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Chapter 880: The Collapse of the Heavenly Palace

Chapter 880: The Collapse of the Heavenly Palace


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 880 The Collapse of the Heavenly Palace

  ”Hahaha! Good fight! It’s so fucking satisfying hahaha!”

  The frontline command post in Tiandu City, the airtight room was filled with General Duwata’s laughter.

  He was not the only one. Although the other officers standing around did not laugh as wildly as he did, they all showed relieved expressions on their faces.

  This textbook counterattack was a great success!

  Not only did they successfully defend Tiandu under the offensive of the Southern Legion, but they also broke through the entire front line deployed by the latter on the eastern front in one fell swoop, killing more than 40,000 enemies!

  Although there is still a certain distance from the victory of the entire war, everyone has seen the light before dawn.

  Not only were the officers of the Pala Kingdom happy, but a group of officers from the alliance, including Vanus, also breathed a sigh of relief.

  The command system of the Borneo Army was basically built by the staff assigned by the Alliance Army Command, including the strategic deployment of this counterattack. There is no doubt that they are also the heroes of this war, although they mainly do some behind-the-scenes work.

  However, the other side is their compatriots after all, and their feelings are somewhat complicated.

  They do not doubt what they are doing, but it is a bit too much to ask them to laugh at the suffering of their compatriots.

  Understanding that these survivors need to vent their joy of surviving the disaster, Vanus looked at Duwata and said.

  ”This battle is basically over, let’s go back and rest first.”

  It was not until then that Duwata realized that there were still a few Willant people in the command room, so he quickly restrained his smile and said politely.

  ”Everyone go back and rest first! You have provided us with enough help, and leave the next thing to us!”

  He was still quite polite to the officers from the Alliance. It was just that he was a little too proud just now, and he forgot that there were a few big noses next to him.

  Vanus nodded without saying much. After a few words of greeting, he left with the officers who came here as volunteers.

  As the group left, the headquarters was filled with a happy atmosphere again.

  Not long after Vanus left, a freshly printed “Survivor Daily” was delivered.

  It was the “Survivor Daily” of Tiandu City. On the cover of the newspaper headline stood a man covered in blood.

  In his right hand was a rifle with a bayonet, and in his left hand was a dejected head.

  This man was the commander of the 700,000th Bora Brigade, Captain Pickley!

  The brilliant smile formed a sharp contrast with the drooping nose.

  Looking at the headline printed in the newspaper, the burly man laughed again.

  ”Hahaha! This Pikli is a guts! I always heard him talk about those family matters before, and I thought he was a coward. It seems that I misunderstood him!”

  Pikli is not the only one who is guts, the entire 700,000-man team is in the limelight.

  Ten thousand-man teams broke up into small pieces on the battlefield, cooperated tacitly, and relied on their own legs to annihilate the two ten-thousand-man teams of the legion! More than three thousand prisoners were captured!

  This is not only the credit of Pikli, but also the credit of their entire army.

  The staff officer standing aside said with a smile.

  ”Then you really misunderstood him. A wolf with cubs is much more cruel than a wolf without cubs.”

  ”Hiss… makes sense.” Duwata’s eyes lit up, and he touched his chin and pondered.

  After the war is over, he has to solve the problem of partners for the old bachelors in the army.

  On the one hand, he can do a favor, and on the other hand, he can have something to control.

  How about getting some female soldiers who can dance?

  Just as he was thinking about it, a messenger made a report and trotted in from the door.

  ”Report to the general! The headquarters has received news that the Tiangong will fall within 24 hours. Commander Abusek hopes that you will dispatch a logistics force to support the evacuation of residents near the Tiangong!”

  Hearing this, everyone in the front-line headquarters was stunned, especially Duwata.

  ”The Tiangong… fell?” Duwata stared at the messenger at the door in amazement, looking confused and at a loss, “What’s the situation? What happened?”

  The messenger looked embarrassed.

  ”Report to the general! Commander Abusek didn’t say it clearly…”

  The front-line headquarters was silent for a long time.

  The adjutant standing next to Duwata opened his mouth and broke the silence with a dumbfounded look on his face.

  ”This Tiangong has been floating there for two centuries, how could it fall down?”

  The officer standing opposite the command table also nodded, doubtfully speaking.

