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Chapter 883 Scar

Chapter 883 Scar


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 883 Scars

  The deck of the transport ship “Nest of Salvation”.

  The bearded captain squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the port that was just around the corner.

  ”Eternal Night Port… Come to think of it, the last time I passed by here was last year.”

  Alman, who was standing next to him, nodded and stared at the port.

  ”Well… the changes here are so great that I almost didn’t recognize it.”

  The long and narrow docks are still as busy as before, even more so than when it was the busiest.

  The only difference is that the merchant ships and passenger ships that were originally moored here are gone, replaced by angular steel decks and towering gun barrels.

  The frequent harassment of the Alliance Fleet forced the Southern Legion to strengthen patrols in the waters between Eternal Night Port and the Far South, and organize anti-submarine forces to escort the fleet that transports supplies.

  At the same time, Eternal Night Port also serves as a “human transit station”.

  Reinforcements from the colonies and the mainland will be assembled here, and then take a ship to Xifan Port. The disabled who retreated from Xifan Port would also be transferred here to transfer to the ship to go home.

  There were some idle young men standing on the shore in the distance. Alman could easily distinguish who among them had retreated from the front line and who was preparing to go to the front line.

  They were like sugarcanes that were constantly fed into the juicer. They stood very straight before entering, and after coming out, they were like a pile of crushed dregs.

  No one was an exception.

  The real tough guys were in the coffin, or they could not be found, and it was impossible for them to come back from the front line.

  Unknowingly, this border town at the junction of the East and West worlds has become the forefront of the collision between the two forces.

  Whether it is a merchant ship from the East or a merchant ship from the West, they will carefully avoid this place.

  It is precisely because of this change that Alman’s fleet looks so eye-catching here, and it attracts countless curious eyes almost as soon as it approaches the port.

  Alman didn’t want to be so eye-catching, and he would rather not make money from this business.

  However, when the quartermaster of Xifan Port entrusted the wounded soldiers who had retreated from the front line to him, he could not say the words of refusal.

  Most of those young men were withdrawn from Tiandu. Many of them were missing arms and legs, and even couldn’t take care of themselves. They had become a burden to the front line.

  Most of the Weilant soldiers could not accept that these guys were beaten into such a mess by a group of Brahmans.

  After all, just a few months ago, the Brahmans were fish on the chopping board in their narrative context, and they were the kind that would be slaughtered without resistance. They

  actually lost to a group of boneless “mudbloods”. In their opinion, these cowards simply lost the face of the Weilant people!

  After learning about the situation of the wounded soldiers, Alman’s mood was extremely complicated.

  Even if they deserved to sacrifice their arms and feet for the jungle law in their hearts, those people were his compatriots after all.

  It was difficult for him to laugh at these so-called useless trash with those lunatics.

  This was not funny at all.

  Out of sympathy, he temporarily changed his schedule and accepted the commission from the logistics department to send the 5,000 seriously injured Willant soldiers to Evernight Harbor before transporting the workers to the Death Coast Settlement No. 1.

  In addition, he also missed his family.

  After the tragedy at Xifan Port, he moved his wife and children to Evernight Harbor.

  He hadn’t seen them for a long time.

  While the two were reminiscing about the past prosperity of Evernight Harbor, on the other side of the deck, several “blue rats” from the alliance were also looking excitedly in the direction of the port.

  ”Eternal Night Harbor!”

  ”Fuck, so many warships!”

  ”Wait, why are there so many big planes parked at this dock?!”

  ”Probably to avoid the ‘Laken’ in the sea. Big ships are easily torpedoed, so they switched to small boats.”

  ”By the way, we should be the first player to come so far!”

  ”It seems that Tail has only been to West Sail Harbor.”

  ”That was a long time ago. I heard that the War Zone guys passed by here a long time ago.”

  ”Damn! Are these old players so stubborn? Leave some opportunities for the newcomers!”

  When they were on the ship on the Death Coast, they planned to disembark at West Sail Harbor, but they were unexpectedly refused entry. So they stayed on the ship and followed Alman to the legendary southernmost gathering place for survivors, Eternal Night Harbor.

  This is outside the war zone. Although the identity of the blue mole is not welcome here, there is no such thing as being refused entry.

  They thought that since they couldn’t play the tricks, at least they could open a new map, but they didn’t expect that someone else would get there first.

  Everyone was cursing, with disappointment written all over their faces.

  Except for one guy.

  This person’s ID is [Taran Raider], and he is the head of the Desert Corps.

  This name sounds a bit intimidating, but in fact it is just a small unknown corps. In its heyday, it can’t even catch up with the Abstract Corps next door, let alone the Silver Corps.

