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Chapter 886: Fighting with the Air

Chapter 886: Fighting with the Air


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 886: Fighting Wisdom and Courage with the Air

  The car bumped and stopped next to a tall courtyard wall. Seeing the heavily guarded appearance, [Taran Raider] knew that he had come to the right place.

  However, what he didn’t know was that this prison called “Cartnord” was notorious in the minds of the locals. It was said that people who went in would be skinned alive even if they didn’t die.

  For example, the guy with a hyena tattoo on his body who was arrested with him had weak legs when he got off the car, and almost wet his pants.

  Under the escort of several guards, Taran passed through the towering gate, then passed through a lot of security checks, completed all the procedures for entering the detention room, and was finally arranged in a small single room with no windows and only a bed area. After waiting

  in the single room for more than ten minutes, a dark-faced Willant soon came over and took him to the interrogation room next to it.

  As soon as he entered the door, a strong light hit his face, and then a righteous voice came from the front.

  ”Tell the truth! What are you doing here!”

  Taran blurted out, thinking that the interrogation was quite realistic.

  ”I’m here for tourism.”

  The calm attitude made the two interrogators unsure for a moment, and their aggressive momentum paused.

  The slightly older guard coughed and played the

  good cop in a slow voice. “I advise you to tell the truth. Your accomplices have already admitted it. Even if you deny it, it will be meaningless. It will only increase your sentence.”

  Taran laughed in his heart.

  They had already colluded with each other on the forum, and he couldn’t help laughing when he heard this nonsense.

  As if they had noticed his disdain, the two Willant guards in charge of the interrogation looked unhappy.

  ”I warn you to be serious!”

  Taran retorted unceremoniously.

  ”I also warn you, I am a citizen of the Alliance, and I came in with a certificate issued by Triumph City. Does the Southern Legion no longer take his marshal seriously?”

  The air in the interrogation room became quiet, as if a feather falling on the ground could be clearly heard.

  The older guard coughed and picked up the cup to pretend to drink water. The young guard next to him narrowed his eyes and clenched his hands on the table into fists.

  ”Say it again.”

  He didn’t care whether the person in front of him was an Alliance or an alien. If anyone dared to doubt his loyalty, he would beat that face.

  Taran thought that the excitement was almost over and it was time to get to the point, so he leaned back in his chair.

  ”To be honest, there are many Willant people in the port of the Death Coast. We heard from them that there is a place called Evernight Port at the southernmost end of the Great Desert, so we planned to come here to exchange gifts. But I didn’t expect you to be so hospitable and gave me a pair of handcuffs as soon as we met.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Of course, in addition to traveling, I do have some personal purposes, but this has nothing to do with other travelers, nor with you.”

  The old man who was drinking water had a gleam in his eyes and immediately put down the cup in his hand.

  ”Oh? What personal purpose?”

  Taran said.

  ”I’m looking for an organization called the Enlightenment Society.”

  The young guard frowned.

  ”…What is that?”

  Taran laughed, looking down on him.

  ”An organization composed of residents of the shelter, active in the Great Desert… But you are not residents of the shelter, even if I tell you, you won’t understand.”

  That look of contempt is very consistent with the stereotype of the Willant people about blue gophers, so that the young guard’s fist hardened again.

  But Taran didn’t even look at him.

  As the saying goes, a dog that bites doesn’t bark.

  What’s more, he is a level 30 awakener. Even if he is handcuffed, it is not certain who will win or lose if they really fight.

  The old guard frowned, pondered for a long time and slowly spoke.

  ”Why are you looking for the Enlightenment?”

  Taran said bluntly.

  ”I want to join them.”

  The old guard: “Reason?”

  Taran: “Disappointment.”

  The old guard looked at him in surprise.


  Taran nodded.

  ”Yes, I’ve had enough of the hypocrisy of the Alliance. Why do we have to take those scumbags with us to the New Era? We inherited everything from the Prosperous Era. We are the Human Alliance, we are the New Era…but our managers want us to bleed for a group of people we have never met.”

  ”To be honest, I’m disappointed with the Alliance, so I want to go somewhere else…I heard that the Enlightenment is active in the Great Desert, and their purpose is more to my liking, so I came here.”

  He said this without a single mistake, and his face was full of anger and dissatisfaction.

  The two guards showed surprised expressions on their faces, and then one became excited and the other became thoughtful.

  ”I thought the people in the Alliance shared the same brain as pigs, but I didn’t expect there were still sober guys. Friend, congratulations on turning from darkness to light.” The young guard laughed, and the resentment in his eyes turned into admiration.

  Taran smiled, but said nothing.

  Not to mention that he was talking nonsense, the “we” in that nonsense also refers to the blue coat. What empathy do you have as a Weyland?

