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Chapter 888: There are a lot of big fish in Yongye Port

Chapter 888: There are a lot of big fish in Yongye Port


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 888 There are a lot of big fish in Yongye Port.

  Things developed as Taran expected, and the speed of development was much faster than he expected.

  The garrison of Yongye Port conducted a surprise interrogation on him for 48 hours, asking him “where did you know the news about the Enlightenment”, as well as a series of information including the Enlightenment’s creed, purpose, philosophy, organizational structure, etc.

  Who knew that these Weilantes were testing him? Taran, who had done his homework in advance, was not panicked at all. He memorized all the information on the official website and answered fluently during the interrogation.

  Even if the Weilantes asked the same question in a different way, he did not reveal any flaws.

  It seemed that they were moved by his sincerity, and the interrogators who took turns to interrogate him believed him.

  Especially the last interrogator, he was so excited that he couldn’t help but stand up and shake his hand.

  ”Mr. Taran, thank you for your reminder… I mean thank you for turning from darkness to light! The great cause has gained another righteous partner, and the Enlightenment Society welcomes you to join!”

  ”For the great cause!”

  Seeing that he finally passed the test, Taran stood up excitedly, but was forced to sit back down because his hands were still handcuffed on the table.

  ”I’ll untie you!”

  Seeing his embarrassment, the interrogator quickened his pace and walked to him, opened his handcuffs with a key, and then enthusiastically grasped his hands.

  ”I’ve wronged you these days! I hope you can understand us, we also have our own difficulties… Reliable intelligence shows that the Alliance has already targeted us, and we can only be extremely careful.”

  ”Compared with the grievances I suffered in the Alliance, this little grievance is nothing. I understand your caution… After all, what we are going to do is not a joke.”

  Taran looked at him enthusiastically, as if he had found an organization and met a comrade, and continued with a beaming face.

  ”So, am I considered to have joined you now?”

  The interrogator shook his hand back vigorously, smiling and nodding.

  ”That’s right! You have passed the assessment. Tomorrow, colleagues from the Personnel Bureau will come to you to discuss the matters of joining the association.”

  Taran: “Personnel Bureau?”

  The interrogator said with a smile.

  ”It is the department responsible for personnel management… After all, we are a well-organized organization, and special matters are handled by special people.”

  Taran suddenly realized, and then nodded and gave him an “I understand” look.

  ”I understand!” ”

  As long as you understand!”

  Back at the desk, the interrogator piled up the documents on the table and quickly stuffed them into a file bag, then turned back to Taran and said with a smile.

  ”I will submit the information as soon as possible. I’m sorry to bother you to stay here for a day.”

  ”You are too polite, I said I won’t be wronged… Okay, go quickly.”

  Taran nodded with a smile, and even politely sent the interrogator out the door, and then followed the prison guard with an intriguing face back to the cell.

  As usual, he pretended to be tired and fell asleep, and returned to the line.

  He took off his helmet and rushed to the keyboard, his index finger clacking on the keyboard.

  ”Brothers! I have infiltrated the Enlightenment Society!”

  Perhaps because it was still early in the morning in reality, most players were in the game, and the cloud players were asleep, so there were not many people who came to support him.

  However, after seeing the title of his post, many people still rushed in.

  Medical Miracle: “What the hell? Is it true?!”

  Pickled Fish: “The leader is awesome!”

  Angry Fatty Liver: “Oh, there’s something.”

  Most of the people who were bubbling were members of the Desert Corps.

  Unexpectedly, their leader finally showed his strength, and everyone offered their heartfelt flattery.

  Especially those newbies who were confused and had to eat jail food as soon as they got ashore, one by one, they started to shout.

  ”Brother! I’ve been in jail for three days!”

  ”I’ve never been in the police station for so long in my life!”

  ”Hurry up and help my brother!”

  ”Or should we confess and get leniency?”

  Looking at the flattery, Taran couldn’t help but feel elated, and typed another sentence in a frivolous manner.

  ”Don’t panic, brothers. I have just infiltrated the organization of the Enlightenment Society. I have to trouble you to stay hidden for a while!”

  ”But don’t worry, I have asked the interrogator. They will not detain you for too long. They should release you in a few days. Just hold on!”

  The interrogator did say so to him.

  Moreover, the other party also hoped that he could develop those travelers from the Alliance into the offline of the Enlightenment Society and help them continue to collect intelligence about the Alliance after returning to the Alliance.

  Upon hearing about this good thing, Taran immediately agreed and must get it done.

  Not only that, he also patted his chest and told the group of big noses that these tourists were actually the same as himself. They were tired of the lies of the “Survivor Daily” and wanted to see if the real Legion was as bad as the newspaper said, so they came to the Evernight Harbor for tourism. The

  Alliance people who doubted the “Survivor Daily” were just like the Willant people who doubted the “Southern Legion Victory Newspaper”. They had sold their souls and were no longer loyal.

