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Chapter 879 Counterattack!

Chapter 879 Counterattack!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 879 Counterattack!

  Shelter No. 404, Browsing Room on Floor B4.

  The holographic screen suspended on the coffee table was showing the scene of the airship falling, including the sea of ​​fire that burst out after the airship fell.

  Heya smacked her lips, casually threw down a sentence that it was really cruel, then turned around and left the browsing room, returning to the laboratory to continue her own business.

  War is not something she is interested in.

  And the technology related to gravitons is not her research field.

  As for Yin Fang, he crossed his arms and stared at the two airships with his eyes wide open, as if he was silently calculating something in his heart.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting on the sofa, also stared at the holographic screen, but his focus was different from that of ordinary people.

  For example, the first thing he noticed was that the speed growth curve of the airship’s descent was not uniform, its acceleration kept changing, and the amplitude of the ups and downs was not small.

  This is actually easy to understand.

  First of all, the deflection efficiency of the deflector shield for different materials is different. Generally speaking, the higher the atomic number, the stronger the deflection effect.

  The deflector shield is based on the interference of gravitons, and the gravity well is also based on a similar principle. Similarly, it can be deduced that the higher the atomic number of the material, the greater the influence of gravitons, and the stronger the interference effect on the macro scale.

  For example, the speed of metal falling will be faster than that of carbon-based organisms.

  Another reason is that the uneven change in the acceleration of the airship may also be related to the uneven distribution of gravitons on the surface of the gravity well.

  In addition, the airship itself also bears a certain amount of wind resistance during the acceleration process.

  However, it would be too academic to continue to explore this issue, and it was beyond his knowledge.

  Just when Chu Guang wanted to ask Yin Fang on the side what he thought, Yin Fang suddenly put down his arms and sighed.

  ”…I didn’t expect that such technology was stored in the database of the academy.”

  Chu Guang didn’t think it was strange. After all, he had traveled to this world for so long and had seen many weirder things than this.

  ”Is there anything special about this technology? I mean… compared to other devices based on the manipulation of gravitons, such as deflector shields and anti-gravity devices.”

  ”Well… you have given me a difficult question. Let me put it this way. In theory, we can use gravity wells to create a singularity with infinite density…” As if thinking that Chu Guang didn’t understand what he said, Yin Fang thought for a moment and continued, “In other words, it can not only be used to change the interaction between macroscopic objects, but also to create black holes.”

  Chu Guang did understand.

  In short, this is a force that can destroy planets.

  ”But it shouldn’t be easy, right? From the perspective of energy consumption.”

  Yin Fang nodded.

  ”It’s really not easy. If you want to create a black hole that is powerful enough to engulf a star system, you must have a stellar reactor… Of course, this is just my speculation. I can’t give a positive answer to a conclusion that has not been experimentally verified.”

  Perhaps in the distant future, people will gain a deeper understanding of the study of gravitons, and it may not necessarily require a stellar reactor.

  Just like people a long time ago believed that it was impossible to combine two atoms together, but now they can even use this force to generate usable energy.

  The Human Alliance of the Prosperous Era only touched the edge of graviton-related technologies, and the technologies developed based on those immature theories were largely like blind men touching an elephant. They did not really stand on that invisible dimension.

  ”… To be honest, what surprised me most was that the academy actually gave us such technology.”

  Chu Guang asked.

  ”Is there any problem with this?”

  Yin Fang nodded, with a complicated look.

  ”Of course there is, and it is a big problem… After all, compared with plasma technology or electromagnetic acceleration technology, this technology that reaches the singularity field poses the greatest threat to them.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Whether it is a missile or an electromagnetic gun, it is impossible to stop a starship equipped with a warp engine and a deflector shield, but gravity itself can. As long as this technology is slightly improved, we can not only use this technology to close the hyperspace channel of the Earth-Moon system, but also pull the starship hovering in a high orbit back to the ground.”

  In Yin Fang’s view, this is the most incredible part.

  The academy handed a dagger that could kill itself to the Alliance.

  Considering the usual practices of those guys, Yin Fang almost instinctively suspected that there might be some fraud behind this, or that the academy had other tricks up its sleeve.

  After hearing what Yin Fang said, Chu Guang also showed a hint of surprise on his face, but that hint of surprise was soon replaced by a playful smile.

  ”Maybe it’s their judgment after weighing the pros and cons.”

  Although it’s a bit annoying to say this, the academy did once again figure him out.

  Just as they guessed that he would definitely take action after understanding the situation in Jinchuan Province, they were sure that he would not use this epoch-making technology where it shouldn’t appear.