  You and the Wastelanders are all in the same basket of “rotten fish and shrimp”. When did the Human Alliance become worthy of you to inherit?


  The old guard thought for a long time, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, closing the transcript spread out on the table.

  ”Congratulations on finding the organization.”

  Good guy!

  The Southern Legion really cooperated with the Enlightenment Society!

  Taran was excited in his heart, but his face remained calm. He whistled and said.

  ”In other words, I have passed your test?”

  The young guard looked at his colleague next to him strangely, but the latter gave him a meaningful look, and then looked at the man sitting opposite the interrogation table again.

  ”I can’t make the decision on this matter, but I can help you contact someone who can.”

  ”Then you better hurry up, before I change my mind.” Taran couldn’t wait to show off on the forum, and he said this calmly. The

  older guard nodded and signaled the guard standing next to Taran to take him away.

  The interrogation room fell silent.

  Hearing the sound of the door closing in the distance, the young guard looked at the old senior and asked hurriedly.

  ”What the hell is that Enlightenment Society?”

  The old guard replied indifferently while sorting out the documents on the table.

  ”How should I know?”

  The young guard frowned.

  ”What do you mean by that?”

  The old guard showed a shrewd expression on his face, and narrowed his eyes slightly, like a fox.

  ”It is precisely because we don’t know that we have to find out what the Enlightenment Society is through this guy… Anyway, let’s stabilize him first.”

  Hearing this, the young guard suddenly realized and couldn’t help but give a thumbs up in admiration.

  What a good trick!


  It’s simply too great!

  At the same time, Taran, who returned to the cell, did not wait for the cell door to close, and fell asleep on the bed.

  The guard who closed the door looked at him in surprise, called him twice but saw no response, and then curled his lips in contempt.

  Are the people in the alliance all pigs?

  They can still sleep at this time.

  At the same time, in the official forum of “Wasteland OL” in another world, just when everyone was discussing the front-line battle situation of the “Southern Barbarian Invasion” expansion pack, a post was like a flashing meteor, and it rushed to the front page of the forum in a flash.

  Talan Raider: “Old friends! Our Desert Corps has penetrated the Enlightenment Society!!!”

  Tail: “Oh oh oh! So awesome! (ω)”

  Sis: “Enlightenment Society… Such a distant name, I always feel that the last time I heard of it was two years ago.”

  Fang Chang: “It seems that the hidden mission has been triggered, come on. (Laughing sideways)”

  Desert Eagle: “What the hell?”

  Xiaochuan Junichiro: “Really?!”


  Just as Talan’s post sank into the sea, an investigation report on the Alliance spy was also delivered to the desk of Yahui, the governor of Yongye Port.

  After reading the report from beginning to end, Yahui frowned slightly and looked at Willoughby, the chief of the garrison standing in front of the desk and asked.

  ”This Enlightenment Society… What the hell is it?”

  He has been working in Yongye Port for fifteen years and has never heard of this name.

  Willoughby, who was standing in front of him, also shook his head and said seriously.

  ”I have gathered intelligence from Avent City and Triumph City. There is very little information about this organization… It is said that it is related to Shelter No. 0 and a document called Torch Project.”

  Yahui frowned.

  ”Shelter No. 0? Torch Project?”

  Willoughby nodded slowly and continued in a serious tone.

  ”Behind these two things is a weapon that is enough to restart the world. It is said that the power of that thing can not only affect the outcome of one or two battles, but can even directly rewrite the entire era.”

  This part of information mainly comes from the archives of Triumph City and is included in the relevant entries of the Enlightenment Society.

  However, it is intriguing that there are very few clues involving Shelter No. 0 and Torch Project.

  There are two possibilities.

  The people of Triumph City do not have much information about these two things.

  But it does not rule out another possibility that a great existence does not want them to know these things.

  Yahui’s pupils shrank slightly, and countless possibilities flashed through his mind, and these countless possibilities intersected at the same coordinates.

  ”This weapon is hidden in the Great Desert…”

  Willoughby stared at the Governor, and continued in a serious tone.

  ”It is reasonable to speculate that at least the Enlightenment Society may know its whereabouts.”

  Standing up and walking to the window of the office, Yahui stared at the prosperous port outside the window.

  A weapon that can rewrite the entire era…

  It is hard to imagine what kind of weapon can destroy this prosperous settlement in an instant.

  However, he will not let that happen.

  If someone intends to do this, he will never let that guy go.

  This port is like his child, and he will never allow anyone to destroy it!

  ”…What do you think?”

  Looking at the Governor with his back to him, Willoughby said respectfully.

  ”Although there is no direct evidence, I am almost certain that the guy we just caught is a spy of the Alliance, and the thirty people we blocked at the entrance of the hotel are most likely his accomplices!”