  It was not difficult to develop these disloyal guys into offline.

  Just as Taran was vividly describing his plans of “covering the truth” and “substituting one thing for another” on the official forum, the interrogator who was in charge of his interrogation also sat down in the black car parked at the entrance of Cartnord Prison.

  Seeing the interrogator get in the car, Willoughby, the chief of the garrison sitting in the back seat, leaned over and asked.

  ”How is it?”

  The interrogator did not dare to neglect it and respectfully handed the file bag in his hand to the chief.

  ”He has confessed everything. The information about the Enlightenment Society is in this file. Most of the clues are consistent with the clues provided by Triumph City. There are also some details that we don’t even know!”

  After two days of trial, they have basically figured out all the details of the Enlightenment Society.

  For example, the grassroots personnel are called disciples, the middle-level personnel are called guides, and the ones above are elders.

  As for the president, that is, the highest level, the code name is “Guixu”.

  Based on this information, they can build a cocoon called the Enlightenment Society from scratch, and then put the Alliance spy who “thinks he has penetrated the Enlightenment Society” inside, so as to get more clues about the Enlightenment Society and the Alliance from him.

  This is the idea of ​​the “Hornet” plan!

  If there is no bait, make bait, and don’t worry that the other side won’t take the bait!

  After opening the document in his hand and taking a look, Willoughby was overjoyed and immediately handed the document bag to the head of the intelligence department sitting in the co-pilot seat.

  ”The target has been hooked! Arrange it immediately according to the content of the document!”

  The head of the intelligence department immediately took the order without saying a word.


  Looking at his subordinates who were busy like ants, Chief Willoughby leaned back in his seat comfortably, slowly opened the thermos cup and drank a sip of hot tea.

  At this moment, the spies of the alliance did not know that they had fallen into a trap.

  When that guy finally realized that the so-called “Enlightenment Society” was just a deliberate bureau set up by the Yongye Port Garrison, it was too late.

  By then, they had figured out all the clues of “Shelter No. 0” and “Torch Plan” through this deliberate bureau, and through these clues, they became the real owner of the secret weapon that could restart the world!

  He is simply a genius!

  With the issuance of the order, an operation code-named “Wasp” officially kicked off.

  According to the information provided by Chief Willoughby, hundreds of staff members of the Intelligence Department immediately took action and built a base of the “Enlightenment Society” near Blackwater Lane in just one day.

  The entire base was well-made, and even deliberately disguised as a hotel, and the office was placed between the 4th and 5th floors, which could only be entered through a secret compartment – that is, “4.5th floor”.

  In addition, the 30 employees arranged on the “4.5th floor” were all trained intelligence department operators.

  They would play the role of his colleagues and predecessors, go on missions with him, and do everything possible to extract intelligence from him during their contact with him.

  All the preparations were completed within one day.

  In this way, the Enlightenment Society had a base in Yongye Port that it didn’t even know about.

  In order to gain the trust of the Alliance spy, the staff of the Garrison Intelligence Department even prepared a unique initiation ceremony for him.

  And all the mysterious arrangements were to make this fake Enlightenment Society look as realistic as possible and as true as possible.

  A day passed, and Taran was summoned to the interrogation room again.

  This time, he met the old guard who was in charge of interrogating him at the beginning.

  Unlike the first time they met,

  the old man did not handcuff him, but smiled and shook his hand as soon as they met.

  ”Mr. Taran, we meet again. It seems that you have passed the assessment of my colleagues.”

  Taran was secretly happy in his heart, but complained.

  ”I said it before, I really want to join you, but you just don’t believe me.”

  ”Trust is something that takes time to build, and you have won our trust through your sincerity.”

  The guard cleared his throat and continued with a warm smile.

  ”Let me introduce myself again. My name is Daniel, the head of the Enlightenment branch in Evernight Harbor, and also your ‘guide’.”


  The big fish has taken the bait!

  Taran was excited in his heart, but his face was in awe, pretending to be flattered.

  ”Nice to meet you!”

  He was thinking of saying a few polite words, but suddenly remembered a detail.

  I heard that the Enlightenment Society only accepts residents of the shelter, and this guy’s nose is clearly that of a Weilant. Who

  is this guy and how did he become a guide? !

  As if seeing the alertness in his eyes, Daniel gently patted his shoulder and explained.

  ”To be honest, I only joined the shelter 10 years ago, and it was not until 8 years ago that I found the organization… It was from that moment that I found the meaning of life, and no longer lived for the sake of living.”

  The heartfelt voice made Taran subconsciously believe half of it, and the remaining half of the concerns also dissipated as the other party showed the “vital sign monitor (VM)” to prove his identity.

