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Chapter 881: Demons Dance

Chapter 881: Demons Dance


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 881 Demons Dance in Chaos

  Shezhou, War Zone Command.

  Hearing the good news from Tiandu, Shahruk opened his mouth in surprise, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

  After a while, he walked to the window, took out a tissue to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and muttered.

  ”Damn it… it was really defended by Abusek.”

  Originally, he expected that Tiandu City could not be defended. The turning point of the war would be after the airships of the Southern Legion were dispersed, so he rushed to the south to prepare for the war.

  Unexpectedly, the Southern Legion was strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Five airships were wiped out by the alliance, and nearly 100,000 troops were driven back 100 kilometers and returned to the bend of the river.

  After thinking for a long time, he threw the tissue into the trash can and gritted his teeth to make a decision.

  ”Damn it… we have to go north!”

  From Shezhou to the north to Langzhou, and then from the northwest corner of Langzhou to Shizhou.

  In this way, it can be regarded as opening up a third front. In order to avoid the war being over, he, the “horse king”, was just slacking off the whole time, and finally being branded as a passive fighter.

  Suddenly, a plan came to his mind, and Shahrukh immediately grabbed the phone on the table and gave an order.

  ”Call Zaid to me.”

  More than a month ago, the guy named Zaid came to Snake State from Ma State with the Gray Wolf Army, and he was still holding the title of the commander-in-chief of the Snake State War Zone.

  How could one state accommodate two commanders-in-chief?

  Shahrukh could see at a glance that Abusek was dissatisfied with his desertion and found a cannon fodder to hit him.

  The reason why he called it cannon fodder was mainly because he had never seen this person before, and it was obviously not Abusek’s direct descendant, so even if he died, it would not make the latter feel sad.

  But it was precisely because of this that even if he killed the person, Abusek would not turn against him.

  This was a chess move to test the waters.

  But what’s interesting is that Abusek’s vision seems to have always been not very good.

  Before, Anwo had been doing something behind his back, and this cannon fodder was unwilling to be a chess piece to die. As soon as he arrived in Shezhou, he held his hand, first expressed his admiration for him, and then took the initiative to give up the title of commander-in-chief.

  This series of operations made Shah Rukh happy, especially after Zaid listed Abusek’s stupidity and incompetence, he also promised to assist him to become the commander-in-chief.

  Although Shah Rukh did not think he had this ability, he still admired his ability to persuade the Gray Wolf Army to surrender.

  This guy is good at talking, and he is not good enough to be a general, but he has no problem being a personal minister.

  In order to disgust Abusek, he immediately gave Zaid the title of consultant – the person you sent to beat me up became my little brother, just ask you if you are angry.

  And Zaid was also quite tactful and happily put on the title of consultant.

  Later, Shah Rukh kept the people by his side to watch, and sent Gopal and other gray wolves under his command to the north of Snake State, which was equivalent to house arrest.

  The matter had come to an end here.

  However, the sudden victory news from Tiandu made him think of Zaid, the “Commander-in-Chief of the Snake State War Zone”.

  Not long after, there was a gentle knock on the door, and then Zaid walked in from outside.

  ”General, are you looking for me?”

  Looking at Zaid who appeared at the door, Shah Rukh cleared his throat and said in a serious tone.

  ”The battle situation on the front line is urgent. Now the entire Borneo Province is fighting against the Legion. It is not a big deal for us to keep our troops inactive. The situation did not allow it before, but now it allows it. I plan to set up a field army to go to Lion State to fight.”

  ”With your talent, it is a waste of talent to let you be a consultant. You should show your skills on the battlefield. How about this, you take Gopal and the Gray Wolves with you, and I will give you another 50,000 people. Make sure our flag is planted on the top of the Lion City!”

  Using other people’s troops to do his own things, the more Shah Rukh thought about it, the more he felt that he was a genius!

  Win or not doesn’t matter.

  As long as these gray wolves fight the Legion hard enough, no one can say that he didn’t work hard.