  ”Could it be a mistake…”

  ”There’s no reason for Abusek to joke about this kind of thing, and it won’t do him any good,” the staff officer frowned and thought for a moment, his eyes flickered slightly, and he continued in a very light voice, “But if the palace really collapses… maybe we can use this as an excuse to make some comments.” That

  was all

  he had to say. He stopped talking here and didn’t continue.

  After all, he was just a staff officer, and all he could do was give some advice.

  There was only one person who really made the decision here.

  Duwata narrowed his eyes, with an unfathomable expression on his face.

  But he didn’t say anything in the end, just raised his broad palm and waved it.

  ”Wab, you personally take the logistics team over there, and save people first no matter what.”

  The adjutant standing next to him looked serious, stood at attention and saluted.



  As General Duwata issued his order, trucks, ox carts and a mess of vehicles quickly arrived at the edge of the palace.

  The soldiers following the truck jumped off the truck one after another and knocked on the doors of every household.

  ”Open the door!”

  Hearing the knocks on the door, the old man who had not slept all night just lay down, and hurriedly got up from the bed, hurried to the door, and pulled the bolt that fixed the wooden door.

  Looking at the soldiers who appeared at the door, he had a confused expression on his face, not knowing what happened, and asked in a trembling voice.

  ”The Willant people are fighting back again?”

  The soldier said quickly.

  ”The sky is going to collapse, go back and pack your luggage, and follow us after you pack!”

  ”What?!” The old man’s face changed instantly when he heard it, his eyes widened, and his voice began to stutter, “Oh, the sky is going to collapse?!”

  ”It’s the sky!”

  The soldier didn’t want to waste time talking to him, so he replied perfunctorily and hurried to knock on the next door.

  The old man stood at the door like a wooden chicken, his head buzzing, and he was stunned for a long time without moving.

  It’s not that the sky is falling, it’s that the palace of heaven is about to fall…

  It took him a long time to come back to his senses, but then his expression of being dumbfounded turned into a helpless laugh.

  Isn’t it the same!

  There are many people who have the same reaction as the old man.

  When he heard that the palace of heaven was about to fall, his face suddenly turned pale, as if it was the sky that was about to fall, and he was even more desperate than when the king of heaven first entered the city.

  Carrying large and small bags and getting on the car, several old men sat together and sighed.

  ”How come this good palace is going to collapse so soon…”

  ”When the king of heaven came, he couldn’t make the palace collapse no matter how much trouble he made… But this Abusek, he only sat on the throne for a few days and he already knocked down such a big palace.”

  ”What a spendthrift!”

  ”Actually, it’s not his fault. It’s his fate that can’t hold the throne. This is a warning from heaven. Sigh… I hope he can take care of himself.”

  In addition to the superstitious old people, there were also young people holding their luggage and sighing, yawning and complaining to each other.

  ”I don’t live in the palace… What does this have to do with me?”

  ”That’s it…”

  The soldier driving the car ignored them. After all, he was a soldier under Duwata, and these unruly people were complaining about Abusek, not his leader.

  But to be honest, they also felt strange in their hearts. If the palace of heaven was going to collapse, why not move the things in the palace? Why bother about the people living outside the palace?

  In fact, it’s not surprising that these soldiers thought so.

  Although the Tiangong was floating next to them, few people had actually gone up to see it. Most people only knew that there was such a thing, but had no specific concept of what it was. The

  ”construction area” of the entire Tiangong was 100,000 square meters, and the things piled on it weighed countless tons. If

  such a large building fell from a height of more than ten meters, the power would be no joke. It might even cause a small earthquake in the center of Tiandu.

  Of course, it was not just the survivors living near the Tiangong who needed to be moved.

  There were also some cultural relics and treasures placed in the Tiangong, as well as Commissioner Kabaha and his family members who were under house arrest in the depths of the Tiangong.

  Fortunately, it was already dawn, and most people were awake even if they had not slept all night. The whole relocation process went smoothly and did not cause much disturbance.

  After dealing with the matters at hand, Abusek personally rushed to the scene and happened to run into the researcher named Yang Kai getting off the research ship.

  He quickened his pace and walked up. He asked anxiously without even saying hello.

  ”What happened?! Didn’t you say it could last for another ten or twenty years? How come it’s only twenty-four hours now?!”

  Facing Abusek’s question, Yang Kai’s expression suddenly became a little awkward.

  He did say that, but no one expected that plans couldn’t keep up with changes.

