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Chapter 887 Did the snake really come out of the hole?

Chapter 887 Did the snake really come out of the hole?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 887 Did the snake really come out of the hole?

  The blue mole made it…

  Alman’s face was full of surprise.

  Perhaps because the residents of the shelter he knew were all very nice, he really couldn’t believe that there were demons with extreme positions among those kind-hearted guys.

  Of course, he was only surprised for a short while, and soon he was relieved.

  After all, let alone others, sitting in this tavern, wasn’t he also out of tune with the surroundings?

  ”…I heard a rumor that the earliest Boro people were actually a branch of the survivors from the Central World. Their genes are actually not much different from other survivors in the wasteland.”

  Most Boro people can recognize each other as their compatriots at a glance, and then judge which tribe the other person belongs to based on the surname.

  However, outsiders can’t actually recognize the difference between them unless they often deal with Boro people.

  This phenomenon is especially common in the Death Coast. Apart from the cultural and religious barriers, the residents from Luoxia Province and Boro Province have basically no big difference in appearance.

  Kuran grinned.

  ”I’ve heard of it, but so what? We are not the remnants of the Middle World, we are their conquerors, the virus can’t affect us anyway, there’s nothing wrong with cleaning up some of the garbage…” There are

  too many natives in the colony, and the technology of the prosperous era has allowed some people who shouldn’t have survived to survive.

  For example, Blackwater Alley.

  It is simply a hotbed for plague and corruption.

  But it is undeniable that the prosperity of Evernight Port is indeed due to the people there.

  If it weren’t for their hard work and exploitation, how could the Willant people live in a big house?

  A good life can’t just fall from the sky.

  Kuran was silent for a while, took a sip of beer, and said with some contradictions.

  ”Actually, it’s not good. I never agree to win in that way. Fighting upright is our tradition, and dying before old age is also a kind of honor… But those are all games for big people, and you and I can’t change anything even if we feel it’s wrong.”

  Alman fell silent for a while.

  He felt the most deeply about this. Even if he moved his home next to the Governor, it would not change the fact that he was just an insignificant chess piece.

  When the disaster happened, he could do nothing but pray to the gods.

  Unwilling to talk more about the topic of “death potion”, Kuran quickly shifted the topic to other places.

  The two people sitting at the bar drank bottle after bottle and talked for a long time without realizing it.

  Kuran later told a lot of stories about the front line, from the meat grinder in Ridboer County to the three bloody battles at the river bend.

  And these stories and the content written in the “Southern Legion Victory Report” seemed to be two completely unrelated worlds. What

  made Alman particularly impressed was that the ratman with a bandage on his head turned into a “jungle rat” that made the front-line troops feel extremely difficult.

  It turned out that gold shines everywhere.

  It was not only Alman who was impressed.

  Hearing that he and Ishel had a chance encounter, Kuran’s face also showed an expression of amazement.

  ”Damn… you actually know that guy? I heard that he made Captain Orlet suffer a lot in the three northern states of the Borneo Province!”

  Captain Orlet and his men had been stationed in Evernight Harbor before, and they were also local celebrities. Their reputation frightened the mutant tribes in the Great Desert.

  Alman was certainly familiar with this name, and he was even more surprised that Isher could be compared with this general.

  Facing Kuran’s surprised eyes, Alman coughed lightly and said modestly.

  ”It’s just a nodding acquaintance… My wife is more familiar with him. Thanks to his help at that time, my family was able to take care of it.”

  Kuran’s heart moved, and suddenly lowered his voice, and continued with a mysterious face.

  ”Speaking of which, you should know a lot of Borneo people, right?”

  Alman was stunned, and saw a trace of unusual eagerness in his eyes, and couldn’t help but raise a few alerts in his heart.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Kuran smiled mysteriously, took out a thumb-sized bottle from his arms, and gently placed it on the table.

  The bottle contained several clusters of translucent dark green crystals, like the debris scraped off the surface of a crystal.

  Seeing this thumb-sized bottle, Alman was stunned.

  ”…What is this?”

  ”Crystals purified from snake grass…As for snake grass, it is a specialty of Borneo Province, or a specialty of Snake State.”

