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Chapter 885: Desert Corps’ First Battle

Chapter 885: Desert Corps’ First Battle


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 885: The First Battle of the Desert Corps

  Just as Sha Diao and Xiao Jiang were standing on the rooftop watching the excitement, Blackwater Alley in the distance had already become a mess.

  Taran Raider and his three cronies had just walked out of Nok’s house and not far away when a group of ferocious guys caught up with them.

  The group of people were all wearing vests, revealing their muscular arms, holding long guns, short guns, short knives, and all kinds of messy guys.

  At first, Taran thought he was involved in a gang fight, until the other party fired a shotgun into the sky and yelled at him.

  ”The one in front! Stop!”

  ”Don’t run!”

  Countless thoughts flashed through Taran’s mind in an instant, including that he was sold out by Nok, including that this group of gang members were employed by the Enlightenment Society, etc., until Pickled Fish grabbed his arm.

  ”Fuck! Run!!”

  Realizing that now was not the time to think about this, Taran suddenly came to his senses and ran without saying a word.


  Seeing the leader rushing out first, the three players hurriedly followed behind him and rushed to the other end of the alley.

  They only had a pistol on them, and the four of them could not get ten magazines together, while the opponent had a full range of shotguns and rifles. The firepower of both sides was completely different!

  Even if you have the ability of an awakener, you can’t be so wasteful.

  Seeing that the fat meat at his mouth was about to run away, Morse hurriedly called the Hyena Gang to chase after him.

  A group of people chased each other on the street.

  Hearing the whizzing bullets above his head, Taran cursed in shock and anger.

  ”Fuck, are these NPCs crazy?! I’m doing a normal task, and they still play like this?!”

  As he was talking, a bullet flew past his ear.

  The sound of breaking air blowing into his cochlea scared him so much that he hurriedly shrank his neck and ran faster.

  This is a new map separated by several time zones from the save point and the resurrection point.

  If he died, not only would all his equipment explode, all his unsaved experience would be lost, and the hidden mission he had just obtained would also be lost.

  This loss can no longer be described as a blood loss, it is simply a loss of numbness!

  Following closely behind the regiment commander, Medical Miracle couldn’t help but complain.

  ”You are so stupid!”

  Pickled Fish: “That’s right! This time I stand with the dog planner.”

  Taran Raider: “MMP, it’s time to fight among yourself! Can’t you scold the dog planner with me?”

  Angry Fatty Liver: “…”

  Medical Miracle: “If I were A Guang, I would definitely give you a big blow on your face.”

  Pickled Fish: “What big blow——”

  Lao Cai had only said half of his words when a group of ill-intentioned guys broke in front of the crowd.

  Unlike the group of vest guys behind him, these guys were not only well-dressed, but also had a much more gentle temperament.

  However, although they were gentle, the PU-9 submachine guns in their hands did not look reasonable at all.

  Taran Raider suddenly felt a warning in his heart, grabbed the pickled fish next to him, and took everyone to hide in the alley next to the street.

  Almost at the same time as they turned a corner, flames spurted out of the muzzles of the guns.

  The sound of gunfire filled the entire street, and the noisy rain of bullets and gunpowder instantly left rows of bullet holes on the mud houses along the street.

  Not only Taran and his three cronies were frightened, but even Morse and York, who were chasing them closely, were frightened and hurriedly led their men to disperse and hide aside.

  Unfortunately, a younger brother was hit in the chest by a stray bullet, and blood was immediately scattered. He was hurriedly pulled behind the bunker by the gang members next to him.

  Looking at the younger brother lying unconscious in a pool of blood, Morse’s eyes suddenly turned cold, and he looked at the man in a suit and leather shoes on the opposite street with murderous intent, gnashing his teeth and making a sound like a venomous snake spitting out his tongue.

  ”Tony… what the hell do you mean?”

  The Iron Hand Gang!

  Another major gang in Blackwater Lane, operating the largest nightclub and casino in the entire city!

  Unlike himself, this guy’s customers are not only the cockroaches in Blackwater Street, but also some Weilantes, especially the military nobles among the Weilantes.

  It is precisely because of this that Morse has always been very wary of him and is unwilling to conflict with him easily.