  ”This… is theoretically true. According to our test of the helium-III content in the energy storage tank, the remaining energy can maintain the anti-gravity device for another ten or twenty years.”

  ”Then why-”

  ”But later we discovered that the booster pipe of the energy storage tank was broken, causing the density of helium-III to be lower than the intake threshold of the reactor fuel pump.”

  Abusek was confused and had a bewildered expression on his face. It took him a long time to figure out that there was something wrong with the fuel, so he continued to ask anxiously.

  ”Then… can’t we add more fuel to it?”

  ”It’s impossible,” Yang Kai shook his head. “You have done too many projects on this starship. It’s a miracle that it can still operate until now. It’s as difficult to repair it as to build a new one.”

  Hearing this, Abusek almost vomited blood.

  ”Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”

  Yang Kai looked at him speechlessly.

  ”If I could predict the future, I would tell you in advance. Besides, instead of asking me, you might as well ask the previous chiefs why they piled so many useless decorations on a cargo starship.”

  Abusek’s face turned red, but he couldn’t say anything to refute.

  Looking at Abusek who was speechless, Yang Kai felt a little sorry. He sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”…Don’t be too sad. It’s just an anti-gravity device. At worst, you can build another one when you have the conditions in the future.”

  Abusek sighed and reluctantly forgot about the palace.

  ”…The problem is not the anti-gravity device, but this thing is called Tiangong.”

  Yang Kai snorted without comment.

  ”So what?”

  Looking at the disapproving researcher, Abusek shook his head.

  ”…You won’t understand.”

  Yang Kai shrugged.

  He really didn’t understand.

  Although he was not interested in understanding…


  In fact, Yang Kai’s estimated time was a bit too optimistic.

  The suspended palace did not last for 24 hours, and it collapsed at dusk.

  The first thing to collapse was the marble steps more than ten meters high. In front of the terrifying tonnage, the steps collapsed and shattered like tofu.

  The entire Tiangong was like a rubber stamp that was so big that it had no edges, heavily poking at the center of Tiandu City, splashing dust and gravel, and even the entire square was pressed down by a person’s height.

  The houses around the palace also collapsed in the earthquake. The whistling airflow swept the fallen bricks and tiles two streets away, and most of the city was covered in dust. The

  billowing smoke and dust swept outward, hit the city wall, and then rushed into the sky, forming a column of smoke connecting the sky and the earth.

  The scene was really spectacular.

  Some players even ran back from the front line just to see the style of the sky palace crashing.

  Compared with the shock of the earthquake, the movement when the inner city of the stone city collapsed was simply not worth mentioning.

  ”My God… This scene feels more exciting than last night.”

  Looking at the column of smoke connecting the sky and the earth, Irena, who was sitting in the Chimera armored vehicle, couldn’t help but sigh.

  The Elf King Fugui couldn’t help but nodded.

  ”… This expansion pack is worth the price.”

  Just this CG feels worth the price.

  Of course.

  They didn’t buy tickets when they got on the bus.

  As they were watching, several propeller planes of the Goblin Corps emerged from the smoke and circled towards the airport in the northern suburbs.

  Irena didn’t need to look up to know that the person sitting on it must be Brother Mosquito.

  Sitting in the armored vehicle, he even heard the sly laugh of watching the excitement.

  But watching the excitement is watching the excitement.

  I hope that guy won’t do anything to hurt the feelings of the locals…


  For a whole day, the mood of the residents of Tiandu was as exciting as riding a roller coaster.

  They spent a sleepless night in anxiety and finally looked forward to the dawn of victory. As a result, when everything was about to end, fate played a joke on them and smashed the temple in their minds to the ground.

  Although the symbolic significance of the floating palace is not as good as the city of a thousand pillars, it is also one of the spiritual totems in the hearts of the survivors of the Borneo Kingdom.

  There is such a consensus in the hearts of most survivors of the Borneo Province.

  Whoever sits on the chair in the sky palace is the emperor of Borneo Province!

  If the thousand pillars of the Thousand Pillars City house the souls of the survivors of the Borneo Province, then the palace floating above the tens of thousands of people is the entity of their spirits.

  It is no exaggeration to say that it has even become a symbol of the legitimacy of a regime.

  If this happened at other times, Abusek might not take it to heart. After all, his position as the commander-in-chief did not rely on legitimacy, but on the gun in his hand.

