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Chapter 885: In fact, you have never regretted

Chapter 885: In fact, you have never regretted


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 885: Actually, you have never regretted it.

  She walked out of the room in a daze, amid the sincere, envious, or jealous congratulations of the sisters in the room, packed her luggage in a daze, took the yellowed indenture in a daze, and followed the madam out of the back door of Yichunyuan in a daze.

  When Gu Paner bent down and got into the carriage parked outside the door, she was inevitably stunned when she saw the people in the carriage, although she had expected it in her heart.

  ”Wei, Young Master Wei”

  looked at Wei Changtian, tears welling up in her eyes.

  Gu Paner was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to kneel down and kowtow.

  However, Wei Changtian had guessed that she would do this, so he took the lead to hold her arm, and said with a smile:

  ”Miss Gu, there is no need to do this.”

  ”I heard about your story, it’s just a little help, nothing.”


  Looking up with tears in her eyes, Gu Paner didn’t know what to say for a while.

  Five thousand taels may not be a big deal for Wei Changtian, but for her it means an unattainable freedom.

  More importantly, Wei Changtian redeemed her at this time, which is even more meaningful.

  To be honest, facing such a favor, Gu Paner would not be too much to repay.

  But now she couldn’t even say a word of thanks.

  It’s not that she can’t say it.

  But she felt that no matter what she said, she couldn’t express her gratitude now.

  Therefore, after being stunned for a long time, she just slowly took out the “twists and turns” indenture from her arms, bit her lip and held it in front of Wei Changtian.

  This action represented something very obvious.

  From Gu Paner’s eyes, she did not hesitate when she made this decision.

  And Wei Changtian did not refuse, and reached out to take the indenture.

  Looking down, it was no different from an ordinary indenture.

  There was an official seal of the government office, and Gu Paner and her biological father signed it. The date was ten years ago, and the price was two hundred taels.

  Ten years later

  , Gu Paner should be in her early twenties now, which means she was sold to a brothel when she was eleven or twelve years old.

  He looked up at Gu Paner’s red eyes, exerted a little force on his hand, and the contract that could determine the former’s fate was split into two.

  Wei Changtian tore the contract of sale into pieces in a few strokes, and then threw it out of the car window.

  Seeing this scene, Gu Paner was suddenly stunned.

  ”You redeemed it yourself, I just lent you five thousand taels of silver.”

  With a smile, Wei Changtian looked at Gu Paner and said slowly: “If the government recovers your silver in the future, you have to return it to me.” ”

  No, even if you can’t recover it, you have to return it to me.”

  ”But I won’t urge you, you can return it when you have it.”


  I didn’t redeem you, I just lent you five thousand taels of silver.

  Wei Changtian’s words seemed a bit “redundant” at first, but Gu Paner understood the difference.

  For the former, her identity did not change, but the owner changed from Yichunyuan to Wei Changtian.

  But the latter means that she will no longer belong to anyone and will have true freedom from now on.

  ”Wei, Young Master Wei, I am your concubine.”

  If Gu Paner’s gratitude to Wei Changtian just now was ten points, then at this moment, this feeling of being touched has reached one hundred points.

  But she is just a prostitute, what can she do to repay this kindness?

  ”You are not going to say that you will marry me next.”

  On the other side, Wei Changtian “accurately” judged what Gu Paner was going to say in the next second.

  He shook his head and said half-jokingly in the latter’s extremely embarrassed eyes:

  ”It’s not that I don’t want to, but now I have married too many wives and I really can’t take care of them.”

  ”If you really want to thank me, then accompany me tonight for a drink.”

  There seemed to be a hint of depression in the smile on his face. Wei Changtian didn’t wait for Gu Paner to answer, and shouted to the driver:

  ”Let’s go.”

  ”Just find a better restaurant.”


  Soon, Wei Changtian and Gu Paner came to a restaurant that was quite famous in Linchuan City.

  It was past dinner time, but there were still many diners in the restaurant, and the noise was very lively.

  However, the atmosphere in a private room on the second floor was a bit dull.

  Wei Changtian seldom spoke as he drank one cup after another. It was obvious that he was upset by the events of the past few days and was drinking to relieve his sorrow.

  Although Gu Paner didn’t know the specific situation, she could see that he was worried, so she silently poured wine for him.

  ”Why don’t you drink?”

  After drinking another cup of strong liquor in one gulp, Wei Changtian looked at Gu Paner’s glass and suddenly asked, “Don’t you have a good alcohol tolerance?”

  ”Well, no.”

  Gu Paner’s alcohol tolerance was really not very good, but she hesitated for a moment and didn’t tell the truth. She picked up the wine cup and drank it all.

  ”Cough! Cough cough cough!”

  The strong liquor went into her throat, and the spicy stimulation made Gu Paner cough several times, and her little face immediately flushed.

  Seeing this, Wei Changtian did not persuade her to drink less, but poured himself another glass of wine and said casually:

  ”You seem to have never been afraid of me from the beginning.”


  Gu Paner was stunned, and resisted the discomfort in her throat. While pouring herself a glass of wine, she answered truthfully:

  ”I have seen all kinds of people. Those murderers all have a murderous aura, but you don’t.”


  Wei Changtian became interested after hearing this, and reminded her in a rather “serious” way:

  ”But I have really killed many people.”

  ”How many?”

  Unlike other women, Gu Paner did not seem to be afraid of this topic, and even asked with interest: “Everyone says that Wei Yanluo likes to kill people the most. Is this true?”

  ”Tsk, who would like to kill people? There is nothing I can do.”

  Wei Changtian curled his lips: “Just like you, I don’t think you would like brothels. Ahem, sorry, I spoke out of turn after drinking.”

  Realizing that his words were a bit inappropriate, Wei Changtian shut up in time.

  But Gu Paner didn’t care, she just smiled and nodded.

  ”Sir, you don’t have to apologize. I don’t mind.”

  ”Well, that’s what I mean anyway.”

  Wei Changtian raised his glass and muttered as if to vent:

  ”Intrigue, deception, cheating and being cheated, killing and being killed”

  ”Fuck, who wants to live like this every day.”

  ”Living Yama, I want everyone in the world to call me a saint, but saints don’t live long.”

  ”If I had known this would happen, I should have had a good talk with Xiao Feng.”

  ”He continues to be the protagonist, and my wife and children are warm and comfortable.”


  I don’t know if it’s because he doesn’t have to hide anything when facing an outsider like Gu Pan’er who knows nothing, or if it’s because he’s drunk, Wei Changtian’s words are becoming more “unbridled”.

  Although Gu Pan’er didn’t understand, she could feel the helplessness and depression in these words.


  After Wei Changtian finished complaining, she took the initiative to raise her glass and clinked it with the former’s glass.

  The collision of the wine glasses made a crisp “ding” sound.

  And Gu Pan’er’s very sincere voice also sounded softly at this time.

  ”I can tell that you have never regretted it.”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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