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Chapter 886 Qiao Gang: You can only gain if you give up

Chapter 886 Qiao Gang: You can only gain if you give up


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 886 Qiao Gang: You have to sacrifice to gain

  Xu Xiuwen put down his phone and went to open the door before getting out of bed.

  After the door opened, the person standing outside was Mu Zhilan.

  Xu Xiuwen was about to speak, but he was stunned the next second.

  The pajamas he brought to Mu Zhilan were Xiao Youran’s pajamas.

  The same pajamas, worn by different people, have completely different effects.

  Mu Zhilan’s towering breasts propped up the front of the pajamas.

  The round and full curve was really eye-catching.

  Xiao Youran already had a C.

  But it still couldn’t be as good as Mu Zhilan.

  But it was eye-catching.

  Xu Xiuwen’s eyes did stay on it for a second.

  But it was only one second.

  Xu Xiuwen looked into Mu Zhilan’s eyes and asked naturally: “Sister Mu, do you have anything to do?”

  Mu Zhilan asked: “You didn’t eat dinner, are you hungry now? I just saw a tomato in the kitchen. If you are hungry, I can make you a bowl of tomato and egg noodles.”

  She knocked on the door to ask him if he was hungry? Want to give him something?

  Xu Xiuwen

  felt a little warm in his heart while he was laughing and crying.

  In his previous life, he often watched short videos and was shocked by the weird remarks of all kinds of fairies and female makeup bloggers on the Internet.

  You would only want to stay away from these women.
But Mu Zhilan is different.

  She is beautiful, has a good figure, is considerate, gentle and generous, and is so caring.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a top-notch woman.

  He knows that there are very few women like Mu Zhilan.

  Only people like Qiao’s father who have no vision and are heartless do not know how to cherish.

  If he were Mu Zhilan’s man,

  he would definitely hold Mu Zhilan in his hands and love her no matter how much.

  Xu Xiuwen touched his stomach and said with a smile: “I didn’t feel hungry, but when you said that, I suddenly felt a little hungry.”

  Mu Zhilan smiled faintly: “Then I’ll go and give you the bottom, and you can eat it later.”

  ”How embarrassed.” Xu Xiuwen was falsely polite.

  Mu Zhilan shook her head and said: “This is what I should do.”

  After that, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

  Xu Xiuwen stood there, looking at Mu Zhilan’s back.

  He was still thinking about what she meant by what she said just now.

  This sentence can have two meanings in different contexts.

  The first one: Xu Xiuwen helped Mu Zhilan at night, and Mu Zhilan repaid him in this way, so it can be said that it should be done.

  The second one: As a wife, you should cook for your husband, which can also be said to be what you should do.

  Xu Xiuwen is certainly not Mu Zhilan’s husband, so the second meaning is obviously not true.

  He would not be so self-indulgent as to think that Mu Zhilan would regard him as her man because of such a small matter.

  If Mu Zhilan is really such a person, Xu Xiuwen would doubt whether he had misjudged Mu Zhilan.

  So there is only one answer left.

  That is, Mu Zhilan wants to repay him in this way.

  Xu Xiuwen can understand Mu Zhilan’s thoughts.

  After all, the only two things that Mu Zhilan is good at are housework and cooking.

  She can only repay Xu Xiuwen through these two things.


  Mu Zhilan made the noodles.

  She walked to the bedroom door, knocked on the door and said, “Boss Xu, the noodles are ready, you can eat them.”

  Hearing this, Xu Xiuwen walked out of the bedroom.

  He came to the living room.

  Xu Xiuwen saw a bowl of steaming tomato and egg noodles on the table.

  He smiled and said, “It smells so good, and the color looks delicious.”

  ”Come and try it.” Mu Zhilan said with a smile. Xu Xiuwen

  nodded and walked to the dining table and sat down.

  He picked up the chopsticks, picked up a chopstick of noodles and put it in his mouth.

  He nodded repeatedly, “The noodles cooked by Sister Mu are really delicious.”

  Mu Zhilan smiled and said, “If it’s delicious, eat more, there’s more in the pot.”

  ”Okay, then I won’t be polite.” Xu Xiuwen began to eat noodles in big mouthfuls.

  Mu Zhilan pulled out a chair, sat down beside her, supported her chin with one hand, and watched him eat.

  Her eyes were extremely gentle, as if she was looking at a relative.

  Xu Xiuwen ate a few mouthfuls of noodles and suddenly said with regret: “It’s a pity that there are no side dishes.”

  Mu Zhilan asked: “Do you want to eat side dishes?”
Xu Xiuwen

  smiled and said: “It’s okay, you can eat without them.”

  Mu Zhilan heard this and said: “Tell me what side dishes you want to eat, and I will go to the market to buy them tomorrow, pickle some and send them to me.”

  ”That’s too much trouble.”