  ”Shelter 68, this is my identity certificate. I passed the assessment of that shelter, and its manager recognized my identity and personally awarded me this VM… At the same time, that gentleman is also my guide.”

  Looking at Taran who was so surprised that he couldn’t speak, Daniel put away the VM on his arm and smiled at the former in a friendly manner.

  ”This is not the place to talk, I’ll take you to our base first.”

  Taran was refreshed.

  ”Now? But I’m still in custody, so I don’t need to go through any formalities—”

  Daniel interrupted him.

  ”You’re too polite, my friend. You’ve already joined our glorious and great cause. How could we let you stay in jail because of this little misunderstanding? The procedures for your release from prison were completed yesterday, and you’re free.”

  When he said this, he lowered his voice.

  ”Our cooperation with the official Legion began a long time ago. Not only here, but also in Avent, and even in Triumph City… We have people everywhere.”

  Taran immediately showed an understanding expression, restrained his excitement, and gave a thumbs up.


  I didn’t expect that the cooperation between the Southern Legion and the Enlightenment Society had reached such a close level!


  After laughing at “so easy to fool” in his heart, Daniel looked at the prison guard beside him and showed the document in his hand.

  ”I’ll take the person away first.”

  The warden took the document from his hand and checked it from beginning to end, especially the signature at the end.

  After confirming that there was no problem, he returned the document in his hand to the guard in front of him.

  ”Okay, I’ll leave it to you.”

  Although he was the warden of Cartnode Prison, he did not participate in the mission of the garrison. He just knew that the garrison seemed to have made another big move.

  This group of people has always been unreliable. He just hoped that there would not be any big trouble this time.

  Daniel nodded and was about to leave with the spies of the alliance. He saw that the guard standing next to the warden was staring at him.

  He raised his eyebrows and looked at the man twice more.

  ”Is there anything?”

  Andrew, who had been distracted since just now, suddenly came back to his senses and forced an awkward smile on his face.

  ”No… nothing.”

  Looking at the unnatural smile, Daniel frowned slightly.

  But at this moment, the warden on the side laughed and smoothed things over for Andrew.

  ”Don’t mind it. This guy has always been like this. He is clumsy and always distracted. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have worked under me for more than ten or twenty years.”

  He couldn’t remember exactly how many years it had been. Anyway, this weird old guy had been here since he took office. He usually stayed alone and didn’t communicate with other colleagues.

  Looking at the honest man who was cowering and lowering his head, Daniel nodded and gradually dispelled the confusion in his heart.

  There are all kinds of reasons for lonely people to be lonely. That stiff expression may just be because he thinks too much.

  After all, an old guy who can work in Cartnord Prison for more than ten or twenty years is unlikely to be a normal person. Most people can’t stand it for two or three years at most. If they are not transferred to other departments, most of them will change jobs.

  The most urgent task is to settle this “big fish” around him first.

  Without wasting any more time, Daniel hurriedly left with Taran.

  Raising his buried head, Andrew looked at the backs of the two people leaving through the gap in his bangs, and felt his heart pounding.

  It was a close call!

  It was almost exposed!

  The development of the matter made him more and more confused. If he had not been on official business, he would have wanted to follow and see clearly. When did the Evernight Harbor have another base of the Enlightenment Society? Even he, a disciple, was kept in the dark.

  The warden standing by was completely unaware and just shook his head at the sneaky guy.

  The notorious Cartnord Prison was filled with bad people that Evernight Harbor did not want. Usually, the garrison would just throw people into cages and leave them alone. This time, it was unprecedented that they interrogated several rounds, which clearly showed that there was a big case.

  It was a rare opportunity to cooperate with the garrison to solve the case. He specially brought a few old guys in the prison with him, hoping that they could be smarter and be noticed by those big shots and transferred to the garrison or other departments.

  Unexpectedly, these old guys did not give him any face at all, but he wasted his expression.

  ”… Mud cannot be helped against the wall!” The warden sighed and walked away shaking his head.


  On the other side, two “big fish” biting each other’s hooks had already sat in the black car parked at the prison gate.

  Daniel, who was sitting in the car, lit a cigarette and then handed one to Taran.

  ”Do you want to smoke?”

  Taran smiled embarrassedly and waved his hand to refuse.

  ”No, I’m not used to the smell.”

  Daniel didn’t force it. He pressed the cigarette butt that had just been lit into the ashtray and then stuffed the cigarette box into his arms.

  Unexpectedly, this “boss” who had just met him not long ago took such good care of him. Taran was deeply moved for a while.

  Of course, he couldn’t forget his identity and loyalty because of this little favor.

  There was no conversation along the way.

  After about ten minutes of driving, the car stopped next to a hotel.

  Taran paid special attention to the sign hanging at the door. The name of this hotel was also quite unique. It was literally translated into Chinese as “Marshal’s Arsenal”. People who didn’t understand it thought it was a weapons store.

