinky boy is not too useless and does not waste time in school, even if he dies, he has no chance to be a commander, but it is more than enough to come back as a committee member.

  Standing next to Commander Pickley, the adjutant held a telescope and looked at the airship in the distance, his face full of worry.

  ”Damn… How can we get this thing down.”

  He didn’t know what deal the superior and the general had reached, but he only knew that the 155mm artillery given to them by the Alliance was useless against that thing.

  However, he also did not regret standing here.

  Not everyone took up guns to resist for the sake of profit, at least he did it for the righteousness in his heart.

  ”Who knows? At worst, we’ll have to fight these damn big noses!”

  Pickley cursed in a low voice, pinched the brim of his officer’s hat with his index finger and stared at the five steel fortresses floating in the air.

  Although he said so, he actually had no idea how to fight these big noses.

  The strength of the two sides was too different!

  From the beginning, this was an asymmetric battle.

  Looking at the steel fortress that was getting closer and closer, Pickley felt that every minute and every second was like torture.

  He even couldn’t help praying in his heart, hoping that all this would end faster, at least so that he could escape the torture before this glory.

  At this moment, the five airships suddenly dropped their anchor chains.

  The heavy anchor chain was thrown on the ground, and under the action of inertia, it plowed the soil surface and raised a rolling dust.

  The adjutant holding the telescope suddenly shrank his pupils and exclaimed in a low voice.

  ”They’ve dropped anchor!”

  That was a sign before the bombardment!

  Pickley’s heart also rose to his throat. He took off the intercom hanging on his shoulder and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”All units take cover!”

  In fact, there was no need for his reminder.

  The communication equipment of the Borneo Army was only distributed to the 100-man team level, and the battle was carried out in units of 10-man teams.

  It was precisely because of this that the decisions of grassroots officers were largely based not on the orders from the rear, but on the actions of the enemy in front.

  As early as when the anchor chain was thrown down, the soldiers on the position had already quickly drilled into the anti-artillery cave under the shouting of the centurion. Those who had no place to hide also found a trench or a hollow to lie down. At

  the same time when the 700,000th team was ready to deal with the artillery attack, rows of dazzling flames flashed in the sky.

  The burning rain of fire fell from the sky, lighting up the dark night sky in an instant!

  As if to show off, the Southern Corps loaded tracer bullets on each gun, trying to use the overwhelming firepower to destroy the opponent’s position, body and even spirit!

  The already crumbling rows of houses were blown away in an instant, and the shattered streets were full of scattered broken bricks and tiles.

  Pickley hurriedly hid in the anti-gun cave, but he was still shocked by the roaring artillery fire and was hit by the falling dirt.

  And this is just the beginning!

  At the same time as the first round of salvos ended, the Weilant artillery in the airship’s gun cabin quickly completed the loading of the second round of shells!

  They will first use cluster bombs to eliminate some of the “rats”, and then drive the rest into the cave.

  Then it’s the job of the incendiary bombs.

  The oxygen on the surface will be quickly consumed, and carbon dioxide is heavier than air, and phosphorus pentoxide from the burning of white phosphorus is much heavier than air.

  The deadly gas will be poured into the cave, killing the last wave of rats.

  This is much more direct than the “death agent”…

  the bridge of the Horn.

  John, leaning on the chair, stared at the ground outside the French window while playing with the medal in his hand, with the corners of his mouth curled up.

  ”You fought well.”

  ”It’s a pity that it’s useless.”

  Although he had never stood on this land for a second, he standing in the sky might not be less clear than those brothers on the ground.

  Those rat people, snake people and other messy survivors of various tribes were not really weak, but they hibernated for a long time in the cold winter that lasted for half a century.

  If they were given enough time to wake up, they would have a chance to become the Legion’s strong enemy. And if the Alliance really pulled them onto their chariot, the threat to the Legion would be unprecedented.

  But it’s a pity.

  Now they only have the courage to face the long night, and courage alone can’t change anything.

  In the face of absolute power, their dying struggle is meaningless.

  The playfulness on the corner of his mouth gradually turned into coldness. John tapped the medal on his fingertips on the armrest of the chair, and then slowly raised his right hand covered with calluses.

  However, just when he was about to wave his hand down, he suddenly saw the medal attached to the armrest of the chair floating up as if weightless.

  It’s not just a medal.

  There was also the mug, notebook, ballpoint pen and pen cap on the console, and all the officers standing on the aisle without wearing seat belts… everything seemed to float up as if it had lost weight.

  The incident happened so suddenly that no one could react to what happened.

  John froze in his chair.

  Before a look of astonishment appeared on his face, he suddenly felt the safety belt on his shoulders like a skinny hand, pulling him down fiercely.