  Kuran lowered his voice and continued in a very light tone.

  ”In simple terms, it can help you temporarily get rid of worldly troubles…just like cigarettes and alcohol, do you want to try it?”

  The voice was like the whisper of the devil.

  Looking at this bottle of deadly poison, Alman’s Adam’s apple moved, and his index finger gently pushed it open.

  ”I’m afraid this is not as simple as cigarettes and alcohol.”

  Kuran smiled faintly and continued.

  ”Indeed, compared to cigarettes and alcohol, it has a stronger hallucinogenic effect, and one can become addicted to it if one is not careful, but other than that, it has no other side effects. The warlords of the Pala Province grow it in exchange for military funds, and the Logistics Department mixes it with other drugs to make tranquilizers to treat the mental trauma of the wounded soldiers, such as the stress response to hearing explosions, etc., and then makes money from the military funds.”

  Alman was surprised.

  ”Why would the warlords of the Pala Province do business with the Logistics Department?!”

  Kuran whispered.

  ”Of course they won’t do takeout directly, but some local gangs are happy to be middlemen, such as the crazy rats, blood lions, and other messy things like the family. A little bit of the oil and water leaked out is enough for them to eat.”

  When he said this, Kuran paused for a moment, looked around, and saw that no one was paying attention to this side, and then continued in a soft voice.

  ”The front line is responsible for creating the wounded, and the logistics department makes money from them… Although the wounded don’t have to pay for this money themselves, it is ultimately paid for by the taxes paid by the Weilant people. Soon someone saw the business opportunity and bought the magical little pills from the wounded, then purified the active ingredients in them, made them into something more powerful, and sold them to those in need.”

  Alman stared at him with wide eyes.

  ”Are you crazy? This thing–“

  ”Hehe, don’t get me wrong, I don’t have this ability, I’m just a buyer at best,” Kuran raised his hands and said with a smile, “But after all I’ve said, don’t you see the business opportunity?”

  Kuran lowered his voice and continued without waiting for Alman to speak.

  ”Snake grass only grows in Snake State, and the Great Desert doesn’t have the conditions for it to grow. If you can get through the relationship with the warlords in the Borneo Province, we can bypass the logistics department and the gangs in Xifan Port and get a lot of snake grass directly, instead of using those small pills to purify the crystals-”

  ”I haven’t heard of such a thing, and I’m not interested in this kind of business.”

  Kuran hadn’t finished speaking when Alman suddenly stood up from the stool and interrupted him halfway.

  ”Sorry… This may be a highly profitable business, but the risk is too high.”

  Kuran looked at him in astonishment, not understanding what was wrong with this guy

  ”Risk? My friend, I have a relationship with the customs and the docks, and you help the logistics department transport the wounded… What risks can we face if we join hands?”

  Alman couldn’t help asking.

  ”Do you still remember that you were once a centurion?”

  ”Centurion…” Kuran smiled sarcastically, “So I was a centurion, I didn’t expect that someone still remembered it.”

  ”I remember, I believe many people remember, you shed blood for the Weilant people, so please don’t give up on yourself.”

  Alman put his hand on his shoulder and shook it hard, then left money for the wine on the table.

  ”I was planning to discuss another deal with you. Although it is not as profitable as the deal you mentioned, at least it will not harm our compatriots… I’m sorry again, I can’t participate in your deal, let’s just pretend we haven’t met tonight.”

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he continued.

  ”But if you change your mind, you are always welcome to join me.”

  After leaving these words, he removed his hand from Kuran’s body and turned to walk out of the tavern.

  Kuran stared at Alman’s back.

  There was a trace of struggle in his eyes, but it was only a flash.

  He had contributed enough to the legion, and even almost died on the front line.

  Because he was a centurion, he could still live in the customs, while his comrades could only return home with shame and scars.

  If all this was for loyalty, it would be fine. He didn’t fight for money. But

  when he returned to Xifan Port, he had to endure the sneers of his compatriots and the tearing of reality by lies.

  He did not get the honor he desired.