  Tony, holding a cigarette butt in his mouth, calmly replaced the submachine gun with a new magazine and loaded it with a click.

  ”It’s meaningless, it depends on your ability.”

  Looking back at the dying young man, Morse said angrily.

  ”What about my people?”

  Tony grinned slightly and said slowly.

  ”I stepped on a cockroach to death when I went out today. What does it have to do with me?”

  Usually, the Weilantes forbid them to fight, and most of them behaved in a restrained manner. Even if they killed someone, they would not commit crimes openly in the street. After all, no one wanted to attract the suppression of the troops.

  But today is different from the past. The garrison issued a wanted order, and even if someone died, it could be explained as an accidental injury in the fight.

  Those Willant people didn’t really care about their lives. Tony, who often dealt with those big noses, knew very well where the scale of doing things was.

  That’s why he didn’t take the “hyenas” in front of him seriously.

  This arrogant attitude completely angered Morse and the “hyenas” beside him.

  ”Doctor” York was the first to lose his temper. He roared angrily, raised the iron pipe assault rifle in his hand, and fired a magazine of “Brownian motion bullets” across the street.

  ”Eat shit! Tony! Together with the ducks next to you!”

  The whizzing bullets made the Iron Hand Gang members dodge in a hurry.

  Although the iron pipe rifle wrapped with tape had no accuracy, the bullets fired were 7 mm after all.

  Angered by the rude scolding, Tony’s eyes narrowed into a slit, took off the cigarette butt, threw it on the ground and crushed it with the tip of his shoe.

  ”You asked for it.”

  After saying that, he waved his index finger forward, and a group of murderous men in formal suits raised their PU-9 submachine guns and fired at the other side of the street.

  Unlike the street fighting of regular troops, the gunfights of these minions were not accurate at all. Most of them hid behind bunkers and fired their weapons close to the bunkers. After all,

  they had no medical insurance, no medals for killing people, and even a box of ashes for being killed. No one was inferior to the other in momentum, but few of them really fought hard.

  The two sides exchanged fire for a long time, and many bullets were fired, but few were shot and lying on the ground.

  Taran, who was hiding in the alley, was stunned, and the medical miracle next to him swallowed his saliva.

  ”Wait, why are they fighting each other?!”

  ”How the hell should I know…”

  Taran looked outside and carefully observed the two groups of people. He found that they were all wearing completely different styles of clothes.

  At this time, he noticed a familiar face mixed in the group on the left.

  The moment he saw that face, Taran’s eyes suddenly widened and he roared angrily.

  ”Knok! Why did you betray me!”

  Hearing the name Knok, Morse, who was fighting with Tony, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed crazily.

  ”Knok? My name is not Knok, remember my name, my name is Broken Finger! Are you stupid!”

  Three consecutive “I”s made Taran’s head confused, as if he was kicked by a donkey.

  He, a five-star good citizen of Los Santos, was actually mocked by an NPC! ?

  The medical miracle following behind him wanted to cry and laugh for a while, and finally couldn’t hold back his tears.


  ”What a brain-dead leader…”

  ”It’s so funny, I was fooled by artificial intelligence!”

  Listening to the unbridled laughter of his three confidants, Taran’s face turned red, and the frustration was even more painful than killing him.

  After all, resurrection is a matter of three days, but being ridiculed on the forum is a lifetime.

  ”Damn it…”

  He cursed, took out the pistol behind his butt, and planned to join the melee to get back at the front, but was pulled back by the quick-eyed and quick-handed medical miracle.

  ”Fuck, big brother, don’t get excited!”

  Suancaiyu also said nervously.

  ”Yeah, boss, don’t get excited! We are just joking. Even if we want to jump out of the car, we won’t jump out during the mission. At least wait until this mission is completed.”

  Under the persuasion of the two, Taran gradually calmed down and thought about how to get out of trouble.

  Two gangs targeted him at the same time, and it was probably not for money…

  especially the “broken finger” pretending to be Nok.

  If it was for money, he should have taken action when he opened the door just now, and he wouldn’t have waited until now!

  Thinking of this, Taran’s heart moved, and he looked at Fatty Liver who had been silent.