  And the officers who flew into the air, along with the garbage and debris that were floating in the air, fell heavily on the ceiling.


  A dull sound came from above his head. Looking at the world that was turned upside down in an instant, John’s face was full of panic.

  What on earth happened? !

  Not only him, but everyone was so confused.

  At this moment, a cry of exclamation came from the communication channel.

  ”Damn it!! We are falling!”

  Before the voice finished, he heard the roar of Ryan the Ten Thousand.

  ”Horn!! What are you doing!!!”

  ”I, I don’t know!?”

  John shouted in fear, and the voice of fear was out of tune. Then he quickly switched the communication channel and shouted loudly into the walkie-talkie hanging on his shoulder with forced calmness.

  ”Open the buffer! Quick!”

  That was a device prepared to deal with the phase gun.

  Among all the known weapons, only the phase gun can have a fatal impact on the anti-gravity device of the steel airship.

  So the Equipment Manufacturing Bureau of Triumph City referred to the Alliance’s modification of the Heart of Steel and designed a buffer airbag under the steel airships of the major legions.

  In this way, even if it was attacked by the phase gun, the airship would not crash due to its huge weight.

  However, what frightened John was that the airbag that was stretched downward did not slow down the speed of the airship at all. They were still falling at an acceleration of more than 1G!

  Wait –

  an acceleration of more than 1G? !

  Looking at the flight parameters that kept jumping on the holographic screen, John suddenly reacted.

  Their fall was not due to the paralysis of the anti-gravity engine, and even their engine was still running intact!

  It was not the phase gun that hit them, but something else!

  That thing was like an invisible hand, tightly grasping their airship and pulling it to the ground at an acceleration of nearly 2G!

  Their anti-gravity engines were useless in the face of that force, like wheels stuck in quicksand, spinning in vain, helpless against the rapidly falling altitude.

  No hope!

  We’re going to crash!

  John’s face was filled with despair.

  However, he was a battle-hardened soldier after all, and he did not sit in his chair and wait for death.

  He gritted his teeth and unbuckled his seat belt, raised his arms to protect his head, and then fell to the ceiling at an acceleration of less than 1G, taking the “blow”.

  Fortunately, the ceiling of the bridge was not too high, and although he was knocked unconscious by the fall, he did not pass out.

  The adjutant at the side struggled to get up from the ground, then hurried over and helped John, who had just fallen.

  ”Sir, are you okay–”

  ”Go to the escape pod…” John interrupted the adjutant’s nonsense, grabbed his arm tightly, and said with a heavy breath, “The escape pod… It’s a chemical engine! You can escape! Quick!”

  The adjutant nodded hurriedly, and under the escort of a group of officers who could still move, he limped towards the escape pod next to Cambridge.

  Including the panicked Martin.

  He was frightened by the power he had never seen before, but at least he could keep up with John’s pace and was not left on the bridge.

  As for those unlucky people who fainted or lost their ability to move, as well as the crew in the power room and the artillery in the gun room, they could only live and die with the airship…

  There was only one escape pod.

  Although it could accommodate many people, not everyone had the opportunity to board.

  An orange-yellow flame shot out, drawing an embarrassing curve in the air, pushing the escape pod to the far west.

  At the same time as the Horn accelerated its fall, a familiar scene was also staged on the other four airships.

  In the dimension invisible to humans, the “invisible membrane” composed of “invisible gravitons” collapsed downward into a vertical and abstract well.

  If it is allowed to continue to collapse downward, the depth of the “well” will be infinitely extended, and the ripples of the folds will continue to spread. The center of the well mouth will eventually breed a point of infinite density, attracting all the surrounding matter, becoming an existence that devours everything in the universe, and inducing more terrifying disasters.

  It is obvious that the nuclear fusion reactor of the “Tiangong” does not have the power to distort the dimension, and the collapse of the membrane at this moment is just a ripple on the lake surface caused by the breeze. All it can do is to increase the gravity in a certain area sharply.

  However, although that force is so small on an astronomical scale, just like the light emitted by a firefly cannot compare to the stars in the sky, it is enough to deal with a few airships.

  An invisible hand grabbed their throats and pulled them from the sky above the clouds to the ground.

  They fell into the well!

  And not just them!

  Together with the garbage in the low-Earth orbit behind them, everything fell along the invisible well wall into the depths of the well!

  The orbital debris that fell into the atmosphere drew burning tracks in the air, which looked like a magnificent meteor shower from a distance!

  The Weylanders used old weapons to cast a new shell for the core of the starship, but it was obvious that they did not really understand what the power that made the steel soar in the sky was. That

  is why they could not figure out why their airship suddenly fell from the clouds even if they racked their brains.