  ”Boss Xu, you have helped so much… just let me do this little thing.”

  Xiuwen heard how he could refuse and had to accept it.

  Seeing this, Mu Zhilan smiled immediately.

  Mu Zhilan is not only good-looking.

  Her appearance is not inferior to that of female stars in the entertainment industry.

  Although doing housework for a long time makes her hands look not so delicate.

  But because she doesn’t stay outdoors often.

  Her skin is very fair.

  As the saying goes, a white skin can hide three ugliness.

  Mu Zhilan is beautiful, and with her white skin, her smile is simply trance-like.

  Xu Xiuwen was trance-like for a while.

  Mu Zhilan saw him staring at her with his eyes straight, and was puzzled at first, until she reacted.

  Mu Zhilan’s soft face flushed all of a sudden.

  She lowered her head and whispered, “Boss Xu, the noodles are going to clumping.”

  Xu Xiuwen finally came to his senses.

  He showed a bit of embarrassment on his face.

  Xu Xiuwen took a bite of noodles and suddenly thought of something. He said to Mu Zhilan, “Sister Mu, I told you before that you shouldn’t keep calling me Boss Xu. It’s too unfamiliar. We are friends, aren’t we?”

  Mu Zhilan was stunned after hearing this.

  Her mind was full of Xu Xiuwen’s words, “We are friends, aren’t we?”

  So in his heart, he always regarded her as a friend?

  Mu Zhilan has never had many friends.

  It’s not that she is introverted and others don’t want to be friends with her.

  On the contrary.

  She has a good personality.

  Almost everyone who has dealt with her likes her personality.

  The reason why she has few friends is that she changes jobs frequently and has little private time.

  Even if she knows some colleagues at work, it is difficult to become friends.

  She knows that Xu Xiuwen is different from others.

  She has never discriminated against her, let alone look down on him.

  But he has always regarded her as a friend, which still makes Mu Zhilan a little flattered.

  ”But I am much older than you…”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed when he heard it.

  ”No one stipulates that older people can’t be friends with younger people. Moreover, putting aside the real age, Sister Mu, you look so young, and others will only think of us as siblings when they see us, do you believe it?”

  Mu Zhilan tried hard not to laugh.

  Sister and brother are too exaggerated!

  Mu Zhilan shook her head and said, “I’m not lucky enough to have such an outstanding brother like you.”

  ”Since we’ve come to this point, why don’t we recognize each other as siblings. From now on, you’ll be my foster sister and I’ll be your foster brother. Is that okay with you?”

  ”Foster sister? Foster brother?” Mu Zhilan opened her eyes wide, looking very surprised.

  ”You don’t want to?” Xu Xiuwen asked with a smile.

  Mu Zhilan shook her head. “But I’m so much older than you…”

  ”I’ve said that age is not a problem. If you agree, just nod.”

  Mu Zhilan nodded subconsciously.

  Even if Xu Xiuwen is not a boss, not so outstanding, but just a simple ordinary person.

  Just because he dared to rush in front of her and blocked the beating from Qiao’s father’s belt for her.

  She is willing to have such a foster brother.

  Seeing Mu Zhilan nod, Xu Xiuwen did not give her a chance to regret and said directly: “Then it’s settled. From now on, we are brother and sister.”

  ”Well… okay.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled when he heard it, “Then you can call me brother, or Xiuwen, or Xu Xiuwen.”

  Mu Zhilan blushed and said, “I’ll still call you Xiuwen.”

  This is a compromise name.

  It is not as intimate as calling brother, nor as distant as calling Xu Xiuwen.

  ”Okay, Sister Mu.” Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Then I’ll continue eating noodles.”

  Mu Zhilan watched Xu Xiuwen eat noodles.

  I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect.

  After recognizing each other as brother and sister.

  She seemed to feel that Xu Xiuwen was more reliable, and she didn’t feel a little more impulse to get close to him.

  Xu Xiuwen had just finished the noodles in the bowl.

  Mu Zhilan immediately stood up and said, “I’ll help you serve.”

  Xu Xiuwen was not polite and handed the bowl to her directly.

  Soon, Mu Zhilan came out of the kitchen with another bowl of noodles.

  Xu Xiuwen took the bowl and said thank you.

  Then he took a big bite.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly asked, “Sister Mu, what are you going to do in the future?”

  ”What do you mean?”

  ”You and Xiaogang’s father…”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t finish.

  But his expression and tone have expressed everything.

  Mu Zhilan instantly understood what he wanted to say.

  She lowered her head in silence.

  After a moment, she whispered, “What else can I do? Just continue to live.”

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Aren’t you going to divorce him?”

  Xu Xiuwen had asked Mu Zhilan similar questions before.

  But Mu Zhilan’s answer was that for Xiaogang, she would not divorce.

  But after what happened just now.