  If the probability of a risk occurring is zero, then the risk itself can be ignored, and the rest are benefits.

  Both sides can get what they want from each other.

  The alliance needs the academy’s technology to transform the decaying old world, and the academy needs the alliance to build their ark to the new world.

  In fact, they did bet right.

  Chu Guang really has no interest in harming others without benefiting himself.

  Or it can be said that this cannot be considered gambling, but rather a conspiracy.

  The images on the holographic screen continued to be shown, but at the end, they were no longer interesting, and only the blazing fire remained.

  Having satisfied their curiosity, Yin Fang, like Heya, did not stay in the reading room to watch the excitement, but turned around to do their own things.

  Unlike a certain guy with a bad taste, Chu Guang was not interested in watching the miserable state of the Weilants twisted in the flames, so he reached out and turned off the screen.

  Most of them were ordinary people who were swept away by the times.

  The people who really deserved to die were not in this fire at all, and the judgment of those people would be after everything was over.

  Xiao Qi, who sat on the pen holder with his hands on his cheeks, did not speak for a long time, and only sighed when the reading room became quiet again.

  ”…I don’t know how many people will be burned to death in this fire.”

  ”I don’t know, maybe ten thousand, maybe tens of thousands,”

  Chu Guang replied casually, and his eyes suddenly fell on another report lying on the corner of the table.

  It was a report on the Xifan Port tragedy, which was several months ago.

  At that time, this report was placed on his desk with a pile of documents, most of which had been filed, and only this piece of paper was left here.

  Because so many things had happened during this period, he even forgot why he had left this document here.

  Chu Guang reached out and took the document in his hand and flipped through it.

  The fire that engulfed 3,000 lives seemed to be the fuse of everything.

  And the price paid by the Willant people in this fire was already far more than 3,000…


  Just when Chu Guang turned off the holographic screen, the fire in the western suburbs of Tiandu was still burning.

  Although Captain Ryan issued an order to retreat, retreat did not mean surrender, and the Willant soldiers who withdrew from the center of the explosion did not give up resistance.

  In order to cover the strategic transfer of the large forces, a small group of troops from the Southern Corps remained on the position, and they fought tenaciously with the attacking Borneo Army and the volunteers of the Alliance.

  However, without artillery cover and air support, this resistance was largely futile.

  Faced with the bombs and rockets that the Goblin Corps kept bringing, the centurions that were left behind could not even last five minutes before they were surrounded and attacked by the soldiers of the Borneo Kingdom.

  In an abandoned small village,

  the face of the centurion of the 311th Thousand-man Squadron, Petruk, was full of shock.

  An hour ago, he fled here with his guards under the cover of two centurions.

  However, before he could catch his breath, there were crackling gunshots outside, followed by the whistling of propellers and the roar of machine guns above his head.

  The Alliance Air Force was chasing them closely, as were the soldiers of the Borneo Kingdom who were chasing them with rifles.

  Those guys seemed to want to get back all the grievances they had suffered some time ago, and they didn’t even intend to give them a chance to breathe.

  Petruk watched helplessly as a volley of orange-yellow bullets fell from the sky, crushing the tile house right in front of his window, and none of the soldiers inside escaped.

  A gap was blown out in the defense line.

  Without time to mourn for their fallen comrades, the two machine gunners stepped on the rubble and rushed forward again. As a result, they collided with the oncoming Pak soldiers. A fierce exchange of fire broke out in the alley.

  Under the cover of the guards, Petruk moved to another half-collapsed cowshed.

  The chaotic battle situation made him open his eyes wide, full of fear.

  The adjutant beside him panted, pulled out his pistol and loaded it, and looked in the direction of the gunshot from time to time.

  However, the gunshots did not come from just one direction, but from all directions.

  ”Damn! There are people everywhere outside!”

  The adjutant trembled and groaned, and his dusty face was also full of fear.

  Petruk reached out and grabbed the communicator beside him and shouted at him.

  ”Where is the headquarters? Have you contacted it?!”

  The communicator shook his head nervously and stammered in response.

  ”Not yet… There might be something wrong with their radio.”

  ”Damn it!”

  Petruk cursed inwardly, looked at the meteors that kept streaking across the sky, and then cast his eyes forward.

  ”If we stay here, we will die! We must find a way to break out from here!”

  The adjutant nodded nervously, but did not speak.

  This is obvious.

  The question is how to break out…

  Just when everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, the houses and courtyard walls in the distance collapsed.