  He and his 340,000th team became the shame of the Weilant people and were ridiculed as negative examples by those stupid people who knew nothing.

  You have to choose between faith and bread.

  If the former no longer exists, then he should at least get a little more to fill the empty hole in his heart.

  After taking a sip of cold beer, Kuran drove the boredom out of his mind.

  At this time, a man in a formal suit sat next to him and handed him a box of cigarettes.

  ”How was the talk?”

  Kuran answered in a hoarse voice after looking at the man sitting next to him.

  ”He refused.”


  Tony sighed and shrugged helplessly.

  ”Although it was expected, it is indeed a bit regrettable… If we could use those big ships, our business could be even bigger.”

  Kuran glanced at him.

  ”You don’t seem surprised at all?”

  Tony said lightly after lighting a cigarette for himself.

  ”I have inquired about his background. That guy is a member of the Silver Moon Sect. People with faith are mostly difficult to deal with.”

  Kuran raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a bad look.

  ”Are you questioning my faith?”

  Tony was stunned. He didn’t know why this guy suddenly became so sensitive, but he still smiled and shrugged.

  ”This… does anyone need to doubt it? Stop talking nonsense, my friend, let’s continue talking about business. Listen, I found a new partner here.”

  Kuran asked calmly.

  ”Is that guy reliable?”

  ”One hundred percent reliable. The warlord of Snake State in the Borneo Province is one of their own.” Tony said with a beaming face, waving at the door, motioning the young man standing in the corridor to come over, “I have brought the person here. I will introduce him to you.”

  Kuran followed his line of sight and looked at the young man for a while.

  The guy was a Borneo, but his appearance was not very typical.

  Most Borneos would subconsciously use their eyes to find the tip of his shoes when they made eye contact with him, but this guy looked at him straight in the face.

  ”Meta, the Blue Family,” Tony patted the young man’s shoulder and grinned at Kuran, “They have a large field in the northwest of Snake State, and also built a fishing port.”

  The young man named Meta nodded stiffly and said politely to Kuran.

  ”Hello, Mr. Kuran, I have heard of your reputation.”

  Kuran grinned, thinking it was quite interesting to hear this from a Borneo.

  Let alone his reputation, even if there is such a thing, it must be made of the heads of the Brahmans.

  ”What the hell is the Blue Family?” Looking at Tony, Kuran said bluntly, “Is this thing reliable?”

  Tony frowned at him and said with a bright smile.

  ”Don’t mind it, that’s just their level. According to the order of white, green, yellow, blue, purple and gold, the level of the Blue Family is not low. You can understand them as a special religion.”

  Tony said, and then he put Meta’s shoulders together.

  ”Don’t mind it, the Weilant people are all like this, they always say whatever they want.”

  Meta had an indifferent expression on his face, but Kuran raised the corner of his mouth with interest.

  ”I thought people with faith were more difficult to deal with.”

  Tony was about to explain, but Meta, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said righteously.

  ”My family will need funds to get out of financial difficulties. Mr. Zaid said that this is a necessary evil for a higher cause, a temporary retreat, a strong medicine for the stubborn diseases of the old era, and a dialectical distinction between primary and secondary contradictions. Even if it is planted, it is reasonable.”

  What’s more, it is for you to smoke.

  Meta sneered in his heart, but he hid this and the sneer in his heart.

  His superior told him not to bother with the Weilantes, just work hard to make their money, use their money to buy their guns, and then use their guns to shoot their people.

  Before coming here, he had made sufficient mental preparations, but he still couldn’t resist the disgust for the Weilantes in his heart.

  After all, before being a family member, he was first a Borneo.

  Kurua laughed, indifferent to the fart of the young man, and turned to look at Tony who looked helpless.

  ”How to trade?”

  Seeing that the most difficult Weilantes finally stopped finding faults, Tony breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly continued.

  ”It’s very simple, use those speedboats that transport weapons! We bribed some people, and when they return to the city, they will go along the southwest coast of Borneo Province and pass through the fishing village of Snake State. We hide the goods on the ship, and then dock at your side to pass the customs. As for sales, my Iron Hand Gang will take care of it.”