  ”Fatty, go offline and take a look.”

  Fatty Liver opened his eyes, looked at him and said lightly.

  ”… I just came back from offline, and the thirty brothers in our hotel have been wiped out.”

  At this moment, the forum was full of joy. After all, this war has been going on for so long, and this is the first time that the legion on the Alliance side has been captured “in an organized manner” like this.

  And it was a group of guards.

  However, he did not tell the legion leader about these insignificant trivia.

  They are now grasshoppers on the same rope, and there is no point in laughing at each other.

  After listening to Fatty Liver’s statement, Taran secretly said in his heart, as expected.

  The thirty members in the hotel were wiped out, and the Willant people really targeted them.

  But why did they come as a gang?

  In an instant, a possibility suddenly emerged in Taran’s mind.

  They have no evidence!

  This is not to say how disciplined the Willant people are, but that any system has a set procedure, and it is impossible to allow individuals in this system to do whatever they want.

  Whoever gives the order must take the responsibility, and this logic also works within the legion.

  In other words, the port garrison that targeted them did not take action on orders from their superiors, but made a decision on their own because of suspicion of some of their own people.

  Those Willant people did not have enough evidence to prove that they were spies of the Alliance!

  If I died in their pursuit as a citizen of the Alliance, it might not be a problem for the Southern Legion, but it would definitely be a problem for the garrison.

  So they entrusted it to the local gangs. In this way, even if only one body was caught, they could finally blame the gang fight and turn the diplomatic issue into a public security issue.

  Taran’s thoughts turned quickly and he made a quick decision.

  ”Fatty liver, go and send a private message to our members offline and connect their confessions! It’s a dead end that we are here… for a business inspection.”

  Fatty liver smiled faintly.

  ”They have already colluded… Although it’s not a business inspection, it’s a trip.”

  Medical Miracle couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.


  Pickled Fish couldn’t help but praise.

  ”Gao, you can be the leader.”

  Fatty Liver raised his lips slightly.

  Although it had nothing to do with him, there seemed to be no need to explain.

  Hearing that his own members were so self-conscious, Taran’s face also showed some surprise.

  The quality of the new recruits this time was unexpectedly good. It seems that his ambition to impact T0 is promising!

  The only flaw is that the reason of traveling is a bit far-fetched. No wonder the other party thought that there might be something wrong with them.

  But it’s okay.

  Taran’s eyes flickered slightly, and he had a new idea.

  ”I will help you to cover your retreat. You will find a way to escape to the north later. First escape from the settlement, and then wait for my news.”

  Pickled Fish looked at the head of the corps in surprise.

  ”What about you?”

  ”Turn yourself in.”

  Taran smiled at the corners of his mouth and said lightly to the three confidants who looked surprised.

  ”I heard that the Enlightenment Society called on the residents of the shelter to unite and resist the old guard of the War Construction Committee.”

  ”I wonder if the residents of the shelter who have abandoned the dark and joined the light want it.”


  With the participation of the Level 30 Awakeners, the battle in Blackwater Alley became fierce.

  After all, as a veteran who had lost his life to the Pangolin, Talan Raider was not very smart, but his skills were not ambiguous at all.

  He first used a human ladder to send the three younger brothers away, and then relied on only a pistol to kill his way out of the two groups of people.

  Fortunately, when he was looking for the coordinates of the mission, he went around Blackwater Alley several times, which was equivalent to stepping on the point in advance.

  He was not familiar with the terrain here, but he was not like a headless fly.

  After rushing through two streets, he rushed directly into the crowded market and fired a gun into the sky, causing the whole market to be in chaos.

  Seeing this guy rushing into the market, Morse and Tony, who were chasing behind, turned green.

  Sure enough, not long after that fool made a big fuss, a group of armed guards came in on a submachine gun.

  The group of armed guards wearing bulletproof armor, Taran threw away his pistol, raised his hands and walked against the fleeing crowd, making a frightened expression.

  ”Thank God, you are here!”

  The centurion leading the team walked in front of him with a gloomy face.

  ”Did you shoot?”

  Taran widened his eyes in surprise.