  However, this head is an ambitious person. Although he only has the strength of T5, he has the dream of rushing to T0.

  At the beginning, he gave the corps this name because he saw that the Alliance was about to enter the Luoxia Province to fight, but there was no player corps specializing in desert warfare.

  However, unfortunately, the head of the corps himself is limited in strength, and the members have not been very strong, so that the expansion pack has been updated from “War of Luoxia” to “Southern Barbarian Invasion”, and this Desert Corps has not been able to make a name for itself on the stage of “Wasteland OL”.

  Facts have proved that the strength of strength has nothing to do with whether the name is serious.

  Just like the Fountain Commander is not really the Fountain Commander, and the Midnight Killing Chicken is not really only killing chickens, the caliber of the mosquito is not small at all, and the tail is really super fast.

  During this period, many newbies were deceived by the name of the Desert Corps and thought that this Corps was in the same sequence as the Jungle, Storm, and Death Corps. However, after discovering that their leader was just a small Karami, they immediately left the Corps in disappointment.

  In this way, the leader remains the same but the soldiers are always changing. He has been in this pit

  until now. However, Brother Ta is a man with dreams after all, and he has never given up his efforts.

  Perhaps he was moved by his sincerity, and the dog planner finally gave him the opportunity to show his talents!

  When he went online tonight, he was suddenly surprised to find that there was a shining little red dot in the upper right corner of the task bar on his official website page!

  That is the sign for offline task release!

  As we all know, there is only one situation that will trigger a hidden task, that is, the event that is happening in the area where the player is located has attracted the attention of the first BOSS manager of the alliance!

  What does this mean?

  This means that the manager is watching him!

  Not only that, the respected manager also expressed his recognition of him, thinking that he is the most reliable one on this flight!

  With this honor, Brother Ta was so excited that he wanted to burst into tears, and immediately made up his mind in his heart-

  he would not miss this opportunity!

  And he would not let the manager down!

  ”Quiet! Quiet! Everyone, please listen to me.”

  Walking in front of everyone, Taran Raider coughed and motioned all players to look at him.

  As for those guys who ignored him, he didn’t care, and only spoke loudly to those who paid attention to him.

  ”I am the commander of the Desert Corps. I know everyone is disappointed now, but don’t worry! I promise you that your trip will not be in vain!”

  ”Just last night, our Desert Corps received news that the Enlightenment Society is suspected of infiltrating the Southern Corps. The administrator hopes that we will thoroughly investigate this matter!”

  Looking at the whispering players, Taran was happy in his heart, but he did not show it on his face. He continued righteously.

  ”This mission is very critical. It is not only related to the safety of the front line of the Borneo Province, but also to the survival of the entire wasteland! Therefore, we need your help!”

  ”From now on, as long as you join the Desert Corps within 24 hours, you can participate in the hidden mission we trigger! Share the rich mission rewards together!”

  To be honest, his cover of the hidden mission really attracted many players.

  Especially the newcomers who are not familiar with the world, they are even tempted to sign up.

  Only those experienced old players stood aside with their arms folded and didn’t take it seriously.

  Compared with those newbies who know nothing, they have much more experience.

  ”If this mission is so important, how could it be given to this guy?”


  ”I think the administrator is just free.”

  This situation has happened before.

  After all, even the owner of the ramen shop at the entrance of the shelter has received exclusive missions issued offline. It is difficult to judge whether a mission is important based solely on the way the mission is issued.

  While several old players were laughing and muttering, Alman looked at the guy who was talking in a loud voice with a subtle expression.

  Although there are not many people who can understand the special language of Shelter No. 404, there are some.

  For example, he, apart from those strange special terms, has already understood the general meaning.

  The general meaning is that the Desert Corps of the Alliance came to the territory of the Southern Legion to find an organization called the Enlightenment Society.

  Considering the ongoing war in the Borneo Province, this guy almost shouted “I am a spy” directly in the human language.

  But Alman did not expose him.

  First, he has a business in the Alliance, and second, he does not agree with the Southern Legion’s approach.

  Besides, as a businessman, it is better for him not to rashly intervene in the games of those big shots.

  He had already suffered a loss once, and didn’t want to suffer a second time…


  Just when a certain corps commander was chattering and mobilizing or fooling people, the customs on the shore also noticed the fleet that was approaching the shore.

  Not long after, as the “Nest of Salvation” stabilized beside the dock, a lame man also limped to the dock.

  He was wearing a military uniform with combat medals on his chest, but his epaulettes were gone.

  Alman guessed that he was an officer who transferred to the customs, but he couldn’t guess his rank.

  The man took off the hat on his head, squinted his eyes, and looked up and shouted to the deck.

  ”Where are you from?”