  ”After being exposed, he tried to change his strategy and circumvent our interrogators. It can be seen that he should have received some anti-reconnaissance training. This guy has some stuff, but not much.”

  ”Colleagues in the Intelligence Office speculate that… our opponents may try to cooperate with the Enlightenment Society and get this weapon from them that is enough to turn the entire battle situation around.”

  Yahui thought for a long time and suddenly spoke.

  ”This doesn’t make sense. Since this weapon is so important and can even rewrite the entire battle situation, why would he leak clues about the Enlightenment Society to us?”

  Willoughby smiled faintly and stated his speculation.

  ”This is actually easy to understand. The Alliance is not completely ignorant of the Great Desert, but there is no intelligence about Evernight Port. Perhaps, a piece of intelligence they collected in Pioneer City pointed them to the southern part of the Great Desert, which is the southern industrial zone in the era of the Human Union. However, they are not sure whether we have cooperated with the Enlightenment Society.”

  ”In the words of the Alliance, this tactic is called throwing a stone to test the water. They deliberately released a smoke bomb to test our reaction, and then make the next decision based on our reaction.”

  Yahui’s pupils dilated slightly, and his expression gradually became serious.

  ”So what’s your plan?”

  ”Take advantage of the enemy’s strategy.” Willoughby looked at him confidently, his eyes sparkling as he said, “My subordinates are very smart. They sent a false signal to the bait of the Alliance, making them mistakenly believe that we have started official cooperation with the Enlightenment Society.”

  ”I bet that the spy we have imprisoned must be as anxious as an ant on a hot pot at this moment, and can’t wait to spread the news.”

  ”Once people are anxious, they will make mistakes. Then we can follow the clues to the Enlightenment Society and then find a way to get the ‘Weapon Zero’ in their hands!”

  Facing those piercing eyes, Yahui pondered for a long time.

  This plan is actually not bad, but there is only one doubt that makes him still have some concerns.

  They had no direct evidence to prove that the guy was indeed a spy of the Alliance.

  Everything was just their speculation.

  However, with the attitude of “better to believe it than not to believe it”, he nodded.

  Regardless of whether the legendary weapon that could turn the tide of the war really existed, it would not hurt to give it a try…

  ”Do you have a specific plan?”

  ”Of course,” Willoughby took out another document from his arms with a smug smile on his face, and gently placed it on the desk. “The code name of the plan is ‘Wasp’. I arranged for some agents from the Intelligence Office to buy a house near Blackwater Street and disguise it as the base of the Enlightenment Society.”

  ”We can package an Enlightenment Society and pretend that we are cooperating, so that they can reveal their own fox tails!”


  The commotion in Blackwater Lane did not affect the peace of Evernight Harbor.

  For the Willant colonists living in this port, it was like a stinking garbage can. It was not uncommon for a gunfight to happen. It would be strange if there was no smell of gunpowder one day.

  Taran’s three confidants hid in the city until dusk, and only left the city in a hurry when the news passed.

  As for Sha Diao and Xiao Jiang, they followed to the prison called “Cartnord” and booked a room in the hotel with the identities bought on the black market.

  In this border town full of soldiers, a war without gunpowder seems to have begun.

  So far, it seems that only the Enlightenment Society, which is in the center of the battlefield, is still kept in the dark…

  The night gradually deepens.

  After reuniting with his family, Alman came to the tavern in the port area as promised.

  Because of the long-awaited reunion, his wife pestered him for a long time, so that his calves are still a little weak now.

  The moment the door opened, the hot breath immediately hit his face with the noisy sound waves.

  ”…Hahaha, Carver, you bastard finally came! I thought you really rented a farm and went to farm!”

  ”Go away, I’m not born to drive a tractor, I still like the feeling of driving a tank!”

  ”Which team are you assigned to? Or the Youth Army?”

  ”The 60th Armored 10,000-man Brigade, we are the second batch, leaving at the end of the month.”

  ”Sixty? Damn, how many people were mobilized this time?”

  ”At least one million, didn’t you read the Triumph News? This time it’s going to be a big wave!”

  ”Exciting, I hope we can fight to the Alliance’s homeland.”

  ”I just hope to get to the front line quickly, don’t wait until we get there and don’t even have a chance to shoot.”

  The whole tavern was full of soldiers.

  Either they came back from the front line, or they were preparing to go to the front line. The former mostly drank alone, while the latter usually drank in groups of three or five.

  Although the front line also provides alcohol and other hobbies, it is obviously not as enjoyable as drinking in the rear without limit.

  The Southern Legion could not actually block the news from the front. No one could stop the Willant people, not even the Willant people themselves.