  Looking at the five fortresses falling from the sky, Captain Ryan stared with his eyes wide open, his eyes were bloodshot, and his gray face was full of despair.


  The desperate roar did not break free from the shackles of gravity, and the steel fortresses finally fell into the muddy wilderness.

  The fragile airbags were cut by the sharp-edged steel, and the twisted steel made a wail of unbearable weight, and was pressed together with the ammunition rack filled with incendiary bombs.


  The scorching flames shot up into the sky, carrying with them the dark smoke, forming a mushroom-shaped cloud in the air.

  The shock wave from the explosion swept across the plain, shattering the sandbags piled in the middle of the dirt road and knocking down the crooked courtyard wall.

  The crew members on the airship who didn’t have time to escape were killed instantly, and the next to suffer was the Willant position below the airship.

  A steel bar more than ten meters long was burning and rolling in the wilderness, like a burning windmill.

  A “Greyhound” reconnaissance vehicle was unable to dodge and was hit by the flying steel bar. The whole car flew out like a gyroscope!

  And right next to the overturned reconnaissance vehicle, a truck that was running away was also overturned by the shock wave of the explosion.

  A whole team of Willant people was thrown out by the overturned car and fell on a muddy land.

  They got up from the ground with curses, but before they could raise their terrified faces, they were swallowed by the oncoming flames!

  The entire western suburbs of Tiandu were engulfed in a boiling sea of ​​fire, and the ammunition exploded like fireworks.

  The deafening explosion resounded throughout the wilderness, and even the Tiangong, which was more than 20 kilometers away, could be clearly heard.

  The soldiers of the 300,000th Southern Army were stunned, and so were the soldiers of the 700,000th Borneo Army.

  People stood up from the ground at the same time, staring at the center of the explosion in amazement, and were speechless for a moment.

  Including the players standing in the distance watching.

  ”Oh my god…”

  Looking at the burning sea of ​​fire, Debt Eyes couldn’t help swallowing his saliva and muttered.

  ”Those slugs in the swamp can do this?”

  The construction site boy and the brick also swallowed their saliva and said in disbelief.

  ”This is probably the first time they have directly attacked since the server was opened.”

  The roller shampooer thought for a while and said.

  ”Not necessarily, I remember that the brothers of the Burning Legion also fought with them before?”

  The construction site guy showed a look of realization on his face.

  ”Oh yeah… that time with the Beacon Squad. Damn, that was so long ago, I would have forgotten if you hadn’t mentioned it.”

  ”And the Alpha Task Force.” Laplace teased, “It’s a bit strange, these guys are quite distinctive, but their presence is not high.”

  At least compared to the enterprise, the academy’s presence is much lower, even worse than the Free State, whose big moves always end in a whimper.

  To this day, they don’t know whether the salesperson of the Firestone Group who was mistakenly captured by a short-lived king is safe.

  Edge of the Water grinned.

  ”It turns out that they are more suitable for hiding behind the scenes and plotting than on the front battlefield.” Fortunately,

  these people are teammates.

  Debt looked at Edge of the Water.

  ”What’s next?”

  ”Next… It’s time to end this battle.”

  While saying this, Edge of the Water had already taken off the charge horn hanging on his belt.

  The players on the side saw it, and they all excitedly put on gas masks and loaded their LD-47 assault rifles.

  In fact, it’s over.

  The positions of the Southern Legion were in complete chaos.

  Although only two 10,000-man teams were involved in the explosion, the impact of the airship crash far exceeded the explosion itself.

  After all, the five airships were not only the reliance of the Southern Legion’s firepower, but also the faith of countless Willant soldiers!

  At this moment, they didn’t even know what their opponents had done, and they watched their faith fall from the sky and disintegrate in the burning flames.

  Also falling from the clouds were the pride and courage in their hearts, as well as the invincible faith and determination.

  Rather than saying that they had lost the will to fight, it would be better to say that they no longer knew how to continue this war.

  How the hell can we fight this? !

  Whether it was the soldiers squatting in the trenches or Captain Ryan sitting in the command vehicle, the same despair was written on their faces at this moment.

  On the other hand, the 155mm artillery and multiple rocket launchers ambushed in the suburbs of the Alliance were already aimed at them.

  Not only that, there are also the First Mechanized Infantry Division of Jinjialun Port and the Second Mechanized Infantry Division that just arrived in Tiandu, as well as the First Armored Division of the Black Tiger Army and the First Armored Division of the Black Panther Army.

  Including the Skeleton Corps of Brother Mole.

  The four divisions plus a reinforced regiment have surrounded the eastern front of the corps in a pincer shape, and there are nearly 150,000 troops of the Borneo Kingdom waiting on the front battlefield.