  The bearded captain shouted.

  ”Xifan Port, we are here to deliver the wounded.”

  ”Xifan Port… Hehe, the only cargo left there is the wounded,” the man grinned, and the sarcasm hanging on the corner of his mouth was not sure what he was mocking. Suddenly, he continued, “What else? Where else have you been?”

  Unexpectedly, he asked so many questions, and the bearded captain suddenly became nervous.

  Alman took a step forward and shouted at the man standing on the dock.

  ”We have been to many places. Why, do we need to go through so many procedures to dock now?”

  The man holding the hat raised his hands and laughed.

  ”Don’t be nervous, I’m just asking casually… Welcome home, compatriots who have come from afar.”

  The meaningful statement seemed to know where they had been.

  However, Alman didn’t care at all. He just stuffed a bag of gold coins into the hand of the man who had completely forgotten about faith and glory when he got off the ship.

  Compared with the reward he received from the logistics department of Guliong, this “public relations expenditure” was not worth mentioning at all.

  The man took the purse and shook it. Seeing that he had money for the evening’s drinks, he immediately smiled and grinned at Alman.

  ”You businessmen still make more money… Damn it, I shouldn’t have been a centurion in the first place.”

  Alman smiled faintly.

  ”It’s okay. You only see when I make money, not when I lose money.”

  We are all gamblers. No one is more noble than anyone else. It’s just the difference between winning and losing.

  Before this battle started, or before it became like this, he did envy those officers.

  But now he doesn’t care about winning or losing.

  In a lose-lose gamble, a temporary win or loss is meaningless.

  The man raised his eyebrows slightly, stuffed the purse into his pocket, and then stretched out his right hand.

  ”Let’s make friends, Kuran, the former centurion of the 340,000th Squadron, now the customs officer of Yongye Port.”

  ”Alman, shareholder and manager of the Hanging Wall Labor Agency.” Alman shook his right hand and introduced himself.

  Kuran whistled and asked jokingly.

  ”Hanging on the wall? Does it mean hanging on the wall? What a strange name.”

  Alman smiled faintly and said.

  ”It was given by the partners, saying that it is to keep in mind the original intention.”

  Kuran: “Partners of the alliance?”

  Alman nodded.

  ”Most of the guys in the east are like this. Many of them are weird, but it’s quite interesting to get along with them for a long time.”

  ”Would you mind telling me what business you’re in…ah, don’t get me wrong, it’s time to get off work now, if you don’t want to tell me, forget it.” Noticing the captain’s vigilant expression, Kuran raised his head and smiled.

  Alman said in a casual tone.

  ”It’s not inconvenient. We’ll sign a loan agreement with the slaves at Xifan Port to redeem them, and then transport them to the Death Coast where there is a shortage of people.”

  Kuran touched his chin with interest.

  ”Death Coast, I’ve heard of this place.”

  Alman continued.

  ”The expeditionary force of the Eastern Legion has been there. It used to be the territory of the Torch.”

  Kuran asked curiously.

  ”Are there Weilantes there?”

  Alman said with a faint smile.

  ”Of course, and there are quite a few. Some expeditionary forces of the Eastern Legion simply stayed there, and some came from Xifan Port or the New World. In short, you can see all kinds of people.”

  ”Even people from the New World?!” Kuran laughed, “It seems that the place is really good.”

  There is also a chain of contempt among the Weilants.

  For example, the Weilants in the New World are the most cunning Weilants. Most of the Weilants in the Old World have the impression that they are a group of guys who are not good at fighting, but are only good at producing counterfeits and taking advantage of opportunities.

  For example, in this contest between the Southern Legion and the Alliance, they hid behind the scenes to make a fortune from the war and refused to go to the battlefield personally.

  If it weren’t for the fact that the Western Legion had several fleets that were still reasonable, their reputation would probably be the same as that of the civil service group in Triumph City.

  Alman thought about it and replied.

  ”It is indeed a good place, in every sense.”

  After a pause, he said in a joking tone.

  ”This time I come back, I plan to bring my family over as well.”

  Kuran laughed and said.

  ”From what you said, it’s like heaven. Why don’t you just take me there too?”

  Alman looked at him in surprise.

  ”Are you serious?”

  Kuran grinned.

  ”Just kidding, but I really want to hear you talk about what it’s like there. Do you have time to drink with me tonight? I’ll treat you with the money I earned from you.”

  As he said that, he patted the money bag in his arms that was not yet warm.

  Thinking that this guy was quite interesting, Alman also smiled.

  ”Then I have to drink it back.”


  After the customs registration was completed, the wounded of the Willant in the cabin landed one after another.