  Xu Xiuwen really wanted to know if Mu Zhilan had changed her mind.

  Mu Zhilan thought for a while, shook her head, and said softly, “I don’t know. If I divorce, what will happen to Xiaogang? And if the people in my hometown know, how will they look at me?”

  Many women who are unhappy in marriage are trapped by reputation and children all their lives.

  Xu Xiuwen will not laugh at them.

  He thought about it seriously and said, “People live for themselves. Don’t always care about other people’s opinions. You will be very tired if you live this way. And you think you are considering Xiaogang, but have you ever thought about whether Xiaogang is willing to live in this environment and whether he wants you to divorce. You should actually have a good talk with Xiaogang and listen to his ideas…”

  Mu Zhilan remained silent after hearing this.

  After a moment, she forced a smile and said, “I know. I’ll ask Xiaogang another day.”

  ”That’s good.”

  After eating noodles and talking,

  it was time to go to bed.

  Mu Zhilan still wanted to wash the dishes.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Don’t wash the dishes. Let’s wash them together tomorrow. It’s getting late. Go to bed early.”

  ”Okay, Xu… Xiuwen.” Mu Zhilan almost said the three words “Boss Xu” again, but fortunately she changed her words in time.

  After separating from Mu Zhilan.

  Xu Xiuwen returned to the bedroom and fell asleep quickly.

  In the opposite room.

  After Mu Zhilan returned to bed, her cell phone suddenly vibrated.

  She picked it up and saw that it was a call from Qiao Gang.

  Qiao Gang asked, “Mom, are you asleep?”

  Mu Zhilan said, “Just getting ready.”

  ”Is Brother Xu next to you?”


  Qiao Gang on the other end of the phone immediately showed a disappointed expression.

  Brother Xu is not next to you, so they slept separately?

  When Xu Xiuwen came home just now, Qiao Gang had been hiding in the room, quietly looking out through the crack in the door.

  He witnessed everything with his own eyes.

  Based on his understanding of Mu Zhilan’s character.

  She must be very moved.

  So he thought tonight was a great opportunity.

  But now he knew that the two slept separately.

  Qiao Gang didn’t know whether to say that Xu Xiuwen was too upright or that his mother was too unattractive.

  Qiao Gang’s voice became quieter, “Mom, when will you be back?”

  Mu Zhilan asked, “Is he still home?”

  He was referring to Qiao’s father.

  Qiao Gang said, “He’s not at home. He just left.”

  Mu Zhilan breathed a sigh of relief, “Then I’ll go back tomorrow night. There’s money under my pillow. You can take the money and go out to eat.”

  ”I see, then I’ll go to sleep.”

  After hanging up the phone.

  Qiao Gang was frustrated.

  Maybe he should give up this plan?

  But when he thought of the lovely and beautiful Li Ke,

  Qiao Gang was unwilling to give up.

  There is gain only when there is loss.

  If he couldn’t bear to give up his mother, how could he get the favor of Li Ke.

  Anyway, his parents’ marriage had broken down long ago and existed in name only.

  What he did was not considered selling out his mother, but rather helping his indecisive mother to make the most correct decision.

  If Brother Xu really slept with his mother,

  could Brother Xu still ignore his mother?

  So what he did was right!

  Nothing happened that night.

  In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

  After Xu Xiuwen got up, he washed up, came out of the bedroom and came to the living room.

  He soon noticed Mu Zhilan who was mopping the floor.

  Xu Xiuwen was surprised and said, “Sister Mu, why are you mopping the floor?”

  Mu Zhilan heard the voice and turned her head to look back.

  After seeing Xu Xiuwen, she smiled slightly, “I got up early, and I was free anyway, so I mopped the floor.”

  Xu Xiuwen said helplessly, “Actually, there’s no need to do that.”

  Mu Zhilan said, “It’s okay, I’ll finish it soon. Breakfast will be ready soon, and we can eat it later.” ”

  Well… okay.”

  After mopping the floor, Mu Zhilan came to the kitchen, washed her hands, and then walked to the stove.

  In the pressure cooker on the stove was the mung bean porridge she cooked.

  Mung beans have the effect of detoxification.

  Xu Xiuwen drank so much white wine yesterday.

  Mu Zhilan took this into consideration, so she got up early and went to the nearby vegetable market, bought some mung beans and came back to cook porridge. After the

  gas in the pressure cooker was released.

  Mu Zhilan opened the pressure cooker and served Xu Xiuwen a bowl of mung bean porridge.

  Then, she started to make pancakes again.

  Soon she walked towards Xu Xiuwen with a plate, “Xiuwen, you eat first, I’ll continue to make pancakes.”

  After she said that, she returned to the kitchen and took out a plate of side dishes.

  ”I bought this side dish at the vegetable market this morning. See if it suits your taste.”