  However, if the Alliance hoped that the frustration spread by word of mouth could crush their fighting spirit, it would be wishful thinking.

  Because from the moment they complained, those losers had been expelled from the Willant team.

  On a speeding roller coaster, anyone who tried to step on the brakes was a traitor, and who would care what the traitor said? They would only think they were more right.

  In a sense, the dilemma faced by the Willant and the Boro was similar.

  It was like the two sides of a mirror.

  It was just that the war in the former had lasted for a century and a half, while the war in the latter had just begun.

  Neither side knew how long it would take for the war to be over, and how many generations would it take for the obsession and hatred in their hearts to end.

  It was for this reason that Alman admired the man named Pangolin in his heart.

  It was said that the guy was just a villager from the mountain valley of the River Valley Province, but his deafening roar alarmed the Triumph City.

  I hope he can bring back hope from Triumph City.

  I also hope that day won’t come too late…

  At the bar, Alman found Kuran who had just finished work at the customs.

  This man in his early thirties was already drinking. After changing out of the clothes with medals, he looked no different from the drunks around him, even sloppier than them.

  ”Come sit here.” Seeing Alman from the crowd at a glance, Kuran enthusiastically pulled out a chair for him, then grinned and looked at the bartender, “This is my new friend, bring another bottle of beer.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Alman nodded politely and sat next to the veteran. He glanced around and smacked his tongue in surprise.

  ”This pub has never been so lively.”

  ”It’s different now. We have made a fortune from the war,” the bartender put the iced beer on the bar, and looked at Kuran again, “Don’t be polite, I just said it casually, I don’t mean to ridicule you.”

  Kuran smiled and waved his hand.

  ”I’m not such a stingy person. I’ll even wish you a prosperous business.”

  Looking at this free and easy lame man, Alman found it quite interesting and smiled without asking any questions.

  ”Now that you’ve heard my story, can you tell me your story? I’ve always been curious about what the situation is like on the front line.”

  Although he has visited the Borneo Province many times, he has basically been active in several major ports and has not gone deep into the interior of the land.

  Kuran grinned, and the smile on his face became intriguing.

  ”It’s a mess. My story is as insignificant as the war report sent from the front line. If you insist on listening to it, just listen to it as a joke. Don’t take it seriously. Everything should be based on the story of the Southern Legion Victory Newspaper.” ”

  I’m very interested in the stories that are not mentioned in the newspaper. Those Borneo people occasionally tell me some things that are not mentioned in the Survivor Daily.” Alman clinked glasses with him and encouraged him to continue.

  Kuran smiled faintly, his eyes lost in memories, and continued after thinking for a moment.

  ”…We encountered the Skeleton Corps in Ridbury County. Their tanks were like bottle openers. Our tanks were blown up one after another, just like the beer bottle caps.”

  As he spoke, he flicked the bottle caps with his thumb and they flew accurately into the trash can.

  ”What happened next?”

  ”Later? Of course we won, although the price I told you may be unacceptable. We have 3,000 brothers who have not been missing or found so far,” Kuran smiled, paused for a moment and said, “As for Gibson, he is still serving as his captain, and I was assigned to this broken customs.”

  Alman fell silent.

  He knew that the more than 3,000 people were there, in the prisoner-of-war camp on the outskirts of Golden Gallon Port.

  The Alliance treated them well. I heard that after the prisoner-of-war camp was built, they would be paid for their work, and they were also protected by the laws of the Alliance, working only eight hours a day.

  Kuran also fell silent, took a sip of beer alone, and knocked the empty bottle on the moldy wooden table.

  ”Maybe I am too pessimistic. I feel that it is almost impossible to win on the front battlefield… Unless there is some weapon that can completely reverse the situation and wipe our opponents directly from this planet.”

  Alman smiled bitterly.

  ”If there really is such a weapon, its existence itself is terrifying enough.”

  Kuran grinned.

  ”Maybe it really exists? I heard that General Gullion has placed a large bet on something called ‘death agent’.” Smelling

  a hint of ominousness from the name, Alman frowned slightly.

  ”Death agent?”

  Kuran lowered his voice and said in a mysterious tone.

  ”Yes, a virus that only a certain group of people can be infected with, which can systematically eliminate our opponents… such as the rat people, snake people, etc. As for other people, at most they will become carriers of the virus, but will not be affected by the virus.”

  Alman’s face showed a stunned expression.

  ”Can such a thing really be done? I mean… it really won’t have the same effect on the Weyland people?”

  Kuran smiled.

  ”Who knows, some things are like the battle reports from the front line, half true and half false.”

  After a pause, he smiled again.

  ”…Speaking of which, I also heard a rumor that this ‘good thing’ was actually made by a blue gopher.”


  (Thanks to the leader “CaptPaterno” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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