  However, Shah Rukh didn’t know that his little thoughts in his heart had been seen through clearly.

  Zayed knew what kind of shit this guy wanted to do as soon as he saw him sticking his butt, but he was not in a hurry, just smiled faintly.

  ”General, please be patient. I understand that you have a lot of passion for serving the country but you have nowhere to release it, but it is not time for you to go north yet.”

  Seeing that this grandson was not understanding, Shah Rukh raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

  ”It’s not that I’m impatient, but the situation on the front line is treacherous and changeable. I’m afraid it will be too late if I wait any longer. Mr. Zaid, are you afraid? In my army, those who are afraid of fighting will be shot.”

  Listening to the provocation and threat in the words, Zaid smiled unmoved.

  ”General, you are joking. When I was in Xifan Port, I was alone facing the legion and I was not afraid. How could I be afraid after gaining an advantage?”

  Shah Rukh chuckled with a fake smile, his face was also unmoved, but his eyes were getting colder and colder.

  What a lonely person.

  The one or two thousand people who died in vain that day were not human beings?

  And why did I hear that you even ran away with your shoes?

  But he didn’t spoil it.

  There is no need for the elephant to reason with the ant. It is too easy for him to crush this guy.

  As if sensing Shah Rukh’s murderous intention, Zaid’s speech speed slightly accelerated and continued.

  ”General, do you know how long the Eastern Expansion Faction of the Eastern Legion has been fighting with the Great Rift Valley?”

  Shah Rukh frowned and said, not knowing why the topic was about the Eastern Legion.

  ”I don’t know… I know the Eastern Legion, but what is this Eastern Expansion Faction?”

  Zaid explained calmly.

  ”…The Eastern Expansion Faction is an unpopular political force within the Eastern Legion, and it is not the kind of strength that ranks high. They are committed to expanding to the eastern part of the Great Desert that the Eastern Legion cannot control. To make an inappropriate analogy, if the Eastern Legion is compared to the country of Borneo, then the Eastern Expansion Faction is the family and the gray wolf.”

  Shah Rukh was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed.

  ”Your analogy is interesting.”

  Seeing that his show of weakness had an effect, Zaid smiled slightly and continued.

  ”Without the support of the Eastern Legion, the Eastern Expansionists gathered a million troops and marched across tens of thousands of kilometers. It took them a full year to fight the Great Rift Valley, and the aftermath of the war has not yet ended.”

  ”On the other hand, although there are various factions within the Southern Legion, there are no obvious differences in our war like there are in the Eastern Legion.”

  ”Can you imagine that a dog raised by a branch of the corps can fight the remnants left by the War Construction Committee… Now that the branch of the corps is taking action, is there any possibility that this war will end so quickly?”

  Shahruk narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”You mean… will this war continue?” What

  he was most worried about was that this war would end too quickly, showing that he had no sense of existence.

  But if it was really as Zaid analyzed, this war would take a long time, then it would be inappropriate to wade into this muddy water now.

  His troops should play a decisive role, not add fuel to the fire.

  ”That’s for sure,” Zayed continued patiently, looking at Shahruk with a flickering look in his eyes. “The Alliance will not be satisfied with the victory of a local battle, and the Southern Legion will not admit defeat in a local battle either.”

  ”The latter will continue to mobilize, and even their mobilization has just begun. And the former will continue to mobilize their allies, especially those on the east coast.”

  ”The scope of this war will not be limited to the Borneo Province, but will continue to the west of the Great Desert, as well as the colonies of the Southern Legion and even the mainland… And this war will not end with the fate of the survivors in the Borneo Province, but will eventually affect the vast majority of survivors in the entire wasteland.”

  ”The Alliance and the Enterprise must have reached some kind of agreement. They want to eliminate all hidden dangers once and for all, and this is destined to be a protracted war.”

  ”That is why it is far from the time to divide the spoils. It is indeed a bit too hasty for you to send troops at this moment.”