  And Alman soon understood why the former centurion of the 340,000th Corps did not look down on him after hearing that he was going to take his family away, but half-jokingly asked him if he could take himself away too.

  Perhaps because there were too many wounded, the logistics department of Yongye Port was less and less able to take care of these poor newcomers.

  After all, they could no longer create value for the Southern Legion, and even as a typical propaganda, they seemed a bit useless because of the large number.

  After all, in the “Southern Legion Victory Report”, only 2,000 people died in the suburbs of Tiandu. So many wounded suddenly appeared. Whose face was being slapped?

  The Southern Legion would not give up on them, but would not acknowledge their sacrifice.

  There was no doctor to receive them, only a dozen staff members in military uniforms, who were responsible for registering their names and helping them arrange flights home as soon as possible.

  Fortunately, they did not have to pay for the boat tickets home.

  As for whether to replace the prosthesis or amputate, it depends on the opinions of the local hospital and logistics support units.

  In the end, it may become that the young man in Yavent City replaces the prosthesis, and the colony adopts another plan.

  Yarman suddenly felt that it might not be a good idea to bring all these young men here. The Death Coast might be more suitable for them.

  However, he could not make the decision on such matters.

  Besides, if he really did that, these wounded might not thank him.

  Forced goodwill is just self-satisfaction. Even the slaves in Xifan Port are not all willing to travel across the ocean to a completely unfamiliar place.

  After all, it is a wasteland.

  The majority of people eat people, and only a very small minority do not eat people.

  However, once this idea appeared in Alman’s mind, it was out of control.

  He wanted to help those disabled compatriots.

  And he could feel that they needed his help just like those Poro people.

  The Legion would not take care of all of them for the rest of their lives, but at least the refugee home of the Alliance could help them replace a set of prostheses that would allow them to live on their own.

  At present, many officers who have withdrawn from the front line have been arranged to retire in the border area of ​​Evernight Harbor.

  These people may have different views on war.

  Perhaps, when drinking in the evening, he can talk to the man named Kuran about expanding the business of the Hanging Wall Company in Evernight Harbor…

  Just as the wounded disembarked, the passengers from the Alliance also disembarked behind the group.

  Looking at the [Taran Raider] standing on the dock and looking around, Alman kindly reminded him and said.

  ”I can’t help you with what you want to investigate, but I can introduce you to someone I know. His name is Nok. He used to be a sailor in my team, and later became a mercenary. He is a local. If you want a guide, it is more appropriate to find him than other Willant people… especially in this special period.”

  He handed the resident of the shelter a note with an address on it.

  Looking at the clues handed by the NPC, Taran, who was worried about where to start the task, accepted it with a look of surprise, and then thanked him.

  ”Thank you so much! You helped us a lot!”

  Looking at this energetic young man, Alman smiled and said.

  ”You’re welcome. I have also received help from one of you gentlemen. If something terrible really happened here… I hope you can save my compatriots.”


  After saying goodbye to his friends in the alliance, Alman went to the logistics department to get his reward, and then returned to the dock.

  Looking at the captain waiting there, he said in a very light voice.

  ”Now I can confirm my opinion… It’s no longer safe here.”

  The bearded captain was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously.

  ”Do you think the war will burn here?”

  Looking at the shallow water heavy gunboat close at hand, Alman said in a meaningful tone.

  ”Hasn’t it already burned here?”

  The captain’s expression was slightly moved, but his face still had an expression of unwillingness to believe.

  ”I think you still think too much… This is a war between the Empire and the rebels. If the Alliance really fights here, Triumph City will not sit idly by.”

  His family is in Evernight Harbor.

  If the war really burns here, he will have to consider the safety of his family.

  ”It’s not that I think too much, it’s that I find it hard to believe that the person who lied promised again… If I were alone, it would be fine, but I have to consider my wife and children.”

  Alman put his hand on his partner’s shoulder.

  ”I plan to take them with me this time… You should also consider them more.”

  ”After all this time, you are serious… I thought you were joking with that Kuran.”

  The captain smiled bitterly, scratched the back of his head, and squeezed out another sentence in embarrassment.

  ”…Give me some time. I have to think about such a big thing.”

  It was the first time that Alman saw a hesitant expression on the face of this free and easy man.

  But he understood this feeling.

  In order to pursue wealth, he planned to leave Triumph City and go to the penniless West Sail Port. It took him a lot of effort to convince himself and his family.

  But this time, he was not pursuing wealth, but seeking peace.

  He didn’t want to experience the separation of life and death that happened before.

  It’s hard to say whether he can be as lucky as last time if something like that happens again next time.

  ”We will stay here for a week. You have enough time to think about it.”

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”But don’t worry too much. Maybe I’m just thinking too much.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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