  They did not actually lose to the academy.

  But in the end, they lost to their own arrogance…

  Before the edge paddling water blew the charge, a loud horn sounded in the ruins in the distance, followed by a whistle of tsunami.

  That was the position of the 700,000th Bora Kingdom.

  Standing at the door of the anti-artillery cave, looking at the boiling flames in the distance, the face of Captain Pickley was full of excitement.

  Like most Bora officers who came from the grass, he drew his pistol and stepped on the overturned sandbag.

  ”Brothers! It’s time for revenge! Follow me!!!”

  Including his guards!

  All the Polos holding guns roared and charged, and rushed towards the positions of the Southern Corps under the cover of 155mm howitzers and rocket launchers.


  Not only the positions of the 700,000-man troops!

  The 710,000 and 720,000-man troops stationed on both sides of the positions also launched a charge!

  Including the Skeleton Corps who were ready to fight!

  A full-scale offensive has begun!

  The sound of gunfire echoed in the night sky, accompanied by the flying tracers.

  Facing the surging offensive, the Conqueror No. 10 tank fired and retreated, but before it went far, it was blown away by a 60-megajoule shell. The

  Willant soldiers squatting behind the machine gun bunker squeezed the trigger desperately, and their faces illuminated by the gun flames were full of fear.

  Before he could finish firing a round of bullets, a rocket landed not far from him, lifting him and the position in front of him into the sky.

  The airship, which was the biggest threat to the artillery, no longer existed.

  The artillery of the Goblin Corps could unleash their artillery fire to their heart’s content!

  And those propeller planes!

  The broken arm blown off by the rocket had just landed on the scorched land when it was stepped on by a group of fearless soldiers.

  The defense line of the Southern Corps was collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

  Facing the offensive of the Death Corps and the 700,000th Army, the 300,000th Army deployed at the forefront had been driven from the suburban fields to the edge of the Yongliu River.

  Including the reorganized 340,000th, 360,000th, and 370,000th Army!

  At this moment, they are suffering from setbacks far beyond what they had experienced in Akale County. The tide-like offensive left them with no chance to parry.

  In the command vehicle.

  Listening to the constant sad news and calls for reinforcements from the front line, the pupils of Captain Ryan were only a dull gray, no longer arrogant and rebellious half an hour ago.

  It’s over.

  This war…

  Just when he was still indulging in failure and despair, his adjutant suddenly grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard to wake him up.

  ”General! Retreat! Before the Alliance kills here! We still have a chance!!”

  Tiandu is probably doomed, and Akale County is expected to be lost, but it doesn’t matter, at least Lion City and even the entire Lion State are still in their hands!

  They still have the vassal army transferred from the colony!

  There are still enough ammunition and artillery!

  As for the steel airships…

  the loss of five airships is indeed heavy, but this is not all the assets of the Southern Legion.

  What’s more, they don’t only have the airship as a trump card!

  They also have 902mm cannons!

  And nuclear bombs!

  And the “death agent” that is being developed!

  As long as they don’t admit this defeat, no one can stop them from winning the final victory.

  Ryan, who was shaken awake by his adjutant, finally showed a trace of reaction on his stiff face when he heard the word “retreat”.

  Half of it was bitter, and the other half was an emotion he couldn’t describe.

  But in the end, he still recognized the reality, picked up the communicator, and squeezed out the word “retreat” from his dry mouth.

  At least, he couldn’t fall into the hands of the Poro people…

  In fact, even if Ryan didn’t give the order to retreat, the tens of thousands of troops on the front line were already on the verge of collapse.

  Even if they held on to the end, it was nothing more than the difference between “strategic transfer” and “running away”.

  At the same time, on a scientific research ship more than 20 kilometers away from the battlefield.

  Yang Kai, leaning on a chair, was observing the burning flame with great interest, with an undisguised sneer on his face.

  ”…I don’t know how many teams of 10,000 people are on these five airships. This fuel can burn a lot, haha.”

  At this moment, the sound of a door opening came from behind him, and Jiang Xuezhou, wearing a protective suit, walked in with a tablet.

  ”Professor, the data you need has been collected. Do you need to turn off the instrument?”

  ”Oh, save it in the database. I’ll take a look later. I don’t have time now.” Yang Kai simply replied casually, and then turned his gaze back to the window.

  But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something and added a sentence at the end.

  ”By the way, don’t turn off the camera function, finish recording it.”

  He had to send a copy to his allies later.


  Looking at his mentor, whose mind was smaller than a toothpick, Jiang Xuezhou made a helpless expression, then nodded slightly, turned around and exited the cockpit of the scientific research ship.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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