  After listening to Zayed, Shahruk fell into deep thought, and sat back in his chair after a long time.

  Looking at the relaxed shoulders, Zayed knew that he had successfully convinced him, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

  Although these warlords can play tricks, they don’t have many tricks. They just keep the same tricks. Either they kill someone with a borrowed knife, or they watch the fire from the other side.

  Whether it’s Abusek or Shahrukh, they are too weak in his opinion.

  Just when Zayed was thinking this, Shahrukh also had his own calculations in his heart.

  He asked himself that his intelligence and talent were not inferior to anyone, but when it comes to “international vision”, he really couldn’t compare with those who have seen the outside world.

  For example, now.

  He didn’t even know that there was an Eastward Expansion Faction in the Eastern Legion, and this Eastward Expansion Faction had been fighting with the Great Rift Valley for a whole year.

  It’s not appropriate to let Zayed and the Gray Wolf Army go, so they have to keep them around to feel at ease.

  ”But… wouldn’t it be bad for us to keep our troops in place?”

  Zayed said with a smile.

  ”Who said that we have to stand in Tiandu as cannon fodder to take action? You are the commander-in-chief of the Shezhou War Zone. Isn’t this Shezhou a war zone?”

  Looking at Shahrukh with a weird face, Zayed smiled mysteriously and continued slowly.

  ”I rescued the Alliance envoy who was detained by the Legion.”

  Shah Rukh was stunned.

  What a guy…

  What a talent!

  Just when Shah Rukh was shocked by Zayd’s methods, at the Grey Wolf Army’s base in the northwest of Snake State, two family members dressed as farmers entered the military camp with a stretcher. The

  leading family member seemed to know the soldiers on duty at the gate of the military camp. After a few words, they were allowed to pass and carried him in with another family member. After

  sitting in the “palanquin” all the way, Lao Gou felt a little guilty lying on the stretcher.

  In fact, his injuries were almost healed halfway through the journey, but these people insisted on carrying him away.

  Seeing the two people put him down, he was about to say “thank you for your hard work”, but the other party spoke first.

  ”Brother, I’m sorry for wronging you.”

  ”No, no…” Lao Gou smiled embarrassedly, then looked around and asked, “Excuse me, where is this place?” After

  staying with this group of people for such a long time, he has learned some daily communication terms, and his human language is not as stuttering as before.

  The family said with a hearty smile.

  ”This is Snake State! Our own territory!”

  Snake State!

  Hearing this word, Lao Gou had some impression.

  He and Old Eagle seemed to pass by here when they were on the boat before. I remember it was the southernmost corner of Borneo Province.

  However, he quickly reacted.

  It’s not right.

  This group of people said they would take him to find the brothers of the alliance, so how did they get to the southernmost part of Borneo Province? I

  don’t know how far this place is from the front line. It feels like if we turn another corner, we can reach the Golden Gallon Port on the east coast.

  Thinking of this, Lao Gou said with a look of tears and laughter.

  ”…Wait, brother, didn’t you say you would take me to find my compatriots? Why did you bring me to Shezhou?”

  ”It’s the same, there’s no difference, we’re all family,” the family laughed heartily, as if I didn’t mind taking a little loss, and then continued, “By the way, brother, the fellow villagers in Sulak County said you are the envoy of the Alliance, are you really the envoy of the Alliance?”

  Seeing that person staring at him, Lao Gou was a little embarrassed, and explained with a dry cough.

  ”…Strictly speaking, I should be considered a volunteer, and I brought my own dry food to help.”

  After hearing what he said, the family seemed to have not heard it at all, and smiled to themselves.

  ”Brother, you don’t have to be so nervous, there are no Willant people here, we are all our own people.”

  Lao Gou didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  ”But I’m really not.”

  The two of them talked about something that didn’t make sense for a long time, so much so that Lao Gou was wondering if he had learned the wrong human language, and learned “black” as “white”, “thick” as “thin”, and “yes” as “no”.