  Perhaps it was because of this unique sign that there were not many guests in the hotel. There was only a white-haired old man dozing behind the bar.

  If the old man hadn’t raised half an eyelid when they walked into the hotel lobby, he would have even thought that the guy was dead.

  ”You’re here – ahem! Welcome, are you staying here or having a meal?”

  Daniel looked at him deeply, took out a silver room card and tapped it twice on the bar.

  The old man nodded in understanding, and then continued to doze off on the bar.

  ”Follow me.”

  Calling the confused Taran, Daniel took him straight to the kitchen, and then went up to the end of the stairs through a secret compartment.

  The moment he opened the door, the scenery in front suddenly became clear, and Taran couldn’t help but open his eyes wide.

  A secret base hidden in the city!

  Floors that cannot be reached by normal means!

  And the decoration full of mysticism and technological texture, everything here is simply a perfect match for his entire imagination of the Enlightenment Society!

  Of course, maybe because it was hidden too well, when he was on the stairs just now, he thought he was taken to a place he shouldn’t go.

  Seemingly satisfied with the fuss on his face, Daniel smiled faintly and continued.

  ”Welcome to the 4.5th floor of the Marshal’s Office. This is our base in Evernight Harbor.”

  Looking around at the faces, Taran swallowed his saliva and squeezed out a word for a long time.


  Retracting his gaze from his face, Daniel cast his eyes on the busy office on the side.

  ”Most of the disciples in charge of internal affairs work here, and some are assigned to perform tasks outside.”

  ”Although we have launched some cooperation with the Southern Legion, our information is not convenient to be made public after all, so we can only do it in this secretive form… By the way, by the way, I hope you try not to mention your identity when you are outside.”

  ”Understood!” Taran nodded excitedly, and couldn’t help but speak impatiently, “By the way, you mentioned the mission just now… I wonder if I can help?”

  As if he felt that he was a little too hasty to say it at this time, Taran quickly added another sentence at the end.

  ”Please forgive my impatience. I just want to contribute my strength to the organization as soon as possible.”

  Looking at this guy who took the initiative, Daniel smiled mysteriously and continued.

  ”I understand your feelings. Most people who join us are like this… But I also hope you understand that before giving you a “sufficiently important task”, we need to test your ability first.”

  In other words, you have to do the task of unclogging the toilet first, right?

  I understand!

  Although Taran was dissatisfied, he still nodded with full enthusiasm.

  ”No problem, I will prove my ability.”

  ”Very good, I’ve been waiting for you to say this.”

  Daniel nodded approvingly, took a document from the staff member who came over, and handed it to Taran.

  As the latter was flipping through the document, he summarized the contents of the document in a concise and concise manner.

  ”Recently, a hallucinogen called ‘snake oil’ suddenly appeared on the black market in Evernight Harbor. However, this stuff is not extracted from snakes, but from a crop called snake grass.”

  ”Investigating the origin of snake oil was originally the job of the garrison intelligence department, but according to the clues they found out later, they found that there is a lot of water behind it. It may involve the alliance’s ‘strategic dumping of poisons’ against us as a retaliation for our frontline troops using chemical weapons.”

  Taran was a little confused after hearing this.

  When did the Enlightenment Society still deal with drug enforcement?

  And what the hell is “strategic dumping of poisons”? They have never done such a dirty thing.

  ”Does this… have anything to do with our great plan?” Taran asked doubtfully, looking up from the document.

  Daniel said with a smile.

  ”It has nothing to do with our great plan, but the Southern Legion is our ally. Occasionally they will need us to use our own power and secrecy in grassroots organizations to handle and investigate some difficult things for them… In exchange, they will provide help for our plan. Do you understand what I mean?” The

  popularity of “snake oil” in the black market has attracted the attention of the authorities. As for whether it is a strategic dumping of the alliance, further investigation is needed.

  However, considering that this thing comes from the Snake State, which is actually controlled by the Borneo Kingdom, he thinks this possibility is not low, or even very high!

  After all, the Borneo Kingdom’s army needs dinars to import ammunition for the Legion’s standard weapons, and the price of smuggled weapons is much higher than the market price. Only equally profitable addictive products can fill this hole.

  The case is currently being investigated by the Intelligence Department. It has to be solved anyway, so why not give it to this spy from the Alliance to try his hand at.

  If the Alliance wants to get into the Enlightenment Society, they will surely not hesitate to add some “costs”, right?

  He has already come this far.

  Daniel had a shrewd smile on his face, and he reached out and patted Taran on the shoulder.

  ”I’ll leave this job to you. I’ll arrange an assistant for you.”

  Taran, who was suddenly entrusted with an important task, was confused, but he still nodded and took on this troublesome job.

  ”Leave it to me.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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