  As a result, this ominous omen happened at the time when the Tiandu Defense War was won.

  This undoubtedly cast a shadow on the hard-won victory…

  However, not everyone was sighing.

  Some people wiped tears at the ruins, and some people applauded at the collapsed decay.

  For example, Commissioner Kabaha, who had just come out of the Heavenly Palace.

  He ignored the obstruction of the internal affairs staff and stubbornly stayed at the edge of the isolation line, staring at the end with wide eyes, and then applauded happily.

  ”Hahaha! It’s good that it collapsed, it’s good that it collapsed! This mountain that was riding on the head of the Borneo people has finally fallen!”

  The survivors of Tiandu spent two centuries building this palace, and the purpose of the existence of this palace is just to show the majesty of the royal family.

  The ten-meter-high marble steps that lead to the sky are like a red line that cannot be crossed.

  Below it is all dust, and from here on is the imperial power.

  This castle in the air should not have existed from the beginning.

  Those who wiped tears for it never really owned it for a second, so how could they lose it? Instead, they broke the last shackles because of its collapse, which should have been a gratifying thing.

  Only when this unquestionable authority fell, a golden age of flourishing flowers could truly come!

  Maybe he was too idealistic, but he always felt that Abusek didn’t need to be so pessimistic.

  Their legitimacy did not have to be sought from the old authority, but could also come from the heartfelt support of the survivors of Borneo Province.

  Unless that guy still wanted to be the emperor of Borneo.

  However, Kabaha was not worried about this happening.

  Because if that guy really had this idea, he would be disappointed in the end.

  The survivors of the country of Boro have stood up!

  No one can make them kneel down again.

  Looking at Commissioner Kabaha with a red face, the internal affairs staff on the side looked at each other.

  Others were wiping tears, but this old man was clapping, which was really too eye-catching.

  It was like blowing a trumpet at a funeral.

  Even the right things would seem a bit redundant in inappropriate occasions.

  Faced with the hint of the superior’s eyes, an internal affairs staff finally stepped forward and whispered in the old man’s ear.

  ”Mr. Kabaha, please follow us to a safe place… This war is not over yet, and you can’t say when the Willant plane will fly over.”

  Worried that the old guy would not give face, he followed up with another sentence.

  ”Tiandu’s teachers and students still need you.”

  Kabaha did not intend to treat Abusek’s “lackey” well at first, but the last sentence really touched his soft spot, and he followed them without saying a word.

  Not only the teachers and students of Tiandu still need him, but also the other states of Borneo.

  His vision for the future is not just a Tiandu University, but a complete bottom-up education system. In

  the future, the children of Borneo Province will not only have bright classrooms and spacious desks, but also a brand new world where they can freely write.

  Whether their pursuit is to climb the peak of academics or realize their self-worth, or just for the real rights or money, they can make choices according to their own lives, instead of being like mice cornered.

  Just like the children of Dawn City.

  This is not only his long-cherished wish, but also the long-cherished wish of Mr. Rat.

  He may not have much time left, but he will use all his remaining time to do this…


  Just when the whole city of Tiandu was in turmoil because of the collapse of the Heavenly Palace, the defeated 300,000th team of the Southern Corps finally escaped from the pursuit and blockade of the joint forces after 24 hours of continuous long-distance raids and retreated to the west of Akal County.

  More than a month ago, they had severely defeated the Death Corps of the Alliance and the three 10,000-man teams of the Boro Kingdom here.

  At that time, the overwhelming artillery shells almost flattened the entire mountain range, and the enemy’s blood plasma dyed the surging river red.

  However, the present is different from the past. Only more than 3,000 brothers who marched eastward with murderous intent have withdrawn.

  The disbanded troops are still on the road of fleeing in embarrassment, and most of those who have withdrawn are injured.

  Sitting in the command car, Ryan’s face is gloomy, and his eyes are numb as he looks out the window, as if waiting for something.

  At this moment, the adjutant opened the car door from the outside and hurriedly sat in.

  His boots were covered in mud, as were his pants and clothes, but he didn’t care about that at this time.

  Out of breath, he only had time to swallow his saliva and said hurriedly,

  ”There’s news about the 307th Thousandth Squadron. They are resting in a forest… Damn, these guys are like a group of frightened birds, they almost shot at us.”

  Looking at Ryan who didn’t speak, he took a deep breath and then spoke in an earnest tone.