  Kurua nodded.

  This method is not bad.

  They didn’t check the empty ships strictly, not to mention the ships that transport supplies to the front line.

  After explaining the transportation process, Tony looked at Meta, who continued his words.

  ”We have as many goods as you need, but we only accept dinars, and we need to purchase some materials to transport to Snake State.”

  Kuran laughed.

  ”What are we going to do there?”

  Meta narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”Do you really want to know?”

  Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was tense again, Tony hurried forward to smooth things over.

  ”Okay, okay, don’t ask so many questions, and people buy things for the civil war… It has nothing to do with you.”

  After saying that, he winked at Meta.

  Although the latter was reluctant, he still nodded and accepted this explanation.

  Kuran sneered and didn’t expose this guy.

  ”I’ll just take it as it is.”

  Even if the weapons of the Weilant people appeared on the front line, it would not be a big deal.

  Half of the army of the Boro Kingdom has not yet replaced its legion standard equipment, so the Alliance had to help the Boro people build an additional ammunition production line to produce the ammunition needed for the legion standard weapons.

  No one would find him here.

  Besides, he was just turning a blind eye to the matter. The real transactions would never pass through his hands.

  Those dirty jobs were all done by Blackwater Alley.

  After a pause, Kuran raised three fingers.

  ”I will take 30% of your business, 30% of the sales.”

  Tony had a painful expression on his face, but he finally nodded.

  ”No problem…”

  This job could not be done without the Willant people. Even if it was to sell the goods to more places in the future, he had to find a way to drag this guy into the water.

  Kuran nodded, waved to the bartender who had avoided to the other side of the bar at some point, motioning him to come over, and then patted Tony’s shoulder who was sitting next to him.

  ”He’ll pay the bill.”

  He would arrange for a few comrades to keep an eye on it later.

  As the war continues, the security deposit of the Southern Legion will definitely be affected.

  Besides, that little money is not enough for them to live comfortably for the rest of their lives, and he, as an old boss, has to think of a way for them.

  Finally, after leaving a few words, Kuran grabbed the money left by Alman on the bar and stuffed it into his pocket, then limped out of the tavern.


  Just as the leader of the Iron Hand Gang was drinking with the Blue Family, a hurried and unfamiliar footsteps came to the corner of Blackwater Alley.

  A man with a scarf wrapped around his neck hurried into the alley.

  His name was Andrew, a pure-blooded Willant who served as a guard in Cartnord Prison.

  In addition, he had another identity, that is, a disciple of the Enlightenment Society.

  It is worth mentioning that although the Enlightenment Society nominally only recruits residents of the shelter, the shelter residents themselves are not something with a high threshold. Just find a shelter with less stringent rules and register. It is

  for this reason that the Enlightenment Society will add a sentence while spreading the belief in the end of the world – as long as you become a disciple of the Enlightenment Society, you can live in the shelter ark on the day when the world restarts.

  And this is the so-called “handle” of the “torch”.

  However, the reason why Andrew joined the Enlightenment Society was not because of any doomsday prophecy, but purely because the Enlightenment Society gave him a lot of benefits.

  For example, they gave him a pure-blooded Willant wife who was fair-skinned, beautiful, gentle and lovely.

  Although the Cartnord Prison looked majestic from the outside, being a guard inside was not a pleasant job, especially since the prison was full of poor people.

  In the Southern Legion, only those who were not doing well would be assigned here.

  For a Willant like him who lived at the bottom of society, old, ugly and poor, selling his noble bloodline and marrying an inferior native to “get what he wanted” was almost the only choice.

  After all, he couldn’t go to the battlefield to fight for a medal like those young guys.

  He had no chance at this age.

  Moreover, he was a coward, and the only courage he had was used to fantasize about the strength and omnipotence of the Willant bloodline.

  He didn’t dare to go to the battlefield before, let alone now. Apart from the material conditions, his spirit is also lackluster, and there is nothing interesting about it.

  It is precisely for this reason that he is grateful for the gift of the Enlightenment Society – the marriage and family they gave him are things that he could never get even if he continued to follow the normal life trajectory. Even

  if the other party told him frankly that his wife was a clone, and except for the common sense of taking care of herself, she was just an empty shell without a soul.