  He was not a confident person to begin with. In reality, he was even a little introverted and self-abased. He instinctively felt that the problem might be with himself.

  Finally, when the sun set, the family member who was talking to himself stopped, and Lao Gou breathed a sigh of relief.

  After staying on the stretcher for a while, he felt a little uncomfortable, so he came out of the tent to find a toilet.

  Just when he turned a few corners and finally found a place to relieve himself, he happened to hear the two family members talking in a low voice.

  ”That guy doesn’t seem to be an envoy of the Alliance…”

  ”Should we just treat him as one? The person has been rescued, and he is a citizen of the Alliance after all. This is a great achievement, and you and I can’t be careless.”

  ”That’s true…what about tomorrow’s interview?”

  ”Don’t let him speak…just say he is not feeling well, and we can do the interview for him.”

  ”That’s a great idea!”

  ”Keep a low profile, keep a low profile, everyone is doing this for their families… Hehe.”

  Although Lao Gou heard vaguely, he understood the general meaning at least.

  That’s why he was shocked.

  Good guy.

  These NPCs are not incomprehensible, they are pretending to be confused!

  To have such a mind, this artificial intelligence is really amazing…

  Lao Gou vaguely felt that he seemed to be on a pirate ship, but he didn’t have a third eye after all, and there was too little information about the family meeting on the forum. He wanted to learn more before making a judgment…


  Just as Lao Gou was secretly observing, the news that the Southern Corps suffered a heavy setback on the Eastern Front was also brought back to Xifan Port along with the wounded who returned to the rear to rest.

  However, real failure and spiritual failure are two different things.

  Although Captain Ryan and his subordinates suffered a tragic defeat on the Eastern Front, the front line will not lie after all, at least Triumph City is still in the hands of the Willant people.

  Even if Triumph City has complaints about Avent City, that is the Willant people’s own business.

  Later the next day, the local newspapers in Xifan Port used euphemisms to describe the “strategic shift” of the front line, and focused on reporting the collapse of the Heavenly Palace, as well as the protest of the “incompetent king” Abusek against the alliance and his angry criticism of the academy.

  Although they did not interview the parties involved, this did not prevent them from reporting.

  However, although these newspapers took care of the feelings of the Willant people, they ruthlessly forgot their dear “old friends”.

  Although the major newspapers did not say it explicitly, they hinted that the collapse of the Heavenly Palace was the credit of the five steel airships, and it was also a warning from the Southern Legion to the rebels.

  In a sense, these news did play a certain “positive” role.

  Hearing the news of the collapse of the Heavenly Palace, almost all the Poros felt more or less lost and depressed.

  Their ancestors did not leave them much to make them look good. Whether it was the red soil or the City of Thousand Pillars, the evaluations were more of ridicule.

  Only the Heavenly Palace was not.

  When talking about the incredibleness of the Heavenly Palace, even a beggar with no clothes on could proudly hold up his chest.

  Commissioner Kabaha actually didn’t really understand his compatriots.

  In his eyes, the Heavenly Palace was a shackle and a cage, but in the eyes of others, it was a castle that protected their last bit of self-esteem.

  After the news of the collapse of the Heavenly Palace was published in the newspaper, the entire Xifan Port was filled with a sense of depression – or nihilism.

  People comforted each other, saying that it was just a palace, and if it collapsed, it collapsed, it wasn’t the sky that collapsed, and life had to go on.

  However, no one realized the metaphors in the words of comfort they blurted out.

  Living seemed to have become their purpose of living.

  Although it has been like this for a long time, the negative nihilism has never been so thorough…

  Of course, the victory that the Southern Legion boasted about in the newspaper may not have left all the locals frustrated.

  For example, Emperor Akbar was furious at this moment.

  ”…This damn Abusek!”

  Looking at the “Southern Legion Victory Newspaper” in his hand, Akbar’s face turned pale and blue, and he finally couldn’t help but throw the newspaper on the table.

  He was so angry that he was shaking all over, and he bit his gums so hard that he wanted to bite the name to pieces.