  ”… General, the soldiers are exhausted. If this continues, the rest will fall behind. Let’s rest for a while before leaving.”

  Ryan pondered for half a minute and only replied with a simple “hmm”.

  However, after hearing that “hmm”, his adjutant breathed a sigh of relief, left a word of thanks, and hurriedly exited the command vehicle.

  Two 10,000-man corps of the vassal army with 30,000 soldiers of the Glorious Army were rushing towards this side, and there were also reinforcements flying from the Evernight Port Air Force Base.

  Since they have retreated to a safe place, there is no need for them to be as anxious as before.

  The most feared thing now is that the enemy has not yet arrived, and they will be in disarray.

  As the car door closed, the command vehicle returned to silence again.

  A group of officers held their breath carefully, and even breathed very carefully.

  ”I’m going out to smoke a cigarette.”

  Unable to bear the atmosphere in the command vehicle, Ryan stood up from his seat, pushed open the door and walked out.

  Seeing the general get off the car, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed their tense hearts.

  After getting off the car, Ryan lit a cigarette for himself and then walked around to relax.

  Although he didn’t sleep last night, he was not sleepy at all and couldn’t fall asleep at all.

  As soon as he closed his eyes, the boiling flames would appear in his mind, followed by strange and familiar faces.

  He didn’t want to blame the failure of the battle on his own mistakes, because he didn’t lose to a visible opponent, but lost to the lack of intelligence – or lost to a card he had never seen.

  If he knew that the slugs in the swamp had a way to make the airship fall directly, he would never adopt a suppressive offensive tactic and let the steel torrents in the sky and on the ground attack together.

  But these are all later stories.

  Even if this is not a mistake, his tragic defeat is something that cannot be changed.

  Looking at the soldiers who were leaning against the tree with their heads drooping, an inexplicable fire suddenly burst out in his heart.

  The expressions of these people seemed to say that he had already lost.

  That was something he was unwilling to admit, and it was impossible for him to admit it anyway.

  He must not lose.

  It was even more impossible for him to lose!

  He had to win!

  After taking a deep puff of the last cigarette, he threw the cigarette butt hard on the ground and stamped it out, shouting at the group of dejected soldiers and officers.

  ”Raise your heads!”

  Hearing the hysterical roar, the heads that were buried were raised one by one.

  Those faces were full of fatigue, and the pessimism that Ryan hated the most.

  The Willant people should not be like this!

  They should move forward bravely, even if there is hell ahead, they will not frown!

  ”…Look at what you look like now, like a group of defeated roosters, I am really ashamed of you!”

  ”Think about your parents, and your relatives and friends. Did you promise them sighs and failure when you left? Absolutely not!”

  He clenched his fists, looking at the soldiers who stood up, with veins bulging on his forehead.

  ”Don’t forget why you came here! Remember it! Your glory, your medals, and your dignity!”

  ”Your children will live in a land full of sunshine! They will erect statues for you to thank you for your bravery! Are you going to stand in front of them like this? Lift your heads up! Tell me! There are no cowards among the Weylant!”

  The deafening roar echoed at the edge of the forest, and even those who closed their eyes and didn’t want to listen had to stand up.

  Looking at the excited commander, a young man of seventeen or eighteen buried his head and couldn’t help muttering.

  ”But we…”

  ”We didn’t lose!”

  Before the man finished speaking, Ryan grabbed his collar and stared into his eyes with his sharp eyes.

  The sharp eyes were like a sharp knife, piercing the iris and piercing the heart.

  Ryan looked at him like this until the color of fear was printed in his pupils, and then turned into determination in the sound of rapid breathing, and then he was satisfied to loosen his collar and throw the boy aside.

  Looking around at the brothers who were cheering themselves up again, Ryan raised his clenched fist to his chin, as if grasping the rope around his throat.

  ”We didn’t lose!”

  ”The final victory will definitely belong to us!”

  One battle doesn’t mean anything. A damaged organization can be replenished, and even if it is destroyed, it can be rebuilt. The

  surviving ten-man army will become a centurion, and a steady stream of new recruits will reinforce the front line from the rear.

  The Weilants have enough troops in their homeland and colonies. Even if you put aside the natives and clones, they have millions or even tens of millions of warriors!

  Only 40,000 brothers…

  Sooner or later he will get back this blood debt!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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