  However, Andrew didn’t care about that thing, so it was just right. Anyway,

  the mark of the clone will not be inherited, and a doll that obeys everything can save the trouble of family matters, and can show his “majesty” that he has the final say.

  The ideas of the Enlightenment Society and his ideas coincide in a distorted dimension, with only a “small difference”.

  The Enlightenment Society wants to create an elite world composed entirely of residents of the shelter, while his ideal elite world is composed entirely of Willant people.

  With almost the same ideals, it is no wonder that they come together.

  In fact, there are many Weilants in Evernight Harbor who have similar experiences as Andrew.

  They are scattered in all walks of life, especially those “lowly jobs” that are not recognized by mainstream society but are indispensable.

  Although the social attributes of the clones produced from the assembly line are far lower than the population naturally generated from social activities and cannot perform overly complex tasks, they can infiltrate the society of the Southern Legion in a parasitic way.

  This infiltration plan is carried out simultaneously with other plans they are currently carrying out.

  They have been consciously infiltrating the society of the Southern Legion since a long time ago.

  Just like the iron wire worm that captures the mantis.

  And all this happened silently…

  Stopping in front of a secluded house, Andrew quietly looked to the side to confirm that no one was following him, and then he stretched out his knuckles and knocked on the door gently.

  After about half a minute, there was a slight sound behind the door, but it did not open.

  Andrew put his face next to the crack of the door and said in a low hoarse voice.

  ”Cartnord Prison… recently entered 31 prisoners. They are residents of the shelter and are members of the Alliance.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Our warden said they were spies from the Alliance, but I always feel that there are no spies that stupid, or… these guys have other purposes than what they want to do.”

  ”I took the risk of asking for some details of the interrogation, and one of them mentioned us at the end and said he wanted to join us…” There

  was a slight commotion behind the door, and then the hoarse voice like a venomous snake came through the crack of the door.

  ”Who did he say that to?”

  ”He said it to the person who interrogated him, and the idiot who interrogated him even agreed to it.”

  When he said this, Andrew’s voice was a little annoyed and a little confused.

  ”…That’s the problem, the guard from the garrison is not one of ours at all! I exchanged secret codes with him several times, and he didn’t notice me at all!”

  There was a long silence behind the door.

  ”…It’s a bit confusing, I have to sort it out, you can come to see me again at this time tomorrow.”

  Logically speaking, the Southern Legion should not be aware of their existence.

  All the abnormal signs confused him, so much so that he couldn’t even be sure whether this strange drama had anything to do with them… even though they seemed to be standing at the center of the stage in name. In any case

  , it was not a good idea to alert the Southern Legion at this time. They had to muddy the waters before they could fish in troubled waters.

  Before making the next deployment, he needed to ask his superiors for instructions.

  Hearing the voice in the door, Andrew nodded hurriedly.

  Blackwater Lane was not a good place. If possible, he didn’t want to stay here for a second.

  ”Okay… Then I’ll leave first.”

  Leaving this sentence, he turned and hurried back to the street, returning to the nearest market in a straight line.

  However, he didn’t notice that a pair of eyes were staring at his back from beginning to end.

  From the moment he entered Blackwater Lane.

  ”The Enlightenment Society… It turns out that there is such a thing.”

  Playing with the dagger in his hand, Morse, standing in the shadow, muttered to himself thoughtfully, and suddenly a nervous smile appeared on his face.

  After living in Blackwater Lane for so many years, it was the first time that he felt that his doorstep was so strange.

  I never thought that a small person like me would have the honor to participate in the games of those big people… even if I just took a look from afar.

  Morse felt that every cell in his body was excited uncontrollably.

  His name and his Hyena Gang might become the legend of the entire Blackwater Alley!

  By then, not to mention Tony, even the boss behind him will have to lick his shoes! At

  this moment, York, the sturdy man with a scar on his chest standing next to him, became nervous.

  One moment it’s the alliance, the next moment it’s the legion.

  He always felt that this would become a huge trouble…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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