  The towering steel armor and tracks were like the bucket of a bulldozer, rolling directly from the front.

  Looking at the towering gun barrels and the grim coaxial machine guns, everyone’s faces instantly lost color. The

  mole poked his head out of the turret, his arm resting on the hatch, holding the microphone of the loudspeaker, and shouted to the Weilant men who looked like officers.

  ”Listen, people in front, lay down your weapons and surrender.”

  ”This is your last chance. I’ll give you three seconds to think about it.”

  The mole cleared his throat and was about to count down.

  Before he could count to one, Petruck immediately threw his pistol on the ground, snatched the pistol of the adjutant beside him, and threw them in front of the track.

  ”I surrender!”

  He shouted to the man on the turret, and raised his hands in the surprised eyes of the officer next to him.

  He recognized the appearance of this chariot.

  It is better to surrender to the alliance troops than to be captured by the soldiers of the Pala Kingdom.

  Looking at this sensible guy in front of him, the mole grinned with a smile.

  ”Brother, you are lucky to meet us.”

  Capturing alive can get big points, and the higher the level, the higher the points.

  The points rewarded by the expansion pack can eventually be exchanged for money and contribution points. Therefore, generally speaking, if they can be captured alive, players will basically not make it too difficult for the prisoners, especially the old players.

  But if it is the friendly army next door, it will be different. Being beaten up is the least of the problems.

  Throwing down this sentence, the mole did not have time to appreciate the expression on the prisoner’s face, and went back to the turret to cover the hatch.

  Then, several players holding assault rifles came out from behind the tanks and arrested the Weilant officers who were holding their heads in their hands one by one.

  All the prisoners were gathered in the center of the village and guarded by two squads of players.

  As for the remaining players, they got on the infantry fighting vehicles and continued to move forward with the tanks.

  The plane of the Goblin Corps had marked the next location for them, and there were a lot of walking contribution points waiting for them to pick up.

  At the same time, not long after the Skeleton Corps left the village, a group of unlucky Weilant people were caught by the guards led by Captain Pickley on a small earth slope not far from the village.

  Two hundred people surrounded the twenty people tightly, and the whole encirclement did not leave any gaps.

  The twenty Weilant guys lying behind the bunker broke through three times, but apart from leaving three bodies, they did not achieve any effect.

  Seeing that reinforcements were delayed and the bullets in their hands were all used up, the expressions on the faces of the 17 young men gradually changed from their initial fortitude to despair.

  Resistance had lost its meaning.

  Finally, someone recognized the reality and tried to throw his rifle out of the trench, shouting and raising his hands, trying to climb out of the trench to surrender.

  However, he had just shouted the words of surrender, and before he could climb out of the trench, he was hit on the head by the rifle thrown back.

  ”Damn it! Who allowed you to surrender? Pick up your guns!”

  ”Aren’t you guys pretty capable? Keep fighting!”

  Pickling picked up the rifle and threw it back. He cursed and put his pistol into the holster, then snatched the rifle from the guard next to him and put a bayonet on it.


  The sudden roar startled the adjutant standing next to him.

  There was no time to stop him.

  Seeing that bastard rushing up, he could only shout “Charge” and hurriedly followed.

  Under the leadership of Captain Pickling, 200 brothers of the guard team roared and rushed forward, chopping the 17 Willant guys hiding in the trenches into meat paste.

  Pickling, who went into battle personally, was completely bloodthirsty.

  When he walked down from the position with a head in his hand, he was photographed by the reporter accompanying the army.

  Seeing the camera facing him, Pickling grinned.

  The blood-soaked look was like a killer from hell.

  This guy was really ruthless.

  There were many officers of the Polo Kingdom who dared to lead the charge, but it was rare for a captain to rush into the crowd and fight with bayonets like him. At least his boss, General Duwata, would never dare to do that.

  The fire burning in the wilderness burned all night, baking the earth black and melting the steel into molten iron. It stopped at dawn.

  According to the battle report of the alliance, in this battle alone, the casualties of the Southern Corps exceeded 40,000, and the loss of light and heavy vehicles reached more than 1,200.

  For the Polo Kingdom, which had been under pressure for several months, this victory was a great achievement!

  By 8 a.m., the last thousand-man team that resisted stubbornly also surrendered.

  Hearing the news of the victory on the front line, Abusek, who had not slept all night, finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the basement of the commander’s mansion in high spirits.

  However, before he could be happy, a piece of bad news came from the Heavenly Palace.

  The Heavenly Palace, which was suspended more than ten meters in the air, would collapse in twenty-four hours…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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