  Xiuwen was very touched.

  ”Sister Mu, you’ve worked hard. I feel a little embarrassed for you.”

  Mu Zhilan smiled and said, “It’s okay, it’s not hard. Eat it quickly.” Xu Xiuwen

  nodded and said, “Then I’ll try it.” Xu

  Xiuwen picked up the pancake, took a bite, and drank a mouthful of mung bean porridge.

  ”Not bad, not bad, it tastes very good.”

  He picked up another side dish and tasted it.

  ”This side dish tastes good too.”

  Mu Zhilan was relieved to hear that, “Then you eat first, I’ll go make pancakes.”


  Soon, Mu Zhilan made a few more pancakes.

  The two sat down to eat breakfast together.

  Xu Xiuwen asked casually, “Sister Mu, what time did you get up in the morning?”

  Mu Zhilan said, “6 o’clock.”

  ”So early? Did you rest well last night?”

  ”I rested well.”

  ”Don’t get up so early in the future. It doesn’t matter if I don’t eat in the morning.”

  ”That won’t work. You are growing up now.” Mu Zhilan said nervously.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  ”I have such a strong body, do you think I still need to grow?”

  After he said this, Mu Zhilan couldn’t help but recall the scene of helping him take off his clothes yesterday afternoon.

  At that time, Xu Xiuwen’s autumn clothes were lifted up, revealing his eight abdominal muscles.

  Even if we put aside his abdominal muscles.

  Xu Xiuwen’s body is also very strong, which is completely different from the thin bodies of many young boys.

  Mu Zhilan’s cheeks flushed.

  How could she think about Xu Xiuwen’s abdominal muscles.

  It’s so embarrassing!

  Mu Zhilan lowered her head, drank mung bean porridge, and concealed the blush on her face.

  ”I’ll drive you to the restaurant later.”

  Mu Zhilan said, “You are going to the company later, right? I can take a car there by myself.”

  ”It’s okay, it’s on the way. Okay, let’s eat quickly.” Xu Xiuwen didn’t give Mu Zhilan a chance to refuse.

  Mu Zhilan knew that Xu Xiuwen’s talk about being on the way was a lie.

  She had been to Xu Xiuwen’s company, so she naturally knew that the restaurant and the company were not in the same direction.

  Although she and Xu Xiuwen became sworn brothers and sisters yesterday.

  She still didn’t change her mind.

  But now she really felt Xu Xiuwen’s kindness to her.

  This made her feel warm in her heart.

  On the way to the restaurant.

  Mu Zhilan suddenly said, “I’ll go home tonight.”

  ”Go home?” Xu Xiuwen was stunned, “Why don’t you stay a few more days? What if Xiaogang’s father is still here?”

  ”He’s gone, it’s okay.”

  Xu Xiuwen heard this, his face still solemn.

  Mu Zhilan glanced and said, “It’s really okay, you don’t have to worry about me.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “You are my sister, how can I not worry about you? I think you’d better not go back for the time being. If you don’t want to live with me, you can stay in the hotel at night. Isn’t there a bed on the third floor? It’s just that it’s a bit troublesome to take a shower, but there is a bathhouse next to it, you can go to the bathhouse to take a shower.”

  Mu Zhilan was moved by the words.

  She did think that it was not appropriate for a single man and a single woman to live in Xu Xiuwen’s house all the time.

  Moreover, she still remembered the last time Xu Xiuwen got drunk and stripped her clothes.

  When she was with Xu Xiuwen, she always unconsciously thought of that incident, which made her very uncomfortable.

  Mu Zhilan said, “Then I’ll go back and pack two clothes tonight.”

  ”Do you need me to go back with you?”

  Mu Zhilan shook her head and said, “No.”

  ”Okay.” Xu Xiuwen didn’t insist.

  After arriving at the store,

  employees arrived one after another and began to prepare for the opening.

  Xu Xiuwen and Mu Zhilan arrived at the hotel at the same time.

  This puzzled Liu Ruo.

  What puzzled her even more was

  that she noticed that Mu Zhilan did not change her clothes and was still wearing yesterday’s clothes.

  Combined with the fact that the two arrived at the hotel at the same time in the morning,

  Liu Ruo couldn’t help but wonder.

  Did Mu Zhilan not go home last night? But was she with Xiao Xu?

  No wonder she would doubt Mu Zhilan.

  Mu Zhilan is beautiful, has a good figure, and is very gentle and submissive.

  Even as a woman, she admires Mu Zhilan.

  She knows how tempting a woman like Mu Zhilan is to ordinary men.

  The most important thing is that

  Xu Xiuwen is too fickle.

  Others don’t know, but she knows it very well.

  Xu Xiuwen not only has a girlfriend.

  His two daughters are also his lovers.

  Even if Xiao Xu is more fickle,

  she won’t find it strange.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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