  ”How dare this damn Abusek… How dare he destroy my palace! When I catch him, I will skin him alive and feed him to the dogs!”

  Looking at the furious emperor, the old man of the lion tribe beside him trembled and slammed his head to the ground, not daring to raise his head.

  However, although he was terrified, he was full of confusion.

  The newspaper clearly said that the airship blew up the palace, so why did His Majesty curse Abusek.

  Then he suddenly thought of another detail. Not long after the “good news” came, the 300,000th team led by Captain Ryan moved to Akale County, the dangerous pass where the Southern Legion and the rebels had fought countless times.

  If he remembered correctly, Akale County should be behind the front line. Why did the more he won, the fewer positions he had?

  The old man thought secretly in his heart.

  There must be something else behind this matter…

  Just then, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door, interrupting the thoughts of the old lion man.

  There was no knock on the door, the door of the room was pushed open, and an officer strode in.

  Akbar saw his nose and immediately showed a flattered smile on his face.

  ”General Gurion?! What brings you here?”

  Gurion’s face was gloomy, and his slightly protruding jaw looked a little haggard.

  The Chief of Staff was very dissatisfied with his performance and scolded him on the phone.

  In short, due to the defeat of the front-line troops, the original idea of ​​the Southern Corps to “wipe out the Borneo Province in two months” could no longer be realized.

  To win this war, they must mobilize the colonies and even the mainland!

  This is not a good thing.

  Since they planted the flag at the southernmost end of the Great Desert, something like this has not happened for a long time…

  Looking at the flattering expression on Akbar’s face, Gurion’s brows were slightly stretched, and his nose was straightened again.

  ”I need you to do something.”

  Akbar did not feel uncomfortable with the arrogant tone, but nodded his head in delight.

  ”General, please give me your orders! As long as I can do it, I will do my best!”

  Gurion waved to his attendant without any politeness, signaling the latter to take a document and hand it to Akbar.

  Without waiting for the latter to ask, he took the initiative to speak.

  ”I need you to write an edict, you can just copy one according to this document.”


  Akbar was slightly stunned, unfolded the document in his hand and took a look. At first glance, it looked like a proclamation to fight against the enemy, but a closer look revealed that things were far from that simple.

  This was a mobilization edict.

  The Southern Legion hoped to recruit one million soldiers from Lion State and Dog State to support the front-line operations.

  ”Will it be too much to mobilize so many people?”

  Akbar showed a trace of difficulty on his face, looking at General Gurion who frowned and continued.

  ”A million people… Even if they can afford their own food, clothing and other expenses, we don’t have that many guns to give them.”

  Hearing that this guy was worried about not having that many guns, General Gullion relaxed his frown again.

  ”Don’t worry about this. Not only guns, but also food, clothing, and other supplies will be borne by us.”

  Hearing this, Akbar immediately had no objection and said with joy.

  ”That’s great! General, don’t worry. What the country of Bharata lacks the least is people! Not to mention one million, even two million, three million! We can definitely get them together!”

  After the young people died, the old guys were let go, and after the old guys died, there were still the young guys.

  Akbar didn’t care about the lives of those guys at all.

  The collapse of the Heavenly Palace made him think it through.

  If he couldn’t be the emperor of Xilan, what was the point of keeping those grass and grass alive? It’s better for them to die more, so that his throne can be more stable.

  General Gullion looked at him and smiled, and the gloomy mood on his face finally dissipated a little.

  Maybe this is the meaning of companion animals.

  He suddenly wanted to have a dog.

  Looking at Akbar with a flattering smile on his face, he ordered in a tone that was neither salty nor bland.

  ”Write it now. I hope to see it on my desk tomorrow.”

  Not knowing how the man in front of him saw him, Akbar was still secretly happy that he could finally play a role.

  General Gullion had not forgotten his old friend.

  The legion still needed him!

  ”No need to wait until tomorrow! I promise to have someone deliver it to your house before dark!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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