  ”Me?! Are you kidding, I’m just a tourist! This is my VM, which contains my electronic visa, and I came in through customs!”

  Customs will conduct a body search while registering. Unlike illegal immigrants, the former are protected by the laws of Triumph City.

  At least in name.

  As he spoke, Taran pointed behind him, at the gang members who were chasing him relentlessly.

  ”They were the ones who fired the gun! You can find out who they are by asking anyone.”

  The centurion narrowed his eyes and looked at the guy from the Alliance with a scrutinizing gaze, and his nose tip wanted to poke into the ugly and disgusting face.

  He naturally knew who the gang of villains were, but he didn’t expect that the “wanted order” issued by him would help him. He had an excuse to be persecuted and seek asylum.

  But it didn’t matter.

  At least they were caught.

  The thirty Alliance citizens who were caught before all insisted that they were here for tourism, and they were completely fooled.

  This is a wasteland.

  And who would travel to the enemy’s territory?

  He no longer had any hope of prying anything out of those people, hoping to open a breakthrough with this guy.

  ”Get in the car.”

  Taran breathed a sigh of relief, with a relieved expression on his face.

  ”Thank you.”

  The centurion, who didn’t want to listen to his nonsense, pushed him and handed the man to his adjutant.

  A gang member wearing a vest hesitated and walked up to ask for payment.

  ”Hey, that…”

  The centurion didn’t even look at this blind guy, waved his hand and had him taken away as a trophy of the mission.

  Morse, hiding in the crowd, looked at the retreating assault vehicle with a gloomy face, and didn’t know what he was thinking.

  Tony, who had fought with him before, stood next to him and lit another cigarette.

  ”Centurion of the garrison, it seems that this money is not so easy to make… It’s decided that the Iron Hand Gang will withdraw, and you can have fun on your own.”

  Morse glanced at him and said with a fake smile.

  ”Thank you.”

  ”No need to thank me, if you must thank me, you can save it for your funeral… No matter how small a mosquito is, it’s still meat, I will take care of your territory for you.”

  The submachine gun was thrown into the younger brother’s hand. Tony looked at him mockingly, and regardless of the angry glares of the group of hounds at him, he turned around and walked away with his men.

  York stared at the guy with murderous eyes until his back disappeared at the end of the market, then he looked at his boss again and said in a low voice.

  ”Boss… is this matter over?”

  Morse narrowed his eyes and looked away from the direction Tony left, then looked in the direction where the assault vehicle left, and said word by word.

  ”I never do business at a loss…”

  ”This matter is not over.”

  The Enlightenment Society…

  He has lived in this city for so long, but this is the first time he has heard of this organization.

  Morse muttered this word in his mouth, shook his chin slightly, and turned away with a group of brothers.

  At the same time, on the rooftop in the distance.

  The idiot and the comedian who were watching the fun finally finished eating the melon seeds in their pockets.

  When Taran threw away his weapon and took the initiative to walk towards the Weylandt cop, the former opened his eyes in surprise and praised him rarely.

  ”Awesome… This fool has something, and he even thought of surrendering himself.”

  He probably guessed what the guy was going to do.

  If it’s really the same as he thought, maybe they can cooperate.

  The Comedian looked at him and asked.

  ”What now? What should we do?”

  ”Just wait and see.”

  Throwing the melon seed shells downstairs, Sha Diao clapped his hands and picked up the travel bag beside him.

  There were all his equipment in there.

  Including a sniper rifle disassembled into parts, a submachine gun, several grenades and a drone.

  As for how these things were brought in, it was also very simple.

  He and his teammates did not take the usual route when they got off the ship, but got in by catching the blind spot of the customs NPC and using a bug.

  ”If the people of the Enlightenment Society noticed them, they might scout near the guardhouse where they are detained… We just need to keep an eye on them and mark down any suspicious people.”

  The Comedian: “What is suspicious?”

  Sha Diao grinned.

  ”NPCs who are as sneaky as us, or the same face that appears for several consecutive days. Make good use of drones and facial recognition… Don’t stand there stupidly, it’s time to go.”

  Everything was in his plan!

  Looking at the melon seed shells floating in the wind, Xiaojiang sighed.

  ”The quality is really poor.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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